mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 12:33:18 +01:00
While this change is not 100% required now, it's good habit and we are checking for it since Moodle 4.4. All the changes in this commit have been applied automatically using the moodle.PHPUnit.TestReturnType sniff and are, exclusively adding the ": void" return types when missing.
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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
namespace core;
use calc_formula;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/mathslib.php');
* Unit tests of mathslib wrapper and underlying EvalMath library.
* @package core
* @category phpunit
* @copyright 2007 Petr Skoda {@link http://skodak.org}
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class mathslib_test extends \basic_testcase {
* Tests the basic formula evaluation.
public function test__basic(): void {
$formula = new calc_formula('=1+2');
$res = $formula->evaluate();
$this->assertSame($res, 3, '3+1 is: %s');
* Tests the formula params.
public function test__params(): void {
$formula = new calc_formula('=a+b+c', array('a'=>10, 'b'=>20, 'c'=>30));
$res = $formula->evaluate();
$this->assertSame(60, $res, '10+20+30 is: %s');
* Tests the changed params.
public function test__changing_params(): void {
$formula = new calc_formula('=a+b+c', array('a'=>10, 'b'=>20, 'c'=>30));
$res = $formula->evaluate();
$this->assertSame(60, $res, '10+20+30 is: %s');
$formula->set_params(array('a'=>1, 'b'=>2, 'c'=>3));
$res = $formula->evaluate();
$this->assertSame(6, $res, 'changed params 1+2+3 is: %s');
* Tests the spreadsheet emulation function in formula.
public function test__calc_function(): void {
$formula = new calc_formula('=sum(a, b, c)', array('a'=>10, 'b'=>20, 'c'=>30));
$res = $formula->evaluate();
$this->assertSame(60, $res, 'sum(a, b, c) is: %s');
public function test_other_functions(): void {
$formula = new calc_formula('=average(1,2,3)');
$this->assertSame(2, $formula->evaluate());
$formula = new calc_formula('=mod(10,3)');
$this->assertSame(1, $formula->evaluate());
$formula = new calc_formula('=power(2,3)');
$this->assertSame(8, $formula->evaluate());
public function test_conditional_functions(): void {
// Test ifthenelse.
$formula = new calc_formula('=ifthenelse(1,2,3)');
$this->assertSame(2, (int)$formula->evaluate());
$formula = new calc_formula('=ifthenelse(0,2,3)');
$this->assertSame(3, (int) $formula->evaluate());
$formula = new calc_formula('=ifthenelse(2<3,2,3)');
$this->assertSame(2, (int) $formula->evaluate());
// Test synonym if.
$formula = new calc_formula('=if(1,2,3)');
$this->assertSame(2, (int)$formula->evaluate());
$formula = new calc_formula('=if(0,2,3)');
$this->assertSame(3, (int) $formula->evaluate());
$formula = new calc_formula('=if(2<3,2,3)');
$this->assertSame(2, (int) $formula->evaluate());
// Test cond_and.
$formula = new calc_formula('=cond_and(1,1,1)');
$this->assertSame(1, (int)$formula->evaluate());
$formula = new calc_formula('=cond_and(1,1,0)');
$this->assertSame(0, (int) $formula->evaluate());
$formula = new calc_formula('=cond_and(0,0,0)');
$this->assertSame(0, (int) $formula->evaluate());
// Test synonym and.
$formula = new calc_formula('=and(1,1,1)');
$this->assertSame(1, (int)$formula->evaluate());
$formula = new calc_formula('=and(1,1,0)');
$this->assertSame(0, (int) $formula->evaluate());
$formula = new calc_formula('=and(0,0,0)');
$this->assertSame(0, (int) $formula->evaluate());
// Test cond_or.
$formula = new calc_formula('=cond_or(1,1,1)');
$this->assertSame(1, (int)$formula->evaluate());
$formula = new calc_formula('=cond_or(1,1,0)');
$this->assertSame(1, (int) $formula->evaluate());
$formula = new calc_formula('=cond_or(0,0,0)');
$this->assertSame(0, (int) $formula->evaluate());
// Test synonym or.
$formula = new calc_formula('=or(1,1,1)');
$this->assertSame(1, (int)$formula->evaluate());
$formula = new calc_formula('=or(1,1,0)');
$this->assertSame(1, (int) $formula->evaluate());
$formula = new calc_formula('=or(0,0,0)');
$this->assertSame(0, (int) $formula->evaluate());
public function test_conditional_operators(): void {
$formula = new calc_formula('=2==2');
$this->assertSame(1, $formula->evaluate());
$formula = new calc_formula('=2>3');
$this->assertSame(0, $formula->evaluate());
$formula = new calc_formula('=2<3');
$this->assertSame(1, $formula->evaluate());
$formula = new calc_formula('=(2<=3)');
$this->assertSame(1, $formula->evaluate());
$formula = new calc_formula('=(2<=3)*10');
$this->assertSame(10, $formula->evaluate());
$formula = new calc_formula('=(2>=3)*10');
$this->assertSame(0, $formula->evaluate());
$formula = new calc_formula('=2<3*10');
$this->assertSame(10, $formula->evaluate());
* Tests the min and max functions.
public function test__minmax_function(): void {
$formula = new calc_formula('=min(a, b, c)', array('a'=>10, 'b'=>20, 'c'=>30));
$res = $formula->evaluate();
$this->assertSame(10, $res, 'minimum is: %s');
$formula = new calc_formula('=max(a, b, c)', array('a'=>10, 'b'=>20, 'c'=>30));
$res = $formula->evaluate();
$this->assertSame(30, $res, 'maximum is: %s');
* Tests special chars.
public function test__specialchars(): void {
$formula = new calc_formula('=gi1 + gi2 + gi11', array('gi1'=>10, 'gi2'=>20, 'gi11'=>30));
$res = $formula->evaluate();
$this->assertSame(60, $res, 'sum is: %s');
* Tests some slightly more complex expressions.
public function test__more_complex_expressions(): void {
$formula = new calc_formula('=pi() + a', array('a'=>10));
$res = $formula->evaluate();
$this->assertSame(pi()+10, $res);
$formula = new calc_formula('=pi()^a', array('a'=>10));
$res = $formula->evaluate();
$this->assertSame(pow(pi(), 10), $res);
$formula = new calc_formula('=-8*(5/2)^2*(1-sqrt(4))-8');
$res = $formula->evaluate();
$this->assertSame(-8*pow((5/2), 2)*(1-sqrt(4))-8, $res);
* Tests some slightly more complex expressions.
public function test__error_handling(): void {
$formula = new calc_formula('=pi( + a', array('a'=>10));
$res = $formula->evaluate();
$this->assertSame(get_string('unexpectedoperator', 'mathslib', '+'), $formula->get_error());
$formula = new calc_formula('=pi(');
$res = $formula->evaluate();
$this->assertSame($res, false);
$this->assertSame(get_string('expectingaclosingbracket', 'mathslib'), $formula->get_error());
$formula = new calc_formula('=pi()^');
$res = $formula->evaluate();
$this->assertSame($res, false);
$this->assertSame(get_string('operatorlacksoperand', 'mathslib', '^'), $formula->get_error());
public function test_rounding_function(): void {
// Rounding to the default number of decimal places.
// The default == 0.
$formula = new calc_formula('=round(2.5)');
$this->assertSame(3.0, $formula->evaluate());
$formula = new calc_formula('=round(1.5)');
$this->assertSame(2.0, $formula->evaluate());
$formula = new calc_formula('=round(-1.49)');
$this->assertSame(-1.0, $formula->evaluate());
$formula = new calc_formula('=round(-2.49)');
$this->assertSame(-2.0, $formula->evaluate());
$formula = new calc_formula('=round(-1.5)');
$this->assertSame(-2.0, $formula->evaluate());
$formula = new calc_formula('=round(-2.5)');
$this->assertSame(-3.0, $formula->evaluate());
$formula = new calc_formula('=ceil(2.5)');
$this->assertSame(3.0, $formula->evaluate());
$formula = new calc_formula('=ceil(1.5)');
$this->assertSame(2.0, $formula->evaluate());
$formula = new calc_formula('=ceil(-1.49)');
$this->assertSame(-1.0, $formula->evaluate());
$formula = new calc_formula('=ceil(-2.49)');
$this->assertSame(-2.0, $formula->evaluate());
$formula = new calc_formula('=ceil(-1.5)');
$this->assertSame(-1.0, $formula->evaluate());
$formula = new calc_formula('=ceil(-2.5)');
$this->assertSame(-2.0, $formula->evaluate());
$formula = new calc_formula('=floor(2.5)');
$this->assertSame(2.0, $formula->evaluate());
$formula = new calc_formula('=floor(1.5)');
$this->assertSame(1.0, $formula->evaluate());
$formula = new calc_formula('=floor(-1.49)');
$this->assertSame(-2.0, $formula->evaluate());
$formula = new calc_formula('=floor(-2.49)');
$this->assertSame(-3.0, $formula->evaluate());
$formula = new calc_formula('=floor(-1.5)');
$this->assertSame(-2.0, $formula->evaluate());
$formula = new calc_formula('=floor(-2.5)');
$this->assertSame(-3.0, $formula->evaluate());
// Rounding to an explicit number of decimal places.
$formula = new calc_formula('=round(2.5, 1)');
$this->assertSame(2.5, $formula->evaluate());
$formula = new calc_formula('=round(2.5, 0)');
$this->assertSame(3.0, $formula->evaluate());
$formula = new calc_formula('=round(1.2345, 2)');
$this->assertSame(1.23, $formula->evaluate());
$formula = new calc_formula('=round(123.456, -1)');
$this->assertSame(120.0, $formula->evaluate());
public function test_scientific_notation(): void {
$formula = new calc_formula('=10e10');
$this->assertEqualsWithDelta(1e11, $formula->evaluate(), 1e11 * 1e-15);
$formula = new calc_formula('=10e-10');
$this->assertEqualsWithDelta(1e-9, $formula->evaluate(), 1e11 * 1e-15);
$formula = new calc_formula('=10e+10');
$this->assertEqualsWithDelta(1e11, $formula->evaluate(), 1e11 * 1e-15);
$formula = new calc_formula('=10e10*5');
$this->assertEqualsWithDelta(5e11, $formula->evaluate(), 1e11 * 1e-15);
$formula = new calc_formula('=10e10^2');
$this->assertEqualsWithDelta(1e22, $formula->evaluate(), 1e22 * 1e-15);
public function test_rand_float(): void {
$formula = new calc_formula('=rand_float()');
$result = $formula->evaluate();
* Tests the modulo operator.
* @covers calc_formula::evaluate
* @dataProvider moduloOperatorData
* @param string $formula
* @param array $values
* @param int|float $expectedResult
public function shouldSupportModuloOperator($formula, $values, $expectedResult)
$formula = new calc_formula($formula);
$this->assertEquals($expectedResult, $formula->evaluate());
* Data provider for shouldSupportModuloOperator
* @return array
public function moduloOperatorData() {
return array(
'=a%b', // 9%3 => 0
array('a' => 9, 'b' => 3),
'=a%b', // 10%3 => 1
array('a' => 10, 'b' => 3),
'=10-a%(b+c*d)', // 10-10%(7-2*2) => 9
array('a' => '10', 'b' => 7, 'c' => -2, 'd' => 2),
* Tests the double minus as plus.
* @covers calc_formula::evaluate
* @dataProvider doubleMinusData
* @param string $formula
* @param array $values
* @param int|float $expectedResult
public function shouldConsiderDoubleMinusAsPlus($formula, $values, $expectedResult)
$formula = new calc_formula($formula);
$this->assertEquals($expectedResult, $formula->evaluate());
* Data provider for shouldConsiderDoubleMinusAsPlus
* @return array
public function doubleMinusData() {
return array(
'=a+b*c--d', // 1+2*3--4 => 1+6+4 => 11
'a' => 1,
'b' => 2,
'c' => 3,
'd' => 4
'=a+b*c--d', // 1+2*3---4 => 1+6-4 => 3
'a' => 1,
'b' => 2,
'c' => 3,
'd' => -4