mirror of https://github.com/moodle/moodle.git synced 2025-03-10 02:40:10 +01:00
gustav_delius 839f2456bb XHTML compliance
- fixed (hopefully) all <img> tags
- global replace on <br> to <br />
- &amp; in URLs
- got the forum module XHTML compliant
Julian Sedding
2004-09-16 17:13:57 +00:00

194 lines
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Executable File
Raw Blame History

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<?PHP // $Id$
// quiz.php - created with Moodle 1.2 Beta (2004022400)
$string['acceptederror'] = '接受错误';
$string['addingquestions'] = '页面的这一边用来管理题库。题目分门别类,以便管理。题库中的题目可用于你的课程中的任何测验。如果你选择“公布”它们,则甚至可用于其它课程。<br /><br />你在选择或创建类别后才能创建或编辑题目。你可以选择任何题目加入到另一边的测验中。';
$string['addquestions'] = '添加题目';
$string['addquestionstoquiz'] = '向当前测验添加题目';
$string['addselectedtoquiz'] = '把选中的题目添加到测验中';
$string['aiken'] = 'Aiken 格式';
$string['allowreview'] = '允许回顾';
$string['alreadysubmitted'] = '好像你已经提交过这个试答';
$string['alwaysavailable'] = '总是可见';
$string['answer'] = '答案';
$string['answerhowmany'] = '一个或多个正确答案?';
$string['answersingleno'] = '允许多个答案';
$string['answersingleyes'] = '只有一个正确答案';
$string['answerswithacceptederrormarginmustbenumeric'] = '普遍错误的答案必须是数字';
$string['answertoolong'] = '行 $a 后的答案过长(最多255个字符)';
$string['aon'] = 'AON 格式';
$string['attempt'] = '试答 $a';
$string['attemptfirst'] = '初答分';
$string['attemptincomplete'] = '该尝试 (by $a) 尚未完成.';
$string['attemptlast'] = '最近分';
$string['attemptquiznow'] = '现在试答测验';
$string['attempts'] = '次试答';
$string['attemptsallowed'] = '允许多次尝试';
$string['attemptsunlimited'] = '不限尝试次数';
$string['backtoquiz'] = '回到测验编辑';
$string['bestgrade'] = '成绩';
$string['blackboard'] = '黑板软件';
$string['calculatedquestion'] = '行 $a 处不支持有计划的问题. 该问题将被忽略';
$string['caseno'] = '不,字母大小写无所谓';
$string['casesensitive'] = '区分大小写字母';
$string['caseyes'] = '是的,字母大小写必须正确';
$string['categories'] = '分类';
$string['category'] = '分类';
$string['categoryinfo'] = '分类信息';
$string['categorymove'] = '该类别“ $a->name ”中有 $a->count 个题目。 请选择另一个类别以转移它们。';
$string['categorymoveto'] = '把它们转移到这个类别';
$string['choice'] = '选择';
$string['choices'] = '现有选项';
$string['correctanswer'] = '正确答案';
$string['correctanswers'] = '正确答案';
$string['corrresp'] = '正确回答';
$string['countdown'] = '倒数计秒';
$string['countdownfinished'] = '测试已结束,现在你可以公布答案了';
$string['countdowntenminutes'] = '测试将于10分钟后结束';
$string['coursetestmanager'] = '课程测试管理格式';
$string['createmultiple'] = '创建多个题目';
$string['createnewquestion'] = '新建题目';
$string['custom'] = '自定义格式';
$string['daysavailable'] = '可用天数';
$string['default'] = '默认';
$string['defaultgrade'] = '默认题目得分';
$string['defaultinfo'] = '题目的默认类别。';
$string['deleteattemptcheck'] = '确认完全删除该尝试吗?';
$string['deletequestioncheck'] = '你真的确定要删除“ $a ”吗?';
$string['description'] = '描述';
$string['discrimination'] = '索引';
$string['eachattemptbuildsonthelast'] = '所有的努力皆基于最后的';
$string['editcategories'] = '编辑类别';
$string['editingdescription'] = '编辑描述';
$string['editingmatch'] = '编辑匹配题';
$string['editingmultianswer'] = '编辑完形';
$string['editingmultichoice'] = '编辑选择题';
$string['editingnumerical'] = '编辑计算题';
$string['editingquestion'] = '编辑题目';
$string['editingquiz'] = '编辑测验';
$string['editingrandom'] = '编辑随机题';
$string['editingrandomsamatch'] = '编辑随机填空匹配题';
$string['editingshortanswer'] = '编辑填空题';
$string['editingtruefalse'] = '编辑是非题';
$string['editquestions'] = '编辑问题';
$string['errorsdetected'] = '$a 错误已被删除';
$string['false'] = '错';
$string['feedback'] = '反馈';
$string['fileformat'] = '文件格式';
$string['filloutoneanswer'] = '你至少必须填写一个答案。答案留空的将不可用。';
$string['filloutthreequestions'] = '你必须至少填写三个问题。留空不填的问题将作废。';
$string['fillouttwochoices'] = '你至少必须填写一个选项。选项留空的将作废。';
$string['fractionsaddwrong'] = '你选的得分总和不等于 100%%
<br />而是等于 $a%%
<br />你想回去修改吗?';
$string['fractionsnomax'] = '答案得分应该有 100%%
<br />这样这个题目才有可能得满分。
<br />你想回去修改吗?';
$string['gift'] = 'GIFT format';
$string['gradeaverage'] = '平均分';
$string['gradehighest'] = '最高分';
$string['grademethod'] = '评分办法';
$string['guestsno'] = '抱歉,访客不能看更不能做测验';
$string['imagedisplay'] = '要显示的图片';
$string['imagemissing'] = '行 $a 处的图片不可用. 该文件名将被忽略';
$string['importquestions'] = '从文件导入题目';
$string['indivresp'] = '每条的个人回复';
$string['introduction'] = '介绍';
$string['itemanal'] = '栏目回复分析';
$string['listitems'] = '列出测试项';
$string['marks'] = '分';
$string['match'] = '匹配题';
$string['matchanswer'] = '匹配答案';
$string['missinganswer'] = 'Too few :ANSWER, :Lx, :Rx statements for question line $a. You must define at last 2 possible answers';
$string['missingcorrectanswer'] = '必须指定正确答案';
$string['missingname'] = '缺少题目名称';
$string['missingquestion'] = '行 $a 后缺少问题标记';
$string['missingquestiontext'] = '缺少题目正文';
$string['missingword'] = '缺少文字格式';
$string['modulename'] = '测验';
$string['modulenameplural'] = '测验';
$string['multianswer'] = '完形题答案';
$string['multichoice'] = '选择题';
$string['name'] = '名称';
$string['noanswers'] = '你没有选答案!';
$string['noattempts'] = '这个测验还没人试答';
$string['nomoreattempts'] = '不允许再试了';
$string['noquestions'] = '尚未加题目';
$string['noresponse'] = '无回复';
$string['noreview'] = '不允许回顾该测验';
$string['noreviewuntil'] = '在 $a 之前不允许回顾该测验';
$string['notenoughsubquestions'] = '没有定义足够的小题!<br />你要退回去修改吗?';
$string['numerical'] = '算术';
$string['paragraphquestion'] = 'Paragraph Question not supported at line $a. The question will be ignored';
$string['percentcorrect'] = '分数纠正';
$string['publish'] = '公布';
$string['qti'] = 'IMS QTI格式';
$string['question'] = '题目';
$string['questioninuse'] = '题目“ $a ”正在使用中:';
$string['questionname'] = '题目名称';
$string['questionnametoolong'] = 'Question name too long at line $a (255 char. max). It has been truncated.';
$string['questions'] = '题目';
$string['quizavailable'] = '测验将关闭于: $a';
$string['quizclose'] = '关闭测验';
$string['quizclosed'] = '该测验已于 $a 关闭';
$string['quizcloses'] = '测验关闭';
$string['quiznotavailable'] = '测验将开放于: $a';
$string['quizopen'] = '开放测验';
$string['random'] = '随机题';
$string['randomcreate'] = '创建随机题';
$string['randomsamatch'] = '随机填空匹配题';
$string['randomsamatchcreate'] = '创建随机填空匹配题';
$string['randomsamatchintro'] = '对以下每道题,从菜单中选择匹配的答案';
$string['randomsamatchnumber'] = '待选题目数';
$string['readytosend'] = '你正在发送整份试卷去评分。你确定要继续吗?';
$string['recentlyaddedquestion'] = '新进问题';
$string['regrade'] = '给所有试答重新评分';
$string['regradecomplete'] = '所有试答重新评分完毕';
$string['regradecount'] = ' $a->attempt 次试答得分中的 $a->changed 次更改完成';
$string['rename'] = '重命名';
$string['report'] = '报告';
$string['reportfullstat'] = '详细统计';
$string['reportmulti_percent'] = '多百分比';
$string['reportmulti_q_x_student'] = '多学生选择';
$string['reportmulti_resp'] = '个人回复';
$string['reportoverview'] = '总结';
$string['reportregrade'] = '个人评语';
$string['reportsimplestat'] = '小结';
$string['review'] = '复习';
$string['save'] = '保存';
$string['savegrades'] = '保存评分';
$string['savemyanswers'] = '保存我的回答';
$string['savequiz'] = '保存这整个测验';
$string['score'] = '原始分数';
$string['select'] = '选择';
$string['selectall'] = '选择全部';
$string['selectcategoryabove'] = '在上面选一个类别';
$string['shortanswer'] = '填空题';
$string['show'] = '显示';
$string['showcorrectanswer'] = '在反馈信息中显示正确答案吗?';
$string['showfeedback'] = '回答之后显示反馈信息吗?';
$string['shuffleanswers'] = '随机排列答案';
$string['shufflequestions'] = '随机排列题目';
$string['time'] = '时间';
$string['timecompleted'] = '完成时间';
$string['timetaken'] = '所用时间';
$string['toomanyrandom'] = '所要求的随机题的数量大于该类别现有题量';
$string['true'] = '对';
$string['truefalse'] = '是非题';
$string['type'] = '题型';
$string['unknowntype'] = '行 $a 处不支持该类别的问题. 该问题将被忽略';
$string['viewallanswers'] = '查看 $a 个完成的测验';
$string['viewallreports'] = '查看 $a 评语回复';
$string['warningsdetected'] = '$a 警告已被删除';
$string['webct'] = 'WebCT格式';
$string['withsummary'] = '纵览';
$string['wronggrade'] = 'Wrong grade (after line $a) : ';
$string['yourfinalgradeis'] = '这个测验你的最后得分是 $a';