mirror of https://github.com/moodle/moodle.git synced 2025-03-27 19:12:39 +01:00
sam marshall af729c3f5e MDL-48452 Completion: Expected date doesn't save when form is locked
The completion fields are locked when a user has already completed the
task, to prevent you accidentally causing it to recalculate the data.

This lock doesn't apply to the expected date field, as this doesn't
affect user completion. However, changes to the field in this
situation were incorrectly not saved.
2014-12-16 17:31:00 +00:00

583 lines
24 KiB

// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Library of functions specific to course/modedit.php and course API functions.
* The course API function calling them are course/lib.php:create_module() and update_module().
* This file has been created has an alternative solution to a full refactor of course/modedit.php
* in order to create the course API functions.
* @copyright 2013 Jerome Mouneyrac
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
* @package core_course
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die;
* Add course module.
* The function does not check user capabilities.
* The function creates course module, module instance, add the module to the correct section.
* It also trigger common action that need to be done after adding/updating a module.
* @param object $moduleinfo the moudle data
* @param object $course the course of the module
* @param object $mform this is required by an existing hack to deal with files during MODULENAME_add_instance()
* @return object the updated module info
function add_moduleinfo($moduleinfo, $course, $mform = null) {
global $DB, $CFG;
// Attempt to include module library before we make any changes to DB.
$moduleinfo->course = $course->id;
$moduleinfo = set_moduleinfo_defaults($moduleinfo);
if (!empty($course->groupmodeforce) or !isset($moduleinfo->groupmode)) {
$moduleinfo->groupmode = 0; // Do not set groupmode.
// First add course_module record because we need the context.
$newcm = new stdClass();
$newcm->course = $course->id;
$newcm->module = $moduleinfo->module;
$newcm->instance = 0; // Not known yet, will be updated later (this is similar to restore code).
$newcm->visible = $moduleinfo->visible;
$newcm->visibleold = $moduleinfo->visible;
if (isset($moduleinfo->cmidnumber)) {
$newcm->idnumber = $moduleinfo->cmidnumber;
$newcm->groupmode = $moduleinfo->groupmode;
$newcm->groupingid = $moduleinfo->groupingid;
$completion = new completion_info($course);
if ($completion->is_enabled()) {
$newcm->completion = $moduleinfo->completion;
$newcm->completiongradeitemnumber = $moduleinfo->completiongradeitemnumber;
$newcm->completionview = $moduleinfo->completionview;
$newcm->completionexpected = $moduleinfo->completionexpected;
if(!empty($CFG->enableavailability)) {
// This code is used both when submitting the form, which uses a long
// name to avoid clashes, and by unit test code which uses the real
// name in the table.
$newcm->availability = null;
if (property_exists($moduleinfo, 'availabilityconditionsjson')) {
if ($moduleinfo->availabilityconditionsjson !== '') {
$newcm->availability = $moduleinfo->availabilityconditionsjson;
} else if (property_exists($moduleinfo, 'availability')) {
$newcm->availability = $moduleinfo->availability;
// If there is any availability data, verify it.
if ($newcm->availability) {
$tree = new \core_availability\tree(json_decode($newcm->availability));
// Save time and database space by setting null if the only data
// is an empty tree.
if ($tree->is_empty()) {
$newcm->availability = null;
if (isset($moduleinfo->showdescription)) {
$newcm->showdescription = $moduleinfo->showdescription;
} else {
$newcm->showdescription = 0;
// From this point we make database changes, so start transaction.
$transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction();
if (!$moduleinfo->coursemodule = add_course_module($newcm)) {
if (plugin_supports('mod', $moduleinfo->modulename, FEATURE_MOD_INTRO, true) &&
isset($moduleinfo->introeditor)) {
$introeditor = $moduleinfo->introeditor;
$moduleinfo->intro = $introeditor['text'];
$moduleinfo->introformat = $introeditor['format'];
$addinstancefunction = $moduleinfo->modulename."_add_instance";
try {
$returnfromfunc = $addinstancefunction($moduleinfo, $mform);
} catch (moodle_exception $e) {
$returnfromfunc = $e;
if (!$returnfromfunc or !is_number($returnfromfunc)) {
// Undo everything we can. This is not necessary for databases which
// support transactions, but improves consistency for other databases.
$modcontext = context_module::instance($moduleinfo->coursemodule);
context_helper::delete_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $moduleinfo->coursemodule);
$DB->delete_records('course_modules', array('id'=>$moduleinfo->coursemodule));
if ($e instanceof moodle_exception) {
throw $e;
} else if (!is_number($returnfromfunc)) {
print_error('invalidfunction', '', course_get_url($course, $moduleinfo->section));
} else {
print_error('cannotaddnewmodule', '', course_get_url($course, $moduleinfo->section), $moduleinfo->modulename);
$moduleinfo->instance = $returnfromfunc;
$DB->set_field('course_modules', 'instance', $returnfromfunc, array('id'=>$moduleinfo->coursemodule));
// Update embedded links and save files.
$modcontext = context_module::instance($moduleinfo->coursemodule);
if (!empty($introeditor)) {
$moduleinfo->intro = file_save_draft_area_files($introeditor['itemid'], $modcontext->id,
'mod_'.$moduleinfo->modulename, 'intro', 0,
array('subdirs'=>true), $introeditor['text']);
$DB->set_field($moduleinfo->modulename, 'intro', $moduleinfo->intro, array('id'=>$moduleinfo->instance));
// Course_modules and course_sections each contain a reference to each other.
// So we have to update one of them twice.
$sectionid = course_add_cm_to_section($course, $moduleinfo->coursemodule, $moduleinfo->section);
// Trigger event based on the action we did.
// Api create_from_cm expects modname and id property, and we don't want to modify $moduleinfo since we are returning it.
$eventdata = clone $moduleinfo;
$eventdata->modname = $eventdata->modulename;
$eventdata->id = $eventdata->coursemodule;
$event = \core\event\course_module_created::create_from_cm($eventdata, $modcontext);
$moduleinfo = edit_module_post_actions($moduleinfo, $course);
return $moduleinfo;
* Common create/update module module actions that need to be processed as soon as a module is created/updaded.
* For example:create grade parent category, add outcomes, rebuild caches, regrade, save plagiarism settings...
* Please note this api does not trigger events as of MOODLE 2.6. Please trigger events before calling this api.
* @param object $moduleinfo the module info
* @param object $course the course of the module
* @return object moduleinfo update with grading management info
function edit_module_post_actions($moduleinfo, $course) {
global $CFG;
$modcontext = context_module::instance($moduleinfo->coursemodule);
$hasgrades = plugin_supports('mod', $moduleinfo->modulename, FEATURE_GRADE_HAS_GRADE, false);
$hasoutcomes = plugin_supports('mod', $moduleinfo->modulename, FEATURE_GRADE_OUTCOMES, true);
// Sync idnumber with grade_item.
if ($hasgrades && $grade_item = grade_item::fetch(array('itemtype'=>'mod', 'itemmodule'=>$moduleinfo->modulename,
'iteminstance'=>$moduleinfo->instance, 'itemnumber'=>0, 'courseid'=>$course->id))) {
if ($grade_item->idnumber != $moduleinfo->cmidnumber) {
$grade_item->idnumber = $moduleinfo->cmidnumber;
if ($hasgrades) {
$items = grade_item::fetch_all(array('itemtype'=>'mod', 'itemmodule'=>$moduleinfo->modulename,
'iteminstance'=>$moduleinfo->instance, 'courseid'=>$course->id));
} else {
$items = array();
// Create parent category if requested and move to correct parent category.
if ($items and isset($moduleinfo->gradecat)) {
if ($moduleinfo->gradecat == -1) {
$grade_category = new grade_category();
$grade_category->courseid = $course->id;
$grade_category->fullname = $moduleinfo->name;
if ($grade_item) {
$parent = $grade_item->get_parent_category();
$moduleinfo->gradecat = $grade_category->id;
$gradecategory = $grade_item->get_parent_category();
foreach ($items as $itemid=>$unused) {
if ($itemid == $grade_item->id) {
// Use updated grade_item.
$grade_item = $items[$itemid];
if (!empty($moduleinfo->add)) {
if (grade_category::aggregation_uses_aggregationcoef($gradecategory->aggregation)) {
if ($gradecategory->aggregation == GRADE_AGGREGATE_WEIGHTED_MEAN) {
$grade_item->aggregationcoef = 1;
} else {
$grade_item->aggregationcoef = 0;
// Add outcomes if requested.
if ($hasoutcomes && $outcomes = grade_outcome::fetch_all_available($course->id)) {
$grade_items = array();
// Outcome grade_item.itemnumber start at 1000, there is nothing above outcomes.
$max_itemnumber = 999;
if ($items) {
foreach($items as $item) {
if ($item->itemnumber > $max_itemnumber) {
$max_itemnumber = $item->itemnumber;
foreach($outcomes as $outcome) {
$elname = 'outcome_'.$outcome->id;
if (property_exists($moduleinfo, $elname) and $moduleinfo->$elname) {
// So we have a request for new outcome grade item?
if ($items) {
$outcomeexists = false;
foreach($items as $item) {
if ($item->outcomeid == $outcome->id) {
$outcomeexists = true;
if ($outcomeexists) {
$outcome_item = new grade_item();
$outcome_item->courseid = $course->id;
$outcome_item->itemtype = 'mod';
$outcome_item->itemmodule = $moduleinfo->modulename;
$outcome_item->iteminstance = $moduleinfo->instance;
$outcome_item->itemnumber = $max_itemnumber;
$outcome_item->itemname = $outcome->fullname;
$outcome_item->outcomeid = $outcome->id;
$outcome_item->gradetype = GRADE_TYPE_SCALE;
$outcome_item->scaleid = $outcome->scaleid;
// Move the new outcome into correct category and fix sortorder if needed.
if ($grade_item) {
} else if (isset($moduleinfo->gradecat)) {
$gradecategory = $outcome_item->get_parent_category();
if ($outcomeexists == false) {
if (grade_category::aggregation_uses_aggregationcoef($gradecategory->aggregation)) {
if ($gradecategory->aggregation == GRADE_AGGREGATE_WEIGHTED_MEAN) {
$outcome_item->aggregationcoef = 1;
} else {
$outcome_item->aggregationcoef = 0;
if (plugin_supports('mod', $moduleinfo->modulename, FEATURE_ADVANCED_GRADING, false)
and has_capability('moodle/grade:managegradingforms', $modcontext)) {
$gradingman = get_grading_manager($modcontext, 'mod_'.$moduleinfo->modulename);
$showgradingmanagement = false;
foreach ($gradingman->get_available_areas() as $areaname => $aretitle) {
$formfield = 'advancedgradingmethod_'.$areaname;
if (isset($moduleinfo->{$formfield})) {
$methodchanged = $gradingman->set_active_method($moduleinfo->{$formfield});
if (empty($moduleinfo->{$formfield})) {
// Going back to the simple direct grading is not a reason to open the management screen.
$methodchanged = false;
$showgradingmanagement = $showgradingmanagement || $methodchanged;
// Update grading management information.
$moduleinfo->gradingman = $gradingman;
$moduleinfo->showgradingmanagement = $showgradingmanagement;
rebuild_course_cache($course->id, true);
if ($hasgrades) {
return $moduleinfo;
* Set module info default values for the unset module attributs.
* @param object $moduleinfo the current known data of the module
* @return object the completed module info
function set_moduleinfo_defaults($moduleinfo) {
if (empty($moduleinfo->coursemodule)) {
// Add.
$cm = null;
$moduleinfo->instance = '';
$moduleinfo->coursemodule = '';
} else {
// Update.
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('', $moduleinfo->coursemodule, 0, false, MUST_EXIST);
$moduleinfo->instance = $cm->instance;
$moduleinfo->coursemodule = $cm->id;
// For safety.
$moduleinfo->modulename = clean_param($moduleinfo->modulename, PARAM_PLUGIN);
if (!isset($moduleinfo->groupingid)) {
$moduleinfo->groupingid = 0;
if (!isset($moduleinfo->name)) { // Label.
$moduleinfo->name = $moduleinfo->modulename;
if (!isset($moduleinfo->completion)) {
$moduleinfo->completion = COMPLETION_DISABLED;
if (!isset($moduleinfo->completionview)) {
$moduleinfo->completionview = COMPLETION_VIEW_NOT_REQUIRED;
if (!isset($moduleinfo->completionexpected)) {
$moduleinfo->completionexpected = 0;
// Convert the 'use grade' checkbox into a grade-item number: 0 if checked, null if not.
if (isset($moduleinfo->completionusegrade) && $moduleinfo->completionusegrade) {
$moduleinfo->completiongradeitemnumber = 0;
} else {
$moduleinfo->completiongradeitemnumber = null;
if (!isset($moduleinfo->conditiongradegroup)) {
$moduleinfo->conditiongradegroup = array();
if (!isset($moduleinfo->conditionfieldgroup)) {
$moduleinfo->conditionfieldgroup = array();
return $moduleinfo;
* Check that the user can add a module. Also returns some information like the module, context and course section info.
* The fucntion create the course section if it doesn't exist.
* @param object $course the course of the module
* @param object $modulename the module name
* @param object $section the section of the module
* @return array list containing module, context, course section.
* @throws moodle_exception if user is not allowed to perform the action or module is not allowed in this course
function can_add_moduleinfo($course, $modulename, $section) {
global $DB;
$module = $DB->get_record('modules', array('name'=>$modulename), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$context = context_course::instance($course->id);
require_capability('moodle/course:manageactivities', $context);
course_create_sections_if_missing($course, $section);
$cw = get_fast_modinfo($course)->get_section_info($section);
if (!course_allowed_module($course, $module->name)) {
return array($module, $context, $cw);
* Check if user is allowed to update module info and returns related item/data to the module.
* @param object $cm course module
* @return array - list of course module, context, module, moduleinfo, and course section.
* @throws moodle_exception if user is not allowed to perform the action
function can_update_moduleinfo($cm) {
global $DB;
// Check the $USER has the right capability.
$context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
require_capability('moodle/course:manageactivities', $context);
// Check module exists.
$module = $DB->get_record('modules', array('id'=>$cm->module), '*', MUST_EXIST);
// Check the moduleinfo exists.
$data = $DB->get_record($module->name, array('id'=>$cm->instance), '*', MUST_EXIST);
// Check the course section exists.
$cw = $DB->get_record('course_sections', array('id'=>$cm->section), '*', MUST_EXIST);
return array($cm, $context, $module, $data, $cw);
* Update the module info.
* This function doesn't check the user capabilities. It updates the course module and the module instance.
* Then execute common action to create/update module process (trigger event, rebuild cache, save plagiarism settings...).
* @param object $cm course module
* @param object $moduleinfo module info
* @param object $course course of the module
* @param object $mform - the mform is required by some specific module in the function MODULE_update_instance(). This is due to a hack in this function.
* @return array list of course module and module info.
function update_moduleinfo($cm, $moduleinfo, $course, $mform = null) {
global $DB, $CFG;
// Attempt to include module library before we make any changes to DB.
$moduleinfo->course = $course->id;
$moduleinfo = set_moduleinfo_defaults($moduleinfo);
if (!empty($course->groupmodeforce) or !isset($moduleinfo->groupmode)) {
$moduleinfo->groupmode = $cm->groupmode; // Keep original.
// Update course module first.
$cm->groupmode = $moduleinfo->groupmode;
if (isset($moduleinfo->groupingid)) {
$cm->groupingid = $moduleinfo->groupingid;
$completion = new completion_info($course);
if ($completion->is_enabled()) {
// Completion settings that would affect users who have already completed
// the activity may be locked; if so, these should not be updated.
if (!empty($moduleinfo->completionunlocked)) {
$cm->completion = $moduleinfo->completion;
$cm->completiongradeitemnumber = $moduleinfo->completiongradeitemnumber;
$cm->completionview = $moduleinfo->completionview;
// The expected date does not affect users who have completed the activity,
// so it is safe to update it regardless of the lock status.
$cm->completionexpected = $moduleinfo->completionexpected;
if (!empty($CFG->enableavailability)) {
// This code is used both when submitting the form, which uses a long
// name to avoid clashes, and by unit test code which uses the real
// name in the table.
if (property_exists($moduleinfo, 'availabilityconditionsjson')) {
if ($moduleinfo->availabilityconditionsjson !== '') {
$cm->availability = $moduleinfo->availabilityconditionsjson;
} else {
$cm->availability = null;
} else if (property_exists($moduleinfo, 'availability')) {
$cm->availability = $moduleinfo->availability;
// If there is any availability data, verify it.
if ($cm->availability) {
$tree = new \core_availability\tree(json_decode($cm->availability));
// Save time and database space by setting null if the only data
// is an empty tree.
if ($tree->is_empty()) {
$cm->availability = null;
if (isset($moduleinfo->showdescription)) {
$cm->showdescription = $moduleinfo->showdescription;
} else {
$cm->showdescription = 0;
$DB->update_record('course_modules', $cm);
$modcontext = context_module::instance($moduleinfo->coursemodule);
// Update embedded links and save files.
if (plugin_supports('mod', $moduleinfo->modulename, FEATURE_MOD_INTRO, true)) {
$moduleinfo->intro = file_save_draft_area_files($moduleinfo->introeditor['itemid'], $modcontext->id,
'mod_'.$moduleinfo->modulename, 'intro', 0,
array('subdirs'=>true), $moduleinfo->introeditor['text']);
$moduleinfo->introformat = $moduleinfo->introeditor['format'];
$updateinstancefunction = $moduleinfo->modulename."_update_instance";
if (!$updateinstancefunction($moduleinfo, $mform)) {
print_error('cannotupdatemod', '', course_get_url($course, $cw->section), $moduleinfo->modulename);
// Make sure visibility is set correctly (in particular in calendar).
if (has_capability('moodle/course:activityvisibility', $modcontext)) {
set_coursemodule_visible($moduleinfo->coursemodule, $moduleinfo->visible);
if (isset($moduleinfo->cmidnumber)) { // Label.
// Set cm idnumber - uniqueness is already verified by form validation.
set_coursemodule_idnumber($moduleinfo->coursemodule, $moduleinfo->cmidnumber);
// Now that module is fully updated, also update completion data if required.
// (this will wipe all user completion data and recalculate it)
if ($completion->is_enabled() && !empty($moduleinfo->completionunlocked)) {
$cm->name = $moduleinfo->name;
\core\event\course_module_updated::create_from_cm($cm, $modcontext)->trigger();
$moduleinfo = edit_module_post_actions($moduleinfo, $course);
return array($cm, $moduleinfo);
* Include once the module lib file.
* @param string $modulename module name of the lib to include
* @throws moodle_exception if lib.php file for the module does not exist
function include_modulelib($modulename) {
global $CFG;
$modlib = "$CFG->dirroot/mod/$modulename/lib.php";
if (file_exists($modlib)) {
} else {
throw new moodle_exception('modulemissingcode', '', '', $modlib);