moodler f2bb0045d3 More moodling on the course categories, improving performance for
large categories and making it easier to move large numbers of
courses around.

Also cleaned up some of the navigation bars
2003-08-09 16:53:30 +00:00

368 lines
12 KiB

<?PHP // $Id$
// For most people, just lists the course categories
// Allows the admin to create, delete and rename course categories
if (!$site = get_site()) {
error("Site isn't defined!");
if (isadmin()) {
if (isset($_GET['edit'])) {
if ($edit == "on") {
$USER->editing = true;
} else if ($edit == "off") {
$USER->editing = false;
$adminediting = (isadmin() and !empty($USER->editing));
/// Unless it's an editing admin, just print the regular listing of courses/categories
if (!$adminediting) {
$countcategories = count_records("course_categories");
if ($countcategories > 1) {
$strcourses = get_string("courses");
print_header($strcourses, $strcourses, $strcourses, "", "", true, update_categories_button());
print_simple_box_start("center", "50%");
} else {
$strfulllistofcourses = get_string("fulllistofcourses");
print_header("$site->shortname: $strfulllistofcourses", $strfulllistofcourses, $strfulllistofcourses);
print_courses(0, "80%");
/// From now on is all the admin functions
if (!isadmin()) {
error("Only administrators can use this page!");
/// Print headings
$stradministration = get_string("administration");
$strcategories = get_string("categories");
$strcategory = get_string("category");
$strcourses = get_string("courses");
$stredit = get_string("edit");
$strdelete = get_string("delete");
$straction = get_string("action");
$straddnewcategory = get_string("addnewcategory");
print_header("$site->shortname: $strcategories", "$site->fullname",
"<a href=\"../$CFG->admin/index.php\">$stradministration</a> -> $strcategories",
"addform.addcategory", "", true, update_categories_button());
/// If data for a new category was submitted, then add it
if ($form = data_submitted()) {
if (!empty($form->addcategory)) {
$newcategory->name = $form->addcategory;
$newcategory->sortorder = 999;
if (!insert_record("course_categories", $newcategory)) {
notify("Could not insert the new category '$newcategory->name'");
} else {
notify(get_string("categoryadded", "", $newcategory->name));
/// Delete a category if necessary
if (isset($delete)) {
if ($tempcat = get_record("course_categories", "id", $delete)) {
if (delete_records("course_categories", "id", $tempcat->id)) {
notify(get_string("categorydeleted", "", $tempcat->name));
if ($children = get_records("course_categories", "parent", $tempcat->id)) {
foreach ($children as $childcat) {
if (! set_field("course_categories", "parent", $tempcat->parent, "id", $childcat->id)) {
notify("Could not update a child category!");
/// Create a default category if necessary
if (!$categories = get_categories()) { /// No category yet!
// Try and make one
$tempcat->name = get_string("miscellaneous");
if (!$tempcat->id = insert_record("course_categories", $tempcat)) {
error("Serious error: Could not create a default category!");
/// Move a category to a new parent if required
if (isset($move) and isset($moveto)) {
if ($tempcat = get_record("course_categories", "id", $move)) {
if ($tempcat->parent != $moveto) {
if (! set_field("course_categories", "parent", $moveto, "id", $tempcat->id)) {
notify("Could not update that category!");
/// Hide or show a category
if (isset($hide) or isset($show)) {
if (isset($hide)) {
$tempcat = get_record("course_categories", "id", $hide);
$visible = 0;
} else {
$tempcat = get_record("course_categories", "id", $show);
$visible = 1;
if ($tempcat) {
if (! set_field("course_categories", "visible", $visible, "id", $tempcat->id)) {
notify("Could not update that category!");
if (! set_field("course", "visible", $visible, "category", $tempcat->id)) {
notify("Could not hide/show any courses in this category !");
/// Move a category up or down
if (isset($moveup) or isset($movedown)) {
$swapcategory = NULL;
$movecategory = NULL;
if (isset($moveup)) {
if ($movecategory = get_record("course_categories", "id", $moveup)) {
$categories = get_categories("$movecategory->parent");
foreach ($categories as $category) {
if ($category->id == $movecategory->id) {
$swapcategory = $category;
if (isset($movedown)) {
if ($movecategory = get_record("course_categories", "id", $movedown)) {
$categories = get_categories("$movecategory->parent");
$choosenext = false;
foreach ($categories as $category) {
if ($choosenext) {
$swapcategory = $category;
if ($category->id == $movecategory->id) {
$choosenext = true;
if ($swapcategory and $movecategory) { // Renumber everything for robustness
foreach ($categories as $category) {
if ($category->id == $swapcategory->id) {
$category = $movecategory;
} else if ($category->id == $movecategory->id) {
$category = $swapcategory;
if (! set_field("course_categories", "sortorder", $count, "id", $category->id)) {
notify("Could not update that category!");
/// Find the default category (the one with the lowest ID)
$categories = get_categories();
$default = 99999;
foreach ($categories as $category) {
if ($category->id < $default) {
$default = $category->id;
/// Find any orphan courses that don't yet have a valid category and set to default
if ($courses = get_courses()) {
foreach ($courses as $course) {
if ($course->category and !isset( $categories[$course->category] )) {
set_field("course", "category", $default, "id", $course->id);
/// Print form for creating new categories
echo "<center>";
echo "<form name=\"addform\" action=\"index.php\" method=\"post\">";
echo "<input type=\"text\" size=30 name=\"addcategory\">";
echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"$straddnewcategory\">";
echo "</form>";
echo "</center>";
echo "<br />";
/// Print out the categories with all the knobs
$strcategories = get_string("categories");
$strcourses = get_string("courses");
$strmovecategoryto = get_string("movecategoryto");
$stredit = get_string("edit");
$displaylist = array();
$parentlist = array();
$displaylist[0] = get_string("top");
make_categories_list($displaylist, $parentlist, "");
echo "<table align=\"center\" border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=5 class=\"generalbox\"><tr>";
echo "<th>$strcategories</th>";
echo "<th>$strcourses</th>";
echo "<th>$stredit</th>";
echo "<th>$strmovecategoryto</th>";
print_category_edit(NULL, $displaylist, $parentlist);
echo "</table>";
echo "<br />";
echo "<center>";
/// Print link to create a new course
$option["category"] = $category->id;
print_single_button("edit.php", $options, get_string("addnewcourse"), "get");
echo "<br />";
echo "</center>";
function print_category_edit($category, $displaylist, $parentslist, $depth=-1, $up=false, $down=false) {
/// Recursive function to print all the categories ready for editing
global $THEME, $CFG;
static $str = '';
static $pixpath = '';
if (empty($str)) {
$str->delete = get_string("delete");
$str->moveup = get_string("moveup");
$str->movedown = get_string("movedown");
$str->edit = get_string("editthiscategory");
$str->hide = get_string("hide");
$str->show = get_string("show");
if (empty($pixpath)) {
if (empty($THEME->custompix)) {
$pixpath = "$CFG->wwwroot/pix";
} else {
$pixpath = "$CFG->wwwroot/theme/$CFG->theme/pix";
if ($category) {
echo "<tr><td align=\"left\" nowrap=\"nowrap\" bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellcontent\">";
echo "<p>";
for ($i=0; $i<$depth;$i++) {
echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
$linkcss = $category->visible ? "" : " class=\"dimmed\" ";
echo "<a $linkcss title=\"$str->edit\" href=\"category.php?id=$category->id&edit=on\">$category->name</a>";
echo "</p>";
echo "</td>";
echo "<td align=\"right\">"; /// Print little icons
echo count_records("course", "category", $category->id);
echo "</td>";
echo "<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">"; /// Print little icons
echo "<a title=\"$str->delete\" href=\"index.php?delete=$category->id\"><img".
" src=\"$pixpath/t/delete.gif\" height=11 width=11 border=0></a> ";
if (!empty($category->visible)) {
echo "<a title=\"$str->hide\" href=\"index.php?hide=$category->id\"><img".
" src=\"$pixpath/t/hide.gif\" height=11 width=11 border=0></a> ";
} else {
echo "<a title=\"$str->show\" href=\"index.php?show=$category->id\"><img".
" src=\"$pixpath/t/show.gif\" height=11 width=11 border=0></a> ";
if ($up) {
echo "<a title=\"$str->moveup\" href=\"index.php?moveup=$category->id\"><img".
" src=\"$pixpath/t/up.gif\" height=11 width=11 border=0></a> ";
if ($down) {
echo "<a title=\"$str->movedown\" href=\"index.php?movedown=$category->id\"><img".
" src=\"$pixpath/t/down.gif\" height=11 width=11 border=0></a> ";
echo "</td>";
echo "<td align=\"left\" width=\"0\">";
$tempdisplaylist = $displaylist;
foreach ($parentslist as $key => $parents) {
if (in_array($category->id, $parents)) {
popup_form ("index.php?move=$category->id&moveto=", $tempdisplaylist, "moveform$category->id", "$category->parent", "", "", "", false);
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
} else {
$category->id = "0";
if ($categories = get_categories($category->id)) { // Print all the children recursively
$countcats = count($categories);
$count = 0;
$first = true;
$last = false;
foreach ($categories as $cat) {
if ($count == $countcats) {
$last = true;
$up = $first ? false : true;
$down = $last ? false : true;
$first = false;
print_category_edit($cat, $displaylist, $parentslist, $depth+1, $up, $down);