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synced 2025-03-09 18:30:03 +01:00
-------------- Brand-new pagelib.php at your disposal! It slices, it dices, it makes your coffee. It still doesn't understand women... Read the comments in pagelib.php for a first impression. Feedback highly encouraged! Blocks code has undergone significant changes to work with Pages. Flexibility is its middle name, since I think (without having tried it) that adding e.g. a third placeholder for "center" blocks in courses, with full support for moving around etc, will now take about 15 lines of new or edited code. If you are not impressed yet, I suggest watching a documentary on solar physics. :P MINOR CHANGES: -------------- Added instance_allow_config() in the blocks class hierarchy to supplement per-instance configuration options. You can override it to return true and thus get configuration amenities without allowing multiple instances. Minor polishing to comments and documentation (whatever caught my eye was game). Tightened up some code here and there by utilizing all the new features. BUGFIXES: --------- A bug in restore_execute.html caused hidden blocks to not be restored at all.
386 lines
15 KiB
386 lines
15 KiB
<?php //$Id$
//This page receives the required info and executes the restore
//with the parameters suplied. Whe finished, delete temporary
//data from backup_tables and temp directory
//Get objects from session
if ($SESSION) {
$info = $SESSION->info;
$course_header = $SESSION->course_header;
$restore = $SESSION->restore;
//Add info->original_wwwroot to $restore to be able to use it in all the restore process
//(mainly when decoding internal links)
$restore->original_wwwroot = $info->original_wwwroot;
//Check login
//Check admin
if (!empty($id)) {
if (!isteacheredit($id)) {
error("You need to be a teacher or admin user to use this page.", "$CFG->wwwroot/login/index.php");
} else {
if (!isadmin()) {
error("You need to be an admin user to use this page.", "$CFG->wwwroot/login/index.php");
//Check site
if (!$site = get_site()) {
error("Site not found!");
//Checks for the required files/functions to restore every module
//and include them
if ($allmods = get_records("modules") ) {
foreach ($allmods as $mod) {
$modname = $mod->name;
$modfile = "$CFG->dirroot/mod/$modname/restorelib.php";
//If file exists and we have selected to restore that type of module
if ((file_exists($modfile)) and ($restore->mods[$modname]->restore)) {
//Start the main table
echo "<table cellpadding=\"5\">";
echo "<tr><td>";
//Start the main ul
echo "<ul>";
//Init status
$status = true;
//Localtion of the xml file
$xml_file = $CFG->dataroot."/temp/backup/".$restore->backup_unique_code."/moodle.xml";
//If we've selected to restore into new course
//create it (course)
//Saving conversion id variables into backup_tables
if ($restore->restoreto == 2) {
echo "<li>".get_string("creatingnewcourse");
if (!$status = restore_create_new_course($restore,$course_header)) {
notify("Error while creating the new empty course.");
//Print course fullname and shortname and category
if ($status) {
echo "<ul>";
echo "<li>".$course_header->course_fullname." (".$course_header->course_shortname.")";
echo "<li>".get_string("category").": ".$course_header->category->name;
echo "</ul>";
//Put the destination course_id
$restore->course_id = $course_header->course_id;
} else {
$course = get_record("course","id",$restore->course_id);
if ($course) {
echo "<li>".get_string("usingexistingcourse");
echo "<ul>";
echo "<li>".get_string("from").": ".$course_header->course_fullname." (".$course_header->course_shortname.")";
echo "<li>".get_string("to").": ".$course->fullname." (".$course->shortname.")";
if (($restore->deleting)) {
echo "<li>".get_string("deletingexistingcoursedata");
} else {
echo "<li>".get_string("addingdatatoexisting");
echo "</ul>";
//If we have selected to restore deleting, we do it now.
if ($restore->deleting) {
echo "<li>".get_string("deletingolddata");
$status = remove_course_contents($restore->course_id,false) and
if ($status) {
//Now , this situation is equivalent to the "restore to new course" one (we
//have a course record and nothing more), so define it as "to new course"
$restore->restoreto = 2;
} else {
notify("An error occurred while deleting some of the course contents.");
} else {
notify("Error opening existing course.");
$status = false;
//Bring back the course blocks
if($status) {
echo '<li>'.get_string('creatingblocks');
//If we are deleting and bringing into a course or making a new course, same situation
if($restore->restoreto == 0 || $restore->restoreto == 2) {
delete_records('block_instance', 'pageid', $course_header->course_id, 'pagetype', MOODLE_PAGE_COURSE);
if (empty($info->backup_block_format)) { // This is a backup from Moodle < 1.5
if (empty($course_header->blockinfo)) {
// Looks like it's from Moodle < 1.3. Let's give the course default blocks...
$newpage = MoodlePage::create_object(MOODLE_PAGE_COURSE, $course_header->course_id);
} else {
// We just have a blockinfo field, this is a legacy 1.4 or 1.3 backup
$blockrecords = get_records_select('block', '', '', 'name, id');
$temp_blocks_l = array();
$temp_blocks_r = array();
@list($temp_blocks_l, $temp_blocks_r) = explode(':', $course_header->blockinfo);
$temp_blocks = array(BLOCK_POS_LEFT => explode(',', $temp_blocks_l), BLOCK_POS_RIGHT => explode(',', $temp_blocks_r));
foreach($temp_blocks as $blockposition => $blocks) {
$blockweight = 0;
foreach($blocks as $blockname) {
if(!isset($blockrecords[$blockname])) {
// We don't know anything about this block!
$blockinstance = new stdClass;
// Remove any - prefix before doing the name-to-id mapping
if(substr($blockname, 0, 1) == '-') {
$blockname = substr($blockname, 1);
$blockinstance->visible = 0;
else {
$blockinstance->visible = 1;
$blockinstance->blockid = $blockrecords[$blockname]->id;
$blockinstance->pageid = $course_header->course_id;
$blockinstance->pagetype = MOODLE_PAGE_COURSE;
$blockinstance->position = $blockposition;
$blockinstance->weight = $blockweight;
if(!$status = insert_record('block_instance', $blockinstance)) {
notify('Error while creating the course blocks');
else if($info->backup_block_format == 'instances') {
if(!$status = restore_create_block_instances($restore,$xml_file)) {
notify('Error while creating the course blocks');
//Otherwise we are adding the backup into an existing course; do nothing
else {
//Now create the course_sections and their associated course_modules
if ($status) {
//Into new course
if ($restore->restoreto == 2) {
echo "<li>".get_string("creatingsections");
if (!$status = restore_create_sections($restore,$xml_file)) {
notify("Error creating sections in the existing course.");
//Into existing course
} else if ($restore->restoreto == 0 or $restore->restoreto == 1) {
echo "<li>".get_string("checkingsections");
if (!$status = restore_create_sections($restore,$xml_file)) {
notify("Error creating sections in the existing course.");
} else {
notify("Neither a new course or an existing one was specified.");
$status = false;
//Now create users as needed
if ($status and ($restore->users == 0 or $restore->users == 1)) {
echo "<li>".get_string("creatingusers")."<br />";
if (!$status = restore_create_users($restore,$xml_file)) {
notify("Could not restore users.");
//Now print info about the work done
if ($status) {
$recs = get_records_sql("select old_id, new_id from {$CFG->prefix}backup_ids
where backup_code = '$restore->backup_unique_code' and
table_name = 'user'");
//We've records
if ($recs) {
$new_count = 0;
$exists_count = 0;
$student_count = 0;
$teacher_count = 0;
$counter = 0;
//Iterate, filling counters
foreach ($recs as $rec) {
//Get full record, using backup_getids
$record = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$rec->old_id);
if (strpos($record->info,"new") !== false) {
if (strpos($record->info,"exists") !== false) {
if (strpos($record->info,"student") !== false) {
} else if (strpos($record->info,"teacher") !== false) {
//Do some output
if ($counter % 10 == 0) {
echo ".";
if ($counter % 200 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
//Now print information gathered
echo " (".get_string("new").": ".$new_count.", ".get_string("existing").": ".$exists_count.")";
echo "<ul>";
echo "<li>".get_string("students").": ".$student_count;
echo "<li>".get_string("teachers").": ".$teacher_count;
echo "</ul>";
} else {
notify("No users were found!");
//Now create categories and questions as needed (STEP1)
if ($status and ($restore->mods['quiz']->restore)) {
echo "<li>".get_string("creatingcategoriesandquestions")."<br />";
if (!$status = restore_create_questions($restore,$xml_file)) {
notify("Could not restore categories and questions!");
//Now create user_files as needed
if ($status and ($restore->user_files)) {
echo "<li>".get_string("copyinguserfiles")."<br />";
if (!$status = restore_user_files($restore)) {
notify("Could not restore user files!");
//If all is ok (and we have a counter)
if ($status and ($status !== true)) {
//Inform about user dirs created from backup
echo "<ul>";
echo "<li>".get_string("userzones").": ".$status;
echo "</ul>";
//Now create course files as needed
if ($status and ($restore->course_files)) {
echo "<li>".get_string("copyingcoursefiles")."<br />";
if (!$status = restore_course_files($restore)) {
notify("Could not restore course files!");
//If all is ok (and we have a counter)
if ($status and ($status !== true)) {
//Inform about user dirs created from backup
echo "<ul>";
echo "<li>".get_string("filesfolders").": ".$status;
echo "</ul>";
//Now create scales as needed
if ($status) {
echo "<li>".get_string("creatingscales");
if (!$status = restore_create_scales($restore,$xml_file)) {
notify("Could not restore custom scales!");
//Now create groups as needed
if ($status) {
echo "<li>".get_string("creatinggroups");
if (!$status = restore_create_groups($restore,$xml_file)) {
notify("Could not restore groups!");
//Now create events as needed
if ($status) {
echo "<li>".get_string("creatingevents");
if (!$status = restore_create_events($restore,$xml_file)) {
notify("Could not restore course events!");
//Now create course modules as needed
if ($status) {
echo "<li>".get_string("creatingcoursemodules");
if (!$status = restore_create_modules($restore,$xml_file)) {
notify("Could not restore modules!");
//Now create log entries as needed
if ($status and ($restore->logs)) {
echo "<li>".get_string("creatinglogentries");
if (!$status = restore_create_logs($restore,$xml_file)) {
notify("Could not restore logs!");
//Now, if all is OK, adjust the instance field in course_modules !!
if ($status) {
echo "<li>".get_string("checkinginstances");
if (!$status = restore_check_instances($restore)) {
notify("Could not adjust instances in course_modules!");
//Now, if all is OK, adjust activity events
if ($status) {
echo "<li>".get_string("refreshingevents");
if (!$status = restore_refresh_events($restore)) {
notify("Could not refresh events for activities!");
//Now, if all is OK, adjust inter-activity links
if ($status) {
echo "<li>".get_string("decodinginternallinks");
if (!$status = restore_decode_content_links($restore)) {
notify("Could not refresh events for activities!");
//Now if all is OK, update:
// - course modinfo field
// - categories table
if ($status) {
echo "<li>".get_string("checkingcourse");
//modinfo field
//categories table
$course = get_record("course","id",$restore->course_id);
//Cleanup temps (files and db)
if ($status) {
echo "<li>".get_string("cleaningtempdata");
if (!$status = clean_temp_data ($restore)) {
notify("Could not clean up temporary data from files and database");
//End the main ul
echo "</ul>";
//End the main table
echo "</tr></td>";
echo "</table>";
if (!$status) {
error ("An error has occurred and the restore could not be completed!");
//Print final message