mirror of https://github.com/moodle/moodle.git synced 2025-03-10 10:58:38 +01:00
stronk7 01f50e060e First attempt to encode/decode some absolute path parts
in the backup/restore process in order to have every call to file.php
working in destination courses. Specially useful to contents created
with th HTML editor because it uses this type of URLs to images, smiles...

NOTE: This make 1.3 backups not restorable in 1.2 systems !!
2004-04-01 23:31:56 +00:00

537 lines
18 KiB

<?PHP //$Id$
//This file contains all the general function needed (file manipulation...)
//not directly part of the backup/restore utility
//Sets a name/value pair in backup_config table
function backup_set_config($name, $value) {
if (get_field("backup_config", "name", "name", $name)) {
return set_field("backup_config", "value", $value, "name", $name);
} else {
$config->name = $name;
$config->value = $value;
return insert_record("backup_config", $config);
//Gets all the information from backup_config table
function backup_get_config() {
$backup_config = null;
if ($configs = get_records("backup_config")) {
foreach ($configs as $config) {
$backup_config[$config->name] = $config->value;
return (object)$backup_config;
//Delete old data in backup tables (if exists)
//Two days seems to be apropiate
function backup_delete_old_data() {
global $CFG;
//Change this if you want !!
$days = 2;
//End change this
$seconds = $days * 24 * 60 * 60;
$delete_from = time()-$seconds;
//Now delete from tables
$status = execute_sql("DELETE FROM {$CFG->prefix}backup_ids
WHERE backup_code < '$delete_from'",false);
if ($status) {
$status = execute_sql("DELETE FROM {$CFG->prefix}backup_files
WHERE backup_code < '$delete_from'",false);
//Now, delete old directory (if exists)
if ($status) {
$status = backup_delete_old_dirs($delete_from);
//Function to delete dirs/files into temp/backup directory
//older than $delete_from
function backup_delete_old_dirs($delete_from) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
$list = get_directory_list($CFG->dataroot."/temp/backup", "", false);
foreach ($list as $file) {
$file_path = $CFG->dataroot."/temp/backup/".$file;
$moddate = filemtime($file_path);
if ($status && $moddate < $delete_from) {
//If directory, recurse
if (is_dir($file_path)) {
$status = delete_dir_contents($file_path);
//There is nothing, delete the directory itself
if ($status) {
$status = rmdir($file_path);
//If file
} else {
return $status;
//Function to check if a directory exists
//and, optionally, create it
function check_dir_exists($dir,$create=false) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
if(!is_dir($dir)) {
if (!$create) {
$status = false;
} else {
$status = mkdir ($dir,$CFG->directorypermissions);
return $status;
//Function to check and create the needed dir to
//save all the backup
function check_and_create_backup_dir($backup_unique_code) {
global $CFG;
$status = check_dir_exists($CFG->dataroot."/temp",true);
if ($status) {
$status = check_dir_exists($CFG->dataroot."/temp/backup",true);
if ($status) {
$status = check_dir_exists($CFG->dataroot."/temp/backup/".$backup_unique_code,true);
return $status;
//Function to delete all the directory contents recursively
//it supports a excluded dit too
//Copied from the web !!
function delete_dir_contents ($dir,$excludeddir="") {
$slash = "/";
// Create arrays to store files and directories
$dir_files = array();
$dir_subdirs = array();
// Make sure we can delete it
chmod($dir, 0777);
if ((($handle = opendir($dir))) == FALSE) {
// The directory could not be opened
return false;
// Loop through all directory entries, and construct two temporary arrays containing files and sub directories
while($entry = readdir($handle)) {
if (is_dir($dir. $slash .$entry) && $entry != ".." && $entry != "." && $entry != $excludeddir) {
$dir_subdirs[] = $dir. $slash .$entry;
else if ($entry != ".." && $entry != "." && $entry != $excludeddir) {
$dir_files[] = $dir. $slash .$entry;
// Delete all files in the curent directory return false and halt if a file cannot be removed
for($i=0; $i<count($dir_files); $i++) {
chmod($dir_files[$i], 0777);
if (((unlink($dir_files[$i]))) == FALSE) {
return false;
// Empty sub directories and then remove the directory
for($i=0; $i<count($dir_subdirs); $i++) {
chmod($dir_subdirs[$i], 0777);
if (delete_dir_contents($dir_subdirs[$i]) == FALSE) {
return false;
else {
if (rmdir($dir_subdirs[$i]) == FALSE) {
return false;
// Close directory
// Success, every thing is gone return true
return true;
//Function to clear (empty) the contents of the backup_dir
function clear_backup_dir($backup_unique_code) {
global $CFG;
$rootdir = $CFG->dataroot."/temp/backup/".$backup_unique_code;
//Delete recursively
$status = delete_dir_contents($rootdir);
return $status;
//Returns the module type of a course_module's id in a course
function get_module_type ($courseid,$moduleid) {
global $CFG;
$results = get_records_sql ("SELECT cm.id, m.name
FROM {$CFG->prefix}course_modules cm,
{$CFG->prefix}modules m
WHERE cm.course = '$courseid' AND
cm.id = '$moduleid' AND
m.id = cm.module");
if ($results) {
$name = $results[$moduleid]->name;
} else {
$name = false;
return $name;
//This function return the names of all directories under a give directory
//Not recursive
function list_directories ($rootdir) {
$results = null;
$dir = opendir($rootdir);
while ($file=readdir($dir)) {
if ($file=="." || $file=="..") {
if (is_dir($rootdir."/".$file)) {
$results[$file] = $file;
return $results;
//This function return the names of all directories and files under a give directory
//Not recursive
function list_directories_and_files ($rootdir) {
$results = "";
$dir = opendir($rootdir);
while ($file=readdir($dir)) {
if ($file=="." || $file=="..") {
$results[$file] = $file;
return $results;
//This function clean data from backup tables and
//delete all temp files used
function clean_temp_data ($preferences) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//true->do it, false->don't do it. To debug if necessary.
if (true) {
//Now delete from tables
$status = execute_sql("DELETE FROM {$CFG->prefix}backup_ids
WHERE backup_code = '$preferences->backup_unique_code'",false);
if ($status) {
$status = execute_sql("DELETE FROM {$CFG->prefix}backup_files
WHERE backup_code = '$preferences->backup_unique_code'",false);
//Now, delete temp directory (if exists)
$file_path = $CFG->dataroot."/temp/backup/".$preferences->backup_unique_code;
if (is_dir($file_path)) {
$status = delete_dir_contents($file_path);
//There is nothing, delete the directory itself
if ($status) {
$status = rmdir($file_path);
return $status;
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
//This functions are used to copy any file or directory ($from_file)
//to a new file or directory ($to_file). It works recursively and
//mantains file perms.
//I've copied it from: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.copy.php
//Little modifications done
function backup_copy_file ($from_file,$to_file) {
global $CFG;
if (is_file($from_file)) {
//echo "<br>Copying ".$from_file." to ".$to_file; //Debug
//return copy($from_file,$to_file) && chmod($to_file,$perms);
return copy($from_file,$to_file) && chmod($to_file,$CFG->directorypermissions);
else if (is_dir($from_file)) {
return backup_copy_dir($from_file,$to_file);
//echo "<br>Error: not file or dir ".$from_file; //Debug
return false;
function backup_copy_dir($from_file,$to_file) {
global $CFG;
if (!is_dir($to_file)) {
//echo "<br>Creating ".$to_file; //Debug
$status = mkdir($to_file,$CFG->directorypermissions);
$dir = opendir($from_file);
while ($file=readdir($dir)) {
if ($file=="." || $file=="..") {
$status = backup_copy_file ("$from_file/$file","$to_file/$file");
return $status;
///Ends copy file/dirs functions
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
function upgrade_backup_db($continueto) {
/// This function upgrades the backup tables, if necessary
/// It's called from admin/index.php, also backup.php and restore.php
global $CFG, $db;
require_once ("$CFG->dirroot/backup/version.php"); // Get code versions
if (empty($CFG->backup_version)) { // Backup has never been installed.
$strdatabaseupgrades = get_string("databaseupgrades");
print_header($strdatabaseupgrades, $strdatabaseupgrades, $strdatabaseupgrades,
"", "", false, "&nbsp;", "&nbsp;");
if (modify_database("$CFG->dirroot/backup/db/$CFG->dbtype.sql")) {
$db->debug = false;
if (set_config("backup_version", $backup_version) and set_config("backup_release", $backup_release)) {
notify(get_string("databasesuccess"), "green");
notify(get_string("databaseupgradebackups", "", $backup_release));
} else {
error("Upgrade of backup system failed! (Could not update version in config table)");
} else {
error("Backup tables could NOT be set up successfully!");
if ($backup_version > $CFG->backup_version) { // Upgrade tables
$strdatabaseupgrades = get_string("databaseupgrades");
print_header($strdatabaseupgrades, $strdatabaseupgrades, $strdatabaseupgrades);
require_once ("$CFG->dirroot/backup/db/$CFG->dbtype.php");
if (backup_upgrade($CFG->backup_version)) {
if (set_config("backup_version", $backup_version) and set_config("backup_release", $backup_release)) {
notify(get_string("databasesuccess"), "green");
notify(get_string("databaseupgradebackups", "", $backup_release));
} else {
error("Upgrade of backup system failed! (Could not update version in config table)");
} else {
error("Upgrade failed! See backup/version.php");
} else if ($backup_version < $CFG->backup_version) {
notify("WARNING!!! The code you are using is OLDER than the version that made these databases!");
//This function is used to insert records in the backup_ids table
//If the info field is greater than max_db_storage, then its info
//is saved to filesystem
function backup_putid ($backup_unique_code, $table, $old_id, $new_id, $info="") {
global $CFG;
$max_db_storage = 128; //Max bytes to save to db, else save to file
$status = true;
//First delete to avoid PK duplicates
$status = backup_delid($backup_unique_code, $table, $old_id);
//Now, serialize info
$info_ser = serialize($info);
//Now, if the size of $info_ser > $max_db_storage, save it to filesystem and
//insert a "infile" in the info field
if (strlen($info_ser) > $max_db_storage) {
//Calculate filename (in current_backup_dir, $backup_unique_code_$table_$old_id.info)
$filename = $CFG->dataroot."/temp/backup/".$backup_unique_code."/".$backup_unique_code."_".$table."_".$old_id.".info";
//Save data to file
$status = backup_data2file($filename,$info_ser);
//Set info_to save
$info_to_save = "infile";
} else {
//Saving to db, addslashes
$info_to_save = addslashes($info_ser);
//Now, insert the record
if ($status) {
//Build the record
$rec->backup_code = $backup_unique_code;
$rec->table_name = $table;
$rec->old_id = $old_id;
$rec->new_id =$new_id;
$rec->info = $info_to_save;
$status = insert_record ("backup_ids", $rec, false,"backup_code");
return $status;
//This function is used to delete recods from the backup_ids table
//If the info field is "infile" then the file is deleted too
function backup_delid ($backup_unique_code, $table, $old_id) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
$status = execute_sql("DELETE FROM {$CFG->prefix}backup_ids
WHERE backup_code = $backup_unique_code AND
table_name = '$table' AND
old_id = '$old_id'",false);
return $status;
//This function is used to get a record from the backup_ids table
//If the info field is "infile" then its info
//is read from filesystem
function backup_getid ($backup_unique_code, $table, $old_id) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
$status2 = true;
$status = get_record ("backup_ids","backup_code",$backup_unique_code,
"old_id", $old_id);
//If info field = "infile", get file contents
if ($status->info == "infile") {
$filename = $CFG->dataroot."/temp/backup/".$backup_unique_code."/".$backup_unique_code."_".$table."_".$old_id.".info";
//Read data from file
$status2 = backup_file2data($filename,$info);
if ($status2) {
//unserialize data
$status->info = unserialize($info);
} else {
$status = false;
} else {
//Only if status (record exists)
if ($status) {
////First strip slashes
$temp = stripslashes($status->info);
//Now unserialize
$status->info = unserialize($temp);
return $status;
//This function is used to add slashes and decode from UTF-8
//It's used intensivelly when restoring modules and saving them in db
function backup_todb ($data) {
return restore_decode_absolute_links(addslashes(utf8_decode($data)));
//This function is used to check that every necessary function to
//backup/restore exists in the current php installation. Thanks to
//gregb@crowncollege.edu by the idea.
function backup_required_functions() {
if(!function_exists('utf8_encode')) {
error('You need to add XML support to your PHP installation');
//This function send n white characters to the browser and flush the
//output buffer. Used to avoid browser timeouts and to show the progress.
function backup_flush($n=0,$time=false) {
if ($time) {
$ti = strftime("%X",time());
} else {
$ti = "";
echo str_repeat(" ", $n) . $ti . "\n";
//This function creates the filename and write data to it
//returning status as result
function backup_data2file ($file,&$data) {
$status = true;
$status2 = true;
$f = fopen($file,"w");
$status = fwrite($f,$data);
$status2 = fclose($f);
return ($status && $status2);
//This function read the filename and read data from it
function backup_file2data ($file,&$data) {
$status = true;
$status2 = true;
$f = fopen($file,"r");
$data = fread ($f,filesize($file));
$status2 = fclose($f);
return ($status && $status2);