Cameron Ball 03756f0bdb
MDL-59700 filestorage: Rework repositories to avoid add_file_to_pool
For historical reasons repositories need to call add_file_to_pool
to sync file records. However now that a before_file_created hook
has been added additional information is needed by add_file_to_pool.

Ideally add_file_to_pool and friends will become private/protected,
so we need to remove all uses of it in core.

This patch adds some new methods to the file class to allow syncing
to be managed internally by the file and the file_storage class.
2017-08-07 15:50:15 +08:00

494 lines
17 KiB

// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* This plugin is used to access repository
* @since Moodle 2.0
* @package repository_boxnet
* @copyright 2010 Dongsheng Cai {@link}
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/repository/lib.php');
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/boxlib.php');
* repository_boxnet class implements client
* @since Moodle 2.0
* @package repository_boxnet
* @copyright 2010 Dongsheng Cai {@link}
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class repository_boxnet extends repository {
/** @const MANAGE_URL Manage URL. */
const MANAGE_URL = '';
/** @const SESSION_PREFIX Key used to store information in the session. */
const SESSION_PREFIX = 'repository_boxnet';
/** @var string Client ID */
protected $clientid;
/** @var string Client secret */
protected $clientsecret;
/** @var string Access token */
protected $accesstoken;
/** @var object object */
protected $boxnetclient;
* Constructor
* @param int $repositoryid
* @param stdClass $context
* @param array $options
public function __construct($repositoryid, $context = SYSCONTEXTID, $options = array()) {
parent::__construct($repositoryid, $context, $options);
$clientid = get_config('boxnet', 'clientid');
$clientsecret = get_config('boxnet', 'clientsecret');
$returnurl = new moodle_url('/repository/repository_callback.php');
$returnurl->param('callback', 'yes');
$returnurl->param('repo_id', $this->id);
$returnurl->param('sesskey', sesskey());
$this->boxnetclient = new boxnet_client($clientid, $clientsecret, $returnurl, '');
* Construct a breadcrumb from a path.
* @param string $fullpath Path containing multiple parts separated by slashes.
* @return array Array expected to be generated in {@link self::get_listing()}.
protected function build_breadcrumb($fullpath) {
$breadcrumb = array(array(
'name' => get_string('pluginname', 'repository_boxnet'),
'path' => ''
$breadcrumbpath = '';
$crumbs = explode('/', $fullpath);
foreach ($crumbs as $crumb) {
if (empty($crumb)) {
// That is probably the root crumb, we've already added it.
list($unused, $tosplit) = explode(':', $crumb, 2);
if (strpos($tosplit, '|') !== false) {
list($id, $crumbname) = explode('|', $tosplit, 2);
} else {
$crumbname = $tosplit;
$breadcrumbpath .= '/' . $crumb;
$breadcrumb[] = array(
'name' => urldecode($crumbname),
'path' => $breadcrumbpath
return $breadcrumb;
* Build a part of the path.
* This is used to construct the path that the user is currently browsing.
* It must contain a 'type', and a 'value'. Then it can also contain a
* 'name' which is very useful to prevent extra queries to get the name only.
* See {@link self::split_part} to extra the information from a part.
* @param string $type Type of part, typically 'folder' or 'search'.
* @param string $value The value of the part, eg. a folder ID or search terms.
* @param string $name The name of the part.
* @return string type:value or type:value|name
protected function build_part($type, $value, $name = '') {
$return = $type . ':' . urlencode($value);
if ($name !== '') {
$return .= '|' . urlencode($name);
return $return;
* Extract information from a part of path.
* @param string $part value generated from {@link self::build_parth()}.
* @return array containing type, value and name.
protected function split_part($part) {
list($type, $tosplit) = explode(':', $part);
$name = '';
if (strpos($tosplit, '|') !== false) {
list($value, $name) = explode('|', $tosplit, 2);
} else {
$value = $tosplit;
return array($type, urldecode($value), urldecode($name));
* check if user logged
* @return boolean
public function check_login() {
return $this->boxnetclient->is_logged_in();
* reset auth token
* @return string
public function logout() {
if ($this->check_login()) {
return $this->print_login();
* Search files from
* @param string $search_text
* @return mixed
public function search($search_text, $page = 0) {
return $this->get_listing($this->build_part('search', $search_text));
* Downloads a repository file and saves to a path.
* @param string $ref reference to the file
* @param string $filename to save file as
* @return array
public function get_file($ref, $filename = '') {
global $CFG;
$ref = unserialize(self::convert_to_valid_reference($ref));
$path = $this->prepare_file($filename);
if (!empty($ref->downloadurl)) {
$c = new curl();
$result = $c->download_one($ref->downloadurl, null, array('filepath' => $filename,
'timeout' => $CFG->repositorygetfiletimeout, 'followlocation' => true));
$info = $c->get_info();
if ($result !== true || !isset($info['http_code']) || $info['http_code'] != 200) {
throw new moodle_exception('errorwhiledownload', 'repository', '', $result);
} else {
if (!$this->boxnetclient->download_file($ref->fileid, $path)) {
throw new moodle_exception('cannotdownload', 'repository');
return array('path' => $path);
* Get file listing
* @param string $path
* @param string $page
* @return mixed
public function get_listing($fullpath = '', $page = ''){
global $OUTPUT;
$ret = array();
$ret['list'] = array();
$ret['manage'] = self::MANAGE_URL;
$ret['dynload'] = true;
$crumbs = explode('/', $fullpath);
$path = array_pop($crumbs);
if (empty($path)) {
$type = 'folder';
$pathid = 0;
$pathname = get_string('pluginname', 'repository_boxnet');
} else {
list($type, $pathid, $pathname) = $this->split_part($path);
$ret['path'] = $this->build_breadcrumb($fullpath);
$folders = array();
$files = array();
if ($type == 'search') {
$result = $this->boxnetclient->search($pathname);
} else {
$result = $this->boxnetclient->get_folder_items($pathid);
foreach ($result->entries as $item) {
if ($item->type == 'folder') {
$folders[$item->name . ':' . $item->id] = array(
'title' => $item->name,
'path' => $fullpath . '/' . $this->build_part('folder', $item->id, $item->name),
'date' => strtotime($item->modified_at),
'thumbnail' => $OUTPUT->image_url(file_folder_icon(64))->out(false),
'thumbnail_height' => 64,
'thumbnail_width' => 64,
'children' => array(),
'size' => $item->size,
} else {
$files[$item->name . ':' . $item->id] = array(
'title' => $item->name,
'source' => $this->build_part('file', $item->id, $item->name),
'size' => $item->size,
'date' => strtotime($item->modified_at),
'thumbnail' => $OUTPUT->image_url(file_extension_icon($item->name, 64))->out(false),
'thumbnail_height' => 64,
'thumbnail_width' => 64,
'author' => $item->owned_by->name,
core_collator::ksort($folders, core_collator::SORT_NATURAL);
core_collator::ksort($files, core_collator::SORT_NATURAL);
$ret['list'] = array_merge($folders, $files);
$ret['list'] = array_filter($ret['list'], array($this, 'filter'));
return $ret;
* Return login form
* @return array
public function print_login(){
$url = $this->boxnetclient->get_login_url();
if ($this->options['ajax']) {
$ret = array();
$popup_btn = new stdClass();
$popup_btn->type = 'popup';
$popup_btn->url = $url->out(false);
$ret['login'] = array($popup_btn);
return $ret;
} else {
echo html_writer::link($url, get_string('login', 'repository'), array('target' => '_blank'));
* Names of the plugin settings
* @return array
public static function get_type_option_names() {
return array('clientid', 'clientsecret', 'pluginname');
* Catch the request token.
public function callback() {
* Add Plugin settings input to Moodle form
* @param moodleform $mform
* @param string $classname
public static function type_config_form($mform, $classname = 'repository') {
global $CFG;
$clientid = get_config('boxnet', 'clientid');
$clientsecret = get_config('boxnet', 'clientsecret');
$strrequired = get_string('required');
$mform->addElement('text', 'clientid', get_string('clientid', 'repository_boxnet'),
array('value' => $clientid, 'size' => '40'));
$mform->addRule('clientid', $strrequired, 'required', null, 'client');
$mform->setType('clientid', PARAM_RAW_TRIMMED);
$mform->addElement('text', 'clientsecret', get_string('clientsecret', 'repository_boxnet'),
array('value' => $clientsecret, 'size' => '40'));
$mform->addRule('clientsecret', $strrequired, 'required', null, 'client');
$mform->setType('clientsecret', PARAM_RAW_TRIMMED);
$mform->addElement('static', null, '', get_string('information', 'repository_boxnet'));
if (!is_https()) {
$mform->addElement('static', null, '', get_string('warninghttps', 'repository_boxnet'));
* supports copied and links.
* Theoretically this API is ready for references, though it only works for
* Business accounts, but it is not enabled because we are not supporting it.
* @return int
public function supported_returntypes() {
* Convert a reference to the new reference style.
* While converting to APIv2 we introduced a new format for
* file references, see {@link self::get_file_reference()}. This function
* ensures that the format is always the same regardless of the whether
* the reference was from APIv1 or v2.
* @param mixed $reference File reference.
* @return stdClass Valid file reference.
public static function convert_to_valid_reference($reference) {
if (strpos($reference, 'http') === 0) {
// It is faster to check if the reference is a URL rather than trying to unserialize it.
$reference = serialize((object) array('downloadurl' => $reference, 'fileid' => '', 'filename' => '', 'userid' => ''));
return $reference;
* Prepare file reference information
* @param string $source
* @return string file referece
public function get_file_reference($source) {
global $USER;
list($type, $fileid, $filename) = $this->split_part($source);
$reference = new stdClass();
$reference->fileid = $fileid;
$reference->filename = $filename;
$reference->userid = $USER->id;
$reference->downloadurl = '';
if (optional_param('usefilereference', false, PARAM_BOOL)) {
try {
$shareinfo = $this->boxnetclient->share_file($reference->fileid);
} catch (moodle_exception $e) {
throw new repository_exception('cannotcreatereference', 'repository_boxnet');
$reference->downloadurl = $shareinfo->download_url;
return serialize($reference);
* Get a link to the file.
* This returns the URL of the web view of the file. To generate this link the
* file must be shared.
* @param stdClass $reference Reference.
* @return string URL.
public function get_link($reference) {
$reference = unserialize(self::convert_to_valid_reference($reference));
$shareinfo = $this->boxnetclient->share_file($reference->fileid, false);
return $shareinfo->url;
* Synchronize the references.
* @param stored_file $file Stored file.
* @return boolean
public function sync_reference(stored_file $file) {
global $CFG;
if ($file->get_referencelastsync() + DAYSECS > time()) {
// Synchronise not more often than once a day.
return false;
$c = new curl();
$reference = unserialize(self::convert_to_valid_reference($file->get_reference()));
$url = $reference->downloadurl;
if (file_extension_in_typegroup($file->get_filename(), 'web_image')) {
$path = $this->prepare_file('');
$result = $c->download_one($url, null, array('filepath' => $path, 'timeout' => $CFG->repositorysyncimagetimeout));
$info = $c->get_info();
if ($result === true && isset($info['http_code']) && $info['http_code'] == 200) {
return true;
$c->get($url, null, array('timeout' => $CFG->repositorysyncimagetimeout, 'followlocation' => true, 'nobody' => true));
$info = $c->get_info();
if (isset($info['http_code']) && $info['http_code'] == 200 &&
array_key_exists('download_content_length', $info) &&
$info['download_content_length'] >= 0) {
$filesize = (int)$info['download_content_length'];
$file->set_synchronized(null, $filesize);
return true;
return true;
* Return human readable reference information
* {@link stored_file::get_reference()}
* @param string $reference
* @param int $filestatus status of the file, 0 - ok, 666 - source missing
* @return string
public function get_reference_details($reference, $filestatus = 0) {
// Indicate it's from repository.
$reference = unserialize(self::convert_to_valid_reference($reference));
if (!$filestatus) {
return $this->get_name() . ': ' . $reference->filename;
} else {
return get_string('lostsource', 'repository', $reference->filename);
* Return the source information.
* @param string $source Not the reference, just the source.
* @return string|null
public function get_file_source_info($source) {
global $USER;
list($type, $fileid, $filename) = $this->split_part($source);
return 'Box ('. fullname($USER) . '): ' . $filename;
* Repository method to serve the referenced file
* @param stored_file $storedfile the file that contains the reference
* @param int $lifetime Number of seconds before the file should expire from caches (null means $CFG->filelifetime)
* @param int $filter 0 (default)=no filtering, 1=all files, 2=html files only
* @param bool $forcedownload If true (default false), forces download of file rather than view in browser/plugin
* @param array $options additional options affecting the file serving
public function send_file($storedfile, $lifetime=null , $filter=0, $forcedownload=false, array $options = null) {
$ref = unserialize(self::convert_to_valid_reference($storedfile->get_reference()));
header('Location: ' . $ref->downloadurl);