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Refactoring and improvements of the accesslib.php library including prevention of access for not-logged-in users when forcelogin enabled, improved context caching, OOP refactoring of contexts, fixed context loading, deduplication of role definitions in user sessions, installation improvements, decoupling of enrolment checking from capability loading, added detection of deleted and non-existent users in has_capability(), new function accesslib test, auth and enrol upgrade notes. More details are available in tracker subtasks.
1335 lines
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1335 lines
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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Web services utility functions and classes
* @package webservice
* @copyright 2009 Moodle Pty Ltd (http://moodle.com)
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
* General web service library
class webservice {
* Add a user to the list of authorised user of a given service
* @param object $user
public function add_ws_authorised_user($user) {
global $DB;
$user->timecreated = mktime();
$DB->insert_record('external_services_users', $user);
* Remove a user from a list of allowed user of a service
* @param object $user
* @param int $serviceid
public function remove_ws_authorised_user($user, $serviceid) {
global $DB;
array('externalserviceid' => $serviceid, 'userid' => $user->id));
* Update service allowed user settings
* @param object $user
public function update_ws_authorised_user($user) {
global $DB;
$DB->update_record('external_services_users', $user);
* Return list of allowed users with their options (ip/timecreated / validuntil...)
* for a given service
* @param int $serviceid
* @return array $users
public function get_ws_authorised_users($serviceid) {
global $DB, $CFG;
$params = array($CFG->siteguest, $serviceid);
$sql = " SELECT u.id as id, esu.id as serviceuserid, u.email as email, u.firstname as firstname,
u.lastname as lastname,
esu.iprestriction as iprestriction, esu.validuntil as validuntil,
esu.timecreated as timecreated
FROM {user} u, {external_services_users} esu
WHERE u.id <> ? AND u.deleted = 0 AND u.confirmed = 1
AND esu.userid = u.id
AND esu.externalserviceid = ?";
$users = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
return $users;
* Return a authorised user with his options (ip/timecreated / validuntil...)
* @param int $serviceid
* @param int $userid
* @return object
public function get_ws_authorised_user($serviceid, $userid) {
global $DB, $CFG;
$params = array($CFG->siteguest, $serviceid, $userid);
$sql = " SELECT u.id as id, esu.id as serviceuserid, u.email as email, u.firstname as firstname,
u.lastname as lastname,
esu.iprestriction as iprestriction, esu.validuntil as validuntil,
esu.timecreated as timecreated
FROM {user} u, {external_services_users} esu
WHERE u.id <> ? AND u.deleted = 0 AND u.confirmed = 1
AND esu.userid = u.id
AND esu.externalserviceid = ?
AND u.id = ?";
$user = $DB->get_record_sql($sql, $params);
return $user;
* Generate all ws token needed by a user
* @param int $userid
public function generate_user_ws_tokens($userid) {
global $CFG, $DB;
/// generate a token for non admin if web service are enable and the user has the capability to create a token
if (!is_siteadmin() && has_capability('moodle/webservice:createtoken', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM), $userid) && !empty($CFG->enablewebservices)) {
/// for every service than the user is authorised on, create a token (if it doesn't already exist)
///get all services which are set to all user (no restricted to specific users)
$norestrictedservices = $DB->get_records('external_services', array('restrictedusers' => 0));
$serviceidlist = array();
foreach ($norestrictedservices as $service) {
$serviceidlist[] = $service->id;
//get all services which are set to the current user (the current user is specified in the restricted user list)
$servicesusers = $DB->get_records('external_services_users', array('userid' => $userid));
foreach ($servicesusers as $serviceuser) {
if (!in_array($serviceuser->externalserviceid,$serviceidlist)) {
$serviceidlist[] = $serviceuser->externalserviceid;
//get all services which already have a token set for the current user
$usertokens = $DB->get_records('external_tokens', array('userid' => $userid, 'tokentype' => EXTERNAL_TOKEN_PERMANENT));
$tokenizedservice = array();
foreach ($usertokens as $token) {
$tokenizedservice[] = $token->externalserviceid;
//create a token for the service which have no token already
foreach ($serviceidlist as $serviceid) {
if (!in_array($serviceid, $tokenizedservice)) {
//create the token for this service
$newtoken = new stdClass();
$newtoken->token = md5(uniqid(rand(),1));
//check that the user has capability on this service
$newtoken->tokentype = EXTERNAL_TOKEN_PERMANENT;
$newtoken->userid = $userid;
$newtoken->externalserviceid = $serviceid;
//TODO: find a way to get the context - UPDATE FOLLOWING LINE
$newtoken->contextid = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM)->id;
$newtoken->creatorid = $userid;
$newtoken->timecreated = time();
$DB->insert_record('external_tokens', $newtoken);
* Return all ws user token
* @param integer $userid
* @return array of token
public function get_user_ws_tokens($userid) {
global $DB;
//here retrieve token list (including linked users firstname/lastname and linked services name)
$sql = "SELECT
t.id, t.creatorid, t.token, u.firstname, u.lastname, s.name, t.validuntil
{external_tokens} t, {user} u, {external_services} s
t.userid=? AND t.tokentype = ".EXTERNAL_TOKEN_PERMANENT." AND s.id = t.externalserviceid AND t.userid = u.id";
$tokens = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array( $userid));
return $tokens;
* Return a user token that has been created by the user
* If doesn't exist a exception is thrown
* @param integer $userid
* @param integer $tokenid
* @return object token
* ->id token id
* ->token
* ->firstname user firstname
* ->lastname
* ->name service name
public function get_created_by_user_ws_token($userid, $tokenid) {
global $DB;
$sql = "SELECT
t.id, t.token, u.firstname, u.lastname, s.name
{external_tokens} t, {user} u, {external_services} s
t.creatorid=? AND t.id=? AND t.tokentype = "
. " AND s.id = t.externalserviceid AND t.userid = u.id";
//must be the token creator
$token = $DB->get_record_sql($sql, array($userid, $tokenid), MUST_EXIST);
return $token;
* Return a token for a given id
* @param integer $tokenid
* @return object token
public function get_token_by_id($tokenid) {
global $DB;
return $DB->get_record('external_tokens', array('id' => $tokenid));
* Delete a user token
* @param int $tokenid
public function delete_user_ws_token($tokenid) {
global $DB;
$DB->delete_records('external_tokens', array('id'=>$tokenid));
* Delete a service - it also delete the functions and users references to this service
* @param int $serviceid
public function delete_service($serviceid) {
global $DB;
$DB->delete_records('external_services_users', array('externalserviceid' => $serviceid));
$DB->delete_records('external_services_functions', array('externalserviceid' => $serviceid));
$DB->delete_records('external_tokens', array('externalserviceid' => $serviceid));
$DB->delete_records('external_services', array('id' => $serviceid));
* Get a user token by token
* @param string $token
* @throws moodle_exception if there is multiple result
public function get_user_ws_token($token) {
global $DB;
return $DB->get_record('external_tokens', array('token'=>$token), '*', MUST_EXIST);
* Get the list of all functions for given service ids
* @param array $serviceids
* @return array functions
public function get_external_functions($serviceids) {
global $DB;
if (!empty($serviceids)) {
list($serviceids, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($serviceids);
$sql = "SELECT f.*
FROM {external_functions} f
WHERE f.name IN (SELECT sf.functionname
FROM {external_services_functions} sf
WHERE sf.externalserviceid $serviceids)";
$functions = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
} else {
$functions = array();
return $functions;
* Get the list of all functions for given service shortnames
* @param array $serviceshortnames
* @param $enabledonly if true then only return function for the service that has been enabled
* @return array functions
public function get_external_functions_by_enabled_services($serviceshortnames, $enabledonly = true) {
global $DB;
if (!empty($serviceshortnames)) {
$enabledonlysql = $enabledonly?' AND s.enabled = 1 ':'';
list($serviceshortnames, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($serviceshortnames);
$sql = "SELECT f.*
FROM {external_functions} f
WHERE f.name IN (SELECT sf.functionname
FROM {external_services_functions} sf, {external_services} s
WHERE s.shortname $serviceshortnames
AND sf.externalserviceid = s.id
" . $enabledonlysql . ")";
$functions = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
} else {
$functions = array();
return $functions;
* Get the list of all functions not in the given service id
* @param int $serviceid
* @return array functions
public function get_not_associated_external_functions($serviceid) {
global $DB;
$select = "name NOT IN (SELECT s.functionname
FROM {external_services_functions} s
WHERE s.externalserviceid = :sid
$functions = $DB->get_records_select('external_functions',
$select, array('sid' => $serviceid), 'name');
return $functions;
* Get list of required capabilities of a service, sorted by functions
* @param integer $serviceid
* @return array
* example of return value:
* Array
* (
* [moodle_group_create_groups] => Array
* (
* [0] => moodle/course:managegroups
* )
* [moodle_enrol_get_enrolled_users] => Array
* (
* [0] => moodle/site:viewparticipants
* [1] => moodle/course:viewparticipants
* [2] => moodle/role:review
* [3] => moodle/site:accessallgroups
* [4] => moodle/course:enrolreview
* )
* )
public function get_service_required_capabilities($serviceid) {
$functions = $this->get_external_functions(array($serviceid));
$requiredusercaps = array();
foreach ($functions as $function) {
$functioncaps = explode(',', $function->capabilities);
if (!empty($functioncaps) and !empty($functioncaps[0])) {
foreach ($functioncaps as $functioncap) {
$requiredusercaps[$function->name][] = trim($functioncap);
return $requiredusercaps;
* Get user capabilities (with context)
* Only usefull for documentation purpose
* @param integer $userid
* @return array
public function get_user_capabilities($userid) {
global $DB;
//retrieve the user capabilities
$sql = "SELECT rc.id, rc.capability FROM {role_capabilities} rc, {role_assignments} ra
WHERE rc.roleid=ra.roleid AND ra.userid= ?";
$dbusercaps = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array($userid));
$usercaps = array();
foreach ($dbusercaps as $usercap) {
$usercaps[$usercap->capability] = true;
return $usercaps;
* Get users missing capabilities for a given service
* @param array $users
* @param integer $serviceid
* @return array of missing capabilities, the key being the user id
public function get_missing_capabilities_by_users($users, $serviceid) {
global $DB;
$usersmissingcaps = array();
//retrieve capabilities required by the service
$servicecaps = $this->get_service_required_capabilities($serviceid);
//retrieve users missing capabilities
foreach ($users as $user) {
//cast user array into object to be a bit more flexible
if (is_array($user)) {
$user = (object) $user;
$usercaps = $this->get_user_capabilities($user->id);
//detect the missing capabilities
foreach ($servicecaps as $functioname => $functioncaps) {
foreach ($functioncaps as $functioncap) {
if (!key_exists($functioncap, $usercaps)) {
if (!isset($usersmissingcaps[$user->id])
or array_search($functioncap, $usersmissingcaps[$user->id]) === false) {
$usersmissingcaps[$user->id][] = $functioncap;
return $usersmissingcaps;
* Get a external service for a given id
* @param service id $serviceid
* @param integer $strictness IGNORE_MISSING, MUST_EXIST...
* @return object external service
public function get_external_service_by_id($serviceid, $strictness=IGNORE_MISSING) {
global $DB;
$service = $DB->get_record('external_services',
array('id' => $serviceid), '*', $strictness);
return $service;
* Get a external service for a given shortname
* @param service shortname $shortname
* @param integer $strictness IGNORE_MISSING, MUST_EXIST...
* @return object external service
public function get_external_service_by_shortname($shortname, $strictness=IGNORE_MISSING) {
global $DB;
$service = $DB->get_record('external_services',
array('shortname' => $shortname), '*', $strictness);
return $service;
* Get a external function for a given id
* @param function id $functionid
* @param integer $strictness IGNORE_MISSING, MUST_EXIST...
* @return object external function
public function get_external_function_by_id($functionid, $strictness=IGNORE_MISSING) {
global $DB;
$function = $DB->get_record('external_functions',
array('id' => $functionid), '*', $strictness);
return $function;
* Add a function to a service
* @param string $functionname
* @param integer $serviceid
public function add_external_function_to_service($functionname, $serviceid) {
global $DB;
$addedfunction = new stdClass();
$addedfunction->externalserviceid = $serviceid;
$addedfunction->functionname = $functionname;
$DB->insert_record('external_services_functions', $addedfunction);
* Add a service
* @param object $service
* @return serviceid integer
public function add_external_service($service) {
global $DB;
$service->timecreated = mktime();
$serviceid = $DB->insert_record('external_services', $service);
return $serviceid;
* Update a service
* @param object $service
public function update_external_service($service) {
global $DB;
$service->timemodified = mktime();
$DB->update_record('external_services', $service);
* Test whether a external function is already linked to a service
* @param string $functionname
* @param integer $serviceid
* @return bool true if a matching function exists for the service, else false.
* @throws dml_exception if error
public function service_function_exists($functionname, $serviceid) {
global $DB;
return $DB->record_exists('external_services_functions',
array('externalserviceid' => $serviceid,
'functionname' => $functionname));
public function remove_external_function_from_service($functionname, $serviceid) {
global $DB;
array('externalserviceid' => $serviceid, 'functionname' => $functionname));
* Exception indicating access control problem in web service call
* @author Petr Skoda (skodak)
class webservice_access_exception extends moodle_exception {
* Constructor
function __construct($debuginfo) {
parent::__construct('accessexception', 'webservice', '', null, $debuginfo);
* Is protocol enabled?
* @param string $protocol name of WS protocol
* @return bool
function webservice_protocol_is_enabled($protocol) {
global $CFG;
if (empty($CFG->enablewebservices)) {
return false;
$active = explode(',', $CFG->webserviceprotocols);
return(in_array($protocol, $active));
//=== WS classes ===
* Mandatory interface for all test client classes.
* @author Petr Skoda (skodak)
interface webservice_test_client_interface {
* Execute test client WS request
* @param string $serverurl
* @param string $function
* @param array $params
* @return mixed
public function simpletest($serverurl, $function, $params);
* Mandatory interface for all web service protocol classes
* @author Petr Skoda (skodak)
interface webservice_server_interface {
* Process request from client.
* @return void
public function run();
* Abstract web service base class.
* @author Petr Skoda (skodak)
abstract class webservice_server implements webservice_server_interface {
/** @property string $wsname name of the web server plugin */
protected $wsname = null;
/** @property string $username name of local user */
protected $username = null;
/** @property string $password password of the local user */
protected $password = null;
/** @property int $userid the local user */
protected $userid = null;
/** @property integer $authmethod authentication method one of WEBSERVICE_AUTHMETHOD_* */
protected $authmethod;
/** @property string $token authentication token*/
protected $token = null;
/** @property object restricted context */
protected $restricted_context;
/** @property int restrict call to one service id*/
protected $restricted_serviceid = null;
* Contructor
* @param integer $authmethod authentication method one of WEBSERVICE_AUTHMETHOD_*
public function __construct($authmethod) {
$this->authmethod = $authmethod;
* Authenticate user using username+password or token.
* This function sets up $USER global.
* It is safe to use has_capability() after this.
* This method also verifies user is allowed to use this
* server.
* @return void
protected function authenticate_user() {
global $CFG, $DB;
throw new coding_exception('Cookies must be disabled in WS servers!');
if ($this->authmethod == WEBSERVICE_AUTHMETHOD_USERNAME) {
//we check that authentication plugin is enabled
//it is only required by simple authentication
if (!is_enabled_auth('webservice')) {
throw new webservice_access_exception(get_string('wsauthnotenabled', 'webservice'));
if (!$auth = get_auth_plugin('webservice')) {
throw new webservice_access_exception(get_string('wsauthmissing', 'webservice'));
$this->restricted_context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM);
if (!$this->username) {
throw new webservice_access_exception(get_string('missingusername', 'webservice'));
if (!$this->password) {
throw new webservice_access_exception(get_string('missingpassword', 'webservice'));
if (!$auth->user_login_webservice($this->username, $this->password)) {
// log failed login attempts
add_to_log(SITEID, 'webservice', get_string('simpleauthlog', 'webservice'), '' , get_string('failedtolog', 'webservice').": ".$this->username."/".$this->password." - ".getremoteaddr() , 0);
throw new webservice_access_exception(get_string('wrongusernamepassword', 'webservice'));
$user = $DB->get_record('user', array('username'=>$this->username, 'mnethostid'=>$CFG->mnet_localhost_id, 'deleted'=>0), '*', MUST_EXIST);
} else if ($this->authmethod == WEBSERVICE_AUTHMETHOD_PERMANENT_TOKEN){
$user = $this->authenticate_by_token(EXTERNAL_TOKEN_PERMANENT);
} else {
$user = $this->authenticate_by_token(EXTERNAL_TOKEN_EMBEDDED);
// now fake user login, the session is completely empty too
$this->userid = $user->id;
if ($this->authmethod != WEBSERVICE_AUTHMETHOD_SESSION_TOKEN && !has_capability("webservice/$this->wsname:use", $this->restricted_context)) {
throw new webservice_access_exception(get_string('accessnotallowed', 'webservice'));
protected function authenticate_by_token($tokentype){
global $DB;
if (!$token = $DB->get_record('external_tokens', array('token'=>$this->token, 'tokentype'=>$tokentype))) {
// log failed login attempts
add_to_log(SITEID, 'webservice', get_string('tokenauthlog', 'webservice'), '' , get_string('failedtolog', 'webservice').": ".$this->token. " - ".getremoteaddr() , 0);
throw new webservice_access_exception(get_string('invalidtoken', 'webservice'));
if ($token->validuntil and $token->validuntil < time()) {
$DB->delete_records('external_tokens', array('token'=>$this->token, 'tokentype'=>$tokentype));
throw new webservice_access_exception(get_string('invalidtimedtoken', 'webservice'));
if ($token->sid){//assumes that if sid is set then there must be a valid associated session no matter the token type
$session = session_get_instance();
if (!$session->session_exists($token->sid)){
$DB->delete_records('external_tokens', array('sid'=>$token->sid));
throw new webservice_access_exception(get_string('invalidtokensession', 'webservice'));
if ($token->iprestriction and !address_in_subnet(getremoteaddr(), $token->iprestriction)) {
add_to_log(SITEID, 'webservice', get_string('tokenauthlog', 'webservice'), '' , get_string('failedtolog', 'webservice').": ".getremoteaddr() , 0);
throw new webservice_access_exception(get_string('invalidiptoken', 'webservice'));
$this->restricted_context = get_context_instance_by_id($token->contextid);
$this->restricted_serviceid = $token->externalserviceid;
$user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id'=>$token->userid, 'deleted'=>0), '*', MUST_EXIST);
// log token access
$DB->set_field('external_tokens', 'lastaccess', time(), array('id'=>$token->id));
return $user;
* Special abstraction of our srvices that allows
* interaction with stock Zend ws servers.
* @author Petr Skoda (skodak)
abstract class webservice_zend_server extends webservice_server {
/** @property string name of the zend server class : Zend_XmlRpc_Server, Zend_Soap_Server, Zend_Soap_AutoDiscover, ...*/
protected $zend_class;
/** @property object Zend server instance */
protected $zend_server;
/** @property string $service_class virtual web service class with all functions user name execute, created on the fly */
protected $service_class;
* Contructor
* @param integer $authmethod authentication method - one of WEBSERVICE_AUTHMETHOD_*
public function __construct($authmethod, $zend_class) {
$this->zend_class = $zend_class;
* Process request from client.
* @param bool $simple use simple authentication
* @return void
public function run() {
// we will probably need a lot of memory in some functions
// set some longer timeout, this script is not sending any output,
// this means we need to manually extend the timeout operations
// that need longer time to finish
// now create the instance of zend server
// set up exception handler first, we want to sent them back in correct format that
// the other system understands
// we do not need to call the original default handler because this ws handler does everything
set_exception_handler(array($this, 'exception_handler'));
// init all properties from the request data
// this sets up $USER and $SESSION and context restrictions
// make a list of all functions user is allowed to excecute
// tell server what functions are available
//log the web service request
add_to_log(SITEID, 'webservice', '', '' , $this->zend_class." ".getremoteaddr() , 0, $this->userid);
//send headers
// execute and return response, this sends some headers too
$response = $this->zend_server->handle();
// session cleanup
//finally send the result
echo $response;
* Load virtual class needed for Zend api
* @return void
protected function init_service_class() {
global $USER, $DB;
// first ofall get a complete list of services user is allowed to access
if ($this->restricted_serviceid) {
$params = array('sid1'=>$this->restricted_serviceid, 'sid2'=>$this->restricted_serviceid);
$wscond1 = 'AND s.id = :sid1';
$wscond2 = 'AND s.id = :sid2';
} else {
$params = array();
$wscond1 = '';
$wscond2 = '';
// now make sure the function is listed in at least one service user is allowed to use
// allow access only if:
// 1/ entry in the external_services_users table if required
// 2/ validuntil not reached
// 3/ has capability if specified in service desc
// 4/ iprestriction
$sql = "SELECT s.*, NULL AS iprestriction
FROM {external_services} s
JOIN {external_services_functions} sf ON (sf.externalserviceid = s.id AND s.restrictedusers = 0)
WHERE s.enabled = 1 $wscond1
SELECT s.*, su.iprestriction
FROM {external_services} s
JOIN {external_services_functions} sf ON (sf.externalserviceid = s.id AND s.restrictedusers = 1)
JOIN {external_services_users} su ON (su.externalserviceid = s.id AND su.userid = :userid)
WHERE s.enabled = 1 AND su.validuntil IS NULL OR su.validuntil < :now $wscond2";
$params = array_merge($params, array('userid'=>$USER->id, 'now'=>time()));
$serviceids = array();
$rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params);
// now make sure user may access at least one service
$remoteaddr = getremoteaddr();
$allowed = false;
foreach ($rs as $service) {
if (isset($serviceids[$service->id])) {
if ($service->requiredcapability and !has_capability($service->requiredcapability, $this->restricted_context)) {
continue; // cap required, sorry
if ($service->iprestriction and !address_in_subnet($remoteaddr, $service->iprestriction)) {
continue; // wrong request source ip, sorry
$serviceids[$service->id] = $service->id;
// now get the list of all functions
$wsmanager = new webservice();
$functions = $wsmanager->get_external_functions($serviceids);
// now make the virtual WS class with all the fuctions for this particular user
$methods = '';
foreach ($functions as $function) {
$methods .= $this->get_virtual_method_code($function);
// let's use unique class name, there might be problem in unit tests
$classname = 'webservices_virtual_class_000000';
while(class_exists($classname)) {
$code = '
* Virtual class web services for user id '.$USER->id.' in context '.$this->restricted_context->id.'.
class '.$classname.' {
// load the virtual class definition into memory
$this->service_class = $classname;
* returns virtual method code
* @param object $function
* @return string PHP code
protected function get_virtual_method_code($function) {
global $CFG;
$function = external_function_info($function);
//arguments in function declaration line with defaults.
$paramanddefaults = array();
//arguments used as parameters for external lib call.
$params = array();
$params_desc = array();
foreach ($function->parameters_desc->keys as $name=>$keydesc) {
$param = '$'.$name;
$paramanddefault = $param;
//need to generate the default if there is any
if ($keydesc instanceof external_value) {
if ($keydesc->required == VALUE_DEFAULT) {
if ($keydesc->default===null) {
$paramanddefault .= '=null';
} else {
switch($keydesc->type) {
$paramanddefault .= '='.$keydesc->default; break;
$paramanddefault .= '='.$keydesc->default; break;
$paramanddefault .= '='.$keydesc->default; break;
$paramanddefault .= '=\''.$keydesc->default.'\'';
} else if ($keydesc->required == VALUE_OPTIONAL) {
//it does make sens to declare a parameter VALUE_OPTIONAL
//VALUE_OPTIONAL is used only for array/object key
throw new moodle_exception('parametercannotbevalueoptional');
} else { //for the moment we do not support default for other structure types
if ($keydesc->required == VALUE_DEFAULT) {
//accept empty array as default
if (isset($keydesc->default) and is_array($keydesc->default)
and empty($keydesc->default)) {
$paramanddefault .= '=array()';
} else {
throw new moodle_exception('errornotemptydefaultparamarray', 'webservice', '', $name);
if ($keydesc->required == VALUE_OPTIONAL) {
throw new moodle_exception('erroroptionalparamarray', 'webservice', '', $name);
$params[] = $param;
$paramanddefaults[] = $paramanddefault;
$type = $this->get_phpdoc_type($keydesc);
$params_desc[] = ' * @param '.$type.' $'.$name.' '.$keydesc->desc;
$params = implode(', ', $params);
$paramanddefaults = implode(', ', $paramanddefaults);
$params_desc = implode("\n", $params_desc);
$serviceclassmethodbody = $this->service_class_method_body($function, $params);
if (is_null($function->returns_desc)) {
$return = ' * @return void';
} else {
$type = $this->get_phpdoc_type($function->returns_desc);
$return = ' * @return '.$type.' '.$function->returns_desc->desc;
// now crate the virtual method that calls the ext implementation
$code = '
* '.$function->description.'
public function '.$function->name.'('.$paramanddefaults.') {
return $code;
protected function get_phpdoc_type($keydesc) {
if ($keydesc instanceof external_value) {
switch($keydesc->type) {
case PARAM_BOOL: // 0 or 1 only for now
$type = 'int'; break;
$type = 'double'; break;
$type = 'string';
} else if ($keydesc instanceof external_single_structure) {
$classname = $this->generate_simple_struct_class($keydesc);
$type = $classname;
} else if ($keydesc instanceof external_multiple_structure) {
$type = 'array';
return $type;
protected function generate_simple_struct_class(external_single_structure $structdesc) {
return 'object|struct'; //only 'object' is supported by SOAP, 'struct' by XML-RPC MDL-23083
* You can override this function in your child class to add extra code into the dynamically
* created service class. For example it is used in the amf server to cast types of parameters and to
* cast the return value to the types as specified in the return value description.
* @param stdClass $function
* @param array $params
* @return string body of the method for $function ie. everything within the {} of the method declaration.
protected function service_class_method_body($function, $params){
//cast the param from object to array (validate_parameters except array only)
$castingcode = '';
if ($params){
$paramstocast = explode(',', $params);
foreach ($paramstocast as $paramtocast) {
//clean the parameter from any white space
$paramtocast = trim($paramtocast);
$castingcode .= $paramtocast .
$descriptionmethod = $function->methodname.'_returns()';
$callforreturnvaluedesc = $function->classname.'::'.$descriptionmethod;
return $castingcode . ' if ('.$callforreturnvaluedesc.' == null) {'.
return null;
return external_api::clean_returnvalue('.$callforreturnvaluedesc.', '.$function->classname.'::'.$function->methodname.'('.$params.'));';
* Recursive function to recurse down into a complex variable and convert all
* objects to arrays.
* @param mixed $param value to cast
* @return mixed Cast value
public static function cast_objects_to_array($param){
if (is_object($param)){
$param = (array)$param;
if (is_array($param)){
$toreturn = array();
foreach ($param as $key=> $param){
$toreturn[$key] = self::cast_objects_to_array($param);
return $toreturn;
} else {
return $param;
* Set up zend service class
* @return void
protected function init_zend_server() {
$this->zend_server = new $this->zend_class();
* This method parses the $_REQUEST superglobal and looks for
* the following information:
* 1/ user authentication - username+password or token (wsusername, wspassword and wstoken parameters)
* @return void
protected function parse_request() {
if ($this->authmethod == WEBSERVICE_AUTHMETHOD_USERNAME) {
//note: some clients have problems with entity encoding :-(
if (isset($_REQUEST['wsusername'])) {
$this->username = $_REQUEST['wsusername'];
if (isset($_REQUEST['wspassword'])) {
$this->password = $_REQUEST['wspassword'];
} else {
if (isset($_REQUEST['wstoken'])) {
$this->token = $_REQUEST['wstoken'];
* Internal implementation - sending of page headers.
* @return void
protected function send_headers() {
header('Cache-Control: private, must-revalidate, pre-check=0, post-check=0, max-age=0');
header('Expires: '. gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', 0) .' GMT');
header('Pragma: no-cache');
header('Accept-Ranges: none');
* Specialised exception handler, we can not use the standard one because
* it can not just print html to output.
* @param exception $ex
* @return void does not return
public function exception_handler($ex) {
// detect active db transactions, rollback and log as error
// some hacks might need a cleanup hook
// now let the plugin send the exception to client
// not much else we can do now, add some logging later
* Send the error information to the WS client
* formatted as XML document.
* @param exception $ex
* @return void
protected function send_error($ex=null) {
echo $this->zend_server->fault($ex);
* Future hook needed for emulated sessions.
* @param exception $exception null means normal termination, $exception received when WS call failed
* @return void
protected function session_cleanup($exception=null) {
if ($this->authmethod == WEBSERVICE_AUTHMETHOD_USERNAME) {
// nothing needs to be done, there is no persistent session
} else {
// close emulated session if used
* Web Service server base class, this class handles both
* simple and token authentication.
* @author Petr Skoda (skodak)
abstract class webservice_base_server extends webservice_server {
/** @property array $parameters the function parameters - the real values submitted in the request */
protected $parameters = null;
/** @property string $functionname the name of the function that is executed */
protected $functionname = null;
/** @property object $function full function description */
protected $function = null;
/** @property mixed $returns function return value */
protected $returns = null;
* This method parses the request input, it needs to get:
* 1/ user authentication - username+password or token
* 2/ function name
* 3/ function parameters
* @return void
abstract protected function parse_request();
* Send the result of function call to the WS client.
* @return void
abstract protected function send_response();
* Send the error information to the WS client.
* @param exception $ex
* @return void
abstract protected function send_error($ex=null);
* Process request from client.
* @return void
public function run() {
// we will probably need a lot of memory in some functions
// set some longer timeout, this script is not sending any output,
// this means we need to manually extend the timeout operations
// that need longer time to finish
// set up exception handler first, we want to sent them back in correct format that
// the other system understands
// we do not need to call the original default handler because this ws handler does everything
set_exception_handler(array($this, 'exception_handler'));
// init all properties from the request data
// authenticate user, this has to be done after the request parsing
// this also sets up $USER and $SESSION
// find all needed function info and make sure user may actually execute the function
//log the web service request
add_to_log(SITEID, 'webservice', $this->functionname, '' , getremoteaddr() , 0, $this->userid);
// finally, execute the function - any errors are catched by the default exception handler
// send the results back in correct format
// session cleanup
* Specialised exception handler, we can not use the standard one because
* it can not just print html to output.
* @param exception $ex
* @return void does not return
public function exception_handler($ex) {
// detect active db transactions, rollback and log as error
// some hacks might need a cleanup hook
// now let the plugin send the exception to client
// not much else we can do now, add some logging later
* Future hook needed for emulated sessions.
* @param exception $exception null means normal termination, $exception received when WS call failed
* @return void
protected function session_cleanup($exception=null) {
if ($this->authmethod == WEBSERVICE_AUTHMETHOD_USERNAME) {
// nothing needs to be done, there is no persistent session
} else {
// close emulated session if used
* Fetches the function description from database,
* verifies user is allowed to use this function and
* loads all paremeters and return descriptions.
* @return void
protected function load_function_info() {
global $DB, $USER, $CFG;
if (empty($this->functionname)) {
throw new invalid_parameter_exception('Missing function name');
// function must exist
$function = external_function_info($this->functionname);
if ($this->restricted_serviceid) {
$params = array('sid1'=>$this->restricted_serviceid, 'sid2'=>$this->restricted_serviceid);
$wscond1 = 'AND s.id = :sid1';
$wscond2 = 'AND s.id = :sid2';
} else {
$params = array();
$wscond1 = '';
$wscond2 = '';
// now let's verify access control
// now make sure the function is listed in at least one service user is allowed to use
// allow access only if:
// 1/ entry in the external_services_users table if required
// 2/ validuntil not reached
// 3/ has capability if specified in service desc
// 4/ iprestriction
$sql = "SELECT s.*, NULL AS iprestriction
FROM {external_services} s
JOIN {external_services_functions} sf ON (sf.externalserviceid = s.id AND s.restrictedusers = 0 AND sf.functionname = :name1)
WHERE s.enabled = 1 $wscond1
SELECT s.*, su.iprestriction
FROM {external_services} s
JOIN {external_services_functions} sf ON (sf.externalserviceid = s.id AND s.restrictedusers = 1 AND sf.functionname = :name2)
JOIN {external_services_users} su ON (su.externalserviceid = s.id AND su.userid = :userid)
WHERE s.enabled = 1 AND su.validuntil IS NULL OR su.validuntil < :now $wscond2";
$params = array_merge($params, array('userid'=>$USER->id, 'name1'=>$function->name, 'name2'=>$function->name, 'now'=>time()));
$rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params);
// now make sure user may access at least one service
$remoteaddr = getremoteaddr();
$allowed = false;
foreach ($rs as $service) {
if ($service->requiredcapability and !has_capability($service->requiredcapability, $this->restricted_context)) {
continue; // cap required, sorry
if ($service->iprestriction and !address_in_subnet($remoteaddr, $service->iprestriction)) {
continue; // wrong request source ip, sorry
$allowed = true;
break; // one service is enough, no need to continue
if (!$allowed) {
throw new webservice_access_exception(get_string('accesstofunctionnotallowed', 'webservice', $this->functionname));
// we have all we need now
$this->function = $function;
* Execute previously loaded function using parameters parsed from the request data.
* @return void
protected function execute() {
// validate params, this also sorts the params properly, we need the correct order in the next part
$params = call_user_func(array($this->function->classname, 'validate_parameters'), $this->function->parameters_desc, $this->parameters);
// execute - yay!
$this->returns = call_user_func_array(array($this->function->classname, $this->function->methodname), array_values($params));