mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 22:20:00 +01:00
dirname() is a slow function compared with __DIR__ and using '/../'. Moodle has a large number of legacy files that are included each time a page loads and is not able to use an autoloader as it is functional code. This allows those required includes to perform as best as possible in this situation.
1050 lines
40 KiB
1050 lines
40 KiB
// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Chat daemon
* @package mod_chat
* @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com}
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
define('CLI_SCRIPT', true);
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/chat/lib.php');
// Browser quirks.
define('QUIRK_CHUNK_UPDATE', 0x0001);
// Connection telltale.
define('CHAT_CONNECTION', 0x10);
// Connections: Incrementing sequence, 0x10 to 0x1f.
// Sidekick telltale.
define('CHAT_SIDEKICK', 0x20);
// Sidekicks: Incrementing sequence, 0x21 to 0x2f.
define('CHAT_SIDEKICK_USERS', 0x21);
define('CHAT_SIDEKICK_MESSAGE', 0x22);
define('CHAT_SIDEKICK_BEEP', 0x23);
$phpversion = phpversion();
echo 'Moodle chat daemon v1.0 on PHP '.$phpversion."\n\n";
// Set up all the variables we need.
// The $CFG variables are now defined in database by chat/lib.php.
$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = 'dummy';
$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] = 'dummy';
$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = 'dummy';
$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] = $CFG->chat_serverhost;
$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = "http://$CFG->chat_serverhost:$CFG->chat_serverport/mod/chat/chatd.php";
function chat_empty_connection() {
return array('sid' => null, 'handle' => null, 'ip' => null, 'port' => null, 'groupid' => null);
class ChatConnection {
// Chat-related info.
public $sid = null;
public $type = null;
// PHP-level info.
public $handle = null;
// TCP/IP.
public $ip = null;
public $port = null;
public function __construct($resource) {
$this->handle = $resource;
@socket_getpeername($this->handle, $this->ip, $this->port);
class ChatDaemon {
public $_resetsocket = false;
public $_readytogo = false;
public $_logfile = false;
public $_trace_to_console = true;
public $_trace_to_stdout = true;
public $_logfile_name = 'chatd.log';
public $_last_idle_poll = 0;
public $connectionsunidentified = array(); // Connections not identified yet.
public $connectionsside = array(); // Sessions with sidekicks waiting for the main connection to be processed.
public $connectionshalf = array(); // Sessions that have valid connections but not all of them.
public $connectionssets = array(); // Sessions with complete connection sets.
public $setsinfo = array(); // Keyed by sessionid exactly like conn_sets, one of these for each of those.
public $chatrooms = array(); // Keyed by chatid, holding arrays of data.
// IMPORTANT: $connectionssets, $setsinfo and $chatrooms must remain synchronized!
// Pay extra attention when you write code that affects any of them!
public function __construct() {
$this->_trace_level = E_ALL ^ E_USER_NOTICE;
$this->_pcntl_exists = function_exists('pcntl_fork');
$this->_time_rest_socket = 20;
$this->_beepsoundsrc = $GLOBALS['CFG']->wwwroot.'/mod/chat/beep.wav';
$this->_freq_update_records = 20;
$this->_freq_poll_idle_chat = $GLOBALS['CFG']->chat_old_ping;
$this->_stdout = fopen('php://stdout', 'w');
if ($this->_stdout) {
// Avoid double traces for everything.
$this->_trace_to_console = false;
public function error_handler ($errno, $errmsg, $filename, $linenum, $vars) {
// Checks if an error needs to be suppressed due to @.
if (error_reporting() != 0) {
$this->trace($errmsg.' on line '.$linenum, $errno);
return true;
public function poll_idle_chats($now) {
$this->trace('Polling chats to detect disconnected users');
if (!empty($this->chatrooms)) {
foreach ($this->chatrooms as $chatid => $chatroom) {
if (!empty($chatroom['users'])) {
foreach ($chatroom['users'] as $sessionid => $userid) {
// We will be polling each user as required.
$this->trace('...shall we poll '.$sessionid.'?');
if (!empty($this->sets_info[$sessionid]) && isset($this->sets_info[$sessionid]['chatuser']) &&
// Having tried to exclude race conditions as already done in user_lazy_update()
// please do the real job by checking the last poll.
($this->sets_info[$sessionid]['chatuser']->lastmessageping < $this->_last_idle_poll)) {
// This user hasn't been polled since his last message.
$result = $this->write_data($this->conn_sets[$sessionid][CHAT_CONNECTION_CHANNEL], '<!-- poll -->');
if ($result === false) {
// User appears to have disconnected.
$this->_last_idle_poll = $now;
public function query_start() {
return $this->_readytogo;
public function trace($message, $level = E_USER_NOTICE) {
$severity = '';
switch($level) {
$severity = '*IMPORTANT* ';
$severity = ' *CRITICAL* ';
case E_NOTICE:
$severity = ' *CRITICAL* [php] ';
$date = date('[Y-m-d H:i:s] ');
$message = $date.$severity.$message."\n";
if ($this->_trace_level & $level) {
// It is accepted for output.
// Error-class traces go to STDERR too.
if ($level & E_USER_ERROR) {
fwrite(STDERR, $message);
// Emit the message to wherever we should.
if ($this->_trace_to_stdout) {
fwrite($this->_stdout, $message);
if ($this->_trace_to_console) {
echo $message;
if ($this->_logfile) {
fwrite($this->_logfile, $message);
public function write_data($connection, $text) {
$written = @socket_write($connection, $text, strlen($text));
if ($written === false) {
return false;
return true;
public function user_lazy_update($sessionid) {
global $DB;
if (empty($this->sets_info[$sessionid])) {
$this->trace('user_lazy_update() called for an invalid SID: '.$sessionid, E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
// Does promote_final() already finish its job?
if (!isset($this->sets_info[$sessionid]['lastinfocommit'])) {
return false;
$now = time();
// We 'll be cheating a little, and NOT updating the record data as
// often as we can, so that we save on DB queries (imagine MANY users).
if ($now - $this->sets_info[$sessionid]['lastinfocommit'] > $this->_freq_update_records) {
// Commit to permanent storage.
$this->sets_info[$sessionid]['lastinfocommit'] = $now;
$DB->update_record('chat_users', $this->sets_info[$sessionid]['chatuser']);
return true;
public function get_user_window($sessionid) {
global $CFG, $OUTPUT;
static $str;
$info = &$this->sets_info[$sessionid];
$timenow = time();
if (empty($str)) {
$str = new stdClass();
$str->idle = get_string("idle", "chat");
$str->beep = get_string("beep", "chat");
$str->day = get_string("day");
$str->days = get_string("days");
$str->hour = get_string("hour");
$str->hours = get_string("hours");
$str->min = get_string("min");
$str->mins = get_string("mins");
$str->sec = get_string("sec");
$str->secs = get_string("secs");
$str->years = get_string('years');
$refreshinval = $CFG->chat_refresh_userlist * 1000;
echo <<<EOD
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="$refreshinval">
<style type="text/css"> img{border:0} </style>
<script type="text/javascript">
function openpopup(url,name,options,fullscreen) {
fullurl = "$CFG->wwwroot" + url;
windowobj = window.open(fullurl,name,options);
if (fullscreen) {
return false;
// Get the users from that chatroom.
$users = $this->chatrooms[$info['chatid']]['users'];
foreach ($users as $usersessionid => $userid) {
// Fetch each user's sessionid and then the rest of his data from $this->sets_info.
$userinfo = $this->sets_info[$usersessionid];
$lastping = $timenow - $userinfo['chatuser']->lastmessageping;
echo '<tr><td width="35">';
$link = '/user/view.php?id='.$userinfo['user']->id.'&course='.$userinfo['courseid'];
$anchortagcontents = $OUTPUT->user_picture($userinfo['user'], array('courseid' => $userinfo['courseid']));
$action = new popup_action('click', $link, 'user'.$userinfo['chatuser']->id);
$anchortag = $OUTPUT->action_link($link, $anchortagcontents, $action);
echo $anchortag;
echo "</td><td valign=\"center\">";
echo "<p><font size=\"1\">";
echo fullname($userinfo['user'])."<br />";
echo "<font color=\"#888888\">$str->idle: ".format_time($lastping, $str)."</font> ";
echo '<a target="empty" href="http://'.$CFG->chat_serverhost.':'.$CFG->chat_serverport.
echo "</font></p>";
echo "<td></tr>";
echo '</tbody></table>';
echo "</body>\n</html>\n";
return ob_get_clean();
public function new_ufo_id() {
static $id = 0;
if ($id++ === 0x1000000) { // Cycling very very slowly to prevent overflow.
$id = 0;
return $id;
public function process_sidekicks($sessionid) {
if (empty($this->conn_side[$sessionid])) {
return true;
foreach ($this->conn_side[$sessionid] as $sideid => $sidekick) {
// TODO: is this late-dispatch working correctly?
$this->dispatch_sidekick($sidekick['handle'], $sidekick['type'], $sessionid, $sidekick['customdata']);
return true;
public function dispatch_sidekick($handle, $type, $sessionid, $customdata) {
global $CFG, $DB;
switch($type) {
// Incoming beep.
$msg = new stdClass;
$msg->chatid = $this->sets_info[$sessionid]['chatid'];
$msg->userid = $this->sets_info[$sessionid]['userid'];
$msg->groupid = $this->sets_info[$sessionid]['groupid'];
$msg->system = 0;
$msg->message = 'beep '.$customdata['beep'];
$msg->timestamp = time();
// Commit to DB.
chat_send_chatmessage($this->sets_info[$sessionid]['chatuser'], $msg->message, false,
// OK, now push it out to all users.
$this->message_broadcast($msg, $this->sets_info[$sessionid]['user']);
// Update that user's lastmessageping.
$this->sets_info[$sessionid]['chatuser']->lastping = $msg->timestamp;
$this->sets_info[$sessionid]['chatuser']->lastmessageping = $msg->timestamp;
// We did our work, but before slamming the door on the poor browser
// show the courtesy of responding to the HTTP request. Otherwise, some
// browsers decide to get vengeance by flooding us with repeat requests.
$header = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n";
$header .= "Connection: close\n";
$header .= "Date: ".date('r')."\n";
$header .= "Server: Moodle\n";
$header .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n";
$header .= "Last-Modified: ".gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s")." GMT\n";
$header .= "Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate\n";
$header .= "Expires: Wed, 4 Oct 1978 09:32:45 GMT\n";
$header .= "\n";
// That's enough headers for one lousy dummy response.
$this->write_data($handle, $header);
// All done.
// A request to paint a user window.
$content = $this->get_user_window($sessionid);
$header = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n";
$header .= "Connection: close\n";
$header .= "Date: ".date('r')."\n";
$header .= "Server: Moodle\n";
$header .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n";
$header .= "Last-Modified: ".gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s")." GMT\n";
$header .= "Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate\n";
$header .= "Expires: Wed, 4 Oct 1978 09:32:45 GMT\n";
$header .= "Content-Length: ".strlen($content)."\n";
// The refresh value is 2 seconds higher than the configuration variable.
// This is because we are doing JS refreshes all the time.
// However, if the JS doesn't work for some reason, we still want to refresh once in a while.
$header .= "Refresh: ".(intval($CFG->chat_refresh_userlist) + 2).
"; url=http://$CFG->chat_serverhost:$CFG->chat_serverport/?win=users&".
$header .= "\n";
// That's enough headers for one lousy dummy response.
$this->trace('writing users http response to handle '.$handle);
$this->write_data($handle, $header . $content);
// Update that user's lastping.
$this->sets_info[$sessionid]['chatuser']->lastping = time();
// Incoming message.
// Browser stupidity protection from duplicate messages.
$messageindex = intval($customdata['index']);
if ($this->sets_info[$sessionid]['lastmessageindex'] >= $messageindex) {
// We have already broadcasted that!
} else {
// Update our info.
$this->sets_info[$sessionid]['lastmessageindex'] = $messageindex;
$msg = new stdClass;
$msg->chatid = $this->sets_info[$sessionid]['chatid'];
$msg->userid = $this->sets_info[$sessionid]['userid'];
$msg->groupid = $this->sets_info[$sessionid]['groupid'];
$msg->system = 0;
$msg->message = urldecode($customdata['message']); // Have to undo the browser's encoding.
$msg->timestamp = time();
if (empty($msg->message)) {
// Someone just hit ENTER, send them on their way.
// A slight hack to prevent malformed SQL inserts.
$origmsg = $msg->message;
$msg->message = $msg->message;
// Commit to DB.
chat_send_chatmessage($this->sets_info[$sessionid]['chatuser'], $msg->message, false,
// Undo the hack.
$msg->message = $origmsg;
// OK, now push it out to all users.
$this->message_broadcast($msg, $this->sets_info[$sessionid]['user']);
// Update that user's lastmessageping.
$this->sets_info[$sessionid]['chatuser']->lastping = $msg->timestamp;
$this->sets_info[$sessionid]['chatuser']->lastmessageping = $msg->timestamp;
// We did our work, but before slamming the door on the poor browser
// show the courtesy of responding to the HTTP request. Otherwise, some
// browsers decide to get vengeance by flooding us with repeat requests.
$header = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n";
$header .= "Connection: close\n";
$header .= "Date: ".date('r')."\n";
$header .= "Server: Moodle\n";
$header .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n";
$header .= "Last-Modified: ".gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s")." GMT\n";
$header .= "Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate\n";
$header .= "Expires: Wed, 4 Oct 1978 09:32:45 GMT\n";
$header .= "\n";
// That's enough headers for one lousy dummy response.
$this->write_data($handle, $header);
// All done.
public function promote_final($sessionid, $customdata) {
global $DB;
if (isset($this->conn_sets[$sessionid])) {
$this->trace('Set cannot be finalized: Session '.$sessionid.' is already active');
return false;
$chatuser = $DB->get_record('chat_users', array('sid' => $sessionid));
if ($chatuser === false) {
return false;
$chat = $DB->get_record('chat', array('id' => $chatuser->chatid));
if ($chat === false) {
return false;
$user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $chatuser->userid));
if ($user === false) {
return false;
$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $chat->course));
if ($course === false) {
return false;
if (!($cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('chat', $chat->id, $course->id))) {
return false;
$this->conn_sets[$sessionid] = $this->conn_half[$sessionid];
// This whole thing needs to be purged of redundant info, and the
// code base to follow suit. But AFTER development is done.
$this->sets_info[$sessionid] = array(
'lastinfocommit' => 0,
'lastmessageindex' => 0,
'course' => $course,
'courseid' => $course->id,
'chatuser' => $chatuser,
'chatid' => $chat->id,
'cm' => $cm,
'user' => $user,
'userid' => $user->id,
'groupid' => $chatuser->groupid,
'lang' => $chatuser->lang,
'quirks' => $customdata['quirks']
// If we know nothing about this chatroom, initialize it and add the user.
if (!isset($this->chatrooms[$chat->id]['users'])) {
$this->chatrooms[$chat->id]['users'] = array($sessionid => $user->id);
} else {
// Otherwise just add the user.
$this->chatrooms[$chat->id]['users'][$sessionid] = $user->id;
$header = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n";
$header .= "Connection: close\n";
$header .= "Date: ".date('r')."\n";
$header .= "Server: Moodle\n";
$header .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n";
$header .= "Last-Modified: ".gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s")." GMT\n";
$header .= "Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate\n";
$header .= "Expires: Wed, 4 Oct 1978 09:32:45 GMT\n";
$header .= "\n";
$this->dismiss_half($sessionid, false);
$this->write_data($this->conn_sets[$sessionid][CHAT_CONNECTION_CHANNEL], $header . $CHAT_HTMLHEAD_JS);
$this->trace('Connection accepted: '
.', SID: '
.' UID: '
.' GID: '
.$chatuser->groupid, E_USER_WARNING);
// Finally, broadcast the "entered the chat" message.
$msg = new stdClass;
$msg->chatid = $chatuser->chatid;
$msg->userid = $chatuser->userid;
$msg->groupid = $chatuser->groupid;
$msg->system = 1;
$msg->message = 'enter';
$msg->timestamp = time();
chat_send_chatmessage($chatuser, $msg->message, true);
$this->message_broadcast($msg, $this->sets_info[$sessionid]['user']);
return true;
public function promote_ufo($handle, $type, $sessionid, $customdata) {
if (empty($this->conn_ufo)) {
return false;
foreach ($this->conn_ufo as $id => $ufo) {
if ($ufo->handle == $handle) {
// OK, got the id of the UFO, but what is it?
if ($type & CHAT_SIDEKICK) {
// Is the main connection ready?
if (isset($this->conn_sets[$sessionid])) {
// Yes, so dispatch this sidekick now and be done with it.
$this->dispatch_sidekick($handle, $type, $sessionid, $customdata);
$this->dismiss_ufo($handle, false);
} else {
// No, so put it in the waiting list.
$this->trace('sidekick waiting');
$this->conn_side[$sessionid][] = array('type' => $type, 'handle' => $handle, 'customdata' => $customdata);
return true;
// If it's not a sidekick, at this point it can only be da man.
if ($type & CHAT_CONNECTION) {
// This forces a new connection right now.
$this->trace('Incoming connection from '.$ufo->ip.':'.$ufo->port);
// Do we have such a connection active?
if (isset($this->conn_sets[$sessionid])) {
// Yes, so regrettably we cannot promote you.
$this->trace('Connection rejected: session '.$sessionid.' is already final');
$this->dismiss_ufo($handle, true, 'Your SID was rejected.');
return false;
// Join this with what we may have already.
$this->conn_half[$sessionid][$type] = $handle;
// Do the bookkeeping.
$this->promote_final($sessionid, $customdata);
// It's not a UFO anymore.
$this->dismiss_ufo($handle, false);
// Dispatch waiting sidekicks.
return true;
return false;
public function dismiss_half($sessionid, $disconnect = true) {
if (!isset($this->conn_half[$sessionid])) {
return false;
if ($disconnect) {
foreach ($this->conn_half[$sessionid] as $handle) {
return true;
public function dismiss_set($sessionid) {
if (!empty($this->conn_sets[$sessionid])) {
foreach ($this->conn_sets[$sessionid] as $handle) {
// Since we want to dismiss this, don't generate any errors if it's dead already.
$chatroom = $this->sets_info[$sessionid]['chatid'];
$userid = $this->sets_info[$sessionid]['userid'];
$this->trace('Removed all traces of user with session '.$sessionid, E_USER_NOTICE);
return true;
public function dismiss_ufo($handle, $disconnect = true, $message = null) {
if (empty($this->conn_ufo)) {
return false;
foreach ($this->conn_ufo as $id => $ufo) {
if ($ufo->handle == $handle) {
if ($disconnect) {
if (!empty($message)) {
$this->write_data($handle, $message."\n\n");
return true;
return false;
public function conn_accept() {
$readsocket = array($this->listen_socket);
$write = null;
$except = null;
$changed = socket_select($readsocket, $write, $except, 0, 0);
if (!$changed) {
return false;
$handle = socket_accept($this->listen_socket);
if (!$handle) {
return false;
$newconn = new ChatConnection($handle);
$id = $this->new_ufo_id();
$this->conn_ufo[$id] = $newconn;
public function conn_activity_ufo(&$handles) {
$monitor = array();
if (!empty($this->conn_ufo)) {
foreach ($this->conn_ufo as $ufoid => $ufo) {
// Avoid socket_select() warnings by preventing the check over invalid resources.
if (is_resource($ufo->handle)) {
$monitor[$ufoid] = $ufo->handle;
} else {
$this->dismiss_ufo($ufo->handle, false);
if (empty($monitor)) {
$handles = array();
return 0;
$a = null;
$b = null;
$retval = socket_select($monitor, $a, $b, null);
$handles = $monitor;
return $retval;
public function message_broadcast($message, $sender) {
if (empty($this->conn_sets)) {
return true;
$now = time();
// First of all, mark this chatroom as having had activity now.
$this->chatrooms[$message->chatid]['lastactivity'] = $now;
foreach ($this->sets_info as $sessionid => $info) {
// We need to get handles from users that are in the same chatroom, same group.
if ($info['chatid'] == $message->chatid &&
($info['groupid'] == $message->groupid || $message->groupid == 0)) {
// Simply give them the message.
$output = chat_format_message_manually($message, $info['courseid'], $sender, $info['user']);
if ($output !== false) {
$this->trace('Delivering message "'.$output->text.'" to ' .
if ($output->beep) {
'<embed src="'.$this->_beepsoundsrc.'" autostart="true" hidden="true" />');
if ($info['quirks'] & QUIRK_CHUNK_UPDATE) {
$output->html .= $GLOBALS['CHAT_DUMMY_DATA'];
$output->html .= $GLOBALS['CHAT_DUMMY_DATA'];
$output->html .= $GLOBALS['CHAT_DUMMY_DATA'];
if (!$this->write_data($this->conn_sets[$sessionid][CHAT_CONNECTION_CHANNEL], $output->html)) {
public function disconnect_session($sessionid) {
global $DB;
$info = $this->sets_info[$sessionid];
$DB->delete_records('chat_users', array('sid' => $sessionid));
$msg = new stdClass;
$msg->chatid = $info['chatid'];
$msg->userid = $info['userid'];
$msg->groupid = $info['groupid'];
$msg->system = 1;
$msg->message = 'exit';
$msg->timestamp = time();
$this->trace('User has disconnected, destroying uid '.$info['userid'].' with SID '.$sessionid, E_USER_WARNING);
chat_send_chatmessage($info['chatuser'], $msg->message, true);
// IMPORTANT, kill him BEFORE broadcasting, otherwise we 'll get infinite recursion!
$latesender = $info['user'];
$this->message_broadcast($msg, $latesender);
public function fatal($message) {
$message .= "\n";
if ($this->_logfile) {
$this->trace($message, E_USER_ERROR);
echo "FATAL ERROR:: $message\n";
public function init_sockets() {
global $CFG;
$this->trace('Setting up sockets');
if (false === ($this->listen_socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0))) {
// Failed to create socket.
$lasterr = socket_last_error();
$this->fatal('socket_create() failed: '. socket_strerror($lasterr).' ['.$lasterr.']');
if (!socket_bind($this->listen_socket, $CFG->chat_serverip, $CFG->chat_serverport)) {
// Failed to bind socket.
$lasterr = socket_last_error();
$this->fatal('socket_bind() failed: '. socket_strerror($lasterr).' ['.$lasterr.']');
if (!socket_listen($this->listen_socket, $CFG->chat_servermax)) {
// Failed to get socket to listen.
$lasterr = socket_last_error();
$this->fatal('socket_listen() failed: '. socket_strerror($lasterr).' ['.$lasterr.']');
// Socket has been initialized and is ready.
$this->trace('Socket opened on port '.$CFG->chat_serverport);
// What exactly does this do? http://www.unixguide.net/network/socketfaq/4.5.shtml is still not enlightening enough for me.
socket_set_option($this->listen_socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1);
public function cli_switch($switch, $param = null) {
switch($switch) { // LOL!
case 'reset':
// Reset sockets.
$this->_resetsocket = true;
return false;
case 'start':
// Start the daemon.
$this->_readytogo = true;
return false;
case 'v':
// Verbose mode.
$this->_trace_level = E_ALL;
return false;
case 'l':
// Use logfile.
if (!empty($param)) {
$this->_logfile_name = $param;
$this->_logfile = @fopen($this->_logfile_name, 'a+');
if ($this->_logfile == false) {
$this->fatal('Failed to open '.$this->_logfile_name.' for writing');
return false;
// Unrecognized.
$this->fatal('Unrecognized command line switch: '.$switch);
return false;
$daemon = new ChatDaemon;
set_error_handler(array($daemon, 'error_handler'));
// Check the parameters.
$commandline = implode(' ', $argv);
if (strpos($commandline, '-') === false) {
if (!empty($commandline)) {
// We cannot have received any meaningful parameters.
$daemon->fatal('Garbage in command line');
} else {
// Parse command line.
$switches = preg_split('/(-{1,2}[a-zA-Z]+) */', $commandline, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
// Taking advantage of the fact that $switches is indexed with incrementing numeric keys.
// We will be using that to pass additional information to those switches who need it.
$numswitches = count($switches);
// Fancy way to give a "hyphen" boolean flag to each "switch".
$switches = array_map(create_function('$x', 'return array("str" => $x, "hyphen" => (substr($x, 0, 1) == "-"));'), $switches);
for ($i = 0; $i < $numswitches; ++$i) {
$switch = $switches[$i]['str'];
$params = ($i == $numswitches - 1 ? null :
($switches[$i + 1]['hyphen'] ? null : trim($switches[$i + 1]['str']))
if (substr($switch, 0, 2) == '--') {
// Double-hyphen switch.
$daemon->cli_switch(strtolower(substr($switch, 2)), $params);
} else if (substr($switch, 0, 1) == '-') {
// Single-hyphen switch(es), may be more than one run together.
$switch = substr($switch, 1); // Get rid of the "-".
$len = strlen($switch);
for ($j = 0; $j < $len; ++$j) {
$daemon->cli_switch(strtolower(substr($switch, $j, 1)), $params);
if (!$daemon->query_start()) {
// For some reason we didn't start, so print out some info.
echo 'Starts the Moodle chat socket server on port '.$CFG->chat_serverport;
echo "\n\n";
echo "Usage: chatd.php [parameters]\n\n";
echo "Parameters:\n";
echo " --start Starts the daemon\n";
echo " -v Verbose mode (prints trivial information messages)\n";
echo " -l [logfile] Log all messages to logfile (if not specified, chatd.log)\n";
echo "Example:\n";
echo " chatd.php --start -l\n\n";
if (!function_exists('socket_set_option')) {
echo "Error: Function socket_set_option() does not exist.\n";
echo "Possibly PHP has not been compiled with --enable-sockets.\n\n";
$daemon->trace('Started Moodle chatd on port '.$CFG->chat_serverport.', listening socket '.$daemon->listen_socket, E_USER_WARNING);
// Clear the decks of old stuff.
$DB->delete_records('chat_users', array('version' => 'sockets'));
while (true) {
$active = array();
// First of all, let's see if any of our UFOs have identified itself.
if ($daemon->conn_activity_ufo($active)) {
foreach ($active as $handle) {
$readsocket = array($handle);
$write = null;
$except = null;
$changed = socket_select($readsocket, $write, $except, 0, 0);
if ($changed > 0) {
// Let's see what it has to say.
$data = socket_read($handle, 2048); // Should be more than 512 to prevent empty pages and repeated messages!
if (empty($data)) {
if (strlen($data) == 2048) { // If socket_read has more data, ignore all data.
$daemon->trace('UFO with '.$handle.': Data too long; connection closed', E_USER_WARNING);
$daemon->dismiss_ufo($handle, true, 'Data too long; connection closed');
// Ignore desktop browser fake "favorite icon" requests.
if (strpos($data, 'GET /favicon.ico HTTP') === 0) {
// Known malformed data, drop it without any further notice.
if (!preg_match('/win=(chat|users|message|beep).*&chat_sid=([a-zA-Z0-9]*) HTTP/', $data, $info)) {
// Malformed data.
$daemon->trace('UFO with '.$handle.': Request with malformed data; connection closed', E_USER_WARNING);
$daemon->dismiss_ufo($handle, true, 'Request with malformed data; connection closed');
$type = $info[1];
$sessionid = $info[2];
$customdata = array();
switch($type) {
case 'chat':
$customdata['quirks'] = 0;
if (strpos($data, 'Safari')) {
$daemon->trace('Safari identified...', E_USER_WARNING);
$customdata['quirks'] += QUIRK_CHUNK_UPDATE;
case 'users':
case 'beep':
if (!preg_match('/beep=([^&]*)[& ]/', $data, $info)) {
$daemon->trace('Beep sidekick did not contain a valid userid', E_USER_WARNING);
$daemon->dismiss_ufo($handle, true, 'Request with malformed data; connection closed');
} else {
$customdata = array('beep' => intval($info[1]));
case 'message':
if (!preg_match('/chat_message=([^&]*)[& ]chat_msgidnr=([^&]*)[& ]/', $data, $info)) {
$daemon->trace('Message sidekick did not contain a valid message', E_USER_WARNING);
$daemon->dismiss_ufo($handle, true, 'Request with malformed data; connection closed');
} else {
$customdata = array('message' => $info[1], 'index' => $info[2]);
$daemon->trace('UFO with '.$handle.': Request with unknown type; connection closed', E_USER_WARNING);
$daemon->dismiss_ufo($handle, true, 'Request with unknown type; connection closed');
// OK, now we know it's something good. Promote it and pass it all the data it needs.
$daemon->promote_ufo($handle, $type, $sessionid, $customdata);
$now = time();
// Clean up chatrooms with no activity as required.
if ($now - $daemon->_last_idle_poll >= $daemon->_freq_poll_idle_chat) {
// Finally, accept new connections.
@socket_shutdown($daemon->listen_socket, 0);
die("\n\n-- terminated --\n");