mjollnir_ 309c0d55b2 mod/quiz/view changes to only display attempt grades when teacher allows.
Changed view.php to only display grades when the teacher has not set
options forbidding it.  Further, where there is some attempts that are
allowed to be displayed, and others not, highligting of the highest score,
and printing of the overall grade allocation has been disabled to ensure
the hidden grade is not revealed.
Credit: Peter Bulmer
2006-04-18 22:54:10 +00:00

401 lines
18 KiB

<?php // $Id$
// This page prints a particular instance of quiz
$id = optional_param('id', 0, PARAM_INT); // Course Module ID, or
$q = optional_param('q', 0, PARAM_INT); // quiz ID
$edit = optional_param('edit', '');
if ($id) {
if (! $cm = get_record("course_modules", "id", $id)) {
error("There is no coursemodule with id $id");
if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", $cm->course)) {
error("Course is misconfigured");
if (! $quiz = get_record("quiz", "id", $cm->instance)) {
error("The quiz with id $cm->instance corresponding to this coursemodule $id is missing");
} else {
if (! $quiz = get_record("quiz", "id", $q)) {
error("There is no quiz with id $q");
if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", $quiz->course)) {
error("The course with id $quiz->course that the quiz with id $q belongs to is missing");
if (! $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance("quiz", $quiz->id, $course->id)) {
error("The course module for the quiz with id $q is missing");
require_login($course->id, false, $cm);
$isteacher = isteacher($course->id);
// if no questions have been set up yet redirect to edit.php
if (!$quiz->questions and isteacheredit($course->id)) {
add_to_log($course->id, "quiz", "view", "view.php?id=$cm->id", $quiz->id, $cm->id);
$timenow = time();
// Initialize $PAGE, compute blocks
$PAGE = page_create_instance($quiz->id);
$pageblocks = blocks_setup($PAGE);
$blocks_preferred_width = bounded_number(180, blocks_preferred_width($pageblocks[BLOCK_POS_LEFT]), 210);
// Print the page header
if (!empty($edit) && $PAGE->user_allowed_editing()) {
if ($edit == 'on') {
$USER->editing = true;
} else if ($edit == 'off') {
$USER->editing = false;
//only check pop ups if the user is not a teacher, and popup is set
$bodytags = (isteacher($course->id) or !$quiz->popup)?'':'onload="popupchecker(\'This section of the test is in secure mode, this means that you need to take the quiz in a secure window. Please turn off your popup blocker. Thank you.\');"';
$PAGE->print_header($course->shortname.': %fullname%','',$bodytags);
echo '<table id="layout-table"><tr>';
if(!empty($CFG->showblocksonmodpages) && (blocks_have_content($pageblocks, BLOCK_POS_LEFT) || $PAGE->user_is_editing())) {
echo '<td style="width: '.$blocks_preferred_width.'px;" id="left-column">';
blocks_print_group($PAGE, $pageblocks, BLOCK_POS_LEFT);
echo '</td>';
echo '<td id="middle-column">';
$available = ($quiz->timeopen < $timenow and ($timenow < $quiz->timeclose or !$quiz->timeclose)) || $isteacher;
// Print the main part of the page
// Print heading and tabs for teacher
if ($isteacher) {
$currenttab = 'info';
if (trim(strip_tags($quiz->intro))) {
$formatoptions->noclean = true;
print_simple_box(format_text($quiz->intro, FORMAT_MOODLE, $formatoptions), "center");
if ($quiz->attempts > 1) {
echo "<p align=\"center\">".get_string("attemptsallowed", "quiz").": $quiz->attempts</p>";
echo "<p align=\"center\">".get_string("grademethod", "quiz").": ".$QUIZ_GRADE_METHOD[$quiz->grademethod]."</p>";
} else {
echo "<br />";
if ($available) {
if ($quiz->timelimit) {
echo "<p align=\"center\">".get_string("quiztimelimit","quiz", format_time($quiz->timelimit * 60))."</p>";
} else if ($timenow < $quiz->timeopen) {
echo "<p align=\"center\">".get_string("quiznotavailable", "quiz", userdate($quiz->timeopen));
} else {
echo "<p align=\"center\">".get_string("quizclosed", "quiz", userdate($quiz->timeclose));
// This is all the teacher will get
if ($isteacher) {
if ($a->attemptnum = count_records('quiz_attempts', 'quiz', $quiz->id, 'preview', 0)) {
$a->studentnum = count_records_select('quiz_attempts', "quiz = '$quiz->id' AND preview = '0'", 'COUNT(DISTINCT userid)');
$a->studentstring = $course->students;
notify("<a href=\"report.php?mode=overview&amp;id=$cm->id\">".get_string('numattempts', 'quiz', $a).'</a>');
echo '</td></tr></table>';
if (isguest()) {
$wwwroot = $CFG->wwwroot.'/login/index.php';
if (!empty($CFG->loginhttps)) {
$wwwroot = str_replace('http','https', $wwwroot);
notice_yesno(get_string('guestsno', 'quiz').'<br /><br />'.get_string('liketologin'),
$wwwroot, $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
echo '</td></tr></table>';
if ($attempts = quiz_get_user_attempts($quiz->id, $USER->id)) {
$numattempts = count($attempts);
} else {
$numattempts = 0;
$unfinished = false;
if ($unfinishedattempt = quiz_get_user_attempt_unfinished($quiz->id, $USER->id)) {
$attempts[] = $unfinishedattempt;
$unfinished = true;
$strattempt = get_string("attempt", "quiz");
$strtimetaken = get_string("timetaken", "quiz");
$strtimecompleted = get_string("timecompleted", "quiz");
$strgrade = get_string("grade");
$strmarks = get_string('marks', 'quiz');
$strbestgrade = $QUIZ_GRADE_METHOD[$quiz->grademethod];
$windowoptions = "left=0, top=0, channelmode=yes, fullscreen=yes, scrollbars=yes, resizeable=no, directories=no, toolbar=no, titlebar=no, location=no, status=no, menubar=no";
$mygrade = quiz_get_best_grade($quiz, $USER->id);
/// Now print table with existing attempts
if ($attempts) {
//step thru each attempt, checking there are any attempts
//for which the score can be displayed (need grade columns),
//and checking if overall grades can be displayed - no attempts for
//which the score cannot be displayed
foreach ($attempts as $attempt) {
$attemptoptions = quiz_get_reviewoptions($quiz, $attempt, $isteacher);
$attemptoptions->scores ? $gradecolumn=1 : $overallstats=0;
/// prepare table header
$table->head = array($strattempt, $strtimecompleted);
$table->align = array("center", "left");
$table->size = array("", "");
if ($gradecolumn && $quiz->grade and $quiz->sumgrades) { // Grades used so have more columns in table
if ($quiz->grade <> $quiz->sumgrades) {
$table->head[] = "$strmarks / $quiz->sumgrades";
$table->align[] = 'right';
$table->size[] = '';
$table->head[] = "$strgrade / $quiz->grade";
$table->align[] = 'right';
$table->size[] = '';
if (isset($quiz->showtimetaken)) {
$table->head[] = $strtimetaken;
$table->align[] = 'center';
$table->size[] = '';
/// One row for each attempt
foreach ($attempts as $attempt) {
/// prepare strings for time taken and date completed
$timetaken = '';
$datecompleted = '';
if ($attempt->timefinish > 0) { // attempt has finished
$timetaken = format_time($attempt->timefinish - $attempt->timestart);
$datecompleted = userdate($attempt->timefinish);
} else if ($available) { // The student can continue this attempt, so put appropriate link
$timetaken = format_time(time() - $attempt->timestart);
$datecompleted = "\n".'<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">';
$datecompleted .= "\n<!--\n"; // -->
if (!empty($CFG->usesid) && !isset($_COOKIE[session_name()])) {
} else {
if (!empty($quiz->popup)) {
$datecompleted .= "var windowoptions = 'left=0, top=0, height='+window.screen.height+
', width='+window.screen.width+', channelmode=yes, fullscreen=yes, scrollbars=yes, '+
'resizeable=no, directories=no, toolbar=no, titlebar=no, location=no, status=no, '+
$jslink = 'javascript:';
if ($quiz->timelimit && !$quiz->attempts) {
$strconfirmstartattempt = addslashes(get_string("confirmstartattempt","quiz"));
$jslink .= "if (confirm(\'$strconfirmstartattempt\')) ";
} else if ($quiz->timelimit && $quiz->attempts) {
$strconfirmstartattempt = addslashes(get_string("confirmstartlimit","quiz",$quiz->attempts));
$jslink .= "if (confirm(\'$strconfirmstartattempt\')) ";
} else if ($quiz->attempts && !$quiz->timelimit) {
$strconfirmstartattempt = addslashes(get_string("confirmstartnolimit","quiz",$quiz->attempts));
$jslink .= "if (confirm(\'$strconfirmstartattempt\')) ";
$jslink .= "var popup =\\'$attempturl\\', \\'quizpopup\\', windowoptions);";
} else {
$jslink = $attempturl;
$linktext = get_string('continueattemptquiz', 'quiz');
$datecompleted .= "document.write('<a href=\"$jslink\" alt=\"$linktext\">$linktext</a>');";
$datecompleted .= "\n-->\n";
$datecompleted .= '</script>';
$datecompleted .= '<noscript>';
$datecompleted .= '<strong>'.get_string('noscript', 'quiz').'</strong>';
$datecompleted .= '</noscript>';
} else { // attempt was not completed but is also not available any more.
$timetaken = format_time($quiz->timeclose - $attempt->timestart);
$datecompleted = $quiz->timeclose ? userdate($quiz->timeclose) : '';
$attemptoptions = quiz_get_reviewoptions($quiz, $attempt, $isteacher);
/// prepare strings for attempt number, mark and grade
//if attempt's score is allowed to be viewed, & qz->sumgrades and qz->sumgrades defined:
if ($attemptoptions->scores && $quiz->grade and $quiz->sumgrades) {
$attemptmark = round($attempt->sumgrades,$quiz->decimalpoints);
$attemptgrade = round(($attempt->sumgrades/$quiz->sumgrades)*$quiz->grade,$quiz->decimalpoints);
// highlight the highest grade if appropriate
if ($overallstats && $attemptgrade == $mygrade and ($quiz->grademethod == QUIZ_GRADEHIGHEST)) {
$attemptgrade = "<span class=\"highlight\">$attemptgrade</span>";
// if attempt is closed and review is allowed then make attemptnumber and
// mark and grade into links to review page
if (quiz_review_allowed($quiz) and $attempt->timefinish > 0) {
if ($quiz->popup) { // need to link to popup window
$attemptmark = link_to_popup_window ("/mod/quiz/review.php?q=$quiz->id&amp;attempt=$attempt->id", 'quizpopup', round($attempt->sumgrades,$quiz->decimalpoints), '+window.screen.height+', '+window.screen.width+', '', $windowoptions, true);
$attemptgrade = link_to_popup_window ("/mod/quiz/review.php?q=$quiz->id&amp;attempt=$attempt->id", 'quizpopup', $attemptgrade, '+window.screen.height+', '+window.screen.width+', '', $windowoptions, true);
$attempt->attempt = link_to_popup_window ("/mod/quiz/review.php?q=$quiz->id&amp;attempt=$attempt->id", 'quizpopup', "#$attempt->attempt", '+window.screen.height+', '+window.screen.width+', '', $windowoptions, true);
} else {
$attemptmark = "<a href=\"review.php?q=$quiz->id&amp;attempt=$attempt->id\">".round($attempt->sumgrades,$quiz->decimalpoints).'</a>';
$attemptgrade = "<a href=\"review.php?q=$quiz->id&amp;attempt=$attempt->id\">$attemptgrade</a>";
$attempt->attempt = "<a href=\"review.php?q=$quiz->id&amp;attempt=$attempt->id\">#$attempt->attempt</a>";
if ($quiz->grade <> $quiz->sumgrades) {
$table->data[] = array( $attempt->attempt,
$attemptmark, $attemptgrade);
} else {
$table->data[] = array( $attempt->attempt,
} else { // No grades are being used
if (quiz_review_allowed($quiz)) {
if($attempt->timefinish > 0) {
$attempt->attempt = "<a href=\"review.php?q=$quiz->id&amp;attempt=$attempt->id\">#$attempt->attempt</a>";
} else {
$attempt->attempt = "<a href=\"attempt.php?id=$id\">#$attempt->attempt</a>";
$helpbutton=helpbutton('missing\ grade', get_string('wheregrade', 'quiz'), 'quiz', true, false, '',true);
if($gradecolumn) {
$table->data[] = array( $attempt->attempt,
} else {
$table->data[] = array( $attempt->attempt,
if (isset($quiz->showtimetaken)) {
$table->data[] = $timetaken;
if (!$quiz->questions) {
print_heading(get_string("noquestions", "quiz"));
} else {
if ($numattempts < $quiz->attempts or !$quiz->attempts) {
if ($available) {
$options["id"] = $cm->id;
//if overall stats are allowed (no attemps' grade not visible),
//and there is at least one attempt, and quiz->grade:
if ($overallstats and $numattempts and $quiz->grade) {
print_heading("$strbestgrade: $mygrade / $quiz->grade.");
if ($quiz->timelimit && !$quiz->attempts) {
$strconfirmstartattempt = addslashes(get_string("confirmstartattempt","quiz"));
} else if ($quiz->timelimit && $quiz->attempts) {
$strconfirmstartattempt = addslashes(get_string("confirmstartattempttimelimit","quiz",$quiz->attempts));
} else if ($quiz->attempts && !$quiz->timelimit) {
$strconfirmstartattempt = addslashes(get_string("confirmstartattemptnotimelimit","quiz",$quiz->attempts));
echo "<br />";
echo "</p>";
if ($quiz->delay1 or $quiz->delay2) {
//quiz enforced time delay
$lastattempt_obj = get_record_select('quiz_attempts', "quiz = $quiz->id AND attempt = $numattempts AND userid = $USER->id", 'timefinish');
if ($lastattempt_obj) {
$lastattempt = $lastattempt_obj->timefinish;
echo "<div align=\"center\">";
if($numattempts == 1 && $quiz->delay1) {
if ($timenow - $quiz->delay1 > $lastattempt) {
else {
$notify_msg = get_string('temporaryblocked', 'quiz') . '<b>'. userdate($lastattempt + $quiz->delay1). '<b>';
print_simple_box($notify_msg, "center");
else if($numattempts > 1 && $quiz->delay2) {
if ($timenow - $quiz->delay2 > $lastattempt) {
else {
$notify_msg = get_string('temporaryblocked', 'quiz') . '<b>'. userdate($lastattempt + $quiz->delay2). '<b>';
print_simple_box($notify_msg, "center");
else {
echo "</div>\n";
else {
echo "<div align=\"center\">";
echo "</div>\n";
} else {
print_heading(get_string("nomoreattempts", "quiz"));
if ($quiz->grade and $quiz->sumgrades) {
print_heading(get_string("yourfinalgradeis", "quiz", "$mygrade / $quiz->grade"));
// Finish the page
echo '</td></tr></table>';
function quiz_review_allowed($quiz) {
// If not even responses are to be shown in review then we
// don't allow any review
if (!($quiz->review & QUIZ_REVIEW_RESPONSES)) {
return false;
if ((!$quiz->timeclose or time() < $quiz->timeclose) and !($quiz->review & QUIZ_REVIEW_OPEN)) {
return false;
if (($quiz->timeclose and time() > $quiz->timeclose) and !($quiz->review & QUIZ_REVIEW_CLOSED)) {
return false;
return true;