mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 07:19:09 +01:00
681 lines
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681 lines
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class enrolment_plugin_database {
var $log;
* For the given user, let's go out and look in an external database
* for an authoritative list of enrolments, and then adjust the
* local Moodle assignments to match.
function setup_enrolments(&$user) {
global $CFG, $DB;
// NOTE: if $this->enrol_connect() succeeds you MUST remember to call
// $this->enrol_disconnect() as it is doing some nasty vodoo with table prefix
$enroldb = $this->enrol_connect();
if (!$enroldb) {
error_log('[ENROL_DB] Could not make a connection');
// If we are expecting to get role information from our remote db, then
// we execute the below code for every role type. Otherwise we just
// execute it once with null (hence the dummy array).
$roles = !empty($CFG->enrol_db_remoterolefield) && !empty($CFG->enrol_db_localrolefield)
? get_all_roles()
: array(null);
//error_log('[ENROL_DB] found ' . count($roles) . ' roles:');
foreach($roles as $role) {
//error_log('[ENROL_DB] setting up enrolments for '.$role->shortname);
/// Get the authoritative list of enrolments from the external database table
/// We're using the ADOdb functions natively here and not our datalib functions
/// because we didn't want to mess with the $ db global
$useridfield = $enroldb->quote($user->{$CFG->enrol_localuserfield});
list($have_role, $remote_role_name, $remote_role_value) = $this->role_fields($enroldb, $role);
/// Check if a particular role has been forced by the plugin site-wide
/// (if we aren't doing a role-based select)
if (!$have_role && $CFG->enrol_db_defaultcourseroleid) {
$role = $DB->get_record('role', array('id'=>$CFG->enrol_db_defaultcourseroleid));
/// Whether to fetch the default role on a per-course basis (below) or not.
$use_default_role = !$role;
if ($have_role) {
error_log('[ENROL_DB] Doing role-specific select from db for role: '.$role->shortname);
} elseif ($use_default_role) {
error_log('[ENROL_DB] Using course default for roles - assuming that database lists defaults');
} else {
error_log('[ENROL_DB] Using config default for roles: '.$role->shortname);
if ($rs = $enroldb->Execute("SELECT {$CFG->enrol_remotecoursefield} as enrolremotecoursefield
FROM {$CFG->enrol_dbtable}
WHERE {$CFG->enrol_remoteuserfield} = " . $useridfield .
(isset($remote_role_name, $remote_role_value) ? ' AND '.$remote_role_name.' = '.$remote_role_value : ''))) {
// We'll use this to see what to add and remove
$existing = $role
? $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT *
FROM {role_assignments}
WHERE userid = ? AND roleid = ?",
array($user->id, $role->id))
: $DB->get_records('role_assignments', array('userid'=>$user->id));
if (!$existing) {
$existing = array();
if (!$rs->EOF) { // We found some courses
//$count = 0;
$courselist = array();
while ($fields = $rs->FetchRow()) { // Make a nice little array of courses to process
$fields = array_change_key_case($fields, CASE_LOWER);
$courselist[] = $fields['enrolremotecoursefield'];
//error_log('[ENROL_DB] Found '.count($existing).' existing roles and '.$count.' in external database');
foreach ($courselist as $coursefield) { /// Check the list of courses against existing
$course = $DB->get_record('course', array($CFG->enrol_localcoursefield=>$coursefield));
if (!is_object($course)) {
if (empty($CFG->enrol_db_autocreate)) { // autocreation not allowed
if (debugging('',DEBUG_ALL)) {
error_log( "Course $coursefield does not exist, skipping") ;
continue; // next foreach course
// ok, now then let's create it!
// prepare any course properties we actually have
$course = new StdClass;
$course->{$CFG->enrol_localcoursefield} = $coursefield;
$course->fullname = $coursefield;
$course->shortname = $coursefield;
if (!($newcourseid = $this->create_course($course, true)
and $course = $DB->get_record( 'course', array('id'=>$newcourseid)))) {
error_log( "Creating course $coursefield failed");
continue; // nothing left to do...
// if the course is hidden and we don't want to enrol in hidden courses
// then just skip it
if (!$course->visible and $CFG->enrol_db_ignorehiddencourse) {
/// If there's no role specified, we get the default course role (usually student)
if ($use_default_role) {
$role = get_default_course_role($course);
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id);
// Couldn't get a role or context, skip.
if (!$role || !$context) {
// Search the role assignments to see if this user
// already has this role in this context. If it is, we
// skip to the next course.
foreach($existing as $key => $role_assignment) {
if ($role_assignment->roleid == $role->id
&& $role_assignment->contextid == $context->id) {
//error_log('[ENROL_DB] User is already enroled in course '.$course->idnumber);
continue 2;
//error_log('[ENROL_DB] Enrolling user in course '.$course->idnumber);
role_assign($role->id, $user->id, 0, $context->id, 0, 0, 0, 'database');
} // We've processed all external courses found
/// We have some courses left that we might need to unenrol from
/// Note: we only process enrolments that we (ie 'database' plugin) made
/// Do not unenrol anybody if the disableunenrol option is 'yes'
if (!$CFG->enrol_db_disableunenrol) {
foreach ($existing as $role_assignment) {
if ($role_assignment->enrol == 'database') {
//error_log('[ENROL_DB] Removing user from context '.$role_assignment->contextid);
role_unassign($role_assignment->roleid, $user->id, '', $role_assignment->contextid);
} else {
error_log('[ENROL_DB] Couldn\'t get rows from external db: '.$enroldb->ErrorMsg());
* sync enrolments with database, create courses if required.
* @param object The role to sync for. If no role is specified, defaults are
* used.
function sync_enrolments($role = null) {
global $CFG, $DB, $OUTPUT;
// Connect to the external database
$enroldb = $this->enrol_connect();
if (!$enroldb) {
echo $OUTPUT->notification("enrol/database cannot connect to server");
return false;
if (isset($role)) {
echo '=== Syncing enrolments for role: '.$role->shortname." ===\n";
} else {
echo "=== Syncing enrolments for default role ===\n";
// first, pack the sortorder...
list($have_role, $remote_role_name, $remote_role_value) = $this->role_fields($enroldb, $role);
if (!$have_role) {
if (!empty($CFG->enrol_db_defaultcourseroleid)
and $role = $DB->get_record('role', array('id'=>$CFG->enrol_db_defaultcourseroleid))) {
echo "=== Using enrol_db_defaultcourseroleid: {$role->id} ({$role->shortname}) ===\n";
} elseif (isset($role)) {
echo "!!! WARNING: Role specified by caller, but no (or invalid) role configuration !!!\n";
// get enrolments per-course
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT {$CFG->enrol_remotecoursefield} " .
" FROM {$CFG->enrol_dbtable} " .
" WHERE {$CFG->enrol_remoteuserfield} IS NOT NULL" .
(isset($remote_role_name, $remote_role_value) ? ' AND '.$remote_role_name.' = '.$remote_role_value : '');
$rs = $enroldb->Execute($sql);
if (!$rs) {
trigger_error($enroldb->ErrorMsg() .' STATEMENT: '. $sql);
return false;
if ( $rs->EOF ) { // no courses! outta here...
return true;
$transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction();
$extcourses = array();
while ($rsextcourse = $rs->FetchRow()) { // there are more course records
$rsextcourse = array_change_key_case($rsextcourse, CASE_LOWER);
$extcourse = $rsextcourse[strtolower($CFG->enrol_remotecoursefield)];
array_push($extcourses, $extcourse);
// does the course exist in moodle already?
$course = false;
$course = $DB->get_record('course', array($CFG->enrol_localcoursefield=>$extcourse));
if (!is_object($course)) {
if (empty($CFG->enrol_db_autocreate)) { // autocreation not allowed
if (debugging('', DEBUG_ALL)) {
error_log( "Course $extcourse does not exist, skipping");
continue; // next foreach course
// ok, now then let's create it!
// prepare any course properties we actually have
$course = new StdClass;
$course->{$CFG->enrol_localcoursefield} = $extcourse;
$course->fullname = $extcourse;
$course->shortname = $extcourse;
if (!($newcourseid = $this->create_course($course, true)
and $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id'=>$newcourseid)))) {
error_log( "Creating course $extcourse failed");
continue; // nothing left to do...
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id);
// If we don't have a proper role setup, then we default to the default
// role for the current course.
if (!$have_role) {
$role = get_default_course_role($course);
// get a list of the student ids the are enrolled
// in the external db -- hopefully it'll fit in memory...
$extenrolments = array();
$sql = "SELECT {$CFG->enrol_remoteuserfield} " .
" FROM {$CFG->enrol_dbtable} " .
" WHERE {$CFG->enrol_remotecoursefield} = " . $enroldb->quote($extcourse) .
($have_role ? ' AND '.$remote_role_name.' = '.$remote_role_value : '');
$crs = $enroldb->Execute($sql);
if (!$crs) {
trigger_error($enroldb->ErrorMsg() .' STATEMENT: '. $sql);
return false;
if ( $crs->EOF ) { // shouldn't happen, but cover all bases
// slurp results into an array
while ($rscrs = $crs->FetchRow()) {
$rscrs = array_change_key_case($rscrs, CASE_LOWER);
array_push($extenrolments, $rscrs[strtolower($CFG->enrol_remoteuserfield)]);
$crs->close(); // release the handle
// prune enrolments to users that are no longer in ext auth
// hopefully they'll fit in the max buffer size for the RDBMS
// TODO: This doesn't work perfectly. If we are operating without
// roles in the external DB, then this doesn't handle changes of role
// within a course (because the user is still enrolled in the course,
// so NOT IN misses the course).
// When the user logs in though, their role list will be updated
// correctly.
if (!$CFG->enrol_db_disableunenrol) {
if ($extenrolments) {
list($extlist, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($extenrolments, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'e0', false);
$extsql = "AND u.{$CFG->enrol_localuserfield} $extlist";
} else {
$extsql = "";
$params = array();
$params['roleid'] = $role->id;
$params['contextid'] = $context->id;
$to_prune = $DB->get_records_sql("
FROM {role_assignments} ra
JOIN {user} u ON ra.userid = u.id
WHERE ra.enrol = 'database'
AND ra.contextid = :contextid
AND ra.roleid = :roleid", $params);
if ($to_prune) {
foreach ($to_prune as $role_assignment) {
if (role_unassign($role->id, $role_assignment->userid, 0, $role_assignment->contextid)){
error_log( "Unassigned {$role->shortname} assignment #{$role_assignment->id} for course {$course->id} (" . format_string($course->shortname) . "); user {$role_assignment->userid}");
} else {
error_log( "Failed to unassign {$role->shortname} assignment #{$role_assignment->id} for course {$course->id} (" . format_string($course->shortname) . "); user {$role_assignment->userid}");
// insert current enrolments
// bad we can't do INSERT IGNORE with postgres...
foreach ($extenrolments as $member) {
// Get the user id and whether is enrolled in one fell swoop
$sql = "
SELECT u.id, ra.id AS enrolmentid
FROM {user} u
LEFT JOIN {role_assignments} ra ON u.id = ra.userid
AND ra.roleid = ?
AND ra.contextid = ?
WHERE u.{$CFG->enrol_localuserfield} = ?
AND (u.deleted IS NULL OR u.deleted=0)";
$eusers = $DB->get_records($sql, array($role->id, $context->id, $member));
if ($eusers === false) {
trigger_error('error STATEMENT: '. $sql);
return false;
if (!$eusers) { // if this returns empty, it means we don't have the student record.
// should not happen -- but skip it anyway
trigger_error('weird! no user record entry?');
$userid = $user_obj->id;
$enrolmentid = $user_obj->enrolmentid;
if ($enrolmentid) { // already enrolled - skip
if (role_assign($role->id, $userid, 0, $context->id, 0, 0, 0, 'database')){
error_log( "Assigned role {$role->shortname} to user {$userid} in course {$course->id} (" . format_string($course->shortname) . ")");
} else {
error_log( "Failed to assign role {$role->shortname} to user {$userid} in course {$course->id} (" . format_string($course->shortname) . ")");
} // end foreach member
} // end while course records
$rs->close(); //Close the main course recordset
// prune enrolments to courses that are no longer in ext auth
// TODO: This doesn't work perfectly. If we are operating without
// roles in the external DB, then this doesn't handle changes of role
// within a course (because the user is still enrolled in the course,
// so NOT IN misses the course).
// When the user logs in though, their role list will be updated
// correctly.
if (!$CFG->enrol_db_disableunenrol) {
if ($extcourses) {
list($extlist, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($extcourses, SQL_PARAMS_QM, 'e0', false);
$extsql = "AND u.{$CFG->enrol_localcoursefield} $extlist";
} else {
$extsql = "";
$params = array();
$params['roleid'] = $role->id;
$params['contextid'] = $context->id;
$sql = "
SELECT ra.roleid, ra.userid, ra.contextid
FROM {role_assignments} ra
JOIN {context} cn ON cn.id = ra.contextid
JOIN {course} c ON c.id = cn.instanceid
WHERE ra.enrol = 'database'
AND cn.contextlevel = ".CONTEXT_COURSE." " .
($have_role ? " AND ra.roleid = :roleid " : '') ."
if (!$ers = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params)) {
trigger_error('error STATEMENT: '. $sql);
return false;
foreach ($ers as $user_obj) {
$roleid = $user_obj->roleid;
$user = $user_obj->userid;
$contextid = $user_obj->contextid;
if (role_unassign($roleid, $user, 0, $contextid)){
error_log( "Unassigned role {$roleid} from user $user in context $contextid");
} else {
error_log( "Failed unassign role {$roleid} from user $user in context $contextid");
$ers->close(); // release the handle
// we are done now, a bit of housekeeping
return true;
/// Overide the get_access_icons() function
function get_access_icons($course) {
/// Overide the base config_form() function
function config_form($frm) {
global $CFG, $OUTPUT;
$vars = array('enrol_dbhost', 'enrol_dbuser', 'enrol_dbpass',
'enrol_dbname', 'enrol_dbtable',
'enrol_localcoursefield', 'enrol_localuserfield',
'enrol_remotecoursefield', 'enrol_remoteuserfield',
'enrol_db_autocreate', 'enrol_db_category', 'enrol_db_template',
'enrol_db_localrolefield', 'enrol_db_remoterolefield',
'enrol_remotecoursefield', 'enrol_remoteuserfield',
'enrol_db_ignorehiddencourse', 'enrol_db_defaultcourseroleid',
foreach ($vars as $var) {
if (!isset($frm->$var)) {
$frm->$var = '';
/// Override the base process_config() function
function process_config($config) {
if (!isset($config->enrol_dbtype)) {
$config->enrol_dbtype = 'mysql';
set_config('enrol_dbtype', $config->enrol_dbtype);
if (!isset($config->enrol_dbhost)) {
$config->enrol_dbhost = '';
set_config('enrol_dbhost', $config->enrol_dbhost);
if (!isset($config->enrol_dbuser)) {
$config->enrol_dbuser = '';
set_config('enrol_dbuser', $config->enrol_dbuser);
if (!isset($config->enrol_dbpass)) {
$config->enrol_dbpass = '';
set_config('enrol_dbpass', $config->enrol_dbpass);
if (!isset($config->enrol_dbname)) {
$config->enrol_dbname = '';
set_config('enrol_dbname', $config->enrol_dbname);
if (!isset($config->enrol_dbtable)) {
$config->enrol_dbtable = '';
set_config('enrol_dbtable', $config->enrol_dbtable);
if (!isset($config->enrol_localcoursefield)) {
$config->enrol_localcoursefield = '';
set_config('enrol_localcoursefield', $config->enrol_localcoursefield);
if (!isset($config->enrol_localuserfield)) {
$config->enrol_localuserfield = '';
set_config('enrol_localuserfield', $config->enrol_localuserfield);
if (!isset($config->enrol_remotecoursefield)) {
$config->enrol_remotecoursefield = '';
set_config('enrol_remotecoursefield', $config->enrol_remotecoursefield);
if (!isset($config->enrol_remoteuserfield)) {
$config->enrol_remoteuserfield = '';
set_config('enrol_remoteuserfield', $config->enrol_remoteuserfield);
if (!isset($config->enrol_db_autocreate)) {
$config->enrol_db_autocreate = '';
set_config('enrol_db_autocreate', $config->enrol_db_autocreate);
if (!isset($config->enrol_db_category)) {
$config->enrol_db_category = '';
set_config('enrol_db_category', $config->enrol_db_category);
if (!isset($config->enrol_db_template)) {
$config->enrol_db_template = '';
set_config('enrol_db_template', $config->enrol_db_template);
if (!isset($config->enrol_db_defaultcourseroleid)) {
$config->enrol_db_defaultcourseroleid = '';
set_config('enrol_db_defaultcourseroleid', $config->enrol_db_defaultcourseroleid);
if (!isset($config->enrol_db_localrolefield)) {
$config->enrol_db_localrolefield = '';
set_config('enrol_db_localrolefield', $config->enrol_db_localrolefield);
if (!isset($config->enrol_db_remoterolefield)) {
$config->enrol_db_remoterolefield = '';
set_config('enrol_db_remoterolefield', $config->enrol_db_remoterolefield);
if (!isset($config->enrol_db_ignorehiddencourse)) {
$config->enrol_db_ignorehiddencourse = '';
set_config('enrol_db_ignorehiddencourse', $config->enrol_db_ignorehiddencourse );
if (!isset($config->enrol_db_disableunenrol)) {
$config->enrol_db_disableunenrol = '';
set_config('enrol_db_disableunenrol', $config->enrol_db_disableunenrol );
return true;
// will create the moodle course from the template
// course_ext is an array as obtained from ldap -- flattened somewhat
// NOTE: if you pass true for $skip_fix_course_sortorder
// you will want to call fix_course_sortorder() after your are done
// with course creation
function create_course ($course,$skip_fix_course_sortorder=0){
global $CFG, $DB, $OUTPUT;
// define a template
if (!empty($CFG->enrol_db_template)){
$template = $DB->get_record("course", array('shortname'=>$CFG->enrol_db_template));
$template = (array)$template;
} else {
$site = get_site();
$template = array(
'startdate' => time() + 3600 * 24,
'summary' => get_string("defaultcoursesummary"),
'format' => "weeks",
'password' => "",
'guest' => 0,
'numsections' => 10,
'idnumber' => '',
'cost' => '',
'newsitems' => 5,
'showgrades' => 1,
'groupmode' => 0,
'groupmodeforce' => 0,
// overlay template
foreach (array_keys($template) AS $key) {
if (empty($course->$key)) {
$course->$key = $template[$key];
$category = get_course_category($CFG->enrol_db_category);
// put at the end of category
$course->sortorder = $category->sortorder + MAX_COURSES_IN_CATEGORY - 1;
// override with local data
$course->startdate = time() + 3600 * 24;
$course->timecreated = time();
$course->visible = 1;
// clear out id just in case
// truncate a few key fields
$course->idnumber = substr($course->idnumber, 0, 100);
$course->shortname = substr($course->shortname, 0, 100);
// store it and log
if ($newcourseid = $DB->insert_record("course", $course)) { // Set up new course
$section = new object();
$section->course = $newcourseid; // Create a default section.
$section->section = 0;
$section->id = $DB->insert_record("course_sections", $section);
$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $newcourseid));
if (!$skip_fix_course_sortorder){
add_to_log($newcourseid, "course", "new", "view.php?id=$newcourseid", "enrol/database auto-creation");
} else {
trigger_error("Could not create new course $extcourse from from database");
echo $OUTPUT->notification("Serious Error! Could not create the new course!");
return false;
return $newcourseid;
/// DB Connect
/// NOTE: You MUST remember to disconnect
/// when you stop using it -- as this call will
/// sometimes modify table prefix for the whole of Moodle!
function enrol_connect() {
global $CFG;
// Try to connect to the external database (forcing new connection)
$enroldb = &ADONewConnection($CFG->enrol_dbtype);
if ($enroldb->Connect($CFG->enrol_dbhost, $CFG->enrol_dbuser, $CFG->enrol_dbpass, $CFG->enrol_dbname, true)) {
$enroldb->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC); ///Set Assoc mode always after DB connection
return $enroldb;
} else {
trigger_error("Error connecting to enrolment DB backend with: "
. "$CFG->enrol_dbhost,$CFG->enrol_dbuser,$CFG->enrol_dbpass,$CFG->enrol_dbname");
return false;
/// DB Disconnect
function enrol_disconnect($enroldb) {
global $CFG;
* This function returns the name and value of the role field to query the db
* for, or null if there isn't one.
* @param object The ADOdb connection
* @param object The role
* @return array (boolean, string, db quoted string)
function role_fields($enroldb, $role) {
global $CFG;
if ($have_role = !empty($role)
&& !empty($CFG->enrol_db_remoterolefield)
&& !empty($CFG->enrol_db_localrolefield)
&& !empty($role->{$CFG->enrol_db_localrolefield})) {
$remote_role_name = $CFG->enrol_db_remoterolefield;
$remote_role_value = $enroldb->quote($role->{$CFG->enrol_db_localrolefield});
} else {
$remote_role_name = $remote_role_value = null;
return array($have_role, $remote_role_name, $remote_role_value);
} // end of class