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523 lines
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<?php //$Id$
* This class provides the main entry point for other code wishing to get
* information about files.
* The whole file storage for a Moodle site can be seen as a huge virtual tree.
* The spine of the tree is the tree of contexts (system, course-categories,
* courses, modules, also users). Then, within each context, there may be any number of
* file areas, and a file area contains folders and files. The various file_info
* subclasses return info about the things in this tree. They should be obtained
* from an instance of this class.
class file_browser {
* Looks up file_info object
* @param object $context
* @param string $filearea
* @param int $itemid
* @param string $filepath
* @param string $filename
* @return object file_info object or null if not found or access not allowed
public function get_file_info($context, $filearea=null, $itemid=null, $filepath=null, $filename=null) {
switch ($context->contextlevel) {
return $this->get_file_info_system($context, $filearea, $itemid, $filepath, $filename);
return $this->get_file_info_user($context, $filearea, $itemid, $filepath, $filename);
return $this->get_file_info_coursecat($context, $filearea, $itemid, $filepath, $filename);
return $this->get_file_info_course($context, $filearea, $itemid, $filepath, $filename);
return $this->get_file_info_module($context, $filearea, $itemid, $filepath, $filename);
return null;
* Returns content of local directory
public function build_stored_file_children($context, $filearea, $itemid, $filepath, $urlbase, $topvisiblename, $itemidused, $readaccess, $writeaccess) {
$result = array();
$fs = get_file_storage();
$storedfiles = $fs->get_directory_files($context->id, $filearea, $itemid, $filepath, false, true, "filepath, filename");
foreach ($storedfiles as $file) {
$result[] = new file_info_stored($this, $context, $file, $urlbase, $topvisiblename, $itemidused, $readaccess, $writeaccess, false);
return $result;
* Returns content of coursefiles directory
public function build_coursefile_children($context, $filepath) {
$result = array();
$fs = get_file_storage();
$storedfiles = $fs->get_directory_files($context->id, 'course_content', 0, $filepath, false, true, "filepath, filename");
foreach ($storedfiles as $file) {
$result[] = new file_info_coursefile($this, $context, $file);
return $result;
public function encodepath($urlbase, $path, $forcedownload=false, $https=false) {
global $CFG;
if ($CFG->slasharguments) {
$parts = explode('/', $path);
$parts = array_map('rawurlencode', $parts);
$path = implode('/', $parts);
$return = $urlbase.$path;
if ($forcedownload) {
$return .= '?forcedownload=1';
} else {
$path = rawurlencode($path);
$return = $urlbase.'?file='.$path;
if ($forcedownload) {
$return .= '&forcedownload=1';
if ($https) {
$return = str_replace('http://', 'https://', $return);
return $return;
* Returns info about the files at System context
* @param object $context
* @param string $filearea
* @return file_info_system
private function get_file_info_system($context, $filearea=null) {
if (is_null($filearea)) {
return new file_info_system($this);
//TODO: question files browsing
return null;
* Returns info about the files at User context
* @param object $context
* @param string $filearea
* @return file_info_system
private function get_file_info_user($context, $filearea=null, $itemid=null, $filepath=null, $filename=null) {
global $USER, $DB;
if ($context->instanceid == $USER->id) {
$user = $USER;
} else {
$user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id'=>$context->instanceid));
if (isguestuser($user) or empty($user->id)) {
// no guests or not logged in users here
return null;
if ($user->deleted) {
return null;
if (is_null($filearea)) {
// access control: list areas only for myself
if ($context->instanceid != $USER->id) {
return null;
return new file_info_user($this, $context);
} else {
$methodname = "get_file_info_$filearea";
if (method_exists($this, $methodname)) {
return $this->$methodname($user, $context, $filearea, $itemid, $filepath, $filename);
return null;
private function get_file_info_user_private($user, $context, $filearea=null, $itemid=null, $filepath=null, $filename=null) {
global $USER, $CFG;
$fs = get_file_storage();
// access control: only my files for now, nobody else
if ($context->instanceid != $USER->id) {
return null;
if (is_null($itemid)) {
return new file_info_user($this, $context);
$filepath = is_null($filepath) ? '/' : $filepath;
$filename = is_null($filename) ? '.' : $filename;
if (!$storedfile = $fs->get_file($context->id, $filearea, 0, $filepath, $filename)) {
if ($filepath === '/' and $filename === '.') {
$storedfile = new virtual_root_file($context->id, $filearea, 0);
} else {
// not found
return null;
$urlbase = $CFG->wwwroot.'/userfile.php';
return new file_info_stored($this, $context, $storedfile, $urlbase, get_string('areauserpersonal', 'repository'), false, true, true, false);
private function get_file_info_user_profile($user, $context, $filearea=null, $itemid=null, $filepath=null, $filename=null) {
global $USER, $CFG;
$fs = get_file_storage();
if (is_null($itemid)) {
return new file_info_user($this, $context);
// access controll here must match user edit forms
if ($user->id == $USER->id) {
if (!has_capability('moodle/user:editownprofile', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM))) {
return null;
} else {
if (!has_capability('moodle/user:editprofile', $context) and !has_capability('moodle/user:update', $context)) {
return null;
$filepath = is_null($filepath) ? '/' : $filepath;
$filename = is_null($filename) ? '.' : $filename;
if (!$storedfile = $fs->get_file($context->id, $filearea, 0, $filepath, $filename)) {
if ($filepath === '/' and $filename === '.') {
$storedfile = new virtual_root_file($context->id, $filearea, 0);
} else {
// not found
return null;
$urlbase = $CFG->wwwroot.'/userfile.php';
return new file_info_stored($this, $context, $storedfile, $urlbase, get_string('areauserprofile', 'repository'), false, true, true, false);
private function get_file_info_user_draft($user, $context, $filearea=null, $itemid=null, $filepath=null, $filename=null) {
global $USER, $CFG;
$fs = get_file_storage();
// access control: only my files
if ($context->instanceid != $USER->id) {
return null;
if (empty($itemid)) {
// do not browse itemids - you most know the draftid to see what is there
return null;
$urlbase = $CFG->wwwroot.'/draftfile.php';
$filepath = is_null($filepath) ? '/' : $filepath;
$filename = is_null($filename) ? '.' : $filename;
if (!$storedfile = $fs->get_file($context->id, $filearea, $itemid, $filepath, $filename)) {
if ($filepath === '/' and $filename === '.') {
$storedfile = new virtual_root_file($context->id, $filearea, $itemid);
} else {
// not found
return null;
return new file_info_stored($this, $context, $storedfile, $urlbase, get_string('areauserdraft', 'repository'), true, true, true, true);
private function get_file_info_coursecat($context, $filearea=null, $itemid=null, $filepath=null, $filename=null) {
global $DB, $CFG;
$fs = get_file_storage();
if (!$category = $DB->get_record('course_categories', array('id'=>$context->instanceid))) {
return null;
if (!$category->visible and !has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddencourses', $context)) {
return null;
if (!is_null($filearea) and !in_array($filearea, array('coursecat_intro'))) {
// file area does not exist, sorry
$filearea = null;
if (is_null($filearea) or is_null($itemid)) {
return new file_info_coursecat($this, $context, $category);
} else {
if ($filearea == 'coursecat_intro') {
if (!has_capability('moodle/course:update', $context)) {
return null;
$filepath = is_null($filepath) ? '/' : $filepath;
$filename = is_null($filename) ? '.' : $filename;
$urlbase = $CFG->wwwroot.'/pluginfile.php';
if (!$storedfile = $fs->get_file($context->id, $filearea, 0, $filepath, $filename)) {
if ($filepath === '/' and $filename === '.') {
$storedfile = new virtual_root_file($context->id, $filearea, 0);
} else {
// not found
return null;
return new file_info_stored($this, $context, $storedfile, $urlbase, get_string('areacategoryintro', 'repository'), false, true, true, false);
return null;
private function get_file_info_course($context, $filearea=null, $itemid=null, $filepath=null, $filename=null) {
global $DB, $COURSE;
if ($context->instanceid == $COURSE->id) {
$course = $COURSE;
} else if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id'=>$context->instanceid))) {
return null;
if (!$course->visible and !has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddencourses', $context)) {
return null;
if (!is_null($filearea) and !in_array($filearea, array('course_intro', 'course_content', 'course_section', 'course_backup'))) {
// file area does not exist, sorry
$filearea = null;
$filepath = is_null($filepath) ? '/' : $filepath;
$filename = is_null($filename) ? '.' : $filename;
if (is_null($filearea)) {
return new file_info_course($this, $context, $course);
} else {
$methodname = "get_file_info_$filearea";
if (method_exists($this, $methodname)) {
return $this->$methodname($course, $context, $filearea, $itemid, $filepath, $filename);
return null;
private function get_file_info_course_intro($course, $context, $filearea=null, $itemid=null, $filepath=null, $filename=null) {
global $CFG;
$fs = get_file_storage();
if (!has_capability('moodle/course:update', $context)) {
return null;
if (is_null($itemid)) {
return new file_info_course($this, $context, $course);
$urlbase = $CFG->wwwroot.'/pluginfile.php';
if (!$storedfile = $fs->get_file($context->id, $filearea, 0, $filepath, $filename)) {
if ($filepath === '/' and $filename === '.') {
$storedfile = new virtual_root_file($context->id, $filearea, 0);
} else {
// not found
return null;
return new file_info_stored($this, $context, $storedfile, $urlbase, get_string('areacourseintro', 'repository'), false, true, true, false);
private function get_file_info_course_section($course, $context, $filearea=null, $itemid=null, $filepath=null, $filename=null) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$fs = get_file_storage();
if (!has_capability('moodle/course:update', $context)) {
return null;
$urlbase = $CFG->wwwroot.'/pluginfile.php';
if (empty($itemid)) {
// list all sections
return new file_info_coursesection($this, $context, $course);
if (!$section = $DB->get_record('course_sections', array('course'=>$course->id, 'id'=>$itemid))) {
return null; // does not exist
if (!$storedfile = $fs->get_file($context->id, $filearea, $itemid, $filepath, $filename)) {
if ($filepath === '/' and $filename === '.') {
$storedfile = new virtual_root_file($context->id, $filearea, $itemid);
} else {
// not found
return null;
return new file_info_stored($this, $context, $storedfile, $urlbase, $section->section, true, true, true, false);
private function get_file_info_course_backup($course, $context, $filearea=null, $itemid=null, $filepath=null, $filename=null) {
global $CFG;
$fs = get_file_storage();
if (!has_capability('moodle/site:backup', $context) and !has_capability('moodle/site:restore', $context)) {
return null;
if (is_null($itemid)) {
return new file_info_course($this, $context, $course);
$urlbase = $CFG->wwwroot.'/pluginfile.php';
if (!$storedfile = $fs->get_file($context->id, $filearea, 0, $filepath, $filename)) {
if ($filepath === '/' and $filename === '.') {
$storedfile = new virtual_root_file($context->id, $filearea, 0);
} else {
// not found
return null;
$downloadable = has_capability('moodle/site:backupdownload', $context);
$uploadable = has_capability('moodle/site:backupupload', $context);
return new file_info_stored($this, $context, $storedfile, $urlbase, get_string('areabackup', 'repository'), false, $downloadable, $uploadable, false);
private function get_file_info_course_content($course, $context, $filearea=null, $itemid=null, $filepath=null, $filename=null) {
$fs = get_file_storage();
if (!has_capability('moodle/course:managefiles', $context)) {
return null;
if (is_null($itemid)) {
return new file_info_course($this, $context, $course);
if (!$storedfile = $fs->get_file($context->id, $filearea, 0, $filepath, $filename)) {
if ($filepath === '/' and $filename === '.') {
$storedfile = new virtual_root_file($context->id, $filearea, 0);
} else {
// not found
return null;
return new file_info_coursefile($this, $context, $storedfile);
private function get_file_info_module($context, $filearea=null, $itemid=null, $filepath=null, $filename=null) {
global $COURSE, $DB, $CFG;
$fs = get_file_storage();
if (!$cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('', $context->instanceid)) {
return null;
if ($cm->course == $COURSE->id) {
$course = $COURSE;
} else if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id'=>$cm->course))) {
return null;
$modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($course);
if (empty($modinfo->cms[$cm->id]->uservisible)) {
return null;
$modname = $modinfo->cms[$cm->id]->modname;
$libfile = "$CFG->dirroot/mod/$modname/lib.php";
if (!file_exists($libfile)) {
return null;
$fileinfofunction = $modname.'_get_file_areas';
if (function_exists($fileinfofunction)) {
$areas = $fileinfofunction($course, $cm, $context);
} else {
$areas = array();
if (!isset($areas[$modname.'_intro'])
and plugin_supports('mod', $modname, FEATURE_MOD_INTRO, true)
and has_capability('moodle/course:managefiles', $context)) {
$areas[$modname.'_intro'] = get_string('moduleintro');
if (empty($areas)) {
return null;
if (is_null($filearea) or is_null($itemid)) {
return new file_info_module($this, $course, $cm, $context, $areas);
} else if (!isset($areas[$filearea])) {
return null;
} else if ($filearea === $modname.'_intro') {
if (!has_capability('moodle/course:managefiles', $context)) {
return null;
$filepath = is_null($filepath) ? '/' : $filepath;
$filename = is_null($filename) ? '.' : $filename;
$urlbase = $CFG->wwwroot.'/pluginfile.php';
if (!$storedfile = $fs->get_file($context->id, $filearea, 0, $filepath, $filename)) {
if ($filepath === '/' and $filename === '.') {
$storedfile = new virtual_root_file($context->id, $filearea, 0);
} else {
// not found
return null;
return new file_info_stored($this, $context, $storedfile, $urlbase, $areas[$filearea], false, true, true, false);
} else {
$fileinfofunction = $modname.'_get_file_info';
if (function_exists($fileinfofunction)) {
return $fileinfofunction($this, $areas, $course, $cm, $context, $filearea, $itemid, $filepath, $filename);
return null;