Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) 1093256560
MDL-81522 phpunit: Add missing void return type to all tests
While this change is not 100% required now, it's good habit
and we are checking for it since Moodle 4.4.

All the changes in this commit have been applied automatically
using the moodle.PHPUnit.TestReturnType sniff and are, exclusively
adding the ": void" return types when missing.
2024-06-11 12:18:04 +02:00

621 lines
23 KiB

// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
namespace core;
use core\oauth2\access_token;
use core\oauth2\api;
use core\oauth2\endpoint;
use core\oauth2\issuer;
use core\oauth2\system_account;
use \core\oauth2\user_field_mapping;
* Tests for oauth2 apis (\core\oauth2\*).
* @package core
* @copyright 2017 Damyon Wiese
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later.
* @coversDefaultClass \core\oauth2\api
class oauth2_test extends \advanced_testcase {
* Tests the crud operations on oauth2 issuers.
public function test_create_and_delete_standard_issuers(): void {
api::create_standard_issuer('nextcloud', 'https://dummy.local/nextcloud/');
$issuers = api::get_all_issuers();
$this->assertEquals($issuers[0]->get('name'), 'Google');
$this->assertEquals($issuers[1]->get('name'), 'Facebook');
$this->assertEquals($issuers[2]->get('name'), 'Microsoft');
$this->assertEquals($issuers[3]->get('name'), 'Nextcloud');
$issuers = api::get_all_issuers();
$this->assertEquals($issuers[0]->get('name'), 'Facebook');
$this->assertEquals($issuers[1]->get('name'), 'Google');
$this->assertEquals($issuers[2]->get('name'), 'Microsoft');
$this->assertEquals($issuers[3]->get('name'), 'Nextcloud');
$issuers = api::get_all_issuers();
$this->assertEquals($issuers[0]->get('name'), 'Facebook');
$this->assertEquals($issuers[1]->get('name'), 'Microsoft');
$this->assertEquals($issuers[2]->get('name'), 'Nextcloud');
* Tests the crud operations on oauth2 issuers.
public function test_create_nextcloud_without_url(): void {
* Tests we can list and delete each of the persistents related to an issuer.
public function test_getters(): void {
$issuer = api::create_standard_issuer('microsoft');
$same = api::get_issuer($issuer->get('id'));
foreach ($same->properties_definition() as $name => $def) {
$this->assertTrue($issuer->get($name) == $same->get($name));
$endpoints = api::get_endpoints($issuer);
$same = api::get_endpoint($endpoints[0]->get('id'));
$this->assertEquals($endpoints[0]->get('id'), $same->get('id'));
$this->assertEquals($endpoints[0]->get('name'), $same->get('name'));
$todelete = $endpoints[0];
$endpoints = api::get_endpoints($issuer);
$this->assertNotEquals($endpoints[0]->get('id'), $todelete->get('id'));
$userfields = api::get_user_field_mappings($issuer);
$same = api::get_user_field_mapping($userfields[0]->get('id'));
$this->assertEquals($userfields[0]->get('id'), $same->get('id'));
$todelete = $userfields[0];
$userfields = api::get_user_field_mappings($issuer);
$this->assertNotEquals($userfields[0]->get('id'), $todelete->get('id'));
* Data provider for \core_oauth2_testcase::test_get_system_oauth_client().
* @return array
public function system_oauth_client_provider() {
return [
(object) [
'access_token' => 'fdas...',
'token_type' => 'Bearer',
'expires_in' => '3600',
'id_token' => 'llfsd..',
], HOURSECS - 10
(object) [
'access_token' => 'fdas...',
'token_type' => 'Bearer',
'id_token' => 'llfsd..',
* Tests we can get a logged in oauth client for a system account.
* @dataProvider system_oauth_client_provider
* @param \stdClass $responsedata The response data to be mocked.
* @param int $expiresin The expected expiration time.
public function test_get_system_oauth_client($responsedata, $expiresin): void {
$issuer = api::create_standard_issuer('microsoft');
$requiredscopes = api::get_system_scopes_for_issuer($issuer);
// Fake a system account.
$data = (object) [
'issuerid' => $issuer->get('id'),
'refreshtoken' => 'abc',
'grantedscopes' => $requiredscopes,
'email' => '',
'username' => 'sys'
$sys = new system_account(0, $data);
// Fake a response with an access token.
$response = json_encode($responsedata);
$client = api::get_system_oauth_client($issuer);
// Check token expiry.
$accesstoken = access_token::get_record(['issuerid' => $issuer->get('id')]);
// Get the difference between the actual and expected expiry times.
// They might differ by a couple of seconds depending on the timing when the token gets actually processed.
$expiresdifference = time() + $expiresin - $accesstoken->get('expires');
// Assert that the actual token expiration is more or less the same as the expected.
$this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual(0, $expiresdifference);
$this->assertLessThanOrEqual(3, $expiresdifference);
* Tests we can enable and disable an issuer.
public function test_enable_disable_issuer(): void {
$issuer = api::create_standard_issuer('microsoft');
$issuerid = $issuer->get('id');
$check = api::get_issuer($issuer->get('id'));
$check = api::get_issuer($issuer->get('id'));
$check = api::get_issuer($issuer->get('id'));
$check = api::get_issuer($issuer->get('id'));
* Test the alloweddomains for an issuer.
public function test_issuer_alloweddomains(): void {
$issuer = api::create_standard_issuer('microsoft');
$issuer->set('alloweddomains', '');
// Anything is allowed when domain is empty.
$issuer->set('alloweddomains', '');
// One domain - must match exactly - no substrings etc.
$issuer->set('alloweddomains', ',');
// Multiple domains - must match any exactly - no substrings etc.
$issuer->set('alloweddomains', '*');
// Wildcard.
* Test endpoints creation for issuers.
* @dataProvider create_endpoints_for_standard_issuer_provider
* @covers ::create_endpoints_for_standard_issuer
* @param string $type Issuer type to create.
* @param string|null $discoveryurl Expected discovery URL or null if this endpoint doesn't exist.
* @param bool $hasmappingfields True if it's expected the issuer to create has mapping fields.
* @param string|null $baseurl The service URL (mandatory parameter for some issuers, such as NextCloud or IMS OBv2.1).
* @param string|null $expectedexception Name of the expected expection or null if no exception will be thrown.
public function test_create_endpoints_for_standard_issuer(string $type, ?string $discoveryurl = null,
bool $hasmappingfields = true, ?string $baseurl = null, ?string $expectedexception = null): void {
// Mark test as long because it connects with external services.
$this->markTestSkipped('PHPUNIT_LONGTEST is not defined');
// Method create_endpoints_for_standard_issuer is called internally from create_standard_issuer.
if ($expectedexception) {
$issuer = api::create_standard_issuer($type, $baseurl);
// Check endpoints have been created.
$endpoints = api::get_endpoints($issuer);
// Check discovery URL.
if ($discoveryurl) {
$this->assertStringContainsString($discoveryurl, $issuer->get_endpoint_url('discovery'));
} else {
// Check userfield mappings.
$userfieldmappings =api::get_user_field_mappings($issuer);
if ($hasmappingfields) {
} else {
* Data provider for test_create_endpoints_for_standard_issuer.
* @return array
public function create_endpoints_for_standard_issuer_provider(): array {
return [
'Google' => [
'type' => 'google',
'discoveryurl' => '.well-known/openid-configuration',
'Google will work too with a valid baseurl parameter' => [
'type' => 'google',
'discoveryurl' => '.well-known/openid-configuration',
'hasmappingfields' => true,
'baseurl' => '',
'IMS OBv2.1' => [
'type' => 'imsobv2p1',
'discoveryurl' => '.well-known/badgeconnect.json',
'hasmappingfields' => false,
'baseurl' => '',
'IMS OBv2.1 without slash in baseurl should work too' => [
'type' => 'imsobv2p1',
'discoveryurl' => '.well-known/badgeconnect.json',
'hasmappingfields' => false,
'baseurl' => '',
'IMS OBv2.1 with empty baseurl should return an exception' => [
'type' => 'imsobv2p1',
'discoveryurl' => null,
'hasmappingfields' => false,
'baseurl' => null,
'expectedexception' => \moodle_exception::class,
'Microsoft' => [
'type' => 'microsoft',
'Facebook' => [
'type' => 'facebook',
'NextCloud' => [
'type' => 'nextcloud',
'discoveryurl' => null,
'hasmappingfields' => true,
'baseurl' => 'https://dummy.local/nextcloud/',
'NextCloud with empty baseurl should return an exception' => [
'type' => 'nextcloud',
'discoveryurl' => null,
'hasmappingfields' => true,
'baseurl' => null,
'expectedexception' => \moodle_exception::class,
'Invalid type should return an exception' => [
'type' => 'fictitious',
'discoveryurl' => null,
'hasmappingfields' => true,
'baseurl' => null,
'expectedexception' => \moodle_exception::class,
* Test for get all issuers.
public function test_get_all_issuers(): void {
$googleissuer = api::create_standard_issuer('google');
// Set Google issuer to be shown only on login page.
$record = $googleissuer->to_record();
$record->showonloginpage = $googleissuer::LOGINONLY;
$issuers = api::get_all_issuers();
$this->assertCount(2, $issuers);
$expected = ['Microsoft', 'Facebook'];
$this->assertEqualsCanonicalizing($expected, [$issuers[0]->get_display_name(), $issuers[1]->get_display_name()]);
$issuers = api::get_all_issuers(true);
$this->assertCount(3, $issuers);
$expected = ['Google', 'Microsoft', 'Facebook'];
[$issuers[0]->get_display_name(), $issuers[1]->get_display_name(), $issuers[2]->get_display_name()]);
* Test for is available for login.
public function test_is_available_for_login(): void {
$googleissuer = api::create_standard_issuer('google');
// Set Google issuer to be shown only on login page.
$record = $googleissuer->to_record();
$record->showonloginpage = $googleissuer::LOGINONLY;
// Set a clientid and clientsecret.
$googleissuer->set('clientid', 'clientid');
$googleissuer->set('clientsecret', 'secret');
// Set showonloginpage to service only.
$googleissuer->set('showonloginpage', issuer::SERVICEONLY);
// Set showonloginpage to everywhere (service and login) and disable issuer.
$googleissuer->set('showonloginpage', issuer::EVERYWHERE);
$googleissuer->set('enabled', 0);
// Enable issuer.
$googleissuer->set('enabled', 1);
// Remove userinfo endpoint from issuer.
$endpoint = endpoint::get_record([
'issuerid' => $googleissuer->get('id'),
'name' => 'userinfo_endpoint'
* Data provider for test_get_internalfield_list and test_get_internalfields.
* @return array
public function create_custom_profile_fields(): array {
return [
'data' =>
'given' => [
'Hobbies' => [
'shortname' => 'hobbies',
'name' => 'Hobbies',
'expected' => [
'Hobbies' => [
'shortname' => 'hobbies',
'name' => 'Hobbies',
'given' => [
'Billing' => [
'shortname' => 'billingaddress',
'name' => 'Billing Address',
'Payment' => [
'shortname' => 'creditcardnumber',
'name' => 'Credit Card Number',
'expected' => [
'Billing' => [
'shortname' => 'billingaddress',
'name' => 'Billing Address',
'Payment' => [
'shortname' => 'creditcardnumber',
'name' => 'Credit Card Number',
* Test getting the list of internal fields.
* @dataProvider create_custom_profile_fields
* @covers ::get_internalfield_list
* @param array $given Categories and profile fields.
* @param array $expected Expected value.
public function test_get_internalfield_list(array $given, array $expected): void {
$userfieldmapping = new user_field_mapping();
$internalfieldlist = $userfieldmapping->get_internalfield_list();
foreach ($expected as $category => $value) {
// Custom profile fields must exist.
// Category must have the custom profile fields with expected value.
$internalfieldlist[$category][\core_user\fields::PROFILE_FIELD_PREFIX . $value['shortname']],
* Test getting the list of internal fields with flat array.
* @dataProvider create_custom_profile_fields
* @covers ::get_internalfields
* @param array $given Categories and profile fields.
* @param array $expected Expected value.
public function test_get_internalfields(array $given, array $expected): void {
$userfieldmapping = new user_field_mapping();
$internalfields = $userfieldmapping->get_internalfields();
// Custom profile fields must exist.
foreach ($expected as $category => $value) {
$this->assertContains( \core_user\fields::PROFILE_FIELD_PREFIX . $value['shortname'], $internalfields);
* Test getting the list of empty external/custom profile fields.
* @covers ::get_internalfields
public function test_get_empty_internalfield_list(): void {
// Get internal (profile) fields.
$userfieldmapping = new user_field_mapping();
$internalfieldlist = $userfieldmapping->get_internalfields();
// Get user fields.
$userfields = array_merge(\core_user::AUTHSYNCFIELDS, ['picture', 'username']);
// Internal fields and user fields must exact same.
$this->assertEquals($userfields, $internalfieldlist);
* Test getting Return the list of profile fields.
* @dataProvider create_custom_profile_fields
* @covers ::get_profile_field_list
* @param array $given Categories and profile fields.
* @param array $expected Expected value.
public function test_get_profile_field_list(array $given, array $expected): void {
$profilefieldlist = get_profile_field_list();
foreach ($expected as $category => $value) {
$profilefieldlist[$category][\core_user\fields::PROFILE_FIELD_PREFIX . $value['shortname']],
* Test getting the list of valid custom profile user fields.
* @dataProvider create_custom_profile_fields
* @covers ::get_profile_field_names
* @param array $given Categories and profile fields.
* @param array $expected Expected value.
public function test_get_profile_field_names(array $given, array $expected): void {
$profilefieldnames = get_profile_field_names();
// Custom profile fields must exist.
foreach ($expected as $category => $value) {
$this->assertContains( \core_user\fields::PROFILE_FIELD_PREFIX . $value['shortname'], $profilefieldnames);
* Generate data into DB for Testing getting user fields mapping.
* @param array $given Categories and profile fields.
private function generate_custom_profile_fields(array $given): void {
// Create a profile category and the profile fields.
foreach ($given as $category => $value) {
$customprofilefieldcategory = ['name' => $category, 'sortorder' => 1];
$category = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_custom_profile_field_category($customprofilefieldcategory);
['shortname' => $value['shortname'],
'name' => $value['name'],
'categoryid' => $category->id,
'required' => 1, 'visible' => 1, 'locked' => 0, 'datatype' => 'text', 'defaultdata' => null]);