tjhunt 00a24d44f7 blocks: MDL-19893 move blocks on page UI - part 1
This does all the UI. It does not yet update the DB when you click to complete the action.
2009-07-30 08:22:12 +00:00

22 lines
908 B

<?php // $Id$
// block.php - created with Moodle 2.0 dev
$string['appearsinsubcontexts'] = 'Appears in sub-contexts';
$string['anypagematchingtheabove'] = 'Any page matching the above';
$string['blocksettings'] = 'Block settings';
$string['bracketfirst'] = '$a (first)';
$string['bracketlast'] = '$a (last)';
$string['defaultregion'] = 'Default region';
$string['defaultweight'] = 'Default weight';
$string['moveblockhere'] = 'Move block here';
$string['movingthisblockcancel'] = 'Moving this block ($a)';
$string['onthispage'] = 'On this page';
$string['pagetypes'] = 'Page types';
$string['region'] = 'Region';
$string['subpages'] = 'Specific sub-page';
$string['thisblockbelongsto'] = 'This block belongs to';
$string['thisspecificpage'] = 'This specific page (page $a)';
$string['visible'] = 'Visible';
$string['weight'] = 'Weight';
$string['wherethisblockappears'] = 'Where this block appears';