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This files describes API changes in /enrol/* - plugins,
information provided here is intended especially for developers.
=== 4.2 ===
* New is_self_enrol_available() function has been created. Similar to can_self_enrol but without checking user capabilities.
* External function core_enrol_external::get_users_courses now returns a field called "courseimage" containing a URL pointing to
the course image.
=== 4.0 ===
* Final deprecation of the following webservice:
* core_enrol_edit_user_enrolment
* External function core_enrol_external::get_users_courses now returns the last time a course was modified (timemodified field)
* The behat step i_add_enrolment_method_with() has been deprecated. Please use the new method i_add_enrolment_method_for_with()
=== 3.11 ===
* Added onlysuspended option to core_enrol_get_enrolled_users webservice to retrieve only suspended users.
=== 3.8 ===
* Function enrol_manual_plugin::enrol_cohort now return the number of enrolled cohort users.
=== 3.7 ===
* Functions get_potential_users() and search_other_users() now return more information to avoid extra count query:
- users: List of user objects returned by the query.
- moreusers: True if there are still more users, otherwise is False.
- totalusers: Number users matching the search. (This element only exists if the function is called with $returnexactcount param set to true).
* enrolledusercount is now optional in the return value of get_users_courses() for performance reasons. This is controlled with the new
optional returnusercount parameter (default true).
* External function core_enrol_external::get_users_courses now returns a new field "completionusertracked" that indicates if the
given user is being tracked for completion.
=== 3.6 ===
* External function core_enrol_external::get_users_courses now return more information to avoid multiple queries to build the
user dashboard:
- displayname: Course display name for lists.
- marker: Course section active marker.
- completed: Whether the given user completed the course or not.
- lastaccess: Last time the user accessed the course.
- overviewfiles: Course overview files.
- completionhascriteria: Whether completion criteria is set for the course.
- isfavourite: Whether the user marked the course as favourite.
- hidden: Whether the user hide the course from the dashboard.
* External functions core_enrol_external::get_enrolled_users and core_enrol_external::get_enrolled_users_with_capability now return
the last access time for the users in the given course.
=== 3.5 ===
* Default sorting in enrol_get_my_courses(), enrol_get_all_users_courses() and enrol_get_users_courses() now respects
the site setting "navsortmycoursessort" and should be consistently used when displaying the courses in the UI.
=== 3.4 ===
* render_course_enrolment_users_table method has been removed from the renderer. The enrolled users page is now
combined with the participants page. /enrol/users.php no longer exists.
=== 3.3 ===
* External function core_enrol_external::get_users_courses now return the user progress, start and the end course dates.
=== 3.2 ===
* External function core_enrol_external::get_users_courses now return the category id as an additional optional field.
=== 3.1 ===
* core_enrol_external::get_enrolled_users now supports two additional parameters for ordering: sortby and sortdirection.
* Enrolment plugins UI have been consolidated. Plugins can implement use_standard_editing_ui() function
and add edit_instance_form() and edit_instance_validation() methods instead of providing their own edit.php and form.
They can then rely on the default implementation of get_action_icons and get_course_navigation. In future this will
mean they can be called by webservices/user upload tools because they can validate their data.
=== 3.0 ===
* Added new events enrol_instance_created, enrol_instance_updated and
enrol_instance_deleted . Always trigger them when changing records in the
DB table 'enrol'.
* Constant CACHE_COURSE_CONTACTS_TTL was deleted.
* External function core_enrol_external::get_enrolled_users now returns only the viewable participants if the course has groups enabled and no groupid is passed.
=== 2.9 ===
* External function core_enrol_external::get_users_courses now returns additional optional fields:
- summary: Course summary.
- summaryformat: Course summary format.
- format: Course format.
- showgrades: True if grades are shown, otherwise false.
- lang: Forced course language.
- enablecompletion: Control or not via completion and activity settings.
=== 2.8 ===
* enrol_plugin::instance_deleteable() is deprecated and has been replaced by enrol_plugin::can_delete_instance()
* enrol_plugin::can_hide_show_instance() is a new function to control who can hide/show enrolment instances.
Returns true by default but plugins must implement their own logic.
=== 2.6 ===
* Enrolment plugin which supports self enrolment should implement can_self_enrol()
* Enrolment plugin should implement get_enrol_info() to expose instance information
with webservice or external interface.
* Webservice core_enrol_get_enrolled_users_with_capability was incorrectly specifing
float as the return type for user id. int is the actual returned type and is now
reported as such.
=== 2.5 ===
* plugins may use general enrol/editenrolment.php page to let users edit
enrolments manually
* new support for grade recovery in enrol_plugin::enrol_user() method
=== 2.4 ===
required changes in code:
* use role_get_name() or role_fix_names() if you need any role names, using role.name
directly from database is not correct any more
and ENROL_RESTORE_CLASS were removed, implement new restore_* plugin methods instead
other changes and new features:
* course enrolment manager now works with disabled plugins too
* new support for protected group membership linked to enrol instance
* new support for expiry notifications - see enrol_plugin::send_expiry_notifications() method
=== 2.2 ===
required changes in code:
* load_temp_role() is deprecated, use load_temp_course_role() instead, temp role not loaded
* remove_temp_role() is deprecated, use remove_temp_course_roles() instead
* 'user_unenrol_modified' event was renamed to 'user_enrol_modified'
=== 2.0 ===
required changes in code:
* enrolment plugins need to be rewritten to use new API - see inline phpdocs and official plugins