YAHOO Global - Release Notes


  * No change


  * No change


   * Added YAHOO.augment, which copies all or part of the prototype of one
     object to another.  

   * YAHOO.namespace now can create multiple namespaces.

   * Added an optional third parameter to YAHOO.extend: overrides.  It takes
     an object literal of properties/methods to apply to the subclass
     prototype, overriding the superclass if present.


   * Changed window.YAHOO = window.YAHOO || {} to 
     if (typeof YAHOO == "undefined") YAHOO = {} because the previous statement
     contributed to a memory leak in IE6 when the library was hosted in an 


   * Changed var YAHOO = window.YAHOO || {} to window.YAHOO = window.YAHOO || {}.
     This fixes an issue in IE where YAHOO would get overwritten if previously
     defined via array notation (window["YAHOO"]).


   * Added YAHOO.extend, which provides an easy way to assign the prototype,
     constructor, and superclass properties inheritance properties.  It also
     prevents the constructor of the superclass from being exectuted twice.


   * Added YAHOO.log that provides a safe way to plumb logging statements in
     code that will work if the logging component isn't available.