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synced 2025-02-24 12:03:12 +01:00
That allows us to have a few sentences explanation of each question type, and is also easier to fit into a tight layout. This commit should also fix MDL-18214 Layout screwed in Safari with long category names.
133 lines
4.9 KiB
133 lines
4.9 KiB
// This script is included by question_bank_view and other parts of question/editlib.php.
// JavaScript belonging to question_bank_view.
question_bank = {
strselectall: '',
strdeselectall: '',
headercheckbox: null,
firstcheckbox: null,
init_checkbox_column: function(strselectall, strdeselectall, firstcbid) {
question_bank.strselectall = strselectall;
question_bank.strdeselectall = strdeselectall;
// Find the header checkbox, and initialise it.
question_bank.headercheckbox = document.getElementById('qbheadercheckbox');
question_bank.headercheckbox.disabled = false;
question_bank.headercheckbox.title = strselectall;
// Find the first real checkbox.
question_bank.firstcheckbox = document.getElementById(firstcbid);
// Add the event handler.
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(question_bank.headercheckbox, 'change', question_bank.header_checkbox_click);
header_checkbox_click: function() {
if (question_bank.firstcheckbox.checked) {
deselect_all_in('TABLE', null, 'categoryquestions');
question_bank.headercheckbox.title = question_bank.strselectall;
} else {
select_all_in('TABLE', null, 'categoryquestions');
question_bank.headercheckbox.title = question_bank.strdeselectall;
question_bank.headercheckbox.checked = false;
// JavaScript to make the list of question types pop-up when you click an add
// add question button.
qtype_chooser = {
radiobuttons: [],
labels: [],
container: null,
submitbutton: null,
init: function(boxid) {
// Find the radio buttons.
qtype_chooser.radiobuttons = YAHOO.util.Dom.getElementsBy(
function(el) { return el.type == 'radio'; }, 'input' , boxid);
qtype_chooser.labels = YAHOO.util.Dom.getElementsByClassName('qtypeoption', 'div', boxid);
// Find the submit button.
qtype_chooser.submitbutton = document.getElementById(boxid + '_submit');
// Add the event handlers.
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(boxid, 'click', qtype_chooser.enable_disable_submit);
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(boxid, 'key_down', qtype_chooser.enable_disable_submit);
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(boxid, 'key_up', qtype_chooser.enable_disable_submit);
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(boxid, 'dblclick', qtype_chooser.double_click);
enable_disable_submit: function() {
var ok = false;
for (var i = 0; i < qtype_chooser.radiobuttons.length; i++) {
if (qtype_chooser.radiobuttons[i].checked) {
ok = true;
YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(qtype_chooser.labels[i], 'selected');
} else {
YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass(qtype_chooser.labels[i], 'selected');
qtype_chooser.submitbutton.disabled = !ok;
double_click: function() {
if (!qtype_chooser.submitbutton.disabled) {
init_container: function() {
if (!document.getElementById('qtypechoicecontainer')) {
qtype_chooser.container = new YAHOO.widget.Dialog('qtypechoicecontainer', {
constraintoviewport: true,
visible: false,
modal: true,
fixedcenter: true,
close: true,
draggable: true,
dragOnly: true,
postmethod: 'form',
zIndex: 1000
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener('chooseqtypecancel', 'click', qtype_chooser.cancel_popup);
var addforms = YAHOO.util.Dom.getElementsBy(function(el) {
return /question\/addquestion\.php/.test(el.action); }, 'form', document.body);
for (var i = 0; i < addforms.length; i++) {
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(addforms[i], 'submit', qtype_chooser.add_button_click);
add_button_click: function(e) {
var form = document.getElementById('qtypeformdiv');
var oldhidden = YAHOO.util.Dom.getElementsBy(
function(el) { return el.type == 'hidden'; }, 'input', form);
for (var i = 0; i < oldhidden.length; i++) {
var wantedhidden = YAHOO.util.Dom.getElementsBy(
function(el) { return el.type == 'hidden'; }, 'input', this);
for (i = 0; i < wantedhidden.length; i++) {
cancel_popup: function(e) {
}; |