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synced 2025-03-03 07:19:09 +01:00
The restore cleanup code expects the mtime to be the time of extraction not the mtime before archiving. If set to the old mtime, the restore files may be cleaned up before the restore is complete. This behaviour also matches the behaviour of the zip unpacker.
566 lines
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566 lines
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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Implementation of .tar.gz extractor. Handles extraction of .tar.gz files.
* Do not call directly; use methods in tgz_packer.
* @see tgz_packer
* @package core_files
* @copyright 2013 The Open University
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* Extracts .tar.gz files (POSIX format).
class tgz_extractor {
* @var int When writing data, the system writes blocks of this size.
const WRITE_BLOCK_SIZE = 65536;
* @var int When reading data, the system reads blocks of this size.
const READ_BLOCK_SIZE = 65536;
* @var stored_file File object for archive.
protected $storedfile;
* @var string OS path for archive.
protected $ospath;
* @var int Number of files (-1 if not known).
protected $numfiles;
* @var int Number of files processed so far.
protected $donefiles;
* @var string Current file path within archive.
protected $currentarchivepath;
* @var string Full path to current file.
protected $currentfile;
* @var int Size of current file in bytes.
protected $currentfilesize;
* @var int Number of bytes of current file already written into buffer.
protected $currentfileprocessed;
* @var resource File handle to current file.
protected $currentfp;
* @var int Modified time of current file.
protected $currentmtime;
* @var string Buffer containing file data awaiting write.
protected $filebuffer;
* @var int Current length of buffer in bytes.
protected $filebufferlength;
* @var array Results array of all files processed.
protected $results;
* @var array In list mode, content of the list; outside list mode, null.
protected $listresults = null;
* @var int Whether listing or extracting.
protected $mode = self::MODE_EXTRACT;
* @var int If extracting (default).
const MODE_EXTRACT = 0;
* @var int Listing contents.
const MODE_LIST = 1;
* @var int Listing contents; list now complete.
* Constructor.
* @param stored_file|string $archivefile Moodle file or OS path to archive
public function __construct($archivefile) {
if (is_a($archivefile, 'stored_file')) {
$this->storedfile = $archivefile;
} else {
$this->ospath = $archivefile;
* Extracts the archive.
* @param tgz_extractor_handler $handler Will be called for extracted files
* @param file_progress $progress Optional progress reporting
* @return array Array from archive path => true of processed files
* @throws moodle_exception If there is any error processing the archive
public function extract(tgz_extractor_handler $handler, file_progress $progress = null) {
$this->mode = self::MODE_EXTRACT;
$this->extract_or_list($handler, $progress);
$results = $this->results;
return $results;
* Extracts or lists the archive depending on $this->listmode.
* @param tgz_extractor_handler $handler Optional handler
* @param file_progress $progress Optional progress reporting
* @throws moodle_exception If there is any error processing the archive
protected function extract_or_list(tgz_extractor_handler $handler = null, file_progress $progress = null) {
// Open archive.
if ($this->storedfile) {
$gz = $this->storedfile->get_content_file_handle(stored_file::FILE_HANDLE_GZOPEN);
// Estimate number of read-buffers (64KB) in file. Guess that the
// uncompressed size is 2x compressed size. Add one just to ensure
// it's non-zero.
$estimatedbuffers = ($this->storedfile->get_filesize() * 2 / self::READ_BLOCK_SIZE) + 1;
} else {
$gz = gzopen($this->ospath, 'rb');
$estimatedbuffers = (filesize($this->ospath) * 2 / self::READ_BLOCK_SIZE) + 1;
if (!$gz) {
throw new moodle_exception('errorprocessingarchive', '', '', null,
'Failed to open gzip file');
// Calculate how much progress to report per buffer read.
$progressperbuffer = (int)(tgz_packer::PROGRESS_MAX / $estimatedbuffers);
// Process archive in 512-byte blocks (but reading 64KB at a time).
$buffer = '';
$bufferpos = 0;
$bufferlength = 0;
$this->numfiles = -1;
$read = 0;
$done = 0;
$beforeprogress = -1;
while (true) {
if ($bufferpos == $bufferlength) {
$buffer = gzread($gz, self::READ_BLOCK_SIZE);
$bufferpos = 0;
$bufferlength = strlen($buffer);
if ($bufferlength == 0) {
// EOF.
// Report progress if enabled.
if ($progress) {
if ($this->numfiles === -1) {
// If we don't know the number of files, do an estimate based
// on number of buffers read.
$done += $progressperbuffer;
if ($done >= tgz_packer::PROGRESS_MAX) {
$done = tgz_packer::PROGRESS_MAX - 1;
$progress->progress($done, tgz_packer::PROGRESS_MAX);
} else {
// Once we know the number of files, use this.
if ($beforeprogress === -1) {
$beforeprogress = $done;
// Calculate progress as whatever progress we reported
// before we knew how many files there were (might be 0)
// plus a proportion of the number of files out of the
// remaining progress value.
$done = $beforeprogress + (int)(($this->donefiles / $this->numfiles) *
(tgz_packer::PROGRESS_MAX - $beforeprogress));
$progress->progress($done, tgz_packer::PROGRESS_MAX);
$block = substr($buffer, $bufferpos, tgz_packer::TAR_BLOCK_SIZE);
if ($this->currentfile) {
$this->process_file_block($block, $handler);
} else {
$this->process_header($block, $handler);
// When listing, if we read an index file, we abort archive processing.
if ($this->mode === self::MODE_LIST_COMPLETE) {
$bufferpos += tgz_packer::TAR_BLOCK_SIZE;
// Close archive and finish.
* Lists files in the archive, either using the index file (if present),
* or by basically extracting the whole thing if there isn't an index file.
* @return array Array of file listing results:
public function list_files() {
$this->listresults = array();
$this->mode = self::MODE_LIST;
$listresults = $this->listresults;
$this->listresults = null;
return $listresults;
* Process 512-byte header block.
* @param string $block Tar block
* @param tgz_extractor_handler $handler Will be called for extracted files
protected function process_header($block, $handler) {
// If the block consists entirely of nulls, ignore it. (This happens
// twice at end of archive.)
if ($block === str_pad('', tgz_packer::TAR_BLOCK_SIZE, "\0")) {
// struct header_posix_ustar {
// char name[100];
$name = rtrim(substr($block, 0, 100), "\0");
// char mode[8];
// char uid[8];
// char gid[8];
// char size[12];
$filesize = octdec(substr($block, 124, 11));
// char mtime[12];
$mtime = octdec(substr($block, 136, 11));
// char checksum[8];
// char typeflag[1];
$typeflag = substr($block, 156, 1);
// char linkname[100];
// char magic[6];
$magic = substr($block, 257, 6);
if ($magic !== "ustar\0" && $magic !== "ustar ") {
// There are two checks above; the first is the correct POSIX format
// and the second is for GNU tar default format.
throw new moodle_exception('errorprocessingarchive', '', '', null,
'Header does not have POSIX ustar magic string');
// char version[2];
// char uname[32];
// char gname[32];
// char devmajor[8];
// char devminor[8];
// char prefix[155];
$prefix = rtrim(substr($block, 345, 155), "\0");
// char pad[12];
// };
$archivepath = ltrim($prefix . '/' . $name, '/');
// For security, ensure there is no .. folder in the archivepath.
$archivepath = clean_param($archivepath, PARAM_PATH);
// Handle file depending on the type.
switch ($typeflag) {
case '1' :
case '2' :
case '3' :
case '4' :
case '6' :
case '7' :
// Ignore these special cases.
case '5' :
// Directory.
if ($this->mode === self::MODE_LIST) {
$this->listresults[] = (object)array(
'original_pathname' => $archivepath,
'pathname' => $archivepath,
'mtime' => $mtime,
'is_directory' => true,
'size' => 0);
} else if ($handler->tgz_directory($archivepath, $mtime)) {
$this->results[$archivepath] = true;
// All other values treated as normal file.
$this->start_current_file($archivepath, $filesize, $mtime, $handler);
* Processes one 512-byte block of an existing file.
* @param string $block Data block
* @param tgz_extractor_handler $handler Will be called for extracted files
protected function process_file_block($block, tgz_extractor_handler $handler = null) {
// Write block into buffer.
$blocksize = tgz_packer::TAR_BLOCK_SIZE;
if ($this->currentfileprocessed + tgz_packer::TAR_BLOCK_SIZE > $this->currentfilesize) {
// Partial block at end of file.
$blocksize = $this->currentfilesize - $this->currentfileprocessed;
$this->filebuffer .= substr($block, 0, $blocksize);
} else {
// Full-length block.
$this->filebuffer .= $block;
$this->filebufferlength += $blocksize;
$this->currentfileprocessed += $blocksize;
// Write block to file if necessary.
$eof = $this->currentfileprocessed == $this->currentfilesize;
if ($this->filebufferlength >= self::WRITE_BLOCK_SIZE || $eof) {
// Except when skipping the file, write it out.
if ($this->currentfile !== true) {
if (!fwrite($this->currentfp, $this->filebuffer)) {
throw new moodle_exception('errorprocessingarchive', '', '', null,
'Failed to write buffer to output file: ' . $this->currentfile);
$this->filebuffer = '';
$this->filebufferlength = 0;
// If file is finished, close it.
if ($eof) {
* Starts processing a file from archive.
* @param string $archivepath Path inside archive
* @param int $filesize Size in bytes
* @param int $mtime File-modified time
* @param tgz_extractor_handler $handler Will be called for extracted files
* @throws moodle_exception
protected function start_current_file($archivepath, $filesize, $mtime,
tgz_extractor_handler $handler = null) {
global $CFG;
$this->currentarchivepath = $archivepath;
$this->currentmtime = $mtime;
$this->currentfilesize = $filesize;
$this->currentfileprocessed = 0;
if ($archivepath === tgz_packer::ARCHIVE_INDEX_FILE) {
// For index file, store in temp directory.
$tempfolder = $CFG->tempdir . '/core_files';
$this->currentfile = tempnam($tempfolder, '.index');
} else {
if ($this->mode === self::MODE_LIST) {
// If listing, add to list.
$this->listresults[] = (object)array(
'original_pathname' => $archivepath,
'pathname' => $archivepath,
'mtime' => $mtime,
'is_directory' => false,
'size' => $filesize);
// Discard file.
$this->currentfile = true;
} else {
// For other files, ask handler for location.
$this->currentfile = $handler->tgz_start_file($archivepath);
if ($this->currentfile === null) {
// This indicates that we are discarding the current file.
$this->currentfile = true;
$this->filebuffer = '';
$this->filebufferlength = 0;
// Open file.
if ($this->currentfile !== true) {
$this->currentfp = fopen($this->currentfile, 'wb');
if (!$this->currentfp) {
throw new moodle_exception('errorprocessingarchive', '', '', null,
'Failed to open output file: ' . $this->currentfile);
} else {
$this->currentfp = null;
// If it has no size, close it right away.
if ($filesize == 0) {
* Closes the current file, calls handler, and sets up data.
* @param tgz_extractor_handler $handler Will be called for extracted files
* @throws moodle_exception If there is an error closing it
protected function close_current_file($handler) {
if ($this->currentfp !== null) {
if (!fclose($this->currentfp)) {
throw new moodle_exception('errorprocessingarchive', '', '', null,
'Failed to close output file: ' . $this->currentfile);
// At this point we should touch the file to set its modified
// time to $this->currentmtime. However, when extracting to the
// temp directory, cron will delete files more than a week old,
// so to avoid problems we leave all files at their current time.
if ($this->currentarchivepath === tgz_packer::ARCHIVE_INDEX_FILE) {
if ($this->mode === self::MODE_LIST) {
// When listing array, use the archive index to produce the list.
$index = file($this->currentfile);
$ok = true;
foreach ($index as $num => $value) {
// For first line (header), check it's valid then skip it.
if ($num == 0) {
if (preg_match('~^' . preg_quote(tgz_packer::ARCHIVE_INDEX_COUNT_PREFIX) . '~', $value)) {
} else {
// Not valid, better ignore the file.
$ok = false;
// Split on tabs and store in results array.
$values = explode("\t", trim($value));
$this->listresults[] = (object)array(
'original_pathname' => $values[0],
'pathname' => $values[0],
'mtime' => ($values[3] === '?' ? tgz_packer::DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP : (int)$values[3]),
'is_directory' => $values[1] === 'd',
'size' => (int)$values[2]);
if ($ok) {
$this->mode = self::MODE_LIST_COMPLETE;
} else {
// For index file, get number of files and delete temp file.
$contents = file_get_contents($this->currentfile, null, null, null, 128);
$matches = array();
if (preg_match('~^' . preg_quote(tgz_packer::ARCHIVE_INDEX_COUNT_PREFIX) .
'([0-9]+)~', $contents, $matches)) {
$this->numfiles = (int)$matches[1];
} else {
// Report to handler and put in results.
if ($this->currentfp !== null) {
$handler->tgz_end_file($this->currentarchivepath, $this->currentfile);
$this->results[$this->currentarchivepath] = true;
// No longer have a current file.
$this->currentfp = null;
$this->currentfile = null;
$this->currentarchivepath = null;
* Interface for callback from tgz_extractor::extract.
* The file functions will be called (in pairs tgz_start_file, tgz_end_file) for
* each file in the archive. (There is only one exception, the special
* .ARCHIVE_INDEX file which is not reported to the handler.)
* The directory function is called whenever the archive contains a directory
* entry.
interface tgz_extractor_handler {
* Called when the system begins to extract a file. At this point, the
* handler must decide where on disk the extracted file should be located.
* This can be a temporary location or final target, as preferred.
* The handler can request for files to be skipped, in which case no data
* will be written and tgz_end_file will not be called.
* @param string $archivepath Path and name of file within archive
* @return string Location for output file in filesystem, or null to skip file
public function tgz_start_file($archivepath);
* Called when the system has finished extracting a file. The handler can
* now process the extracted file if required.
* @param string $archivepath Path and name of file within archive
* @param string $realpath Path in filesystem (from tgz_start_file return)
* @return bool True to continue processing, false to abort archive extract
public function tgz_end_file($archivepath, $realpath);
* Called when a directory entry is found in the archive.
* The handler can create a corresponding directory if required.
* @param string $archivepath Path and name of directory within archive
* @param int $mtime Modified time of directory
* @return bool True if directory was created, false if skipped
public function tgz_directory($archivepath, $mtime);