Add missing aws-sdk composer.json Add missing composer/PSR4 for SimplePie Add missing composer/PSR4 for others Add missing composer/PSR4 for markdown Add missing composer/PSR4 for PHP-CSS-Parser Add missing composer/PSR4 for Mustache Add missing composer/PSR4 for RTLCSS Add missing composer/PSR4 for SCSSPHP Add missing composer/PSR4 for OpenSpout Add missing composer/PSR4 for LTI Add missing composer/PSR4 for GeoPattern Add missing composer/PSR4 for CFPropertylist Add missing composer/PSR4 for ZipStream Add missing composer/PSR4 for PSR-20 Add missing composer/PSR4 for phpxmlrpc Add missing composer/PSR4 for WebAuthn
Teclib’ is an open source software editor that offers a vast range of fully integrated open source technology packages, to better respond to business needs.
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The PHP implementation of Apple's PropertyList can handle both XML and binary PropertyLists. It offers functionality to easily convert data between worlds, e.g. recalculating timestamps from unix epoch to apple epoch and vice versa. A feature to automagically create (guess) the plist structure from a normal PHP data structure will help you dump your data to plist in no time.
CFPropertyList does not rely on any "Apple proprietary" components, like plutil. CFPropertyList runs on any Operating System with PHP and some standard extensions installed.
Although you might want to deliver data to your iPhone application, you might want to run those server side services on your standard Linux (or even Windows) environment, rather than buying an expensive Apple Server. With CFPropertyList you now have the power to provide data from your favorite Operating System.
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