mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 18:59:55 +01:00
Labels with a descender (e.g. May) appeared lower than ones without (e.g. Jun). Text is drawn baseline aligned, not bottom aligned,and so the code was computing the position wrongly.
1772 lines
82 KiB
1772 lines
82 KiB
* Graph Class. PHP Class to draw line, point, bar, and area graphs, including numeric x-axis and double y-axis.
* Version: 1.6.3
* Copyright (C) 2000 Herman Veluwenkamp
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* Copy of GNU Lesser General Public License at: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt
* Contact author at: hermanV@mindless.com
* @package moodlecore
/* This file contains modifications by Martin Dougiamas
* as part of Moodle (http://moodle.com). Modified lines
* are marked with "Moodle".
* @package moodlecore
class graph {
var $image;
var $debug = FALSE; // be careful!!
var $calculated = array(); // array of computed values for chart
var $parameter = array( // input parameters
'width' => 320, // default width of image
'height' => 240, // default height of image
'file_name' => 'none', // name of file for file to be saved as.
// NOTE: no suffix required. this is determined from output_format below.
'output_format' => 'PNG', // image output format. 'GIF', 'PNG', 'JPEG'. default 'PNG'.
'seconds_to_live' => 0, // expiry time in seconds (for HTTP header)
'hours_to_live' => 0, // expiry time in hours (for HTTP header)
'path_to_fonts' => 'fonts/', // path to fonts folder. don't forget *trailing* slash!!
// for WINDOZE this may need to be the full path, not relative.
'title' => 'Graph Title', // text for graph title
'title_font' => 'default.ttf', // title text font. don't forget to set 'path_to_fonts' above.
'title_size' => 16, // title text point size
'title_colour' => 'black', // colour for title text
'x_label' => '', // if this is set then this text is printed on bottom axis of graph.
'y_label_left' => '', // if this is set then this text is printed on left axis of graph.
'y_label_right' => '', // if this is set then this text is printed on right axis of graph.
'label_size' => 8, // label text point size
'label_font' => 'default.ttf', // label text font. don't forget to set 'path_to_fonts' above.
'label_colour' => 'gray33', // label text colour
'y_label_angle' => 90, // rotation of y axis label
'x_label_angle' => 90, // rotation of y axis label
'outer_padding' => 5, // padding around outer text. i.e. title, y label, and x label.
'inner_padding' => 0, // padding beteen axis text and graph.
'x_inner_padding' => 5, // padding beteen axis text and graph.
'y_inner_padding' => 6, // padding beteen axis text and graph.
'outer_border' => 'none', // colour of border aound image, or 'none'.
'inner_border' => 'black', // colour of border around actual graph, or 'none'.
'inner_border_type' => 'box', // 'box' for all four sides, 'axis' for x/y axis only,
// 'y' or 'y-left' for y axis only, 'y-right' for right y axis only,
// 'x' for x axis only, 'u' for both left and right y axis and x axis.
'outer_background' => 'none', // background colour of entire image.
'inner_background' => 'none', // background colour of plot area.
'y_min_left' => 0, // this will be reset to minimum value if there is a value lower than this.
'y_max_left' => 0, // this will be reset to maximum value if there is a value higher than this.
'y_min_right' => 0, // this will be reset to minimum value if there is a value lower than this.
'y_max_right' => 0, // this will be reset to maximum value if there is a value higher than this.
'x_min' => 0, // only used if x axis is numeric.
'x_max' => 0, // only used if x axis is numeric.
'y_resolution_left' => 1, // scaling for rounding of y axis max value.
// if max y value is 8645 then
// if y_resolution is 0, then y_max becomes 9000.
// if y_resolution is 1, then y_max becomes 8700.
// if y_resolution is 2, then y_max becomes 8650.
// if y_resolution is 3, then y_max becomes 8645.
// get it?
'y_decimal_left' => 0, // number of decimal places for y_axis text.
'y_resolution_right' => 2, // ... same for right hand side
'y_decimal_right' => 0, // ... same for right hand side
'x_resolution' => 2, // only used if x axis is numeric.
'x_decimal' => 0, // only used if x axis is numeric.
'point_size' => 4, // default point size. use even number for diamond or triangle to get nice look.
'brush_size' => 4, // default brush size for brush line.
'brush_type' => 'circle', // type of brush to use to draw line. choose from the following
// 'circle', 'square', 'horizontal', 'vertical', 'slash', 'backslash'
'bar_size' => 0.8, // size of bar to draw. <1 bars won't touch
// 1 is full width - i.e. bars will touch.
// >1 means bars will overlap.
'bar_spacing' => 10, // space in pixels between group of bars for each x value.
'shadow_offset' => 3, // draw shadow at this offset, unless overidden by data parameter.
'shadow' => 'grayCC', // 'none' or colour of shadow.
'shadow_below_axis' => true, // whether to draw shadows of bars and areas below the x/zero axis.
'x_axis_gridlines' => 'auto', // if set to a number then x axis is treated as numeric.
'y_axis_gridlines' => 6, // number of gridlines on y axis.
'zero_axis' => 'none', // colour to draw zero-axis, or 'none'.
'axis_font' => 'default.ttf', // axis text font. don't forget to set 'path_to_fonts' above.
'axis_size' => 8, // axis text font size in points
'axis_colour' => 'gray33', // colour of axis text.
'y_axis_angle' => 0, // rotation of axis text.
'x_axis_angle' => 0, // rotation of axis text.
'y_axis_text_left' => 1, // whether to print left hand y axis text. if 0 no text, if 1 all ticks have text,
'x_axis_text' => 1, // if 4 then print every 4th tick and text, etc...
'y_axis_text_right' => 0, // behaviour same as above for right hand y axis.
'x_offset' => 0.5, // x axis tick offset from y axis as fraction of tick spacing.
'y_ticks_colour' => 'black', // colour to draw y ticks, or 'none'
'x_ticks_colour' => 'black', // colour to draw x ticks, or 'none'
'y_grid' => 'line', // grid lines. set to 'line' or 'dash'...
'x_grid' => 'line', // or if set to 'none' print nothing.
'grid_colour' => 'grayEE', // default grid colour.
'tick_length' => 4, // length of ticks in pixels. can be negative. i.e. outside data drawing area.
'legend' => 'none', // default. no legend.
// otherwise: 'top-left', 'top-right', 'bottom-left', 'bottom-right',
// 'outside-top', 'outside-bottom', 'outside-left', or 'outside-right'.
'legend_offset' => 10, // offset in pixels from graph or outside border.
'legend_padding' => 5, // padding around legend text.
'legend_font' => 'default.ttf', // legend text font. don't forget to set 'path_to_fonts' above.
'legend_size' => 8, // legend text point size.
'legend_colour' => 'black', // legend text colour.
'legend_border' => 'none', // legend border colour, or 'none'.
'decimal_point' => '.', // symbol for decimal separation '.' or ',' *european support.
'thousand_sep' => ',', // symbol for thousand separation ',' or ''
var $y_tick_labels = null; // array of text values for y-axis tick labels
var $offset_relation = null; // array of offsets for different sets of data
// init all text - title, labels, and axis text.
function init() {
/// Moodle mods: overrides the font path and encodings
global $CFG;
/// A default.ttf is searched for in this order:
/// dataroot/lang/xx_local/fonts
/// dataroot/lang/xx/fonts
/// dirroot/lang/xx/fonts
/// dataroot/lang
/// lib/
$currlang = current_language();
if (file_exists("$CFG->dataroot/lang/".$currlang."_local/fonts/default.ttf")) {
$fontpath = "$CFG->dataroot/lang/".$currlang."_local/fonts/";
} else if (file_exists("$CFG->dataroot/lang/$currlang/fonts/default.ttf")) {
$fontpath = "$CFG->dataroot/lang/$currlang/fonts/";
} else if (file_exists("$CFG->dirroot/lang/$currlang/fonts/default.ttf")) {
$fontpath = "$CFG->dirroot/lang/$currlang/fonts/";
} else if (file_exists("$CFG->dataroot/lang/default.ttf")) {
$fontpath = "$CFG->dataroot/lang/";
} else {
$fontpath = "$CFG->libdir/";
$this->parameter['path_to_fonts'] = $fontpath;
/// End Moodle mods
$this->calculated['outer_border'] = $this->calculated['boundary_box'];
// outer padding
$this->calculated['boundary_box']['left'] += $this->parameter['outer_padding'];
$this->calculated['boundary_box']['top'] += $this->parameter['outer_padding'];
$this->calculated['boundary_box']['right'] -= $this->parameter['outer_padding'];
$this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'] -= $this->parameter['outer_padding'];
// take into account tick lengths
$this->calculated['bottom_inner_padding'] = $this->parameter['x_inner_padding'];
if (($this->parameter['x_ticks_colour'] != 'none') && ($this->parameter['tick_length'] < 0))
$this->calculated['bottom_inner_padding'] -= $this->parameter['tick_length'];
$this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'] -= $this->calculated['bottom_inner_padding'];
$this->calculated['left_inner_padding'] = $this->parameter['y_inner_padding'];
if ($this->parameter['y_axis_text_left']) {
if (($this->parameter['y_ticks_colour'] != 'none') && ($this->parameter['tick_length'] < 0))
$this->calculated['left_inner_padding'] -= $this->parameter['tick_length'];
$this->calculated['boundary_box']['left'] += $this->calculated['left_inner_padding'];
$this->calculated['right_inner_padding'] = $this->parameter['y_inner_padding'];
if ($this->parameter['y_axis_text_right']) {
if (($this->parameter['y_ticks_colour'] != 'none') && ($this->parameter['tick_length'] < 0))
$this->calculated['right_inner_padding'] -= $this->parameter['tick_length'];
$this->calculated['boundary_box']['right'] -= $this->calculated['right_inner_padding'];
// boundaryBox now has coords for plotting area.
$this->calculated['inner_border'] = $this->calculated['boundary_box'];
function draw_text() {
$colour = $this->parameter['outer_background'];
if ($colour != 'none') $this->draw_rectangle($this->calculated['outer_border'], $colour, 'fill'); // graph background
// draw border around image
$colour = $this->parameter['outer_border'];
if ($colour != 'none') $this->draw_rectangle($this->calculated['outer_border'], $colour, 'box'); // graph border
if ($this->calculated['y_axis_left']['has_data']) $this->draw_zero_axis_left(); // either draw zero axis on left
else if ($this->calculated['y_axis_right']['has_data']) $this->draw_zero_axis_right(); // ... or right.
// draw border around plot area
$colour = $this->parameter['inner_background'];
if ($colour != 'none') $this->draw_rectangle($this->calculated['inner_border'], $colour, 'fill'); // graph background
// draw border around image
$colour = $this->parameter['inner_border'];
if ($colour != 'none') $this->draw_rectangle($this->calculated['inner_border'], $colour, $this->parameter['inner_border_type']); // graph border
function draw_stack() {
$yOrder = $this->y_order; // save y_order data.
// iterate over each data set. order is very important if you want to see data correctly. remember shadows!!
foreach ($yOrder as $set) {
$this->y_order = array($set);
$this->y_order = $yOrder; // revert y_order data.
function draw() {
// draw a data set
function draw_set($order, $set, $offset) {
if ($offset) @$this->init_variable($colour, $this->y_format[$set]['shadow'], $this->parameter['shadow']);
else $colour = $this->y_format[$set]['colour'];
@$this->init_variable($point, $this->y_format[$set]['point'], 'none');
@$this->init_variable($pointSize, $this->y_format[$set]['point_size'], $this->parameter['point_size']);
@$this->init_variable($line, $this->y_format[$set]['line'], 'none');
@$this->init_variable($brushType, $this->y_format[$set]['brush_type'], $this->parameter['brush_type']);
@$this->init_variable($brushSize, $this->y_format[$set]['brush_size'], $this->parameter['brush_size']);
@$this->init_variable($bar, $this->y_format[$set]['bar'], 'none');
@$this->init_variable($barSize, $this->y_format[$set]['bar_size'], $this->parameter['bar_size']);
@$this->init_variable($area, $this->y_format[$set]['area'], 'none');
$lastX = 0;
$lastY = 'none';
$fromX = 0;
$fromY = 'none';
//print "set $set<br />";
foreach ($this->x_data as $index => $x) {
//print "index $index<br />";
$thisY = $this->calculated['y_plot'][$set][$index];
$thisX = $this->calculated['x_plot'][$index];
//print "$thisX, $thisY <br />";
if (($bar!='none') && (string)$thisY != 'none') {
if ($relatedset = $this->offset_relation[$set]) { // Moodle
$yoffset = $this->calculated['y_plot'][$relatedset][$index]; // Moodle
} else { // Moodle
$yoffset = 0; // Moodle
} // Moodle
//$this->bar($thisX, $thisY, $bar, $barSize, $colour, $offset, $set); // Moodle
$this->bar($thisX, $thisY, $bar, $barSize, $colour, $offset, $set, $yoffset); // Moodle
if (($area!='none') && (((string)$lastY != 'none') && ((string)$thisY != 'none')))
$this->area($lastX, $lastY, $thisX, $thisY, $area, $colour, $offset);
if (($point!='none') && (string)$thisY != 'none') $this->plot($thisX, $thisY, $point, $pointSize, $colour, $offset);
if (($line!='none') && ((string)$thisY != 'none')) {
if ((string)$fromY != 'none')
$this->line($fromX, $fromY, $thisX, $thisY, $line, $brushType, $brushSize, $colour, $offset);
$fromY = $thisY; // start next line from here
$fromX = $thisX; // ...
} else {
$fromY = 'none';
$fromX = 'none';
$lastX = $thisX;
$lastY = $thisY;
function draw_data() {
// cycle thru y data to be plotted
// first check for drop shadows...
foreach ($this->y_order as $order => $set) {
@$this->init_variable($offset, $this->y_format[$set]['shadow_offset'], $this->parameter['shadow_offset']);
@$this->init_variable($colour, $this->y_format[$set]['shadow'], $this->parameter['shadow']);
if ($colour != 'none') $this->draw_set($order, $set, $offset);
// then draw data
foreach ($this->y_order as $order => $set) {
$this->draw_set($order, $set, 0);
function draw_legend() {
$position = $this->parameter['legend'];
if ($position == 'none') return; // abort if no border
$borderColour = $this->parameter['legend_border'];
$offset = $this->parameter['legend_offset'];
$padding = $this->parameter['legend_padding'];
$height = $this->calculated['legend']['boundary_box_all']['height'];
$width = $this->calculated['legend']['boundary_box_all']['width'];
$graphTop = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['top'];
$graphBottom = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'];
$graphLeft = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['left'];
$graphRight = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['right'];
$outsideRight = $this->calculated['outer_border']['right'];
$outsideBottom = $this->calculated['outer_border']['bottom'];
switch ($position) {
case 'top-left':
$top = $graphTop + $offset;
$bottom = $graphTop + $height + $offset;
$left = $graphLeft + $offset;
$right = $graphLeft + $width + $offset;
case 'top-right':
$top = $graphTop + $offset;
$bottom = $graphTop + $height + $offset;
$left = $graphRight - $width - $offset;
$right = $graphRight - $offset;
case 'bottom-left':
$top = $graphBottom - $height - $offset;
$bottom = $graphBottom - $offset;
$left = $graphLeft + $offset;
$right = $graphLeft + $width + $offset;
case 'bottom-right':
$top = $graphBottom - $height - $offset;
$bottom = $graphBottom - $offset;
$left = $graphRight - $width - $offset;
$right = $graphRight - $offset;
case 'outside-top' :
$top = $graphTop;
$bottom = $graphTop + $height;
$left = $outsideRight - $width - $offset;
$right = $outsideRight - $offset;
case 'outside-bottom' :
$top = $graphBottom - $height;
$bottom = $graphBottom;
$left = $outsideRight - $width - $offset;
$right = $outsideRight - $offset;
case 'outside-left' :
$top = $outsideBottom - $height - $offset;
$bottom = $outsideBottom - $offset;
$left = $graphLeft;
$right = $graphLeft + $width;
case 'outside-right' :
$top = $outsideBottom - $height - $offset;
$bottom = $outsideBottom - $offset;
$left = $graphRight - $width;
$right = $graphRight;
default: // default is top left. no particular reason.
$top = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['top'];
$bottom = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['top'] + $this->calculated['legend']['boundary_box_all']['height'];
$left = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['left'];
$right = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['right'] + $this->calculated['legend']['boundary_box_all']['width'];
// legend border
if($borderColour!='none') $this->draw_rectangle(array('top' => $top,
'left' => $left,
'bottom' => $bottom,
'right' => $right), $this->parameter['legend_border'], 'box');
// legend text
$legendText = array('points' => $this->parameter['legend_size'],
'angle' => 0,
'font' => $this->parameter['legend_font'],
'colour' => $this->parameter['legend_colour']);
$box = $this->calculated['legend']['boundary_box_max']['height']; // use max height for legend square size.
$x = $left + $padding;
$x_text = $x + $box * 2;
$y = $top + $padding;
foreach ($this->y_order as $set) {
$legendText['text'] = $this->calculated['legend']['text'][$set];
if ($legendText['text'] != 'none') {
// if text exists then draw box and text
$boxColour = $this->colour[$this->y_format[$set]['colour']];
// draw box
ImageFilledRectangle($this->image, $x, $y, $x + $box, $y + $box, $boxColour);
// draw text
$coords = array('x' => $x + $box * 2, 'y' => $y, 'reference' => 'top-left');
$legendText['boundary_box'] = $this->calculated['legend']['boundary_box'][$set];
$this->update_boundaryBox($legendText['boundary_box'], $coords);
$y += $padding + $box;
function draw_y_label_right() {
if (!$this->parameter['y_label_right']) return;
$x = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['right'] + $this->parameter['y_inner_padding'];
if ($this->parameter['y_axis_text_right']) $x += $this->calculated['y_axis_right']['boundary_box_max']['width']
+ $this->calculated['right_inner_padding'];
$y = ($this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'] + $this->calculated['boundary_box']['top']) / 2;
$label = $this->calculated['y_label_right'];
$coords = array('x' => $x, 'y' => $y, 'reference' => 'left-center');
$this->update_boundaryBox($label['boundary_box'], $coords);
function draw_y_label_left() {
if (!$this->parameter['y_label_left']) return;
$x = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['left'] - $this->parameter['y_inner_padding'];
if ($this->parameter['y_axis_text_left']) $x -= $this->calculated['y_axis_left']['boundary_box_max']['width']
+ $this->calculated['left_inner_padding'];
$y = ($this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'] + $this->calculated['boundary_box']['top']) / 2;
$label = $this->calculated['y_label_left'];
$coords = array('x' => $x, 'y' => $y, 'reference' => 'right-center');
$this->update_boundaryBox($label['boundary_box'], $coords);
function draw_title() {
if (!$this->parameter['title']) return;
//$y = $this->calculated['outside_border']['top'] + $this->parameter['outer_padding'];
$y = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['top'] - $this->parameter['outer_padding'];
$x = ($this->calculated['boundary_box']['right'] + $this->calculated['boundary_box']['left']) / 2;
$label = $this->calculated['title'];
$coords = array('x' => $x, 'y' => $y, 'reference' => 'bottom-center');
$this->update_boundaryBox($label['boundary_box'], $coords);
function draw_x_label() {
if (!$this->parameter['x_label']) return;
$y = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'] + $this->parameter['x_inner_padding'];
if ($this->parameter['x_axis_text']) $y += $this->calculated['x_axis']['boundary_box_max']['height']
+ $this->calculated['bottom_inner_padding'];
$x = ($this->calculated['boundary_box']['right'] + $this->calculated['boundary_box']['left']) / 2;
$label = $this->calculated['x_label'];
$coords = array('x' => $x, 'y' => $y, 'reference' => 'top-center');
$this->update_boundaryBox($label['boundary_box'], $coords);
function draw_zero_axis_left() {
$colour = $this->parameter['zero_axis'];
if ($colour == 'none') return;
// draw zero axis on left hand side
$this->calculated['zero_axis'] = round($this->calculated['boundary_box']['top'] + ($this->calculated['y_axis_left']['max'] * $this->calculated['y_axis_left']['factor']));
ImageLine($this->image, $this->calculated['boundary_box']['left'], $this->calculated['zero_axis'], $this->calculated['boundary_box']['right'], $this->calculated['zero_axis'], $this->colour[$colour]);
function draw_zero_axis_right() {
$colour = $this->parameter['zero_axis'];
if ($colour == 'none') return;
// draw zero axis on right hand side
$this->calculated['zero_axis'] = round($this->calculated['boundary_box']['top'] + ($this->calculated['y_axis_right']['max'] * $this->calculated['y_axis_right']['factor']));
ImageLine($this->image, $this->calculated['boundary_box']['left'], $this->calculated['zero_axis'], $this->calculated['boundary_box']['right'], $this->calculated['zero_axis'], $this->colour[$colour]);
function draw_x_axis() {
$gridColour = $this->colour[$this->parameter['grid_colour']];
$tickColour = $this->colour[$this->parameter['x_ticks_colour']];
$axis_colour = $this->parameter['axis_colour'];
$xGrid = $this->parameter['x_grid'];
$gridTop = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['top'];
$gridBottom = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'];
if ($this->parameter['tick_length'] >= 0) {
$tickTop = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'] - $this->parameter['tick_length'];
$tickBottom = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'];
$textBottom = $tickBottom + $this->calculated['bottom_inner_padding'];
} else {
$tickTop = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'];
$tickBottom = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'] - $this->parameter['tick_length'];
$textBottom = $tickBottom + $this->calculated['bottom_inner_padding'];
$axis_font = $this->parameter['axis_font'];
$axis_size = $this->parameter['axis_size'];
$axis_angle = $this->parameter['x_axis_angle'];
if ($axis_angle == 0) $reference = 'top-center';
if ($axis_angle > 0) $reference = 'top-right';
if ($axis_angle < 0) $reference = 'top-left';
if ($axis_angle == 90) $reference = 'top-center';
//generic tag information. applies to all axis text.
$axisTag = array('points' => $axis_size, 'angle' => $axis_angle, 'font' => $axis_font, 'colour' => $axis_colour);
foreach ($this->calculated['x_axis']['tick_x'] as $set => $tickX) {
// draw x grid if colour specified
if ($xGrid != 'none') {
switch ($xGrid) {
case 'line':
ImageLine($this->image, round($tickX), round($gridTop), round($tickX), round($gridBottom), $gridColour);
case 'dash':
ImageDashedLine($this->image, round($tickX), round($gridTop), round($tickX), round($gridBottom), $gridColour);
if ($this->parameter['x_axis_text'] && !($set % $this->parameter['x_axis_text'])) { // test if tick should be displayed
// draw tick
if ($tickColour != 'none')
ImageLine($this->image, round($tickX), round($tickTop), round($tickX), round($tickBottom), $tickColour);
// draw axis text
$coords = array('x' => $tickX, 'y' => $textBottom, 'reference' => $reference);
$axisTag['text'] = $this->calculated['x_axis']['text'][$set];
$axisTag['boundary_box'] = $this->calculated['x_axis']['boundary_box'][$set];
$this->update_boundaryBox($axisTag['boundary_box'], $coords);
function draw_y_axis() {
$gridColour = $this->colour[$this->parameter['grid_colour']];
$tickColour = $this->colour[$this->parameter['y_ticks_colour']];
$axis_colour = $this->parameter['axis_colour'];
$yGrid = $this->parameter['y_grid'];
$gridLeft = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['left'];
$gridRight = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['right'];
// axis font information
$axis_font = $this->parameter['axis_font'];
$axis_size = $this->parameter['axis_size'];
$axis_angle = $this->parameter['y_axis_angle'];
$axisTag = array('points' => $axis_size, 'angle' => $axis_angle, 'font' => $axis_font, 'colour' => $axis_colour);
if ($this->calculated['y_axis_left']['has_data']) {
// left and right coords for ticks
if ($this->parameter['tick_length'] >= 0) {
$tickLeft = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['left'];
$tickRight = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['left'] + $this->parameter['tick_length'];
} else {
$tickLeft = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['left'] + $this->parameter['tick_length'];
$tickRight = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['left'];
$textRight = $tickLeft - $this->calculated['left_inner_padding'];
if ($axis_angle == 0) $reference = 'right-center';
if ($axis_angle > 0) $reference = 'right-top';
if ($axis_angle < 0) $reference = 'right-bottom';
if ($axis_angle == 90) $reference = 'right-center';
foreach ($this->calculated['y_axis']['tick_y'] as $set => $tickY) {
// draw y grid if colour specified
if ($yGrid != 'none') {
switch ($yGrid) {
case 'line':
ImageLine($this->image, round($gridLeft), round($tickY), round($gridRight), round($tickY), $gridColour);
case 'dash':
ImageDashedLine($this->image, round($gridLeft), round($tickY), round($gridRight), round($tickY), $gridColour);
// y axis text
if ($this->parameter['y_axis_text_left'] && !($set % $this->parameter['y_axis_text_left'])) { // test if tick should be displayed
// draw tick
if ($tickColour != 'none')
ImageLine($this->image, round($tickLeft), round($tickY), round($tickRight), round($tickY), $tickColour);
// draw axis text...
$coords = array('x' => $textRight, 'y' => $tickY, 'reference' => $reference);
$axisTag['text'] = $this->calculated['y_axis_left']['text'][$set];
$axisTag['boundary_box'] = $this->calculated['y_axis_left']['boundary_box'][$set];
$this->update_boundaryBox($axisTag['boundary_box'], $coords);
if ($this->calculated['y_axis_right']['has_data']) {
// left and right coords for ticks
if ($this->parameter['tick_length'] >= 0) {
$tickLeft = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['right'] - $this->parameter['tick_length'];
$tickRight = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['right'];
} else {
$tickLeft = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['right'];
$tickRight = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['right'] - $this->parameter['tick_length'];
$textLeft = $tickRight+ $this->calculated['left_inner_padding'];
if ($axis_angle == 0) $reference = 'left-center';
if ($axis_angle > 0) $reference = 'left-bottom';
if ($axis_angle < 0) $reference = 'left-top';
if ($axis_angle == 90) $reference = 'left-center';
foreach ($this->calculated['y_axis']['tick_y'] as $set => $tickY) {
if (!$this->calculated['y_axis_left']['has_data'] && $yGrid != 'none') { // draw grid if not drawn already (above)
switch ($yGrid) {
case 'line':
ImageLine($this->image, round($gridLeft), round($tickY), round($gridRight), round($tickY), $gridColour);
case 'dash':
ImageDashedLine($this->image, round($gridLeft), round($tickY), round($gridRight), round($tickY), $gridColour);
if ($this->parameter['y_axis_text_right'] && !($set % $this->parameter['y_axis_text_right'])) { // test if tick should be displayed
// draw tick
if ($tickColour != 'none')
ImageLine($this->image, round($tickLeft), round($tickY), round($tickRight), round($tickY), $tickColour);
// draw axis text...
$coords = array('x' => $textLeft, 'y' => $tickY, 'reference' => $reference);
$axisTag['text'] = $this->calculated['y_axis_right']['text'][$set];
$axisTag['boundary_box'] = $this->calculated['y_axis_left']['boundary_box'][$set];
$this->update_boundaryBox($axisTag['boundary_box'], $coords);
function init_data() {
$this->calculated['y_plot'] = array(); // array to hold pixel plotting coords for y axis
$height = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'] - $this->calculated['boundary_box']['top'];
$width = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['right'] - $this->calculated['boundary_box']['left'];
// calculate pixel steps between axis ticks.
$this->calculated['y_axis']['step'] = $height / ($this->parameter['y_axis_gridlines'] - 1);
// calculate x ticks spacing taking into account x offset for ticks.
$extraTick = 2 * $this->parameter['x_offset']; // extra tick to account for padding
$numTicks = $this->calculated['x_axis']['num_ticks'] - 1; // number of x ticks
// Hack by rodger to avoid division by zero, see bug 1231
if ($numTicks==0) $numTicks=1;
$this->calculated['x_axis']['step'] = $width / ($numTicks + $extraTick);
$widthPlot = $width - ($this->calculated['x_axis']['step'] * $extraTick);
$this->calculated['x_axis']['step'] = $widthPlot / $numTicks;
//calculate factor for transforming x,y physical coords to logical coords for right hand y_axis.
$y_range = $this->calculated['y_axis_right']['max'] - $this->calculated['y_axis_right']['min'];
$y_range = ($y_range ? $y_range : 1);
$this->calculated['y_axis_right']['factor'] = $height / $y_range;
//calculate factor for transforming x,y physical coords to logical coords for left hand axis.
$yRange = $this->calculated['y_axis_left']['max'] - $this->calculated['y_axis_left']['min'];
$yRange = ($yRange ? $yRange : 1);
$this->calculated['y_axis_left']['factor'] = $height / $yRange;
if ($this->parameter['x_axis_gridlines'] != 'auto') {
$xRange = $this->calculated['x_axis']['max'] - $this->calculated['x_axis']['min'];
$xRange = ($xRange ? $xRange : 1);
$this->calculated['x_axis']['factor'] = $widthPlot / $xRange;
// cycle thru all data sets...
$this->calculated['num_bars'] = 0;
foreach ($this->y_order as $order => $set) {
// determine how many bars there are
if (isset($this->y_format[$set]['bar']) && ($this->y_format[$set]['bar'] != 'none')) {
$this->calculated['bar_offset_index'][$set] = $this->calculated['num_bars']; // index to relate bar with data set.
// calculate y coords for plotting data
foreach ($this->x_data as $index => $x) {
$this->calculated['y_plot'][$set][$index] = $this->y_data[$set][$index];
if ((string)$this->y_data[$set][$index] != 'none') {
if (isset($this->y_format[$set]['y_axis']) && $this->y_format[$set]['y_axis'] == 'right') {
$this->calculated['y_plot'][$set][$index] =
round(($this->y_data[$set][$index] - $this->calculated['y_axis_right']['min'])
* $this->calculated['y_axis_right']['factor']);
} else {
//print "$set $index<br />";
$this->calculated['y_plot'][$set][$index] =
round(($this->y_data[$set][$index] - $this->calculated['y_axis_left']['min'])
* $this->calculated['y_axis_left']['factor']);
//print "factor ".$this->calculated['x_axis']['factor']."<br />";
// calculate bar parameters if bars are to be drawn.
if ($this->calculated['num_bars']) {
$xStep = $this->calculated['x_axis']['step'];
$totalWidth = $this->calculated['x_axis']['step'] - $this->parameter['bar_spacing'];
$barWidth = $totalWidth / $this->calculated['num_bars'];
$barX = ($barWidth - $totalWidth) / 2; // starting x offset
for ($i=0; $i < $this->calculated['num_bars']; $i++) {
$this->calculated['bar_offset_x'][$i] = $barX;
$barX += $barWidth; // add width of bar to x offset.
$this->calculated['bar_width'] = $barWidth;
function init_x_ticks() {
// get coords for x axis ticks and data plots
//$xGrid = $this->parameter['x_grid'];
$xStep = $this->calculated['x_axis']['step'];
$ticksOffset = $this->parameter['x_offset']; // where to start drawing ticks relative to y axis.
$gridLeft = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['left'] + ($xStep * $ticksOffset); // grid x start
$tickX = $gridLeft; // tick x coord
foreach ($this->calculated['x_axis']['text'] as $set => $value) {
//print "index: $set<br />";
// x tick value
$this->calculated['x_axis']['tick_x'][$set] = $tickX;
// if num ticks is auto then x plot value is same as x tick
if ($this->parameter['x_axis_gridlines'] == 'auto') $this->calculated['x_plot'][$set] = round($tickX);
//print $this->calculated['x_plot'][$set].'<br />';
$tickX += $xStep;
//print "xStep: $xStep <br />";
// if numeric x axis then calculate x coords for each data point. this is seperate from x ticks.
$gridX = $gridLeft;
if (empty($this->calculated['x_axis']['factor'])) {
$this->calculated['x_axis']['factor'] = 0;
if (empty($this->calculated['x_axis']['min'])) {
$this->calculated['x_axis']['min'] = 0;
$factor = $this->calculated['x_axis']['factor'];
$min = $this->calculated['x_axis']['min'];
if ($this->parameter['x_axis_gridlines'] != 'auto') {
foreach ($this->x_data as $index => $x) {
//print "index: $index, x: $x<br />";
$offset = $x - $this->calculated['x_axis']['min'];
//$gridX = ($offset * $this->calculated['x_axis']['factor']);
//print "offset: $offset <br />";
//$this->calculated['x_plot'][$set] = $gridLeft + ($offset * $this->calculated['x_axis']['factor']);
$this->calculated['x_plot'][$index] = $gridLeft + ($x - $min) * $factor;
//print $this->calculated['x_plot'][$set].'<br />';
//print "factor ".$this->calculated['x_axis']['factor']."<br />";
function init_y_ticks() {
// get coords for y axis ticks
$yStep = $this->calculated['y_axis']['step'];
$gridBottom = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'];
$tickY = $gridBottom; // tick y coord
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->parameter['y_axis_gridlines']; $i++) {
$this->calculated['y_axis']['tick_y'][$i] = $tickY;
$tickY -= $yStep;
function init_labels() {
if ($this->parameter['title']) {
$size = $this->get_boundaryBox(
array('points' => $this->parameter['title_size'],
'angle' => 0,
'font' => $this->parameter['title_font'],
'text' => $this->parameter['title']));
$this->calculated['title']['boundary_box'] = $size;
$this->calculated['title']['text'] = $this->parameter['title'];
$this->calculated['title']['font'] = $this->parameter['title_font'];
$this->calculated['title']['points'] = $this->parameter['title_size'];
$this->calculated['title']['colour'] = $this->parameter['title_colour'];
$this->calculated['title']['angle'] = 0;
$this->calculated['boundary_box']['top'] += $size['height'] + $this->parameter['outer_padding'];
//$this->calculated['boundary_box']['top'] += $size['height'];
} else $this->calculated['title']['boundary_box'] = $this->get_null_size();
if ($this->parameter['y_label_left']) {
$this->calculated['y_label_left']['text'] = $this->parameter['y_label_left'];
$this->calculated['y_label_left']['angle'] = $this->parameter['y_label_angle'];
$this->calculated['y_label_left']['font'] = $this->parameter['label_font'];
$this->calculated['y_label_left']['points'] = $this->parameter['label_size'];
$this->calculated['y_label_left']['colour'] = $this->parameter['label_colour'];
$size = $this->get_boundaryBox($this->calculated['y_label_left']);
$this->calculated['y_label_left']['boundary_box'] = $size;
//$this->calculated['boundary_box']['left'] += $size['width'] + $this->parameter['inner_padding'];
$this->calculated['boundary_box']['left'] += $size['width'];
} else $this->calculated['y_label_left']['boundary_box'] = $this->get_null_size();
if ($this->parameter['y_label_right']) {
$this->calculated['y_label_right']['text'] = $this->parameter['y_label_right'];
$this->calculated['y_label_right']['angle'] = $this->parameter['y_label_angle'];
$this->calculated['y_label_right']['font'] = $this->parameter['label_font'];
$this->calculated['y_label_right']['points'] = $this->parameter['label_size'];
$this->calculated['y_label_right']['colour'] = $this->parameter['label_colour'];
$size = $this->get_boundaryBox($this->calculated['y_label_right']);
$this->calculated['y_label_right']['boundary_box'] = $size;
//$this->calculated['boundary_box']['right'] -= $size['width'] + $this->parameter['inner_padding'];
$this->calculated['boundary_box']['right'] -= $size['width'];
} else $this->calculated['y_label_right']['boundary_box'] = $this->get_null_size();
if ($this->parameter['x_label']) {
$this->calculated['x_label']['text'] = $this->parameter['x_label'];
$this->calculated['x_label']['angle'] = $this->parameter['x_label_angle'];
$this->calculated['x_label']['font'] = $this->parameter['label_font'];
$this->calculated['x_label']['points'] = $this->parameter['label_size'];
$this->calculated['x_label']['colour'] = $this->parameter['label_colour'];
$size = $this->get_boundaryBox($this->calculated['x_label']);
$this->calculated['x_label']['boundary_box'] = $size;
//$this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'] -= $size['height'] + $this->parameter['inner_padding'];
$this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'] -= $size['height'];
} else $this->calculated['x_label']['boundary_box'] = $this->get_null_size();
function init_legend() {
$this->calculated['legend'] = array(); // array to hold calculated values for legend.
//$this->calculated['legend']['boundary_box_max'] = array('height' => 0, 'width' => 0);
$this->calculated['legend']['boundary_box_max'] = $this->get_null_size();
if ($this->parameter['legend'] == 'none') return;
$position = $this->parameter['legend'];
$numSets = 0; // number of data sets with legends.
$sumTextHeight = 0; // total of height of all legend text items.
$width = 0;
$height = 0;
foreach ($this->y_order as $set) {
$text = isset($this->y_format[$set]['legend']) ? $this->y_format[$set]['legend'] : 'none';
$size = $this->get_boundaryBox(
array('points' => $this->parameter['legend_size'],
'angle' => 0,
'font' => $this->parameter['legend_font'],
'text' => $text));
$this->calculated['legend']['boundary_box'][$set] = $size;
$this->calculated['legend']['text'][$set] = $text;
//$this->calculated['legend']['font'][$set] = $this->parameter['legend_font'];
//$this->calculated['legend']['points'][$set] = $this->parameter['legend_size'];
//$this->calculated['legend']['angle'][$set] = 0;
if ($text && $text!='none') {
$sumTextHeight += $size['height'];
if ($size['width'] > $this->calculated['legend']['boundary_box_max']['width'])
$this->calculated['legend']['boundary_box_max'] = $size;
$offset = $this->parameter['legend_offset']; // offset in pixels of legend box from graph border.
$padding = $this->parameter['legend_padding']; // padding in pixels around legend text.
$textWidth = $this->calculated['legend']['boundary_box_max']['width']; // width of largest legend item.
$textHeight = $this->calculated['legend']['boundary_box_max']['height']; // use height as size to use for colour square in legend.
$width = $padding * 2 + $textWidth + $textHeight * 2; // left and right padding + maximum text width + space for square
$height = $padding * ($numSets + 1) + $sumTextHeight; // top and bottom padding + padding between text + text.
$this->calculated['legend']['boundary_box_all'] = array('width' => $width,
'height' => $height,
'offset' => $offset,
'reference' => $position);
switch ($position) { // move in right or bottom if legend is outside data plotting area.
case 'outside-top' :
$this->calculated['boundary_box']['right'] -= $offset + $width; // move in right hand side
case 'outside-bottom' :
$this->calculated['boundary_box']['right'] -= $offset + $width; // move in right hand side
case 'outside-left' :
$this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'] -= $offset + $height; // move in right hand side
case 'outside-right' :
$this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'] -= $offset + $height; // move in right hand side
function init_y_axis() {
$this->calculated['y_axis_left'] = array(); // array to hold calculated values for y_axis on left.
$this->calculated['y_axis_left']['boundary_box_max'] = $this->get_null_size();
$this->calculated['y_axis_right'] = array(); // array to hold calculated values for y_axis on right.
$this->calculated['y_axis_right']['boundary_box_max'] = $this->get_null_size();
$axis_font = $this->parameter['axis_font'];
$axis_size = $this->parameter['axis_size'];
$axis_colour = $this->parameter['axis_colour'];
$axis_angle = $this->parameter['y_axis_angle'];
$y_tick_labels = $this->y_tick_labels;
$this->calculated['y_axis_left']['has_data'] = FALSE;
$this->calculated['y_axis_right']['has_data'] = FALSE;
// find min and max y values.
$minLeft = $this->parameter['y_min_left'];
$maxLeft = $this->parameter['y_max_left'];
$minRight = $this->parameter['y_min_right'];
$maxRight = $this->parameter['y_max_right'];
$dataLeft = array();
$dataRight = array();
foreach ($this->y_order as $order => $set) {
if (isset($this->y_format[$set]['y_axis']) && $this->y_format[$set]['y_axis'] == 'right') {
$this->calculated['y_axis_right']['has_data'] = TRUE;
$dataRight = array_merge($dataRight, $this->y_data[$set]);
} else {
$this->calculated['y_axis_left']['has_data'] = TRUE;
$dataLeft = array_merge($dataLeft, $this->y_data[$set]);
$dataLeftRange = $this->find_range($dataLeft, $minLeft, $maxLeft, $this->parameter['y_resolution_left']);
$dataRightRange = $this->find_range($dataRight, $minRight, $maxRight, $this->parameter['y_resolution_right']);
$minLeft = $dataLeftRange['min'];
$maxLeft = $dataLeftRange['max'];
$minRight = $dataRightRange['min'];
$maxRight = $dataRightRange['max'];
$this->calculated['y_axis_left']['min'] = $minLeft;
$this->calculated['y_axis_left']['max'] = $maxLeft;
$this->calculated['y_axis_right']['min'] = $minRight;
$this->calculated['y_axis_right']['max'] = $maxRight;
$stepLeft = ($maxLeft - $minLeft) / ($this->parameter['y_axis_gridlines'] - 1);
$startLeft = $minLeft;
$step_right = ($maxRight - $minRight) / ($this->parameter['y_axis_gridlines'] - 1);
$start_right = $minRight;
if ($this->parameter['y_axis_text_left']) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->parameter['y_axis_gridlines']; $i++) { // calculate y axis text sizes
// left y axis
if ($y_tick_labels) {
$value = $y_tick_labels[$i];
} else {
$value = number_format($startLeft, $this->parameter['y_decimal_left'], $this->parameter['decimal_point'], $this->parameter['thousand_sep']);
$this->calculated['y_axis_left']['data'][$i] = $startLeft;
$this->calculated['y_axis_left']['text'][$i] = $value; // text is formatted raw data
$size = $this->get_boundaryBox(
array('points' => $axis_size,
'font' => $axis_font,
'angle' => $axis_angle,
'colour' => $axis_colour,
'text' => $value));
$this->calculated['y_axis_left']['boundary_box'][$i] = $size;
if ($size['height'] > $this->calculated['y_axis_left']['boundary_box_max']['height'])
$this->calculated['y_axis_left']['boundary_box_max']['height'] = $size['height'];
if ($size['width'] > $this->calculated['y_axis_left']['boundary_box_max']['width'])
$this->calculated['y_axis_left']['boundary_box_max']['width'] = $size['width'];
$startLeft += $stepLeft;
$this->calculated['boundary_box']['left'] += $this->calculated['y_axis_left']['boundary_box_max']['width']
+ $this->parameter['y_inner_padding'];
if ($this->parameter['y_axis_text_right']) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->parameter['y_axis_gridlines']; $i++) { // calculate y axis text sizes
// right y axis
$value = number_format($start_right, $this->parameter['y_decimal_right'], $this->parameter['decimal_point'], $this->parameter['thousand_sep']);
$this->calculated['y_axis_right']['data'][$i] = $start_right;
$this->calculated['y_axis_right']['text'][$i] = $value; // text is formatted raw data
$size = $this->get_boundaryBox(
array('points' => $axis_size,
'font' => $axis_font,
'angle' => $axis_angle,
'colour' => $axis_colour,
'text' => $value));
$this->calculated['y_axis_right']['boundary_box'][$i] = $size;
if ($size['height'] > $this->calculated['y_axis_right']['boundary_box_max']['height'])
$this->calculated['y_axis_right']['boundary_box_max'] = $size;
if ($size['width'] > $this->calculated['y_axis_right']['boundary_box_max']['width'])
$this->calculated['y_axis_right']['boundary_box_max']['width'] = $size['width'];
$start_right += $step_right;
$this->calculated['boundary_box']['right'] -= $this->calculated['y_axis_right']['boundary_box_max']['width']
+ $this->parameter['y_inner_padding'];
function init_x_axis() {
$this->calculated['x_axis'] = array(); // array to hold calculated values for x_axis.
$this->calculated['x_axis']['boundary_box_max'] = array('height' => 0, 'width' => 0);
$axis_font = $this->parameter['axis_font'];
$axis_size = $this->parameter['axis_size'];
$axis_colour = $this->parameter['axis_colour'];
$axis_angle = $this->parameter['x_axis_angle'];
// check whether to treat x axis as numeric
if ($this->parameter['x_axis_gridlines'] == 'auto') { // auto means text based x_axis, not numeric...
$this->calculated['x_axis']['num_ticks'] = sizeof($this->x_data);
$data = $this->x_data;
for ($i=0; $i < $this->calculated['x_axis']['num_ticks']; $i++) {
$value = array_shift($data); // grab value from begin of array
$this->calculated['x_axis']['data'][$i] = $value;
$this->calculated['x_axis']['text'][$i] = $value; // raw data and text are both the same in this case
$size = $this->get_boundaryBox(
array('points' => $axis_size,
'font' => $axis_font,
'angle' => $axis_angle,
'colour' => $axis_colour,
'text' => $value));
$this->calculated['x_axis']['boundary_box'][$i] = $size;
if ($size['height'] > $this->calculated['x_axis']['boundary_box_max']['height'])
$this->calculated['x_axis']['boundary_box_max'] = $size;
} else { // x axis is numeric so find max min values...
$this->calculated['x_axis']['num_ticks'] = $this->parameter['x_axis_gridlines'];
$min = $this->parameter['x_min'];
$max = $this->parameter['x_max'];
$data = array();
$data = $this->find_range($this->x_data, $min, $max, $this->parameter['x_resolution']);
$min = $data['min'];
$max = $data['max'];
$this->calculated['x_axis']['min'] = $min;
$this->calculated['x_axis']['max'] = $max;
$step = ($max - $min) / ($this->calculated['x_axis']['num_ticks'] - 1);
$start = $min;
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->calculated['x_axis']['num_ticks']; $i++) { // calculate x axis text sizes
$value = number_format($start, $this->parameter['xDecimal'], $this->parameter['decimal_point'], $this->parameter['thousand_sep']);
$this->calculated['x_axis']['data'][$i] = $start;
$this->calculated['x_axis']['text'][$i] = $value; // text is formatted raw data
$size = $this->get_boundaryBox(
array('points' => $axis_size,
'font' => $axis_font,
'angle' => $axis_angle,
'colour' => $axis_colour,
'text' => $value));
$this->calculated['x_axis']['boundary_box'][$i] = $size;
if ($size['height'] > $this->calculated['x_axis']['boundary_box_max']['height'])
$this->calculated['x_axis']['boundary_box_max'] = $size;
$start += $step;
if ($this->parameter['x_axis_text'])
$this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'] -= $this->calculated['x_axis']['boundary_box_max']['height']
+ $this->parameter['x_inner_padding'];
// find max and min values for a data array given the resolution.
function find_range($data, $min, $max, $resolution) {
if (sizeof($data) == 0 ) return array('min' => 0, 'max' => 0);
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
if ($value=='none') continue;
if ($value > $max) $max = $value;
if ($value < $min) $min = $value;
if ($max == 0) {
$factor = 1;
} else {
if ($max < 0) $factor = - pow(10, (floor(log10(abs($max))) + $resolution) );
else $factor = pow(10, (floor(log10(abs($max))) - $resolution) );
if ($factor > 0.1) { // To avoid some wierd rounding errors (Moodle)
$factor = round($factor * 1000.0) / 1000.0; // To avoid some wierd rounding errors (Moodle)
} // To avoid some wierd rounding errors (Moodle)
$max = $factor * @ceil($max / $factor);
$min = $factor * @floor($min / $factor);
//print "max=$max, min=$min<br />";
return array('min' => $min, 'max' => $max);
function graph() {
if (func_num_args() == 2) {
$this->parameter['width'] = func_get_arg(0);
$this->parameter['height'] = func_get_arg(1);
//$this->boundaryBox = array(
$this->calculated['boundary_box'] = array(
'left' => 0,
'top' => 0,
'right' => $this->parameter['width'] - 1,
'bottom' => $this->parameter['height'] - 1);
//ImageColorTransparent($this->image, $this->colour['white']); // colour for transparency
function print_TTF($message) {
$points = $message['points'];
$angle = $message['angle'];
$text = $message['text'];
$colour = $this->colour[$message['colour']];
$font = $this->parameter['path_to_fonts'].$message['font'];
$x = $message['boundary_box']['x'];
$y = $message['boundary_box']['y'];
$offsetX = $message['boundary_box']['offsetX'];
$offsetY = $message['boundary_box']['offsetY'];
$height = $message['boundary_box']['height'];
$width = $message['boundary_box']['width'];
$reference = $message['boundary_box']['reference'];
switch ($reference) {
case 'top-left':
case 'left-top':
$y += $height - $offsetY;
//$y += $offsetY;
$x += $offsetX;
case 'left-center':
$y += ($height / 2) - $offsetY;
$x += $offsetX;
case 'left-bottom':
$y -= $offsetY;
$x += $offsetX;
case 'top-center':
$y += $height - $offsetY;
$x -= ($width / 2) - $offsetX;
case 'top-right':
case 'right-top':
$y += $height - $offsetY;
$x -= $width - $offsetX;
case 'right-center':
$y += ($height / 2) - $offsetY;
$x -= $width - $offsetX;
case 'right-bottom':
$y -= $offsetY;
$x -= $width - $offsetX;
case 'bottom-center':
$y -= $offsetY;
$x -= ($width / 2) - $offsetX;
$y = 0;
$x = 0;
// start of Moodle addition
$textlib = textlib_get_instance();
$text = $textlib->utf8_to_entities($text, true, true); //does not work with hex entities!
// end of Moodle addition
ImageTTFText($this->image, $points, $angle, $x, $y, $colour, $font, $text);
// move boundaryBox to coordinates specified
function update_boundaryBox(&$boundaryBox, $coords) {
$width = $boundaryBox['width'];
$height = $boundaryBox['height'];
$x = $coords['x'];
$y = $coords['y'];
$reference = $coords['reference'];
switch ($reference) {
case 'top-left':
case 'left-top':
$top = $y;
$bottom = $y + $height;
$left = $x;
$right = $x + $width;
case 'left-center':
$top = $y - ($height / 2);
$bottom = $y + ($height / 2);
$left = $x;
$right = $x + $width;
case 'left-bottom':
$top = $y - $height;
$bottom = $y;
$left = $x;
$right = $x + $width;
case 'top-center':
$top = $y;
$bottom = $y + $height;
$left = $x - ($width / 2);
$right = $x + ($width / 2);
case 'right-top':
case 'top-right':
$top = $y;
$bottom = $y + $height;
$left = $x - $width;
$right = $x;
case 'right-center':
$top = $y - ($height / 2);
$bottom = $y + ($height / 2);
$left = $x - $width;
$right = $x;
case 'bottom=right':
case 'right-bottom':
$top = $y - $height;
$bottom = $y;
$left = $x - $width;
$right = $x;
$top = 0;
$bottom = $height;
$left = 0;
$right = $width;
$boundaryBox = array_merge($boundaryBox, array('top' => $top,
'bottom' => $bottom,
'left' => $left,
'right' => $right,
'x' => $x,
'y' => $y,
'reference' => $reference));
function get_null_size() {
return array('width' => 0,
'height' => 0,
'offsetX' => 0,
'offsetY' => 0,
//'fontHeight' => 0
function get_boundaryBox($message) {
$points = $message['points'];
$angle = $message['angle'];
$font = $this->parameter['path_to_fonts'].$message['font'];
$text = $message['text'];
//print ('get_boundaryBox');
// get font size
$bounds = ImageTTFBBox($points, $angle, $font, "W");
if ($angle < 0) {
$fontHeight = abs($bounds[7]-$bounds[1]);
} else if ($angle > 0) {
$fontHeight = abs($bounds[1]-$bounds[7]);
} else {
$fontHeight = abs($bounds[7]-$bounds[1]);
// get boundary box and offsets for printing at an angle
// start of Moodle addition
$textlib = textlib_get_instance();
$text = $textlib->utf8_to_entities($text, true, true); //gd does not work with hex entities!
// end of Moodle addition
$bounds = ImageTTFBBox($points, $angle, $font, $text);
if ($angle < 0) {
$width = abs($bounds[4]-$bounds[0]);
$height = abs($bounds[3]-$bounds[7]);
$offsetY = abs($bounds[3]-$bounds[1]);
$offsetX = 0;
} else if ($angle > 0) {
$width = abs($bounds[2]-$bounds[6]);
$height = abs($bounds[1]-$bounds[5]);
$offsetY = 0;
$offsetX = abs($bounds[0]-$bounds[6]);
} else {
$width = abs($bounds[4]-$bounds[6]);
$height = abs($bounds[7]-$bounds[1]);
$offsetY = $bounds[1];
$offsetX = 0;
//return values
return array('width' => $width,
'height' => $height,
'offsetX' => $offsetX,
'offsetY' => $offsetY,
//'fontHeight' => $fontHeight
function draw_rectangle($border, $colour, $type) {
$colour = $this->colour[$colour];
switch ($type) {
case 'fill': // fill the rectangle
ImageFilledRectangle($this->image, $border['left'], $border['top'], $border['right'], $border['bottom'], $colour);
case 'box': // all sides
ImageRectangle($this->image, $border['left'], $border['top'], $border['right'], $border['bottom'], $colour);
case 'axis': // bottom x axis and left y axis
ImageLine($this->image, $border['left'], $border['top'], $border['left'], $border['bottom'], $colour);
ImageLine($this->image, $border['left'], $border['bottom'], $border['right'], $border['bottom'], $colour);
case 'y': // left y axis only
case 'y-left':
ImageLine($this->image, $border['left'], $border['top'], $border['left'], $border['bottom'], $colour);
case 'y-right': // right y axis only
ImageLine($this->image, $border['right'], $border['top'], $border['right'], $border['bottom'], $colour);
case 'x': // bottom x axis only
ImageLine($this->image, $border['left'], $border['bottom'], $border['right'], $border['bottom'], $colour);
case 'u': // u shaped. bottom x axis and both left and right y axis.
ImageLine($this->image, $border['left'], $border['top'], $border['left'], $border['bottom'], $colour);
ImageLine($this->image, $border['right'], $border['top'], $border['right'], $border['bottom'], $colour);
ImageLine($this->image, $border['left'], $border['bottom'], $border['right'], $border['bottom'], $colour);
function init_colours() {
$this->image = ImageCreate($this->parameter['width'], $this->parameter['height']);
// standard colours
$this->colour['white'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF); // first colour is background colour.
$this->colour['black'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00);
$this->colour['maroon'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00);
$this->colour['green'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00);
$this->colour['ltgreen'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0x52, 0xF1, 0x7F);
$this->colour['ltltgreen']= ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0x99, 0xFF, 0x99);
$this->colour['olive'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00);
$this->colour['navy'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80);
$this->colour['purple'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0x80, 0x00, 0x80);
$this->colour['gray'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80);
$this->colour['red'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00);
$this->colour['ltred'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0xFF, 0x99, 0x99);
$this->colour['ltltred'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0xFF, 0xCC, 0xCC);
$this->colour['orange'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0xFF, 0x66, 0x00);
$this->colour['ltorange'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0xFF, 0x99, 0x66);
$this->colour['ltltorange'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0xFF, 0xcc, 0x99);
$this->colour['lime'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00);
$this->colour['yellow'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00);
$this->colour['blue'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF);
$this->colour['ltblue'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0x00, 0xCC, 0xFF);
$this->colour['ltltblue'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0x99, 0xFF, 0xFF);
$this->colour['fuchsia'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF);
$this->colour['aqua'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF);
//$this->colour['white'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF);
// shades of gray
$this->colour['grayF0'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0xF0, 0xF0, 0xF0);
$this->colour['grayEE'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0xEE, 0xEE, 0xEE);
$this->colour['grayDD'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0xDD, 0xDD, 0xDD);
$this->colour['grayCC'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC);
$this->colour['gray33'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33);
$this->colour['gray66'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66);
$this->colour['gray99'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0x99, 0x99, 0x99);
$this->colour['none'] = 'none';
return true;
function output() {
if ($this->debug) { // for debugging purposes.
} else {
$expiresSeconds = $this->parameter['seconds_to_live'];
$expiresHours = $this->parameter['hours_to_live'];
if ($expiresHours || $expiresSeconds) {
$now = mktime (date("H"),date("i"),date("s"),date("m"),date("d"),date("Y"));
$expires = mktime (date("H")+$expiresHours,date("i"),date("s")+$expiresSeconds,date("m"),date("d"),date("Y"));
$expiresGMT = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $expires).' GMT';
$lastModifiedGMT = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $now).' GMT';
Header('Last-modified: '.$lastModifiedGMT);
Header('Expires: '.$expiresGMT);
if ($this->parameter['file_name'] == 'none') {
switch ($this->parameter['output_format']) {
case 'GIF':
Header("Content-type: image/gif"); // GIF??. switch to PNG guys!!
case 'JPEG':
Header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); // JPEG for line art??. included for completeness.
Header("Content-type: image/png"); // preferred output format
} else {
switch ($this->parameter['output_format']) {
case 'GIF':
ImageGIF($this->image, $this->parameter['file_name'].'.gif');
case 'JPEG':
ImageJPEG($this->image, $this->parameter['file_name'].'.jpg');
ImagePNG($this->image, $this->parameter['file_name'].'.png');
} // function output
function init_variable(&$variable, $value, $default) {
if (!empty($value)) $variable = $value;
else if (isset($default)) $variable = $default;
else unset($variable);
// plot a point. options include square, circle, diamond, triangle, and dot. offset is used for drawing shadows.
// for diamonds and triangles the size should be an even number to get nice look. if odd the points are crooked.
function plot($x, $y, $type, $size, $colour, $offset) {
//print("drawing point of type: $type, at offset: $offset");
$u = $x + $offset;
$v = $this->calculated['inner_border']['bottom'] - $y + $offset;
$half = $size / 2;
switch ($type) {
case 'square':
ImageFilledRectangle($this->image, $u-$half, $v-$half, $u+$half, $v+$half, $this->colour[$colour]);
case 'square-open':
ImageRectangle($this->image, $u-$half, $v-$half, $u+$half, $v+$half, $this->colour[$colour]);
case 'circle':
ImageArc($this->image, $u, $v, $size, $size, 0, 360, $this->colour[$colour]);
ImageFillToBorder($this->image, $u, $v, $this->colour[$colour], $this->colour[$colour]);
case 'circle-open':
ImageArc($this->image, $u, $v, $size, $size, 0, 360, $this->colour[$colour]);
case 'diamond':
ImageFilledPolygon($this->image, array($u, $v-$half, $u+$half, $v, $u, $v+$half, $u-$half, $v), 4, $this->colour[$colour]);
case 'diamond-open':
ImagePolygon($this->image, array($u, $v-$half, $u+$half, $v, $u, $v+$half, $u-$half, $v), 4, $this->colour[$colour]);
case 'triangle':
ImageFilledPolygon($this->image, array($u, $v-$half, $u+$half, $v+$half, $u-$half, $v+$half), 3, $this->colour[$colour]);
case 'triangle-open':
ImagePolygon($this->image, array($u, $v-$half, $u+$half, $v+$half, $u-$half, $v+$half), 3, $this->colour[$colour]);
case 'dot':
ImageSetPixel($this->image, $u, $v, $this->colour[$colour]);
function bar($x, $y, $type, $size, $colour, $offset, $index, $yoffset) {
$index_offset = $this->calculated['bar_offset_index'][$index];
if ( $yoffset ) {
$bar_offsetx = 0;
} else {
$bar_offsetx = $this->calculated['bar_offset_x'][$index_offset];
//$this->dbug("drawing bar at offset = $offset : index = $index: bar_offsetx = $bar_offsetx");
$span = ($this->calculated['bar_width'] * $size) / 2;
$x_left = $x + $bar_offsetx - $span;
$x_right = $x + $bar_offsetx + $span;
if ($this->parameter['zero_axis'] != 'none') {
$zero = $this->calculated['zero_axis'];
if ($this->parameter['shadow_below_axis'] ) $zero += $offset;
$u_left = $x_left + $offset;
$u_right = $x_right + $offset - 1;
$v = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'] - $y + $offset;
if ($v > $zero) {
$top = $zero +1;
$bottom = $v;
} else {
$top = $v;
$bottom = $zero - 1;
switch ($type) {
case 'open':
//ImageRectangle($this->image, round($u_left), $top, round($u_right), $bottom, $this->colour[$colour]);
if ($v > $zero)
ImageRectangle($this->image, round($u_left), $bottom, round($u_right), $bottom, $this->colour[$colour]);
ImageRectangle($this->image, round($u_left), $top, round($u_right), $top, $this->colour[$colour]);
ImageRectangle($this->image, round($u_left), $top, round($u_left), $bottom, $this->colour[$colour]);
ImageRectangle($this->image, round($u_right), $top, round($u_right), $bottom, $this->colour[$colour]);
case 'fill':
ImageFilledRectangle($this->image, round($u_left), $top, round($u_right), $bottom, $this->colour[$colour]);
} else {
$bottom = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'];
if ($this->parameter['shadow_below_axis'] ) $bottom += $offset;
if ($this->parameter['inner_border'] != 'none') $bottom -= 1; // 1 pixel above bottom if border is to be drawn.
$u_left = $x_left + $offset;
$u_right = $x_right + $offset - 1;
$v = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'] - $y + $offset;
// Moodle addition, plus the function parameter yoffset
if ($yoffset) { // Moodle
$yoffset = $yoffset - round(($bottom - $v) / 2.0); // Moodle
$bottom -= $yoffset; // Moodle
$v -= $yoffset; // Moodle
} // Moodle
switch ($type) {
case 'open':
ImageRectangle($this->image, round($u_left), $v, round($u_right), $bottom, $this->colour[$colour]);
case 'fill':
ImageFilledRectangle($this->image, round($u_left), $v, round($u_right), $bottom, $this->colour[$colour]);
function area($x_start, $y_start, $x_end, $y_end, $type, $colour, $offset) {
//dbug("drawing area type: $type, at offset: $offset");
if ($this->parameter['zero_axis'] != 'none') {
$bottom = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'];
$zero = $this->calculated['zero_axis'];
if ($this->parameter['shadow_below_axis'] ) $zero += $offset;
$u_start = $x_start + $offset;
$u_end = $x_end + $offset;
$v_start = $bottom - $y_start + $offset;
$v_end = $bottom - $y_end + $offset;
switch ($type) {
case 'fill':
// draw it this way 'cos the FilledPolygon routine seems a bit buggy.
ImageFilledPolygon($this->image, array($u_start, $v_start, $u_end, $v_end, $u_end, $zero, $u_start, $zero), 4, $this->colour[$colour]);
ImagePolygon($this->image, array($u_start, $v_start, $u_end, $v_end, $u_end, $zero, $u_start, $zero), 4, $this->colour[$colour]);
case 'open':
//ImagePolygon($this->image, array($u_start, $v_start, $u_end, $v_end, $u_end, $zero, $u_start, $zero), 4, $this->colour[$colour]);
ImageLine($this->image, $u_start, $v_start, $u_end, $v_end, $this->colour[$colour]);
ImageLine($this->image, $u_start, $v_start, $u_start, $zero, $this->colour[$colour]);
ImageLine($this->image, $u_end, $v_end, $u_end, $zero, $this->colour[$colour]);
} else {
$bottom = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'];
$u_start = $x_start + $offset;
$u_end = $x_end + $offset;
$v_start = $bottom - $y_start + $offset;
$v_end = $bottom - $y_end + $offset;
if ($this->parameter['shadow_below_axis'] ) $bottom += $offset;
if ($this->parameter['inner_border'] != 'none') $bottom -= 1; // 1 pixel above bottom if border is to be drawn.
switch ($type) {
case 'fill':
ImageFilledPolygon($this->image, array($u_start, $v_start, $u_end, $v_end, $u_end, $bottom, $u_start, $bottom), 4, $this->colour[$colour]);
case 'open':
ImagePolygon($this->image, array($u_start, $v_start, $u_end, $v_end, $u_end, $bottom, $u_start, $bottom), 4, $this->colour[$colour]);
function line($x_start, $y_start, $x_end, $y_end, $type, $brush_type, $brush_size, $colour, $offset) {
//dbug("drawing line of type: $type, at offset: $offset");
$u_start = $x_start + $offset;
$v_start = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'] - $y_start + $offset;
$u_end = $x_end + $offset;
$v_end = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'] - $y_end + $offset;
switch ($type) {
case 'brush':
$this->draw_brush_line($u_start, $v_start, $u_end, $v_end, $brush_size, $brush_type, $colour);
case 'line' :
ImageLine($this->image, $u_start, $v_start, $u_end, $v_end, $this->colour[$colour]);
case 'dash':
ImageDashedLine($this->image, $u_start, $v_start, $u_end, $v_end, $this->colour[$colour]);
// function to draw line. would prefer to use gdBrush but this is not supported yet.
function draw_brush_line($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1, $size, $type, $colour) {
//$this->dbug("line: $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1");
$dy = $y1 - $y0;
$dx = $x1 - $x0;
$t = 0;
$watchdog = 1024; // precaution to prevent infinite loops.
$this->draw_brush($x0, $y0, $size, $type, $colour);
if (abs($dx) > abs($dy)) { // slope < 1
//$this->dbug("slope < 1");
$m = $dy / $dx; // compute slope
$t += $y0;
$dx = ($dx < 0) ? -1 : 1;
$m *= $dx;
while (round($x0) != round($x1)) {
if (!$watchdog--) break;
$x0 += $dx; // step to next x value
$t += $m; // add slope to y value
$y = round($t);
//$this->dbug("x0=$x0, x1=$x1, y=$y watchdog=$watchdog");
$this->draw_brush($x0, $y, $size, $type, $colour);
} else { // slope >= 1
//$this->dbug("slope >= 1");
$m = $dx / $dy; // compute slope
$t += $x0;
$dy = ($dy < 0) ? -1 : 1;
$m *= $dy;
while (round($y0) != round($y1)) {
if (!$watchdog--) break;
$y0 += $dy; // step to next y value
$t += $m; // add slope to x value
$x = round($t);
//$this->dbug("x=$x, y0=$y0, y1=$y1 watchdog=$watchdog");
$this->draw_brush($x, $y0, $size, $type, $colour);
function draw_brush($x, $y, $size, $type, $colour) {
$x = round($x);
$y = round($y);
$half = round($size / 2);
switch ($type) {
case 'circle':
ImageArc($this->image, $x, $y, $size, $size, 0, 360, $this->colour[$colour]);
ImageFillToBorder($this->image, $x, $y, $this->colour[$colour], $this->colour[$colour]);
case 'square':
ImageFilledRectangle($this->image, $x-$half, $y-$half, $x+$half, $y+$half, $this->colour[$colour]);
case 'vertical':
ImageFilledRectangle($this->image, $x, $y-$half, $x+1, $y+$half, $this->colour[$colour]);
case 'horizontal':
ImageFilledRectangle($this->image, $x-$half, $y, $x+$half, $y+1, $this->colour[$colour]);
case 'slash':
ImageFilledPolygon($this->image, array($x+$half, $y-$half,
$x+$half+1, $y-$half,
$x-$half+1, $y+$half,
$x-$half, $y+$half
), 4, $this->colour[$colour]);
case 'backslash':
ImageFilledPolygon($this->image, array($x-$half, $y-$half,
$x-$half+1, $y-$half,
$x+$half+1, $y+$half,
$x+$half, $y+$half
), 4, $this->colour[$colour]);
@eval($type); // user can create own brush script.
} // class graph