2023-03-09 09:53:19 +08:00

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{"version":3,"file":"url.min.js","sources":["../src/url.js"],"sourcesContent":["// This file is part of Moodle -\n//\n// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n// (at your option) any later version.\n//\n// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n// GNU General Public License for more details.\n//\n// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.\n\n/**\n * URL utility functions.\n *\n * @module core/url\n * @copyright 2015 Damyon Wiese <>\n * @license GNU GPL v3 or later\n * @since 2.9\n */\ndefine(['jquery', 'core/config'], function($, config) {\n\n\n return /** @alias module:core/url */ {\n // Public variables and functions.\n /**\n * Construct a file url\n *\n * @method fileUrl\n * @param {string} relativeScript\n * @param {string} slashArg\n * @return {string}\n */\n fileUrl: function(relativeScript, slashArg) {\n\n var url = config.wwwroot + relativeScript;\n\n // Force a /\n if (slashArg.charAt(0) != '/') {\n slashArg = '/' + slashArg;\n }\n if (config.slasharguments) {\n url += slashArg;\n } else {\n url += '?file=' + encodeURIComponent(slashArg);\n }\n return url;\n },\n\n /**\n * Take a path relative to the moodle basedir and do some fixing (see class moodle_url in php).\n *\n * @method relativeUrl\n * @param {string} relativePath The path relative to the moodle basedir.\n * @param {object} params The query parameters for the URL.\n * @param {bool} includeSessKey Add the session key to the query params.\n * @return {string}\n */\n relativeUrl: function(relativePath, params, includeSessKey) {\n\n if (relativePath.indexOf('http:') === 0 || relativePath.indexOf('https:') === 0 || relativePath.indexOf('://') >= 0) {\n throw new Error('relativeUrl function does not accept absolute urls');\n }\n\n // Fix non-relative paths;\n if (relativePath.charAt(0) != '/') {\n relativePath = '/' + relativePath;\n }\n\n // Fix admin urls.\n if (config.admin !== 'admin') {\n relativePath = relativePath.replace(/^\\/admin\\//, '/' + config.admin + '/');\n }\n\n params = params || {};\n if (includeSessKey) {\n params.sesskey = config.sesskey;\n }\n\n var queryString = '';\n if (Object.keys(params).length) {\n queryString = $.map(params, function(value, param) {\n return param + '=' + value;\n }).join('&');\n }\n\n if (queryString !== '') {\n return config.wwwroot + relativePath + '?' + queryString;\n } else {\n return config.wwwroot + relativePath;\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Wrapper for image_url function.\n *\n * @method imageUrl\n * @param {string} imagename The image name (e.g. t/edit).\n * @param {string} component The component (e.g. mod_feedback).\n * @return {string}\n */\n imageUrl: function(imagename, component) {\n return M.util.image_url(imagename, component);\n }\n };\n});\n"],"names":["define","$","config","fileUrl","relativeScript","slashArg","url","wwwroot","charAt","slasharguments","encodeURIComponent","relativeUrl","relativePath","params","includeSessKey","indexOf","Error","admin","replace","sesskey","queryString","Object","keys","length","map","value","param","join","imageUrl","imagename","component","M","util","image_url"],"mappings":";;;;;;;;AAuBAA,kBAAO,CAAC,SAAU,gBAAgB,SAASC,EAAGC,cAGL,CAUjCC,QAAS,SAASC,eAAgBC,cAE1BC,IAAMJ,OAAOK,QAAUH,qBAGD,KAAtBC,SAASG,OAAO,KAChBH,SAAW,IAAMA,UAEjBH,OAAOO,eACPH,KAAOD,SAEPC,KAAO,SAAWI,mBAAmBL,UAElCC,KAYXK,YAAa,SAASC,aAAcC,OAAQC,mBAEF,IAAlCF,aAAaG,QAAQ,UAAqD,IAAnCH,aAAaG,QAAQ,WAAmBH,aAAaG,QAAQ,QAAU,QACxG,IAAIC,MAAM,sDAIU,KAA1BJ,aAAaJ,OAAO,KACpBI,aAAe,IAAMA,cAIJ,UAAjBV,OAAOe,QACPL,aAAeA,aAAaM,QAAQ,aAAc,IAAMhB,OAAOe,MAAQ,MAG3EJ,OAASA,QAAU,GACfC,iBACAD,OAAOM,QAAUjB,OAAOiB,aAGxBC,YAAc,UACdC,OAAOC,KAAKT,QAAQU,SACpBH,YAAcnB,EAAEuB,IAAIX,QAAQ,SAASY,MAAOC,cACjCA,MAAQ,IAAMD,SACtBE,KAAK,MAGQ,KAAhBP,YACOlB,OAAOK,QAAUK,aAAe,IAAMQ,YAEtClB,OAAOK,QAAUK,cAYhCgB,SAAU,SAASC,UAAWC,kBACnBC,EAAEC,KAAKC,UAAUJ,UAAWC"}