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synced 2025-02-19 07:41:02 +01:00
Credit: original version done by Kirill Astashov of NetSpot (netspot.com.au), finished and tweaked by sam. This change adds conditional availability support for sections analagous to that already available for activities. (Backend, UI, backup/restore.) In order that this feature does not reduce performance, section cacheing has also been added using a new course 'sectioncache' field analagous to modinfo. The new feature integrates with activity availability so that activities inside sections which are not available are automatically not available themselves (meaning it works to restrict access).
1579 lines
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1579 lines
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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* modinfolib.php - Functions/classes relating to cached information about module instances on
* a course.
* @package core
* @subpackage lib
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
* @author sam marshall
// Maximum number of modinfo items to keep in memory cache. Do not increase this to a large
// number because:
// a) modinfo can be big (megabyte range) for some courses
// b) performance of cache will deteriorate if there are very many items in it
if (!defined('MAX_MODINFO_CACHE_SIZE')) {
* Information about a course that is cached in the course table 'modinfo' field (and then in
* memory) in order to reduce the need for other database queries.
* This includes information about the course-modules and the sections on the course. It can also
* include dynamic data that has been updated for the current user.
class course_modinfo extends stdClass {
// For convenience we store the course object here as it is needed in other parts of code
private $course;
// Array of section data from cache
private $sectioninfo;
// Existing data fields
// These are public for backward compatibility. Note: it is not possible to retain BC
// using PHP magic get methods because behaviour is different with regard to empty().
* Course ID
* @var int
* @deprecated For new code, use get_course_id instead.
public $courseid;
* User ID
* @var int
* @deprecated For new code, use get_user_id instead.
public $userid;
* Array from int (section num, e.g. 0) => array of int (course-module id); this list only
* includes sections that actually contain at least one course-module
* @var array
* @deprecated For new code, use get_sections instead
public $sections;
* Array from int (cm id) => cm_info object
* @var array
* @deprecated For new code, use get_cms or get_cm instead.
public $cms;
* Array from string (modname) => int (instance id) => cm_info object
* @var array
* @deprecated For new code, use get_instances or get_instances_of instead.
public $instances;
* Groups that the current user belongs to. This value is usually not available (set to null)
* unless the course has activities set to groupmembersonly. When set, it is an array of
* grouping id => array of group id => group id. Includes grouping id 0 for 'all groups'.
* @var array
* @deprecated Don't use this! For new code, use get_groups.
public $groups;
// Get methods for data
* @return object Moodle course object that was used to construct this data
public function get_course() {
return $this->course;
* @return int Course ID
public function get_course_id() {
return $this->courseid;
* @return int User ID
public function get_user_id() {
return $this->userid;
* @return array Array from section number (e.g. 0) to array of course-module IDs in that
* section; this only includes sections that contain at least one course-module
public function get_sections() {
return $this->sections;
* @return array Array from course-module instance to cm_info object within this course, in
* order of appearance
public function get_cms() {
return $this->cms;
* Obtains a single course-module object (for a course-module that is on this course).
* @param int $cmid Course-module ID
* @return cm_info Information about that course-module
* @throws moodle_exception If the course-module does not exist
public function get_cm($cmid) {
if (empty($this->cms[$cmid])) {
throw new moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule', 'error');
return $this->cms[$cmid];
* Obtains all module instances on this course.
* @return array Array from module name => array from instance id => cm_info
public function get_instances() {
return $this->instances;
* Obtains all instances of a particular module on this course.
* @param $modname Name of module (not full frankenstyle) e.g. 'label'
* @return array Array from instance id => cm_info for modules on this course; empty if none
public function get_instances_of($modname) {
if (empty($this->instances[$modname])) {
return array();
return $this->instances[$modname];
* Returns groups that the current user belongs to on the course. Note: If not already
* available, this may make a database query.
* @param int $groupingid Grouping ID or 0 (default) for all groups
* @return array Array of int (group id) => int (same group id again); empty array if none
public function get_groups($groupingid=0) {
if (is_null($this->groups)) {
// NOTE: Performance could be improved here. The system caches user groups
// in $USER->groupmember[$courseid] => array of groupid=>groupid. Unfortunately this
// structure does not include grouping information. It probably could be changed to
// do so, without a significant performance hit on login, thus saving this one query
// each request.
$this->groups = groups_get_user_groups($this->courseid, $this->userid);
if (!isset($this->groups[$groupingid])) {
return array();
return $this->groups[$groupingid];
* Gets all sections as array from section number => data about section.
* @return array Array of section_info objects organised by section number
public function get_section_info_all() {
return $this->sectioninfo;
* Gets data about specific numbered section.
* @param int $sectionnumber Number (not id) of section
* @return section_info Information for numbered section
public function get_section_info($sectionnumber) {
return $this->sectioninfo[$sectionnumber];
* Constructs based on course.
* Note: This constructor should not usually be called directly.
* Use get_fast_modinfo($course) instead as this maintains a cache.
* @param object $course Moodle course object, which may include modinfo
* @param int $userid User ID
public function __construct($course, $userid) {
global $CFG, $DB;
// Check modinfo field is set. If not, build and load it.
if (empty($course->modinfo) || empty($course->sectioncache)) {
$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id'=>$course->id), '*', MUST_EXIST);
// Set initial values
$this->courseid = $course->id;
$this->userid = $userid;
$this->sections = array();
$this->cms = array();
$this->instances = array();
$this->groups = null;
$this->course = $course;
// Load modinfo field into memory as PHP object and check it's valid
$info = unserialize($course->modinfo);
if (!is_array($info)) {
// hmm, something is wrong - lets try to fix it
$course->modinfo = $DB->get_field('course', 'modinfo', array('id'=>$course->id));
$info = unserialize($course->modinfo);
if (!is_array($info)) {
// If it still fails, abort
debugging('Problem with "modinfo" data for this course');
// Load sectioncache field into memory as PHP object and check it's valid
$sectioncache = unserialize($course->sectioncache);
if (!is_array($sectioncache) || empty($sectioncache)) {
// hmm, something is wrong - let's fix it
$course->sectioncache = $DB->get_field('course', 'sectioncache', array('id'=>$course->id));
$sectioncache = unserialize($course->sectioncache);
if (!is_array($sectioncache)) {
// If it still fails, abort
debugging('Problem with "sectioncache" data for this course');
// If we haven't already preloaded contexts for the course, do it now
// Loop through each piece of module data, constructing it
$modexists = array();
foreach ($info as $mod) {
if (empty($mod->name)) {
// something is wrong here
// Skip modules which don't exist
if (empty($modexists[$mod->mod])) {
if (!file_exists("$CFG->dirroot/mod/$mod->mod/lib.php")) {
$modexists[$mod->mod] = true;
// Construct info for this module
$cm = new cm_info($this, $course, $mod, $info);
// Store module in instances and cms array
if (!isset($this->instances[$cm->modname])) {
$this->instances[$cm->modname] = array();
$this->instances[$cm->modname][$cm->instance] = $cm;
$this->cms[$cm->id] = $cm;
// Reconstruct sections. This works because modules are stored in order
if (!isset($this->sections[$cm->sectionnum])) {
$this->sections[$cm->sectionnum] = array();
$this->sections[$cm->sectionnum][] = $cm->id;
// Expand section objects
$this->sectioninfo = array();
foreach ($sectioncache as $number => $data) {
// Calculate sequence
if (isset($this->sections[$number])) {
$sequence = implode(',', $this->sections[$number]);
} else {
$sequence = '';
// Expand
$this->sectioninfo[$number] = new section_info($data, $number, $course->id, $sequence,
$this, $userid);
// We need at least 'dynamic' data from each course-module (this is basically the remaining
// data which was always present in previous version of get_fast_modinfo, so it's required
// for BC). Creating it in a second pass is necessary because obtain_dynamic_data sometimes
// needs to be able to refer to a 'complete' (with basic data) modinfo.
foreach ($this->cms as $cm) {
* Builds a list of information about sections on a course to be stored in
* the course cache. (Does not include information that is already cached
* in some other way.)
* Used internally by rebuild_course_cache function; do not use otherwise.
* @param int $courseid Course ID
* @return array Information about sections, indexed by section number (not id)
public static function build_section_cache($courseid) {
global $DB;
// Get section data
$sections = $DB->get_records('course_sections', array('course' => $courseid), 'section',
'section, id, course, name, summary, summaryformat, sequence, visible, ' .
'availablefrom, availableuntil, showavailability, groupingid');
$compressedsections = array();
// Remove unnecessary data and add availability
foreach ($sections as $number => $section) {
// Clone just in case it is reused elsewhere (get_all_sections cache)
$compressedsections[$number] = clone($section);
return $compressedsections;
* Data about a single module on a course. This contains most of the fields in the course_modules
* table, plus additional data when required.
* This object has many public fields; code should treat all these fields as read-only and set
* data only using the supplied set functions. Setting the fields directly is not supported
* and may cause problems later.
class cm_info extends stdClass {
* State: Only basic data from modinfo cache is available.
const STATE_BASIC = 0;
* State: Dynamic data is available too.
const STATE_DYNAMIC = 1;
* State: View data (for course page) is available.
const STATE_VIEW = 2;
* Parent object
* @var course_modinfo
private $modinfo;
* Level of information stored inside this object (STATE_xx constant)
* @var int
private $state;
// Existing data fields
* Course-module ID - from course_modules table
* @var int
public $id;
* Module instance (ID within module table) - from course_modules table
* @var int
public $instance;
* Course ID - from course_modules table
* @var int
public $course;
* 'ID number' from course-modules table (arbitrary text set by user) - from
* course_modules table
* @var string
public $idnumber;
* Time that this course-module was added (unix time) - from course_modules table
* @var int
public $added;
* This variable is not used and is included here only so it can be documented.
* Once the database entry is removed from course_modules, it should be deleted
* here too.
* @var int
* @deprecated Do not use this variable
public $score;
* Visible setting (0 or 1; if this is 0, students cannot see/access the activity) - from
* course_modules table
* @var int
public $visible;
* Old visible setting (if the entire section is hidden, the previous value for
* visible is stored in this field) - from course_modules table
* @var int
public $visibleold;
* Group mode (one of the constants NONE, SEPARATEGROUPS, or VISIBLEGROUPS) - from
* course_modules table
* @var int
public $groupmode;
* Grouping ID (0 = all groupings)
* @var int
public $groupingid;
* Group members only (if set to 1, only members of a suitable group see this link on the
* course page; 0 = everyone sees it even if they don't belong to a suitable group) - from
* course_modules table
* @var int
public $groupmembersonly;
* Indent level on course page (0 = no indent) - from course_modules table
* @var int
public $indent;
* Activity completion setting for this activity, COMPLETION_TRACKING_xx constant - from
* course_modules table
* @var int
public $completion;
* Set to the item number (usually 0) if completion depends on a particular
* grade of this activity, or null if completion does not depend on a grade - from
* course_modules table
* @var mixed
public $completiongradeitemnumber;
* 1 if 'on view' completion is enabled, 0 otherwise - from course_modules table
* @var int
public $completionview;
* Set to a unix time if completion of this activity is expected at a
* particular time, 0 if no time set - from course_modules table
* @var int
public $completionexpected;
* Available date for this activity (0 if not set, or set to seconds since epoch; before this
* date, activity does not display to students) - from course_modules table
* @var int
public $availablefrom;
* Available until date for this activity (0 if not set, or set to seconds since epoch; from
* this date, activity does not display to students) - from course_modules table
* @var int
public $availableuntil;
* When activity is unavailable, this field controls whether it is shown to students (0 =
* hide completely, 1 = show greyed out with information about when it will be available) -
* from course_modules table
* @var int
public $showavailability;
* Controls whether the description of the activity displays on the course main page (in
* addition to anywhere it might display within the activity itself). 0 = do not show
* on main page, 1 = show on main page.
* @var int
public $showdescription;
* Extra HTML that is put in an unhelpful part of the HTML when displaying this module in
* course page - from cached data in modinfo field
* @deprecated This is crazy, don't use it. Replaced by ->extraclasses and ->onclick
* @var string
public $extra;
* Name of icon to use - from cached data in modinfo field
* @var string
public $icon;
* Component that contains icon - from cached data in modinfo field
* @var string
public $iconcomponent;
* Name of module e.g. 'forum' (this is the same name as the module's main database
* table) - from cached data in modinfo field
* @var string
public $modname;
* ID of module - from course_modules table
* @var int
public $module;
* Name of module instance for display on page e.g. 'General discussion forum' - from cached
* data in modinfo field
* @var string
public $name;
* Section number that this course-module is in (section 0 = above the calendar, section 1
* = week/topic 1, etc) - from cached data in modinfo field
* @var string
public $sectionnum;
* Section id - from course_modules table
* @var int
public $section;
* Availability conditions for this course-module based on the completion of other
* course-modules (array from other course-module id to required completion state for that
* module) - from cached data in modinfo field
* @var array
public $conditionscompletion;
* Availability conditions for this course-module based on course grades (array from
* grade item id to object with ->min, ->max fields) - from cached data in modinfo field
* @var array
public $conditionsgrade;
* Plural name of module type, e.g. 'Forums' - from lang file
* @deprecated Do not use this value (you can obtain it by calling get_string instead); it
* will be removed in a future version (see later TODO in this file)
* @var string
public $modplural;
* True if this course-module is available to students i.e. if all availability conditions
* are met - obtained dynamically
* @var bool
public $available;
* If course-module is not available to students, this string gives information about
* availability which can be displayed to students and/or staff (e.g. 'Available from 3
* January 2010') for display on main page - obtained dynamically
* @var string
public $availableinfo;
* True if this course-module is available to the CURRENT user (for example, if current user
* has viewhiddenactivities capability, they can access the course-module even if it is not
* visible or not available, so this would be true in that case)
* @var bool
public $uservisible;
* Module context - hacky shortcut
* @deprecated
* @var stdClass
public $context;
// New data available only via functions
* @var moodle_url
private $url;
* @var string
private $content;
* @var string
private $extraclasses;
* @var moodle_url full external url pointing to icon image for activity
private $iconurl;
* @var string
private $onclick;
* @var mixed
private $customdata;
* @var string
private $afterlink;
* @var string
private $afterediticons;
* @return bool True if this module has a 'view' page that should be linked to in navigation
* etc (note: modules may still have a view.php file, but return false if this is not
* intended to be linked to from 'normal' parts of the interface; this is what label does).
public function has_view() {
return !is_null($this->url);
* @return moodle_url URL to link to for this module, or null if it doesn't have a view page
public function get_url() {
return $this->url;
* Obtains content to display on main (view) page.
* Note: Will collect view data, if not already obtained.
* @return string Content to display on main page below link, or empty string if none
public function get_content() {
return $this->content;
* Note: Will collect view data, if not already obtained.
* @return string Extra CSS classes to add to html output for this activity on main page
public function get_extra_classes() {
return $this->extraclasses;
* @return string Content of HTML on-click attribute. This string will be used literally
* as a string so should be pre-escaped.
public function get_on_click() {
// Does not need view data; may be used by navigation
return $this->onclick;
* @return mixed Optional custom data stored in modinfo cache for this activity, or null if none
public function get_custom_data() {
return $this->customdata;
* Note: Will collect view data, if not already obtained.
* @return string Extra HTML code to display after link
public function get_after_link() {
return $this->afterlink;
* Note: Will collect view data, if not already obtained.
* @return string Extra HTML code to display after editing icons (e.g. more icons)
public function get_after_edit_icons() {
return $this->afterediticons;
* @param moodle_core_renderer $output Output render to use, or null for default (global)
* @return moodle_url Icon URL for a suitable icon to put beside this cm
public function get_icon_url($output = null) {
global $OUTPUT;
if (!$output) {
$output = $OUTPUT;
// Support modules setting their own, external, icon image
if (!empty($this->iconurl)) {
$icon = $this->iconurl;
// Fallback to normal local icon + component procesing
} else if (!empty($this->icon)) {
if (substr($this->icon, 0, 4) === 'mod/') {
list($modname, $iconname) = explode('/', substr($this->icon, 4), 2);
$icon = $output->pix_url($iconname, $modname);
} else {
if (!empty($this->iconcomponent)) {
// Icon has specified component
$icon = $output->pix_url($this->icon, $this->iconcomponent);
} else {
// Icon does not have specified component, use default
$icon = $output->pix_url($this->icon);
} else {
$icon = $output->pix_url('icon', $this->modname);
return $icon;
* @return course_modinfo Modinfo object that this came from
public function get_modinfo() {
return $this->modinfo;
* @return object Moodle course object that was used to construct this data
public function get_course() {
return $this->modinfo->get_course();
// Set functions
* Sets content to display on course view page below link (if present).
* @param string $content New content as HTML string (empty string if none)
* @return void
public function set_content($content) {
$this->content = $content;
* Sets extra classes to include in CSS.
* @param string $extraclasses Extra classes (empty string if none)
* @return void
public function set_extra_classes($extraclasses) {
$this->extraclasses = $extraclasses;
* Sets the external full url that points to the icon being used
* by the activity. Useful for external-tool modules (lti...)
* If set, takes precedence over $icon and $iconcomponent
* @param moodle_url $iconurl full external url pointing to icon image for activity
* @return void
public function set_icon_url(moodle_url $iconurl) {
$this->iconurl = $iconurl;
* Sets value of on-click attribute for JavaScript.
* Note: May not be called from _cm_info_view (only _cm_info_dynamic).
* @param string $onclick New onclick attribute which should be HTML-escaped
* (empty string if none)
* @return void
public function set_on_click($onclick) {
$this->onclick = $onclick;
* Sets HTML that displays after link on course view page.
* @param string $afterlink HTML string (empty string if none)
* @return void
public function set_after_link($afterlink) {
$this->afterlink = $afterlink;
* Sets HTML that displays after edit icons on course view page.
* @param string $afterediticons HTML string (empty string if none)
* @return void
public function set_after_edit_icons($afterediticons) {
$this->afterediticons = $afterediticons;
* Changes the name (text of link) for this module instance.
* Note: May not be called from _cm_info_view (only _cm_info_dynamic).
* @param string $name Name of activity / link text
* @return void
public function set_name($name) {
$this->name = $name;
* Turns off the view link for this module instance.
* Note: May not be called from _cm_info_view (only _cm_info_dynamic).
* @return void
public function set_no_view_link() {
$this->url = null;
* Sets the 'uservisible' flag. This can be used (by setting false) to prevent access and
* display of this module link for the current user.
* Note: May not be called from _cm_info_view (only _cm_info_dynamic).
* @param bool $uservisible
* @return void
public function set_user_visible($uservisible) {
$this->uservisible = $uservisible;
* Sets the 'available' flag and related details. This flag is normally used to make
* course modules unavailable until a certain date or condition is met. (When a course
* module is unavailable, it is still visible to users who have viewhiddenactivities
* permission.)
* When this is function is called, user-visible status is recalculated automatically.
* Note: May not be called from _cm_info_view (only _cm_info_dynamic).
* @param bool $available False if this item is not 'available'
* @param int $showavailability 0 = do not show this item at all if it's not available,
* 1 = show this item greyed out with the following message
* @param string $availableinfo Information about why this is not available which displays
* to those who have viewhiddenactivities, and to everyone if showavailability is set;
* note that this function replaces the existing data (if any)
* @return void
public function set_available($available, $showavailability=0, $availableinfo='') {
$this->available = $available;
$this->showavailability = $showavailability;
$this->availableinfo = $availableinfo;
* Some set functions can only be called from _cm_info_dynamic and not _cm_info_view.
* This is because they may affect parts of this object which are used on pages other
* than the view page (e.g. in the navigation block, or when checking access on
* module pages).
* @return void
private function check_not_view_only() {
if ($this->state >= self::STATE_DYNAMIC) {
throw new coding_exception('Cannot set this data from _cm_info_view because it may ' .
'affect other pages as well as view');
* Constructor should not be called directly; use get_fast_modinfo.
* @param course_modinfo $modinfo Parent object
* @param object $course Course row
* @param object $mod Module object from the modinfo field of course table
* @param object $info Entire object from modinfo field of course table
public function __construct(course_modinfo $modinfo, $course, $mod, $info) {
global $CFG;
$this->modinfo = $modinfo;
$this->id = $mod->cm;
$this->instance = $mod->id;
$this->course = $course->id;
$this->modname = $mod->mod;
$this->idnumber = isset($mod->idnumber) ? $mod->idnumber : '';
$this->name = $mod->name;
$this->visible = $mod->visible;
$this->sectionnum = $mod->section; // Note weirdness with name here
$this->groupmode = isset($mod->groupmode) ? $mod->groupmode : 0;
$this->groupingid = isset($mod->groupingid) ? $mod->groupingid : 0;
$this->groupmembersonly = isset($mod->groupmembersonly) ? $mod->groupmembersonly : 0;
$this->indent = isset($mod->indent) ? $mod->indent : 0;
$this->extra = isset($mod->extra) ? $mod->extra : '';
$this->extraclasses = isset($mod->extraclasses) ? $mod->extraclasses : '';
$this->iconurl = isset($mod->iconurl) ? $mod->iconurl : '';
$this->onclick = isset($mod->onclick) ? $mod->onclick : '';
$this->content = isset($mod->content) ? $mod->content : '';
$this->icon = isset($mod->icon) ? $mod->icon : '';
$this->iconcomponent = isset($mod->iconcomponent) ? $mod->iconcomponent : '';
$this->customdata = isset($mod->customdata) ? $mod->customdata : '';
$this->context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $mod->cm);
$this->showdescription = isset($mod->showdescription) ? $mod->showdescription : 0;
$this->state = self::STATE_BASIC;
// This special case handles old label data. Labels used to use the 'name' field for
// content
if ($this->modname === 'label' && $this->content === '') {
$this->content = $this->extra;
$this->extra = '';
// Note: These fields from $cm were not present in cm_info in Moodle
// 2.0.2 and prior. They may not be available if course cache hasn't
// been rebuilt since then.
$this->section = isset($mod->sectionid) ? $mod->sectionid : 0;
$this->module = isset($mod->module) ? $mod->module : 0;
$this->added = isset($mod->added) ? $mod->added : 0;
$this->score = isset($mod->score) ? $mod->score : 0;
$this->visibleold = isset($mod->visibleold) ? $mod->visibleold : 0;
// Note: it saves effort and database space to always include the
// availability and completion fields, even if availability or completion
// are actually disabled
$this->completion = isset($mod->completion) ? $mod->completion : 0;
$this->completiongradeitemnumber = isset($mod->completiongradeitemnumber)
? $mod->completiongradeitemnumber : null;
$this->completionview = isset($mod->completionview)
? $mod->completionview : 0;
$this->completionexpected = isset($mod->completionexpected)
? $mod->completionexpected : 0;
$this->showavailability = isset($mod->showavailability) ? $mod->showavailability : 0;
$this->availablefrom = isset($mod->availablefrom) ? $mod->availablefrom : 0;
$this->availableuntil = isset($mod->availableuntil) ? $mod->availableuntil : 0;
$this->conditionscompletion = isset($mod->conditionscompletion)
? $mod->conditionscompletion : array();
$this->conditionsgrade = isset($mod->conditionsgrade)
? $mod->conditionsgrade : array();
// Get module plural name.
// TODO This was a very old performance hack and should now be removed as the information
// certainly doesn't belong in modinfo. On a 'normal' page this is only used in the
// activity_modules block, so if it needs caching, it should be cached there.
static $modplurals;
if (!isset($modplurals[$this->modname])) {
$modplurals[$this->modname] = get_string('modulenameplural', $this->modname);
$this->modplural = $modplurals[$this->modname];
static $modviews;
if (!isset($modviews[$this->modname])) {
$modviews[$this->modname] = !plugin_supports('mod', $this->modname,
$this->url = $modviews[$this->modname]
? new moodle_url('/mod/' . $this->modname . '/view.php', array('id'=>$this->id))
: null;
* If dynamic data for this course-module is not yet available, gets it.
* This function is automatically called when constructing course_modinfo, so users don't
* need to call it.
* Dynamic data is data which does not come directly from the cache but is calculated at
* runtime based on the current user. Primarily this concerns whether the user can access
* the module or not.
* As part of this function, the module's _cm_info_dynamic function from its lib.php will
* be called (if it exists).
* @return void
public function obtain_dynamic_data() {
global $CFG;
if ($this->state >= self::STATE_DYNAMIC) {
$userid = $this->modinfo->get_user_id();
if (!empty($CFG->enableavailability)) {
// Get availability information
$ci = new condition_info($this);
// Note that the modinfo currently available only includes minimal details (basic data)
// so passing it to this function is a bit dangerous as it would cause infinite
// recursion if it tried to get dynamic data, however we know that this function only
// uses basic data.
$this->available = $ci->is_available($this->availableinfo, true,
$userid, $this->modinfo);
// Check parent section
$parentsection = $this->modinfo->get_section_info($this->sectionnum);
if (!$parentsection->available) {
// Do not store info from section here, as that is already
// presented from the section (if appropriate) - just change
// the flag
$this->available = false;
} else {
$this->available = true;
// Update visible state for current user
// Let module make dynamic changes at this point
$this->state = self::STATE_DYNAMIC;
* Works out whether activity is visible *for current user* - if this is false, they
* aren't allowed to access it.
* @return void
private function update_user_visible() {
global $CFG;
$modcontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $this->id);
$userid = $this->modinfo->get_user_id();
$this->uservisible = true;
if ((!$this->visible or !$this->available) and
!has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddenactivities', $modcontext, $userid)) {
// If the activity is hidden or unavailable, and you don't have viewhiddenactivities,
// set it so that user can't see or access it
$this->uservisible = false;
} else if (!empty($CFG->enablegroupmembersonly) and !empty($this->groupmembersonly)
and !has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $modcontext, $userid)) {
// If the activity has 'group members only' and you don't have accessallgroups...
$groups = $this->modinfo->get_groups($this->groupingid);
if (empty($groups)) {
// ...and you don't belong to a group, then set it so you can't see/access it
$this->uservisible = false;
* Calls a module function (if exists), passing in one parameter: this object.
* @param string $type Name of function e.g. if this is 'grooblezorb' and the modname is
* 'forum' then it will try to call 'mod_forum_grooblezorb' or 'forum_grooblezorb'
* @return void
private function call_mod_function($type) {
global $CFG;
$libfile = $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/' . $this->modname . '/lib.php';
if (file_exists($libfile)) {
$function = 'mod_' . $this->modname . '_' . $type;
if (function_exists($function)) {
} else {
$function = $this->modname . '_' . $type;
if (function_exists($function)) {
* If view data for this course-module is not yet available, obtains it.
* This function is automatically called if any of the functions (marked) which require
* view data are called.
* View data is data which is needed only for displaying the course main page (& any similar
* functionality on other pages) but is not needed in general. Obtaining view data may have
* a performance cost.
* As part of this function, the module's _cm_info_view function from its lib.php will
* be called (if it exists).
* @return void
private function obtain_view_data() {
if ($this->state >= self::STATE_VIEW) {
// Let module make changes at this point
$this->state = self::STATE_VIEW;
* Returns reference to full info about modules in course (including visibility).
* Cached and as fast as possible (0 or 1 db query).
* @global object
* @global object
* @global moodle_database
* @param mixed $course object or 'reset' string to reset caches, modinfo may be updated in db
* @param int $userid Defaults to current user id
* @return course_modinfo Module information for course, or null if resetting
function get_fast_modinfo(&$course, $userid=0) {
global $CFG, $USER, $DB;
if (!empty($CFG->enableavailability)) {
static $cache = array();
if ($course === 'reset') {
$cache = array();
return null;
if (empty($userid)) {
$userid = $USER->id;
if (array_key_exists($course->id, $cache) and $cache[$course->id]->userid == $userid) {
return $cache[$course->id];
if (!property_exists($course, 'modinfo')) {
debugging('Coding problem - missing course modinfo property in get_fast_modinfo() call');
unset($cache[$course->id]); // prevent potential reference problems when switching users
$cache[$course->id] = new course_modinfo($course, $userid);
// Ensure cache does not use too much RAM
if (count($cache) > MAX_MODINFO_CACHE_SIZE) {
$key = key($cache);
return $cache[$course->id];
* Rebuilds the cached list of course activities stored in the database
* @param int $courseid - id of course to rebuild, empty means all
* @param boolean $clearonly - only clear the modinfo fields, gets rebuild automatically on the fly
function rebuild_course_cache($courseid=0, $clearonly=false) {
global $COURSE, $DB, $CFG;
// Destroy navigation caches
if ($clearonly) {
if (empty($courseid)) {
$DB->set_field('course', 'modinfo', null);
$DB->set_field('course', 'sectioncache', null);
} else {
// Clear both fields in one update
$resetobj = (object)array('id' => $courseid, 'modinfo' => null, 'sectioncache' => null);
$DB->update_record('course', $resetobj);
// update cached global COURSE too ;-)
if ($courseid == $COURSE->id or empty($courseid)) {
$COURSE->modinfo = null;
$COURSE->sectioncache = null;
// reset the fast modinfo cache
$reset = 'reset';
if ($courseid) {
$select = array('id'=>$courseid);
} else {
$select = array();
@set_time_limit(0); // this could take a while! MDL-10954
$rs = $DB->get_recordset("course", $select,'','id,fullname');
foreach ($rs as $course) {
$modinfo = serialize(get_array_of_activities($course->id));
$sectioncache = serialize(course_modinfo::build_section_cache($course->id));
$updateobj = (object)array('id' => $course->id,
'modinfo' => $modinfo, 'sectioncache' => $sectioncache);
$DB->update_record("course", $updateobj);
// update cached global COURSE too ;-)
if ($course->id == $COURSE->id) {
$COURSE->modinfo = $modinfo;
$COURSE->sectioncache = $sectioncache;
// reset the fast modinfo cache
$reset = 'reset';
* Class that is the return value for the _get_coursemodule_info module API function.
* Note: For backward compatibility, you can also return a stdclass object from that function.
* The difference is that the stdclass object may contain an 'extra' field (deprecated because
* it was crazy, except for label which uses it differently). The stdclass object may not contain
* the new fields defined here (content, extraclasses, customdata).
class cached_cm_info {
* Name (text of link) for this activity; Leave unset to accept default name
* @var string
public $name;
* Name of icon for this activity. Normally, this should be used together with $iconcomponent
* to define the icon, as per pix_url function.
* For backward compatibility, if this value is of the form 'mod/forum/icon' then an icon
* within that module will be used.
* @see cm_info::get_icon_url()
* @see renderer_base::pix_url()
* @var string
public $icon;
* Component for icon for this activity, as per pix_url; leave blank to use default 'moodle'
* component
* @see renderer_base::pix_url()
* @var string
public $iconcomponent;
* HTML content to be displayed on the main page below the link (if any) for this course-module
* @var string
public $content;
* Custom data to be stored in modinfo for this activity; useful if there are cases when
* internal information for this activity type needs to be accessible from elsewhere on the
* course without making database queries. May be of any type but should be short.
* @var mixed
public $customdata;
* Extra CSS class or classes to be added when this activity is displayed on the main page;
* space-separated string
* @var string
public $extraclasses;
* External URL image to be used by activity as icon, useful for some external-tool modules
* like lti. If set, takes precedence over $icon and $iconcomponent
* @var $moodle_url
public $iconurl;
* Content of onclick JavaScript; escaped HTML to be inserted as attribute value
* @var string
public $onclick;
* Data about a single section on a course. This contains the fields from the
* course_sections table, plus additional data when required.
class section_info extends stdClass {
* Section ID - from course_sections table
* @var int
public $id;
* Course ID - from course_sections table
* @var int
public $course;
* Section number - from course_sections table
* @var int
public $section;
* Section name if specified - from course_sections table
* @var string
public $name;
* Section visibility (1 = visible) - from course_sections table
* @var int
public $visible;
* Section summary text if specified - from course_sections table
* @var string
public $summary;
* Section summary text format (FORMAT_xx constant) - from course_sections table
* @var int
public $summaryformat;
* When section is unavailable, this field controls whether it is shown to students (0 =
* hide completely, 1 = show greyed out with information about when it will be available) -
* from course_sections table
* @var int
public $showavailability;
* Available date for this section (0 if not set, or set to seconds since epoch; before this
* date, section does not display to students) - from course_sections table
* @var int
public $availablefrom;
* Available until date for this section (0 if not set, or set to seconds since epoch; from
* this date, section does not display to students) - from course_sections table
* @var int
public $availableuntil;
* If section is restricted to users of a particular grouping, this is its id
* (0 if not set) - from course_sections table
* @var int
public $groupingid;
* Availability conditions for this section based on the completion of
* course-modules (array from course-module id to required completion state
* for that module) - from cached data in sectioncache field
* @var array
public $conditionscompletion;
* Availability conditions for this section based on course grades (array from
* grade item id to object with ->min, ->max fields) - from cached data in
* sectioncache field
* @var array
public $conditionsgrade;
* True if this section is available to students i.e. if all availability conditions
* are met - obtained dynamically
* @var bool
public $available;
* If section is not available to students, this string gives information about
* availability which can be displayed to students and/or staff (e.g. 'Available from 3
* January 2010') for display on main page - obtained dynamically
* @var string
public $availableinfo;
* True if this section is available to the CURRENT user (for example, if current user
* has viewhiddensections capability, they can access the section even if it is not
* visible or not available, so this would be true in that case)
* @var bool
public $uservisible;
* Default values for sectioncache fields; if a field has this value, it won't
* be stored in the sectioncache cache, to save space. Checks are done by ===
* which means values must all be strings.
* @var array
private static $sectioncachedefaults = array(
'name' => null,
'summary' => '',
'summaryformat' => '1', // FORMAT_HTML, but must be a string
'visible' => '1',
'showavailability' => '0',
'availablefrom' => '0',
'availableuntil' => '0',
'groupingid' => '0',
* Constructs object from database information plus extra required data.
* @param object $data Array entry from cached sectioncache
* @param int $number Section number (array key)
* @param int $courseid Course ID
* @param int $sequence Sequence of course-module ids contained within
* @param course_modinfo $modinfo Owner (needed for checking availability)
* @param int $userid User ID
public function __construct($data, $number, $courseid, $sequence, $modinfo, $userid) {
global $CFG;
// Data that is always present
$this->id = $data->id;
// Data that may use default values to save cache size
foreach (self::$sectioncachedefaults as $field => $value) {
if (isset($data->{$field})) {
$this->{$field} = $data->{$field};
} else {
$this->{$field} = $value;
// Data with array defaults
$this->conditionscompletion = isset($data->conditionscompletion)
? $data->conditionscompletion : array();
$this->conditionsgrade = isset($data->conditionsgrade)
? $data->conditionsgrade : array();
// Other data from other places
$this->course = $courseid;
$this->section = $number;
$this->sequence = $sequence;
// Availability data
if (!empty($CFG->enableavailability)) {
// Get availability information
$ci = new condition_info_section($this);
$this->available = $ci->is_available($this->availableinfo, true,
$userid, $modinfo);
// Display grouping info if available & not already displaying
// (it would already display if current user doesn't have access)
// for people with managegroups - same logic/class as grouping label
// on individual activities.
$context = context_course::instance($courseid);
if ($this->availableinfo === '' && $this->groupingid &&
has_capability('moodle/course:managegroups', $context)) {
$groupings = groups_get_all_groupings($courseid);
$this->availableinfo = html_writer::tag('span', '(' . format_string(
$groupings[$this->groupingid]->name, true, array('context' => $context)) .
')', array('class' => 'groupinglabel'));
} else {
$this->available = true;
// Update visibility for current user
* Works out whether activity is visible *for current user* - if this is false, they
* aren't allowed to access it.
* @param int $userid User ID
* @return void
private function update_user_visible($userid) {
global $CFG;
$coursecontext = context_course::instance($this->course);
$this->uservisible = true;
if ((!$this->visible || !$this->available) &&
!has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddensections', $coursecontext, $userid)) {
$this->uservisible = false;
* Prepares section data for inclusion in sectioncache cache, removing items
* that are set to defaults, and adding availability data if required.
* Called by build_section_cache in course_modinfo only; do not use otherwise.
* @param object $section Raw section data object
public static function convert_for_section_cache($section) {
global $CFG;
// Course id stored in course table
// Section number stored in array key
// Sequence stored implicity in modinfo $sections array
// Add availability data if turned on
if ($CFG->enableavailability) {
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/lib/conditionlib.php');
if (count($section->conditionscompletion) == 0) {
if (count($section->conditionsgrade) == 0) {
// Remove default data
foreach(self::$sectioncachedefaults as $field => $value) {
// Exact compare as strings to avoid problems if some strings are set
// to "0" etc.
if (isset($section->{$field}) && $section->{$field} === $value) {