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369 lines
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<?php // $Id$
* Class to represent a blog entry.
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2003, Jason Buberel
* @author Jason Buberel jason@buberel.org {@link http://www.buberel.org/}
* @version $Id$
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU Public License
* @package blog
include_once($CFG->dirroot .'/blog/lib.php');
* This class represents a single entry in a blog. Normally, you wouldn't
* need to call the constructor directly...you would instead make use of
* a BlogInfo object's entry retrieval methods in order to get an instance
* of BlogEntry.
* To create a new blogEntry object use BlogInfo's insert_blog_entry() function.
* @todo Ultimately this class might to be expanded to include a factory
* method for the creation of new BlogEntries (->create()).
* Better yet:
fix constructor to not have to take a record set - should be empty and use setters
verify that everything has getters/setters
make sure that both the ->save and ->update function operate properly on an entry that does not yet exist!
this way one could:
$newEntry = new BlogEntry();
$newEntry->set_body('a post here');
class BlogEntry {
// member variables
var $entryId; // post.id
var $entryBody; // post.summary
var $entryTitle; // post.subject
var $entryFormat; // post.format
var $entryuserid; // post.author
var $entryPublishState; // post.publishstate
var $entryAuthorName; // blog_users.name
var $entryAuthorEmail; // blog_users.email
//Daryl Hawes note: entryCategoryIds should be phased out as entryCategories is an
//associative array of $id => $name elements
var $entryCategoryIds = array(); // post.id -> blog_categories_entries.categoryid
var $entryCategories = array(); // post.id -> blog_categories_entries.categoryid -> blog_categories.catname
var $entryLastModified; // last modification date post.lastmodified
var $formattedEntryLastModified; // post.lastmodified
var $entryCreated; // creation date post.created
var $formattedEntryCreated; // post.created
* Class constructor that will build a new instance of the object
* when given a reference to an object that contains
* all of the keys from a row in the post table
* Daryl Hawes note: constructor should be changed not to have to take in a database row!
* @param object $entrydetails reference to an object that contains
* all of the keys from a row in the post table
* @uses $CFG
* @uses $db
* @todo finish documenting this constructor
function BlogEntry(&$entrydetails) {
global $db, $CFG;
$this->entryId = $entrydetails->id;
$this->entryBody = ereg_replace('<tick>', "'", stripslashes_safe($entrydetails->summary));
$strftimedaydatetime = get_string('strftimedaydatetime');
$this->entryLastModified = $entrydetails->lastmodified;
$this->formattedEntryLastModified = userdate($this->entryLastModified, $strftimedaydatetime);
$this->entryCreated = $entrydetails->created;
$this->formattedEntryCreated = userdate($this->entryCreated, $strftimedaydatetime);
$this->entryuserid = $entrydetails->userid;
//added stripslashes_safe here for rss feeds. Will this conflict anywhere?
$this->entryTitle = ereg_replace('<tick>', "'", stripslashes_safe($entrydetails->subject)); //subject, not title!
$this->entryFormat = $entrydetails->format;
if (isset($entrydetails->publishstate) ) {
$this->entryPublishState = $entrydetails->publishstate;
} else {
$this->entryPublishState = 'draft';
if (isset($entrydetails->email)) {
$this->entryAuthorEmail = $entrydetails->email;
$this->entryAuthorName = fullname($entrydetails); // firstname and lastname defined
} else {
$user = get_record('user', 'id', $entrydetails->userid);
$this->entryAuthorEmail = $user->email;
$this->entryAuthorName = fullname($user);
* delete this entry
* @return bool Returns true on successful deletion
function delete() {
if (! delete_records('post', 'userid', $this->entryuserid, 'id', $this->entryId)) {
print 'Could not find blog entry matching author with user id '. $this->entryuserid .' and entry with id '. $this->entryId ."\n";
return false;
return true;
* get_formatted_entry_body
* getter for ->entryBody.
* @uses $CFG
* @return string Entry body/summary run through moodle's format_text formatter and
* with slashes stripped from database entry
function get_formatted_entry_body() {
global $CFG;
include_once($CFG->libdir .'/weblib.php');
if ( isset($this->entryFormat) ) {
return format_text($this->entryBody, $this->entryFormat);
return stripslashes_safe($this->entryBody);
* get_unformatted_entry_body
* getter for ->entryBody
* @return string Entry body/summary - raw string from database
function get_unformatted_entry_body() {
return $this->entryBody;
* BlogEntry setters do not save to the database.
* To save changes call the BlogEntry->save() function when ready.
* @param string $body New entry summary
function set_body($body) {
$this->entryBody = $body;
* BlogEntry setters do not save to the database.
* To save changes call the BlogEntry->save() function when ready.
* @param string $format Moodle format_text format type.
function set_format($format) {
$this->entryFormat = $format;
* BlogEntry setters do not save to the database.
* To save changes call the BlogEntry->save() function when ready.
* @param int $userid The new author/owner's moodle user id
function set_userid($userid) {
$this->entryuserid = $userid;
* BlogEntry setters do not save to the database.
* To save changes call the BlogEntry->save() function when ready.
* @param string $publishstate A new publish state for this entry. One of:
* enum('draft','teacher','course','group','site','public')
* @return bool True if new state is allowed (and applied), false if not.
function set_publishstate($publishstate) {
$applicablestates = array_keys(blog_applicable_publish_states($this->entryCourseId));
if (in_array($publishstate, $applicablestates)) {
$this->entryPublishState = $publishstate;
return true;
return false;
* This function will determine if the user is logged in and
* able to make changes to the publish state of this entry
* @return bool True if user is allowed to change publish state
function user_can_change_publish_state() {
// figure out who the currently logged in user is.
// to change any publish state one must be logged in
global $USER;
if ( !isset($USER) || empty($USER) || !isset($USER->id) ) {
// only site members are allowed to edit entries
return 'Only site members are allowed to edit entries';
} else {
$uid = $USER->id;
if ( ($uid == $this->entryuserid) || (blog_is_blog_admin($this->entryuserid)) || (isadmin())
|| (isset($this->entryCourseId) && isteacher($this->entryCourseId)) ) {
return true;
return false;
* added by Daryl Hawes for moodle integration
* @param int $uid The user attempting to view this entry
* @return bool
function user_can_view($uid='') {
global $USER;
//first allow access to any post for admin users
if ( isadmin() ) {
return true;
//get the logged in user's id if needed
if ($uid == '') {
if ( isset($USER) && isset($USER->id)) {
$uid = $USER->id;
if ($this->entryPublishState == 'public') {
return true;
} else if ($this->entryPublishState == 'draft') {
//only the owner is allowed to see their own draft message
if ($uid == $this->entryuserid) {
return true;
} else if ($this->entryPublishState == 'site') {
//user has a valid member id and user is not a guest of the site
if ( ! $uid == '' && ! isguest() ) {
return true;
//nothing qualified - the user requesting access is not allowed to view this entry!
return false;
* @param bool $return If true a string value is returned. If this variable is set to false
* Then this function will print out the menu code and exit.
* @param bool $includehelp If true a help button linking to the batch_publish page
* will be included in the returned string
* @return string|nil If the $return param is set to true a string is returned.
function get_publish_to_menu($return=true, $includehelp=true) {
$menu = '';
if ($this->user_can_change_publish_state() && blog_isediting() ) {
$menu .= '<div class="publishto">'. get_string('publishto', 'blog').': ';
$options = blog_applicable_publish_states();
$menu .= choose_from_menu($options, $this->entryuserid .'-'. $this->entryId, $this->entryPublishState, '', '', '0', true);
$menu .= "\n".'</div>'."\n";
if ($includehelp) {
$menu .= helpbutton('batch_publish', get_string('batchpublish', 'blog'), 'blog', true, false, '', true);
if ($return) {
return $menu;
print $menu;
* Save this entry to the database.
* This function can be used outside the BlogEntry class.
* ex:
* <code>
* $myBlogEntry = blogInfo->get_blog_entry_by_id(100);
* $myBlogEntry->set_title('New Title');
* $myBlogEntry->save();
* </code>
* This function will handle all of the security and data integrity checking for you
* @return null|string Error string returned when an error is encountered.
function save() {
//check if the user is authorized to make this change
// either they own this entry, are in the blog acl for this entry,
// are an admin user or they teach the course this entry is associated with
if ($this->user_can_change_publish_state()) {
$applicablestates = array_keys(blog_applicable_publish_states($this->entryCourseId));
if (in_array($this->entryPublishState, $applicablestates)) {
// Yes they are authorized so update the entry.
if ( $this->_update() ) {
//print_object($this); //debug:
//add a timestamp to the user preference for this userid to mark it updated
set_user_preference('bloglastmodified', time(), $this->entryuserid);
} else {
$error = 'An error occured saving this entry';
} else {
$error = 'Publish state '. $this->entryPublishState .' is not available for this user';
} else {
$error = 'User not allowed to edit this entry';
// must not have worked...
return $error;
* _update
* This function is internal to the BlogEntry class and should not be used elsewhere.
* It takes the currently set member variables and writes them to the database.
* @return boolean
function _update() {
global $db, $CFG;
// generate the modification date
$timenow = time();
//load up the data object with the latest data
$dataobject->id = intval($this->entryId);
$dataobject->summary = $this->entryBody;
$dataobject->content = $this->entryExtendedBody;
$dataobject->subject = $this->entryTitle;
$dataobject->format = intval($this->entryFormat);
$dataobject->userid = intval($this->entryuserid);
$dataobject->publishstate = $this->entryPublishState;
$dataobject->lastmodified = $timenow;
$dataobject->summary = ereg_replace("'", '<tick>', $dataobject->summary);
// The wysiwyg html editor adds a <br /> tag to the extendedbody.
// cleanup the extendedbody first
if ($dataobject->content == '<br />') {
$dataobject->content = '';
$dataobject->content= ereg_replace("'", '<tick>', $dataobject->content);
$dataobject->subject = ereg_replace("'", '<tick>', $dataobject->subject);
$dataobject->subject = addslashes($dataobject->subject);
$dataobject->summary = addslashes($dataobject->summary);
$dataobject->content = addslashes($dataobject->content);
// First update the entry's categories. Remove all, then add back those passed in
$sql = 'DELETE FROM '. $CFG->prefix .'blog_categories_entries WHERE entryid='. $this->entryId;
$rs = $db->Execute($sql);
// next update the entry itself
if (update_record('post', $dataobject)) {
return true;
return false;
}//end class BlogEntry