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synced 2025-02-09 01:21:57 +01:00
All standard and all development modules are included. Some php-files required for Moodle 1.2 are also included. Alla strängar i php-filerna och alla hjälpfiler är översatta t o m 2003-12-22 Det gäller alla standard- och utvecklingsmoduler. Några programfiler för Moodle 1.2 finns också med.
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<p align="center"><b>Att hantera en Övningsuppgift</b></p>
En Övningsuppgift är något mer komplex än en vanlig uppgift.
Det ingår fyra steg eller faser i den.
<br />
Dessa är:
<li><b>Skapa Övningsuppgiften</b>
<br />
Bedömningen/värderingen/betygssättningen av en Övningsuppgift underlättas
om Du delar upp den i ett antal komponenter som ska bedömas/värderas/betygssättas.
Det gör betygssättningen mindre godtycklig och ger studenterna/eleverna/deltagarna/de lärande
en modell för sitt arbete med bedömning/värdering/betygssättning.
Det är Du som distanslärare som har rollen att skapa dessa komponenter och på så sätt
tillhandahålla en mall för att sätta betyg/avge omdömen.
<br />
(Se den sidan för fler detaljer.)
<br /><br />
With the assessment elements set up the teacher must submit a
Word Document or HTML file which describes the exercise or task to be done
by the students. This file is shown to the students in the second phase of
the exercise.
<br /><br />
Teachers can, if they wish, prepare a set of similar exercies, again as
Word Documents or HTML files, and upload those into the Exercise. Note that
these exercises must be quite similar as the same Assessment Form is used
for all of these variants. The submission of a multiple set of exercises by
the teacher is optional and for certain assignments may not be appropriate.
<br /><br /></li>
<li><b>Allow Students Assessments and Submissions</b>
<br />
The assignment
is now opened to the students. If the teacher has set up multiple exercises then
the students see different exercises, otherwise all the students see the same
<br /><br />
Before the students can submit their work they must complete the assessment
form. Once they have completed the assessment they are shown the upload form.
The students can revise their work in the light of their self assessment. The teacher
sees student's (self) assessment and an assessment form to grade the student's
submission. This is a "dual assessment form". At the end of this
form the teacher can either ask the student to re-submit the work or not.
<br /><br />
If the student chooses to re-submit, the teacher can re-assess the work. The
same option, re-submit or not, allows the teacher to control this cycle of
re-submission and assessment. If students are allowed to put in multiple pieces
of work into the Exercise, the teacher should decide whether the final grades
are based on the student's maximum grade or their average grade over the
set of submissions. This option can be changed at any time during the Exercise
by updating the Exercise, it's effect is seen immediately in the Grade page.
<br /><br />
<li><b>Stop Student Assessments and Submissions</b> After the deadline
has passed, the teacher moves the Exercise to this phase to stop further
assessments and submissions. The teacher should complete the grading
any outstanding assessments and submissions before moving the Exercise
to its final phase.
<br /><br />
<li><b>Show Overall Grades and League Table</b> In this final phase of
the Exercise the students can see their "final" grades. In all
phases of the Exercise (except the first phase), grades are available to
the students, they are, however, only "partial" grades as they are
calculated on the fly from the assessments available at the time.
<br /><br />
The students (and the teacher) are also shown a "League Table"
of the student submissions. These are listed in order of grade, the top submission
is first. Here the grade given to the submission is teacher's
grade. If a student submitted more than one piece of work only their best piece
of work is shown in this table. </li>
<p>The student's grade is a weighted combination of the teacher's grading of their
(initial) assessment and the teacher's grading of their work. The two weighting
factors are initally set to unity. They can changed (on the Administration page)
at any time during the exercise and the grades shown both the students and the
teacher always reflect the current weighting factors.</p>
<p>At any phase of the assignment the teacher can open the "Administration"
page. This shows the current values of the two weighting factors and allows the teacher
to change them. It lists the students' assessments (of their own work) and the
submissions of the students. The teacher can use this page to assess and re-assess
submissions, grade and re-grade assessments, delete submissions and assessments,
and generally watch the progress of the assignment.</p>