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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* This file contains all global functions to do with manipulating portfolios.
* Everything else that is logically namespaced by class is in its own file
* in lib/portfolio/ directory.
* Major Contributors
* - Penny Leach <penny@catalyst.net.nz>
* @package core_portfolio
* @category portfolio
* @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com}
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
// require some of the sublibraries first.
// this is not an exhaustive list, the others are pulled in as they're needed
// so we don't have to always include everything unnecessarily for performance
// very lightweight list of constants. always needed and no further dependencies
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/portfolio/constants.php');
// a couple of exception deinitions. always needed and no further dependencies
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/portfolio/exceptions.php'); // exception classes used by portfolio code
// The base class for the caller classes. We always need this because we're either drawing a button,
// in which case the button needs to know the calling class definition, which requires the base class,
// or we're exporting, in which case we need the caller class anyway.
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/portfolio/caller.php');
// the other dependencies are included on demand:
// libdir/portfolio/formats.php - the classes for the export formats
// libdir/portfolio/forms.php - all portfolio form classes (requires formslib)
// libdir/portfolio/plugin.php - the base class for the export plugins
// libdir/portfolio/exporter.php - the exporter class
* Use this to add a portfolio button or icon or form to a page.
* These class methods do not check permissions. the caller must check permissions first.
* Later, during the export process, the caller class is instantiated and the check_permissions method is called
* If you are exporting a single file, you should always call set_format_by_file($file)
* This class can be used like this:
* <code>
* $button = new portfolio_add_button();
* $button->set_callback_options('name_of_caller_class', array('id' => 6), 'yourcomponent'); eg. mod_forum
* $button->render(PORTFOLIO_ADD_FULL_FORM, get_string('addeverythingtoportfolio', 'yourcomponent'));
* </code>
* or like this:
* <code>
* $button = new portfolio_add_button(array('callbackclass' => 'name_of_caller_class', 'callbackargs' => array('id' => 6), 'callbackcomponent' => 'yourcomponent')); eg. mod_forum
* $somehtml .= $button->to_html(PORTFOLIO_ADD_TEXT_LINK);
* </code>
*{@link http://docs.moodle.org/dev/Adding_a_Portfolio_Button_to_a_page} for more information
* @package core_portfolio
* @category portfolio
* @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com}
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class portfolio_add_button {
/** @var string the name of the callback functions */
private $callbackclass;
/** @var array can be an array of arguments to pass back to the callback functions (passed by reference)*/
private $callbackargs;
/** @var string caller file */
private $callbackcomponent;
/** @var array array of more specific formats (eg based on mime detection) */
private $formats;
/** @var array array of portfolio instances */
private $instances;
/** @var stored_file for single-file exports */
private $file;
/** @var string for writing specific types of files*/
private $intendedmimetype;
* Constructor. Either pass the options here or set them using the helper methods.
* Generally the code will be clearer if you use the helper methods.
* @param array $options keyed array of options:
* key 'callbackclass': name of the caller class (eg forum_portfolio_caller')
* key 'callbackargs': the array of callback arguments your caller class wants passed to it in the constructor
* key 'callbackcomponent': the file containing the class definition of your caller class.
* See set_callback_options for more information on these three.
* key 'formats': an array of PORTFOLIO_FORMATS this caller will support
* See set_formats or set_format_by_file for more information on this.
public function __construct($options=null) {
global $SESSION, $CFG;
if (empty($CFG->enableportfolios)) {
debugging('Building portfolio add button while portfolios is disabled. This code can be optimised.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
$this->instances = portfolio_instances();
if (empty($options)) {
return true;
$constructoroptions = array('callbackclass', 'callbackargs', 'callbackcomponent');
foreach ((array)$options as $key => $value) {
if (!in_array($key, $constructoroptions)) {
throw new portfolio_button_exception('invalidbuttonproperty', 'portfolio', $key);
$this->set_callback_options($options['callbackclass'], $options['callbackargs'], $options['callbackcomponent']);
* Function to set the callback options
* @param string $class Name of the class containing the callback functions
* activity components should ALWAYS use their name_portfolio_caller
* other locations must use something unique
* @param array $argarray This can be an array or hash of arguments to pass
* back to the callback functions (passed by reference)
* these MUST be primatives to be added as hidden form fields.
* and the values get cleaned to PARAM_ALPHAEXT or PARAM_FLOAT or PARAM_PATH
* @param string $component This is the name of the component in Moodle, eg 'mod_forum'
public function set_callback_options($class, array $argarray, $component) {
global $CFG;
// Require the base class first before any other files.
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/portfolio/caller.php');
// Include any potential callback files and check for errors.
portfolio_include_callback_file($component, $class);
// This will throw exceptions but should not actually do anything other than verify callbackargs.
$test = new $class($argarray);
$this->callbackcomponent = $component;
$this->callbackclass = $class;
$this->callbackargs = $argarray;
* Sets the available export formats for this content.
* This function will also poll the static function in the caller class
* and make sure we're not overriding a format that has nothing to do with mimetypes.
* Eg: if you pass IMAGE here but the caller can export LEAP2A it will keep LEAP2A as well.
* @see portfolio_most_specific_formats for more information
* @see portfolio_format_from_mimetype
* @param array $formats if the calling code knows better than the static method on the calling class (base_supported_formats).
* Eg: if it's going to be a single file, or if you know it's HTML, you can pass it here instead.
* This is almost always the case so it should be use all the times
* portfolio_format_from_mimetype for how to get the appropriate formats to pass here for uploaded files.
* or just call set_format_by_file instead
public function set_formats($formats=null) {
if (is_string($formats)) {
$formats = array($formats);
if (empty($formats)) {
$formats = array();
if (empty($this->callbackclass)) {
throw new portfolio_button_exception('noclassbeforeformats', 'portfolio');
$callerformats = call_user_func(array($this->callbackclass, 'base_supported_formats'));
$this->formats = portfolio_most_specific_formats($formats, $callerformats);
* Reset formats to the default,
* which is usually what base_supported_formats returns
public function reset_formats() {
* If we already know we have exactly one file,
* bypass set_formats and just pass the file
* so we can detect the formats by mimetype.
* @param stored_file $file file to set the format from
* @param array $extraformats any additional formats other than by mimetype
* eg leap2a etc
public function set_format_by_file(stored_file $file, $extraformats=null) {
$this->file = $file;
$fileformat = portfolio_format_from_mimetype($file->get_mimetype());
if (is_string($extraformats)) {
$extraformats = array($extraformats);
} else if (!is_array($extraformats)) {
$extraformats = array();
$this->set_formats(array_merge(array($fileformat), $extraformats));
* Correllary this is use to set_format_by_file, but it is also used when there is no stored_file and
* when we're writing out a new type of file (like csv or pdf)
* @param string $extn the file extension we intend to generate
* @param array $extraformats any additional formats other than by mimetype
* eg leap2a etc
public function set_format_by_intended_file($extn, $extraformats=null) {
$mimetype = mimeinfo('type', 'something. ' . $extn);
$fileformat = portfolio_format_from_mimetype($mimetype);
$this->intendedmimetype = $fileformat;
if (is_string($extraformats)) {
$extraformats = array($extraformats);
} else if (!is_array($extraformats)) {
$extraformats = array();
$this->set_formats(array_merge(array($fileformat), $extraformats));
* Echo the form/button/icon/text link to the page
* @param int $format format to display the button or form or icon or link.
* See constants PORTFOLIO_ADD_XXX for more info.
* optional, defaults to PORTFOLIO_ADD_FULL_FORM
* @param string $addstr string to use for the button or icon alt text or link text.
* this is whole string, not key. optional, defaults to 'Export to portfolio';
public function render($format=null, $addstr=null) {
echo $this->to_html($format, $addstr);
* Returns the form/button/icon/text link as html
* @param int $format format to display the button or form or icon or link.
* See constants PORTFOLIO_ADD_XXX for more info.
* Optional, defaults to PORTFOLIO_ADD_FULL_FORM
* @param string $addstr string to use for the button or icon alt text or link text.
* This is whole string, not key. optional, defaults to 'Add to portfolio';
* @return void|string
public function to_html($format=null, $addstr=null) {
if (!$this->is_renderable()) {
if (empty($this->callbackclass) || empty($this->callbackcomponent)) {
throw new portfolio_button_exception('mustsetcallbackoptions', 'portfolio');
if (empty($this->formats)) {
// use the caller defaults
$url = new moodle_url('/portfolio/add.php');
foreach ($this->callbackargs as $key => $value) {
if (!empty($value) && !is_string($value) && !is_numeric($value)) {
$a = new stdClass();
$a->key = $key;
$a->value = print_r($value, true);
debugging(get_string('nonprimative', 'portfolio', $a));
$url->param('ca_' . $key, $value);
$url->param('sesskey', sesskey());
$url->param('callbackcomponent', $this->callbackcomponent);
$url->param('callbackclass', $this->callbackclass);
$url->param('course', (!empty($COURSE)) ? $COURSE->id : 0);
$url->param('callerformats', implode(',', $this->formats));
$mimetype = null;
if ($this->file instanceof stored_file) {
$mimetype = $this->file->get_mimetype();
} else if ($this->intendedmimetype) {
$mimetype = $this->intendedmimetype;
$selectoutput = '';
if (count($this->instances) == 1) {
$tmp = array_values($this->instances);
$instance = $tmp[0];
$formats = portfolio_supported_formats_intersect($this->formats, $instance->supported_formats());
if (count($formats) == 0) {
// bail. no common formats.
//debugging(get_string('nocommonformats', 'portfolio', (object)array('location' => $this->callbackclass, 'formats' => implode(',', $this->formats))));
if ($error = portfolio_instance_sanity_check($instance)) {
// bail, plugin is misconfigured
//debugging(get_string('instancemisconfigured', 'portfolio', get_string($error[$instance->get('id')], 'portfolio_' . $instance->get('plugin'))));
if (!$instance->allows_multiple_exports() && $already = portfolio_existing_exports($USER->id, $instance->get('plugin'))) {
//debugging(get_string('singleinstancenomultiallowed', 'portfolio'));
if ($mimetype&& !$instance->file_mime_check($mimetype)) {
// bail, we have a specific file or mimetype and this plugin doesn't support it
//debugging(get_string('mimecheckfail', 'portfolio', (object)array('plugin' => $instance->get('plugin'), 'mimetype' => $mimetype)));
$url->param('instance', $instance->get('id'));
else {
if (!$selectoutput = portfolio_instance_select($this->instances, $this->formats, $this->callbackclass, $mimetype, 'instance', true)) {
// if we just want a url to redirect to, do it now
if ($format == PORTFOLIO_ADD_FAKE_URL) {
return $url->out(false);
if (empty($addstr)) {
$addstr = get_string('addtoportfolio', 'portfolio');
if (empty($format)) {
$formoutput = '<form method="post" action="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/portfolio/add.php" id="portfolio-add-button">' . "\n";
$formoutput .= html_writer::input_hidden_params($url);
$linkoutput = '';
switch ($format) {
$formoutput .= $selectoutput;
$formoutput .= "\n" . '<input type="submit" value="' . $addstr .'" />';
$formoutput .= "\n" . '</form>';
$formoutput .= $selectoutput;
$formoutput .= "\n" . '<input class="portfolio-add-icon" type="image" src="' . $OUTPUT->pix_url('t/portfolioadd') . '" alt=' . $addstr .'" />';
$formoutput .= "\n" . '</form>';
$linkoutput = $OUTPUT->action_icon($url, new pix_icon('t/portfolioadd', $addstr, '',
array('class' => 'portfolio-add-icon smallicon')));
$linkoutput = html_writer::link($url, $addstr, array('class' => 'portfolio-add-link',
'title' => $addstr));
debugging(get_string('invalidaddformat', 'portfolio', $format));
$output = (in_array($format, array(PORTFOLIO_ADD_FULL_FORM, PORTFOLIO_ADD_ICON_FORM)) ? $formoutput : $linkoutput);
return $output;
* Perform some internal checks.
* These are not errors, just situations
* where it's not appropriate to add the button
* @return bool
private function is_renderable() {
global $CFG;
if (empty($CFG->enableportfolios)) {
return false;
if (defined('PORTFOLIO_INTERNAL')) {
// something somewhere has detected a risk of this being called during inside the preparation
// eg forum_print_attachments
return false;
if (empty($this->instances) || count($this->instances) == 0) {
return false;
return true;
* Getter for $format property
* @return array
public function get_formats() {
return $this->formats;
* Getter for $callbackargs property
* @return array
public function get_callbackargs() {
return $this->callbackargs;
* Getter for $callbackcomponent property
* @return string
public function get_callbackcomponent() {
return $this->callbackcomponent;
* Getter for $callbackclass property
* @return string
public function get_callbackclass() {
return $this->callbackclass;
* Returns a drop menu with a list of available instances.
* @param array $instances array of portfolio plugin instance objects - the instances to put in the menu
* @param array $callerformats array of PORTFOLIO_FORMAT_XXX constants - the formats the caller supports (this is used to filter plugins)
* @param string $callbackclass the callback class name - used for debugging only for when there are no common formats
* @param string $mimetype if we already know we have exactly one file, or are going to write one, pass it here to do mime filtering.
* @param string $selectname the name of the select element. Optional, defaults to instance.
* @param bool $return whether to print or return the output. Optional, defaults to print.
* @param bool $returnarray if returning, whether to return the HTML or the array of options. Optional, defaults to HTML.
* @return void|array|string the html, from <select> to </select> inclusive.
function portfolio_instance_select($instances, $callerformats, $callbackclass, $mimetype=null, $selectname='instance', $return=false, $returnarray=false) {
global $CFG, $USER;
if (empty($CFG->enableportfolios)) {
$insane = portfolio_instance_sanity_check();
$pinsane = portfolio_plugin_sanity_check();
$count = 0;
$selectoutput = "\n" . '<label class="accesshide" for="instanceid">' . get_string('plugin', 'portfolio') . '</label>';
$selectoutput .= "\n" . '<select id="instanceid" name="' . $selectname . '">' . "\n";
$existingexports = portfolio_existing_exports_by_plugin($USER->id);
foreach ($instances as $instance) {
$formats = portfolio_supported_formats_intersect($callerformats, $instance->supported_formats());
if (count($formats) == 0) {
// bail. no common formats.
if (array_key_exists($instance->get('id'), $insane)) {
// bail, plugin is misconfigured
//debugging(get_string('instanceismisconfigured', 'portfolio', get_string($insane[$instance->get('id')], 'portfolio_' . $instance->get('plugin'))));
} else if (array_key_exists($instance->get('plugin'), $pinsane)) {
// bail, plugin is misconfigured
//debugging(get_string('pluginismisconfigured', 'portfolio', get_string($pinsane[$instance->get('plugin')], 'portfolio_' . $instance->get('plugin'))));
if (!$instance->allows_multiple_exports() && in_array($instance->get('plugin'), $existingexports)) {
// bail, already exporting something with this plugin and it doesn't support multiple exports
if ($mimetype && !$instance->file_mime_check($mimetype)) {
//debugging(get_string('mimecheckfail', 'portfolio', (object)array('plugin' => $instance->get('plugin'), 'mimetype' => $mimetype())));
// bail, we have a specific file and this plugin doesn't support it
$selectoutput .= "\n" . '<option value="' . $instance->get('id') . '">' . $instance->get('name') . '</option>' . "\n";
$options[$instance->get('id')] = $instance->get('name');
if (empty($count)) {
// bail. no common formats.
//debugging(get_string('nocommonformats', 'portfolio', (object)array('location' => $callbackclass, 'formats' => implode(',', $callerformats))));
$selectoutput .= "\n" . "</select>\n";
if (!empty($returnarray)) {
return $options;
if (!empty($return)) {
return $selectoutput;
echo $selectoutput;
* Return all portfolio instances
* @todo MDL-15768 - check capabilities here
* @param bool $visibleonly Don't include hidden instances. Defaults to true and will be overridden to true if the next parameter is true
* @param bool $useronly Check the visibility preferences and permissions of the logged in user. Defaults to true.
* @return array of portfolio instances (full objects, not just database records)
function portfolio_instances($visibleonly=true, $useronly=true) {
global $DB, $USER;
$values = array();
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM {portfolio_instance}';
if ($visibleonly || $useronly) {
$values[] = 1;
$sql .= ' WHERE visible = ?';
if ($useronly) {
$sql .= ' AND id NOT IN (
SELECT instance FROM {portfolio_instance_user}
WHERE userid = ? AND name = ? AND ' . $DB->sql_compare_text('value') . ' = ?
$values = array_merge($values, array($USER->id, 'visible', 0));
$sql .= ' ORDER BY name';
$instances = array();
foreach ($DB->get_records_sql($sql, $values) as $instance) {
$instances[$instance->id] = portfolio_instance($instance->id, $instance);
return $instances;
* Supported formats currently in use.
* Canonical place for a list of all formats
* that portfolio plugins and callers
* can use for exporting content
* @return array keyed array of all the available export formats (constant => classname)
function portfolio_supported_formats() {
return array(
PORTFOLIO_FORMAT_FILE => 'portfolio_format_file',
PORTFOLIO_FORMAT_IMAGE => 'portfolio_format_image',
PORTFOLIO_FORMAT_RICHHTML => 'portfolio_format_richhtml',
PORTFOLIO_FORMAT_PLAINHTML => 'portfolio_format_plainhtml',
PORTFOLIO_FORMAT_TEXT => 'portfolio_format_text',
PORTFOLIO_FORMAT_VIDEO => 'portfolio_format_video',
PORTFOLIO_FORMAT_PDF => 'portfolio_format_pdf',
PORTFOLIO_FORMAT_DOCUMENT => 'portfolio_format_document',
PORTFOLIO_FORMAT_SPREADSHEET => 'portfolio_format_spreadsheet',
PORTFOLIO_FORMAT_PRESENTATION => 'portfolio_format_presentation',
PORTFOLIO_FORMAT_LEAP2A => 'portfolio_format_leap2a',
PORTFOLIO_FORMAT_RICH => 'portfolio_format_rich',
* Deduce export format from file mimetype
* This function returns the revelant portfolio export format
* which is used to determine which portfolio plugins can be used
* for exporting this content
* according to the given mime type
* this only works when exporting exactly <b>one</b> file, or generating a new one
* (like a pdf or csv export)
* @param string $mimetype (usually $file->get_mimetype())
* @return string the format constant (see PORTFOLIO_FORMAT_XXX constants)
function portfolio_format_from_mimetype($mimetype) {
global $CFG;
static $alreadymatched;
if (empty($alreadymatched)) {
$alreadymatched = array();
if (array_key_exists($mimetype, $alreadymatched)) {
return $alreadymatched[$mimetype];
$allformats = portfolio_supported_formats();
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/portfolio/formats.php');
foreach ($allformats as $format => $classname) {
$supportedmimetypes = call_user_func(array($classname, 'mimetypes'));
if (!is_array($supportedmimetypes)) {
debugging("one of the portfolio format classes, $classname, said it supported something funny for mimetypes, should have been array...");
debugging(print_r($supportedmimetypes, true));
if (in_array($mimetype, $supportedmimetypes)) {
$alreadymatched[$mimetype] = $format;
return $format;
return PORTFOLIO_FORMAT_FILE; // base case for files...
* Intersection of plugin formats and caller formats.
* Walks both the caller formats and portfolio plugin formats
* and looks for matches (walking the hierarchy as well)
* and returns the intersection
* @param array $callerformats formats the caller supports
* @param array $pluginformats formats the portfolio plugin supports
* @return array
function portfolio_supported_formats_intersect($callerformats, $pluginformats) {
global $CFG;
$allformats = portfolio_supported_formats();
$intersection = array();
foreach ($callerformats as $cf) {
if (!array_key_exists($cf, $allformats)) {
if (!portfolio_format_is_abstract($cf)) {
debugging(get_string('invalidformat', 'portfolio', $cf));
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/portfolio/formats.php');
$cfobj = new $allformats[$cf]();
foreach ($pluginformats as $p => $pf) {
if (!array_key_exists($pf, $allformats)) {
if (!portfolio_format_is_abstract($pf)) {
debugging(get_string('invalidformat', 'portfolio', $pf));
unset($pluginformats[$p]); // to avoid the same warning over and over
if ($cfobj instanceof $allformats[$pf]) {
$intersection[] = $cf;
return $intersection;
* Tiny helper to figure out whether a portfolio format is abstract
* @param string $format the format to test
* @return bool
function portfolio_format_is_abstract($format) {
if (class_exists($format)) {
$class = $format;
} else if (class_exists('portfolio_format_' . $format)) {
$class = 'portfolio_format_' . $format;
} else {
$allformats = portfolio_supported_formats();
if (array_key_exists($format, $allformats)) {
$class = $allformats[$format];
if (empty($class)) {
return true; // it may as well be, we can't instantiate it :)
$rc = new ReflectionClass($class);
return $rc->isAbstract();
* Return the combination of the two arrays of formats with duplicates in terms of specificity removed
* and also removes conflicting formats.
* Use case: a module is exporting a single file, so the general formats would be FILE and MBKP
* while the specific formats would be the specific subclass of FILE based on mime (say IMAGE)
* and this function would return IMAGE and MBKP
* @param array $specificformats array of more specific formats (eg based on mime detection)
* @param array $generalformats array of more general formats (usually more supported)
* @return array merged formats with dups removed
function portfolio_most_specific_formats($specificformats, $generalformats) {
global $CFG;
$allformats = portfolio_supported_formats();
if (empty($specificformats)) {
return $generalformats;
} else if (empty($generalformats)) {
return $specificformats;
$removedformats = array();
foreach ($specificformats as $k => $f) {
// look for something less specific and remove it, ie outside of the inheritance tree of the current formats.
if (!array_key_exists($f, $allformats)) {
if (!portfolio_format_is_abstract($f)) {
throw new portfolio_button_exception('invalidformat', 'portfolio', $f);
if (in_array($f, $removedformats)) {
// already been removed from the general list
//debugging("skipping $f because it was already removed");
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/portfolio/formats.php');
$fobj = new $allformats[$f];
foreach ($generalformats as $key => $cf) {
if (in_array($cf, $removedformats)) {
//debugging("skipping $cf because it was already removed");
$cfclass = $allformats[$cf];
$cfobj = new $allformats[$cf];
if ($fobj instanceof $cfclass && $cfclass != get_class($fobj)) {
//debugging("unsetting $key $cf because it's not specific enough ($f is better)");
$removedformats[] = $cf;
// check for conflicts
if ($fobj->conflicts($cf)) {
//debugging("unsetting $key $cf because it conflicts with $f");
$removedformats[] = $cf;
if ($cfobj->conflicts($f)) {
//debugging("unsetting $key $cf because it reverse-conflicts with $f");
$removedformats[] = $cf;
//debugging('inside loop');
//debugging('final formats');
$finalformats = array_unique(array_merge(array_values($specificformats), array_values($generalformats)));
return $finalformats;
* Helper function to return a format object from the constant
* @param string $name the constant PORTFOLIO_FORMAT_XXX
* @return portfolio_format
function portfolio_format_object($name) {
global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/portfolio/formats.php');
$formats = portfolio_supported_formats();
return new $formats[$name];
* Helper function to return an instance of a plugin (with config loaded)
* @param int $instanceid id of instance
* @param object $record database row that corresponds to this instance
* this is passed to avoid unnecessary lookups
* Optional, and the record will be retrieved if null.
* @return object of portfolio_plugin_XXX
function portfolio_instance($instanceid, $record=null) {
global $DB, $CFG;
if ($record) {
$instance = $record;
} else {
if (!$instance = $DB->get_record('portfolio_instance', array('id' => $instanceid))) {
throw new portfolio_exception('invalidinstance', 'portfolio');
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/portfolio/plugin.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/portfolio/'. $instance->plugin . '/lib.php');
$classname = 'portfolio_plugin_' . $instance->plugin;
return new $classname($instanceid, $instance);
* Helper function to call a static function on a portfolio plugin class.
* This will figure out the classname and require the right file and call the function.
* You can send a variable number of arguments to this function after the first two
* and they will be passed on to the function you wish to call.
* @param string $plugin name of plugin
* @param string $function function to call
* @return mixed
function portfolio_static_function($plugin, $function) {
global $CFG;
$pname = null;
if (is_object($plugin) || is_array($plugin)) {
$plugin = (object)$plugin;
$pname = $plugin->name;
} else {
$pname = $plugin;
$args = func_get_args();
if (count($args) <= 2) {
$args = array();
else {
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/portfolio/plugin.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/portfolio/' . $plugin . '/lib.php');
return call_user_func_array(array('portfolio_plugin_' . $plugin, $function), $args);
* Helper function to check all the plugins for sanity and set any insane ones to invisible.
* @param array $plugins array of supported plugin types
* @return array array of insane instances (keys= id, values = reasons (keys for plugin lang)
function portfolio_plugin_sanity_check($plugins=null) {
global $DB;
if (is_string($plugins)) {
$plugins = array($plugins);
} else if (empty($plugins)) {
$plugins = get_plugin_list('portfolio');
$plugins = array_keys($plugins);
$insane = array();
foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
if ($result = portfolio_static_function($plugin, 'plugin_sanity_check')) {
$insane[$plugin] = $result;
if (empty($insane)) {
return array();
list($where, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(array_keys($insane));
$where = ' plugin ' . $where;
$DB->set_field_select('portfolio_instance', 'visible', 0, $where, $params);
return $insane;
* Helper function to check all the instances for sanity and set any insane ones to invisible.
* @param array $instances array of plugin instances
* @return array array of insane instances (keys= id, values = reasons (keys for plugin lang)
function portfolio_instance_sanity_check($instances=null) {
global $DB;
if (empty($instances)) {
$instances = portfolio_instances(false);
} else if (!is_array($instances)) {
$instances = array($instances);
$insane = array();
foreach ($instances as $instance) {
if (is_object($instance) && !($instance instanceof portfolio_plugin_base)) {
$instance = portfolio_instance($instance->id, $instance);
} else if (is_numeric($instance)) {
$instance = portfolio_instance($instance);
if (!($instance instanceof portfolio_plugin_base)) {
debugging('something weird passed to portfolio_instance_sanity_check, not subclass or id');
if ($result = $instance->instance_sanity_check()) {
$insane[$instance->get('id')] = $result;
if (empty($insane)) {
return array();
list ($where, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(array_keys($insane));
$where = ' id ' . $where;
$DB->set_field_select('portfolio_instance', 'visible', 0, $where, $params);
portfolio_insane_notify_admins($insane, true);
return $insane;
* Helper function to display a table of plugins (or instances) and reasons for disabling
* @param array $insane array of portfolio plugin
* @param array $instances if reporting instances rather than whole plugins, pass the array (key = id, value = object) here
* @param bool $return option to deliver the report in html format or print it out directly to the page.
* @return void|string of portfolio report in html table format
function portfolio_report_insane($insane, $instances=false, $return=false) {
global $OUTPUT;
if (empty($insane)) {
static $pluginstr;
if (empty($pluginstr)) {
$pluginstr = get_string('plugin', 'portfolio');
if ($instances) {
$headerstr = get_string('someinstancesdisabled', 'portfolio');
} else {
$headerstr = get_string('somepluginsdisabled', 'portfolio');
$output = $OUTPUT->notification($headerstr, 'notifyproblem');
$table = new html_table();
$table->head = array($pluginstr, '');
$table->data = array();
foreach ($insane as $plugin => $reason) {
if ($instances) {
$instance = $instances[$plugin];
$plugin = $instance->get('plugin');
$name = $instance->get('name');
} else {
$name = $plugin;
$table->data[] = array($name, get_string($reason, 'portfolio_' . $plugin));
$output .= html_writer::table($table);
$output .= '<br /><br /><br />';
if ($return) {
return $output;
echo $output;
* Event handler for the portfolio_send event
* @param int $eventdata event id
* @return bool
function portfolio_handle_event($eventdata) {
global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/portfolio/exporter.php');
$exporter = portfolio_exporter::rewaken_object($eventdata);
return true;
* Main portfolio cronjob.
* Currently just cleans up expired transfer records.
* @todo - MDL-15997 - Add hooks in the plugins - either per instance or per plugin
function portfolio_cron() {
global $DB, $CFG;
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/portfolio/exporter.php');
if ($expired = $DB->get_records_select('portfolio_tempdata', 'expirytime < ?', array(time()), '', 'id')) {
foreach ($expired as $d) {
try {
$e = portfolio_exporter::rewaken_object($d->id);
} catch (Exception $e) {
mtrace('Exception thrown in portfolio cron while cleaning up ' . $d->id . ': ' . $e->getMessage());
* Helper function to rethrow a caught portfolio_exception as an export exception.
* Used because when a portfolio_export exception is thrown the export is cancelled
* throws portfolio_export_exceptiog
* @param portfolio_exporter $exporter current exporter object
* @param object $exception exception to rethrow
function portfolio_export_rethrow_exception($exporter, $exception) {
throw new portfolio_export_exception($exporter, $exception->errorcode, $exception->module, $exception->link, $exception->a);
* Try and determine expected_time for purely file based exports
* or exports that might include large file attachments.
* @param stored_file|array $totest - either an array of stored_file objects or a single stored_file object
* @return string PORTFOLIO_TIME_XXX
function portfolio_expected_time_file($totest) {
global $CFG;
if ($totest instanceof stored_file) {
$totest = array($totest);
$size = 0;
foreach ($totest as $file) {
if (!($file instanceof stored_file)) {
debugging('something weird passed to portfolio_expected_time_file - not stored_file object');
debugging(print_r($file, true));
$size += $file->get_filesize();
$fileinfo = portfolio_filesize_info();
$moderate = $high = 0; // avoid warnings
foreach (array('moderate', 'high') as $setting) {
$settingname = 'portfolio_' . $setting . '_filesize_threshold';
if (empty($CFG->{$settingname}) || !array_key_exists($CFG->{$settingname}, $fileinfo['options'])) {
debugging("weird or unset admin value for $settingname, using default instead");
$$setting = $fileinfo[$setting];
} else {
$$setting = $CFG->{$settingname};
if ($size < $moderate) {
} else if ($size < $high) {
* The default filesizes and threshold information for file based transfers.
* This shouldn't need to be used outside the admin pages and the portfolio code
* @return array
function portfolio_filesize_info() {
$filesizes = array();
$sizelist = array(10240, 51200, 102400, 512000, 1048576, 2097152, 5242880, 10485760, 20971520, 52428800);
foreach ($sizelist as $size) {
$filesizes[$size] = display_size($size);
return array(
'options' => $filesizes,
'moderate' => 1048576,
'high' => 5242880,
* Try and determine expected_time for purely database based exports
* or exports that might include large parts of a database.
* @param int $recordcount number of records trying to export
* @return string PORTFOLIO_TIME_XXX
function portfolio_expected_time_db($recordcount) {
global $CFG;
if (empty($CFG->portfolio_moderate_dbsize_threshold)) {
set_config('portfolio_moderate_dbsize_threshold', 10);
if (empty($CFG->portfolio_high_dbsize_threshold)) {
set_config('portfolio_high_dbsize_threshold', 50);
if ($recordcount < $CFG->portfolio_moderate_dbsize_threshold) {
} else if ($recordcount < $CFG->portfolio_high_dbsize_threshold) {
* Function to send portfolio report to admins
* @param array $insane array of insane plugins
* @param array $instances (optional) if reporting instances rather than whole plugins
function portfolio_insane_notify_admins($insane, $instances=false) {
global $CFG;
return true;
$admins = get_admins();
if (empty($admins)) {
if ($instances) {
$instances = portfolio_instances(false, false);
$site = get_site();
$a = new StdClass;
$a->sitename = format_string($site->fullname, true, array('context' => context_course::instance(SITEID)));
$a->fixurl = "$CFG->wwwroot/$CFG->admin/settings.php?section=manageportfolios";
$a->htmllist = portfolio_report_insane($insane, $instances, true);
$a->textlist = '';
foreach ($insane as $k => $reason) {
if ($instances) {
$a->textlist = $instances[$k]->get('name') . ': ' . $reason . "\n";
} else {
$a->textlist = $k . ': ' . $reason . "\n";
$subject = get_string('insanesubject', 'portfolio');
$plainbody = get_string('insanebody', 'portfolio', $a);
$htmlbody = get_string('insanebodyhtml', 'portfolio', $a);
$smallbody = get_string('insanebodysmall', 'portfolio', $a);
foreach ($admins as $admin) {
$eventdata = new stdClass();
$eventdata->modulename = 'portfolio';
$eventdata->component = 'portfolio';
$eventdata->name = 'notices';
$eventdata->userfrom = get_admin();
$eventdata->userto = $admin;
$eventdata->subject = $subject;
$eventdata->fullmessage = $plainbody;
$eventdata->fullmessageformat = FORMAT_PLAIN;
$eventdata->fullmessagehtml = $htmlbody;
$eventdata->smallmessage = $smallbody;
* Setup page export
* @param moodle_page $PAGE global variable from page object
* @param portfolio_caller_base $caller plugin type caller
function portfolio_export_pagesetup($PAGE, $caller) {
// set up the context so that build_navigation works nice
list($extranav, $cm) = $caller->get_navigation();
// and now we know the course for sure and maybe the cm, call require_login with it
require_login($PAGE->course, false, $cm);
foreach ($extranav as $navitem) {
$PAGE->navbar->add(get_string('exporting', 'portfolio'));
* Get export type id
* @param string $type plugin type
* @param int $userid the user to check for
* @return mixed|bool
function portfolio_export_type_to_id($type, $userid) {
global $DB;
$sql = 'SELECT t.id FROM {portfolio_tempdata} t JOIN {portfolio_instance} i ON t.instance = i.id WHERE t.userid = ? AND i.plugin = ?';
return $DB->get_field_sql($sql, array($userid, $type));
* Return a list of current exports for the given user.
* This will not go through and call rewaken_object, because it's heavy.
* It's really just used to figure out what exports are currently happening.
* This is useful for plugins that don't support multiple exports per session
* @param int $userid the user to check for
* @param string $type (optional) the portfolio plugin to filter by
* @return array
function portfolio_existing_exports($userid, $type=null) {
global $DB;
$sql = 'SELECT t.*,t.instance,i.plugin,i.name FROM {portfolio_tempdata} t JOIN {portfolio_instance} i ON t.instance = i.id WHERE t.userid = ? ';
$values = array($userid);
if ($type) {
$sql .= ' AND i.plugin = ?';
$values[] = $type;
return $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $values);
* Return an array of existing exports by type for a given user.
* This is much more lightweight than existing_exports because it only returns the types, rather than the whole serialised data
* so can be used for checking availability of multiple plugins at the same time.
* @see existing_exports
* @param int $userid the user to check for
* @return array
function portfolio_existing_exports_by_plugin($userid) {
global $DB;
$sql = 'SELECT t.id,i.plugin FROM {portfolio_tempdata} t JOIN {portfolio_instance} i ON t.instance = i.id WHERE t.userid = ? ';
$values = array($userid);
return $DB->get_records_sql_menu($sql, $values);
* Return default common options for {@link format_text()} when preparing a content to be exported.
* It is important not to apply filters and not to clean the HTML in format_text()
* @return stdClass
function portfolio_format_text_options() {
$options = new stdClass();
$options->para = false;
$options->newlines = true;
$options->filter = false;
$options->noclean = true;
$options->overflowdiv = false;
return $options;
* callback function from {@link portfolio_rewrite_pluginfile_urls}
* looks through preg_replace matches and replaces content with whatever the active portfolio export format says
* @param int $contextid module context id
* @param string $component module name (eg:mod_assignment)
* @param string $filearea normal file_area arguments
* @param int $itemid component item id
* @param portfolio_format $format exporter format type
* @param array $options extra options to pass through to the file_output function in the format (optional)
* @param array $matches internal matching
* @return object|array|string
function portfolio_rewrite_pluginfile_url_callback($contextid, $component, $filearea, $itemid, $format, $options, $matches) {
$matches = $matches[0]; // no internal matching
$dom = new DomDocument();
if (!$dom->loadXML($matches)) {
return $matches;
$attributes = array();
foreach ($dom->documentElement->attributes as $attr => $node) {
$attributes[$attr] = $node->value;
// now figure out the file
$fs = get_file_storage();
$key = 'href';
if (!array_key_exists('href', $attributes) && array_key_exists('src', $attributes)) {
$key = 'src';
if (!array_key_exists($key, $attributes)) {
debugging('Couldn\'t find an attribute to use that contains @@PLUGINFILE@@ in portfolio_rewrite_pluginfile');
return $matches;
$filename = substr($attributes[$key], strpos($attributes[$key], '@@PLUGINFILE@@') + strlen('@@PLUGINFILE@@'));
$filepath = '/';
if (strpos($filename, '/') !== 0) {
$bits = explode('/', $filename);
$filename = array_pop($bits);
$filepath = implode('/', $bits);
if (!$file = $fs->get_file($contextid, $component, $filearea, $itemid, $filepath, $filename)) {
debugging("Couldn't find a file from the embedded path info context $contextid component $component filearea $filearea itemid $itemid filepath $filepath name $filename");
return $matches;
if (empty($options)) {
$options = array();
$options['attributes'] = $attributes;
return $format->file_output($file, $options);
* Function to require any potential callback files, throwing exceptions
* if an issue occurs.
* @param string $component This is the name of the component in Moodle, eg 'mod_forum'
* @param string $class Name of the class containing the callback functions
* activity components should ALWAYS use their name_portfolio_caller
* other locations must use something unique
function portfolio_include_callback_file($component, $class = null) {
global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/adminlib.php');
// It's possible that they are passing a file path rather than passing a component.
// We want to try and convert this to a component name, eg. mod_forum.
$pos = strrpos($component, '/');
if ($pos !== false) {
// Get rid of the first slash (if it exists).
$component = ltrim($component, '/');
// Get a list of valid plugin types.
$plugintypes = get_plugin_types(false);
// Assume it is not valid for now.
$isvalid = false;
// Go through the plugin types.
foreach ($plugintypes as $type => $path) {
if (strrpos($component, $path) === 0) {
// Found the plugin type.
$isvalid = true;
$plugintype = $type;
$pluginpath = $path;
// Throw exception if not a valid component.
if (!$isvalid) {
throw new coding_exception('Somehow a non-valid plugin path was passed, could be a hackz0r attempt, exiting.');
// Remove the file name.
$component = trim(substr($component, 0, $pos), '/');
// Replace the path with the type.
$component = str_replace($pluginpath, $plugintype, $component);
// Ok, replace '/' with '_'.
$component = str_replace('/', '_', $component);
// Place a debug message saying the third parameter should be changed.
debugging('The third parameter sent to the function set_callback_options should be the component name, not a file path, please update this.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
// Check that it is a valid component.
if (!get_component_version($component)) {
throw new portfolio_button_exception('nocallbackcomponent', 'portfolio', '', $component);
// Obtain the component's location.
if (!$componentloc = get_component_directory($component)) {
throw new portfolio_button_exception('nocallbackcomponent', 'portfolio', '', $component);
// Check if the component contains the necessary file for the portfolio plugin.
// These are locallib.php, portfoliolib.php and portfolio_callback.php.
$filefound = false;
if (file_exists($componentloc . '/locallib.php')) {
$filefound = true;
require_once($componentloc . '/locallib.php');
if (file_exists($componentloc . '/portfoliolib.php')) {
$filefound = true;
debugging('Please standardise your plugin by renaming your portfolio callback file to locallib.php, or if that file already exists moving the portfolio functionality there.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
require_once($componentloc . '/portfoliolib.php');
if (file_exists($componentloc . '/portfolio_callback.php')) {
$filefound = true;
debugging('Please standardise your plugin by renaming your portfolio callback file to locallib.php, or if that file already exists moving the portfolio functionality there.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
require_once($componentloc . '/portfolio_callback.php');
// Ensure that we found a file we can use, if not throw an exception.
if (!$filefound) {
throw new portfolio_button_exception('nocallbackfile', 'portfolio', '', $component);
if (!is_null($class) && !class_exists($class)) {
throw new portfolio_button_exception('nocallbackclass', 'portfolio', '', $class);
* Go through all the @@PLUGINFILE@@ matches in some text,
* extract the file information and pass it back to the portfolio export format
* to regenerate the html to output
* @param string $text the text to search through
* @param int $contextid normal file_area arguments
* @param string $component module name
* @param string $filearea normal file_area arguments
* @param int $itemid normal file_area arguments
* @param portfolio_format $format the portfolio export format
* @param array $options additional options to be included in the plugin file url (optional)
* @return mixed
function portfolio_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($text, $contextid, $component, $filearea, $itemid, $format, $options=null) {
$pattern = '/(<[^<]*?="@@PLUGINFILE@@\/[^>]*?(?:\/>|>.*?<\/[^>]*?>))/';
$callback = partial('portfolio_rewrite_pluginfile_url_callback', $contextid, $component, $filearea, $itemid, $format, $options);
return preg_replace_callback($pattern, $callback, $text);
// this function has to go last, because the regexp screws up syntax highlighting in some editors