
613 lines
23 KiB

<?php //
* adminlib.php - Contains functions that only administrators will ever need to use
* @author Martin Dougiamas
* @version $Id$
* @license GNU Public License
* @package moodlecore
* Upgrade plugins
* @uses $db
* @uses $CFG
* @param string $type The type of plugins that should be updated (e.g. 'enrol', 'qtype')
* @param string $dir The directory where the plugins are located (e.g. 'question/questiontypes')
* @param string $return The url to prompt the user to continue to
function upgrade_plugins($type, $dir, $return) {
global $CFG, $db;
if (!$plugs = get_list_of_plugins($dir) ) {
error('No '.$type.' plugins installed!');
$updated_plugins = false;
$strpluginsetup = get_string('pluginsetup');
foreach ($plugs as $plug) {
$fullplug = $CFG->dirroot .'/'.$dir.'/'. $plug;
if (is_readable($fullplug .'/version.php')) {
include_once($fullplug .'/version.php'); // defines $plugin with version etc
} else {
continue; // Nothing to do.
$oldupgrade = false;
$newupgrade = false;
if (is_readable($fullplug . '/db/'. $CFG->dbtype . '.php')) {
include_once($fullplug . '/db/'. $CFG->dbtype . '.php'); // defines old upgrading function
$oldupgrade = true;
if (is_readable($fullplug . '/db/upgrade.php') && $CFG->xmldb_enabled) {
include_once($fullplug . '/db/upgrade.php'); // defines new upgrading function
$newupgrade = true;
if (!isset($plugin)) {
if (!empty($plugin->requires)) {
if ($plugin->requires > $CFG->version) {
$info->pluginname = $plug;
$info->pluginversion = $plugin->version;
$info->currentmoodle = $CFG->version;
$info->requiremoodle = $plugin->requires;
if (!$updated_plugins) {
print_header($strpluginsetup, $strpluginsetup, $strpluginsetup, '',
'<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/lib/scroll_to_errors.js"></script>',
false, '&nbsp;', '&nbsp;');
notify(get_string('pluginrequirementsnotmet', 'error', $info));
$updated_plugins = true;
$plugin->name = $plug; // The name MUST match the directory
$pluginversion = $type.'_'.$plug.'_version';
if (!isset($CFG->$pluginversion)) {
set_config($pluginversion, 0);
if ($CFG->$pluginversion == $plugin->version) {
// do nothing
} else if ($CFG->$pluginversion < $plugin->version) {
if (!$updated_plugins) {
print_header($strpluginsetup, $strpluginsetup, $strpluginsetup, '',
'<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/lib/scroll_to_errors.js"></script>',
false, '&nbsp;', '&nbsp;');
$updated_plugins = true;
print_heading($plugin->name .' plugin needs upgrading');
$db->debug = true;
@set_time_limit(0); // To allow slow databases to complete the long SQL
if ($CFG->$pluginversion == 0) { // It's a new install of this plugin
/// Both old .sql files and new install.xml are supported
/// but we priorize install.xml (XMLDB) if present
$status = false;
if (file_exists($fullplug . '/db/install.xml') && $CFG->xmldb_enabled) {
$status = install_from_xmldb_file($fullplug . '/db/install.xml'); //New method
} else if (file_exists($fullplug .'/db/'. $CFG->dbtype .'.sql')) {
$status = modify_database($fullplug .'/db/'. $CFG->dbtype .'.sql'); //Old method
} else {
$status = true;
$db->debug = false;
/// Continue with the instalation, roles and other stuff
if ($status) {
// OK so far, now update the plugins record
set_config($pluginversion, $plugin->version);
if (!update_capabilities($dir.'/'.$plug)) {
error('Could not set up the capabilities for '.$module->name.'!');
notify(get_string('modulesuccess', '', $plugin->name), 'notifysuccess');
} else {
notify('Installing '. $plugin->name .' FAILED!');
} else { // Upgrade existing install
/// Run de old and new upgrade functions for the module
$oldupgrade_function = $type.'_'.$plugin->name .'_upgrade';
$newupgrade_function = 'xmldb_' . $type.'_'.$plugin->name .'_upgrade';
/// First, the old function if exists
$oldupgrade_status = true;
if ($oldupgrade && function_exists($oldupgrade_function)) {
$db->debug = true;
$oldupgrade_status = $oldupgrade_function($CFG->$pluginversion);
} else if ($oldupgrade) {
notify ('Upgrade function ' . $oldupgrade_function . ' was not available in ' .
$fullplug . '/db/' . $CFG->dbtype . '.php');
/// Then, the new function if exists and the old one was ok
$newupgrade_status = true;
if ($newupgrade && function_exists($newupgrade_function) && $oldupgrade_status) {
$db->debug = true;
$newupgrade_status = $newupgrade_function($CFG->$pluginversion);
} else if ($newupgrade) {
notify ('Upgrade function ' . $newupgrade_function . ' was not available in ' .
$fullplug . '/db/upgrade.php');
/// Now analyze upgrade results
if ($oldupgrade_status && $newupgrade_status) { // No upgrading failed
// OK so far, now update the plugins record
set_config($pluginversion, $plugin->version);
if (!update_capabilities($dir.'/'.$plug)) {
error('Could not update '.$plugin->name.' capabilities!');
notify(get_string('modulesuccess', '', $plugin->name), 'notifysuccess');
} else {
notify('Upgrading '. $plugin->name .' from '. $CFG->$pluginversion .' to '. $plugin->version .' FAILED!');
echo '<hr />';
} else {
error('Version mismatch: '. $plugin->name .' can\'t downgrade '. $CFG->$pluginversion .' -> '. $plugin->version .' !');
if ($updated_plugins) {
* Find and check all modules and load them up or upgrade them if necessary
* @uses $db
* @uses $CFG
* @param string $return The url to prompt the user to continue to
* @todo Finish documenting this function
function upgrade_activity_modules($return) {
global $CFG, $db;
if (!$mods = get_list_of_plugins('mod') ) {
error('No modules installed!');
$updated_modules = false;
$strmodulesetup = get_string('modulesetup');
foreach ($mods as $mod) {
if ($mod == 'NEWMODULE') { // Someone has unzipped the template, ignore it
$fullmod = $CFG->dirroot .'/mod/'. $mod;
if ( is_readable($fullmod .'/version.php')) {
include_once($fullmod .'/version.php'); // defines $module with version etc
} else {
notify('Module '. $mod .': '. $fullmod .'/version.php was not readable');
$oldupgrade = false;
$newupgrade = false;
if ( is_readable($fullmod .'/db/' . $CFG->dbtype . '.php')) {
include_once($fullmod .'/db/' . $CFG->dbtype . '.php'); // defines old upgrading function
$oldupgrade = true;
if ( is_readable($fullmod . '/db/upgrade.php') && $CFG->xmldb_enabled) {
include_once($fullmod . '/db/upgrade.php'); // defines new upgrading function
$newupgrade = true;
if (!isset($module)) {
if (!empty($module->requires)) {
if ($module->requires > $CFG->version) {
$info->modulename = $mod;
$info->moduleversion = $module->version;
$info->currentmoodle = $CFG->version;
$info->requiremoodle = $module->requires;
if (!$updated_modules) {
print_header($strmodulesetup, $strmodulesetup, $strmodulesetup, '',
'<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/lib/scroll_to_errors.js"></script>',
false, '&nbsp;', '&nbsp;');
notify(get_string('modulerequirementsnotmet', 'error', $info));
$updated_modules = true;
$module->name = $mod; // The name MUST match the directory
if ($currmodule = get_record('modules', 'name', $module->name)) {
if ($currmodule->version == $module->version) {
// do nothing
} else if ($currmodule->version < $module->version) {
/// If versions say that we need to upgrade but no upgrade files are available, notify and continue
if (!$oldupgrade && !$newupgrade) {
notify('Upgrade files ' . $mod . ': ' . $fullmod . '/db/' . $CFG->dbtype . '.php or ' .
$fullmod . '/db/upgrade.php were not readable');
if (!$updated_modules) {
print_header($strmodulesetup, $strmodulesetup, $strmodulesetup, '',
'<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/lib/scroll_to_errors.js"></script>',
false, '&nbsp;', '&nbsp;');
print_heading($module->name .' module needs upgrading');
/// Run de old and new upgrade functions for the module
$oldupgrade_function = $module->name . '_upgrade';
$newupgrade_function = 'xmldb_' . $module->name . '_upgrade';
/// First, the old function if exists
$oldupgrade_status = true;
if ($oldupgrade && function_exists($oldupgrade_function)) {
$db->debug = true;
$oldupgrade_status = $oldupgrade_function($currmodule->version, $module);
} else if ($oldupgrade) {
notify ('Upgrade function ' . $oldupgrade_function . ' was not available in ' .
$mod . ': ' . $fullmod . '/db/' . $CFG->dbtype . '.php');
/// Then, the new function if exists and the old one was ok
$newupgrade_status = true;
if ($newupgrade && function_exists($newupgrade_function) && $oldupgrade_status) {
$db->debug = true;
$newupgrade_status = $newupgrade_function($currmodule->version, $module);
} else if ($newupgrade) {
notify ('Upgrade function ' . $newupgrade_function . ' was not available in ' .
$mod . ': ' . $fullmod . '/db/upgrade.php');
/// Now analyze upgrade results
if ($oldupgrade_status && $newupgrade_status) { // No upgrading failed
// OK so far, now update the modules record
$module->id = $currmodule->id;
if (! update_record('modules', $module)) {
error('Could not update '. $module->name .' record in modules table!');
remove_dir($CFG->dataroot . '/cache', true); // flush cache
notify(get_string('modulesuccess', '', $module->name), 'notifysuccess');
echo '<hr />';
} else {
notify('Upgrading '. $module->name .' from '. $currmodule->version .' to '. $module->version .' FAILED!');
/// Update the capabilities table?
if (!update_capabilities('mod/'.$module->name)) {
error('Could not update '.$module->name.' capabilities!');
$updated_modules = true;
} else {
error('Version mismatch: '. $module->name .' can\'t downgrade '. $currmodule->version .' -> '. $module->version .' !');
} else { // module not installed yet, so install it
if (!$updated_modules) {
print_header($strmodulesetup, $strmodulesetup, $strmodulesetup, '',
'<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/lib/scroll_to_errors.js"></script>',
false, '&nbsp;', '&nbsp;');
$updated_modules = true;
$db->debug = true;
@set_time_limit(0); // To allow slow databases to complete the long SQL
/// Both old .sql files and new install.xml are supported
/// but we priorize install.xml (XMLDB) if present
if (file_exists($fullmod . '/db/install.xml') && $CFG->xmldb_enabled) {
$status = install_from_xmldb_file($fullmod . '/db/install.xml'); //New method
} else {
$status = modify_database($fullmod .'/db/'. $CFG->dbtype .'.sql'); //Old method
$db->debug = false;
/// Continue with the instalation, roles and other stuff
if ($status) {
if ($module->id = insert_record('modules', $module)) {
if (!update_capabilities('mod/'.$module->name)) {
error('Could not set up the capabilities for '.$module->name.'!');
notify(get_string('modulesuccess', '', $module->name), 'notifysuccess');
echo '<hr />';
} else {
error($module->name .' module could not be added to the module list!');
} else {
error($module->name .' tables could NOT be set up successfully!');
/// Check submodules of this module if necessary
include_once($fullmod.'/lib.php'); // defines upgrading function
$submoduleupgrade = $module->name.'_upgrade_submodules';
if (function_exists($submoduleupgrade)) {
/// Run any defaults or final code that is necessary for this module
if ( is_readable($fullmod .'/defaults.php')) {
// Insert default values for any important configuration variables
include_once($fullmod .'/defaults.php');
if (!empty($defaults)) {
foreach ($defaults as $name => $value) {
if (!isset($CFG->$name)) {
set_config($name, $value);
upgrade_log_finish(); // finish logging if started
if ($updated_modules) {
* This function will return FALSE if the lock fails to be set (ie, if it's already locked)
* @param string $name ?
* @param bool $value ?
* @param int $staleafter ?
* @param bool $clobberstale ?
* @todo Finish documenting this function
function set_cron_lock($name,$value=true,$staleafter=7200,$clobberstale=false) {
if (empty($name)) {
mtrace("Tried to get a cron lock for a null fieldname");
return false;
if (empty($value)) {
return true;
if ($config = get_record('config','name',$name)) {
if (empty($config->value)) {
} else {
// check for stale.
if ((time() - $staleafter) > $config->value) {
mtrace("STALE LOCKFILE FOR $name - was $config->value");
if (!empty($clobberstale)) {
return true;
} else {
return false; // was not stale - ie, we're ok to still be running.
else {
return true;
function print_progress($done, $total, $updatetime=5, $sleeptime=1, $donetext='') {
static $starttime;
static $lasttime;
if (empty($starttime)) {
$starttime = $lasttime = time();
$lasttime = $starttime - $updatetime;
echo '<table width="500" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center"><tr><td width="500">';
echo '<div id="bar" style="border-style:solid;border-width:1px;width:500px;height:50px;">';
echo '<div id="slider" style="border-style:solid;border-width:1px;height:48px;width:10px;background-color:green;"></div>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div id="text" align="center" style="width:500px;"></div>';
echo '</td></tr></table>';
echo '</div>';
$now = time();
if ($done && (($now - $lasttime) >= $updatetime)) {
$elapsedtime = $now - $starttime;
$projectedtime = (int)(((float)$total / (float)$done) * $elapsedtime) - $elapsedtime;
$percentage = format_float((float)$done / (float)$total, 2);
$width = (int)(500 * $percentage);
if ($projectedtime > 10) {
$projectedtext = ' Ending: '.format_time($projectedtime);
} else {
$projectedtext = '';
echo '<script>';
echo 'document.getElementById("text").innerHTML = "'.addslashes($donetext).' '.$done.' done.'.$projectedtext.'";'."\n";
echo 'document.getElementById("slider").style.width = \''.$width.'px\';'."\n";
echo '</script>';
$lasttime = $now;
/// upgrade logging functions
$upgradeloghandle = false;
$upgradelogbuffer = '';
// I did not find out how to use static variable in callback function,
// the problem was that I could not flush the static buffer :-(
global $upgradeloghandle, $upgradelogbuffer;
* Check if upgrade is already running.
* If anything goes wrong due to missing call to upgrade_log_finish()
* just restart the browser.
* @param string warning message indicating upgrade is already running
* @param int page reload timeout
function upgrade_check_running($message, $timeout) {
if (!empty($_SESSION['upgraderunning'])) {
redirect(me(), $message, $timeout);
* Start logging of output into file (if not disabled) and
* prevent aborting and concurrent execution of upgrade script.
* Please note that you can not write into session variables after calling this function!
* This function may be called repeatedly.
function upgrade_log_start() {
global $CFG, $upgradeloghandle;
if (!empty($_SESSION['upgraderunning'])) {
return; // logging already started
@ignore_user_abort(true); // ignore if user stops or otherwise aborts page loading
$_SESSION['upgraderunning'] = 1; // set upgrade indicator
if (empty($CFG->dbsessions)) { // workaround for bug in adodb, db session can not be restarted
session_write_close(); // from now on user can reload page - will be displayed warning
ob_start('upgrade_log_callback', 2); // function for logging to disk; flush each line of text ASAP
register_shutdown_function('upgrade_log_finish'); // in case somebody forgets to stop logging
* Terminate logging of output, flush all data, allow script aborting
* and reopen session for writing. Function error() does terminate the logging too.
* Please make sure that each upgrade_log_start() is properly terminated by
* this function or error().
* This function may be called repeatedly.
function upgrade_log_finish() {
global $CFG, $upgradeloghandle, $upgradelogbuffer;
if (empty($_SESSION['upgraderunning'])) {
return; // logging already terminated
if ($upgradelogbuffer !== '') {
@fwrite($upgradeloghandle, $upgradelogbuffer);
$upgradelogbuffer = '';
if ($upgradeloghandle and ($upgradeloghandle !== 'error')) {
$upgradeloghandle = false;
if (empty($CFG->dbsessions)) {
@session_start(); // ignore header errors, we only need to reopen session
$_SESSION['upgraderunning'] = 0; // clear upgrade indicator
if (connection_aborted()) {
* Callback function for logging into files. Not more than one file is created per minute,
* upgrade session (terminated by upgrade_log_finish()) is always stored in one file.
* This function must not output any characters or throw warnigns and errors!
function upgrade_log_callback($string) {
global $CFG, $upgradeloghandle, $upgradelogbuffer;
if (empty($CFG->disableupgradelogging) and ($string != '') and ($upgradeloghandle !== 'error')) {
if ($upgradeloghandle or ($upgradeloghandle = @fopen($CFG->dataroot.'/upgradelogs/upg_'.date('Ymd-Hi').'.html', 'a'))) {
$upgradelogbuffer .= $string;
if (strlen($upgradelogbuffer) > 2048) { // 2kB write buffer
@fwrite($upgradeloghandle, $upgradelogbuffer);
$upgradelogbuffer = '';
} else {
$upgradeloghandle = 'error';
return $string;
* Try to verify that dataroot is not accessible from web.
* It is not 100% correct but might help to reduce number of vulnerable sites.
* Protection from httpd.conf and .htaccess is not detected properly.
function is_dataroot_insecure() {
global $CFG;
$siteroot = str_replace('\\', '/', strrev($CFG->dirroot.'/')); // win32 backslash workaround
$rp = preg_replace('|https?://[^/]+|i', '', $CFG->wwwroot, 1);
$rp = strrev(trim($rp, '/'));
$rp = explode('/', $rp);
foreach($rp as $r) {
if (strpos($siteroot, '/'.$r.'/') === 0) {
$siteroot = substr($siteroot, strlen($r)+1); // moodle web in subdirectory
} else {
break; // probably alias root
$siteroot = strrev($siteroot);
$dataroot = str_replace('\\', '/', $CFG->dataroot.'/');
if (strpos($dataroot, $siteroot) === 0) {
return true;
return false;