mirror of https://github.com/moodle/moodle.git synced 2025-03-28 19:42:56 +01:00
sam marshall 40081f5342 MDL-76956 core_grades: Regrade progress bar should be more granular
This change makes the regrade progress bar send frequent updates to
the web browser, even when processing within the same grade item, to
avoid timeout problems when there are a large number of users.
2023-01-23 11:43:15 +00:00

2792 lines
110 KiB

// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Definition of a class to represent a grade category
* @package core_grades
* @copyright 2006 Nicolas Connault
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
require_once(__DIR__ . '/grade_object.php');
* grade_category is an object mapped to DB table {prefix}grade_categories
* @package core_grades
* @category grade
* @copyright 2007 Nicolas Connault
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class grade_category extends grade_object {
* The DB table.
* @var string $table
public $table = 'grade_categories';
* Array of required table fields, must start with 'id'.
* @var array $required_fields
public $required_fields = array('id', 'courseid', 'parent', 'depth', 'path', 'fullname', 'aggregation',
'keephigh', 'droplow', 'aggregateonlygraded', 'aggregateoutcomes',
'timecreated', 'timemodified', 'hidden');
* The course this category belongs to.
* @var int $courseid
public $courseid;
* The category this category belongs to (optional).
* @var int $parent
public $parent;
* The grade_category object referenced by $this->parent (PK).
* @var grade_category $parent_category
public $parent_category;
* The number of parents this category has.
* @var int $depth
public $depth = 0;
* Shows the hierarchical path for this category as /1/2/3/ (like course_categories), the last number being
* this category's autoincrement ID number.
* @var string $path
public $path;
* The name of this category.
* @var string $fullname
public $fullname;
* A constant pointing to one of the predefined aggregation strategies (none, mean, median, sum etc) .
* @var int $aggregation
public $aggregation = GRADE_AGGREGATE_SUM;
* Keep only the X highest items.
* @var int $keephigh
public $keephigh = 0;
* Drop the X lowest items.
* @var int $droplow
public $droplow = 0;
* Aggregate only graded items
* @var int $aggregateonlygraded
public $aggregateonlygraded = 0;
* Aggregate outcomes together with normal items
* @var int $aggregateoutcomes
public $aggregateoutcomes = 0;
* Array of grade_items or grade_categories nested exactly 1 level below this category
* @var array $children
public $children;
* A hierarchical array of all children below this category. This is stored separately from
* $children because it is more memory-intensive and may not be used as often.
* @var array $all_children
public $all_children;
* An associated grade_item object, with itemtype=category, used to calculate and cache a set of grade values
* for this category.
* @var grade_item $grade_item
public $grade_item;
* Temporary sortorder for speedup of children resorting
* @var int $sortorder
public $sortorder;
* List of options which can be "forced" from site settings.
* @var array $forceable
public $forceable = array('aggregation', 'keephigh', 'droplow', 'aggregateonlygraded', 'aggregateoutcomes');
* String representing the aggregation coefficient. Variable is used as cache.
* @var string $coefstring
public $coefstring = null;
* Static variable storing the result from {@link self::can_apply_limit_rules}.
* @var bool
protected $canapplylimitrules;
* Builds this category's path string based on its parents (if any) and its own id number.
* This is typically done just before inserting this object in the DB for the first time,
* or when a new parent is added or changed. It is a recursive function: once the calling
* object no longer has a parent, the path is complete.
* @param grade_category $grade_category A Grade_Category object
* @return string The category's path string
public static function build_path($grade_category) {
global $DB;
if (empty($grade_category->parent)) {
return '/'.$grade_category->id.'/';
} else {
$parent = $DB->get_record('grade_categories', array('id' => $grade_category->parent));
return grade_category::build_path($parent).$grade_category->id.'/';
* Finds and returns a grade_category instance based on params.
* @param array $params associative arrays varname=>value
* @return grade_category The retrieved grade_category instance or false if none found.
public static function fetch($params) {
if ($records = self::retrieve_record_set($params)) {
return reset($records);
$record = grade_object::fetch_helper('grade_categories', 'grade_category', $params);
// We store it as an array to keep a key => result set interface in the cache, grade_object::fetch_helper is
// managing exceptions. We return only the first element though.
$records = false;
if ($record) {
$records = array($record->id => $record);
self::set_record_set($params, $records);
return $record;
* Finds and returns all grade_category instances based on params.
* @param array $params associative arrays varname=>value
* @return array array of grade_category insatnces or false if none found.
public static function fetch_all($params) {
if ($records = self::retrieve_record_set($params)) {
return $records;
$records = grade_object::fetch_all_helper('grade_categories', 'grade_category', $params);
self::set_record_set($params, $records);
return $records;
* In addition to update() as defined in grade_object, call force_regrading of parent categories, if applicable.
* @param string $source from where was the object updated (mod/forum, manual, etc.)
* @param bool $isbulkupdate If bulk grade update is happening.
* @return bool success
public function update($source = null, $isbulkupdate = false) {
// load the grade item or create a new one
// force recalculation of path;
if (empty($this->path)) {
$this->path = grade_category::build_path($this);
$this->depth = substr_count($this->path, '/') - 1;
$updatechildren = true;
} else {
$updatechildren = false;
// these are exclusive
if ($this->droplow > 0) {
$this->keephigh = 0;
} else if ($this->keephigh > 0) {
$this->droplow = 0;
// Recalculate grades if needed
if ($this->qualifies_for_regrading()) {
$this->timemodified = time();
$result = parent::update($source);
// now update paths in all child categories
if ($result and $updatechildren) {
if ($children = grade_category::fetch_all(array('parent'=>$this->id))) {
foreach ($children as $child) {
$child->path = null;
$child->depth = 0;
return $result;
* If parent::delete() is successful, send force_regrading message to parent category.
* @param string $source from where was the object deleted (mod/forum, manual, etc.)
* @return bool success
public function delete($source=null) {
global $DB;
$transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction();
$grade_item = $this->load_grade_item();
if ($this->is_course_category()) {
if ($categories = grade_category::fetch_all(array('courseid'=>$this->courseid))) {
foreach ($categories as $category) {
if ($category->id == $this->id) {
continue; // do not delete course category yet
if ($items = grade_item::fetch_all(array('courseid'=>$this->courseid))) {
foreach ($items as $item) {
if ($item->id == $grade_item->id) {
continue; // do not delete course item yet
} else {
$parent = $this->load_parent_category();
// Update children's categoryid/parent field first
if ($children = grade_item::fetch_all(array('categoryid'=>$this->id))) {
foreach ($children as $child) {
if ($children = grade_category::fetch_all(array('parent'=>$this->id))) {
foreach ($children as $child) {
// first delete the attached grade item and grades
// delete category itself
$success = parent::delete($source);
return $success;
* In addition to the normal insert() defined in grade_object, this method sets the depth
* and path for this object, and update the record accordingly.
* We do this here instead of in the constructor as they both need to know the record's
* ID number, which only gets created at insertion time.
* This method also creates an associated grade_item if this wasn't done during construction.
* @param string $source from where was the object inserted (mod/forum, manual, etc.)
* @param bool $isbulkupdate If bulk grade update is happening.
* @return int PK ID if successful, false otherwise
public function insert($source = null, $isbulkupdate = false) {
if (empty($this->courseid)) {
throw new \moodle_exception('cannotinsertgrade');
if (empty($this->parent)) {
$course_category = grade_category::fetch_course_category($this->courseid);
$this->parent = $course_category->id;
$this->path = null;
$this->timecreated = $this->timemodified = time();
if (!parent::insert($source)) {
debugging("Could not insert this category: " . print_r($this, true));
return false;
// build path and depth
return $this->id;
* Internal function - used only from fetch_course_category()
* Normal insert() can not be used for course category
* @param int $courseid The course ID
* @return int The ID of the new course category
public function insert_course_category($courseid) {
$this->courseid = $courseid;
$this->fullname = '?';
$this->path = null;
$this->parent = null;
$this->aggregation = GRADE_AGGREGATE_WEIGHTED_MEAN2;
$this->timecreated = $this->timemodified = time();
if (!parent::insert('system')) {
debugging("Could not insert this category: " . print_r($this, true));
return false;
// build path and depth
return $this->id;
* Compares the values held by this object with those of the matching record in DB, and returns
* whether or not these differences are sufficient to justify an update of all parent objects.
* This assumes that this object has an ID number and a matching record in DB. If not, it will return false.
* @return bool
public function qualifies_for_regrading() {
if (empty($this->id)) {
debugging("Can not regrade non existing category");
return false;
$db_item = grade_category::fetch(array('id'=>$this->id));
$aggregationdiff = $db_item->aggregation != $this->aggregation;
$keephighdiff = $db_item->keephigh != $this->keephigh;
$droplowdiff = $db_item->droplow != $this->droplow;
$aggonlygrddiff = $db_item->aggregateonlygraded != $this->aggregateonlygraded;
$aggoutcomesdiff = $db_item->aggregateoutcomes != $this->aggregateoutcomes;
return ($aggregationdiff || $keephighdiff || $droplowdiff || $aggonlygrddiff || $aggoutcomesdiff);
* Marks this grade categories' associated grade item as needing regrading
public function force_regrading() {
$grade_item = $this->load_grade_item();
* Something that should be called before we start regrading the whole course.
* @return void
public function pre_regrade_final_grades() {
* Generates and saves final grades in associated category grade item.
* These immediate children must already have their own final grades.
* The category's aggregation method is used to generate final grades.
* Please note that category grade is either calculated or aggregated, not both at the same time.
* This method must be used ONLY from grade_item::regrade_final_grades(),
* because the calculation must be done in correct order!
* Steps to follow:
* 1. Get final grades from immediate children
* 3. Aggregate these grades
* 4. Save them in final grades of associated category grade item
* @param int $userid The user ID if final grade generation should be limited to a single user
* @param \core\progress\base|null $progress Optional progress indicator
* @return bool
public function generate_grades($userid=null, ?\core\progress\base $progress = null) {
global $CFG, $DB;
if ($this->grade_item->is_locked()) {
return true; // no need to recalculate locked items
// find grade items of immediate children (category or grade items) and force site settings
$depends_on = $this->grade_item->depends_on();
if (empty($depends_on)) {
$items = false;
} else {
list($usql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($depends_on);
$sql = "SELECT *
FROM {grade_items}
WHERE id $usql";
$items = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
foreach ($items as $id => $item) {
$items[$id] = new grade_item($item, false);
$grade_inst = new grade_grade();
$fields = 'g.'.implode(',g.', $grade_inst->required_fields);
// where to look for final grades - include grade of this item too, we will store the results there
$gis = array_merge($depends_on, array($this->grade_item->id));
list($usql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($gis);
if ($userid) {
$usersql = "AND g.userid=?";
$params[] = $userid;
} else {
$usersql = "";
$sql = "SELECT $fields
FROM {grade_grades} g, {grade_items} gi
WHERE gi.id = g.itemid AND gi.id $usql $usersql
ORDER BY g.userid";
// group the results by userid and aggregate the grades for this user
$rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params);
if ($rs->valid()) {
$prevuser = 0;
$grade_values = array();
$excluded = array();
$oldgrade = null;
$grademaxoverrides = array();
$grademinoverrides = array();
foreach ($rs as $used) {
$grade = new grade_grade($used, false);
if (isset($items[$grade->itemid])) {
// Prevent grade item to be fetched from DB.
$grade->grade_item =& $items[$grade->itemid];
} else if ($grade->itemid == $this->grade_item->id) {
// This grade's grade item is not in $items.
$grade->grade_item =& $this->grade_item;
if ($grade->userid != $prevuser) {
$prevuser = $grade->userid;
$grade_values = array();
$excluded = array();
$oldgrade = null;
$grademaxoverrides = array();
$grademinoverrides = array();
$grade_values[$grade->itemid] = $grade->finalgrade;
$grademaxoverrides[$grade->itemid] = $grade->get_grade_max();
$grademinoverrides[$grade->itemid] = $grade->get_grade_min();
if ($grade->excluded) {
$excluded[] = $grade->itemid;
if ($this->grade_item->id == $grade->itemid) {
$oldgrade = $grade;
if ($progress) {
// Incrementing the progress by nothing causes it to send an update (once per second)
// to the web browser so as to prevent the connection timing out.
$grademaxoverrides);//the last one
return true;
* Internal function for grade category grade aggregation
* @param int $userid The User ID
* @param array $items Grade items
* @param array $grade_values Array of grade values
* @param object $oldgrade Old grade
* @param array $excluded Excluded
* @param array $grademinoverrides User specific grademin values if different to the grade_item grademin (key is itemid)
* @param array $grademaxoverrides User specific grademax values if different to the grade_item grademax (key is itemid)
private function aggregate_grades($userid,
$grademaxoverrides) {
global $CFG, $DB;
// Remember these so we can set flags on them to describe how they were used in the aggregation.
$novalue = array();
$dropped = array();
$extracredit = array();
$usedweights = array();
if (empty($userid)) {
//ignore first call
if ($oldgrade) {
$oldfinalgrade = $oldgrade->finalgrade;
$grade = new grade_grade($oldgrade, false);
$grade->grade_item =& $this->grade_item;
} else {
// insert final grade - it will be needed later anyway
$grade = new grade_grade(array('itemid'=>$this->grade_item->id, 'userid'=>$userid), false);
$grade->grade_item =& $this->grade_item;
$oldfinalgrade = null;
// no need to recalculate locked or overridden grades
if ($grade->is_locked() or $grade->is_overridden()) {
// can not use own final category grade in calculation
// Make sure a grade_grade exists for every grade_item.
// We need to do this so we can set the aggregationstatus
// with a set_field call instead of checking if each one exists and creating/updating.
if (!empty($items)) {
list($ggsql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(array_keys($items), SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'g');
$params['userid'] = $userid;
$sql = "SELECT itemid
FROM {grade_grades}
WHERE itemid $ggsql AND userid = :userid";
$existingitems = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
$notexisting = array_diff(array_keys($items), array_keys($existingitems));
foreach ($notexisting as $itemid) {
$gradeitem = $items[$itemid];
$gradegrade = new grade_grade(array('itemid' => $itemid,
'userid' => $userid,
'rawgrademin' => $gradeitem->grademin,
'rawgrademax' => $gradeitem->grademax), false);
$gradegrade->grade_item = $gradeitem;
// if no grades calculation possible or grading not allowed clear final grade
if (empty($grade_values) or empty($items) or ($this->grade_item->gradetype != GRADE_TYPE_VALUE and $this->grade_item->gradetype != GRADE_TYPE_SCALE)) {
$grade->finalgrade = null;
if (!is_null($oldfinalgrade)) {
$grade->timemodified = time();
$success = $grade->update('aggregation');
// If successful trigger a user_graded event.
if ($success) {
\core\event\user_graded::create_from_grade($grade, \core\event\base::USER_OTHER)->trigger();
$dropped = $grade_values;
$this->set_usedinaggregation($userid, $usedweights, $novalue, $dropped, $extracredit);
// Normalize the grades first - all will have value 0...1
// ungraded items are not used in aggregation.
foreach ($grade_values as $itemid=>$v) {
if (is_null($v)) {
// If null, it means no grade.
if ($this->aggregateonlygraded) {
// Mark this item as "excluded empty" because it has no grade.
$novalue[$itemid] = 0;
if (in_array($itemid, $excluded)) {
$dropped[$itemid] = 0;
// Check for user specific grade min/max overrides.
$usergrademin = $items[$itemid]->grademin;
$usergrademax = $items[$itemid]->grademax;
if (isset($grademinoverrides[$itemid])) {
$usergrademin = $grademinoverrides[$itemid];
if (isset($grademaxoverrides[$itemid])) {
$usergrademax = $grademaxoverrides[$itemid];
if ($this->aggregation == GRADE_AGGREGATE_SUM) {
// Assume that the grademin is 0 when standardising the score, to preserve negative grades.
$grade_values[$itemid] = grade_grade::standardise_score($v, 0, $usergrademax, 0, 1);
} else {
$grade_values[$itemid] = grade_grade::standardise_score($v, $usergrademin, $usergrademax, 0, 1);
// For items with no value, and not excluded - either set their grade to 0 or exclude them.
foreach ($items as $itemid=>$value) {
if (!isset($grade_values[$itemid]) and !in_array($itemid, $excluded)) {
if (!$this->aggregateonlygraded) {
$grade_values[$itemid] = 0;
} else {
// We are specifically marking these items as "excluded empty".
$novalue[$itemid] = 0;
// limit and sort
$allvalues = $grade_values;
if ($this->can_apply_limit_rules()) {
$this->apply_limit_rules($grade_values, $items);
$moredropped = array_diff($allvalues, $grade_values);
foreach ($moredropped as $drop => $unused) {
$dropped[$drop] = 0;
foreach ($grade_values as $itemid => $val) {
if (self::is_extracredit_used() && ($items[$itemid]->aggregationcoef > 0)) {
$extracredit[$itemid] = 0;
asort($grade_values, SORT_NUMERIC);
// let's see we have still enough grades to do any statistics
if (count($grade_values) == 0) {
// not enough attempts yet
$grade->finalgrade = null;
if (!is_null($oldfinalgrade)) {
$grade->timemodified = time();
$success = $grade->update('aggregation');
// If successful trigger a user_graded event.
if ($success) {
\core\event\user_graded::create_from_grade($grade, \core\event\base::USER_OTHER)->trigger();
$this->set_usedinaggregation($userid, $usedweights, $novalue, $dropped, $extracredit);
// do the maths
$result = $this->aggregate_values_and_adjust_bounds($grade_values,
$agg_grade = $result['grade'];
// Set the actual grademin and max to bind the grade properly.
$this->grade_item->grademin = $result['grademin'];
$this->grade_item->grademax = $result['grademax'];
if ($this->aggregation == GRADE_AGGREGATE_SUM) {
// The natural aggregation always displays the range as coming from 0 for categories.
// However, when we bind the grade we allow for negative values.
$result['grademin'] = 0;
// Recalculate the grade back to requested range.
$finalgrade = grade_grade::standardise_score($agg_grade, 0, 1, $result['grademin'], $result['grademax']);
$grade->finalgrade = $this->grade_item->bounded_grade($finalgrade);
$oldrawgrademin = $grade->rawgrademin;
$oldrawgrademax = $grade->rawgrademax;
$grade->rawgrademin = $result['grademin'];
$grade->rawgrademax = $result['grademax'];
// Update in db if changed.
if (grade_floats_different($grade->finalgrade, $oldfinalgrade) ||
grade_floats_different($grade->rawgrademax, $oldrawgrademax) ||
grade_floats_different($grade->rawgrademin, $oldrawgrademin)) {
$grade->timemodified = time();
$success = $grade->update('aggregation');
// If successful trigger a user_graded event.
if ($success) {
\core\event\user_graded::create_from_grade($grade, \core\event\base::USER_OTHER)->trigger();
$this->set_usedinaggregation($userid, $usedweights, $novalue, $dropped, $extracredit);
* Set the flags on the grade_grade items to indicate how individual grades are used
* in the aggregation.
* WARNING: This function is called a lot during gradebook recalculation, be very performance considerate.
* @param int $userid The user we have aggregated the grades for.
* @param array $usedweights An array with keys for each of the grade_item columns included in the aggregation. The value are the relative weight.
* @param array $novalue An array with keys for each of the grade_item columns skipped because
* they had no value in the aggregation.
* @param array $dropped An array with keys for each of the grade_item columns dropped
* because of any drop lowest/highest settings in the aggregation.
* @param array $extracredit An array with keys for each of the grade_item columns
* considered extra credit by the aggregation.
private function set_usedinaggregation($userid, $usedweights, $novalue, $dropped, $extracredit) {
global $DB;
// We want to know all current user grades so we can decide whether they need to be updated or they already contain the
// expected value.
$sql = "SELECT gi.id, gg.aggregationstatus, gg.aggregationweight FROM {grade_grades} gg
JOIN {grade_items} gi ON (gg.itemid = gi.id)
WHERE gg.userid = :userid";
$params = array('categoryid' => $this->id, 'userid' => $userid);
// These are all grade_item ids which grade_grades will NOT end up being 'unknown' (because they are not unknown or
// because we will update them to something different that 'unknown').
$giids = array_keys($usedweights + $novalue + $dropped + $extracredit);
if ($giids) {
// We include grade items that might not be in categoryid.
list($itemsql, $itemlist) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($giids, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'gg');
$sql .= ' AND (gi.categoryid = :categoryid OR gi.id ' . $itemsql . ')';
$params = $params + $itemlist;
} else {
$sql .= ' AND gi.categoryid = :categoryid';
$currentgrades = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params);
// We will store here the grade_item ids that need to be updated on db.
$toupdate = array();
if ($currentgrades->valid()) {
// Iterate through the user grades to see if we really need to update any of them.
foreach ($currentgrades as $currentgrade) {
// Unset $usedweights that we do not need to update.
if (!empty($usedweights) && isset($usedweights[$currentgrade->id]) && $currentgrade->aggregationstatus === 'used') {
// We discard the ones that already have the contribution specified in $usedweights and are marked as 'used'.
if (grade_floats_equal($currentgrade->aggregationweight, $usedweights[$currentgrade->id])) {
// Used weights can be present in multiple set_usedinaggregation arguments.
if (!isset($novalue[$currentgrade->id]) && !isset($dropped[$currentgrade->id]) &&
!isset($extracredit[$currentgrade->id])) {
// No value grades.
if (!empty($novalue) && isset($novalue[$currentgrade->id])) {
if ($currentgrade->aggregationstatus !== 'novalue' ||
grade_floats_different($currentgrade->aggregationweight, 0)) {
$toupdate['novalue'][] = $currentgrade->id;
// Dropped grades.
if (!empty($dropped) && isset($dropped[$currentgrade->id])) {
if ($currentgrade->aggregationstatus !== 'dropped' ||
grade_floats_different($currentgrade->aggregationweight, 0)) {
$toupdate['dropped'][] = $currentgrade->id;
// Extra credit grades.
if (!empty($extracredit) && isset($extracredit[$currentgrade->id])) {
// If this grade item is already marked as 'extra' and it already has the provided $usedweights value would be
// silly to update to 'used' to later update to 'extra'.
if (!empty($usedweights) && isset($usedweights[$currentgrade->id]) &&
grade_floats_equal($currentgrade->aggregationweight, $usedweights[$currentgrade->id])) {
// Update the item to extra if it is not already marked as extra in the database or if the item's
// aggregationweight will be updated when going through $usedweights items.
if ($currentgrade->aggregationstatus !== 'extra' ||
(!empty($usedweights) && isset($usedweights[$currentgrade->id]))) {
$toupdate['extracredit'][] = $currentgrade->id;
// If is not in any of the above groups it should be set to 'unknown', checking that the item is not already
// unknown, if it is we don't need to update it.
if ($currentgrade->aggregationstatus !== 'unknown' || grade_floats_different($currentgrade->aggregationweight, 0)) {
$toupdate['unknown'][] = $currentgrade->id;
// Update items to 'unknown' status.
if (!empty($toupdate['unknown'])) {
list($itemsql, $itemlist) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($toupdate['unknown'], SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'g');
$itemlist['userid'] = $userid;
$sql = "UPDATE {grade_grades}
SET aggregationstatus = 'unknown',
aggregationweight = 0
WHERE itemid $itemsql AND userid = :userid";
$DB->execute($sql, $itemlist);
// Update items to 'used' status and setting the proper weight.
if (!empty($usedweights)) {
// The usedweights items are updated individually to record the weights.
foreach ($usedweights as $gradeitemid => $contribution) {
$sql = "UPDATE {grade_grades}
SET aggregationstatus = 'used',
aggregationweight = :contribution
WHERE itemid = :itemid AND userid = :userid";
$params = array('contribution' => $contribution, 'itemid' => $gradeitemid, 'userid' => $userid);
$DB->execute($sql, $params);
// Update items to 'novalue' status.
if (!empty($toupdate['novalue'])) {
list($itemsql, $itemlist) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($toupdate['novalue'], SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'g');
$itemlist['userid'] = $userid;
$sql = "UPDATE {grade_grades}
SET aggregationstatus = 'novalue',
aggregationweight = 0
WHERE itemid $itemsql AND userid = :userid";
$DB->execute($sql, $itemlist);
// Update items to 'dropped' status.
if (!empty($toupdate['dropped'])) {
list($itemsql, $itemlist) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($toupdate['dropped'], SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'g');
$itemlist['userid'] = $userid;
$sql = "UPDATE {grade_grades}
SET aggregationstatus = 'dropped',
aggregationweight = 0
WHERE itemid $itemsql AND userid = :userid";
$DB->execute($sql, $itemlist);
// Update items to 'extracredit' status.
if (!empty($toupdate['extracredit'])) {
list($itemsql, $itemlist) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($toupdate['extracredit'], SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'g');
$itemlist['userid'] = $userid;
"itemid $itemsql AND userid = :userid",
* Internal function that calculates the aggregated grade and new min/max for this grade category
* Must be public as it is used by grade_grade::get_hiding_affected()
* @param array $grade_values An array of values to be aggregated
* @param array $items The array of grade_items
* @since Moodle 2.6.5, 2.7.2
* @param array & $weights If provided, will be filled with the normalized weights
* for each grade_item as used in the aggregation.
* Some rules for the weights are:
* 1. The weights must add up to 1 (unless there are extra credit)
* 2. The contributed points column must add up to the course
* final grade and this column is calculated from these weights.
* @param array $grademinoverrides User specific grademin values if different to the grade_item grademin (key is itemid)
* @param array $grademaxoverrides User specific grademax values if different to the grade_item grademax (key is itemid)
* @return array containing values for:
* 'grade' => the new calculated grade
* 'grademin' => the new calculated min grade for the category
* 'grademax' => the new calculated max grade for the category
public function aggregate_values_and_adjust_bounds($grade_values,
& $weights = null,
$grademinoverrides = array(),
$grademaxoverrides = array()) {
global $CFG;
$category_item = $this->load_grade_item();
$grademin = $category_item->grademin;
$grademax = $category_item->grademax;
switch ($this->aggregation) {
case GRADE_AGGREGATE_MEDIAN: // Middle point value in the set: ignores frequencies
$num = count($grade_values);
$grades = array_values($grade_values);
// The median gets 100% - others get 0.
if ($weights !== null && $num > 0) {
$count = 0;
foreach ($grade_values as $itemid=>$grade_value) {
if (($num % 2 == 0) && ($count == intval($num/2)-1 || $count == intval($num/2))) {
$weights[$itemid] = 0.5;
} else if (($num % 2 != 0) && ($count == intval(($num/2)-0.5))) {
$weights[$itemid] = 1.0;
} else {
$weights[$itemid] = 0;
if ($num % 2 == 0) {
$agg_grade = ($grades[intval($num/2)-1] + $grades[intval($num/2)]) / 2;
} else {
$agg_grade = $grades[intval(($num/2)-0.5)];
$agg_grade = reset($grade_values);
// Record the weights as used.
if ($weights !== null) {
foreach ($grade_values as $itemid=>$grade_value) {
$weights[$itemid] = 0;
// Set the first item to 1.
$itemids = array_keys($grade_values);
$weights[reset($itemids)] = 1;
// Record the weights as used.
if ($weights !== null) {
foreach ($grade_values as $itemid=>$grade_value) {
$weights[$itemid] = 0;
// Set the last item to 1.
$itemids = array_keys($grade_values);
$weights[end($itemids)] = 1;
$agg_grade = end($grade_values);
case GRADE_AGGREGATE_MODE: // the most common value
// array_count_values only counts INT and STRING, so if grades are floats we must convert them to string
$converted_grade_values = array();
foreach ($grade_values as $k => $gv) {
if (!is_int($gv) && !is_string($gv)) {
$converted_grade_values[$k] = (string) $gv;
} else {
$converted_grade_values[$k] = $gv;
if ($weights !== null) {
$weights[$k] = 0;
$freq = array_count_values($converted_grade_values);
arsort($freq); // sort by frequency keeping keys
$top = reset($freq); // highest frequency count
$modes = array_keys($freq, $top); // search for all modes (have the same highest count)
rsort($modes, SORT_NUMERIC); // get highest mode
$agg_grade = reset($modes);
// Record the weights as used.
if ($weights !== null && $top > 0) {
foreach ($grade_values as $k => $gv) {
if ($gv == $agg_grade) {
$weights[$k] = 1.0 / $top;
case GRADE_AGGREGATE_WEIGHTED_MEAN: // Weighted average of all existing final grades, weight specified in coef
$weightsum = 0;
$sum = 0;
foreach ($grade_values as $itemid=>$grade_value) {
if ($weights !== null) {
$weights[$itemid] = $items[$itemid]->aggregationcoef;
if ($items[$itemid]->aggregationcoef <= 0) {
$weightsum += $items[$itemid]->aggregationcoef;
$sum += $items[$itemid]->aggregationcoef * $grade_value;
if ($weightsum == 0) {
$agg_grade = null;
} else {
$agg_grade = $sum / $weightsum;
if ($weights !== null) {
// Normalise the weights.
foreach ($weights as $itemid => $weight) {
$weights[$itemid] = $weight / $weightsum;
// Weighted average of all existing final grades with optional extra credit flag,
// weight is the range of grade (usually grademax)
$weightsum = 0;
$sum = null;
foreach ($grade_values as $itemid=>$grade_value) {
if ($items[$itemid]->aggregationcoef > 0) {
$weight = $items[$itemid]->grademax - $items[$itemid]->grademin;
if ($weight <= 0) {
$weightsum += $weight;
$sum += $weight * $grade_value;
// Handle the extra credit items separately to calculate their weight accurately.
foreach ($grade_values as $itemid => $grade_value) {
if ($items[$itemid]->aggregationcoef <= 0) {
$weight = $items[$itemid]->grademax - $items[$itemid]->grademin;
if ($weight <= 0) {
$weights[$itemid] = 0;
$oldsum = $sum;
$weightedgrade = $weight * $grade_value;
$sum += $weightedgrade;
if ($weights !== null) {
if ($weightsum <= 0) {
$weights[$itemid] = 0;
$oldgrade = $oldsum / $weightsum;
$grade = $sum / $weightsum;
$normoldgrade = grade_grade::standardise_score($oldgrade, 0, 1, $grademin, $grademax);
$normgrade = grade_grade::standardise_score($grade, 0, 1, $grademin, $grademax);
$boundedoldgrade = $this->grade_item->bounded_grade($normoldgrade);
$boundedgrade = $this->grade_item->bounded_grade($normgrade);
if ($boundedgrade - $boundedoldgrade <= 0) {
// Nothing new was added to the grade.
$weights[$itemid] = 0;
} else if ($boundedgrade < $normgrade) {
// The grade has been bounded, the extra credit item needs to have a different weight.
$gradediff = $boundedgrade - $normoldgrade;
$gradediffnorm = grade_grade::standardise_score($gradediff, $grademin, $grademax, 0, 1);
$weights[$itemid] = $gradediffnorm / $grade_value;
} else {
// Default weighting.
$weights[$itemid] = $weight / $weightsum;
if ($weightsum == 0) {
$agg_grade = $sum; // only extra credits
} else {
$agg_grade = $sum / $weightsum;
// Record the weights as used.
if ($weights !== null) {
foreach ($grade_values as $itemid=>$grade_value) {
if ($items[$itemid]->aggregationcoef > 0) {
// Ignore extra credit items, the weights have already been computed.
if ($weightsum > 0) {
$weight = $items[$itemid]->grademax - $items[$itemid]->grademin;
$weights[$itemid] = $weight / $weightsum;
} else {
$weights[$itemid] = 0;
$num = 0;
$sum = null;
foreach ($grade_values as $itemid=>$grade_value) {
if ($items[$itemid]->aggregationcoef == 0) {
$num += 1;
$sum += $grade_value;
if ($weights !== null) {
$weights[$itemid] = 1;
// Treating the extra credit items separately to get a chance to calculate their effective weights.
foreach ($grade_values as $itemid=>$grade_value) {
if ($items[$itemid]->aggregationcoef > 0) {
$oldsum = $sum;
$sum += $items[$itemid]->aggregationcoef * $grade_value;
if ($weights !== null) {
if ($num <= 0) {
// The category only contains extra credit items, not setting the weight.
$oldgrade = $oldsum / $num;
$grade = $sum / $num;
$normoldgrade = grade_grade::standardise_score($oldgrade, 0, 1, $grademin, $grademax);
$normgrade = grade_grade::standardise_score($grade, 0, 1, $grademin, $grademax);
$boundedoldgrade = $this->grade_item->bounded_grade($normoldgrade);
$boundedgrade = $this->grade_item->bounded_grade($normgrade);
if ($boundedgrade - $boundedoldgrade <= 0) {
// Nothing new was added to the grade.
$weights[$itemid] = 0;
} else if ($boundedgrade < $normgrade) {
// The grade has been bounded, the extra credit item needs to have a different weight.
$gradediff = $boundedgrade - $normoldgrade;
$gradediffnorm = grade_grade::standardise_score($gradediff, $grademin, $grademax, 0, 1);
$weights[$itemid] = $gradediffnorm / $grade_value;
} else {
// Default weighting.
$weights[$itemid] = 1.0 / $num;
if ($weights !== null && $num > 0) {
foreach ($grade_values as $itemid=>$grade_value) {
if ($items[$itemid]->aggregationcoef > 0) {
// Extra credit weights were already calculated.
if ($weights[$itemid]) {
$weights[$itemid] = 1.0 / $num;
if ($num == 0) {
$agg_grade = $sum; // only extra credits or wrong coefs
} else {
$agg_grade = $sum / $num;
case GRADE_AGGREGATE_SUM: // Add up all the items.
$num = count($grade_values);
$sum = 0;
// This setting indicates if we should use algorithm prior to MDL-49257 fix for calculating extra credit weights.
// Even though old algorith has bugs in it, we need to preserve existing grades.
$gradebookcalculationfreeze = 'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $this->courseid;
$oldextracreditcalculation = isset($CFG->$gradebookcalculationfreeze)
&& ($CFG->$gradebookcalculationfreeze <= 20150619);
$sumweights = 0;
$grademin = 0;
$grademax = 0;
$extracredititems = array();
foreach ($grade_values as $itemid => $gradevalue) {
// We need to check if the grademax/min was adjusted per user because of excluded items.
$usergrademin = $items[$itemid]->grademin;
$usergrademax = $items[$itemid]->grademax;
if (isset($grademinoverrides[$itemid])) {
$usergrademin = $grademinoverrides[$itemid];
if (isset($grademaxoverrides[$itemid])) {
$usergrademax = $grademaxoverrides[$itemid];
// Keep track of the extra credit items, we will need them later on.
if ($items[$itemid]->aggregationcoef > 0) {
$extracredititems[$itemid] = $items[$itemid];
// Ignore extra credit and items with a weight of 0.
if (!isset($extracredititems[$itemid]) && $items[$itemid]->aggregationcoef2 > 0) {
$grademin += $usergrademin;
$grademax += $usergrademax;
$sumweights += $items[$itemid]->aggregationcoef2;
$userweights = array();
$totaloverriddenweight = 0;
$totaloverriddengrademax = 0;
// We first need to rescale all manually assigned weights down by the
// percentage of weights missing from the category.
foreach ($grade_values as $itemid => $gradevalue) {
if ($items[$itemid]->weightoverride) {
if ($items[$itemid]->aggregationcoef2 <= 0) {
// Records the weight of 0 and continue.
$userweights[$itemid] = 0;
$userweights[$itemid] = $sumweights ? ($items[$itemid]->aggregationcoef2 / $sumweights) : 0;
if (!$oldextracreditcalculation && isset($extracredititems[$itemid])) {
// Extra credit items do not affect totals.
$totaloverriddenweight += $userweights[$itemid];
$usergrademax = $items[$itemid]->grademax;
if (isset($grademaxoverrides[$itemid])) {
$usergrademax = $grademaxoverrides[$itemid];
$totaloverriddengrademax += $usergrademax;
$nonoverriddenpoints = $grademax - $totaloverriddengrademax;
// Then we need to recalculate the automatic weights except for extra credit items.
foreach ($grade_values as $itemid => $gradevalue) {
if (!$items[$itemid]->weightoverride && ($oldextracreditcalculation || !isset($extracredititems[$itemid]))) {
$usergrademax = $items[$itemid]->grademax;
if (isset($grademaxoverrides[$itemid])) {
$usergrademax = $grademaxoverrides[$itemid];
if ($nonoverriddenpoints > 0) {
$userweights[$itemid] = ($usergrademax/$nonoverriddenpoints) * (1 - $totaloverriddenweight);
} else {
$userweights[$itemid] = 0;
if ($items[$itemid]->aggregationcoef2 > 0) {
// Items with a weight of 0 should not count for the grade max,
// though this only applies if the weight was changed to 0.
$grademax -= $usergrademax;
// Now when we finally know the grademax we can adjust the automatic weights of extra credit items.
if (!$oldextracreditcalculation) {
foreach ($grade_values as $itemid => $gradevalue) {
if (!$items[$itemid]->weightoverride && isset($extracredititems[$itemid])) {
$usergrademax = $items[$itemid]->grademax;
if (isset($grademaxoverrides[$itemid])) {
$usergrademax = $grademaxoverrides[$itemid];
$userweights[$itemid] = $grademax ? ($usergrademax / $grademax) : 0;
// We can use our freshly corrected weights below.
foreach ($grade_values as $itemid => $gradevalue) {
if (isset($extracredititems[$itemid])) {
// We skip the extra credit items first.
$sum += $gradevalue * $userweights[$itemid] * $grademax;
if ($weights !== null) {
$weights[$itemid] = $userweights[$itemid];
// No we proceed with the extra credit items. They might have a different final
// weight in case the final grade was bounded. So we need to treat them different.
// Also, as we need to use the bounded_grade() method, we have to inject the
// right values there, and restore them afterwards.
$oldgrademax = $this->grade_item->grademax;
$oldgrademin = $this->grade_item->grademin;
foreach ($grade_values as $itemid => $gradevalue) {
if (!isset($extracredititems[$itemid])) {
$oldsum = $sum;
$weightedgrade = $gradevalue * $userweights[$itemid] * $grademax;
$sum += $weightedgrade;
// Only go through this when we need to record the weights.
if ($weights !== null) {
if ($grademax <= 0) {
// There are only extra credit items in this category,
// all the weights should be accurate (and be 0).
$weights[$itemid] = $userweights[$itemid];
$oldfinalgrade = $this->grade_item->bounded_grade($oldsum);
$newfinalgrade = $this->grade_item->bounded_grade($sum);
$finalgradediff = $newfinalgrade - $oldfinalgrade;
if ($finalgradediff <= 0) {
// This item did not contribute to the category total at all.
$weights[$itemid] = 0;
} else if ($finalgradediff < $weightedgrade) {
// The weight needs to be adjusted because only a portion of the
// extra credit item contributed to the category total.
$weights[$itemid] = $finalgradediff / ($gradevalue * $grademax);
} else {
// The weight was accurate.
$weights[$itemid] = $userweights[$itemid];
$this->grade_item->grademax = $oldgrademax;
$this->grade_item->grademin = $oldgrademin;
if ($grademax > 0) {
$agg_grade = $sum / $grademax; // Re-normalize score.
} else {
// Every item in the category is extra credit.
$agg_grade = $sum;
$grademax = $sum;
case GRADE_AGGREGATE_MEAN: // Arithmetic average of all grade items (if ungraded aggregated, NULL counted as minimum)
$num = count($grade_values);
$sum = array_sum($grade_values);
$agg_grade = $sum / $num;
// Record the weights evenly.
if ($weights !== null && $num > 0) {
foreach ($grade_values as $itemid=>$grade_value) {
$weights[$itemid] = 1.0 / $num;
return array('grade' => $agg_grade, 'grademin' => $grademin, 'grademax' => $grademax);
* Internal function that calculates the aggregated grade for this grade category
* Must be public as it is used by grade_grade::get_hiding_affected()
* @deprecated since Moodle 2.8
* @param array $grade_values An array of values to be aggregated
* @param array $items The array of grade_items
* @return float The aggregate grade for this grade category
public function aggregate_values($grade_values, $items) {
debugging('grade_category::aggregate_values() is deprecated.
Call grade_category::aggregate_values_and_adjust_bounds() instead.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
$result = $this->aggregate_values_and_adjust_bounds($grade_values, $items);
return $result['grade'];
* Some aggregation types may need to update their max grade.
* This must be executed after updating the weights as it relies on them.
* @return void
private function auto_update_max() {
global $CFG, $DB;
if ($this->aggregation != GRADE_AGGREGATE_SUM) {
// not needed at all
// Find grade items of immediate children (category or grade items) and force site settings.
$depends_on = $this->grade_item->depends_on();
// Check to see if the gradebook is frozen. This allows grades to not be altered at all until a user verifies that they
// wish to update the grades.
$gradebookcalculationfreeze = 'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $this->courseid;
$oldextracreditcalculation = isset($CFG->$gradebookcalculationfreeze) && ($CFG->$gradebookcalculationfreeze <= 20150627);
// Only run if the gradebook isn't frozen.
if (!$oldextracreditcalculation) {
// Don't automatically update the max for calculated items.
if ($this->grade_item->is_calculated()) {
$items = false;
if (!empty($depends_on)) {
list($usql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($depends_on);
$sql = "SELECT *
FROM {grade_items}
WHERE id $usql";
$items = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
if (!$items) {
if ($this->grade_item->grademax != 0 or $this->grade_item->gradetype != GRADE_TYPE_VALUE) {
$this->grade_item->grademax = 0;
$this->grade_item->grademin = 0;
$this->grade_item->gradetype = GRADE_TYPE_VALUE;
//find max grade possible
$maxes = array();
foreach ($items as $item) {
if ($item->aggregationcoef > 0) {
// extra credit from this activity - does not affect total
} else if ($item->aggregationcoef2 <= 0) {
// Items with a weight of 0 do not affect the total.
if ($item->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_VALUE) {
$maxes[$item->id] = $item->grademax;
} else if ($item->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_SCALE) {
$maxes[$item->id] = $item->grademax; // 0 = nograde, 1 = first scale item, 2 = second scale item
if ($this->can_apply_limit_rules()) {
// Apply droplow and keephigh.
$this->apply_limit_rules($maxes, $items);
$max = array_sum($maxes);
// update db if anything changed
if ($this->grade_item->grademax != $max or $this->grade_item->grademin != 0 or $this->grade_item->gradetype != GRADE_TYPE_VALUE) {
$this->grade_item->grademax = $max;
$this->grade_item->grademin = 0;
$this->grade_item->gradetype = GRADE_TYPE_VALUE;
* Recalculate the weights of the grade items in this category.
* The category total is not updated here, a further call to
* {@link self::auto_update_max()} is required.
* @return void
private function auto_update_weights() {
global $CFG;
if ($this->aggregation != GRADE_AGGREGATE_SUM) {
// This is only required if we are using natural weights.
$children = $this->get_children();
$gradeitem = null;
// Calculate the sum of the grademax's of all the items within this category.
$totalnonoverriddengrademax = 0;
$totalgrademax = 0;
// Out of 1, how much weight has been manually overriden by a user?
$totaloverriddenweight = 0;
$totaloverriddengrademax = 0;
// Has every assessment in this category been overridden?
$automaticgradeitemspresent = false;
// Does the grade item require normalising?
$requiresnormalising = false;
// This array keeps track of the id and weight of every grade item that has been overridden.
$overridearray = array();
foreach ($children as $sortorder => $child) {
$gradeitem = null;
if ($child['type'] == 'item') {
$gradeitem = $child['object'];
} else if ($child['type'] == 'category') {
$gradeitem = $child['object']->load_grade_item();
if ($gradeitem->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_NONE || $gradeitem->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_TEXT) {
// Text items and none items do not have a weight.
} else if (!$this->aggregateoutcomes && $gradeitem->is_outcome_item()) {
// We will not aggregate outcome items, so we can ignore them.
} else if (empty($CFG->grade_includescalesinaggregation) && $gradeitem->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_SCALE) {
// The scales are not included in the aggregation, ignore them.
// Record the ID and the weight for this grade item.
$overridearray[$gradeitem->id] = array();
$overridearray[$gradeitem->id]['extracredit'] = intval($gradeitem->aggregationcoef);
$overridearray[$gradeitem->id]['weight'] = $gradeitem->aggregationcoef2;
$overridearray[$gradeitem->id]['weightoverride'] = intval($gradeitem->weightoverride);
// If this item has had its weight overridden then set the flag to true, but
// only if all previous items were also overridden. Note that extra credit items
// are counted as overridden grade items.
if (!$gradeitem->weightoverride && $gradeitem->aggregationcoef == 0) {
$automaticgradeitemspresent = true;
if ($gradeitem->aggregationcoef > 0) {
// An extra credit grade item doesn't contribute to $totaloverriddengrademax.
} else if ($gradeitem->weightoverride > 0 && $gradeitem->aggregationcoef2 <= 0) {
// An overriden item that defines a weight of 0 does not contribute to $totaloverriddengrademax.
$totalgrademax += $gradeitem->grademax;
if ($gradeitem->weightoverride > 0) {
$totaloverriddenweight += $gradeitem->aggregationcoef2;
$totaloverriddengrademax += $gradeitem->grademax;
// Initialise this variable (used to keep track of the weight override total).
$normalisetotal = 0;
// Keep a record of how much the override total is to see if it is above 100. It it is then we need to set the
// other weights to zero and normalise the others.
$overriddentotal = 0;
// If the overridden weight total is higher than 1 then set the other untouched weights to zero.
$setotherweightstozero = false;
// Total up all of the weights.
foreach ($overridearray as $gradeitemdetail) {
// If the grade item has extra credit, then don't add it to the normalisetotal.
if (!$gradeitemdetail['extracredit']) {
$normalisetotal += $gradeitemdetail['weight'];
// The overridden total comprises of items that are set as overridden, that aren't extra credit and have a value
// greater than zero.
if ($gradeitemdetail['weightoverride'] && !$gradeitemdetail['extracredit'] && $gradeitemdetail['weight'] > 0) {
// Add overriden weights up to see if they are greater than 1.
$overriddentotal += $gradeitemdetail['weight'];
if ($overriddentotal > 1) {
// Make sure that this catergory of weights gets normalised.
$requiresnormalising = true;
// The normalised weights are only the overridden weights, so we just use the total of those.
$normalisetotal = $overriddentotal;
$totalnonoverriddengrademax = $totalgrademax - $totaloverriddengrademax;
// This setting indicates if we should use algorithm prior to MDL-49257 fix for calculating extra credit weights.
// Even though old algorith has bugs in it, we need to preserve existing grades.
$gradebookcalculationfreeze = (int)get_config('core', 'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $this->courseid);
$oldextracreditcalculation = $gradebookcalculationfreeze && ($gradebookcalculationfreeze <= 20150619);
foreach ($children as $sortorder => $child) {
$gradeitem = null;
if ($child['type'] == 'item') {
$gradeitem = $child['object'];
} else if ($child['type'] == 'category') {
$gradeitem = $child['object']->load_grade_item();
if ($gradeitem->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_NONE || $gradeitem->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_TEXT) {
// Text items and none items do not have a weight, no need to set their weight to
// zero as they must never be used during aggregation.
} else if (!$this->aggregateoutcomes && $gradeitem->is_outcome_item()) {
// We will not aggregate outcome items, so we can ignore updating their weights.
} else if (empty($CFG->grade_includescalesinaggregation) && $gradeitem->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_SCALE) {
// We will not aggregate the scales, so we can ignore upating their weights.
} else if (!$oldextracreditcalculation && $gradeitem->aggregationcoef > 0 && $gradeitem->weightoverride) {
// For an item with extra credit ignore other weigths and overrides but do not change anything at all
// if it's weight was already overridden.
// Store the previous value here, no need to update if it is the same value.
$prevaggregationcoef2 = $gradeitem->aggregationcoef2;
if (!$oldextracreditcalculation && $gradeitem->aggregationcoef > 0 && !$gradeitem->weightoverride) {
// For an item with extra credit ignore other weigths and overrides.
$gradeitem->aggregationcoef2 = $totalgrademax ? ($gradeitem->grademax / $totalgrademax) : 0;
} else if (!$gradeitem->weightoverride) {
// Calculations with a grade maximum of zero will cause problems. Just set the weight to zero.
if ($totaloverriddenweight >= 1 || $totalnonoverriddengrademax == 0 || $gradeitem->grademax == 0) {
// There is no more weight to distribute.
$gradeitem->aggregationcoef2 = 0;
} else {
// Calculate this item's weight as a percentage of the non-overridden total grade maxes
// then convert it to a proportion of the available non-overriden weight.
$gradeitem->aggregationcoef2 = ($gradeitem->grademax/$totalnonoverriddengrademax) *
(1 - $totaloverriddenweight);
} else if ((!$automaticgradeitemspresent && $normalisetotal != 1) || ($requiresnormalising)
|| $overridearray[$gradeitem->id]['weight'] < 0) {
// Just divide the overriden weight for this item against the total weight override of all
// items in this category.
if ($normalisetotal == 0 || $overridearray[$gradeitem->id]['weight'] < 0) {
// If the normalised total equals zero, or the weight value is less than zero,
// set the weight for the grade item to zero.
$gradeitem->aggregationcoef2 = 0;
} else {
$gradeitem->aggregationcoef2 = $overridearray[$gradeitem->id]['weight'] / $normalisetotal;
if (grade_floatval($prevaggregationcoef2) !== grade_floatval($gradeitem->aggregationcoef2)) {
// Update the grade item to reflect these changes.
* Given an array of grade values (numerical indices) applies droplow or keephigh rules to limit the final array.
* @param array $grade_values itemid=>$grade_value float
* @param array $items grade item objects
* @return array Limited grades.
public function apply_limit_rules(&$grade_values, $items) {
$extraused = $this->is_extracredit_used();
if (!empty($this->droplow)) {
asort($grade_values, SORT_NUMERIC);
$dropped = 0;
// If we have fewer grade items available to drop than $this->droplow, use this flag to escape the loop
// May occur because of "extra credit" or if droplow is higher than the number of grade items
$droppedsomething = true;
while ($dropped < $this->droplow && $droppedsomething) {
$droppedsomething = false;
$grade_keys = array_keys($grade_values);
$gradekeycount = count($grade_keys);
if ($gradekeycount === 0) {
//We've dropped all grade items
$originalindex = $founditemid = $foundmax = null;
// Find the first remaining grade item that is available to be dropped
foreach ($grade_keys as $gradekeyindex=>$gradekey) {
if (!$extraused || $items[$gradekey]->aggregationcoef <= 0) {
// Found a non-extra credit grade item that is eligible to be dropped
$originalindex = $gradekeyindex;
$founditemid = $grade_keys[$originalindex];
$foundmax = $items[$founditemid]->grademax;
if (empty($founditemid)) {
// No grade items available to drop
// Now iterate over the remaining grade items
// We're looking for other grade items with the same grade value but a higher grademax
$i = 1;
while ($originalindex + $i < $gradekeycount) {
$possibleitemid = $grade_keys[$originalindex+$i];
if ($grade_values[$founditemid] != $grade_values[$possibleitemid]) {
// The next grade item has a different grade value. Stop looking.
if ($extraused && $items[$possibleitemid]->aggregationcoef > 0) {
// Don't drop extra credit grade items. Continue the search.
if ($foundmax < $items[$possibleitemid]->grademax) {
// Found a grade item with the same grade value and a higher grademax
$foundmax = $items[$possibleitemid]->grademax;
$founditemid = $possibleitemid;
// Continue searching to see if there is an even higher grademax
// Now drop whatever grade item we have found
$droppedsomething = true;
} else if (!empty($this->keephigh)) {
arsort($grade_values, SORT_NUMERIC);
$kept = 0;
foreach ($grade_values as $itemid=>$value) {
if ($extraused and $items[$itemid]->aggregationcoef > 0) {
// we keep all extra credits
} else if ($kept < $this->keephigh) {
} else {
* Returns whether or not we can apply the limit rules.
* There are cases where drop lowest or keep highest should not be used
* at all. This method will determine whether or not this logic can be
* applied considering the current setup of the category.
* @return bool
public function can_apply_limit_rules() {
if ($this->canapplylimitrules !== null) {
return $this->canapplylimitrules;
// Set it to be supported by default.
$this->canapplylimitrules = true;
// Natural aggregation.
if ($this->aggregation == GRADE_AGGREGATE_SUM) {
$canapply = true;
// Check until one child breaks the rules.
$gradeitems = $this->get_children();
$validitems = 0;
$lastweight = null;
$lastmaxgrade = null;
foreach ($gradeitems as $gradeitem) {
$gi = $gradeitem['object'];
if ($gradeitem['type'] == 'category') {
// Sub categories are not allowed because they can have dynamic weights/maxgrades.
$canapply = false;
if ($gi->aggregationcoef > 0) {
// Extra credit items are not allowed.
$canapply = false;
if ($lastweight !== null && $lastweight != $gi->aggregationcoef2) {
// One of the weight differs from another item.
$canapply = false;
if ($lastmaxgrade !== null && $lastmaxgrade != $gi->grademax) {
// One of the max grade differ from another item. This is not allowed for now
// because we could be end up with different max grade between users for this category.
$canapply = false;
$lastweight = $gi->aggregationcoef2;
$lastmaxgrade = $gi->grademax;
$this->canapplylimitrules = $canapply;
return $this->canapplylimitrules;
* Returns true if category uses extra credit of any kind
* @return bool True if extra credit used
public function is_extracredit_used() {
return self::aggregation_uses_extracredit($this->aggregation);
* Returns true if aggregation passed is using extracredit.
* @param int $aggregation Aggregation const.
* @return bool True if extra credit used
public static function aggregation_uses_extracredit($aggregation) {
return ($aggregation == GRADE_AGGREGATE_WEIGHTED_MEAN2
or $aggregation == GRADE_AGGREGATE_SUM);
* Returns true if category uses special aggregation coefficient
* @return bool True if an aggregation coefficient is being used
public function is_aggregationcoef_used() {
return self::aggregation_uses_aggregationcoef($this->aggregation);
* Returns true if aggregation uses aggregationcoef
* @param int $aggregation Aggregation const.
* @return bool True if an aggregation coefficient is being used
public static function aggregation_uses_aggregationcoef($aggregation) {
return ($aggregation == GRADE_AGGREGATE_WEIGHTED_MEAN
or $aggregation == GRADE_AGGREGATE_SUM);
* Recursive function to find which weight/extra credit field to use in the grade item form.
* @param string $first Whether or not this is the first item in the recursion
* @return string
public function get_coefstring($first=true) {
if (!is_null($this->coefstring)) {
return $this->coefstring;
$overriding_coefstring = null;
// Stop recursing upwards if this category has no parent
if (!$first) {
if ($parent_category = $this->load_parent_category()) {
return $parent_category->get_coefstring(false);
} else {
return null;
} else if ($first) {
if ($parent_category = $this->load_parent_category()) {
$overriding_coefstring = $parent_category->get_coefstring(false);
// If an overriding coefstring has trickled down from one of the parent categories, return it. Otherwise, return self.
if (!is_null($overriding_coefstring)) {
return $overriding_coefstring;
// No parent category is overriding this category's aggregation, return its string
if ($this->aggregation == GRADE_AGGREGATE_WEIGHTED_MEAN) {
$this->coefstring = 'aggregationcoefweight';
} else if ($this->aggregation == GRADE_AGGREGATE_WEIGHTED_MEAN2) {
$this->coefstring = 'aggregationcoefextrasum';
} else if ($this->aggregation == GRADE_AGGREGATE_EXTRACREDIT_MEAN) {
$this->coefstring = 'aggregationcoefextraweight';
} else if ($this->aggregation == GRADE_AGGREGATE_SUM) {
$this->coefstring = 'aggregationcoefextraweightsum';
} else {
$this->coefstring = 'aggregationcoef';
return $this->coefstring;
* Returns tree with all grade_items and categories as elements
* @param int $courseid The course ID
* @param bool $include_category_items as category children
* @return array
public static function fetch_course_tree($courseid, $include_category_items=false) {
$course_category = grade_category::fetch_course_category($courseid);
$category_array = array('object'=>$course_category, 'type'=>'category', 'depth'=>1,
$course_category->sortorder = $course_category->get_sortorder();
$sortorder = $course_category->get_sortorder();
return grade_category::_fetch_course_tree_recursion($category_array, $sortorder);
* An internal function that recursively sorts grade categories within a course
* @param array $category_array The seed of the recursion
* @param int $sortorder The current sortorder
* @return array An array containing 'object', 'type', 'depth' and optionally 'children'
static private function _fetch_course_tree_recursion($category_array, &$sortorder) {
if (isset($category_array['object']->gradetype) && $category_array['object']->gradetype==GRADE_TYPE_NONE) {
return null;
// store the grade_item or grade_category instance with extra info
$result = array('object'=>$category_array['object'], 'type'=>$category_array['type'], 'depth'=>$category_array['depth']);
// reuse final grades if there
if (array_key_exists('finalgrades', $category_array)) {
$result['finalgrades'] = $category_array['finalgrades'];
// recursively resort children
if (!empty($category_array['children'])) {
$result['children'] = array();
//process the category item first
$child = null;
foreach ($category_array['children'] as $oldorder=>$child_array) {
if ($child_array['type'] == 'courseitem' or $child_array['type'] == 'categoryitem') {
$child = grade_category::_fetch_course_tree_recursion($child_array, $sortorder);
if (!empty($child)) {
$result['children'][$sortorder] = $child;
foreach ($category_array['children'] as $oldorder=>$child_array) {
if ($child_array['type'] != 'courseitem' and $child_array['type'] != 'categoryitem') {
$child = grade_category::_fetch_course_tree_recursion($child_array, $sortorder);
if (!empty($child)) {
$result['children'][++$sortorder] = $child;
return $result;
* Fetches and returns all the children categories and/or grade_items belonging to this category.
* By default only returns the immediate children (depth=1), but deeper levels can be requested,
* as well as all levels (0). The elements are indexed by sort order.
* @param bool $include_category_items Whether or not to include category grade_items in the children array
* @return array Array of child objects (grade_category and grade_item).
public function get_children($include_category_items=false) {
global $DB;
// This function must be as fast as possible ;-)
// fetch all course grade items and categories into memory - we do not expect hundreds of these in course
// we have to limit the number of queries though, because it will be used often in grade reports
$cats = $DB->get_records('grade_categories', array('courseid' => $this->courseid));
$items = $DB->get_records('grade_items', array('courseid' => $this->courseid));
// init children array first
foreach ($cats as $catid=>$cat) {
$cats[$catid]->children = array();
//first attach items to cats and add category sortorder
foreach ($items as $item) {
if ($item->itemtype == 'course' or $item->itemtype == 'category') {
$cats[$item->iteminstance]->sortorder = $item->sortorder;
if (!$include_category_items) {
$categoryid = $item->iteminstance;
} else {
$categoryid = $item->categoryid;
if (empty($categoryid)) {
debugging('Found a grade item that isnt in a category');
// prevent problems with duplicate sortorders in db
$sortorder = $item->sortorder;
while (array_key_exists($categoryid, $cats)
&& array_key_exists($sortorder, $cats[$categoryid]->children)) {
$cats[$categoryid]->children[$sortorder] = $item;
// now find the requested category and connect categories as children
$category = false;
foreach ($cats as $catid=>$cat) {
if (empty($cat->parent)) {
if ($cat->path !== '/'.$cat->id.'/') {
$grade_category = new grade_category($cat, false);
$grade_category->path = '/'.$cat->id.'/';
$grade_category->depth = 1;
return $this->get_children($include_category_items);
} else {
if (empty($cat->path) or !preg_match('|/'.$cat->parent.'/'.$cat->id.'/$|', $cat->path)) {
//fix paths and depts
static $recursioncounter = 0; // prevents infinite recursion
if ($recursioncounter < 5) {
// fix paths and depths!
$grade_category = new grade_category($cat, false);
$grade_category->depth = 0;
$grade_category->path = null;
return $this->get_children($include_category_items);
// prevent problems with duplicate sortorders in db
$sortorder = $cat->sortorder;
while (array_key_exists($sortorder, $cats[$cat->parent]->children)) {
//debugging("$sortorder exists in cat loop");
$cats[$cat->parent]->children[$sortorder] = &$cats[$catid];
if ($catid == $this->id) {
$category = &$cats[$catid];
unset($items); // not needed
unset($cats); // not needed
$children_array = array();
if (is_object($category)) {
$children_array = grade_category::_get_children_recursion($category);
return $children_array;
* Private method used to retrieve all children of this category recursively
* @param grade_category $category Source of current recursion
* @return array An array of child grade categories
private static function _get_children_recursion($category) {
$children_array = array();
foreach ($category->children as $sortorder=>$child) {
if (property_exists($child, 'itemtype')) {
$grade_item = new grade_item($child, false);
if (in_array($grade_item->itemtype, array('course', 'category'))) {
$type = $grade_item->itemtype.'item';
$depth = $category->depth;
} else {
$type = 'item';
$depth = $category->depth; // we use this to set the same colour
$children_array[$sortorder] = array('object'=>$grade_item, 'type'=>$type, 'depth'=>$depth);
} else {
$children = grade_category::_get_children_recursion($child);
$grade_category = new grade_category($child, false);
if (empty($children)) {
$children = array();
$children_array[$sortorder] = array('object'=>$grade_category, 'type'=>'category', 'depth'=>$grade_category->depth, 'children'=>$children);
// sort the array
return $children_array;
* Uses {@link get_grade_item()} to load or create a grade_item, then saves it as $this->grade_item.
* @return grade_item
public function load_grade_item() {
if (empty($this->grade_item)) {
$this->grade_item = $this->get_grade_item();
return $this->grade_item;
* Retrieves this grade categories' associated grade_item from the database
* If no grade_item exists yet, creates one.
* @return grade_item
public function get_grade_item() {
if (empty($this->id)) {
debugging("Attempt to obtain a grade_category's associated grade_item without the category's ID being set.");
return false;
if (empty($this->parent)) {
$params = array('courseid'=>$this->courseid, 'itemtype'=>'course', 'iteminstance'=>$this->id);
} else {
$params = array('courseid'=>$this->courseid, 'itemtype'=>'category', 'iteminstance'=>$this->id);
if (!$grade_items = grade_item::fetch_all($params)) {
// create a new one
$grade_item = new grade_item($params, false);
$grade_item->gradetype = GRADE_TYPE_VALUE;
} else if (count($grade_items) == 1) {
// found existing one
$grade_item = reset($grade_items);
} else {
debugging("Found more than one grade_item attached to category id:".$this->id);
// return first one
$grade_item = reset($grade_items);
return $grade_item;
* Uses $this->parent to instantiate $this->parent_category based on the referenced record in the DB
* @return grade_category The parent category
public function load_parent_category() {
if (empty($this->parent_category) && !empty($this->parent)) {
$this->parent_category = $this->get_parent_category();
return $this->parent_category;
* Uses $this->parent to instantiate and return a grade_category object
* @return grade_category Returns the parent category or null if this category has no parent
public function get_parent_category() {
if (!empty($this->parent)) {
$parent_category = new grade_category(array('id' => $this->parent));
return $parent_category;
} else {
return null;
* Returns the most descriptive field for this grade category
* @return string name
* @param bool $escape Whether the returned category name is to be HTML escaped or not.
public function get_name($escape = true) {
global $DB;
// For a course category, we return the course name if the fullname is set to '?' in the DB (empty in the category edit form)
if (empty($this->parent) && $this->fullname == '?') {
$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id'=> $this->courseid));
return format_string($course->fullname, false, ['context' => context_course::instance($this->courseid),
'escape' => $escape]);
} else {
// Grade categories can't be set up at system context (unlike scales and outcomes)
// We therefore must have a courseid, and don't need to handle system contexts when filtering.
return format_string($this->fullname, false, ['context' => context_course::instance($this->courseid),
'escape' => $escape]);
* Describe the aggregation settings for this category so the reports make more sense.
* @return string description
public function get_description() {
$allhelp = array();
if ($this->aggregation != GRADE_AGGREGATE_SUM) {
$aggrstrings = grade_helper::get_aggregation_strings();
$allhelp[] = $aggrstrings[$this->aggregation];
if ($this->droplow && $this->can_apply_limit_rules()) {
$allhelp[] = get_string('droplowestvalues', 'grades', $this->droplow);
if ($this->keephigh && $this->can_apply_limit_rules()) {
$allhelp[] = get_string('keephighestvalues', 'grades', $this->keephigh);
if (!$this->aggregateonlygraded) {
$allhelp[] = get_string('aggregatenotonlygraded', 'grades');
if ($allhelp) {
return implode('. ', $allhelp) . '.';
return '';
* Sets this category's parent id
* @param int $parentid The ID of the category that is the new parent to $this
* @param string $source From where was the object updated (mod/forum, manual, etc.)
* @return bool success
public function set_parent($parentid, $source=null) {
if ($this->parent == $parentid) {
return true;
if ($parentid == $this->id) {
throw new \moodle_exception('cannotassignselfasparent');
if (empty($this->parent) and $this->is_course_category()) {
throw new \moodle_exception('cannothaveparentcate');
// find parent and check course id
if (!$parent_category = grade_category::fetch(array('id'=>$parentid, 'courseid'=>$this->courseid))) {
return false;
// set new parent category
$this->parent = $parent_category->id;
$this->parent_category =& $parent_category;
$this->path = null; // remove old path and depth - will be recalculated in update()
$this->depth = 0; // remove old path and depth - will be recalculated in update()
return $this->update($source);
* Returns the final grade values for this grade category.
* @param int $userid Optional user ID to retrieve a single user's final grade
* @return mixed An array of all final_grades (stdClass objects) for this grade_item, or a single final_grade.
public function get_final($userid=null) {
return $this->grade_item->get_final($userid);
* Returns the sortorder of the grade categories' associated grade_item
* This method is also available in grade_item for cases where the object type is not known.
* @return int Sort order
public function get_sortorder() {
return $this->grade_item->get_sortorder();
* Returns the idnumber of the grade categories' associated grade_item.
* This method is also available in grade_item for cases where the object type is not known.
* @return string idnumber
public function get_idnumber() {
return $this->grade_item->get_idnumber();
* Sets the sortorder variable for this category.
* This method is also available in grade_item, for cases where the object type is not know.
* @param int $sortorder The sortorder to assign to this category
public function set_sortorder($sortorder) {
* Move this category after the given sortorder
* Does not change the parent
* @param int $sortorder to place after.
* @return void
public function move_after_sortorder($sortorder) {
* Return true if this is the top most category that represents the total course grade.
* @return bool
public function is_course_category() {
return $this->grade_item->is_course_item();
* Return the course level grade_category object
* @param int $courseid The Course ID
* @return grade_category Returns the course level grade_category instance
public static function fetch_course_category($courseid) {
if (empty($courseid)) {
debugging('Missing course id!');
return false;
// course category has no parent
if ($course_category = grade_category::fetch(array('courseid'=>$courseid, 'parent'=>null))) {
return $course_category;
// create a new one
$course_category = new grade_category();
return $course_category;
* Is grading object editable?
* @return bool
public function is_editable() {
return true;
* Returns the locked state/date of the grade categories' associated grade_item.
* This method is also available in grade_item, for cases where the object type is not known.
* @return bool
public function is_locked() {
return $this->grade_item->is_locked();
* Sets the grade_item's locked variable and updates the grade_item.
* Calls set_locked() on the categories' grade_item
* @param int $lockedstate 0, 1 or a timestamp int(10) after which date the item will be locked.
* @param bool $cascade lock/unlock child objects too
* @param bool $refresh refresh grades when unlocking
* @return bool success if category locked (not all children mayb be locked though)
public function set_locked($lockedstate, $cascade=false, $refresh=true) {
$result = $this->grade_item->set_locked($lockedstate, $cascade, true);
if ($cascade) {
//process all children - items and categories
if ($children = grade_item::fetch_all(array('categoryid'=>$this->id))) {
foreach ($children as $child) {
$child->set_locked($lockedstate, true, false);
if (empty($lockedstate) and $refresh) {
//refresh when unlocking
if ($children = grade_category::fetch_all(array('parent'=>$this->id))) {
foreach ($children as $child) {
$child->set_locked($lockedstate, true, true);
return $result;
* Overrides grade_object::set_properties() to add special handling for changes to category aggregation types
* @param stdClass $instance the object to set the properties on
* @param array|stdClass $params Either an associative array or an object containing property name, property value pairs
public static function set_properties(&$instance, $params) {
global $DB;
$fromaggregation = $instance->aggregation;
parent::set_properties($instance, $params);
// The aggregation method is changing and this category has already been saved.
if (isset($params->aggregation) && !empty($instance->id)) {
$achildwasdupdated = false;
// Get all its children.
$children = $instance->get_children();
foreach ($children as $child) {
$item = $child['object'];
if ($child['type'] == 'category') {
$item = $item->load_grade_item();
// Set the new aggregation fields.
if ($item->set_aggregation_fields_for_aggregation($fromaggregation, $params->aggregation)) {
$achildwasdupdated = true;
// If this is the course category, it is possible that its grade item was set as needsupdate
// by one of its children. If we keep a reference to that stale object we might cause the
// needsupdate flag to be lost. It's safer to just reload the grade_item from the database.
if ($achildwasdupdated && !empty($instance->grade_item) && $instance->is_course_category()) {
$instance->grade_item = null;
* Sets the grade_item's hidden variable and updates the grade_item.
* Overrides grade_item::set_hidden() to add cascading of the hidden value to grade items in this grade category
* @param int $hidden 0 mean always visible, 1 means always hidden and a number > 1 is a timestamp to hide until
* @param bool $cascade apply to child objects too
public function set_hidden($hidden, $cascade=false) {
//this hides the category itself and everything it contains
parent::set_hidden($hidden, $cascade);
if ($cascade) {
// This hides the associated grade item (the course/category total).
$this->grade_item->set_hidden($hidden, $cascade);
if ($children = grade_item::fetch_all(array('categoryid'=>$this->id))) {
foreach ($children as $child) {
if ($child->can_control_visibility()) {
$child->set_hidden($hidden, $cascade);
if ($children = grade_category::fetch_all(array('parent'=>$this->id))) {
foreach ($children as $child) {
$child->set_hidden($hidden, $cascade);
//if marking category visible make sure parent category is visible MDL-21367
if( !$hidden ) {
$category_array = grade_category::fetch_all(array('id'=>$this->parent));
if ($category_array && array_key_exists($this->parent, $category_array)) {
$category = $category_array[$this->parent];
//call set_hidden on the category regardless of whether it is hidden as its parent might be hidden
$category->set_hidden($hidden, false);
* Applies default settings on this category
* @return bool True if anything changed
public function apply_default_settings() {
global $CFG;
foreach ($this->forceable as $property) {
if (isset($CFG->{"grade_$property"})) {
if ($CFG->{"grade_$property"} == -1) {
continue; //temporary bc before version bump
$this->$property = $CFG->{"grade_$property"};
* Applies forced settings on this category
* @return bool True if anything changed
public function apply_forced_settings() {
global $CFG;
$updated = false;
foreach ($this->forceable as $property) {
if (isset($CFG->{"grade_$property"}) and isset($CFG->{"grade_{$property}_flag"}) and
((int) $CFG->{"grade_{$property}_flag"} & 1)) {
if ($CFG->{"grade_$property"} == -1) {
continue; //temporary bc before version bump
$this->$property = $CFG->{"grade_$property"};
$updated = true;
return $updated;
* Notification of change in forced category settings.
* Causes all course and category grade items to be marked as needing to be updated
public static function updated_forced_settings() {
global $CFG, $DB;
$params = array(1, 'course', 'category');
$sql = "UPDATE {grade_items} SET needsupdate=? WHERE itemtype=? or itemtype=?";
$DB->execute($sql, $params);
* Determine the default aggregation values for a given aggregation method.
* @param int $aggregationmethod The aggregation method constant value.
* @return array Containing the keys 'aggregationcoef', 'aggregationcoef2' and 'weightoverride'.
public static function get_default_aggregation_coefficient_values($aggregationmethod) {
$defaultcoefficients = array(
'aggregationcoef' => 0,
'aggregationcoef2' => 0,
'weightoverride' => 0
switch ($aggregationmethod) {
$defaultcoefficients['aggregationcoef'] = 1;
$defaultcoefficients['aggregationcoef2'] = 1;
return $defaultcoefficients;
* Cleans the cache.
* We invalidate them all so it can be completely reloaded.
* Being conservative here, if there is a new grade_category we purge them, the important part
* is that this is not purged when there are no changes in grade_categories.
* @param bool $deleted
* @return void
protected function notify_changed($deleted) {
* Generates a unique key per query.
* Not unique between grade_object children. self::retrieve_record_set and self::set_record_set will be in charge of
* selecting the appropriate cache.
* @param array $params An array of conditions like $fieldname => $fieldvalue
* @return string
protected static function generate_record_set_key($params) {
return sha1(json_encode($params));
* Tries to retrieve a record set from the cache.
* @param array $params The query params
* @return grade_object[]|bool An array of grade_objects or false if not found.
protected static function retrieve_record_set($params) {
$cache = cache::make('core', 'grade_categories');
return $cache->get(self::generate_record_set_key($params));
* Sets a result to the records cache, even if there were no results.
* @param string $params The query params
* @param grade_object[]|bool $records An array of grade_objects or false if there are no records matching the $key filters
* @return void
protected static function set_record_set($params, $records) {
$cache = cache::make('core', 'grade_categories');
return $cache->set(self::generate_record_set_key($params), $records);
* Cleans the cache.
* Aggressive deletion to be conservative given the gradebook design.
* The key is based on the requested params, not easy nor worth to purge selectively.
* @return void
public static function clean_record_set() {