
350 lines
15 KiB

* formslib.php - library of classes for creating forms in Moodle, based on PEAR QuickForms.
* @author Jamie Pratt
* @version $Id$
* @license GNU Public License
//point pear include path to moodles lib/pear so that includes and requires will search there for files before anywhere else.
if (FALSE===strstr(ini_get('include_path'), $CFG->libdir.'/pear' )){
ini_set('include_path', $CFG->libdir.'/pear' . PATH_SEPARATOR . ini_get('include_path'));
require_once 'HTML/QuickForm.php';
require_once 'HTML/QuickForm/DHTMLRulesTableless.php';
require_once 'HTML/QuickForm/Renderer/Tableless.php';
if ($CFG->debug >= DEBUG_ALL){
class moodleform extends HTML_QuickForm_DHTMLRulesTableless{
* Class constructor - same parameters as HTML_QuickForm_DHTMLRulesTableless
* @param string $formName Form's name.
* @param string $method (optional)Form's method defaults to 'POST'
* @param string $action (optional)Form's action
* @param string $target (optional)Form's target defaults to none
* @param mixed $attributes (optional)Extra attributes for <form> tag
* @param bool $trackSubmit (optional)Whether to track if the form was submitted by adding a special hidden field
* @access public
function moodleform($formName='', $method='post', $action='', $target='', $attributes=null){
global $CFG;
//we need to override the constructor, we don't call the parent constructor
//at all because it strips slashes depending on the magic quotes setting
//whereas Moodle already has added slashes whether magic quotes is on or not.
//also added check for sesskey and added sesskey to all forms
//and told class to ask Moodle for the max upload file size
$method = (strtoupper($method) == 'GET') ? 'get' : 'post';
$action = ($action == '') ? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] : $action;
$target = empty($target) ? array() : array('target' => $target);
//no 'name' atttribute for form in xhtml strict :
$attributes = array('action'=>$action, 'method'=>$method, 'id'=>$formName) + $target;
//check for sesskey for this form
//if it is not present then we don't accept any input
if (isset($_REQUEST['_qf__' . $formName])) {
$this->_submitValues = $this->_recursiveFilter('stripslashes', 'get' == $method? $_GET: $_POST);
foreach ($_FILES as $keyFirst => $valFirst) {
foreach ($valFirst as $keySecond => $valSecond) {
if ('name' == $keySecond) {
$this->_submitFiles[$keyFirst][$keySecond] = $this->_recursiveFilter('stripslashes', $valSecond);
} else {
$this->_submitFiles[$keyFirst][$keySecond] = $valSecond;
$this->_flagSubmitted = count($this->_submitValues) > 0 || count($this->_submitFiles) > 0;
//check sesskey
if ($this->_flagSubmitted){
confirm_sesskey($this->_submitValues['_qf__' . $formName]);
unset($this->_submitValues['_qf__' . $formName]);
//add sesskey to all forms
$this->addElement('hidden', '_qf__' . $formName, sesskey());
if (preg_match('/^([0-9]+)([a-zA-Z]*)$/', get_max_upload_file_size(), $matches)) {
// see
switch (strtoupper($matches['2'])) {
case 'G':
$this->_maxFileSize = $matches['1'] * 1073741824;
case 'M':
$this->_maxFileSize = $matches['1'] * 1048576;
case 'K':
$this->_maxFileSize = $matches['1'] * 1024;
$this->_maxFileSize = $matches['1'];
//this is custom stuff for Moodle :
$oldclass= $this->getAttribute('class');
if (!empty($oldclass)){
$this->updateAttributes(array('class'=>$oldclass.' mform'));
}else {
$this->_reqHTML =
helpbutton('requiredelement', get_string('requiredelement', 'form'),'moodle',
true, false, '', true, '<img alt="'.get_string('requiredelement', 'form').'" src="'.
$this->_helpImageURL.'" />');
$this->setRequiredNote(get_string('denotesreq', 'form', $this->getReqHTML()));
function getReqHTML(){
return $this->_reqHTML;
* Class constructor - same parameters as HTML_QuickForm_DHTMLRulesTableless
* @param array $buttons An associative array representing help button to attach to
* to the form. keys of array correspond to names of elements in form.
* @access public
function setHelpButtons($buttons, $suppresscheck=false){
foreach ($this->_elements as $no => $element){
if (array_key_exists($element->getName(), $buttons)){
if (method_exists($element, 'setHelpButton')){
$a=new object();
print_error('nomethodforaddinghelpbutton', 'form', '', $a);
if (count($buttons)&& !$suppresscheck){
print_error('nonexistentformelements', 'form', '', join(', ', array_keys($buttons)));
function acceptGet(){
foreach ($names as $name){
//if no form data is submitted then the page has just beeen loaded
//so we get the page param value from $_GET
if (!$this->_flagSubmitted && isset($_GET[$name])){
function required_param($element, $paramtype){
$value = $this->getSubmitValue($element);
if (null !== $value) {
if (false === strpos($element, '[')) {
return $this->_submitValues[$element] = $this->_clean_param($value, $paramtype);
} else {
$idx = "['" . str_replace(array(']', '['), array('', "']['"), $element) . "']";
eval("return \$this->_submitValues{$idx} = \$this->_clean_param(\$value, \$paramtype);");
//could print name of param but better not to for security?
print_error('missingrequiredfield', 'error');
function optional_param($element, $default, $paramtype){
$value = $this->getSubmitValue($element);
if (null === $value) {
return $default;
if (false === strpos($element, '[')) {
return $this->_submitValues[$element] = $this->_clean_param($value, $paramtype);
} else {
$idx = "['" . str_replace(array(']', '['), array('', "']['"), $element) . "']";
eval("return \$this->_submitValues{$idx} = \$this->_clean_param(\$value, \$paramtype);");
function clean_param($elementList, $paramtype){
$value = $this->getSubmitValue($element);
if (false === strpos($element, '[')) {
return $this->_submitValues[$element] = $this->_clean_param($value, $paramtype);
} else {
$idx = "['" . str_replace(array(']', '['), array('', "']['"), $element) . "']";
eval("return \$this->_submitValues{$idx} = \$this->_clean_param(\$value, \$paramtype);");
function _clean_param($value, $paramtype){
//clean_param function in moodlelib expects vars with slashes
$value=$this->_recursiveFilter('addslashes', $value);
$value=clean_param($value, $paramtype);
return $this->_recursiveFilter('stripslashes', $value);
function exportValue($element, $addslashes=true){
if ($addslashes){
return $this->_recursiveFilter('addslashes',$unfiltered);
} else {
return $unfiltered;
function exportValues($elementList= null, $addslashes=true){
if ($addslashes){
return $this->_recursiveFilter('addslashes',$unfiltered);
} else {
return $unfiltered;
* A renderer for moodleform that only uses XHTML and CSS and no
* table tags, extends PEAR class HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless
* Stylesheet is part of standard theme and should be automatically included.
* @author Jamie Pratt <>
* @license gpl license
class moodleform_renderer extends HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless{
* Element template array
* @var array
* @access private
var $_elementTemplates;
// uncomment this and edit formslib.php below for
// ol li containers for form items.
// /**
// * Template used when opening a hidden fieldset
// * (i.e. a fieldset that is opened when there is no header element)
// * @var string
// * @access private
// */
// var $_openHiddenFieldsetTemplate = "\n\t<fieldset class=\"hidden\">\n\t\t<ol>";
// /**
// * Header Template string
// * @var string
// * @access private
// */
// var $_headerTemplate =
// "\n\t\t<legend>{header}</legend>\n\t\t<ol>";
// /**
// * Template used when closing a fieldset
// * @var string
// * @access private
// */
// var $_closeFieldsetTemplate = "\n\t\t</ol>\n\t</fieldset>";
var $_htmleditors=array();
function moodleform_renderer(){
// switch next two lines for ol li containers for form items.
// $this->_elementTemplates=array('default'=>"\n\t\t<li class=\"qfrow\"><label class=\"qflabel\">{label}{help}<!-- BEGIN required -->{req}<!-- END required --></label><div class=\"qfelement<!-- BEGIN error --> error<!-- END error --> {type}\"><!-- BEGIN error --><span class=\"error\">{error}</span><br /><!-- END error -->{element}</div></li>");
$this->_elementTemplates=array('default'=>"\n\t\t<div class=\"qfrow\"><label class=\"qflabel\">{label}{help}<!-- BEGIN required -->{req}<!-- END required --></label><div class=\"qfelement<!-- BEGIN error --> error<!-- END error --> {type}\"><!-- BEGIN error --><span class=\"error\">{error}</span><br /><!-- END error -->{element}</div></div>",
'fieldset'=>"\n\t\t<div class=\"qfrow\"><label class=\"qflabel\">{label}{help}<!-- BEGIN required -->{req}<!-- END required --></label><fieldset class=\"qfelement<!-- BEGIN error --> error<!-- END error --> {type}\"><!-- BEGIN error --><span class=\"error\">{error}</span><br /><!-- END error -->{element}</fieldset></div>");
function startForm(&$form){
$this->_elementTemplates=str_replace('{req}', $this->_reqHTML, $this->_elementTemplates);
function startGroup(&$group, $required, $error){
if (method_exists($group, 'getElementTemplateType')){
$html = $this->_elementTemplates[$element->getElementTemplateType()];
$html = $this->_elementTemplates['default'];
if (method_exists($group, 'getHelpButton')){
$html =str_replace('{help}', $group->getHelpButton(), $html);
$html =str_replace('{help}', '', $html);
$html =str_replace('{type}', 'group', $html);
// Fix for bug in tableless quickforms that didn't allow you to stop a
// fieldset before a group of elements.
// if the element name indicates the end of a fieldset, close the fieldset
if ( in_array($group->getName(), $this->_stopFieldsetElements)
&& $this->_fieldsetsOpen > 0
) {
$this->_html .= $this->_closeFieldsetTemplate;
parent::startGroup($group, $required, $error);
function renderElement(&$element, $required, $error){
if (method_exists($element, 'getElementTemplateType')){
$html = $this->_elementTemplates[$element->getElementTemplateType()];
$html = $this->_elementTemplates['default'];
$html =str_replace('{type}', $element->getType(), $html);
if (method_exists($element, 'getHelpButton')){
$html=str_replace('{help}', $element->getHelpButton(), $html);
$html=str_replace('{help}', '', $html);
parent::renderElement($element, $required, $error);
/*class moodleform_filter{
var $paramtype;
var $default;
function moodleform_filter($paramtype, $default=NULL){
function required_param($value){
if (isset($value)) {
$param = $value;
} else {
error('A required parameter was missing');
return $this->clean_param($param);
function optional_param($value){
if (!isset($value)) {
return $this->default;
return $this->clean_param($value);
} */
$GLOBALS['_HTML_QuickForm_default_renderer']=& new moodleform_renderer();
moodleform::registerElementType('checkbox', "$CFG->libdir/form/checkbox.php", 'moodleform_checkbox');
moodleform::registerElementType('file', "$CFG->libdir/form/file.php", 'moodleform_file');
moodleform::registerElementType('group', "$CFG->libdir/form/group.php", 'moodleform_group');
moodleform::registerElementType('password', "$CFG->libdir/form/password.php", 'moodleform_password');
moodleform::registerElementType('radio', "$CFG->libdir/form/radio.php", 'moodleform_radio');
moodleform::registerElementType('select', "$CFG->libdir/form/select.php", 'moodleform_select');
moodleform::registerElementType('text', "$CFG->libdir/form/text.php", 'moodleform_text');
moodleform::registerElementType('textarea', "$CFG->libdir/form/textarea.php", 'moodleform_textarea');
moodleform::registerElementType('date_selector', "$CFG->libdir/form/dateselector.php", 'moodleform_date_selector');
moodleform::registerElementType('htmleditor', "$CFG->libdir/form/htmleditor.php", 'moodleform_htmleditor');
moodleform::registerElementType('static', "$CFG->libdir/form/static.php", 'moodleform_static');
moodleform::registerElementType('hidden', "$CFG->libdir/form/hidden.php", 'moodleform_hidden');