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synced 2025-03-12 19:54:08 +01:00
Remove the responsibility for loging the application of the course start date offset, from activity modules to the backup module. Merged from stable branch
2015 lines
92 KiB
2015 lines
92 KiB
<?php //$Id$
//This php script contains all the stuff to backup/restore
//quiz mods
//To see, put your terminal to 160cc
//This is the "graphical" structure of the quiz mod:
// quiz question_categories
// (CL,pk->id) (CL,pk->id)
// | |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// | | | | |.......................................
// | | | | | .
// | | | | | .
// quiz_attempts quiz_grades quiz_question_grades quiz_question_versions | ----question_datasets---- .
// (UL,pk->id, fk->quiz) (UL,pk->id,fk->quiz) (CL,pk->id,fk->quiz) (CL,pk->id,fk->quiz) | | (CL,pk->id,fk->question, | .
// | | . | | fk->dataset_definition) | .
// | | . | | | .
// | | . | | | .
// | | . | | | .
// quiz_responses | question question_dataset_definitions
// (UL,pk->id, fk->attempt)----------------------------------------------------(CL,pk->id,fk->category,files) (CL,pk->id,fk->category)
// | |
// | |
// | |
// | question_dataset_items
// | (CL,pk->id,fk->definition)
// |
// |
// |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// | | | | | | |
// | | | | | | |
// | | | | question_calculated | | question_randomsamatch
// question_truefalse | question_multichoice | (CL,pl->id,fk->question) | |--(CL,pl->id,fk->question)
// (CL,pl->id,fk->question) | (CL,pl->id,fk->question) | . | |
// . | . | . | |
// . question_shortanswer . question_numerical . question_multianswer. |
// . (CL,pl->id,fk->question) . (CL,pl->id,fk->question) . (CL,pl->id,fk->question) | question_match
// . . . . . . |--(CL,pl->id,fk->question)
// . . . . . . | .
// . . . . . . | .
// . . . . . . | .
// . . . . . . | question_match_sub
// . . . . . . |--(CL,pl->id,fk->question)
// ........................................................................................ |
// . |
// . |
// . | question_numerical_units
// question_answers |--(CL,pl->id,fk->question)
// (CL,pk->id,fk->question)----------------------------------------------------------
// Meaning: pk->primary key field of the table
// fk->foreign key to link with parent
// nt->nested field (recursive data)
// CL->course level info
// UL->user level info
// files->table may have files
//This module is special, because we make the restore in two steps:
// 1.-We restore every category and their questions (complete structure). It includes this tables:
// - question_categories
// - question
// - question_truefalse
// - question_shortanswer
// - question_multianswer
// - question_multichoice
// - question_numerical
// - question_randomsamatch
// - question_match
// - question_match_sub
// - question_calculated
// - question_answers
// - question_numerical_units
// - question_datasets
// - question_dataset_definitions
// - question_dataset_items
// All this backup info have its own section in moodle.xml (QUESTION_CATEGORIES) and it's generated
// before every module backup standard invocation. And only if to restore quizzes has been selected !!
// It's invoked with quiz_restore_question_categories. (course independent).
// 2.-Standard module restore (Invoked via quiz_restore_mods). It includes this tables:
// - quiz
// - quiz_question_versions
// - quiz_question_grades
// - quiz_attempts
// - quiz_grades
// - quiz_responses
// This step is the standard mod backup. (course dependent).
//We are going to nedd quiz libs to be able to mimic the upgrade process
//STEP 1. Restore categories/questions and associated structures
// (course independent)
function quiz_restore_pre15_question_categories($category,$restore) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//Get record from backup_ids
$data = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"question_categories",$category->id);
if ($data) {
//Now get completed xmlized object
$info = $data->info;
//traverse_xmlize($info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//Now, build the question_categories record structure
$quiz_cat->course = $restore->course_id;
$quiz_cat->name = backup_todb($info['QUESTION_CATEGORY']['#']['NAME']['0']['#']);
$quiz_cat->info = backup_todb($info['QUESTION_CATEGORY']['#']['INFO']['0']['#']);
$quiz_cat->publish = backup_todb($info['QUESTION_CATEGORY']['#']['PUBLISH']['0']['#']);
$quiz_cat->stamp = backup_todb($info['QUESTION_CATEGORY']['#']['STAMP']['0']['#']);
$quiz_cat->parent = backup_todb($info['QUESTION_CATEGORY']['#']['PARENT']['0']['#']);
$quiz_cat->sortorder = backup_todb($info['QUESTION_CATEGORY']['#']['SORTORDER']['0']['#']);
if ($catfound = restore_get_best_question_category($quiz_cat, $restore->course_id)) {
$newid = $catfound;
} else {
if (!$quiz_cat->stamp) {
$quiz_cat->stamp = make_unique_id_code();
$newid = insert_record ("question_categories",$quiz_cat);
//Do some output
if ($newid) {
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo "<li>".get_string('category', 'quiz')." \"".$quiz_cat->name."\"<br />";
} else {
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
//We must never arrive here !!
echo "<li>".get_string('category', 'quiz')." \"".$quiz_cat->name."\" Error!<br />";
$status = false;
//Here category has been created or selected, so save results in backup_ids and start with questions
if ($newid and $status) {
//We have the newid, update backup_ids
$category->id, $newid);
//Now restore question
$status = quiz_restore_pre15_questions ($category->id, $newid,$info,$restore);
} else {
$status = false;
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo '</li>';
return $status;
function quiz_restore_pre15_questions ($old_category_id,$new_category_id,$info,$restore) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//Get the questions array
$questions = $info['QUESTION_CATEGORY']['#']['QUESTIONS']['0']['#']['QUESTION'];
//Iterate over questions
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($questions); $i++) {
$question = new object;
$que_info = $questions[$i];
//traverse_xmlize($que_info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//We'll need this later!!
$oldid = backup_todb($que_info['#']['ID']['0']['#']);
//Now, build the question record structure
$question->category = $new_category_id;
$question->parent = backup_todb($que_info['#']['PARENT']['0']['#']);
$question->name = backup_todb($que_info['#']['NAME']['0']['#']);
$question->questiontext = backup_todb($que_info['#']['QUESTIONTEXT']['0']['#']);
$question->questiontextformat = backup_todb($que_info['#']['QUESTIONTEXTFORMAT']['0']['#']);
$question->image = backup_todb($que_info['#']['IMAGE']['0']['#']);
$question->defaultgrade = backup_todb($que_info['#']['DEFAULTGRADE']['0']['#']);
if (isset($que_info['#']['PENALTY']['0']['#'])) { //Only if it's set, to apply DB default else.
$question->penalty = backup_todb($que_info['#']['PENALTY']['0']['#']);
$question->qtype = backup_todb($que_info['#']['QTYPE']['0']['#']);
if (isset($que_info['#']['LENGTH']['0']['#'])) { //Only if it's set, to apply DB default else.
$question->length = backup_todb($que_info['#']['LENGTH']['0']['#']);
$question->stamp = backup_todb($que_info['#']['STAMP']['0']['#']);
if (isset($que_info['#']['VERSION']['0']['#'])) { //Only if it's set, to apply DB default else.
$question->version = backup_todb($que_info['#']['VERSION']['0']['#']);
if (isset($que_info['#']['HIDDEN']['0']['#'])) { //Only if it's set, to apply DB default else.
$question->hidden = backup_todb($que_info['#']['HIDDEN']['0']['#']);
//Although only a few backups can have questions with parent, we try to recode it
//if it contains something
if ($question->parent and $parent = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"question",$question->parent)) {
$question->parent = $parent->new_id;
// If it is a random question then hide it
if ($question->qtype == RANDOM) {
$question->hidden = 1;
//If it is a description question, length = 0
if ($question->qtype == DESCRIPTION) {
$question->length = 0;
//Check if the question exists
//by category and stamp
$question_exists = get_record ("question","category",$question->category,
//If the stamp doesn't exists, check if question exists
//by category, name and questiontext and calculate stamp
//Mantains pre Beta 1.1 compatibility !!
if (!$question->stamp) {
$question->stamp = make_unique_id_code();
$question->version = 1;
$question_exists = get_record ("question","category",$question->category,
//If the question exists, only record its id
if ($question_exists) {
$newid = $question_exists->id;
$creatingnewquestion = false;
//Else, create a new question
} else {
//The structure is equal to the db, so insert the question
$newid = insert_record ("question",$question);
//If it is a random question, parent = id
if ($newid && $question->qtype == RANDOM) {
set_field ('question', 'parent', $newid, 'id', $newid);
$creatingnewquestion = true;
//Do some output
if (($i+1) % 2 == 0) {
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo ".";
if (($i+1) % 40 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
//Save newid to backup tables
if ($newid) {
//We have the newid, update backup_ids
//If it's a new question in the DB, restore it
if ($creatingnewquestion) {
//Now, restore every question_answers in this question
$status = quiz_restore_pre15_answers($oldid,$newid,$que_info,$restore);
//Now, depending of the type of questions, invoke different functions
if ($question->qtype == "1") {
$status = quiz_restore_pre15_shortanswer($oldid,$newid,$que_info,$restore);
} else if ($question->qtype == "2") {
$status = quiz_restore_pre15_truefalse($oldid,$newid,$que_info,$restore);
} else if ($question->qtype == "3") {
$status = quiz_restore_pre15_multichoice($oldid,$newid,$que_info,$restore);
} else if ($question->qtype == "4") {
//Random question. Nothing to do.
} else if ($question->qtype == "5") {
$status = quiz_restore_pre15_match($oldid,$newid,$que_info,$restore);
} else if ($question->qtype == "6") {
$status = quiz_restore_pre15_randomsamatch($oldid,$newid,$que_info,$restore);
} else if ($question->qtype == "7") {
//Description question. Nothing to do.
} else if ($question->qtype == "8") {
$status = quiz_restore_pre15_numerical($oldid,$newid,$que_info,$restore);
} else if ($question->qtype == "9") {
$status = quiz_restore_pre15_multianswer($oldid,$newid,$que_info,$restore);
} else if ($question->qtype == "10") {
$status = quiz_restore_pre15_calculated($oldid,$newid,$que_info,$restore);
} else {
//We are NOT creating the question, but we need to know every question_answers
//map between the XML file and the database to be able to restore the responses
//in each attempt.
$status = quiz_restore_pre15_map_answers($oldid,$newid,$que_info,$restore);
//Now, depending of the type of questions, invoke different functions
//to create the necessary mappings in backup_ids, because we are not
//creating the question, but need some records in backup table
if ($question->qtype == "1") {
//Shortanswer question. Nothing to remap
} else if ($question->qtype == "2") {
//Truefalse question. Nothing to remap
} else if ($question->qtype == "3") {
//Multichoice question. Nothing to remap
} else if ($question->qtype == "4") {
//Random question. Nothing to remap
} else if ($question->qtype == "5") {
$status = quiz_restore_pre15_map_match($oldid,$newid,$que_info,$restore);
} else if ($question->qtype == "6") {
//Randomsamatch question. Nothing to remap
} else if ($question->qtype == "7") {
//Description question. Nothing to remap
} else if ($question->qtype == "8") {
//Numerical question. Nothing to remap
} else if ($question->qtype == "9") {
//Multianswer question. Nothing to remap
} else if ($question->qtype == "10") {
//Calculated question. Nothing to remap
return $status;
function quiz_restore_pre15_answers ($old_question_id,$new_question_id,$info,$restore) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//Get the answers array
if (isset($info['#']['ANSWERS']['0']['#']['ANSWER'])) {
$answers = $info['#']['ANSWERS']['0']['#']['ANSWER'];
//Iterate over answers
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($answers); $i++) {
$ans_info = $answers[$i];
//traverse_xmlize($ans_info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//We'll need this later!!
$oldid = backup_todb($ans_info['#']['ID']['0']['#']);
//Now, build the question_answers record structure
$answer->question = $new_question_id;
$answer->answer = backup_todb($ans_info['#']['ANSWER_TEXT']['0']['#']);
$answer->fraction = backup_todb($ans_info['#']['FRACTION']['0']['#']);
$answer->feedback = backup_todb($ans_info['#']['FEEDBACK']['0']['#']);
//The structure is equal to the db, so insert the question_answers
$newid = insert_record ("question_answers",$answer);
//Do some output
if (($i+1) % 50 == 0) {
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo ".";
if (($i+1) % 1000 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
if ($newid) {
//We have the newid, update backup_ids
} else {
$status = false;
return $status;
function quiz_restore_pre15_map_answers ($old_question_id,$new_question_id,$info,$restore) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
if (!isset($info['#']['ANSWERS'])) { // No answers in this question (eg random)
return $status;
//Get the answers array
$answers = $info['#']['ANSWERS']['0']['#']['ANSWER'];
//Iterate over answers
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($answers); $i++) {
$ans_info = $answers[$i];
//traverse_xmlize($ans_info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//We'll need this later!!
$oldid = backup_todb($ans_info['#']['ID']['0']['#']);
//Now, build the question_answers record structure
$answer->question = $new_question_id;
$answer->answer = backup_todb($ans_info['#']['ANSWER_TEXT']['0']['#']);
$answer->fraction = backup_todb($ans_info['#']['FRACTION']['0']['#']);
$answer->feedback = backup_todb($ans_info['#']['FEEDBACK']['0']['#']);
//If we are in this method is because the question exists in DB, so its
//answers must exist too.
//Now, we are going to look for that answer in DB and to create the
//mappings in backup_ids to use them later where restoring responses (user level).
//Get the answer from DB (by question, answer and fraction)
$db_answer = get_record ("question_answers","question",$new_question_id,
//Do some output
if (($i+1) % 50 == 0) {
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo ".";
if (($i+1) % 1000 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
if ($db_answer) {
//We have the database answer, update backup_ids
} else {
$status = false;
return $status;
function quiz_restore_pre15_shortanswer ($old_question_id,$new_question_id,$info,$restore,$restrictto = '') {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//Get the shortanswers array
$shortanswers = $info['#']['SHORTANSWER'];
//Iterate over shortanswers
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($shortanswers); $i++) {
$sho_info = $shortanswers[$i];
//traverse_xmlize($sho_info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//Now, build the question_shortanswer record structure
$shortanswer->question = $new_question_id;
$shortanswer->answers = backup_todb($sho_info['#']['ANSWERS']['0']['#']);
$shortanswer->usecase = backup_todb($sho_info['#']['USECASE']['0']['#']);
//We have to recode the answers field (a list of answers id)
//Extracts answer id from sequence
$answers_field = "";
$in_first = true;
$tok = strtok($shortanswer->answers,",");
while ($tok) {
//Get the answer from backup_ids
$answer = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"question_answers",$tok);
if ($answer) {
if ($in_first) {
$answers_field .= $answer->new_id;
$in_first = false;
} else {
$answers_field .= ",".$answer->new_id;
//check for next
$tok = strtok(",");
//We have the answers field recoded to its new ids
$shortanswer->answers = $answers_field;
//The structure is equal to the db, so insert the question_shortanswer
//Only if there aren't restrictions or there are restriction concordance
if (empty($restrictto) || (!empty($restrictto) && $shortanswer->answers == $restrictto)) {
$newid = insert_record ("question_shortanswer",$shortanswer);
//Do some output
if (($i+1) % 50 == 0) {
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo ".";
if (($i+1) % 1000 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
if (!$newid && !$restrictto) {
$status = false;
return $status;
function quiz_restore_pre15_truefalse ($old_question_id,$new_question_id,$info,$restore) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//Get the truefalse array
$truefalses = $info['#']['TRUEFALSE'];
//Iterate over truefalse
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($truefalses); $i++) {
$tru_info = $truefalses[$i];
//traverse_xmlize($tru_info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//Now, build the question_truefalse record structure
$truefalse->question = $new_question_id;
$truefalse->trueanswer = backup_todb($tru_info['#']['TRUEANSWER']['0']['#']);
$truefalse->falseanswer = backup_todb($tru_info['#']['FALSEANSWER']['0']['#']);
////We have to recode the trueanswer field
$answer = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"question_answers",$truefalse->trueanswer);
if ($answer) {
$truefalse->trueanswer = $answer->new_id;
////We have to recode the falseanswer field
$answer = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"question_answers",$truefalse->falseanswer);
if ($answer) {
$truefalse->falseanswer = $answer->new_id;
//The structure is equal to the db, so insert the question_truefalse
$newid = insert_record ("question_truefalse",$truefalse);
//Do some output
if (($i+1) % 50 == 0) {
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo ".";
if (($i+1) % 1000 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
if (!$newid) {
$status = false;
return $status;
function quiz_restore_pre15_multichoice ($old_question_id,$new_question_id,$info,$restore, $restrictto = '') {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//Get the multichoices array
$multichoices = $info['#']['MULTICHOICE'];
//Iterate over multichoices
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($multichoices); $i++) {
$mul_info = $multichoices[$i];
//traverse_xmlize($mul_info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//Now, build the question_multichoice record structure
$multichoice->question = $new_question_id;
$multichoice->layout = backup_todb($mul_info['#']['LAYOUT']['0']['#']);
$multichoice->answers = backup_todb($mul_info['#']['ANSWERS']['0']['#']);
$multichoice->single = backup_todb($mul_info['#']['SINGLE']['0']['#']);
//We have to recode the answers field (a list of answers id)
//Extracts answer id from sequence
$answers_field = "";
$in_first = true;
$tok = strtok($multichoice->answers,",");
while ($tok) {
//Get the answer from backup_ids
$answer = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"question_answers",$tok);
if ($answer) {
if ($in_first) {
$answers_field .= $answer->new_id;
$in_first = false;
} else {
$answers_field .= ",".$answer->new_id;
//check for next
$tok = strtok(",");
//We have the answers field recoded to its new ids
$multichoice->answers = $answers_field;
//The structure is equal to the db, so insert the question_shortanswer
//Only if there aren't restrictions or there are restriction concordance
if (empty($restrictto) || (!empty($restrictto) && $multichoice->answers == $restrictto)) {
$newid = insert_record ("question_multichoice",$multichoice);
//Do some output
if (($i+1) % 50 == 0) {
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo ".";
if (($i+1) % 1000 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
if (!$newid && !$restrictto) {
$status = false;
return $status;
function quiz_restore_pre15_match ($old_question_id,$new_question_id,$info,$restore) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//Get the matchs array
$matchs = $info['#']['MATCHS']['0']['#']['MATCH'];
//We have to build the subquestions field (a list of match_sub id)
$subquestions_field = "";
$in_first = true;
//Iterate over matchs
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($matchs); $i++) {
$mat_info = $matchs[$i];
//traverse_xmlize($mat_info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//We'll need this later!!
$oldid = backup_todb($mat_info['#']['ID']['0']['#']);
//Now, build the question_match_SUB record structure
$match_sub->question = $new_question_id;
$match_sub->questiontext = backup_todb($mat_info['#']['QUESTIONTEXT']['0']['#']);
$match_sub->answertext = backup_todb($mat_info['#']['ANSWERTEXT']['0']['#']);
//The structure is equal to the db, so insert the question_match_sub
$newid = insert_record ("question_match_sub",$match_sub);
//Do some output
if (($i+1) % 50 == 0) {
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo ".";
if (($i+1) % 1000 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
if ($newid) {
//We have the newid, update backup_ids
//We have a new match_sub, append it to subquestions_field
if ($in_first) {
$subquestions_field .= $newid;
$in_first = false;
} else {
$subquestions_field .= ",".$newid;
} else {
$status = false;
//We have created every match_sub, now create the match
$match->question = $new_question_id;
$match->subquestions = $subquestions_field;
//The structure is equal to the db, so insert the question_match_sub
$newid = insert_record ("question_match",$match);
if (!$newid) {
$status = false;
return $status;
function quiz_restore_pre15_map_match ($old_question_id,$new_question_id,$info,$restore) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//Get the matchs array
$matchs = $info['#']['MATCHS']['0']['#']['MATCH'];
//We have to build the subquestions field (a list of match_sub id)
$subquestions_field = "";
$in_first = true;
//Iterate over matchs
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($matchs); $i++) {
$mat_info = $matchs[$i];
//traverse_xmlize($mat_info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//We'll need this later!!
$oldid = backup_todb($mat_info['#']['ID']['0']['#']);
//Now, build the question_match_SUB record structure
$match_sub->question = $new_question_id;
$match_sub->questiontext = backup_todb($mat_info['#']['QUESTIONTEXT']['0']['#']);
$match_sub->answertext = backup_todb($mat_info['#']['ANSWERTEXT']['0']['#']);
//If we are in this method is because the question exists in DB, so its
//match_sub must exist too.
//Now, we are going to look for that match_sub in DB and to create the
//mappings in backup_ids to use them later where restoring responses (user level).
//Get the match_sub from DB (by question, questiontext and answertext)
$db_match_sub = get_record ("question_match_sub","question",$new_question_id,
//Do some output
if (($i+1) % 50 == 0) {
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo ".";
if (($i+1) % 1000 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
//We have the database match_sub, so update backup_ids
if ($db_match_sub) {
//We have the newid, update backup_ids
} else {
$status = false;
return $status;
function quiz_restore_pre15_randomsamatch ($old_question_id,$new_question_id,$info,$restore) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//Get the randomsamatchs array
$randomsamatchs = $info['#']['RANDOMSAMATCH'];
//Iterate over randomsamatchs
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($randomsamatchs); $i++) {
$ran_info = $randomsamatchs[$i];
//traverse_xmlize($ran_info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//Now, build the question_randomsamatch record structure
$randomsamatch->question = $new_question_id;
$randomsamatch->choose = backup_todb($ran_info['#']['CHOOSE']['0']['#']);
//The structure is equal to the db, so insert the question_randomsamatch
$newid = insert_record ("question_randomsamatch",$randomsamatch);
//Do some output
if (($i+1) % 50 == 0) {
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo ".";
if (($i+1) % 1000 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
if (!$newid) {
$status = false;
return $status;
function quiz_restore_pre15_numerical ($old_question_id,$new_question_id,$info,$restore, $restrictto = '') {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//Get the numerical array
$numericals = $info['#']['NUMERICAL'];
//Iterate over numericals
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($numericals); $i++) {
$num_info = $numericals[$i];
//traverse_xmlize($num_info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//Now, build the question_numerical record structure
$numerical->question = $new_question_id;
$numerical->answer = backup_todb($num_info['#']['ANSWER']['0']['#']);
$numerical->min = backup_todb($num_info['#']['MIN']['0']['#']);
$numerical->max = backup_todb($num_info['#']['MAX']['0']['#']);
////We have to recode the answer field
$answer = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"question_answers",$numerical->answer);
if ($answer) {
$numerical->answer = $answer->new_id;
//Answer goes to answers in 1.5 (although it continues being only one!)
//Changed 12-05 (chating with Gustav and Julian this remains = pre15 = answer)
//$numerical->answers = $numerical->answer;
//We have to calculate the tolerance field of the numerical question
$numerical->tolerance = ($numerical->max - $numerical->min)/2;
//The structure is equal to the db, so insert the question_numerical
//Only if there aren't restrictions or there are restriction concordance
if (empty($restrictto) || (!empty($restrictto) && in_array($numerical->answer,explode(",",$restrictto)))) {
$newid = insert_record ("question_numerical",$numerical);
//Do some output
if (($i+1) % 50 == 0) {
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo ".";
if (($i+1) % 1000 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
//Now restore numerical_units
if ($newid) {
$status = quiz_restore_pre15_numerical_units ($old_question_id,$new_question_id,$num_info,$restore);
if (!$newid && !$restrictto) {
$status = false;
return $status;
function quiz_restore_pre15_calculated ($old_question_id,$new_question_id,$info,$restore) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//Get the calculated-s array
$calculateds = $info['#']['CALCULATED'];
//Iterate over calculateds
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($calculateds); $i++) {
$cal_info = $calculateds[$i];
//traverse_xmlize($cal_info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//Now, build the question_calculated record structure
$calculated->question = $new_question_id;
$calculated->answer = backup_todb($cal_info['#']['ANSWER']['0']['#']);
$calculated->tolerance = backup_todb($cal_info['#']['TOLERANCE']['0']['#']);
$calculated->tolerancetype = backup_todb($cal_info['#']['TOLERANCETYPE']['0']['#']);
$calculated->correctanswerlength = backup_todb($cal_info['#']['CORRECTANSWERLENGTH']['0']['#']);
$calculated->correctanswerformat = backup_todb($cal_info['#']['CORRECTANSWERFORMAT']['0']['#']);
////We have to recode the answer field
$answer = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"question_answers",$calculated->answer);
if ($answer) {
$calculated->answer = $answer->new_id;
//If we haven't correctanswerformat, it defaults to 2 (in DB)
if (empty($calculated->correctanswerformat)) {
$calculated->correctanswerformat = 2;
//The structure is equal to the db, so insert the question_calculated
$newid = insert_record ("question_calculated",$calculated);
//Do some output
if (($i+1) % 50 == 0) {
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo ".";
if (($i+1) % 1000 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
//Now restore numerical_units
$status = quiz_restore_pre15_numerical_units ($old_question_id,$new_question_id,$cal_info,$restore);
//Now restore dataset_definitions
if ($status && $newid) {
$status = quiz_restore_pre15_dataset_definitions ($old_question_id,$new_question_id,$cal_info,$restore);
if (!$newid) {
$status = false;
return $status;
function quiz_restore_pre15_multianswer ($old_question_id,$new_question_id,$info,$restore) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//We need some question fields here so we get the full record from DB
$parentquestion = get_record('question','id',$new_question_id);
//We need to store all the positions with their created questions
//to be able to calculate the sequence field
$createdquestions = array();
//Under 1.5, every multianswer record becomes a question itself
//with its parent set to the cloze question. And there is only
//ONE multianswer record with the sequence of questions used.
//Get the multianswers array
$multianswers_array = $info['#']['MULTIANSWERS']['0']['#']['MULTIANSWER'];
//Iterate over multianswers_array
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($multianswers_array); $i++) {
$mul_info = $multianswers_array[$i];
//traverse_xmlize($mul_info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//We need this later
$oldid = backup_todb($mul_info['#']['ID']['0']['#']);
//Now, build the question_multianswer record structure
$multianswer->question = $new_question_id;
$multianswer->answers = backup_todb($mul_info['#']['ANSWERS']['0']['#']);
$multianswer->positionkey = backup_todb($mul_info['#']['POSITIONKEY']['0']['#']);
$multianswer->answertype = backup_todb($mul_info['#']['ANSWERTYPE']['0']['#']);
$multianswer->norm = backup_todb($mul_info['#']['NORM']['0']['#']);
//Saving multianswer and positionkey to use them later restoring states
backup_putid ($restore->backup_unique_code,'multianswer-pos',$oldid,$multianswer->positionkey);
//We have to recode all the answers to their new ids
$ansarr = explode(",", $multianswer->answers);
foreach ($ansarr as $key => $value) {
//Get the answer from backup_ids
$answer = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,'question_answers',$value);
$ansarr[$key] = $answer->new_id;
$multianswer->answers = implode(",",$ansarr);
//Build the new question structure
$question = new object;
$question->category = $parentquestion->category;
$question->parent = $parentquestion->id;
$question->name = $parentquestion->name;
$question->questiontextformat = $parentquestion->questiontextformat;
$question->defaultgrade = $multianswer->norm;
$question->penalty = $parentquestion->penalty;
$question->qtype = $multianswer->answertype;
$question->version = $parentquestion->version;
$question->hidden = $parentquestion->hidden;
$question->length = 0;
$question->questiontext = '';
$question->stamp = make_unique_id_code();
//Save the new question to DB
$newid = insert_record('question', $question);
if ($newid) {
$createdquestions[$multianswer->positionkey] = $newid;
//Do some output
if (($i+1) % 50 == 0) {
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo ".";
if (($i+1) % 1000 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
//Remap question_answers records from the original multianswer question
//to their newly created question
if ($newid) {
$answersdb = get_records_list('question_answers','id',$multianswer->answers);
foreach ($answersdb as $answerdb) {
//If we have created the question record, now, depending of the
//answertype, delegate the restore to every qtype function
if ($newid) {
if ($multianswer->answertype == "1") {
$status = quiz_restore_pre15_shortanswer ($old_question_id,$newid,$mul_info,$restore,$multianswer->answers);
} else if ($multianswer->answertype == "3") {
$status = quiz_restore_pre15_multichoice ($old_question_id,$newid,$mul_info,$restore,$multianswer->answers);
} else if ($multianswer->answertype == "8") {
$status = quiz_restore_pre15_numerical ($old_question_id,$newid,$mul_info,$restore,$multianswer->answers);
} else {
$status = false;
//Everything is created, just going to create the multianswer record
if ($status) {
$multianswerdb = new object;
$multianswerdb->question = $parentquestion->id;
$multianswerdb->sequence = implode(",",$createdquestions);
$mid = insert_record('question_multianswer', $multianswerdb);
if (!$mid) {
$status = false;
return $status;
function quiz_restore_pre15_numerical_units ($old_question_id,$new_question_id,$info,$restore) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//Get the numerical array
$numerical_units = $info['#']['NUMERICAL_UNITS']['0']['#']['NUMERICAL_UNIT'];
//Iterate over numerical_units
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($numerical_units); $i++) {
$nu_info = $numerical_units[$i];
//traverse_xmlize($nu_info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//Now, build the question_numerical_UNITS record structure
$numerical_unit->question = $new_question_id;
$numerical_unit->multiplier = backup_todb($nu_info['#']['MULTIPLIER']['0']['#']);
$numerical_unit->unit = backup_todb($nu_info['#']['UNIT']['0']['#']);
//The structure is equal to the db, so insert the question_numerical_units
$newid = insert_record ("question_numerical_units",$numerical_unit);
if (!$newid) {
$status = false;
return $status;
function quiz_restore_pre15_dataset_definitions ($old_question_id,$new_question_id,$info,$restore) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//Get the dataset_definitions array
$dataset_definitions = $info['#']['DATASET_DEFINITIONS']['0']['#']['DATASET_DEFINITION'];
//Iterate over dataset_definitions
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($dataset_definitions); $i++) {
$dd_info = $dataset_definitions[$i];
//traverse_xmlize($dd_info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//Now, build the question_dataset_DEFINITION record structure
$dataset_definition->category = backup_todb($dd_info['#']['CATEGORY']['0']['#']);
$dataset_definition->name = backup_todb($dd_info['#']['NAME']['0']['#']);
$dataset_definition->type = backup_todb($dd_info['#']['TYPE']['0']['#']);
$dataset_definition->options = backup_todb($dd_info['#']['OPTIONS']['0']['#']);
$dataset_definition->itemcount = backup_todb($dd_info['#']['ITEMCOUNT']['0']['#']);
//We have to recode the category field (only if the category != 0)
if ($dataset_definition->category != 0) {
$category = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"question_categories",$dataset_definition->category);
if ($category) {
$dataset_definition->category = $category->new_id;
//Now, we hace to decide when to create the new records or reuse an existing one
$create_definition = false;
//If the dataset_definition->category = 0, it's a individual question dataset_definition, so we'll create it
if ($dataset_definition->category == 0) {
$create_definition = true;
} else {
//The category isn't 0, so it's a category question dataset_definition, we have to see if it exists
//Look for a definition with the same category, name and type
if ($definitionrec = get_record_sql("SELECT d.*
FROM {$CFG->prefix}question_dataset_definitions d
WHERE d.category = '$dataset_definition->category' AND
d.name = '$dataset_definition->name' AND
d.type = '$dataset_definition->type'")) {
//Such dataset_definition exist. Now we must check if it has enough itemcount
if ($definitionrec->itemcount < $dataset_definition->itemcount) {
//We haven't enough itemcount, so we have to create the definition as an individual question one.
$dataset_definition->category = 0;
$create_definition = true;
} else {
//We have enough itemcount, so we'll reuse the existing definition
$create_definition = false;
$newid = $definitionrec->id;
} else {
//Such dataset_definition doesn't exist. We'll create it.
$create_definition = true;
//If we've to create the definition, do it
if ($create_definition) {
//The structure is equal to the db, so insert the question_dataset_definitions
$newid = insert_record ("question_dataset_definitions",$dataset_definition);
if ($newid) {
//Restore question_dataset_items
$status = quiz_restore_pre15_dataset_items($newid,$dd_info,$restore);
//Now, we must have a definition (created o reused). Its id is in newid. Create the question_datasets record
//to join the question and the dataset_definition
if ($newid) {
$question_dataset->question = $new_question_id;
$question_dataset->datasetdefinition = $newid;
$newid = insert_record ("question_datasets",$question_dataset);
if (!$newid) {
$status = false;
return $status;
function quiz_restore_pre15_dataset_items ($definitionid,$info,$restore) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//Get the items array
$dataset_items = $info['#']['DATASET_ITEMS']['0']['#']['DATASET_ITEM'];
//Iterate over dataset_items
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($dataset_items); $i++) {
$di_info = $dataset_items[$i];
//traverse_xmlize($di_info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//Now, build the question_dataset_ITEMS record structure
$dataset_item->definition = $definitionid;
$dataset_item->itemnumber = backup_todb($di_info['#']['NUMBER']['0']['#']);
$dataset_item->value = backup_todb($di_info['#']['VALUE']['0']['#']);
//The structure is equal to the db, so insert the question_dataset_items
$newid = insert_record ("question_dataset_items",$dataset_item);
if (!$newid) {
$status = false;
return $status;
//STEP 2. Restore quizzes and associated structures
// (course dependent)
function quiz_restore_pre15_mods($mod,$restore) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//Get record from backup_ids
$data = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,$mod->modtype,$mod->id);
if ($data) {
//Now get completed xmlized object
$info = $data->info;
//if necessary, write to restorelog and adjust date/time fields
if ($restore->course_startdateoffset) {
restore_log_date_changes('Quiz', $restore, $info['MOD']['#'], array('TIMEOPEN', 'TIMECLOSE'));
//traverse_xmlize($info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//Now, build the QUIZ record structure
$quiz->course = $restore->course_id;
$quiz->name = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['NAME']['0']['#']);
$quiz->intro = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['INTRO']['0']['#']);
$quiz->timeopen = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['TIMEOPEN']['0']['#']);
$quiz->timeclose = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['TIMECLOSE']['0']['#']);
$quiz->attempts = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['ATTEMPTS_NUMBER']['0']['#']);
$quiz->attemptonlast = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['ATTEMPTONLAST']['0']['#']);
$quiz->feedback = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['FEEDBACK']['0']['#']);
$quiz->correctanswers = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['CORRECTANSWERS']['0']['#']);
$quiz->grademethod = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['GRADEMETHOD']['0']['#']);
if (isset($info['MOD']['#']['DECIMALPOINTS']['0']['#'])) { //Only if it's set, to apply DB default else.
$quiz->decimalpoints = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['DECIMALPOINTS']['0']['#']);
$quiz->review = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['REVIEW']['0']['#']);
$quiz->questionsperpage = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['QUESTIONSPERPAGE']['0']['#']);
$quiz->shufflequestions = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['SHUFFLEQUESTIONS']['0']['#']);
$quiz->shuffleanswers = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['SHUFFLEANSWERS']['0']['#']);
$quiz->questions = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['QUESTIONS']['0']['#']);
$quiz->sumgrades = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['SUMGRADES']['0']['#']);
$quiz->grade = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['GRADE']['0']['#']);
$quiz->timecreated = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['TIMECREATED']['0']['#']);
$quiz->timemodified = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['TIMEMODIFIED']['0']['#']);
$quiz->timelimit = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['TIMELIMIT']['0']['#']);
$quiz->password = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['PASSWORD']['0']['#']);
$quiz->subnet = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['SUBNET']['0']['#']);
$quiz->popup = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['POPUP']['0']['#']);
//We have to recode the questions field (a list of questions id)
$newquestions = array();
if ($questionsarr = explode (",",$quiz->questions)) {
foreach ($questionsarr as $key => $value) {
if ($question = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"question",$value)) {
$newquestions[] = $question->new_id;
$quiz->questions = implode (",", $newquestions);
//Recalculate the questions field to include page breaks if necessary
$quiz->questions = quiz_repaginate($quiz->questions, $quiz->questionsperpage);
//Calculate the new review field contents (logic extracted from upgrade)
if ($quiz->feedback) {
if ($quiz->correctanswers) {
if ($quiz->review & 1) {
if ($quiz->review & 2) {
$review += QUIZ_REVIEW_OPEN;
$quiz->review = $review;
//The structure is equal to the db, so insert the quiz
$newid = insert_record ("quiz",$quiz);
//Do some output
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo "<li>".get_string("modulename","quiz")." \"".format_string(stripslashes($quiz->name),true)."\"</li>";
if ($newid) {
//We have the newid, update backup_ids
$mod->id, $newid);
//We have to restore the quiz_question_instances now (old quiz_question_grades, course level)
$status = quiz_question_instances_restore_pre15_mods($newid,$info,$restore);
//We have to restore the question_versions now (course level table)
$status = quiz_question_versions_restore_pre15_mods($newid,$info,$restore);
//Now check if want to restore user data and do it.
if (restore_userdata_selected($restore,'quiz',$mod->id)) {
//Restore quiz_attempts
$status = quiz_attempts_restore_pre15_mods ($newid,$info,$restore, $quiz->questions);
if ($status) {
//Restore quiz_grades
$status = quiz_grades_restore_pre15_mods ($newid,$info,$restore);
} else {
$status = false;
} else {
$status = false;
return $status;
//This function restores the quiz_question_instances (old quiz_question_grades)
function quiz_question_instances_restore_pre15_mods($quiz_id,$info,$restore) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//Get the quiz_question_grades array
$grades = $info['MOD']['#']['QUESTION_GRADES']['0']['#']['QUESTION_GRADE'];
//Iterate over question_grades
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($grades); $i++) {
$gra_info = $grades[$i];
//traverse_xmlize($gra_info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//We'll need this later!!
$oldid = backup_todb($gra_info['#']['ID']['0']['#']);
//Now, build the QUESTION_GRADES record structure
$grade->quiz = $quiz_id;
$grade->question = backup_todb($gra_info['#']['QUESTION']['0']['#']);
$grade->grade = backup_todb($gra_info['#']['GRADE']['0']['#']);
//We have to recode the question field
$question = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"question",$grade->question);
if ($question) {
$grade->question = $question->new_id;
//The structure is equal to the db, so insert the quiz_question_grades
$newid = insert_record ("quiz_question_instances",$grade);
//Do some output
if (($i+1) % 10 == 0) {
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo ".";
if (($i+1) % 200 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
if ($newid) {
//We have the newid, update backup_ids
} else {
$status = false;
return $status;
//This function restores the quiz_question_versions
function quiz_question_versions_restore_pre15_mods($quiz_id,$info,$restore) {
global $CFG, $USER;
$status = true;
//Get the quiz_question_versions array
$versions = $info['MOD']['#']['QUESTION_VERSIONS']['0']['#']['QUESTION_VERSION'];
//Iterate over question_versions
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($versions); $i++) {
$ver_info = $versions[$i];
//traverse_xmlize($ver_info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//We'll need this later!!
$oldid = backup_todb($ver_info['#']['ID']['0']['#']);
//Now, build the QUESTION_VERSIONS record structure
$version->quiz = $quiz_id;
$version->oldquestion = backup_todb($ver_info['#']['OLDQUESTION']['0']['#']);
$version->newquestion = backup_todb($ver_info['#']['NEWQUESTION']['0']['#']);
$version->userid = backup_todb($ver_info['#']['USERID']['0']['#']);
$version->timestamp = backup_todb($ver_info['#']['TIMESTAMP']['0']['#']);
//We have to recode the oldquestion field
$question = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"question",$version->oldquestion);
if ($question) {
$version->oldquestion = $question->new_id;
//We have to recode the newquestion field
$question = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"question",$version->newquestion);
if ($question) {
$version->newquestion = $question->new_id;
//We have to recode the userid field
$user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$version->userid);
if ($user) {
$version->userid = $user->new_id;
} else { //Assign to current user
$version->userid = $USER->id;
//The structure is equal to the db, so insert the quiz_question_versions
$newid = insert_record ("quiz_question_versions",$version);
//Do some output
if (($i+1) % 10 == 0) {
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo ".";
if (($i+1) % 200 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
if ($newid) {
//We have the newid, update backup_ids
} else {
$status = false;
return $status;
//This function restores the quiz_attempts
function quiz_attempts_restore_pre15_mods($quiz_id,$info,$restore,$quizquestions) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//Get the quiz_attempts array
$attempts = $info['MOD']['#']['ATTEMPTS']['0']['#']['ATTEMPT'];
//Iterate over attempts
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($attempts); $i++) {
$att_info = $attempts[$i];
//traverse_xmlize($att_info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//We'll need this later!!
$oldid = backup_todb($att_info['#']['ID']['0']['#']);
$olduserid = backup_todb($att_info['#']['USERID']['0']['#']);
//Now, build the ATTEMPTS record structure
$attempt->quiz = $quiz_id;
$attempt->userid = backup_todb($att_info['#']['USERID']['0']['#']);
$attempt->attempt = backup_todb($att_info['#']['ATTEMPTNUM']['0']['#']);
$attempt->sumgrades = backup_todb($att_info['#']['SUMGRADES']['0']['#']);
$attempt->timestart = backup_todb($att_info['#']['TIMESTART']['0']['#']);
$attempt->timefinish = backup_todb($att_info['#']['TIMEFINISH']['0']['#']);
$attempt->timemodified = backup_todb($att_info['#']['TIMEMODIFIED']['0']['#']);
//We have to recode the userid field
$user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$attempt->userid);
if ($user) {
$attempt->userid = $user->new_id;
//Set the layout field (inherited from quiz by default)
$attempt->layout = $quizquestions;
//Set the preview field (code from upgrade)
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('quiz', $quiz_id);
if (has_capability('mod/quiz:preview', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id))) {
$attempt->preview = 1;
//Set the uniqueid field
$attempt->uniqueid = question_new_attempt_uniqueid();
//The structure is equal to the db, so insert the quiz_attempts
$newid = insert_record ("quiz_attempts",$attempt);
//Do some output
if (($i+1) % 10 == 0) {
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo ".";
if (($i+1) % 200 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
if ($newid) {
//We have the newid, update backup_ids
//Now process question_states (old quiz_responses table)
$status = question_states_restore_pre15_mods($newid,$att_info,$restore);
} else {
$status = false;
return $status;
//This function restores the question_states (old quiz_responses)
function question_states_restore_pre15_mods($attempt_id,$info,$restore) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//Get the quiz_responses array
$responses = $info['#']['RESPONSES']['0']['#']['RESPONSE'];
//Iterate over responses
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($responses); $i++) {
$res_info = $responses[$i];
//traverse_xmlize($res_info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//We'll need this later!!
$oldid = backup_todb($res_info['#']['ID']['0']['#']);
//Now, build the RESPONSES record structure
$response->attempt = $attempt_id;
$response->question = backup_todb($res_info['#']['QUESTION']['0']['#']);
$response->originalquestion = backup_todb($res_info['#']['ORIGINALQUESTION']['0']['#']);
$response->answer = backup_todb($res_info['#']['ANSWER']['0']['#']);
$response->grade = backup_todb($res_info['#']['GRADE']['0']['#']);
//We have to recode the question field
$question = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"question",$response->question);
if ($question) {
$response->question = $question->new_id;
//We have to recode the originalquestion field
$question = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"question",$response->originalquestion);
if ($question) {
$response->originalquestion = $question->new_id;
//Set the raw_grade field (default to the existing grade one, no penalty in pre15 backups)
$response->raw_grade = $response->grade;
//We have to recode the answer field
//It depends of the question type !!
//We get the question first
$question = get_record("question","id",$response->question);
//It exists
if ($question) {
//Depending of the qtype, we make different recodes
switch ($question->qtype) {
//Nothing to do. The response is a text.
//The answer is one answer id. We must recode it
$answer = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"question_answers",$response->answer);
if ($answer) {
$response->answer = $answer->new_id;
//The answer is a comma separated list of answers. We must recode them
$answer_field = "";
$in_first = true;
$tok = strtok($response->answer,",");
while ($tok) {
//Get the answer from backup_ids
$answer = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"question_answers",$tok);
if ($answer) {
if ($in_first) {
$answer_field .= $answer->new_id;
$in_first = false;
} else {
$answer_field .= ",".$answer->new_id;
//check for next
$tok = strtok(",");
$response->answer = $answer_field;
case 4: //RANDOM QTYPE
//The answer links to another question id, we must recode it
$answer_link = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"question",$response->answer);
if ($answer_link) {
$response->answer = $answer_link->new_id;
case 5: //MATCH QTYPE
//The answer is a comma separated list of hypen separated math_subs (for question and answer)
$answer_field = "";
$in_first = true;
$tok = strtok($response->answer,",");
while ($tok) {
//Extract the match_sub for the question and the answer
$exploded = explode("-",$tok);
$match_question_id = $exploded[0];
$match_answer_id = $exploded[1];
//Get the match_sub from backup_ids (for the question)
$match_que = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"question_match_sub",$match_question_id);
//Get the match_sub from backup_ids (for the answer)
$match_ans = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"question_match_sub",$match_answer_id);
if ($match_que) {
//It the question hasn't response, it must be 0
if (!$match_ans and $match_answer_id == 0) {
$match_ans->new_id = 0;
if ($in_first) {
$answer_field .= $match_que->new_id."-".$match_ans->new_id;
$in_first = false;
} else {
$answer_field .= ",".$match_que->new_id."-".$match_ans->new_id;
//check for next
$tok = strtok(",");
$response->answer = $answer_field;
//The answer is a comma separated list of hypen separated question_id and answer_id. We must recode them
$answer_field = "";
$in_first = true;
$tok = strtok($response->answer,",");
while ($tok) {
//Extract the question_id and the answer_id
$exploded = explode("-",$tok);
$question_id = $exploded[0];
$answer_id = $exploded[1];
//Get the question from backup_ids
$que = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"question",$question_id);
//Get the answer from backup_ids
$ans = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"question_answers",$answer_id);
if ($que) {
//It the question hasn't response, it must be 0
if (!$ans and $answer_id == 0) {
$ans->new_id = 0;
if ($in_first) {
$answer_field .= $que->new_id."-".$ans->new_id;
$in_first = false;
} else {
$answer_field .= ",".$que->new_id."-".$ans->new_id;
//check for next
$tok = strtok(",");
$response->answer = $answer_field;
//Nothing to do (there is no awser to this qtype)
//But this case must exist !!
//Nothing to do. The response is a text.
//The answer is a comma separated list of hypen separated multianswer ids and answers. We must recode them.
//We need to have the sequence of questions here to be able to detect qtypes
$multianswerdb = get_record('question_multianswer','question',$response->question);
//Make an array of sequence to easy access
$sequencearr = explode(",",$multianswerdb->sequence);
$answer_field = "";
$in_first = true;
$tok = strtok($response->answer,",");
$counter = 1;
while ($tok) {
//Extract the multianswer_id and the answer
$exploded = explode("-",$tok);
$multianswer_id = $exploded[0];
$answer = $exploded[1];
//Get position key (if it fails, next iteration)
if ($oldposrec = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,'multianswer-pos',$multianswer_id)) {
$positionkey = $oldposrec->new_id;
} else {
//Next iteration
$tok = strtok(",");
//Calculate question type
$questiondb = get_record('question','id',$sequencearr[$counter-1]);
$questiontype = $questiondb->qtype;
//Now, depending of the answertype field in question_multianswer
//we do diferent things
if ($questiontype == "1") {
//The answer is text, do nothing
} else if ($questiontype == "3") {
//The answer is an answer_id, look for it in backup_ids
$ans = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"question_answers",$answer);
$answer = $ans->new_id;
} else if ($questiontype == "8") {
//The answer is text, do nothing
//Finaly, build the new answer field for each pair
if ($in_first) {
$answer_field .= $positionkey."-".$answer;
$in_first = false;
} else {
$answer_field .= ",".$positionkey."-".$answer;
//check for next
$tok = strtok(",");
$response->answer = $answer_field;
//Nothing to do. The response is a text.
//This is an error (unimplemented qtype)
$status = false;
} else {
$status = false;
//The structure is equal to the db, so insert the question_states
$newid = insert_record ("question_states",$response);
//Do some output
if (($i+1) % 10 == 0) {
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo ".";
if (($i+1) % 200 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
if ($newid) {
//We have the newid, update backup_ids
} else {
$status = false;
return $status;
//This function restores the quiz_grades
function quiz_grades_restore_pre15_mods($quiz_id,$info,$restore) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//Get the quiz_grades array
$grades = $info['MOD']['#']['GRADES']['0']['#']['GRADE'];
//Iterate over grades
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($grades); $i++) {
$gra_info = $grades[$i];
//traverse_xmlize($gra_info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//We'll need this later!!
$oldid = backup_todb($gra_info['#']['ID']['0']['#']);
$olduserid = backup_todb($gra_info['#']['USERID']['0']['#']);
//Now, build the GRADES record structure
$grade->quiz = $quiz_id;
$grade->userid = backup_todb($gra_info['#']['USERID']['0']['#']);
$grade->grade = backup_todb($gra_info['#']['GRADEVAL']['0']['#']);
$grade->timemodified = backup_todb($gra_info['#']['TIMEMODIFIED']['0']['#']);
//We have to recode the userid field
$user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$grade->userid);
if ($user) {
$grade->userid = $user->new_id;
//The structure is equal to the db, so insert the quiz_grades
$newid = insert_record ("quiz_grades",$grade);
//Do some output
if (($i+1) % 10 == 0) {
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo ".";
if (($i+1) % 200 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
if ($newid) {
//We have the newid, update backup_ids
} else {
$status = false;
return $status;
//This function converts texts in FORMAT_WIKI to FORMAT_MARKDOWN for
//some texts in the module
function quiz_restore_pre15_wiki2markdown ($restore) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//Convert question->questiontext
if ($records = get_records_sql ("SELECT q.id, q.questiontext, q.questiontextformat
FROM {$CFG->prefix}question q,
{$CFG->prefix}backup_ids b
WHERE b.backup_code = $restore->backup_unique_code AND
b.table_name = 'question' AND
q.id = b.new_id AND
q.questiontextformat = ".FORMAT_WIKI)) {
foreach ($records as $record) {
//Rebuild wiki links
$record->questiontext = restore_decode_wiki_content($record->questiontext, $restore);
//Convert to Markdown
$wtm = new WikiToMarkdown();
$record->questiontext = $wtm->convert($record->questiontext, $restore->course_id);
$record->questiontextformat = FORMAT_MARKDOWN;
$status = update_record('question', addslashes_object($record));
//Do some output
if (($i+1) % 1 == 0) {
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo ".";
if (($i+1) % 20 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
return $status;
//This function returns a log record with all the necessay transformations
//done. It's used by restore_log_module() to restore modules log.
function quiz_restore_pre15_logs($restore,$log) {
$status = false;
//Depending of the action, we recode different things
switch ($log->action) {
case "add":
if ($log->cmid) {
//Get the new_id of the module (to recode the info field)
$mod = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,$log->module,$log->info);
if ($mod) {
$log->url = "view.php?id=".$log->cmid;
$log->info = $mod->new_id;
$status = true;
case "update":
if ($log->cmid) {
//Get the new_id of the module (to recode the info field)
$mod = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,$log->module,$log->info);
if ($mod) {
$log->url = "view.php?id=".$log->cmid;
$log->info = $mod->new_id;
$status = true;
case "view":
if ($log->cmid) {
//Get the new_id of the module (to recode the info field)
$mod = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,$log->module,$log->info);
if ($mod) {
$log->url = "view.php?id=".$log->cmid;
$log->info = $mod->new_id;
$status = true;
case "view all":
$log->url = "index.php?id=".$log->course;
$status = true;
case "report":
if ($log->cmid) {
//Get the new_id of the module (to recode the info field)
$mod = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,$log->module,$log->info);
if ($mod) {
$log->url = "report.php?id=".$log->cmid;
$log->info = $mod->new_id;
$status = true;
case "attempt":
if ($log->cmid) {
//Get the new_id of the module (to recode the info field)
$mod = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,$log->module,$log->info);
if ($mod) {
//Extract the attempt id from the url field
$attid = substr(strrchr($log->url,"="),1);
//Get the new_id of the attempt (to recode the url field)
$att = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"quiz_attempts",$attid);
if ($att) {
$log->url = "review.php?id=".$log->cmid."&attempt=".$att->new_id;
$log->info = $mod->new_id;
$status = true;
case "submit":
if ($log->cmid) {
//Get the new_id of the module (to recode the info field)
$mod = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,$log->module,$log->info);
if ($mod) {
//Extract the attempt id from the url field
$attid = substr(strrchr($log->url,"="),1);
//Get the new_id of the attempt (to recode the url field)
$att = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"quiz_attempts",$attid);
if ($att) {
$log->url = "review.php?id=".$log->cmid."&attempt=".$att->new_id;
$log->info = $mod->new_id;
$status = true;
case "review":
if ($log->cmid) {
//Get the new_id of the module (to recode the info field)
$mod = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,$log->module,$log->info);
if ($mod) {
//Extract the attempt id from the url field
$attid = substr(strrchr($log->url,"="),1);
//Get the new_id of the attempt (to recode the url field)
$att = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"quiz_attempts",$attid);
if ($att) {
$log->url = "review.php?id=".$log->cmid."&attempt=".$att->new_id;
$log->info = $mod->new_id;
$status = true;
case "editquestions":
if ($log->cmid) {
//Get the new_id of the module (to recode the url field)
$mod = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,$log->module,$log->info);
if ($mod) {
$log->url = "view.php?id=".$log->cmid;
$log->info = $mod->new_id;
$status = true;
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo "action (".$log->module."-".$log->action.") unknow. Not restored<br />"; //Debug
if ($status) {
$status = $log;
return $status;