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synced 2025-03-13 20:26:32 +01:00
257 lines
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257 lines
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class portfolio_plugin_boxnet extends portfolio_plugin_push_base {
public $boxclient;
private $ticket;
private $authtoken;
private $folders;
private $accounttree;
public static function get_name() {
return get_string('pluginname', 'portfolio_boxnet');
public function prepare_package() {
// don't do anything for this plugin, we want to send all files as they are.
public function send_package() {
// if we need to create the folder, do it now
if ($newfolder = $this->get_export_config('newfolder')) {
if (!$created = $this->boxclient->createFolder($newfolder, array('share' => (int)$this->get_export_config('sharefolder')))) {
throw new portfolio_plugin_exception('foldercreatefailed', 'portfolio_boxnet');
$this->folders[$created['folder_id']] = $created['folder_name'];
$this->set_export_config(array('folder' => $created['folder_id']));
foreach ($this->exporter->get_tempfiles() as $file) {
$return = $this->boxclient->uploadFile(
'file' => $file,
'folder_id' => $this->get_export_config('folder'),
'share' => $this->get_export_config('sharefile'),
if (array_key_exists('status', $return) && $return['status'] == 'upload_ok'
&& array_key_exists('id', $return) && count($return['id']) == 1) {
$this->rename_file($return['id'][array_pop(array_keys($return['id']))], $file->get_filename());
// if this fails, the file was sent but not renamed - this triggers a warning but is not fatal.
if ($this->boxclient->isError()) {
throw new portfolio_plugin_exception('sendfailed', 'portfolio_boxnet', $this->boxclient->getErrorMsg());
public function get_export_summary() {
$allfolders = $this->get_folder_list();
if ($newfolder = $this->get_export_config('newfolder')) {
$foldername = $newfolder . ' (' . get_string('tobecreated', 'portfolio_boxnet') . ')';
} elseif ($this->get_export_config('folder')) {
$foldername = $allfolders[$this->get_export_config('folder')];
} else {
$foldername = '';
return array(
get_string('targetfolder', 'portfolio_boxnet') => $foldername
public function get_interactive_continue_url() {
return 'http://box.net/files#0:f:' . $this->get_export_config('folder');
public function expected_time($callertime) {
return $callertime;
public static function has_admin_config() {
return true;
public static function get_allowed_config() {
return array('apikey');
public function has_export_config() {
return true;
public function get_allowed_user_config() {
return array('authtoken', 'authtokenctime');
public function get_allowed_export_config() {
return array('folder', 'newfolder', 'sharefile', 'sharefolder');
public function export_config_form(&$mform) {
$folders = $this->get_folder_list();
$mform->addElement('checkbox', 'plugin_sharefile', get_string('sharefile', 'portfolio_boxnet'));
$mform->addElement('text', 'plugin_newfolder', get_string('newfolder', 'portfolio_boxnet'));
$mform->addElement('checkbox', 'plugin_sharefolder', get_string('sharefolder', 'portfolio_boxnet'));
$folders[0] = '----';
$mform->addElement('select', 'plugin_folder', get_string('existingfolder', 'portfolio_boxnet'), $folders);
public function export_config_validation($data) {
$allfolders = $this->get_folder_list();
if (in_array($data['plugin_newfolder'], $allfolders)) {
return array('plugin_newfolder' => get_string('folderclash', 'portfolio_boxnet'));
public function admin_config_form(&$mform) {
global $CFG;
$mform->addElement('text', 'apikey', get_string('apikey', 'portfolio_boxnet'));
$mform->addRule('apikey', get_string('required'), 'required', null, 'client');
$a = new stdClass();
$a->servicesurl = 'http://www.box.net/developers/services';
$a->callbackurl = $CFG->wwwroot . '/portfolio/add.php?postcontrol=1&type=boxnet';
$mform->addElement('static', 'setupinfo', get_string('setupinfo', 'portfolio_boxnet'),
get_string('setupinfodetails', 'portfolio_boxnet', $a));
public function steal_control($stage) {
return false;
if ($this->authtoken) {
return false;
if (!$this->ensure_ticket()) {
throw new portfolio_plugin_exception('noticket', 'portfolio_boxnet');
$token = $this->get_user_config('authtoken', $this->get('user')->id);
$ctime= $this->get_user_config('authtokenctime', $this->get('user')->id);
if (!empty($token) && (($ctime + 60*60*20) > time())) {
$this->authtoken = $token;
$this->boxclient->auth_token = $token;
return false;
return 'http://www.box.net/api/1.0/auth/'.$this->ticket;
public function post_control($stage, $params) {
if (!array_key_exists('auth_token', $params) || empty($params['auth_token'])) {
throw new portfolio_plugin_exception('noauthtoken', 'portfolio_boxnet');
$this->authtoken = $params['auth_token'];
$this->boxclient->auth_token = $this->authtoken;
$this->set_user_config(array('authtoken' => $this->authtoken, 'authtokenctime' => time()), $this->get('user')->id);
private function ensure_ticket() {
if (!empty($this->boxclient)) {
return true;
$this->boxclient = new boxclient($this->get_config('apikey'), '');
$ticket_return = $this->boxclient->getTicket();
if ($this->boxclient->isError() || empty($ticket_return)) {
throw new portfolio_plugin_exception('noticket', 'portfolio_boxnet');
$this->ticket = $ticket_return['ticket'];
return $this->ticket;
private function ensure_account_tree() {
if (!empty($this->accounttree)) {
if (empty($this->ticket)
|| empty($this->authtoken)
|| empty($this->boxclient)) {
// if we don't have these we're pretty much screwed
throw new portfolio_plugin_exception('folderlistfailed', 'portfolio_boxnet');
return false;
$this->accounttree = $this->boxclient->getAccountTree();
if ($this->boxclient->isError()) {
throw new portfolio_plugin_exception('folderlistfailed', 'portfolio_boxnet');
if (!is_array($this->accounttree)) {
return false;
private function get_folder_list() {
if (!empty($this->folders)) {
return $this->folders;
$folders = array();
foreach ($this->accounttree['folder_id'] as $key => $id) {
if (empty($id)) {
$name = $this->accounttree['folder_name'][$key];
if (!empty($this->accounttree['shared'][$key])) {
$name .= ' (' . get_string('sharedfolder', 'portfolio_boxnet') . ')';
$folders[$id] = $name;
$this->folders = $folders;
return $folders;
private function rename_file($fileid, $newname) {
// look at moving this to the boxnet client class
$count = 1;
$bits = explode('.', $newname);
$suffix = '';
if (count($bits) == 1) {
$prefix = $newname;
} else {
$suffix = '.' . array_pop($bits);
$prefix = implode('.', $bits);
while (true) {
if (!array_key_exists('file_name', $this->accounttree) || !in_array($newname, $this->accounttree['file_name'])) {
for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) {
if ($this->boxclient->renameFile($fileid, $newname)) {
return true;
debugging("tried three times to rename file and failed");
return false;
$newname = $prefix . '(' . $count . ')' . $suffix;
return false;
public function instance_sanity_check() {
if (!$this->get_config('apikey')) {
return 'err_noapikey';
//@TODO see if we can verify the api key without actually getting an authentication token
public static function allows_multiple_instances() {
return false;
public function supported_formats() {
return array(PORTFOLIO_FORMAT_FILE); // don't support rich html, it breaks links
* for now , boxnet doesn't support this,
* because we can't dynamically construct return urls.
public static function allows_multiple_exports() {
return false;