gustav_delius f950af3c43 All modules are now suitable for the site page. They now all follow the same rules, namely that any students enrolled in at least one course is considered to be a student on the site.
All the page headers work correctly also on the site course.

On the site page the modules don't require login unless necessary or required by $CFG->forcelogin.
2004-08-22 14:38:47 +00:00

163 lines
5.5 KiB

<?PHP // $Id$
// A quick way to add lots of questions to a category (and a quiz)
// This script can only be called while editing a quiz
if (!isset($SESSION->modform)) {
error("You have used this page incorrectly!");
} else {
$modform = $SESSION->modform;
if (! $category = get_record("quiz_categories", "id", $category)) {
error("Course ID is incorrect");
if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", $category->course)) {
error("Course ID is incorrect");
if (!isteacher($course->id)) {
error("Only teachers can use this page!");
/// If data submitted, then process and store.
if ($form = data_submitted()) {
if ($form->randomcreate > 0) {
$existing = count_records("quiz_questions", "qtype", RANDOM, "category", $category->id);
$randomcreate = $form->randomcreate - $existing;
if ($randomcreate > 0) {
$newquestionids = array();
$question->qtype = RANDOM;
$question->category = $category->id;
$question->name = get_string("random", "quiz")." (".$category->name.")";
$question->questiontext = "---";
$question->image = "";
$question->defaultgrade = $form->randomgrade;
for ($i=0; $i<$randomcreate; $i++) {
$question->stamp = make_unique_id_code(); // Set the unique code (not to be changed)
if (!$newquestionids[] = insert_record("quiz_questions", $question)) {
error("Could not insert new random question!");
// Add them to the quiz if necessary
if (!empty($form->addquestionstoquiz)) {
if (!empty($modform->questions)) {
$questionids = explode(",", $modform->questions);
foreach ($questionids as $questionid) {
foreach ($newquestionids as $key => $newquestionid) {
if ($newquestionid == $questionid) {
} else {
$questionids = array();
foreach ($newquestionids as $newquestionid) {
$modform->grades[$newquestionid] = $form->randomgrade;
$modform->sumgrades += $form->randomgrade;
$newquestionids = array_merge($questionids, $newquestionids);
$modform->questions = implode(",", $newquestionids);
$SESSION->modform = $modform;
/// Otherwise print the form
/// Print headings
$strquestions = get_string("questions", "quiz");
$strpublish = get_string("publish", "quiz");
$strdelete = get_string("delete");
$straction = get_string("action");
$stradd = get_string("add");
$strcancel = get_string("cancel");
$strsavechanges = get_string("savechanges");
$strbacktoquiz = get_string("backtoquiz", "quiz");
$strquizzes = get_string('modulenameplural', 'quiz');
$streditingquiz = get_string(isset($SESSION->modform->instance) ? "editingquiz" : "editquestions", "quiz");
$strcreatemultiple = get_string("createmultiple", "quiz");
print_header_simple("$strcreatemultiple", "$strcreatemultiple",
"<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/quiz/index.php?id=$course->id\">$strquizzes</a>".
" -> <a href=\"edit.php\">$streditingquiz</a> -> $strcreatemultiple");
print_heading_with_help($strcreatemultiple, "createmultiple", "quiz");
if (!$categories = quiz_get_category_menu($course->id, true)) {
error("No categories!");
for ($i=1;$i<=100; $i++) {
$randomcount[$i] = $i;
for ($i=1;$i<=10; $i++) {
$gradecount[$i] = $i;
$options = array();
$options[0] = get_string("no");
$options[1] = get_string("yes");
print_simple_box_start("center", "", "$THEME->cellheading");
echo "<FORM METHOD=\"POST\" ACTION=multiple.php>";
echo "<TABLE cellpadding=5>";
echo "<TR><TD align=right>";
print_string("category", "quiz");
echo ":</TD><TD>";
// choose_from_menu($categories, "category", "$category->id", "");
quiz_category_select_menu($course->id, true, true, $category->id );
echo "</TR>";
echo "<TR><TD align=right>";
print_string("randomcreate", "quiz");
echo ":</TD><TD>";
choose_from_menu($randomcount, "randomcreate", "10", "");
echo "</TR>";
echo "<TR><TD align=right>";
print_string("defaultgrade", "quiz");
echo ":</TD><TD>";
choose_from_menu($gradecount, "randomgrade", "1", "");
echo "</TR>";
echo "<TR><TD align=right>";
print_string("addquestionstoquiz", "quiz");
echo ":</TD><TD>";
choose_from_menu($options, "addquestionstoquiz", "1", "");
echo "</TR>";
echo "<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD><TD>";
echo " <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=category VALUE=\"$category->id\">";
echo " <INPUT TYPE=submit NAME=save VALUE=\"$strcreatemultiple\">";
echo "</TD></TR>";
echo "</TABLE>";
echo "</FORM>";