2007-09-10 07:02:52 +00:00

414 lines
19 KiB
Executable File

/// Bulk user registration script from a comma separated file
/// Returns list of users with their user ids
define('LINE_MAX_SIZE', 1024);
//Note: commas within a field should be encoded as &#44 (for comma separated csv files)
//Note: semicolon within a field should be encoded as &#59 (for semicolon separated csv files)
$csv_delimiter = isset($CFG->CSV_DELIMITER) ? $CFG->CSV_DELIMITER : ',';
$csv_encode = '&#' . (isset($CFG->CSV_ENCODE) ? $CFG->CSV_ENCODE : ord($csv_delimiter));
require_capability('moodle/site:uploadusers', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM));
if (! $site = get_site()) {
error('Could not find site-level course');
$textlib = textlib_get_instance();
$struserrenamed = get_string('userrenamed', 'admin');
$strusernotrenamedexists = get_string('usernotrenamedexists', 'error');
$strusernotrenamedmissing = get_string('usernotrenamedmissing', 'error');
$struserupdated = get_string('useraccountupdated', 'admin');
$strusernotupdated = get_string('usernotupdatederror', 'error');
$struseradded = get_string('newuser');
$strusernotadded = get_string('usernotaddedregistered', 'error');
$strusernotaddederror = get_string('usernotaddederror', 'error');
$struserdeleted = get_string('userdeleted', 'admin');
$strusernotdeletederror = get_string('usernotdeletederror', 'error');
$strusernotdeletedmissing = get_string('usernotdeletedmissing', 'error');
$strcannotassignrole = get_string('cannotassignrole', 'error');
$strduplicateusername = get_string('duplicateusername', 'error');
$strindent = '-->';
$mform = new admin_uploaduser_form();
// Print the header
// If a file has been uploaded, then process it
if ( $formdata = $mform->get_data() ) {
$createpassword = $formdata->createpassword;
$updateaccounts = $formdata->updateaccounts;
$allowrenames = $formdata->allowrenames;
$skipduplicates = $formdata->duplicatehandling;
// make arrays of valid fields for error checking
// the value associated to each field is: 0 = optional field, 1 = field required either in default values or in data file
$fields = array(
'firstname' => 1,
'lastname' => 1,
'username' => 1,
'email' => 1,
'city' => 1,
'country' => 1,
'lang' => 1,
'auth' => 1,
'timezone' => 1,
'mailformat' => 1,
'maildisplay' => 1,
'htmleditor' => 1,
'autosubscribe' => 1,
'mnethostid' => 0,
'institution' => 0,
'department' => 0,
'idnumber' => 0,
'icq' => 0,
'phone1' => 0,
'phone2' => 0,
'address' => 0,
'url' => 0,
'description' => 0,
'icq' => 0,
'oldusername' => 0,
'emailstop' => 1,
'deleted' => 0,
'password' => !$createpassword,
$fp = fopen($mform->get_userfile_name(), 'r');
$linenum = 1; // since header is line 1
// get header (field names) and remove Unicode BOM from first line, if any
$line = explode($csv_delimiter, $textlib->trim_utf8_bom(fgets($fp,LINE_MAX_SIZE)));
// check for valid field names
$headers = array();
foreach ($line as $key => $value) {
$value = trim($value); // remove whitespace
if (!in_array($value, $fields) && // if not a standard field and not an enrolment field, then we have an error
!preg_match('/^course\d+$/', $value) && !preg_match('/^group\d+$/', $value) &&
!preg_match('/^type\d+$/', $value) && !preg_match('/^role\d+$/', $value)) {
error(get_string('invalidfieldname', 'error', $value), 'uploaduser.php?sesskey='.$USER->sesskey);
$headers[$key] = $value;
// check that required fields are present or a default value for them exists
$headersOk = true;
// disable the check if we also have deleting information (ie. deleted column)
if (!in_array('deleted', $headers)) {
foreach ($fields as $key => $required) {
if($required && !in_array($key, $headers) && (!isset($formdata->$key) || $formdata->$key==='')) {
notify(get_string('missingfield', 'error', $key));
$headersOk = false;
if($headersOk) {
$usersnew = 0;
$usersupdated = 0;
$userserrors = 0;
$usersdeleted = 0;
$renames = 0;
$renameerrors = 0;
$deleteerrors = 0;
$newusernames = array();
// We'll need courses a lot, so fetch it early and keep it in memory, indexed by their shortname
$tmp =& get_courses('all','','id,shortname,visible');
$courses = array();
foreach ($tmp as $c) {
$courses[$c->shortname] = $c;
echo '<p id="results">';
while (!feof ($fp)) {
$errors = '';
$user = new object();
// by default, use the local mnet id (this may be changed in the file)
$user->mnethostid = $CFG->mnet_localhost_id;
$line = explode($csv_delimiter, fgets($fp,LINE_MAX_SIZE));
// add fields to user object
foreach ($line as $key => $value) {
if($value !== '') {
$key = $headers[$key];
//decode encoded commas
$value = str_replace($csv_encode,$csv_delimiter,trim($value));
// special fields: password and username
if ($key == 'password' && !empty($value)) {
$user->$key = hash_internal_user_password($value);
} else if($key == 'username') {
$value = $textlib->strtolower(addslashes($value));
if(empty($CFG->extendedusernamechars)) {
$value = eregi_replace('[^(-\.[:alnum:])]', '', $value);
$user->$key = $value;
} else {
$user->$key = addslashes($value);
// add default values for remaining fields
foreach ($fields as $key => $required) {
if(isset($user->$key)) {
if(!isset($formdata->$key) || $formdata->$key==='') { // no default value was submited
// if the field is required, give an error only if we are adding the user or deleting a user with unkown username
if($required && (empty($user->deleted) || $key == 'username')) {
$errors .= get_string('missingfield', 'error', $key) . ' ';
// process templates
$template = $formdata->$key;
$templatelen = strlen($template);
$value = '';
for ($i = 0 ; $i < $templatelen; ++$i) {
if($template[$i] == '%') {
$case = 0; // 1=lowercase, 2=uppercase
$len = 0; // number of characters to keep
$info = null; // data to process
for($j = $i + 1; is_null($info) && $j < $templatelen; ++$j) {
$car = $template[$j];
if ($car >= '0' && $car <= '9') {
$len = $len * 10 + (int)$car;
} else if($car == '-') {
$case = 1;
} else if($car == '+') {
$case = 2;
} else if($car == 'f') { // first name
$info = @$user->firstname;
} else if($car == 'l') { // last name
$info = @$user->lastname;
} else if($car == 'u') { // username
$info = @$user->username;
} else if($car == '%' && $j == $i+1) {
$info = '%';
} else { // invalid character
$info = '';
if($info==='' || is_null($info)) { // invalid template
$i = $j - 1;
// change case
if($case == 1) {
$info = $textlib->strtolower($info);
} else if($case == 2) {
$info = $textlib->strtoupper($info);
if($len) { // truncate data
$info = $textlib->substr($info, 0, $len);
$value .= $info;
} else {
$value .= $template[$i];
if($key == 'username') {
$value = $textlib->strtolower($value);
if(empty($CFG->extendedusernamechars)) {
$value = eregi_replace('[^(-\.[:alnum:])]', '', $value);
// check for new username duplicates
if($newusernames[$value] > 1) {
if($skipduplicates) {
$errors .= $strduplicateusername . ' (' . stripslashes($value) . '). ';
} else {
$value .= $newusernames[$value];
$user->$key = $value;
if($errors) {
notify(get_string('erroronline', 'error', $linenum). ': ' . $errors);
// delete user
if(@$user->deleted) {
$info = ': ' . stripslashes($user->username) . '. ';
if($user =& get_record('user', 'username', $user->username, 'mnethostid', $user->mnethostid)) {
$user->timemodified = time();
$user->username = addslashes($user->email . $user->timemodified); // Remember it just in case
$user->deleted = 1;
$user->email = ''; // Clear this field to free it up
$user->idnumber = ''; // Clear this field to free it up
if (update_record('user', $user)) {
// not sure if this is needed. unenrol_student($user->id); // From all courses
delete_records('role_assignments', 'userid', $user->id); // unassign all roles
// remove all context assigned on this user?
echo $struserdeleted . $info . '<br />';
} else {
notify(get_string('erroronline', 'error', $linenum). ': ' . $strusernotdeletederror . $info);
} else {
notify(get_string('erroronline', 'error', $linenum). ': ' . $strusernotdeletedmissing . $info);
// save the user to the database
$user->confirmed = 1;
$user->timemodified = time();
// before insert/update, check whether we should be updating an old record instead
if ($allowrenames && !empty($user->oldusername) ) {
$user->oldusername = $textlib->strtolower($user->oldusername);
$info = ': ' . stripslashes($user->oldusername) . '-->' . stripslashes($user->username) . '. ';
if ($olduser =& get_record('user', 'username', $user->oldusername, 'mnethostid', $user->mnethostid)) {
if (set_field('user', 'username', $user->username, 'id', $olduser->id)) {
echo $struserrenamed . $info;
} else {
notify(get_string('erroronline', 'error', $linenum). ': ' . $strusernotrenamedexists . $info);
} else {
notify(get_string('erroronline', 'error', $linenum). ': ' . $strusernotrenamedmissing . $info);
// save the information
if ($olduser =& get_record('user', 'username', $user->username, 'mnethostid', $user->mnethostid)) {
$user->id = $olduser->id;
$info = ': ' . stripslashes($user->username) .' (ID = ' . $user->id . ')';
if ($updateaccounts) {
// Record is being updated
if (update_record('user', $user)) {
echo $struserupdated . $info . '<br />';
} else {
notify(get_string('erroronline', 'error', $linenum). ': ' . $strusernotupdated . $info);
} else {
//Record not added - user is already registered
//In this case, output userid from previous registration
//This can be used to obtain a list of userids for existing users
echo $strusernotadded . $info . '<br />';
} else { // new user
if ($user->id = insert_record('user', $user)) {
$info = ': ' . stripslashes($user->username) .' (ID = ' . $user->id . ')';
echo $struseradded . $info . '<br />';
if (empty($user->password) && $createpassword) {
// passwords will be created and sent out on cron
insert_record('user_preferences', array( 'userid' => $user->id, 'name' => 'create_password', 'value' => 1));
insert_record('user_preferences', array( 'userid' => $user->id, 'name' => 'auth_forcepasswordchange', 'value' => 1));
} else {
// Record not added -- possibly some other error
notify(get_string('erroronline', 'error', $linenum). ': ' . $strusernotaddederror . ': ' . stripslashes($user->username));
// find course enrolments, groups and roles/types
for($ncourses = 1; $addcourse = @$user->{'course' . $ncourses}; ++$ncourses) {
// find course
if(!$course = @$courses[$addcourse]) {
notify(get_string('erroronline', 'error', $linenum). ': ' . get_string('unknowncourse', 'error', $addcourse));
// find role
if ($addrole = @$user->{'role' . $ncourses}) {
$coursecontext =& get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id);
if (!$ok = role_assign($addrole, $user->id, 0, $coursecontext->id)) {
echo $strindent . $strcannotassignrole . '<br >';
} else {
// if no role, then find "old" enrolment type
switch ($addtype = @$user->{'type' . $ncourses}) {
case 2: // teacher
$ok = add_teacher($user->id, $course->id, 1);
case 3: // non-editing teacher
$ok = add_teacher($user->id, $course->id, 0);
case 1: // student
$ok = enrol_student($user->id, $course->id);
if ($ok) { // OK
echo $strindent . get_string('enrolledincourse', '', $addcourse) . '<br />';
} else {
notify(get_string('erroronline', 'error', $linenum). ': ' . get_string('enrolledincoursenot', '', $addcourse));
// find group to add to
if ($addgroup = @$user->{'group' . $ncourses}) {
if ($gid =& groups_get_group_by_name($course->id, $addgroup)) {
$coursecontext =& get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id);
if (count(get_user_roles($coursecontext, $user->id))) {
if (groups_add_member($gid, $user->id)) {
echo $strindent . get_string('addedtogroup','',$addgroup) . '<br />';
} else {
notify(get_string('erroronline', 'error', $linenum). ': ' . get_string('addedtogroupnot','',$addgroup));
} else {
notify(get_string('erroronline', 'error', $linenum). ': ' . get_string('addedtogroupnotenrolled','',$addgroup));
} else {
notify(get_string('erroronline', 'error', $linenum). ': ' . get_string('groupunknown','error',$addgroup));
echo '</p>';
notify(get_string('userscreated', 'admin') . ': ' . $usersnew);
notify(get_string('usersupdated', 'admin') . ': ' . $usersupdated);
notify(get_string('usersdeleted', 'admin') . ': ' . $usersdeleted);
notify(get_string('deleteerrors', 'admin') . ': ' . $deleteerrors);
if ($allowrenames) {
notify(get_string('usersrenamed', 'admin') . ': ' . $renames);
notify(get_string('renameerrors', 'admin') . ': ' . $renameerrors);
notify(get_string('errors', 'admin') . ': ' . $userserrors);
echo '<hr />';
/// Print the form
print_heading_with_help(get_string('uploadusers'), 'uploadusers2');