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* Course publish renderer.
* @package course
* @subpackage publish
* @copyright 2010 Moodle Pty Ltd (http://moodle.com)
* @author Jerome Mouneyrac
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class core_publish_renderer extends plugin_renderer_base {
* Display the selector to advertise or publish a course
public function publicationselector($courseid) {
$text = '';
$advertiseurl = new moodle_url("/course/publish/hubselector.php",
array('sesskey' => sesskey(), 'id' => $courseid, 'advertise' => true));
$advertisebutton = new single_button($advertiseurl, get_string('advertise', 'hub'));
$text .= $this->output->render($advertisebutton);
$text .= html_writer::tag('div', get_string('advertisepublication_help', 'hub'),
array('class' => 'publishhelp'));
$text .= html_writer::empty_tag('br'); /// TODO Delete
$uploadurl = new moodle_url("/course/publish/hubselector.php",
array('sesskey' => sesskey(), 'id' => $courseid, 'share' => true));
$uploadbutton = new single_button($uploadurl, get_string('share', 'hub'));
$text .= $this->output->render($uploadbutton);
$text .= html_writer::tag('div', get_string('sharepublication_help', 'hub'),
array('class' => 'publishhelp'));
return $text;
* Display the listing of hub where a course is registered on
public function registeredonhublisting($courseid, $publications) {
global $CFG;
$table = new html_table();
$table->head = array(get_string('type', 'hub'), get_string('hub', 'hub'),
get_string('date'), get_string('status', 'hub'), get_string('operation', 'hub'));
$table->size = array('10%', '40%', '20%', '%10', '%15');
$brtag = html_writer::empty_tag('br');
foreach ($publications as $publication) {
$updatebuttonhtml = '';
$params = array('sesskey' => sesskey(), 'id' => $publication->courseid,
'hubcourseid' => $publication->hubcourseid,
'huburl' => $publication->huburl, 'hubname' => $publication->hubname,
'cancel' => true, 'publicationid' => $publication->id,
'timepublished' => $publication->timepublished);
$cancelurl = new moodle_url("/course/publish/index.php", $params);
$cancelbutton = new single_button($cancelurl, get_string('removefromhub', 'hub'));
$cancelbutton->class = 'centeredbutton';
$cancelbuttonhtml = $this->output->render($cancelbutton);
if ($publication->enrollable) {
$params = array('sesskey' => sesskey(), 'id' => $publication->courseid,
'huburl' => $publication->huburl, 'hubname' => $publication->hubname,
'share' => !$publication->enrollable, 'advertise' => $publication->enrollable);
$updateurl = new moodle_url("/course/publish/metadata.php", $params);
$updatebutton = new single_button($updateurl, get_string('update', 'hub'));
$updatebutton->class = 'centeredbutton';
$updatebuttonhtml = $this->output->render($updatebutton);
$operations = $updatebuttonhtml . $brtag . $cancelbuttonhtml;
} else {
$operations = $cancelbuttonhtml;
$hubname = html_writer::tag('a',
$publication->hubname ? $publication->hubname : $publication->huburl,
array('href' => $publication->huburl));
//if the publication check time if bigger than May 2010, it has been checked
if ($publication->timechecked > 1273127954) {
if ($publication->status == 0) {
$status = get_string('statusunpublished', 'hub');
} else {
$status = get_string('statuspublished', 'hub');
$status .= $brtag . html_writer::tag('a', get_string('updatestatus', 'hub'),
array('href' => $CFG->wwwroot . '/course/publish/index.php?id='
. $courseid . "&updatestatusid=" . $publication->id
. "&sesskey=" . sesskey())) .
$brtag . get_string('lasttimechecked', 'hub') . ": "
. format_time(time() - $publication->timechecked);
} else {
$status = get_string('neverchecked', 'hub') . $brtag
. html_writer::tag('a', get_string('updatestatus', 'hub'),
array('href' => $CFG->wwwroot . '/course/publish/index.php?id='
. $courseid . "&updatestatusid=" . $publication->id
. "&sesskey=" . sesskey()));
//add button cells
$cells = array($publication->enrollable ?
get_string('advertised', 'hub') : get_string('shared', 'hub'),
$hubname, userdate($publication->timepublished,
get_string('strftimedatetimeshort')), $status, $operations);
$row = new html_table_row($cells);
$table->data[] = $row;
$contenthtml = html_writer::table($table);
return $contenthtml;
* Display unpublishing confirmation page
* @param object $publication
* $publication->courseshortname
public function confirmunpublishing($publication) {
$optionsyes = array('sesskey' => sesskey(), 'id' => $publication->courseid,
'hubcourseid' => $publication->hubcourseid,
'huburl' => $publication->huburl, 'hubname' => $publication->hubname,
'cancel' => true, 'publicationid' => $publication->id, 'confirm' => true);
$optionsno = array('sesskey' => sesskey(), 'id' => $publication->courseid);
$publication->hubname = html_writer::tag('a', $publication->hubname,
array('href' => $publication->huburl));
$formcontinue = new single_button(new moodle_url("/course/publish/index.php",
$optionsyes), get_string('unpublish', 'hub'), 'post');
$formcancel = new single_button(new moodle_url("/course/publish/index.php",
$optionsno), get_string('cancel'), 'get');
return $this->output->confirm(get_string('unpublishconfirmation', 'hub', $publication),
$formcontinue, $formcancel);
* Display waiting information about backup size during uploading backup process
* @param object $backupfile the backup stored_file
* @return $html string
public function sendingbackupinfo($backupfile) {
$sizeinfo = new stdClass();
$sizeinfo->total = number_format($backupfile->get_filesize() / 1000000, 2);
$html = html_writer::tag('div', get_string('sendingsize', 'hub', $sizeinfo),
array('class' => 'courseuploadtextinfo'));
return $html;
* Display upload successfull message and a button to the publish index page
* @param int $id the course id
* @param string $huburl the hub url where the course is published
* @param string $hubname the hub name where the course is published
* @return $html string
public function sentbackupinfo($id, $huburl, $hubname) {
$html = html_writer::tag('div', get_string('sent', 'hub'),
array('class' => 'courseuploadtextinfo'));
$publishindexurl = new moodle_url('/course/publish/index.php',
array('sesskey' => sesskey(), 'id' => $id,
'published' => true, 'huburl' => $huburl, 'hubname' => $hubname));
$continue = $this->output->render(
new single_button($publishindexurl, get_string('continue', 'hub')));
$html .= html_writer::tag('div', $continue, array('class' => 'sharecoursecontinue'));
return $html;
* Hub information (logo - name - description - link)
* @param object $hubinfo
* @return string html code
public function hubinfo($hubinfo) {
$params = array('filetype' => HUB_HUBSCREENSHOT_FILE_TYPE);
$imgurl = new moodle_url($hubinfo['url'] .
"/local/hub/webservice/download.php", $params);
$screenshothtml = html_writer::empty_tag('img',
array('src' => $imgurl, 'alt' => $hubinfo['name']));
$hubdescription = html_writer::tag('div', $screenshothtml,
array('class' => 'hubscreenshot'));
$hubdescription .= html_writer::tag('a', $hubinfo['name'],
array('class' => 'hublink', 'href' => $hubinfo['url'],
'onclick' => 'this.target="_blank"'));
$hubdescription .= html_writer::tag('div', format_text($hubinfo['description'], FORMAT_PLAIN),
array('class' => 'hubdescription'));
$hubdescription = html_writer::tag('div', $hubdescription, array('class' => 'hubinfo'));
return $hubdescription;