David Mudrák 39d2c68856 MDL-61742 messaging: Do not send messages from inactive providers
Before this patch, we only checked that the given provider has been
configured in the user or system preferences. However, if the provider's
component is disabled, it does not even appear in these preferences.
Additionally, there was no check that the message / notification
provider is among providers allowed to be consumed by the recipient.

The patch checks that the message origin is among providers returned by
the message_get_providers_for_user() so disabled plugins can't act as
sources of messages and users can't receive messages from providers they
do not have capability for. This mitigates the risk of abusing a plugin
as a source of spam, for example.

Unit test is fixed and extended. When the $CFG->messaging is disabled,
no messages between users should be sent (I can't understand why the
unit test was written in an opposite way). Added assertions for the
raised debugging message.
2018-08-31 12:15:30 +02:00

653 lines
28 KiB

// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* Functions for interacting with the message system
* @package core_message
* @copyright 2008 Luis Rodrigues and Martin Dougiamas
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
require_once(__DIR__ . '/../message/lib.php');
* Called when a message provider wants to send a message.
* This functions checks the message recipient's message processor configuration then
* sends the message to the configured processors
* Required parameters of the $eventdata object:
* component string component name. must exist in message_providers
* name string message type name. must exist in message_providers
* userfrom object|int the user sending the message
* userto object|int the message recipient
* subject string the message subject
* fullmessage string the full message in a given format
* fullmessageformat int the format if the full message (FORMAT_MOODLE, FORMAT_HTML, ..)
* fullmessagehtml string the full version (the message processor will choose with one to use)
* smallmessage string the small version of the message
* Optional parameters of the $eventdata object:
* notification bool should the message be considered as a notification rather than a personal message
* contexturl string if this is a notification then you can specify a url to view the event. For example the forum post the user is being notified of.
* contexturlname string the display text for contexturl
* Note: processor failure is is not reported as false return value,
* earlier versions did not do it consistently either.
* @category message
* @param \core\message\message $eventdata information about the message (component, userfrom, userto, ...)
* @return mixed the integer ID of the new message or false if there was a problem with submitted data
function message_send(\core\message\message $eventdata) {
global $CFG, $DB;
//new message ID to return
$messageid = false;
// Fetch default (site) preferences
$defaultpreferences = get_message_output_default_preferences();
$preferencebase = $eventdata->component.'_'.$eventdata->name;
// If the message provider is disabled via preferences, then don't send the message.
if (!empty($defaultpreferences->{$preferencebase.'_disable'})) {
return $messageid;
// By default a message is a notification. Only personal/private messages aren't notifications.
if (!isset($eventdata->notification)) {
$eventdata->notification = 1;
if (!is_object($eventdata->userto)) {
$eventdata->userto = core_user::get_user($eventdata->userto);
if (!is_object($eventdata->userfrom)) {
$eventdata->userfrom = core_user::get_user($eventdata->userfrom);
if (!$eventdata->userto) {
debugging('Attempt to send msg to unknown user', DEBUG_NORMAL);
return false;
if (!$eventdata->userfrom) {
debugging('Attempt to send msg from unknown user', DEBUG_NORMAL);
return false;
// If the provider's component is disabled or the user can't receive messages from it, don't send the message.
$isproviderallowed = false;
foreach (message_get_providers_for_user($eventdata->userto->id) as $provider) {
if ($provider->component === $eventdata->component && $provider->name === $eventdata->name) {
$isproviderallowed = true;
if (!$isproviderallowed) {
debugging('Attempt to send msg from a provider '.$eventdata->component.'/'.$eventdata->name.
' that is inactive or not allowed for the user id='.$eventdata->userto->id, DEBUG_NORMAL);
return false;
// Verify all necessary data fields are present.
if (!isset($eventdata->userto->auth) or !isset($eventdata->userto->suspended)
or !isset($eventdata->userto->deleted) or !isset($eventdata->userto->emailstop)) {
debugging('Necessary properties missing in userto object, fetching full record', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
$eventdata->userto = core_user::get_user($eventdata->userto->id);
$usertoisrealuser = (core_user::is_real_user($eventdata->userto->id) != false);
// If recipient is internal user (noreply user), and emailstop is set then don't send any msg.
if (!$usertoisrealuser && !empty($eventdata->userto->emailstop)) {
debugging('Attempt to send msg to internal (noreply) user', DEBUG_NORMAL);
return false;
//after how long inactive should the user be considered logged off?
if (isset($CFG->block_online_users_timetosee)) {
$timetoshowusers = $CFG->block_online_users_timetosee * 60;
} else {
$timetoshowusers = 300;//5 minutes
// Work out if the user is logged in or not
if (!empty($eventdata->userto->lastaccess) && (time()-$timetoshowusers) < $eventdata->userto->lastaccess) {
$userstate = 'loggedin';
} else {
$userstate = 'loggedoff';
// Check if we are creating a notification or message.
if ($eventdata->notification) {
$table = 'notifications';
$tabledata = new stdClass();
$tabledata->useridfrom = $eventdata->userfrom->id;
$tabledata->useridto = $eventdata->userto->id;
$tabledata->subject = $eventdata->subject;
$tabledata->fullmessage = $eventdata->fullmessage;
$tabledata->fullmessageformat = $eventdata->fullmessageformat;
$tabledata->fullmessagehtml = $eventdata->fullmessagehtml;
$tabledata->smallmessage = $eventdata->smallmessage;
$tabledata->eventtype = $eventdata->name;
$tabledata->component = $eventdata->component;
if (!empty($eventdata->contexturl)) {
$tabledata->contexturl = (string)$eventdata->contexturl;
} else {
$tabledata->contexturl = null;
if (!empty($eventdata->contexturlname)) {
$tabledata->contexturlname = (string)$eventdata->contexturlname;
} else {
$tabledata->contexturlname = null;
} else {
$table = 'messages';
if (!$conversationid = \core_message\api::get_conversation_between_users([$eventdata->userfrom->id,
$eventdata->userto->id])) {
$conversationid = \core_message\api::create_conversation_between_users([$eventdata->userfrom->id,
$tabledata = new stdClass();
$tabledata->courseid = $eventdata->courseid;
$tabledata->useridfrom = $eventdata->userfrom->id;
$tabledata->conversationid = $conversationid;
$tabledata->subject = $eventdata->subject;
$tabledata->fullmessage = $eventdata->fullmessage;
$tabledata->fullmessageformat = $eventdata->fullmessageformat;
$tabledata->fullmessagehtml = $eventdata->fullmessagehtml;
$tabledata->smallmessage = $eventdata->smallmessage;
$tabledata->timecreated = time();
if (PHPUNIT_TEST and class_exists('phpunit_util')) {
// Add some more tests to make sure the normal code can actually work.
$componentdir = core_component::get_component_directory($eventdata->component);
if (!$componentdir or !is_dir($componentdir)) {
throw new coding_exception('Invalid component specified in message-send(): '.$eventdata->component);
if (!file_exists("$componentdir/db/messages.php")) {
throw new coding_exception("$eventdata->component does not contain db/messages.php necessary for message_send()");
$messageproviders = null;
if (!isset($messageproviders[$eventdata->name])) {
throw new coding_exception("Missing messaging defaults for event '$eventdata->name' in '$eventdata->component' messages.php file");
// Now ask phpunit if it wants to catch this message.
if (phpunit_util::is_redirecting_messages()) {
$messageid = $DB->insert_record($table, $tabledata);
$message = $DB->get_record($table, array('id' => $messageid));
// Add the useridto attribute for BC.
$message->useridto = $eventdata->userto->id;
// Mark the message/notification as read.
if ($eventdata->notification) {
} else {
\core_message\api::mark_message_as_read($eventdata->userto->id, $message);
// Unit tests need this detail.
$message->notification = $eventdata->notification;
return $messageid;
// Fetch enabled processors.
// If we are dealing with a message some processors may want to handle it regardless of user and site settings.
if (!$eventdata->notification) {
$processors = array_filter(get_message_processors(false), function($processor) {
if ($processor->object->force_process_messages()) {
return true;
return ($processor->enabled && $processor->configured);
} else {
$processors = get_message_processors(true);
// Preset variables
$processorlist = array();
// Fill in the array of processors to be used based on default and user preferences
foreach ($processors as $processor) {
// Skip adding processors for internal user, if processor doesn't support sending message to internal user.
if (!$usertoisrealuser && !$processor->object->can_send_to_any_users()) {
// First find out permissions
$defaultpreference = $processor->name.'_provider_'.$preferencebase.'_permitted';
if (isset($defaultpreferences->{$defaultpreference})) {
$permitted = $defaultpreferences->{$defaultpreference};
} else {
// MDL-25114 They supplied an $eventdata->component $eventdata->name combination which doesn't
// exist in the message_provider table (thus there is no default settings for them).
$preferrormsg = "Could not load preference $defaultpreference. Make sure the component and name you supplied
to message_send() are valid.";
throw new coding_exception($preferrormsg);
// Find out if user has configured this output
// Some processors cannot function without settings from the user
$userisconfigured = $processor->object->is_user_configured($eventdata->userto);
// DEBUG: notify if we are forcing unconfigured output
if ($permitted == 'forced' && !$userisconfigured) {
debugging('Attempt to force message delivery to user who has "'.$processor->name.'" output unconfigured', DEBUG_NORMAL);
// Populate the list of processors we will be using
if (!$eventdata->notification && $processor->object->force_process_messages()) {
$processorlist[] = $processor->name;
} else if ($permitted == 'forced' && $userisconfigured) {
// An admin is forcing users to use this message processor. Use this processor unconditionally.
$processorlist[] = $processor->name;
} else if ($permitted == 'permitted' && $userisconfigured && !$eventdata->userto->emailstop) {
// User has not disabled notifications
// See if user set any notification preferences, otherwise use site default ones
$userpreferencename = 'message_provider_'.$preferencebase.'_'.$userstate;
if ($userpreference = get_user_preferences($userpreferencename, null, $eventdata->userto)) {
if (in_array($processor->name, explode(',', $userpreference))) {
$processorlist[] = $processor->name;
} else if (isset($defaultpreferences->{$userpreferencename})) {
if (in_array($processor->name, explode(',', $defaultpreferences->{$userpreferencename}))) {
$processorlist[] = $processor->name;
// Only cache messages, not notifications.
if (!$eventdata->notification) {
// Cache the timecreated value of the last message between these two users.
$cache = cache::make('core', 'message_time_last_message_between_users');
$key = \core_message\helper::get_last_message_time_created_cache_key($eventdata->userfrom->id,
$cache->set($key, $tabledata->timecreated);
// Store unread message just in case we get a fatal error any time later.
$tabledata->id = $DB->insert_record($table, $tabledata);
$eventdata->savedmessageid = $tabledata->id;
// Let the manager do the sending or buffering when db transaction in progress.
return \core\message\manager::send_message($eventdata, $tabledata, $processorlist);
* Updates the message_providers table with the current set of message providers
* @param string $component For example 'moodle', 'mod_forum' or 'block_quiz_results'
* @return boolean True on success
function message_update_providers($component='moodle') {
global $DB;
// load message providers from files
$fileproviders = message_get_providers_from_file($component);
// load message providers from the database
$dbproviders = message_get_providers_from_db($component);
foreach ($fileproviders as $messagename => $fileprovider) {
if (!empty($dbproviders[$messagename])) { // Already exists in the database
// check if capability has changed
if ($dbproviders[$messagename]->capability == $fileprovider['capability']) { // Same, so ignore
// exact same message provider already present in db, ignore this entry
} else { // Update existing one
$provider = new stdClass();
$provider->id = $dbproviders[$messagename]->id;
$provider->capability = $fileprovider['capability'];
$DB->update_record('message_providers', $provider);
} else { // New message provider, add it
$provider = new stdClass();
$provider->name = $messagename;
$provider->component = $component;
$provider->capability = $fileprovider['capability'];
$transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction();
$DB->insert_record('message_providers', $provider);
message_set_default_message_preference($component, $messagename, $fileprovider);
foreach ($dbproviders as $dbprovider) { // Delete old ones
$DB->delete_records('message_providers', array('id' => $dbprovider->id));
$DB->delete_records_select('config_plugins', "plugin = 'message' AND ".$DB->sql_like('name', '?', false), array("%_provider_{$component}_{$dbprovider->name}_%"));
$DB->delete_records_select('user_preferences', $DB->sql_like('name', '?', false), array("message_provider_{$component}_{$dbprovider->name}_%"));
cache_helper::invalidate_by_definition('core', 'config', array(), 'message');
return true;
* This function populates default message preferences for all existing providers
* when the new message processor is added.
* @param string $processorname The name of message processor plugin (e.g. 'email', 'jabber')
* @throws invalid_parameter_exception if $processorname does not exist in the database
function message_update_processors($processorname) {
global $DB;
// validate if our processor exists
$processor = $DB->get_records('message_processors', array('name' => $processorname));
if (empty($processor)) {
throw new invalid_parameter_exception();
$providers = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT DISTINCT component FROM {message_providers}');
$transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction();
foreach ($providers as $provider) {
// load message providers from files
$fileproviders = message_get_providers_from_file($provider->component);
foreach ($fileproviders as $messagename => $fileprovider) {
message_set_default_message_preference($provider->component, $messagename, $fileprovider, $processorname);
* Setting default messaging preferences for particular message provider
* @param string $component The name of component (e.g. moodle, mod_forum, etc.)
* @param string $messagename The name of message provider
* @param array $fileprovider The value of $messagename key in the array defined in plugin messages.php
* @param string $processorname The optional name of message processor
function message_set_default_message_preference($component, $messagename, $fileprovider, $processorname='') {
global $DB;
// Fetch message processors
$condition = null;
// If we need to process a particular processor, set the select condition
if (!empty($processorname)) {
$condition = array('name' => $processorname);
$processors = $DB->get_records('message_processors', $condition);
// load default messaging preferences
$defaultpreferences = get_message_output_default_preferences();
// Setting default preference
$componentproviderbase = $component.'_'.$messagename;
$loggedinpref = array();
$loggedoffpref = array();
// set 'permitted' preference first for each messaging processor
foreach ($processors as $processor) {
$preferencename = $processor->name.'_provider_'.$componentproviderbase.'_permitted';
// if we do not have this setting yet, set it
if (!isset($defaultpreferences->{$preferencename})) {
// determine plugin default settings
$plugindefault = 0;
if (isset($fileprovider['defaults'][$processor->name])) {
$plugindefault = $fileprovider['defaults'][$processor->name];
// get string values of the settings
list($permitted, $loggedin, $loggedoff) = translate_message_default_setting($plugindefault, $processor->name);
// store default preferences for current processor
set_config($preferencename, $permitted, 'message');
// save loggedin/loggedoff settings
if ($loggedin) {
$loggedinpref[] = $processor->name;
if ($loggedoff) {
$loggedoffpref[] = $processor->name;
// now set loggedin/loggedoff preferences
if (!empty($loggedinpref)) {
$preferencename = 'message_provider_'.$componentproviderbase.'_loggedin';
if (isset($defaultpreferences->{$preferencename})) {
// We have the default preferences for this message provider, which
// likely means that we have been adding a new processor. Add defaults
// to exisitng preferences.
$loggedinpref = array_merge($loggedinpref, explode(',', $defaultpreferences->{$preferencename}));
set_config($preferencename, join(',', $loggedinpref), 'message');
if (!empty($loggedoffpref)) {
$preferencename = 'message_provider_'.$componentproviderbase.'_loggedoff';
if (isset($defaultpreferences->{$preferencename})) {
// We have the default preferences for this message provider, which
// likely means that we have been adding a new processor. Add defaults
// to exisitng preferences.
$loggedoffpref = array_merge($loggedoffpref, explode(',', $defaultpreferences->{$preferencename}));
set_config($preferencename, join(',', $loggedoffpref), 'message');
* Returns the active providers for the user specified, based on capability
* @param int $userid id of user
* @return array An array of message providers
function message_get_providers_for_user($userid) {
global $DB, $CFG;
$providers = get_message_providers();
// Ensure user is not allowed to configure instantmessage if it is globally disabled.
if (!$CFG->messaging) {
foreach ($providers as $providerid => $provider) {
if ($provider->name == 'instantmessage') {
// If the component is an enrolment plugin, check it is enabled
foreach ($providers as $providerid => $provider) {
list($type, $name) = core_component::normalize_component($provider->component);
if ($type == 'enrol' && !enrol_is_enabled($name)) {
// Now we need to check capabilities. We need to eliminate the providers
// where the user does not have the corresponding capability anywhere.
// Here we deal with the common simple case of the user having the
// capability in the system context. That handles $CFG->defaultuserroleid.
// For the remaining providers/capabilities, we need to do a more complex
// query involving all overrides everywhere.
$unsureproviders = array();
$unsurecapabilities = array();
$systemcontext = context_system::instance();
foreach ($providers as $providerid => $provider) {
if (empty($provider->capability) || has_capability($provider->capability, $systemcontext, $userid)) {
// The provider is relevant to this user.
$unsureproviders[$providerid] = $provider;
$unsurecapabilities[$provider->capability] = 1;
if (empty($unsureproviders)) {
// More complex checks are not required.
return $providers;
// Now check the unsure capabilities.
list($capcondition, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(
array_keys($unsurecapabilities), SQL_PARAMS_NAMED);
$params['userid'] = $userid;
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT rc.capability, 1
FROM {role_assignments} ra
JOIN {context} actx ON = ra.contextid
JOIN {role_capabilities} rc ON rc.roleid = ra.roleid
JOIN {context} cctx ON = rc.contextid
WHERE ra.userid = :userid
AND rc.capability $capcondition
AND rc.permission > 0
AND (".$DB->sql_concat('actx.path', "'/'")." LIKE ".$DB->sql_concat('cctx.path', "'/%'").
" OR ".$DB->sql_concat('cctx.path', "'/'")." LIKE ".$DB->sql_concat('actx.path', "'/%'").")";
if (!empty($CFG->defaultfrontpageroleid)) {
$frontpagecontext = context_course::instance(SITEID);
list($capcondition2, $params2) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(
array_keys($unsurecapabilities), SQL_PARAMS_NAMED);
$params = array_merge($params, $params2);
$params['frontpageroleid'] = $CFG->defaultfrontpageroleid;
$params['frontpagepathpattern'] = $frontpagecontext->path . '/';
$sql .= "
SELECT DISTINCT rc.capability, 1
FROM {role_capabilities} rc
JOIN {context} cctx ON = rc.contextid
WHERE rc.roleid = :frontpageroleid
AND rc.capability $capcondition2
AND rc.permission > 0
AND ".$DB->sql_concat('cctx.path', "'/'")." LIKE :frontpagepathpattern";
$relevantcapabilities = $DB->get_records_sql_menu($sql, $params);
// Add back any providers based on the detailed capability check.
foreach ($unsureproviders as $providerid => $provider) {
if (array_key_exists($provider->capability, $relevantcapabilities)) {
$providers[$providerid] = $provider;
return $providers;
* Gets the message providers that are in the database for this component.
* This is an internal function used within messagelib.php
* @see message_update_providers()
* @param string $component A moodle component like 'moodle', 'mod_forum', 'block_quiz_results'
* @return array An array of message providers
function message_get_providers_from_db($component) {
global $DB;
return $DB->get_records('message_providers', array('component'=>$component), '', 'name, id, component, capability'); // Name is unique per component
* Loads the messages definitions for a component from file
* If no messages are defined for the component, return an empty array.
* This is an internal function used within messagelib.php
* @see message_update_providers()
* @see message_update_processors()
* @param string $component A moodle component like 'moodle', 'mod_forum', 'block_quiz_results'
* @return array An array of message providers or empty array if not exists
function message_get_providers_from_file($component) {
$defpath = core_component::get_component_directory($component).'/db/messages.php';
$messageproviders = array();
if (file_exists($defpath)) {
foreach ($messageproviders as $name => $messageprovider) { // Fix up missing values if required
if (empty($messageprovider['capability'])) {
$messageproviders[$name]['capability'] = NULL;
if (empty($messageprovider['defaults'])) {
$messageproviders[$name]['defaults'] = array();
return $messageproviders;
* Remove all message providers for particular component and corresponding settings
* @param string $component A moodle component like 'moodle', 'mod_forum', 'block_quiz_results'
* @return void
function message_provider_uninstall($component) {
global $DB;
$transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction();
$DB->delete_records('message_providers', array('component' => $component));
$DB->delete_records_select('config_plugins', "plugin = 'message' AND ".$DB->sql_like('name', '?', false), array("%_provider_{$component}_%"));
$DB->delete_records_select('user_preferences', $DB->sql_like('name', '?', false), array("message_provider_{$component}_%"));
// Purge all messaging settings from the caches. They are stored by plugin so we have to clear all message settings.
cache_helper::invalidate_by_definition('core', 'config', array(), 'message');
* Uninstall a message processor
* @param string $name A message processor name like 'email', 'jabber'
function message_processor_uninstall($name) {
global $DB;
$transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction();
$DB->delete_records('message_processors', array('name' => $name));
$DB->delete_records_select('config_plugins', "plugin = ?", array("message_{$name}"));
// delete permission preferences only, we do not care about loggedin/loggedoff
// defaults, they will be removed on the next attempt to update the preferences
$DB->delete_records_select('config_plugins', "plugin = 'message' AND ".$DB->sql_like('name', '?', false), array("{$name}_provider_%"));
// Purge all messaging settings from the caches. They are stored by plugin so we have to clear all message settings.
cache_helper::invalidate_by_definition('core', 'config', array(), array('message', "message_{$name}"));