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synced 2025-01-18 22:08:20 +01:00
All of these changes make use of already fetched grade data. Without these changes, the gradebook regrade process does not scale well with very large courses because it fetches many grade records, one at a time.
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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Definition of a class to represent a grade item
* @package core_grades
* @category grade
* @copyright 2006 Nicolas Connault
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* Class representing a grade item.
* It is responsible for handling its DB representation, modifying and returning its metadata.
* @package core_grades
* @category grade
* @copyright 2006 Nicolas Connault
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class grade_item extends grade_object {
* DB Table (used by grade_object).
* @var string $table
public $table = 'grade_items';
* Array of required table fields, must start with 'id'.
* @var array $required_fields
public $required_fields = array('id', 'courseid', 'categoryid', 'itemname', 'itemtype', 'itemmodule', 'iteminstance',
'itemnumber', 'iteminfo', 'idnumber', 'calculation', 'gradetype', 'grademax', 'grademin',
'scaleid', 'outcomeid', 'gradepass', 'multfactor', 'plusfactor', 'aggregationcoef',
'aggregationcoef2', 'sortorder', 'display', 'decimals', 'hidden', 'locked', 'locktime',
'needsupdate', 'weightoverride', 'timecreated', 'timemodified');
* The course this grade_item belongs to.
* @var int $courseid
public $courseid;
* The category this grade_item belongs to (optional).
* @var int $categoryid
public $categoryid;
* The grade_category object referenced $this->iteminstance if itemtype == 'category' or == 'course'.
* @var grade_category $item_category
public $item_category;
* The grade_category object referenced by $this->categoryid.
* @var grade_category $parent_category
public $parent_category;
* The name of this grade_item (pushed by the module).
* @var string $itemname
public $itemname;
* e.g. 'category', 'course' and 'mod', 'blocks', 'import', etc...
* @var string $itemtype
public $itemtype;
* The module pushing this grade (e.g. 'forum', 'quiz', 'assignment' etc).
* @var string $itemmodule
public $itemmodule;
* ID of the item module
* @var int $iteminstance
public $iteminstance;
* Number of the item in a series of multiple grades pushed by an activity.
* @var int $itemnumber
public $itemnumber;
* Info and notes about this item.
* @var string $iteminfo
public $iteminfo;
* Arbitrary idnumber provided by the module responsible.
* @var string $idnumber
public $idnumber;
* Calculation string used for this item.
* @var string $calculation
public $calculation;
* Indicates if we already tried to normalize the grade calculation formula.
* This flag helps to minimize db access when broken formulas used in calculation.
* @var bool
public $calculation_normalized;
* Math evaluation object
* @var calc_formula A formula object
public $formula;
* The type of grade (0 = none, 1 = value, 2 = scale, 3 = text)
* @var int $gradetype
public $gradetype = GRADE_TYPE_VALUE;
* Maximum allowable grade.
* @var float $grademax
public $grademax = 100;
* Minimum allowable grade.
* @var float $grademin
public $grademin = 0;
* id of the scale, if this grade is based on a scale.
* @var int $scaleid
public $scaleid;
* The grade_scale object referenced by $this->scaleid.
* @var grade_scale $scale
public $scale;
* The id of the optional grade_outcome associated with this grade_item.
* @var int $outcomeid
public $outcomeid;
* The grade_outcome this grade is associated with, if applicable.
* @var grade_outcome $outcome
public $outcome;
* grade required to pass. (grademin <= gradepass <= grademax)
* @var float $gradepass
public $gradepass = 0;
* Multiply all grades by this number.
* @var float $multfactor
public $multfactor = 1.0;
* Add this to all grades.
* @var float $plusfactor
public $plusfactor = 0;
* Aggregation coeficient used for weighted averages or extra credit
* @var float $aggregationcoef
public $aggregationcoef = 0;
* Aggregation coeficient used for weighted averages only
* @var float $aggregationcoef2
public $aggregationcoef2 = 0;
* Sorting order of the columns.
* @var int $sortorder
public $sortorder = 0;
* Display type of the grades (Real, Percentage, Letter, or default).
* @var int $display
* The number of digits after the decimal point symbol. Applies only to REAL and PERCENTAGE grade display types.
* @var int $decimals
public $decimals = null;
* Grade item lock flag. Empty if not locked, locked if any value present, usually date when item was locked. Locking prevents updating.
* @var int $locked
public $locked = 0;
* Date after which the grade will be locked. Empty means no automatic locking.
* @var int $locktime
public $locktime = 0;
* If set, the whole column will be recalculated, then this flag will be switched off.
* @var bool $needsupdate
public $needsupdate = 1;
* If set, the grade item's weight has been overridden by a user and should not be automatically adjusted.
public $weightoverride = 0;
* Cached dependson array
* @var array An array of cached grade item dependencies.
public $dependson_cache = null;
* Constructor. Optionally (and by default) attempts to fetch corresponding row from the database
* @param array $params An array with required parameters for this grade object.
* @param bool $fetch Whether to fetch corresponding row from the database or not,
* optional fields might not be defined if false used
public function __construct($params = null, $fetch = true) {
global $CFG;
// Set grademax from $CFG->gradepointdefault .
self::set_properties($this, array('grademax' => $CFG->gradepointdefault));
parent::__construct($params, $fetch);
* In addition to update() as defined in grade_object, handle the grade_outcome and grade_scale objects.
* Force regrading if necessary, rounds the float numbers using php function,
* the reason is we need to compare the db value with computed number to skip regrading if possible.
* @param string $source from where was the object inserted (mod/forum, manual, etc.)
* @return bool success
public function update($source=null) {
// reset caches
$this->dependson_cache = null;
// Retrieve scale and infer grademax/min from it if needed
// make sure there is not 0 in outcomeid
if (empty($this->outcomeid)) {
$this->outcomeid = null;
if ($this->qualifies_for_regrading()) {
$this->timemodified = time();
$this->grademin = grade_floatval($this->grademin);
$this->grademax = grade_floatval($this->grademax);
$this->multfactor = grade_floatval($this->multfactor);
$this->plusfactor = grade_floatval($this->plusfactor);
$this->aggregationcoef = grade_floatval($this->aggregationcoef);
$this->aggregationcoef2 = grade_floatval($this->aggregationcoef2);
return parent::update($source);
* Compares the values held by this object with those of the matching record in DB, and returns
* whether or not these differences are sufficient to justify an update of all parent objects.
* This assumes that this object has an id number and a matching record in DB. If not, it will return false.
* @return bool
public function qualifies_for_regrading() {
if (empty($this->id)) {
return false;
$db_item = new grade_item(array('id' => $this->id));
$calculationdiff = $db_item->calculation != $this->calculation;
$categorydiff = $db_item->categoryid != $this->categoryid;
$gradetypediff = $db_item->gradetype != $this->gradetype;
$scaleiddiff = $db_item->scaleid != $this->scaleid;
$outcomeiddiff = $db_item->outcomeid != $this->outcomeid;
$locktimediff = $db_item->locktime != $this->locktime;
$grademindiff = grade_floats_different($db_item->grademin, $this->grademin);
$grademaxdiff = grade_floats_different($db_item->grademax, $this->grademax);
$multfactordiff = grade_floats_different($db_item->multfactor, $this->multfactor);
$plusfactordiff = grade_floats_different($db_item->plusfactor, $this->plusfactor);
$acoefdiff = grade_floats_different($db_item->aggregationcoef, $this->aggregationcoef);
$acoefdiff2 = grade_floats_different($db_item->aggregationcoef2, $this->aggregationcoef2);
$weightoverride = grade_floats_different($db_item->weightoverride, $this->weightoverride);
$needsupdatediff = !$db_item->needsupdate && $this->needsupdate; // force regrading only if setting the flag first time
$lockeddiff = !empty($db_item->locked) && empty($this->locked); // force regrading only when unlocking
return ($calculationdiff || $categorydiff || $gradetypediff || $grademaxdiff || $grademindiff || $scaleiddiff
|| $outcomeiddiff || $multfactordiff || $plusfactordiff || $needsupdatediff
|| $lockeddiff || $acoefdiff || $acoefdiff2 || $weightoverride || $locktimediff);
* Finds and returns a grade_item instance based on params.
* @static
* @param array $params associative arrays varname=>value
* @return grade_item|bool Returns a grade_item instance or false if none found
public static function fetch($params) {
return grade_object::fetch_helper('grade_items', 'grade_item', $params);
* Finds and returns all grade_item instances based on params.
* @static
* @param array $params associative arrays varname=>value
* @return array array of grade_item instances or false if none found.
public static function fetch_all($params) {
return grade_object::fetch_all_helper('grade_items', 'grade_item', $params);
* Delete all grades and force_regrading of parent category.
* @param string $source from where was the object deleted (mod/forum, manual, etc.)
* @return bool success
public function delete($source=null) {
return parent::delete($source);
* Delete all grades
* @param string $source from where was the object deleted (mod/forum, manual, etc.)
* @return bool
public function delete_all_grades($source=null) {
if (!$this->is_course_item()) {
if ($grades = grade_grade::fetch_all(array('itemid'=>$this->id))) {
foreach ($grades as $grade) {
return true;
* In addition to perform parent::insert(), calls force_regrading() method too.
* @param string $source From where was the object inserted (mod/forum, manual, etc.)
* @return int PK ID if successful, false otherwise
public function insert($source=null) {
global $CFG, $DB;
if (empty($this->courseid)) {
// load scale if needed
// add parent category if needed
if (empty($this->categoryid) and !$this->is_course_item() and !$this->is_category_item()) {
$course_category = grade_category::fetch_course_category($this->courseid);
$this->categoryid = $course_category->id;
// always place the new items at the end, move them after insert if needed
$last_sortorder = $DB->get_field_select('grade_items', 'MAX(sortorder)', "courseid = ?", array($this->courseid));
if (!empty($last_sortorder)) {
$this->sortorder = $last_sortorder + 1;
} else {
$this->sortorder = 1;
// add proper item numbers to manual items
if ($this->itemtype == 'manual') {
if (empty($this->itemnumber)) {
$this->itemnumber = 0;
// make sure there is not 0 in outcomeid
if (empty($this->outcomeid)) {
$this->outcomeid = null;
$this->timecreated = $this->timemodified = time();
if (parent::insert($source)) {
// force regrading of items if needed
return $this->id;
} else {
debugging("Could not insert this grade_item in the database!");
return false;
* Set idnumber of grade item, updates also course_modules table
* @param string $idnumber (without magic quotes)
* @return bool success
public function add_idnumber($idnumber) {
global $DB;
if (!empty($this->idnumber)) {
return false;
if ($this->itemtype == 'mod' and !$this->is_outcome_item()) {
if ($this->itemnumber == 0) {
// for activity modules, itemnumber 0 is synced with the course_modules
if (!$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance($this->itemmodule, $this->iteminstance, $this->courseid)) {
return false;
if (!empty($cm->idnumber)) {
return false;
$DB->set_field('course_modules', 'idnumber', $idnumber, array('id' => $cm->id));
$this->idnumber = $idnumber;
return $this->update();
} else {
$this->idnumber = $idnumber;
return $this->update();
} else {
$this->idnumber = $idnumber;
return $this->update();
* Returns the locked state of this grade_item (if the grade_item is locked OR no specific
* $userid is given) or the locked state of a specific grade within this item if a specific
* $userid is given and the grade_item is unlocked.
* @param int $userid The user's ID
* @return bool Locked state
public function is_locked($userid=NULL) {
if (!empty($this->locked)) {
return true;
if (!empty($userid)) {
if ($grade = grade_grade::fetch(array('itemid'=>$this->id, 'userid'=>$userid))) {
$grade->grade_item =& $this; // prevent db fetching of cached grade_item
return $grade->is_locked();
return false;
* Locks or unlocks this grade_item and (optionally) all its associated final grades.
* @param int $lockedstate 0, 1 or a timestamp int(10) after which date the item will be locked.
* @param bool $cascade Lock/unlock child objects too
* @param bool $refresh Refresh grades when unlocking
* @return bool True if grade_item all grades updated, false if at least one update fails
public function set_locked($lockedstate, $cascade=false, $refresh=true) {
if ($lockedstate) {
/// setting lock
if ($this->needsupdate) {
return false; // can not lock grade without first having final grade
$this->locked = time();
if ($cascade) {
$grades = $this->get_final();
foreach($grades as $g) {
$grade = new grade_grade($g, false);
$grade->grade_item =& $this;
$grade->set_locked(1, null, false);
return true;
} else {
/// removing lock
if (!empty($this->locked) and $this->locktime < time()) {
//we have to reset locktime or else it would lock up again
$this->locktime = 0;
$this->locked = 0;
if ($cascade) {
if ($grades = grade_grade::fetch_all(array('itemid'=>$this->id))) {
foreach($grades as $grade) {
$grade->grade_item =& $this;
$grade->set_locked(0, null, false);
if ($refresh) {
//refresh when unlocking
return true;
* Lock the grade if needed. Make sure this is called only when final grades are valid
public function check_locktime() {
if (!empty($this->locked)) {
return; // already locked
if ($this->locktime and $this->locktime < time()) {
$this->locked = time();
* Set the locktime for this grade item.
* @param int $locktime timestamp for lock to activate
* @return void
public function set_locktime($locktime) {
$this->locktime = $locktime;
* Set the locktime for this grade item.
* @return int $locktime timestamp for lock to activate
public function get_locktime() {
return $this->locktime;
* Set the hidden status of grade_item and all grades.
* 0 mean always visible, 1 means always hidden and a number > 1 is a timestamp to hide until
* @param int $hidden new hidden status
* @param bool $cascade apply to child objects too
public function set_hidden($hidden, $cascade=false) {
parent::set_hidden($hidden, $cascade);
if ($cascade) {
if ($grades = grade_grade::fetch_all(array('itemid'=>$this->id))) {
foreach($grades as $grade) {
$grade->grade_item =& $this;
$grade->set_hidden($hidden, $cascade);
//if marking item visible make sure category is visible MDL-21367
if( !$hidden ) {
$category_array = grade_category::fetch_all(array('id'=>$this->categoryid));
if ($category_array && array_key_exists($this->categoryid, $category_array)) {
$category = $category_array[$this->categoryid];
//call set_hidden on the category regardless of whether it is hidden as its parent might be hidden
//if($category->is_hidden()) {
$category->set_hidden($hidden, false);
* Returns the number of grades that are hidden
* @param string $groupsql SQL to limit the query by group
* @param array $params SQL params for $groupsql
* @param string $groupwheresql Where conditions for $groupsql
* @return int The number of hidden grades
public function has_hidden_grades($groupsql="", array $params=null, $groupwheresql="") {
global $DB;
$params = (array)$params;
$params['itemid'] = $this->id;
return $DB->get_field_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {grade_grades} g LEFT JOIN "
."{user} u ON g.userid = u.id $groupsql WHERE itemid = :itemid AND hidden = 1 $groupwheresql", $params);
* Mark regrading as finished successfully.
public function regrading_finished() {
global $DB;
$this->needsupdate = 0;
//do not use $this->update() because we do not want this logged in grade_item_history
$DB->set_field('grade_items', 'needsupdate', 0, array('id' => $this->id));
* Performs the necessary calculations on the grades_final referenced by this grade_item.
* Also resets the needsupdate flag once successfully performed.
* This function must be used ONLY from lib/gradeslib.php/grade_regrade_final_grades(),
* because the regrading must be done in correct order!!
* @param int $userid Supply a user ID to limit the regrading to a single user
* @return bool true if ok, error string otherwise
public function regrade_final_grades($userid=null) {
global $CFG, $DB;
// locked grade items already have correct final grades
if ($this->is_locked()) {
return true;
// calculation produces final value using formula from other final values
if ($this->is_calculated()) {
if ($this->compute($userid)) {
return true;
} else {
return "Could not calculate grades for grade item"; // TODO: improve and localize
// noncalculated outcomes already have final values - raw grades not used
} else if ($this->is_outcome_item()) {
return true;
// aggregate the category grade
} else if ($this->is_category_item() or $this->is_course_item()) {
// aggregate category grade item
$category = $this->load_item_category();
$category->grade_item =& $this;
if ($category->generate_grades($userid)) {
return true;
} else {
return "Could not aggregate final grades for category:".$this->id; // TODO: improve and localize
} else if ($this->is_manual_item()) {
// manual items track only final grades, no raw grades
return true;
} else if (!$this->is_raw_used()) {
// hmm - raw grades are not used- nothing to regrade
return true;
// normal grade item - just new final grades
$result = true;
$grade_inst = new grade_grade();
$fields = implode(',', $grade_inst->required_fields);
if ($userid) {
$params = array($this->id, $userid);
$rs = $DB->get_recordset_select('grade_grades', "itemid=? AND userid=?", $params, '', $fields);
} else {
$rs = $DB->get_recordset('grade_grades', array('itemid' => $this->id), '', $fields);
if ($rs) {
foreach ($rs as $grade_record) {
$grade = new grade_grade($grade_record, false);
if (!empty($grade_record->locked) or !empty($grade_record->overridden)) {
// this grade is locked - final grade must be ok
$grade->finalgrade = $this->adjust_raw_grade($grade->rawgrade, $grade->rawgrademin, $grade->rawgrademax);
if (grade_floats_different($grade_record->finalgrade, $grade->finalgrade)) {
$success = $grade->update('system');
// If successful trigger a user_graded event.
if ($success) {
} else {
$result = "Internal error updating final grade";
return $result;
* Given a float grade value or integer grade scale, applies a number of adjustment based on
* grade_item variables and returns the result.
* @param float $rawgrade The raw grade value
* @param float $rawmin original rawmin
* @param float $rawmax original rawmax
* @return mixed
public function adjust_raw_grade($rawgrade, $rawmin, $rawmax) {
if (is_null($rawgrade)) {
return null;
if ($this->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_VALUE) { // Dealing with numerical grade
if ($this->grademax < $this->grademin) {
return null;
if ($this->grademax == $this->grademin) {
return $this->grademax; // no range
// Standardise score to the new grade range
// NOTE: this is not compatible with current assignment grading
$isassignmentmodule = ($this->itemmodule == 'assignment') || ($this->itemmodule == 'assign');
if (!$isassignmentmodule && ($rawmin != $this->grademin or $rawmax != $this->grademax)) {
$rawgrade = grade_grade::standardise_score($rawgrade, $rawmin, $rawmax, $this->grademin, $this->grademax);
// Apply other grade_item factors
$rawgrade *= $this->multfactor;
$rawgrade += $this->plusfactor;
return $this->bounded_grade($rawgrade);
} else if ($this->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_SCALE) { // Dealing with a scale value
if (empty($this->scale)) {
if ($this->grademax < 0) {
return null; // scale not present - no grade
if ($this->grademax == 0) {
return $this->grademax; // only one option
// Convert scale if needed
// NOTE: this is not compatible with current assignment grading
if ($this->itemmodule != 'assignment' and ($rawmin != $this->grademin or $rawmax != $this->grademax)) {
$rawgrade = grade_grade::standardise_score($rawgrade, $rawmin, $rawmax, $this->grademin, $this->grademax);
return $this->bounded_grade($rawgrade);
} else if ($this->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_TEXT or $this->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_NONE) { // no value
// somebody changed the grading type when grades already existed
return null;
} else {
debugging("Unknown grade type");
return null;
* Sets this grade_item's needsupdate to true. Also marks the course item as needing update.
* @return void
public function force_regrading() {
global $DB;
$this->needsupdate = 1;
//mark this item and course item only - categories and calculated items are always regraded
$wheresql = "(itemtype='course' OR id=?) AND courseid=?";
$params = array($this->id, $this->courseid);
$DB->set_field_select('grade_items', 'needsupdate', 1, $wheresql, $params);
* Instantiates a grade_scale object from the DB if this item's scaleid variable is set
* @return grade_scale Returns a grade_scale object or null if no scale used
public function load_scale() {
if ($this->gradetype != GRADE_TYPE_SCALE) {
$this->scaleid = null;
if (!empty($this->scaleid)) {
//do not load scale if already present
if (empty($this->scale->id) or $this->scale->id != $this->scaleid) {
$this->scale = grade_scale::fetch(array('id'=>$this->scaleid));
if (!$this->scale) {
debugging('Incorrect scale id: '.$this->scaleid);
$this->scale = null;
return null;
// Until scales are uniformly set to min=0 max=count(scaleitems)-1 throughout Moodle, we
// stay with the current min=1 max=count(scaleitems)
$this->grademax = count($this->scale->scale_items);
$this->grademin = 1;
} else {
$this->scale = null;
return $this->scale;
* Instantiates a grade_outcome object from the DB if this item's outcomeid variable is set
* @return grade_outcome This grade item's associated grade_outcome or null
public function load_outcome() {
if (!empty($this->outcomeid)) {
$this->outcome = grade_outcome::fetch(array('id'=>$this->outcomeid));
return $this->outcome;
* Returns the grade_category object this grade_item belongs to (referenced by categoryid)
* or category attached to category item.
* @return grade_category|bool Returns a grade_category object if applicable or false if this is a course item
public function get_parent_category() {
if ($this->is_category_item() or $this->is_course_item()) {
return $this->get_item_category();
} else {
return grade_category::fetch(array('id'=>$this->categoryid));
* Calls upon the get_parent_category method to retrieve the grade_category object
* from the DB and assigns it to $this->parent_category. It also returns the object.
* @return grade_category This grade item's parent grade_category.
public function load_parent_category() {
if (empty($this->parent_category->id)) {
$this->parent_category = $this->get_parent_category();
return $this->parent_category;
* Returns the grade_category for a grade category grade item
* @return grade_category|bool Returns a grade_category instance if applicable or false otherwise
public function get_item_category() {
if (!$this->is_course_item() and !$this->is_category_item()) {
return false;
return grade_category::fetch(array('id'=>$this->iteminstance));
* Calls upon the get_item_category method to retrieve the grade_category object
* from the DB and assigns it to $this->item_category. It also returns the object.
* @return grade_category
public function load_item_category() {
if (empty($this->item_category->id)) {
$this->item_category = $this->get_item_category();
return $this->item_category;
* Is the grade item associated with category?
* @return bool
public function is_category_item() {
return ($this->itemtype == 'category');
* Is the grade item associated with course?
* @return bool
public function is_course_item() {
return ($this->itemtype == 'course');
* Is this a manually graded item?
* @return bool
public function is_manual_item() {
return ($this->itemtype == 'manual');
* Is this an outcome item?
* @return bool
public function is_outcome_item() {
return !empty($this->outcomeid);
* Is the grade item external - associated with module, plugin or something else?
* @return bool
public function is_external_item() {
return ($this->itemtype == 'mod');
* Is the grade item overridable
* @return bool
public function is_overridable_item() {
if ($this->is_course_item() or $this->is_category_item()) {
$overridable = (bool) get_config('moodle', 'grade_overridecat');
} else {
$overridable = false;
return !$this->is_outcome_item() and ($this->is_external_item() or $this->is_calculated() or $overridable);
* Is the grade item feedback overridable
* @return bool
public function is_overridable_item_feedback() {
return !$this->is_outcome_item() and $this->is_external_item();
* Returns true if grade items uses raw grades
* @return bool
public function is_raw_used() {
return ($this->is_external_item() and !$this->is_calculated() and !$this->is_outcome_item());
* Returns true if the grade item is an aggreggated type grade.
* @since Moodle 2.8.7, 2.9.1
* @return bool
public function is_aggregate_item() {
return ($this->is_category_item() || $this->is_course_item());
* Returns the grade item associated with the course
* @param int $courseid
* @return grade_item Course level grade item object
public static function fetch_course_item($courseid) {
if ($course_item = grade_item::fetch(array('courseid'=>$courseid, 'itemtype'=>'course'))) {
return $course_item;
// first get category - it creates the associated grade item
$course_category = grade_category::fetch_course_category($courseid);
return $course_category->get_grade_item();
* Is grading object editable?
* @return bool
public function is_editable() {
return true;
* Checks if grade calculated. Returns this object's calculation.
* @return bool true if grade item calculated.
public function is_calculated() {
if (empty($this->calculation)) {
return false;
* The main reason why we use the ##gixxx## instead of [[idnumber]] is speed of depends_on(),
* we would have to fetch all course grade items to find out the ids.
* Also if user changes the idnumber the formula does not need to be updated.
// first detect if we need to change calculation formula from [[idnumber]] to ##giXXX## (after backup, etc.)
if (!$this->calculation_normalized and strpos($this->calculation, '[[') !== false) {
return !empty($this->calculation);
* Returns calculation string if grade calculated.
* @return string Returns the grade item's calculation if calculation is used, null if not
public function get_calculation() {
if ($this->is_calculated()) {
return grade_item::denormalize_formula($this->calculation, $this->courseid);
} else {
return NULL;
* Sets this item's calculation (creates it) if not yet set, or
* updates it if already set (in the DB). If no calculation is given,
* the calculation is removed.
* @param string $formula string representation of formula used for calculation
* @return bool success
public function set_calculation($formula) {
$this->calculation = grade_item::normalize_formula($formula, $this->courseid);
$this->calculation_normalized = true;
return $this->update();
* Denormalizes the calculation formula to [idnumber] form
* @param string $formula A string representation of the formula
* @param int $courseid The course ID
* @return string The denormalized formula as a string
public static function denormalize_formula($formula, $courseid) {
if (empty($formula)) {
return '';
// denormalize formula - convert ##giXX## to [[idnumber]]
if (preg_match_all('/##gi(\d+)##/', $formula, $matches)) {
foreach ($matches[1] as $id) {
if ($grade_item = grade_item::fetch(array('id'=>$id, 'courseid'=>$courseid))) {
if (!empty($grade_item->idnumber)) {
$formula = str_replace('##gi'.$grade_item->id.'##', '[['.$grade_item->idnumber.']]', $formula);
return $formula;
* Normalizes the calculation formula to [#giXX#] form
* @param string $formula The formula
* @param int $courseid The course ID
* @return string The normalized formula as a string
public static function normalize_formula($formula, $courseid) {
$formula = trim($formula);
if (empty($formula)) {
return NULL;
// normalize formula - we want grade item ids ##giXXX## instead of [[idnumber]]
if ($grade_items = grade_item::fetch_all(array('courseid'=>$courseid))) {
foreach ($grade_items as $grade_item) {
$formula = str_replace('[['.$grade_item->idnumber.']]', '##gi'.$grade_item->id.'##', $formula);
return $formula;
* Returns the final values for this grade item (as imported by module or other source).
* @param int $userid Optional: to retrieve a single user's final grade
* @return array|grade_grade An array of all grade_grade instances for this grade_item, or a single grade_grade instance.
public function get_final($userid=NULL) {
global $DB;
if ($userid) {
if ($user = $DB->get_record('grade_grades', array('itemid' => $this->id, 'userid' => $userid))) {
return $user;
} else {
if ($grades = $DB->get_records('grade_grades', array('itemid' => $this->id))) {
//TODO: speed up with better SQL (MDL-31380)
$result = array();
foreach ($grades as $grade) {
$result[$grade->userid] = $grade;
return $result;
} else {
return array();
* Get (or create if not exist yet) grade for this user
* @param int $userid The user ID
* @param bool $create If true and the user has no grade for this grade item a new grade_grade instance will be inserted
* @return grade_grade The grade_grade instance for the user for this grade item
public function get_grade($userid, $create=true) {
if (empty($this->id)) {
debugging('Can not use before insert');
return false;
$grade = new grade_grade(array('userid'=>$userid, 'itemid'=>$this->id));
if (empty($grade->id) and $create) {
return $grade;
* Returns the sortorder of this grade_item. This method is also available in
* grade_category, for cases where the object type is not know.
* @return int Sort order
public function get_sortorder() {
return $this->sortorder;
* Returns the idnumber of this grade_item. This method is also available in
* grade_category, for cases where the object type is not know.
* @return string The grade item idnumber
public function get_idnumber() {
return $this->idnumber;
* Returns this grade_item. This method is also available in
* grade_category, for cases where the object type is not know.
* @return grade_item
public function get_grade_item() {
return $this;
* Sets the sortorder of this grade_item. This method is also available in
* grade_category, for cases where the object type is not know.
* @param int $sortorder
public function set_sortorder($sortorder) {
if ($this->sortorder == $sortorder) {
$this->sortorder = $sortorder;
* Update this grade item's sortorder so that it will appear after $sortorder
* @param int $sortorder The sort order to place this grade item after
public function move_after_sortorder($sortorder) {
global $CFG, $DB;
//make some room first
$params = array($sortorder, $this->courseid);
$sql = "UPDATE {grade_items}
SET sortorder = sortorder + 1
WHERE sortorder > ? AND courseid = ?";
$DB->execute($sql, $params);
$this->set_sortorder($sortorder + 1);
* Detect duplicate grade item's sortorder and re-sort them.
* Note: Duplicate sortorder will be introduced while duplicating activities or
* merging two courses.
* @param int $courseid id of the course for which grade_items sortorder need to be fixed.
public static function fix_duplicate_sortorder($courseid) {
global $DB;
$transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction();
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT g1.id, g1.courseid, g1.sortorder
FROM {grade_items} g1
JOIN {grade_items} g2 ON g1.courseid = g2.courseid
WHERE g1.sortorder = g2.sortorder AND g1.id != g2.id AND g1.courseid = :courseid
ORDER BY g1.sortorder DESC, g1.id DESC";
// Get all duplicates in course highest sort order, and higest id first so that we can make space at the
// bottom higher end of the sort orders and work down by id.
$rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, array('courseid' => $courseid));
foreach($rs as $duplicate) {
$DB->execute("UPDATE {grade_items}
SET sortorder = sortorder + 1
WHERE courseid = :courseid AND
(sortorder > :sortorder OR (sortorder = :sortorder2 AND id > :id))",
array('courseid' => $duplicate->courseid,
'sortorder' => $duplicate->sortorder,
'sortorder2' => $duplicate->sortorder,
'id' => $duplicate->id));
* Returns the most descriptive field for this object.
* Determines what type of grade item it is then returns the appropriate string
* @param bool $fulltotal If the item is a category total, returns $categoryname."total" instead of "Category total" or "Course total"
* @return string name
public function get_name($fulltotal=false) {
if (strval($this->itemname) !== '') {
// MDL-10557
return format_string($this->itemname);
} else if ($this->is_course_item()) {
return get_string('coursetotal', 'grades');
} else if ($this->is_category_item()) {
if ($fulltotal) {
$category = $this->load_parent_category();
$a = new stdClass();
$a->category = $category->get_name();
return get_string('categorytotalfull', 'grades', $a);
} else {
return get_string('categorytotal', 'grades');
} else {
return get_string('grade');
* A grade item can return a more detailed description which will be added to the header of the column/row in some reports.
* @return string description
public function get_description() {
if ($this->is_course_item() || $this->is_category_item()) {
$categoryitem = $this->load_item_category();
return $categoryitem->get_description();
return '';
* Sets this item's categoryid. A generic method shared by objects that have a parent id of some kind.
* @param int $parentid The ID of the new parent
* @param bool $updateaggregationfields Whether or not to convert the aggregation fields when switching between category.
* Set this to false when the aggregation fields have been updated in prevision of the new
* category, typically when the item is freshly created.
* @return bool True if success
public function set_parent($parentid, $updateaggregationfields = true) {
if ($this->is_course_item() or $this->is_category_item()) {
if ($this->categoryid == $parentid) {
return true;
// find parent and check course id
if (!$parent_category = grade_category::fetch(array('id'=>$parentid, 'courseid'=>$this->courseid))) {
return false;
$currentparent = $this->load_parent_category();
if ($updateaggregationfields) {
$this->set_aggregation_fields_for_aggregation($currentparent->aggregation, $parent_category->aggregation);
// set new parent
$this->categoryid = $parent_category->id;
$this->parent_category =& $parent_category;
return $this->update();
* Update the aggregation fields when the aggregation changed.
* This method should always be called when the aggregation has changed, but also when
* the item was moved to another category, even it if uses the same aggregation method.
* Some values such as the weight only make sense within a category, once moved the
* values should be reset to let the user adapt them accordingly.
* Note that this method does not save the grade item.
* {@link grade_item::update()} has to be called manually after using this method.
* @param int $from Aggregation method constant value.
* @param int $to Aggregation method constant value.
* @return boolean True when at least one field was changed, false otherwise
public function set_aggregation_fields_for_aggregation($from, $to) {
$defaults = grade_category::get_default_aggregation_coefficient_values($to);
$origaggregationcoef = $this->aggregationcoef;
$origaggregationcoef2 = $this->aggregationcoef2;
$origweighoverride = $this->weightoverride;
if ($from == GRADE_AGGREGATE_SUM && $to == GRADE_AGGREGATE_SUM && $this->weightoverride) {
// Do nothing. We are switching from SUM to SUM and the weight is overriden,
// a teacher would not expect any change in this situation.
// Do nothing. The weights can be kept in this case.
// Reset all but the the extra credit field.
$this->aggregationcoef2 = $defaults['aggregationcoef2'];
$this->weightoverride = $defaults['weightoverride'];
// Normalise extra credit, except for 'Mean with extra credit' which supports higher values than 1.
$this->aggregationcoef = min(1, $this->aggregationcoef);
} else {
// Reset all.
$this->aggregationcoef = $defaults['aggregationcoef'];
$this->aggregationcoef2 = $defaults['aggregationcoef2'];
$this->weightoverride = $defaults['weightoverride'];
$acoefdiff = grade_floats_different($origaggregationcoef, $this->aggregationcoef);
$acoefdiff2 = grade_floats_different($origaggregationcoef2, $this->aggregationcoef2);
$weightoverride = grade_floats_different($origweighoverride, $this->weightoverride);
return $acoefdiff || $acoefdiff2 || $weightoverride;
* Makes sure value is a valid grade value.
* @param float $gradevalue
* @return mixed float or int fixed grade value
public function bounded_grade($gradevalue) {
global $CFG;
if (is_null($gradevalue)) {
return null;
if ($this->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_SCALE) {
// no >100% grades hack for scale grades!
// 1.5 is rounded to 2 ;-)
return (int)bounded_number($this->grademin, round($gradevalue+0.00001), $this->grademax);
$grademax = $this->grademax;
// NOTE: if you change this value you must manually reset the needsupdate flag in all grade items
$maxcoef = isset($CFG->gradeoverhundredprocentmax) ? $CFG->gradeoverhundredprocentmax : 10; // 1000% max by default
if (!empty($CFG->unlimitedgrades)) {
// NOTE: if you change this value you must manually reset the needsupdate flag in all grade items
$grademax = $grademax * $maxcoef;
} else if ($this->is_category_item() or $this->is_course_item()) {
$category = $this->load_item_category();
if ($category->aggregation >= 100) {
// grade >100% hack
$grademax = $grademax * $maxcoef;
return (float)bounded_number($this->grademin, $gradevalue, $grademax);
* Finds out on which other items does this depend directly when doing calculation or category aggregation
* @param bool $reset_cache
* @return array of grade_item IDs this one depends on
public function depends_on($reset_cache=false) {
global $CFG, $DB;
if ($reset_cache) {
$this->dependson_cache = null;
} else if (isset($this->dependson_cache)) {
return $this->dependson_cache;
if ($this->is_locked()) {
// locked items do not need to be regraded
$this->dependson_cache = array();
return $this->dependson_cache;
if ($this->is_calculated()) {
if (preg_match_all('/##gi(\d+)##/', $this->calculation, $matches)) {
$this->dependson_cache = array_unique($matches[1]); // remove duplicates
return $this->dependson_cache;
} else {
$this->dependson_cache = array();
return $this->dependson_cache;
} else if ($grade_category = $this->load_item_category()) {
$params = array();
//only items with numeric or scale values can be aggregated
if ($this->gradetype != GRADE_TYPE_VALUE and $this->gradetype != GRADE_TYPE_SCALE) {
$this->dependson_cache = array();
return $this->dependson_cache;
if (empty($CFG->enableoutcomes) or $grade_category->aggregateoutcomes) {
$outcomes_sql = "";
} else {
$outcomes_sql = "AND gi.outcomeid IS NULL";
if (empty($CFG->grade_includescalesinaggregation)) {
$gtypes = "gi.gradetype = ?";
$params[] = GRADE_TYPE_VALUE;
} else {
$gtypes = "(gi.gradetype = ? OR gi.gradetype = ?)";
$params[] = GRADE_TYPE_VALUE;
$params[] = GRADE_TYPE_SCALE;
$params[] = $grade_category->id;
$params[] = $this->courseid;
$params[] = $grade_category->id;
$params[] = $this->courseid;
if (empty($CFG->grade_includescalesinaggregation)) {
$params[] = GRADE_TYPE_VALUE;
} else {
$params[] = GRADE_TYPE_VALUE;
$params[] = GRADE_TYPE_SCALE;
$sql = "SELECT gi.id
FROM {grade_items} gi
WHERE $gtypes
AND gi.categoryid = ?
AND gi.courseid = ?
SELECT gi.id
FROM {grade_items} gi, {grade_categories} gc
WHERE (gi.itemtype = 'category' OR gi.itemtype = 'course') AND gi.iteminstance=gc.id
AND gc.parent = ?
AND gi.courseid = ?
AND $gtypes
if ($children = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params)) {
$this->dependson_cache = array_keys($children);
return $this->dependson_cache;
} else {
$this->dependson_cache = array();
return $this->dependson_cache;
} else {
$this->dependson_cache = array();
return $this->dependson_cache;
* Refetch grades from modules, plugins.
* @param int $userid optional, limit the refetch to a single user
* @return bool Returns true on success or if there is nothing to do
public function refresh_grades($userid=0) {
global $DB;
if ($this->itemtype == 'mod') {
if ($this->is_outcome_item()) {
//nothing to do
return true;
if (!$activity = $DB->get_record($this->itemmodule, array('id' => $this->iteminstance))) {
debugging("Can not find $this->itemmodule activity with id $this->iteminstance");
return false;
if (!$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance($this->itemmodule, $activity->id, $this->courseid)) {
debugging('Can not find course module');
return false;
$activity->modname = $this->itemmodule;
$activity->cmidnumber = $cm->idnumber;
return grade_update_mod_grades($activity, $userid);
return true;
* Updates final grade value for given user, this is a only way to update final
* grades from gradebook and import because it logs the change in history table
* and deals with overridden flag. This flag is set to prevent later overriding
* from raw grades submitted from modules.
* @param int $userid The graded user
* @param float|false $finalgrade The float value of final grade, false means do not change
* @param string $source The modification source
* @param string $feedback Optional teacher feedback
* @param int $feedbackformat A format like FORMAT_PLAIN or FORMAT_HTML
* @param int $usermodified The ID of the user making the modification
* @return bool success
public function update_final_grade($userid, $finalgrade=false, $source=NULL, $feedback=false, $feedbackformat=FORMAT_MOODLE, $usermodified=null) {
global $USER, $CFG;
$result = true;
// no grading used or locked
if ($this->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_NONE or $this->is_locked()) {
return false;
$grade = new grade_grade(array('itemid'=>$this->id, 'userid'=>$userid));
$grade->grade_item =& $this; // prevent db fetching of this grade_item
if (empty($usermodified)) {
$grade->usermodified = $USER->id;
} else {
$grade->usermodified = $usermodified;
if ($grade->is_locked()) {
// do not update locked grades at all
return false;
$locktime = $grade->get_locktime();
if ($locktime and $locktime < time()) {
// do not update grades that should be already locked, force regrade instead
return false;
$oldgrade = new stdClass();
$oldgrade->finalgrade = $grade->finalgrade;
$oldgrade->overridden = $grade->overridden;
$oldgrade->feedback = $grade->feedback;
$oldgrade->feedbackformat = $grade->feedbackformat;
// MDL-31713 rawgramemin and max must be up to date so conditional access %'s works properly.
$grade->rawgrademin = $this->grademin;
$grade->rawgrademax = $this->grademax;
$grade->rawscaleid = $this->scaleid;
// changed grade?
if ($finalgrade !== false) {
if ($this->is_overridable_item()) {
$grade->overridden = time();
$grade->finalgrade = $this->bounded_grade($finalgrade);
// do we have comment from teacher?
if ($feedback !== false) {
if ($this->is_overridable_item_feedback()) {
// external items (modules, plugins) may have own feedback
$grade->overridden = time();
$grade->feedback = $feedback;
$grade->feedbackformat = $feedbackformat;
if (empty($grade->id)) {
$grade->timecreated = null; // hack alert - date submitted - no submission yet
$grade->timemodified = time(); // hack alert - date graded
$result = (bool)$grade->insert($source);
// If the grade insert was successful and the final grade was not null then trigger a user_graded event.
if ($result && !is_null($grade->finalgrade)) {
} else if (grade_floats_different($grade->finalgrade, $oldgrade->finalgrade)
or $grade->feedback !== $oldgrade->feedback
or $grade->feedbackformat != $oldgrade->feedbackformat
or ($oldgrade->overridden == 0 and $grade->overridden > 0)) {
$grade->timemodified = time(); // hack alert - date graded
$result = $grade->update($source);
// If the grade update was successful and the actual grade has changed then trigger a user_graded event.
if ($result && grade_floats_different($grade->finalgrade, $oldgrade->finalgrade)) {
} else {
// no grade change
return $result;
if (!$result) {
// something went wrong - better force final grade recalculation
} else if ($this->is_course_item() and !$this->needsupdate) {
if (grade_regrade_final_grades($this->courseid, $userid, $this) !== true) {
} else if (!$this->needsupdate) {
$course_item = grade_item::fetch_course_item($this->courseid);
if (!$course_item->needsupdate) {
if (grade_regrade_final_grades($this->courseid, $userid, $this) !== true) {
} else {
return $result;
* Updates raw grade value for given user, this is a only way to update raw
* grades from external source (modules, etc.),
* because it logs the change in history table and deals with final grade recalculation.
* @param int $userid the graded user
* @param mixed $rawgrade float value of raw grade - false means do not change
* @param string $source modification source
* @param string $feedback optional teacher feedback
* @param int $feedbackformat A format like FORMAT_PLAIN or FORMAT_HTML
* @param int $usermodified the ID of the user who did the grading
* @param int $dategraded A timestamp of when the student's work was graded
* @param int $datesubmitted A timestamp of when the student's work was submitted
* @param grade_grade $grade A grade object, useful for bulk upgrades
* @return bool success
public function update_raw_grade($userid, $rawgrade=false, $source=NULL, $feedback=false, $feedbackformat=FORMAT_MOODLE, $usermodified=null, $dategraded=null, $datesubmitted=null, $grade=null) {
global $USER;
$result = true;
// calculated grades can not be updated; course and category can not be updated because they are aggregated
if (!$this->is_raw_used() or $this->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_NONE or $this->is_locked()) {
return false;
if (is_null($grade)) {
//fetch from db
$grade = new grade_grade(array('itemid'=>$this->id, 'userid'=>$userid));
$grade->grade_item =& $this; // prevent db fetching of this grade_item
if (empty($usermodified)) {
$grade->usermodified = $USER->id;
} else {
$grade->usermodified = $usermodified;
if ($grade->is_locked()) {
// do not update locked grades at all
return false;
$locktime = $grade->get_locktime();
if ($locktime and $locktime < time()) {
// do not update grades that should be already locked and force regrade
return false;
$oldgrade = new stdClass();
$oldgrade->finalgrade = $grade->finalgrade;
$oldgrade->rawgrade = $grade->rawgrade;
$oldgrade->rawgrademin = $grade->rawgrademin;
$oldgrade->rawgrademax = $grade->rawgrademax;
$oldgrade->rawscaleid = $grade->rawscaleid;
$oldgrade->feedback = $grade->feedback;
$oldgrade->feedbackformat = $grade->feedbackformat;
// use new min and max
$grade->rawgrade = $grade->rawgrade;
$grade->rawgrademin = $this->grademin;
$grade->rawgrademax = $this->grademax;
$grade->rawscaleid = $this->scaleid;
// change raw grade?
if ($rawgrade !== false) {
$grade->rawgrade = $rawgrade;
// empty feedback means no feedback at all
if ($feedback === '') {
$feedback = null;
// do we have comment from teacher?
if ($feedback !== false and !$grade->is_overridden()) {
$grade->feedback = $feedback;
$grade->feedbackformat = $feedbackformat;
// update final grade if possible
if (!$grade->is_locked() and !$grade->is_overridden()) {
$grade->finalgrade = $this->adjust_raw_grade($grade->rawgrade, $grade->rawgrademin, $grade->rawgrademax);
// TODO: hack alert - create new fields for these in 2.0
$oldgrade->timecreated = $grade->timecreated;
$oldgrade->timemodified = $grade->timemodified;
$grade->timecreated = $datesubmitted;
if ($grade->is_overridden()) {
// keep original graded date - update_final_grade() sets this for overridden grades
} else if (is_null($grade->rawgrade) and is_null($grade->feedback)) {
// no grade and feedback means no grading yet
$grade->timemodified = null;
} else if (!empty($dategraded)) {
// fine - module sends info when graded (yay!)
$grade->timemodified = $dategraded;
} else if (grade_floats_different($grade->finalgrade, $oldgrade->finalgrade)
or $grade->feedback !== $oldgrade->feedback) {
// guess - if either grade or feedback changed set new graded date
$grade->timemodified = time();
} else {
//keep original graded date
// end of hack alert
if (empty($grade->id)) {
$result = (bool)$grade->insert($source);
// If the grade insert was successful and the final grade was not null then trigger a user_graded event.
if ($result && !is_null($grade->finalgrade)) {
} else if (grade_floats_different($grade->finalgrade, $oldgrade->finalgrade)
or grade_floats_different($grade->rawgrade, $oldgrade->rawgrade)
or grade_floats_different($grade->rawgrademin, $oldgrade->rawgrademin)
or grade_floats_different($grade->rawgrademax, $oldgrade->rawgrademax)
or $grade->rawscaleid != $oldgrade->rawscaleid
or $grade->feedback !== $oldgrade->feedback
or $grade->feedbackformat != $oldgrade->feedbackformat
or $grade->timecreated != $oldgrade->timecreated // part of hack above
or $grade->timemodified != $oldgrade->timemodified // part of hack above
) {
$result = $grade->update($source);
// If the grade update was successful and the actual grade has changed then trigger a user_graded event.
if ($result && grade_floats_different($grade->finalgrade, $oldgrade->finalgrade)) {
} else {
return $result;
if (!$result) {
// something went wrong - better force final grade recalculation
} else if (!$this->needsupdate) {
$course_item = grade_item::fetch_course_item($this->courseid);
if (!$course_item->needsupdate) {
if (grade_regrade_final_grades($this->courseid, $userid, $this) !== true) {
return $result;
* Calculates final grade values using the formula in the calculation property.
* The parameters are taken from final grades of grade items in current course only.
* @param int $userid Supply a user ID to limit the calculations to the grades of a single user
* @return bool false if error
public function compute($userid=null) {
global $CFG, $DB;
if (!$this->is_calculated()) {
return false;
if ($this->is_locked()) {
return true; // no need to recalculate locked items
// Precreate grades - we need them to exist
if ($userid) {
$missing = array();
if (!$DB->record_exists('grade_grades', array('itemid'=>$this->id, 'userid'=>$userid))) {
$m = new stdClass();
$m->userid = $userid;
$missing[] = $m;
} else {
// Find any users who have grades for some but not all grade items in this course
$params = array('gicourseid' => $this->courseid, 'ggitemid' => $this->id);
$sql = "SELECT gg.userid
FROM {grade_grades} gg
JOIN {grade_items} gi
ON (gi.id = gg.itemid AND gi.courseid = :gicourseid)
GROUP BY gg.userid
HAVING SUM(CASE WHEN gg.itemid = :ggitemid THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) = 0";
$missing = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
if ($missing) {
foreach ($missing as $m) {
$grade = new grade_grade(array('itemid'=>$this->id, 'userid'=>$m->userid), false);
$grade->grade_item =& $this;
// get used items
$useditems = $this->depends_on();
// prepare formula and init maths library
$formula = preg_replace('/##(gi\d+)##/', '\1', $this->calculation);
if (strpos($formula, '[[') !== false) {
// missing item
return false;
$this->formula = new calc_formula($formula);
// where to look for final grades?
// this itemid is added so that we use only one query for source and final grades
$gis = array_merge($useditems, array($this->id));
list($usql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($gis);
if ($userid) {
$usersql = "AND g.userid=?";
$params[] = $userid;
} else {
$usersql = "";
$grade_inst = new grade_grade();
$fields = 'g.'.implode(',g.', $grade_inst->required_fields);
$params[] = $this->courseid;
$sql = "SELECT $fields
FROM {grade_grades} g, {grade_items} gi
WHERE gi.id = g.itemid AND gi.id $usql $usersql AND gi.courseid=?
ORDER BY g.userid";
$return = true;
// group the grades by userid and use formula on the group
$rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params);
if ($rs->valid()) {
$prevuser = 0;
$grade_records = array();
$oldgrade = null;
foreach ($rs as $used) {
if ($used->userid != $prevuser) {
if (!$this->use_formula($prevuser, $grade_records, $useditems, $oldgrade)) {
$return = false;
$prevuser = $used->userid;
$grade_records = array();
$oldgrade = null;
if ($used->itemid == $this->id) {
$oldgrade = $used;
$grade_records['gi'.$used->itemid] = $used->finalgrade;
if (!$this->use_formula($prevuser, $grade_records, $useditems, $oldgrade)) {
$return = false;
return $return;
* Internal function that does the final grade calculation
* @param int $userid The user ID
* @param array $params An array of grade items of the form {'gi'.$itemid]} => $finalgrade
* @param array $useditems An array of grade item IDs that this grade item depends on plus its own ID
* @param grade_grade $oldgrade A grade_grade instance containing the old values from the database
* @return bool False if an error occurred
public function use_formula($userid, $params, $useditems, $oldgrade) {
if (empty($userid)) {
return true;
// add missing final grade values
// not graded (null) is counted as 0 - the spreadsheet way
$allinputsnull = true;
foreach($useditems as $gi) {
if (!array_key_exists('gi'.$gi, $params) || is_null($params['gi'.$gi])) {
$params['gi'.$gi] = 0;
} else {
$params['gi'.$gi] = (float)$params['gi'.$gi];
if ($gi != $this->id) {
$allinputsnull = false;
// can not use own final grade during calculation
// Check to see if the gradebook is frozen. This allows grades to not be altered at all until a user verifies that they
// wish to update the grades.
$gradebookcalculationsfreeze = get_config('core', 'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $this->courseid);
$rawminandmaxchanged = false;
// insert final grade - will be needed later anyway
if ($oldgrade) {
// Only run through this code if the gradebook isn't frozen.
if ($gradebookcalculationsfreeze && (int)$gradebookcalculationsfreeze <= 20150627) {
// Do nothing.
} else {
// The grade_grade for a calculated item should have the raw grade maximum and minimum set to the
// grade_item grade maximum and minimum respectively.
if ($oldgrade->rawgrademax != $this->grademax || $oldgrade->rawgrademin != $this->grademin) {
$rawminandmaxchanged = true;
$oldgrade->rawgrademax = $this->grademax;
$oldgrade->rawgrademin = $this->grademin;
$oldfinalgrade = $oldgrade->finalgrade;
$grade = new grade_grade($oldgrade, false); // fetching from db is not needed
$grade->grade_item =& $this;
} else {
$grade = new grade_grade(array('itemid'=>$this->id, 'userid'=>$userid), false);
$grade->grade_item =& $this;
$rawminandmaxchanged = false;
if ($gradebookcalculationsfreeze && (int)$gradebookcalculationsfreeze <= 20150627) {
// Do nothing.
} else {
// The grade_grade for a calculated item should have the raw grade maximum and minimum set to the
// grade_item grade maximum and minimum respectively.
$rawminandmaxchanged = true;
$grade->rawgrademax = $this->grademax;
$grade->rawgrademin = $this->grademin;
$oldfinalgrade = null;
// no need to recalculate locked or overridden grades
if ($grade->is_locked() or $grade->is_overridden()) {
return true;
if ($allinputsnull) {
$grade->finalgrade = null;
$result = true;
} else {
// do the calculation
$result = $this->formula->evaluate();
if ($result === false) {
$grade->finalgrade = null;
} else {
// normalize
$grade->finalgrade = $this->bounded_grade($result);
// Only run through this code if the gradebook isn't frozen.
if ($gradebookcalculationsfreeze && (int)$gradebookcalculationsfreeze <= 20150627) {
// Update in db if changed.
if (grade_floats_different($grade->finalgrade, $oldfinalgrade)) {
$grade->timemodified = time();
$success = $grade->update('compute');
// If successful trigger a user_graded event.
if ($success) {
} else {
// Update in db if changed.
if (grade_floats_different($grade->finalgrade, $oldfinalgrade) || $rawminandmaxchanged) {
$grade->timemodified = time();
$success = $grade->update('compute');
// If successful trigger a user_graded event.
if ($success) {
if ($result !== false) {
//lock grade if needed
if ($result === false) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
* Validate the formula.
* @param string $formulastr
* @return bool true if calculation possible, false otherwise
public function validate_formula($formulastr) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$formulastr = grade_item::normalize_formula($formulastr, $this->courseid);
if (empty($formulastr)) {
return true;
if (strpos($formulastr, '=') !== 0) {
return get_string('errorcalculationnoequal', 'grades');
// get used items
if (preg_match_all('/##gi(\d+)##/', $formulastr, $matches)) {
$useditems = array_unique($matches[1]); // remove duplicates
} else {
$useditems = array();
// MDL-11902
// unset the value if formula is trying to reference to itself
// but array keys does not match itemid
if (!empty($this->id)) {
$useditems = array_diff($useditems, array($this->id));
// prepare formula and init maths library
$formula = preg_replace('/##(gi\d+)##/', '\1', $formulastr);
$formula = new calc_formula($formula);
if (empty($useditems)) {
$grade_items = array();
} else {
list($usql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($useditems);
$params[] = $this->courseid;
$sql = "SELECT gi.*
FROM {grade_items} gi
WHERE gi.id $usql and gi.courseid=?"; // from the same course only!
if (!$grade_items = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params)) {
$grade_items = array();
$params = array();
foreach ($useditems as $itemid) {
// make sure all grade items exist in this course
if (!array_key_exists($itemid, $grade_items)) {
return false;
// use max grade when testing formula, this should be ok in 99.9%
// division by 0 is one of possible problems
$params['gi'.$grade_items[$itemid]->id] = $grade_items[$itemid]->grademax;
// do the calculation
$result = $formula->evaluate();
// false as result indicates some problem
if ($result === false) {
// TODO: add more error hints
return get_string('errorcalculationunknown', 'grades');
} else {
return true;
* Returns the value of the display type
* It can be set at 3 levels: grade_item, course setting and site. The lowest level overrides the higher ones.
* @return int Display type
public function get_displaytype() {
global $CFG;
if ($this->display == GRADE_DISPLAY_TYPE_DEFAULT) {
return grade_get_setting($this->courseid, 'displaytype', $CFG->grade_displaytype);
} else {
return $this->display;
* Returns the value of the decimals field
* It can be set at 3 levels: grade_item, course setting and site. The lowest level overrides the higher ones.
* @return int Decimals (0 - 5)
public function get_decimals() {
global $CFG;
if (is_null($this->decimals)) {
return grade_get_setting($this->courseid, 'decimalpoints', $CFG->grade_decimalpoints);
} else {
return $this->decimals;
* Returns a string representing the range of grademin - grademax for this grade item.
* @param int $rangesdisplaytype
* @param int $rangesdecimalpoints
* @return string
function get_formatted_range($rangesdisplaytype=null, $rangesdecimalpoints=null) {
global $USER;
// Determine which display type to use for this average
if (isset($USER->gradeediting) && array_key_exists($this->courseid, $USER->gradeediting) && $USER->gradeediting[$this->courseid]) {
} else if ($rangesdisplaytype == GRADE_REPORT_PREFERENCE_INHERIT) { // no ==0 here, please resave report and user prefs
$displaytype = $this->get_displaytype();
} else {
$displaytype = $rangesdisplaytype;
// Override grade_item setting if a display preference (not default) was set for the averages
if ($rangesdecimalpoints == GRADE_REPORT_PREFERENCE_INHERIT) {
$decimalpoints = $this->get_decimals();
} else {
$decimalpoints = $rangesdecimalpoints;
if ($displaytype == GRADE_DISPLAY_TYPE_PERCENTAGE) {
$grademin = "0 %";
$grademax = "100 %";
} else {
$grademin = grade_format_gradevalue($this->grademin, $this, true, $displaytype, $decimalpoints);
$grademax = grade_format_gradevalue($this->grademax, $this, true, $displaytype, $decimalpoints);
return $grademin.'–'. $grademax;
* Queries parent categories recursively to find the aggregationcoef type that applies to this grade item.
* @return string|false Returns the coefficient string of false is no coefficient is being used
public function get_coefstring() {
$parent_category = $this->load_parent_category();
if ($this->is_category_item()) {
$parent_category = $parent_category->load_parent_category();
if ($parent_category->is_aggregationcoef_used()) {
return $parent_category->get_coefstring();
} else {
return false;
* Returns whether the grade item can control the visibility of the grades
* @return bool
public function can_control_visibility() {
if (core_component::get_plugin_directory($this->itemtype, $this->itemmodule)) {
return !plugin_supports($this->itemtype, $this->itemmodule, FEATURE_CONTROLS_GRADE_VISIBILITY, false);
return parent::can_control_visibility();
* Used to notify the completion system (if necessary) that a user's grade
* has changed, and clear up a possible score cache.
* @param bool $deleted True if grade was actually deleted
protected function notify_changed($deleted) {
global $CFG;
// Condition code may cache the grades for conditional availability of
// modules or sections. (This code should use a hook for communication
// with plugin, but hooks are not implemented at time of writing.)
if (!empty($CFG->enableavailability) && class_exists('\availability_grade\callbacks')) {