Aparup Banerjee 60b5a2fec7 MDL-27251 Files API - added timeout re-calculation as an optional argument. added setting for minimum Kbps for large files fetched from internet where the passed in timeout maybe too low.
allowed turning off the http HEAD request timeout calculation with zero (or negative) bitrate

	This was added in to allow servers that have a problem with
	HEAD requests to carry on with the given timeout without re-calculations.
	See PULL-651 for the discussion.

	the optional argument to force recalculation of timeout has been forced within scorm/locallib.php

	timeout re-calculation only increments timeout.
2011-04-27 10:49:40 +08:00


These are main modules in Moodle, allowing various activities.

Each of these modules contains a number of expected components:

  mod_form.php: a form to setup/update a module instance

  version.php: defines some meta-info and provides upgrading code

  pix/icon.gif: a 16x16 icon for the module

  db/install.xml: an SQL dump of all the required db tables and data

  index.php: a page to list all instances in a course

  view.php: a page to view a particular instance

  lib.php: any/all functions defined by the module should be in here.
         constants should be defined using MODULENAME_xxxxxx
         functions should be defined using modulename_xxxxxx

         There are a number of standard functions:





If you are a developer and interested in developing new Modules see:

   Moodle Documentation:  http://moodle.org/doc
   Moodle Community:      http://moodle.org/community