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synced 2025-02-19 07:41:02 +01:00
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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Hub related strings
* @package hub
* @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com}
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
$string['addedtoblock'] = 'Course added to block';
$string['advertise'] = 'Advertise this course for people to join';
$string['advertised'] = 'Advertised';
$string['advertiseon'] = 'Advertise this course on {$a}';
$string['readvertiseon'] = 'Update advertising information on {$a}';
$string['advertiseonhub'] = 'Advertise this course on the hub';
$string['advertiseonmoodleorg'] = 'Advertise this course on moodle.org';
$string['advertisepublicationdetail'] = 'Publishing your course makes it available to the world.';
$string['all'] = 'All';
$string['allowglobalsearch'] = 'Publish this hub and allow global search of all courses';
$string['allowpublicsearch'] = 'Publish this hub so people can join it';
$string['audience'] = 'Audience';
$string['audience_help'] = '';
$string['audienceeducators'] = 'Educators';
$string['audiencestudents'] = 'Students';
$string['audienceadmins'] = 'Moodle administrators';
$string['badurlformat'] = 'Bad URL format';
$string['cancel'] = 'Cancel';
$string['community'] = 'Community';
$string['communityremoved'] = 'That course link has been removed from your list';
$string['confirmregistration'] = 'Confirm registration';
$string['contactable'] = 'Contact from the public';
$string['contactable_help'] = 'Set to yes, the hub will display your email address.';
$string['contactemail'] = 'Contact email';
$string['contactname'] = 'Contact name';
$string['contactphone'] = 'Phone';
$string['contactphone_help'] = 'Phone numbers are displayed to the Hub administrator only. There are not communicated on the hub list or anywhere else.';
$string['contributornames'] = 'Other contributors';
$string['contributornames_help'] = 'Contributors are people that contributed to create this course.';
$string['coursemap'] = 'Course map';
$string['coursename'] = 'Name';
$string['courseprivate'] = 'Private';
$string['coursepublic'] = 'Public';
$string['coursepublished'] = 'Course published or updated';
$string['courseshortname'] = 'Shortname';
$string['courseshortname_help'] = 'Enter any shortname for your course. It is not an identifier (i.e many courses can have a same shortname in a search result.)';
$string['coursesnumber'] = 'Number of courses ({$a})';
$string['courseunpublished'] = 'the course {$a->courseshortname} has been unpublished from {$a->hubname} successfully.';
$string['courseurl'] = 'Course URL';
$string['courseurl_help'] = 'It is the URL of your course. This url is displayed as a link in a search result.';
$string['creatorname'] = 'Creator';
$string['creatorname_help'] = 'The creator is the course creator.';
$string['creatornotes'] = 'Creator notes';
$string['creatornotes_help'] = 'Creator notes are a guide for teacher on how to use the course.';
$string['demourl'] = 'Demo URL';
$string['demourl_help'] = 'Enter the demo URL of your course. By default it is the URL of your course. The demo url is displayed as a link in a search result.';
$string['description'] = 'Description';
$string['description_help'] = 'This description text will be showing in the course listing on the hub.';
$string['downloadable'] = 'Downloadable';
$string['downloadconfirmed'] = 'The backup has been saved into your personal area';
$string['educationallevel'] = 'Educational level';
$string['educationallevel_help'] = '';
$string['edulevelassociation'] = 'Association';
$string['edulevelcorporate'] = 'Corporate';
$string['edulevelgovernment'] = 'Government';
$string['edulevelother'] = 'Other';
$string['edulevelprimary'] = 'Primary';
$string['edulevelsecondary'] = 'Secondary';
$string['eduleveltertiary'] = 'Tertiary';
$string['emailalert'] = 'Email notifications';
$string['emailalert_help'] = 'Set to yes, the hub administrator will send you emails about security issues and other important news.';
$string['enrollable'] = 'Enrollable';
$string['errorbadimageheightwidth'] = 'The image should have a maximum size of {$a->width} X {$a->height}';
$string['errorlangnotrecognized'] = 'Language code is unknown by Moodle. Please contact {$a}';
$string['geolocation'] = 'latitude - longitude';
$string['geolocation_help'] = 'A geolocation code like you can find on Google Map or Twitter (example: -31.947884,115.871285)';
$string['hub'] = 'Hub';
$string['imageurl'] = 'Image url';
$string['imageurl_help'] = 'This image will be displayed on the hub. This image must be available from the hub at any moment. The image should have a maximum size of {$a->width} X {$a->height}';
$string['information'] = 'Information';
$string['language'] = 'Language';
$string['language_help'] = 'The main language of this course.';
$string['licence'] = 'Licence';
$string['licence_help'] = 'Select the licence you want to distribuate your course under.';
$string['logourl'] = 'Logo URL';
$string['modulenumberaverage'] = 'Average number of course modules ({$a})';
$string['moodleorg'] = 'Moodle.org';
$string['moodleorgregistrationdetail'] = 'The main community hub is Moodle.org. By registering your site here your information will contribute to the statistics of the worldwide Moodle community. You also have the option of joining a low-volume mailing list to receive important early notifications of security fixes and new releases of Moodle.';
$string['moodleorgregistrationdetail2'] = 'This option allows you to register your Moodle site with Moodle.org. Registration is free.
The main benefit of registering is that you will be added to a low-volume mailing list for important notifications such as security alerts and new releases of Moodle.
By default, your information will be kept private, and will never be sold or passed on to anyone else. The only reason for collecting this information is for support purposes, and to help build up a statistical picture of the Moodle community as a whole.
If you choose, you can allow your site name, country and URL to be added to the public list of Moodle Sites.
All new registrations are verified manually before they are added to the list, but once you are added you can update your registration (and your entry on the public list) at any time.';
$string['name'] = 'Name';
$string['name_help'] = 'This name will be showing in the course listing.';
$string['no'] = 'No';
$string['nohubselected'] = 'No hub selected';
$string['nosearch'] = 'Don\'t publish hub or courses';
$string['notregisteredonhub'] = 'Your administrator needs to register this site with at least one hub before you can use this option.';
$string['notregisteredonmoodleorg'] = 'Your administrator needs to register this site with moodle.org.';
$string['operation'] = 'Actions';
$string['orenterprivatehub'] = 'Alternatively, enter a private hub URL:';
$string['participantnumberaverage'] = 'Average number of participants ({$a})';
$string['postaladdress'] = 'Postal address';
$string['postsnumber'] = 'Number of posts ({$a})';
$string['prioritise'] = 'Prioritise';
$string['privacy'] = 'Privacy';
$string['privacy_help'] = 'You can either choose to not display your site on the hub site list, either to display only your site general information, either to display your site general information + a link to your site.';
$string['private'] = 'Private';
$string['privatehuburl'] = 'Private hub URL';
$string['publicationinfo'] = 'Course publication information';
$string['publichub'] = 'Public hub';
$string['publishcourse'] = 'Publish {$a}';
$string['publishcourseon'] = 'Publish on {$a}';
$string['publishedon'] = 'Published on';
$string['publisheremail'] = 'Publisher email';
$string['publisheremail_help'] = 'The publisher email address is used by hub administrator to alert the publisher to any change on the course publication as its activation.';
$string['publishername'] = 'Publisher';
$string['publishername_help'] = 'The publisher is the unique person/organisation publishing the course. Most of the time it should be you, except if you do it on the behalf of someone else.';
$string['publishon'] = 'Publish on';
$string['publishonmoodleorg'] = 'Publish on Moodle.org';
$string['publishonspecifichub'] = 'Publish on a Hub';
$string['questionsnumber'] = 'Number of questions ({$a})';
$string['registeredcourses'] = 'Registered courses';
$string['registeredsites'] = 'Registered sites';
$string['registrationinfo'] = 'Registration information';
$string['registersite'] = 'Register on {$a}';
$string['registeron'] = 'Register your site';
$string['registeronmoodleorg'] = 'Register on Moodle.org now';
$string['registeronspecifichub'] = 'Register on a specific hub';
$string['registrationconfirmed'] = 'Site registration confirmed';
$string['registrationconfirmedon'] = 'You are now registered on the hub {$a->hublink}. You are now able to publish courses to this hub, using the "Publish" link in course administration menus';
$string['registrationupdated'] = 'Registration has been updated.';
$string['registrationupdatedfailed'] = 'Registration update failed.';
$string['resourcesnumber'] = 'Number of resources ({$a})';
$string['roleassignmentsnumber'] = 'Number of role assignments ({$a})';
$string['screenshots'] = 'Screenshots';
$string['screenshots_help'] = 'Screenshots will displayed during search results.';
$string['search'] = 'Search';
$string['selecthub'] = 'Select hub';
$string['selecthubforadvertise'] = 'Select hub for advertising';
$string['selecthubforsharing'] = 'Select hub for uploading';
$string['sendfollowinginfo'] = 'Send the following information:';
$string['settings'] = 'Settings';
$string['settingsupdated'] = 'Settings have been updated.';
$string['share'] = 'Upload your course';
$string['shareon'] = 'Upload your course to {$a}';
$string['shareonhub'] = 'Upload your course to a hub';
$string['shareonmoodleorg'] = 'Upload your course to Moodle.org';
$string['sharepublicationdetail'] = 'You can upload on a community hub.';
$string['siteadmin'] = 'Administrator';
$string['sitecreated'] = 'Site created';
$string['sitedesc'] = 'Description';
$string['sitelang'] = 'Language';
$string['sitename'] = 'Name';
$string['siteprivacy'] = 'Privacy';
$string['siteregconfcomment'] = 'Your site needs a final confirmation on {$a} (in order to avoid spam on {$a})';
$string['siteregistrationupdated'] = 'Site registration updated';
$string['siteurl'] = 'Site URL';
$string['subject'] = 'Subject';
$string['subject_help'] = 'The main course subject.';
$string['specifichub'] = 'Specific hub';
$string['specifichubregistrationdetail'] = 'You can also register your site with other community hubs.';
$string['statistics'] = 'Statistics privacy';
$string['subject'] = 'Subject';
$string['tags'] = 'Tags';
$string['tags_help'] = 'Your course can be searched against these tag words. Separate your tag words with a comma. Example: math, algebric, geometry';
$string['trustme'] = 'Trust';
$string['type'] = 'Type';
$string['unlistedurl'] = 'Unlisted hub URL';
$string['unprioritise'] = 'Unprioritise';
$string['unpublish'] = 'Unpublish';
$string['unpublishconfirmation'] = 'Do you really want to unpublish the course {$a->courseshortname} from the hub {$a->hubname}';
$string['unpublishcourse'] = 'Unpublish {$a}';
$string['untrustme'] = 'Untrust';
$string['update'] = 'Update';
$string['updatesite'] = 'Update registration on {$a}';
$string['uploaded'] = 'Uploaded';
$string['url'] = 'hub URL';
$string['usersnumber'] = 'Number of users ({$a})';
$string['wrongtoken'] = 'The registration failed. Press continue and try again.';
$string['wrongurlformat'] = 'Bad URL format';