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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Upgrade code for install
* @package mod_assign
* @copyright 2012 NetSpot {@link http://www.netspot.com.au}
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* upgrade this assignment instance - this function could be skipped but it will be needed later
* @param int $oldversion The old version of the assign module
* @return bool
function xmldb_assign_upgrade($oldversion) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$dbman = $DB->get_manager();
if ($oldversion < 2014051201) {
// Cleanup bad database records where assignid is missing.
$DB->delete_records('assign_user_mapping', array('assignment'=>0));
// Assign savepoint reached.
upgrade_mod_savepoint(true, 2014051201, 'assign');
if ($oldversion < 2014072400) {
// Add "latest" column to submissions table to mark the latest attempt.
$table = new xmldb_table('assign_submission');
$field = new xmldb_field('latest', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '2', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, '0', 'attemptnumber');
// Conditionally launch add field latest.
if (!$dbman->field_exists($table, $field)) {
$dbman->add_field($table, $field);
// Assign savepoint reached.
upgrade_mod_savepoint(true, 2014072400, 'assign');
if ($oldversion < 2014072401) {
// Define index latestattempt (not unique) to be added to assign_submission.
$table = new xmldb_table('assign_submission');
$index = new xmldb_index('latestattempt', XMLDB_INDEX_NOTUNIQUE, array('assignment', 'userid', 'groupid', 'latest'));
// Conditionally launch add index latestattempt.
if (!$dbman->index_exists($table, $index)) {
$dbman->add_index($table, $index);
// Assign savepoint reached.
upgrade_mod_savepoint(true, 2014072401, 'assign');
if ($oldversion < 2014072405) {
// Prevent running this multiple times.
$countsql = 'SELECT COUNT(id) FROM {assign_submission} WHERE latest = ?';
$count = $DB->count_records_sql($countsql, array(1));
if ($count == 0) {
// Mark the latest attempt for every submission in mod_assign.
$maxattemptsql = 'SELECT assignment, userid, groupid, max(attemptnumber) AS maxattempt
FROM {assign_submission}
GROUP BY assignment, groupid, userid';
$maxattemptidssql = 'SELECT souter.id
FROM {assign_submission} souter
JOIN (' . $maxattemptsql . ') sinner
ON souter.assignment = sinner.assignment
AND souter.userid = sinner.userid
AND souter.groupid = sinner.groupid
AND souter.attemptnumber = sinner.maxattempt';
// We need to avoid using "WHERE ... IN(SELECT ...)" clause with MySQL for performance reason.
// TODO MDL-29589 Remove this dbfamily exception when implemented.
if ($DB->get_dbfamily() === 'mysql') {
$params = array('latest' => 1);
$sql = 'UPDATE {assign_submission}
INNER JOIN (' . $maxattemptidssql . ') souterouter ON souterouter.id = {assign_submission}.id
SET latest = :latest';
$DB->execute($sql, $params);
} else {
$select = 'id IN(' . $maxattemptidssql . ')';
$DB->set_field_select('assign_submission', 'latest', 1, $select);
// Look for grade records with no submission record.
// This is when a teacher has marked a student before they submitted anything.
$records = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT g.id, g.assignment, g.userid
FROM {assign_grades} g
LEFT JOIN {assign_submission} s
ON s.assignment = g.assignment
AND s.userid = g.userid
$submissions = array();
foreach ($records as $record) {
$submission = new stdClass();
$submission->assignment = $record->assignment;
$submission->userid = $record->userid;
$submission->status = 'new';
$submission->groupid = 0;
$submission->latest = 1;
$submission->timecreated = time();
$submission->timemodified = time();
array_push($submissions, $submission);
$DB->insert_records('assign_submission', $submissions);
// Assign savepoint reached.
upgrade_mod_savepoint(true, 2014072405, 'assign');
// Moodle v2.8.0 release upgrade line.
// Put any upgrade step following this.
if ($oldversion < 2014122600) {
// Delete any entries from the assign_user_flags and assign_user_mapping that are no longer required.
if ($DB->get_dbfamily() === 'mysql') {
$sql1 = "DELETE {assign_user_flags}
FROM {assign_user_flags}
LEFT JOIN {assign}
ON {assign_user_flags}.assignment = {assign}.id
WHERE {assign}.id IS NULL";
$sql2 = "DELETE {assign_user_mapping}
FROM {assign_user_mapping}
LEFT JOIN {assign}
ON {assign_user_mapping}.assignment = {assign}.id
WHERE {assign}.id IS NULL";
} else {
$sql1 = "DELETE FROM {assign_user_flags}
SELECT 'x' FROM {assign}
WHERE {assign_user_flags}.assignment = {assign}.id)";
$sql2 = "DELETE FROM {assign_user_mapping}
SELECT 'x' FROM {assign}
WHERE {assign_user_mapping}.assignment = {assign}.id)";
upgrade_mod_savepoint(true, 2014122600, 'assign');
if ($oldversion < 2015022300) {
// Define field preventsubmissionnotingroup to be added to assign.
$table = new xmldb_table('assign');
$field = new xmldb_field('preventsubmissionnotingroup',
// Conditionally launch add field preventsubmissionnotingroup.
if (!$dbman->field_exists($table, $field)) {
$dbman->add_field($table, $field);
// Assign savepoint reached.
upgrade_mod_savepoint(true, 2015022300, 'assign');
// Moodle v2.9.0 release upgrade line.
// Put any upgrade step following this.
// Moodle v3.0.0 release upgrade line.
// Put any upgrade step following this.
// Moodle v3.1.0 release upgrade line.
// Put any upgrade step following this.
if ($oldversion < 2016100301) {
// Define table assign_overrides to be created.
$table = new xmldb_table('assign_overrides');
// Adding fields to table assign_overrides.
$table->add_field('id', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, XMLDB_SEQUENCE, null);
$table->add_field('assignid', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, '0');
$table->add_field('groupid', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, null, null, null);
$table->add_field('userid', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, null, null, null);
$table->add_field('sortorder', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, null, null, null);
$table->add_field('allowsubmissionsfromdate', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, null, null, null);
$table->add_field('duedate', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, null, null, null);
$table->add_field('cutoffdate', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, null, null, null);
// Adding keys to table assign_overrides.
$table->add_key('primary', XMLDB_KEY_PRIMARY, array('id'));
$table->add_key('assignid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, array('assignid'), 'assign', array('id'));
$table->add_key('groupid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, array('groupid'), 'groups', array('id'));
$table->add_key('userid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, array('userid'), 'user', array('id'));
// Conditionally launch create table for assign_overrides.
if (!$dbman->table_exists($table)) {
// Assign savepoint reached.
upgrade_mod_savepoint(true, 2016100301, 'assign');
// Automatically generated Moodle v3.2.0 release upgrade line.
// Put any upgrade step following this.
if ($oldversion < 2017021500) {
// Fix event types of assign events.
$params = [
'modulename' => 'assign',
'eventtype' => 'close'
$select = "modulename = :modulename AND eventtype = :eventtype";
$DB->set_field_select('event', 'eventtype', 'due', $select, $params);
// Delete 'open' events.
$params = [
'modulename' => 'assign',
'eventtype' => 'open'
$DB->delete_records('event', $params);
// Assign savepoint reached.
upgrade_mod_savepoint(true, 2017021500, 'assign');
if ($oldversion < 2017031300) {
// Add a 'gradingduedate' field to the 'assign' table.
$table = new xmldb_table('assign');
$field = new xmldb_field('gradingduedate', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, 0, 'cutoffdate');
// Conditionally launch add field.
if (!$dbman->field_exists($table, $field)) {
$dbman->add_field($table, $field);
// Assign savepoint reached.
upgrade_mod_savepoint(true, 2017031300, 'assign');
if ($oldversion < 2017042800) {
// Update query to set the grading due date one week after the due date.
// Only assign instances with grading due date not set and with a due date of not older than 3 weeks will be updated.
$sql = "UPDATE {assign}
SET gradingduedate = duedate + :weeksecs
WHERE gradingduedate = 0
AND duedate > :timelimit";
// Calculate the time limit, which is 3 weeks before the current date.
$interval = new DateInterval('P3W');
$timelimit = new DateTime();
// Update query params.
$params = [
'weeksecs' => WEEKSECS,
'timelimit' => $timelimit->getTimestamp()
// Execute DB update for assign instances.
$DB->execute($sql, $params);
// Assign savepoint reached.
upgrade_mod_savepoint(true, 2017042800, 'assign');
// Automatically generated Moodle v3.3.0 release upgrade line.
// Put any upgrade step following this.
return true;