mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 23:09:37 +01:00
Not done: - forum (the rest of the module isn't using files api yet) - database mod (touches other parts of the code (ods and excel libs) - portfolio download plugin (needs discussion with petr about userfiles) all of these have been disabled in the meantime.
779 lines
26 KiB
779 lines
26 KiB
<?php // $Id$
global $RESOURCE_WINDOW_OPTIONS; // must be global because it might be included from a function!
$RESOURCE_WINDOW_OPTIONS = array('resizable', 'scrollbars', 'directories', 'location',
'menubar', 'toolbar', 'status', 'width', 'height');
if (!isset($CFG->resource_hide_repository)) {
set_config("resource_hide_repository", "1");
* resource_base is the base class for resource types
* This class provides all the functionality for a resource
class resource_base {
var $cm;
var $course;
var $resource;
var $navlinks;
* Constructor for the base resource class
* Constructor for the base resource class.
* If cmid is set create the cm, course, resource objects.
* and do some checks to make sure people can be here, and so on.
* @param cmid integer, the current course module id - not set for new resources
function resource_base($cmid=0) {
global $CFG, $COURSE, $DB;
$this->navlinks = array();
if ($cmid) {
if (! $this->cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('resource', $cmid)) {
if (! $this->course = $DB->get_record("course", array("id"=>$this->cm->course))) {
if (! $this->resource = $DB->get_record("resource", array("id"=>$this->cm->instance))) {
print_error('invalidid', 'resource');
$this->strresource = get_string("modulename", "resource");
$this->strresources = get_string("modulenameplural", "resource");
if (!$this->cm->visible and !has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddenactivities', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $this->cm->id))) {
$pagetitle = strip_tags($this->course->shortname.': '.$this->strresource);
$navigation = build_navigation($this->navlinks, $this->cm);
print_header($pagetitle, $this->course->fullname, $navigation, "", "", true, '', navmenu($this->course, $this->cm));
notice(get_string("activityiscurrentlyhidden"), "$CFG->wwwroot/course/view.php?id={$this->course->id}");
} else {
$this->course = $COURSE;
* Display function does nothing in the base class
function display() {
* Display the resource with the course blocks.
function display_course_blocks_start() {
global $CFG, $USER, $THEME;
require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/course/lib.php'); //required by some blocks
$PAGE = page_create_object(PAGE_COURSE_VIEW, $this->course->id);
$this->PAGE = $PAGE;
$pageblocks = blocks_setup($PAGE);
$blocks_preferred_width = bounded_number(180, blocks_preferred_width($pageblocks[BLOCK_POS_LEFT]), 210);
/// Print the page header
$edit = optional_param('edit', -1, PARAM_BOOL);
if (($edit != -1) and $PAGE->user_allowed_editing()) {
$USER->editing = $edit;
$morenavlinks = array($this->strresources => 'index.php?id='.$this->course->id,
$this->resource->name => '');
$PAGE->print_header($this->course->shortname.': %fullname%', $morenavlinks, "", "",
update_module_button($this->cm->id, $this->course->id, $this->strresource));
echo '<table id="layout-table"><tr>';
$lt = (empty($THEME->layouttable)) ? array('left', 'middle', 'right') : $THEME->layouttable;
foreach ($lt as $column) {
$lt1[] = $column;
if ($column == 'middle') break;
foreach ($lt1 as $column) {
switch ($column) {
case 'left':
if((blocks_have_content($pageblocks, BLOCK_POS_LEFT) || $PAGE->user_is_editing())) {
echo '<td style="width: '.$blocks_preferred_width.'px;" id="left-column">';
blocks_print_group($PAGE, $pageblocks, BLOCK_POS_LEFT);
echo '</td>';
case 'middle':
echo '<td id="middle-column">';
print_container_start(false, 'middle-column-wrap');
echo '<div id="resource">';
case 'right':
if((blocks_have_content($pageblocks, BLOCK_POS_RIGHT) || $PAGE->user_is_editing())) {
echo '<td style="width: '.$blocks_preferred_width.'px;" id="right-column">';
blocks_print_group($PAGE, $pageblocks, BLOCK_POS_RIGHT);
echo '</td>';
* Finish displaying the resource with the course blocks
function display_course_blocks_end() {
global $CFG, $THEME;
$PAGE = $this->PAGE;
$pageblocks = blocks_setup($PAGE);
$blocks_preferred_width = bounded_number(180, blocks_preferred_width($pageblocks[BLOCK_POS_RIGHT]), 210);
$lt = (empty($THEME->layouttable)) ? array('left', 'middle', 'right') : $THEME->layouttable;
foreach ($lt as $column) {
if ($column != 'middle') {
} else if ($column == 'middle') {
foreach ($lt as $column) {
switch ($column) {
case 'left':
if((blocks_have_content($pageblocks, BLOCK_POS_LEFT) || $PAGE->user_is_editing())) {
echo '<td style="width: '.$blocks_preferred_width.'px;" id="left-column">';
blocks_print_group($PAGE, $pageblocks, BLOCK_POS_LEFT);
echo '</td>';
case 'middle':
echo '</div>';
echo '</td>';
case 'right':
if((blocks_have_content($pageblocks, BLOCK_POS_RIGHT) || $PAGE->user_is_editing())) {
echo '<td style="width: '.$blocks_preferred_width.'px;" id="right-column">';
blocks_print_group($PAGE, $pageblocks, BLOCK_POS_RIGHT);
echo '</td>';
echo '</tr></table>';
function add_instance($resource) {
global $DB;
// Given an object containing all the necessary data,
// (defined by the form in mod_form.php) this function
// will create a new instance and return the id number
// of the new instance.
$resource->timemodified = time();
return $DB->insert_record("resource", $resource);
function update_instance($resource) {
global $DB;
// Given an object containing all the necessary data,
// (defined by the form in mod_form.php) this function
// will update an existing instance with new data.
$resource->id = $resource->instance;
$resource->timemodified = time();
return $DB->update_record("resource", $resource);
function delete_instance($resource) {
global $DB;
// Given an object containing the resource data
// this function will permanently delete the instance
// and any data that depends on it.
$result = true;
if (! $DB->delete_records("resource", array("id"=>$resource->id))) {
$result = false;
return $result;
function setup_elements(&$mform) {
//override to add your own options
function setup_preprocessing(&$default_values){
//override to add your own options
function portfolio_prepare_package_uploaded($exporter) {
// @todo penny implement later - see MDL-15758
function portfolio_prepare_package_online($exporter, $text=false) {
$filename = clean_filename($this->cm->name . '.' . (($text) ? 'txt' : 'html'));
$formatoptions = (object)array('noclean' => true);
$format = (($text) ? FORMAT_MOODLE : FORMAT_HTML);
$content = format_text($this->resource->alltext, $format, $formatoptions, $this->course->id);
return $exporter->write_new_file($content, $filename);
function portfolio_get_sha1_online($text=false) {
$formatoptions = (object)array('noclean' => true);
$format = (($text) ? FORMAT_MOODLE : FORMAT_HTML);
$content = format_text($this->resource->alltext, $format, $formatoptions, $this->course->id);
return sha1($content);
function portfolio_get_sha1_uploaded() {
// @todo penny implement later.
} /// end of class definition
function resource_add_instance($resource) {
global $CFG;
$resource->type = clean_param($resource->type, PARAM_SAFEDIR); // Just to be safe
$resourceclass = "resource_$resource->type";
$res = new $resourceclass();
return $res->add_instance($resource);
function resource_update_instance($resource) {
global $CFG;
$resource->type = clean_param($resource->type, PARAM_SAFEDIR); // Just to be safe
$resourceclass = "resource_$resource->type";
$res = new $resourceclass();
return $res->update_instance($resource);
function resource_delete_instance($id) {
global $CFG, $DB;
if (! $resource = $DB->get_record("resource", array("id"=>$id))) {
return false;
$resource->type = clean_param($resource->type, PARAM_SAFEDIR); // Just to be safe
$resourceclass = "resource_$resource->type";
$res = new $resourceclass();
return $res->delete_instance($resource);
function resource_user_outline($course, $user, $mod, $resource) {
global $DB;
if ($logs = $DB->get_records("log", array('userid'=>$user->id, 'module'=>'resource',
'action'=>'view', 'info'=>$resource->id), "time ASC")) {
$numviews = count($logs);
$lastlog = array_pop($logs);
$result = new object();
$result->info = get_string("numviews", "", $numviews);
$result->time = $lastlog->time;
return $result;
return NULL;
function resource_user_complete($course, $user, $mod, $resource) {
global $CFG, $DB;
if ($logs = $DB->get_records("log", array('userid'=>$user->id, 'module'=>'resource',
'action'=>'view', 'info'=>$resource->id), "time ASC")) {
$numviews = count($logs);
$lastlog = array_pop($logs);
$strmostrecently = get_string("mostrecently");
$strnumviews = get_string("numviews", "", $numviews);
echo "$strnumviews - $strmostrecently ".userdate($lastlog->time);
} else {
print_string("neverseen", "resource");
function resource_get_participants($resourceid) {
//Returns the users with data in one resource
//(NONE, byt must exists on EVERY mod !!)
return false;
function resource_get_coursemodule_info($coursemodule) {
/// Given a course_module object, this function returns any
/// "extra" information that may be needed when printing
/// this activity in a course listing.
/// See get_array_of_activities() in course/lib.php
global $CFG, $DB;
$info = NULL;
if ($resource = $DB->get_record("resource", array("id"=>$coursemodule->instance), 'id, popup, reference, type, name')) {
$info = new object();
$info->name = $resource->name;
if (!empty($resource->popup)) {
$info->extra = urlencode("onclick=\"this.target='resource$resource->id'; return ".
if ($resource->type == 'file') {
$icon = mimeinfo("icon", $resource->reference);
if ($icon != 'unknown.gif') {
$info->icon ="f/$icon";
} else {
$info->icon ="f/web.gif";
} else if ($resource->type == 'directory') {
$info->icon ="f/folder.gif";
return $info;
function resource_fetch_remote_file ($cm, $url, $headers = "" ) {
/// Snoopy is an HTTP client in PHP
global $CFG;
$client = new Snoopy();
$ua = 'Moodle/'. $CFG->release . ' (+http://moodle.org';
if ( $CFG->resource_usecache ) {
$ua = $ua . ')';
} else {
$ua = $ua . '; No cache)';
$client->agent = $ua;
$client->read_timeout = 5;
$client->use_gzip = true;
if (is_array($headers) ) {
$client->rawheaders = $headers;
if ( $client->status >= 200 && $client->status < 300 ) {
$tags = array("A" => "href=",
"IMG" => "src=",
"LINK" => "href=",
"AREA" => "href=",
"FRAME" => "src=",
"IFRAME" => "src=",
"FORM" => "action=");
foreach ($tags as $tag => $key) {
$prefix = "fetch.php?id=$cm->id&url=";
if ( $tag == "IMG" or $tag == "LINK" or $tag == "FORM") {
$prefix = "";
$client->results = resource_redirect_tags($client->results, $url, $tag, $key,$prefix);
} else {
if ( $client->status >= 400 && $client->status < 500) {
$client->results = get_string("fetchclienterror","resource"); // Client error
} elseif ( $client->status >= 500 && $client->status < 600) {
$client->results = get_string("fetchservererror","resource"); // Server error
} else {
$client->results = get_string("fetcherror","resource"); // Redirection? HEAD? Unknown error.
return $client;
function resource_redirect_tags($text, $url, $tagtoparse, $keytoparse,$prefix = "" ) {
$valid = 1;
if ( strpos($url,"?") == FALSE ) {
$valid = 1;
if ( $valid ) {
$lastpoint = strrpos($url,".");
$lastslash = strrpos($url,"/");
if ( $lastpoint > $lastslash ) {
$root = substr($url,0,$lastslash+1);
} else {
$root = $url;
if ( $root == "http://" or
$root == "https://") {
$root = $url;
if ( substr($root,strlen($root)-1) == '/' ) {
$root = substr($root,0,-1);
$mainroot = $root;
$lastslash = strrpos($mainroot,"/");
while ( $lastslash > 9) {
$mainroot = substr($mainroot,0,$lastslash);
$lastslash = strrpos($mainroot,"/");
$regex = "/<$tagtoparse (.+?)>/is";
$count = preg_match_all($regex, $text, $hrefs);
for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$tag = $hrefs[1][$i];
$poshref = strpos(strtolower($tag),strtolower($keytoparse));
$start = $poshref + strlen($keytoparse);
$left = substr($tag,0,$start);
if ( $tag[$start] == '"' ) {
$left .= '"';
$posspace = strpos($tag," ", $start+1);
$right = "";
if ( $posspace != FALSE) {
$right = substr($tag, $posspace);
$end = strlen($tag)-1;
if ( $tag[$end] == '"' ) {
$right = '"' . $right;
$finalurl = substr($tag,$start,$end-$start+$diff);
// Here, we could have these possible values for $finalurl:
// file.ext Add current root dir
// http://(domain) don't care
// http://(domain)/ don't care
// http://(domain)/folder don't care
// http://(domain)/folder/ don't care
// http://(domain)/folder/file.ext don't care
// folder/ Add current root dir
// folder/file.ext Add current root dir
// /folder/ Add main root dir
// /folder/file.ext Add main root dir
// Special case: If finalurl contains a ?, it won't be parsed
$valid = 1;
if ( strpos($finalurl,"?") == FALSE ) {
$valid = 1;
if ( $valid ) {
if ( $finalurl[0] == "/" ) {
$finalurl = $mainroot . $finalurl;
} elseif ( strtolower(substr($finalurl,0,7)) != "http://" and
strtolower(substr($finalurl,0,8)) != "https://") {
if ( $finalurl[0] == "/") {
$finalurl = $mainroot . $finalurl;
} else {
$finalurl = "$root/$finalurl";
$text = str_replace($tag,"$left$prefix$finalurl$right",$text);
return $text;
function resource_is_url($path) {
if (strpos($path, '://')) { // eg http:// https:// ftp:// etc
return true;
if (strpos($path, '/') === 0) { // Starts with slash
return true;
return false;
function resource_get_types() {
global $CFG;
$types = array();
$standardresources = array('text','html','file','directory');
foreach ($standardresources as $resourcetype) {
$type = new object();
$type->modclass = MOD_CLASS_RESOURCE;
$type->name = $resourcetype;
$type->type = "resource&type=$resourcetype";
$type->typestr = get_string("resourcetype$resourcetype", 'resource');
$types[] = $type;
/// Drop-in extra resource types
$resourcetypes = get_list_of_plugins('mod/resource/type');
foreach ($resourcetypes as $resourcetype) {
if (!empty($CFG->{'resource_hide_'.$resourcetype})) { // Not wanted
if (!in_array($resourcetype, $standardresources)) {
$type = new object();
$type->modclass = MOD_CLASS_RESOURCE;
$type->name = $resourcetype;
$type->type = "resource&type=$resourcetype";
$type->typestr = get_string("resourcetype$resourcetype", 'resource');
$types[] = $type;
return $types;
function resource_get_view_actions() {
return array('view','view all');
function resource_get_post_actions() {
return array();
function resource_renamefiles($course, $wdir, $oldname, $name) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$status = '<p align=\"center\"><strong>'.get_string('affectedresources', 'resource').':</strong><ul>';
$updates = false;
$old = trim($wdir.'/'.$oldname, '/');
$new = trim($wdir.'/'.$name, '/');
$sql = "SELECT r.id, r.reference, r.name, cm.id AS cmid
FROM {resource} r, {course_modules} cm, {modules} m
WHERE r.course = :courseid
AND m.name = 'resource'
AND cm.module = m.id
AND cm.instance = r.id
AND (r.type = 'file' OR r.type = 'directory')
AND (r.reference LIKE :old1 OR r.reference = :old2)";
$params = array('courseid'=>$course->id, 'old1'=>"{$old}/%", 'old2'=>$old);
if ($resources = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params)) {
foreach ($resources as $resource) {
$r = new object();
$r->id = $resource->id;
$r->reference = '';
if ($resource->reference == $old) {
$r->reference = $new;
} else {
$r->reference = preg_replace('|^'.preg_quote($old, '|').'/|', $new.'/', $resource->reference);
if ($r->reference !== '') {
$updates = true;
$status .= "<li><a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/resource/view.php?id=$resource->cmid\" target=\"_blank\">$resource->name</a>: $resource->reference ==> $r->reference</li>";
if (!empty($CFG->resource_autofilerename)) {
if (!$DB->update_record('resource', $r)) {
print_error('cannotupdate', 'resource');
$status .= '</ul></p>';
if ($updates) {
echo $status;
if (empty($CFG->resource_autofilerename)) {
notify(get_string('warningdisabledrename', 'resource'));
function resource_delete_warning($course, $files) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$found = array();
foreach($files as $key=>$file) {
$files[$key] = trim($file, '/');
$sql = "SELECT r.id, r.reference, r.name, cm.id AS cmid
FROM {resource} r,
{course_modules} cm,
{modules} m
WHERE r.course = ?
AND m.name = 'resource'
AND cm.module = m.id
AND cm.instance = r.id
AND (r.type = 'file' OR r.type = 'directory')";
if ($resources = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array($course->id))) {
foreach ($resources as $resource) {
if ($resource->reference == '') {
continue; // top shared directory does not prevent anything
if (in_array($resource->reference, $files)) {
$found[$resource->id] = $resource;
} else {
foreach($files as $file) {
if (preg_match('|^'.preg_quote($file, '|').'/|', $resource->reference)) {
$found[$resource->id] = $resource;
if (!empty($found)) {
echo '<p><strong>'.get_string('affectedresources', 'resource').':</strong><ul>';
foreach($found as $resource) {
echo "<li><a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/resource/view.php?id=$resource->cmid\" target=\"_blank\">$resource->name</a>: $resource->reference</li>";
echo '</ul></p>';
return true;
} else {
return false;
* This function is used by the reset_course_userdata function in moodlelib.
* @param $data the data submitted from the reset course.
* @return array status array
function resource_reset_userdata($data) {
return array();
* Returns all other caps used in module
function resource_get_extra_capabilities() {
return array('moodle/site:accessallgroups');
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/portfoliolib.php');
class resource_portfolio_caller extends portfolio_module_caller_base {
private $resource;
private $resourcefile;
public function __construct($callbackargs) {
global $CFG;
global $DB;
if (!array_key_exists('id', $callbackargs) || !$this->cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('resource', $callbackargs['id'])) {
$this->cm->type = $DB->get_field('resource', 'type', array('id' => $this->cm->instance));
$resourceclass = 'resource_'. $this->cm->type;
$this->resourcefile = $CFG->dirroot.'/mod/resource/type/'.$this->cm->type.'/resource.class.php';
$this->resource= new $resourceclass($this->cm->id);
public function __wakeup() {
global $CFG;
if (empty($CFG)) {
return; // too early yet
$this->resource = unserialize(serialize($this->resource));
public function expected_time() {
// @todo penny check filesize if the type is uploadey
public function prepare_package() {
return $this->resource->portfolio_prepare_package($this->exporter);
public function check_permissions() {
return true;
public static function add_button($resource, $fullform=true, $return=false) {
// @todo penny can we put the capability check in here?
if (!is_callable(array($resource, 'portfolio_prepare_package')) || !is_callable(array($resource, 'portfolio_get_sha1'))) {
debugging(get_string('portfolionotimplemented', 'resource'));
return false;
return portfolio_add_button('resource_portfolio_caller', array('id' => $resource->cm->instance), '/mod/resource/lib.php', $fullform, $return);
public function get_sha1() {
return $this->resource->portfolio_get_sha1();
public static function display_name() {
return get_string('modulename', 'resource');
* @param string $feature FEATURE_xx constant for requested feature
* @return mixed True if module supports feature, null if doesn't know
function resource_supports($feature) {
switch($feature) {
default: return null;