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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* modinfolib.php - Functions/classes relating to cached information about module instances on
* a course.
* @package core
* @subpackage lib
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
* @author sam marshall
// Maximum number of modinfo items to keep in memory cache. Do not increase this to a large
// number because:
// a) modinfo can be big (megabyte range) for some courses
// b) performance of cache will deteriorate if there are very many items in it
if (!defined('MAX_MODINFO_CACHE_SIZE')) {
* Information about a course that is cached in the course table 'modinfo' field (and then in
* memory) in order to reduce the need for other database queries.
* This includes information about the course-modules and the sections on the course. It can also
* include dynamic data that has been updated for the current user.
class course_modinfo extends stdClass {
// For convenience we store the course object here as it is needed in other parts of code
private $course;
// Array of section data from cache
private $sectioninfo;
// Existing data fields
// These are public for backward compatibility. Note: it is not possible to retain BC
// using PHP magic get methods because behaviour is different with regard to empty().
* Course ID
* @var int
* @deprecated For new code, use get_course_id instead.
public $courseid;
* User ID
* @var int
* @deprecated For new code, use get_user_id instead.
public $userid;
* Array from int (section num, e.g. 0) => array of int (course-module id); this list only
* includes sections that actually contain at least one course-module
* @var array
* @deprecated For new code, use get_sections instead
public $sections;
* Array from int (cm id) => cm_info object
* @var array
* @deprecated For new code, use get_cms or get_cm instead.
public $cms;
* Array from string (modname) => int (instance id) => cm_info object
* @var array
* @deprecated For new code, use get_instances or get_instances_of instead.
public $instances;
* Groups that the current user belongs to. This value is usually not available (set to null)
* unless the course has activities set to groupmembersonly. When set, it is an array of
* grouping id => array of group id => group id. Includes grouping id 0 for 'all groups'.
* @var array
* @deprecated Don't use this! For new code, use get_groups.
public $groups;
// Get methods for data
* @return object Moodle course object that was used to construct this data
public function get_course() {
return $this->course;
* @return int Course ID
public function get_course_id() {
return $this->courseid;
* @return int User ID
public function get_user_id() {
return $this->userid;
* @return array Array from section number (e.g. 0) to array of course-module IDs in that
* section; this only includes sections that contain at least one course-module
public function get_sections() {
return $this->sections;
* @return array Array from course-module instance to cm_info object within this course, in
* order of appearance
public function get_cms() {
return $this->cms;
* Obtains a single course-module object (for a course-module that is on this course).
* @param int $cmid Course-module ID
* @return cm_info Information about that course-module
* @throws moodle_exception If the course-module does not exist
public function get_cm($cmid) {
if (empty($this->cms[$cmid])) {
throw new moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule', 'error');
return $this->cms[$cmid];
* Obtains all module instances on this course.
* @return array Array from module name => array from instance id => cm_info
public function get_instances() {
return $this->instances;
* Returns array of localised human-readable module names used in this course
* @param bool $plural if true returns the plural form of modules names
* @return array
public function get_used_module_names($plural = false) {
$modnames = get_module_types_names($plural);
$modnamesused = array();
foreach ($this->get_cms() as $cmid => $mod) {
if (isset($modnames[$mod->modname]) && $mod->uservisible) {
$modnamesused[$mod->modname] = $modnames[$mod->modname];
return $modnamesused;
* Obtains all instances of a particular module on this course.
* @param $modname Name of module (not full frankenstyle) e.g. 'label'
* @return array Array from instance id => cm_info for modules on this course; empty if none
public function get_instances_of($modname) {
if (empty($this->instances[$modname])) {
return array();
return $this->instances[$modname];
* Returns groups that the current user belongs to on the course. Note: If not already
* available, this may make a database query.
* @param int $groupingid Grouping ID or 0 (default) for all groups
* @return array Array of int (group id) => int (same group id again); empty array if none
public function get_groups($groupingid=0) {
if (is_null($this->groups)) {
// NOTE: Performance could be improved here. The system caches user groups
// in $USER->groupmember[$courseid] => array of groupid=>groupid. Unfortunately this
// structure does not include grouping information. It probably could be changed to
// do so, without a significant performance hit on login, thus saving this one query
// each request.
$this->groups = groups_get_user_groups($this->courseid, $this->userid);
if (!isset($this->groups[$groupingid])) {
return array();
return $this->groups[$groupingid];
* Gets all sections as array from section number => data about section.
* @return array Array of section_info objects organised by section number
public function get_section_info_all() {
return $this->sectioninfo;
* Gets data about specific numbered section.
* @param int $sectionnumber Number (not id) of section
* @param int $strictness Use MUST_EXIST to throw exception if it doesn't
* @return section_info Information for numbered section or null if not found
public function get_section_info($sectionnumber, $strictness = IGNORE_MISSING) {
if (!array_key_exists($sectionnumber, $this->sectioninfo)) {
if ($strictness === MUST_EXIST) {
throw new moodle_exception('sectionnotexist');
} else {
return null;
return $this->sectioninfo[$sectionnumber];
* Constructs based on course.
* Note: This constructor should not usually be called directly.
* Use get_fast_modinfo($course) instead as this maintains a cache.
* @param object $course Moodle course object, which may include modinfo
* @param int $userid User ID
public function __construct($course, $userid) {
global $CFG, $DB;
// Check modinfo field is set. If not, build and load it.
if (empty($course->modinfo) || empty($course->sectioncache)) {
$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id'=>$course->id), '*', MUST_EXIST);
// Set initial values
$this->courseid = $course->id;
$this->userid = $userid;
$this->sections = array();
$this->cms = array();
$this->instances = array();
$this->groups = null;
$this->course = $course;
// Load modinfo field into memory as PHP object and check it's valid
$info = unserialize($course->modinfo);
if (!is_array($info)) {
// hmm, something is wrong - lets try to fix it
$course->modinfo = $DB->get_field('course', 'modinfo', array('id'=>$course->id));
$info = unserialize($course->modinfo);
if (!is_array($info)) {
// If it still fails, abort
debugging('Problem with "modinfo" data for this course');
// Load sectioncache field into memory as PHP object and check it's valid
$sectioncache = unserialize($course->sectioncache);
if (!is_array($sectioncache) || empty($sectioncache)) {
// hmm, something is wrong - let's fix it
$course->sectioncache = $DB->get_field('course', 'sectioncache', array('id'=>$course->id));
$sectioncache = unserialize($course->sectioncache);
if (!is_array($sectioncache)) {
// If it still fails, abort
debugging('Problem with "sectioncache" data for this course');
// If we haven't already preloaded contexts for the course, do it now
// Loop through each piece of module data, constructing it
$modexists = array();
foreach ($info as $mod) {
if (empty($mod->name)) {
// something is wrong here
// Skip modules which don't exist
if (empty($modexists[$mod->mod])) {
if (!file_exists("$CFG->dirroot/mod/$mod->mod/lib.php")) {
$modexists[$mod->mod] = true;
// Construct info for this module
$cm = new cm_info($this, $course, $mod, $info);
// Store module in instances and cms array
if (!isset($this->instances[$cm->modname])) {
$this->instances[$cm->modname] = array();
$this->instances[$cm->modname][$cm->instance] = $cm;
$this->cms[$cm->id] = $cm;
// Reconstruct sections. This works because modules are stored in order
if (!isset($this->sections[$cm->sectionnum])) {
$this->sections[$cm->sectionnum] = array();
$this->sections[$cm->sectionnum][] = $cm->id;
// Expand section objects
$this->sectioninfo = array();
foreach ($sectioncache as $number => $data) {
// Calculate sequence
if (isset($this->sections[$number])) {
$sequence = implode(',', $this->sections[$number]);
} else {
$sequence = '';
// Expand
$this->sectioninfo[$number] = new section_info($data, $number, $course->id, $sequence,
$this, $userid);
// We need at least 'dynamic' data from each course-module (this is basically the remaining
// data which was always present in previous version of get_fast_modinfo, so it's required
// for BC). Creating it in a second pass is necessary because obtain_dynamic_data sometimes
// needs to be able to refer to a 'complete' (with basic data) modinfo.
foreach ($this->cms as $cm) {
* Builds a list of information about sections on a course to be stored in
* the course cache. (Does not include information that is already cached
* in some other way.)
* Used internally by rebuild_course_cache function; do not use otherwise.
* @param int $courseid Course ID
* @return array Information about sections, indexed by section number (not id)
public static function build_section_cache($courseid) {
global $DB;
// Get section data
$sections = $DB->get_records('course_sections', array('course' => $courseid), 'section',
'section, id, course, name, summary, summaryformat, sequence, visible, ' .
'availablefrom, availableuntil, showavailability, groupingid');
$compressedsections = array();
$formatoptionsdef = course_get_format($courseid)->section_format_options();
// Remove unnecessary data and add availability
foreach ($sections as $number => $section) {
// Add cached options from course format to $section object
foreach ($formatoptionsdef as $key => $option) {
if (!empty($option['cache'])) {
$formatoptions = course_get_format($courseid)->get_format_options($section);
if (!array_key_exists('cachedefault', $option) || $option['cachedefault'] !== $formatoptions[$key]) {
$section->$key = $formatoptions[$key];
// Clone just in case it is reused elsewhere
$compressedsections[$number] = clone($section);
return $compressedsections;
* Data about a single module on a course. This contains most of the fields in the course_modules
* table, plus additional data when required.
* This object has many public fields; code should treat all these fields as read-only and set
* data only using the supplied set functions. Setting the fields directly is not supported
* and may cause problems later.
class cm_info extends stdClass {
* State: Only basic data from modinfo cache is available.
const STATE_BASIC = 0;
* State: Dynamic data is available too.
const STATE_DYNAMIC = 1;
* State: View data (for course page) is available.
const STATE_VIEW = 2;
* Parent object
* @var course_modinfo
private $modinfo;
* Level of information stored inside this object (STATE_xx constant)
* @var int
private $state;
// Existing data fields
* Course-module ID - from course_modules table
* @var int
public $id;
* Module instance (ID within module table) - from course_modules table
* @var int
public $instance;
* Course ID - from course_modules table
* @var int
public $course;
* 'ID number' from course-modules table (arbitrary text set by user) - from
* course_modules table
* @var string
public $idnumber;
* Time that this course-module was added (unix time) - from course_modules table
* @var int
public $added;
* This variable is not used and is included here only so it can be documented.
* Once the database entry is removed from course_modules, it should be deleted
* here too.
* @var int
* @deprecated Do not use this variable
public $score;
* Visible setting (0 or 1; if this is 0, students cannot see/access the activity) - from
* course_modules table
* @var int
public $visible;
* Old visible setting (if the entire section is hidden, the previous value for
* visible is stored in this field) - from course_modules table
* @var int
public $visibleold;
* Group mode (one of the constants NONE, SEPARATEGROUPS, or VISIBLEGROUPS) - from
* course_modules table
* @var int
public $groupmode;
* Grouping ID (0 = all groupings)
* @var int
public $groupingid;
* Group members only (if set to 1, only members of a suitable group see this link on the
* course page; 0 = everyone sees it even if they don't belong to a suitable group) - from
* course_modules table
* @var int
public $groupmembersonly;
* Indicates whether the course containing the module has forced the groupmode
* This means that cm_info::$groupmode should be ignored and cm_info::$coursegroupmode be
* used instead
* @var bool
public $coursegroupmodeforce;
* Group mode (one of the constants NONE, SEPARATEGROUPS, or VISIBLEGROUPS) - from
* course table - as specified for the course containing the module
* Effective only if cm_info::$coursegroupmodeforce is set
* @var int
public $coursegroupmode;
* Indent level on course page (0 = no indent) - from course_modules table
* @var int
public $indent;
* Activity completion setting for this activity, COMPLETION_TRACKING_xx constant - from
* course_modules table
* @var int
public $completion;
* Set to the item number (usually 0) if completion depends on a particular
* grade of this activity, or null if completion does not depend on a grade - from
* course_modules table
* @var mixed
public $completiongradeitemnumber;
* 1 if 'on view' completion is enabled, 0 otherwise - from course_modules table
* @var int
public $completionview;
* Set to a unix time if completion of this activity is expected at a
* particular time, 0 if no time set - from course_modules table
* @var int
public $completionexpected;
* Available date for this activity (0 if not set, or set to seconds since epoch; before this
* date, activity does not display to students) - from course_modules table
* @var int
public $availablefrom;
* Available until date for this activity (0 if not set, or set to seconds since epoch; from
* this date, activity does not display to students) - from course_modules table
* @var int
public $availableuntil;
* When activity is unavailable, this field controls whether it is shown to students (0 =
* hide completely, 1 = show greyed out with information about when it will be available) -
* from course_modules table
* @var int
public $showavailability;
* Controls whether the description of the activity displays on the course main page (in
* addition to anywhere it might display within the activity itself). 0 = do not show
* on main page, 1 = show on main page.
* @var int
public $showdescription;
* Extra HTML that is put in an unhelpful part of the HTML when displaying this module in
* course page - from cached data in modinfo field
* @deprecated This is crazy, don't use it. Replaced by ->extraclasses and ->onclick
* @var string
public $extra;
* Name of icon to use - from cached data in modinfo field
* @var string
public $icon;
* Component that contains icon - from cached data in modinfo field
* @var string
public $iconcomponent;
* Name of module e.g. 'forum' (this is the same name as the module's main database
* table) - from cached data in modinfo field
* @var string
public $modname;
* ID of module - from course_modules table
* @var int
public $module;
* Name of module instance for display on page e.g. 'General discussion forum' - from cached
* data in modinfo field
* @var string
public $name;
* Section number that this course-module is in (section 0 = above the calendar, section 1
* = week/topic 1, etc) - from cached data in modinfo field
* @var string
public $sectionnum;
* Section id - from course_modules table
* @var int
public $section;
* Availability conditions for this course-module based on the completion of other
* course-modules (array from other course-module id to required completion state for that
* module) - from cached data in modinfo field
* @var array
public $conditionscompletion;
* Availability conditions for this course-module based on course grades (array from
* grade item id to object with ->min, ->max fields) - from cached data in modinfo field
* @var array
public $conditionsgrade;
* Availability conditions for this course-module based on user fields
* @var array
public $conditionsfield;
* True if this course-module is available to students i.e. if all availability conditions
* are met - obtained dynamically
* @var bool
public $available;
* If course-module is not available to students, this string gives information about
* availability which can be displayed to students and/or staff (e.g. 'Available from 3
* January 2010') for display on main page - obtained dynamically
* @var string
public $availableinfo;
* True if this course-module is available to the CURRENT user (for example, if current user
* has viewhiddenactivities capability, they can access the course-module even if it is not
* visible or not available, so this would be true in that case)
* @var bool
public $uservisible;
* Module context - hacky shortcut
* @deprecated
* @var stdClass
public $context;
// New data available only via functions
* @var moodle_url
private $url;
* @var string
private $content;
* @var string
private $extraclasses;
* @var moodle_url full external url pointing to icon image for activity
private $iconurl;
* @var string
private $onclick;
* @var mixed
private $customdata;
* @var string
private $afterlink;
* @var string
private $afterediticons;
* Magic method getter
* @param string $name
* @return mixed
public function __get($name) {
switch ($name) {
case 'modplural':
return $this->get_module_type_name(true);
case 'modfullname':
return $this->get_module_type_name();
debugging('Invalid cm_info property accessed: '.$name);
return null;
* @return bool True if this module has a 'view' page that should be linked to in navigation
* etc (note: modules may still have a view.php file, but return false if this is not
* intended to be linked to from 'normal' parts of the interface; this is what label does).
public function has_view() {
return !is_null($this->url);
* @return moodle_url URL to link to for this module, or null if it doesn't have a view page
public function get_url() {
return $this->url;
* Obtains content to display on main (view) page.
* Note: Will collect view data, if not already obtained.
* @return string Content to display on main page below link, or empty string if none
public function get_content() {
return $this->content;
* Returns the content to display on course/overview page, formatted and passed through filters
* if $options['context'] is not specified, the module context is used
* @param array|stdClass $options formatting options, see {@link format_text()}
* @return string
public function get_formatted_content($options = array()) {
if (empty($this->content)) {
return '';
// Improve filter performance by preloading filter setttings for all
// activities on the course (this does nothing if called multiple
// times)
$options = (array)$options;
if (!isset($options['context'])) {
$options['context'] = context_module::instance($this->id);
return format_text($this->content, FORMAT_HTML, $options);
* Returns the name to display on course/overview page, formatted and passed through filters
* if $options['context'] is not specified, the module context is used
* @param array|stdClass $options formatting options, see {@link format_string()}
* @return string
public function get_formatted_name($options = array()) {
$options = (array)$options;
if (!isset($options['context'])) {
$options['context'] = context_module::instance($this->id);
return format_string($this->name, true, $options);
* Note: Will collect view data, if not already obtained.
* @return string Extra CSS classes to add to html output for this activity on main page
public function get_extra_classes() {
return $this->extraclasses;
* @return string Content of HTML on-click attribute. This string will be used literally
* as a string so should be pre-escaped.
public function get_on_click() {
// Does not need view data; may be used by navigation
return $this->onclick;
* @return mixed Optional custom data stored in modinfo cache for this activity, or null if none
public function get_custom_data() {
return $this->customdata;
* Note: Will collect view data, if not already obtained.
* @return string Extra HTML code to display after link
public function get_after_link() {
return $this->afterlink;
* Note: Will collect view data, if not already obtained.
* @return string Extra HTML code to display after editing icons (e.g. more icons)
public function get_after_edit_icons() {
return $this->afterediticons;
* @param moodle_core_renderer $output Output render to use, or null for default (global)
* @return moodle_url Icon URL for a suitable icon to put beside this cm
public function get_icon_url($output = null) {
global $OUTPUT;
if (!$output) {
$output = $OUTPUT;
// Support modules setting their own, external, icon image
if (!empty($this->iconurl)) {
$icon = $this->iconurl;
// Fallback to normal local icon + component procesing
} else if (!empty($this->icon)) {
if (substr($this->icon, 0, 4) === 'mod/') {
list($modname, $iconname) = explode('/', substr($this->icon, 4), 2);
$icon = $output->pix_url($iconname, $modname);
} else {
if (!empty($this->iconcomponent)) {
// Icon has specified component
$icon = $output->pix_url($this->icon, $this->iconcomponent);
} else {
// Icon does not have specified component, use default
$icon = $output->pix_url($this->icon);
} else {
$icon = $output->pix_url('icon', $this->modname);
return $icon;
* Returns a localised human-readable name of the module type
* @param bool $plural return plural form
* @return string
public function get_module_type_name($plural = false) {
$modnames = get_module_types_names($plural);
if (isset($modnames[$this->modname])) {
return $modnames[$this->modname];
} else {
return null;
* @return course_modinfo Modinfo object that this came from
public function get_modinfo() {
return $this->modinfo;
* @return object Moodle course object that was used to construct this data
public function get_course() {
return $this->modinfo->get_course();
// Set functions
* Sets content to display on course view page below link (if present).
* @param string $content New content as HTML string (empty string if none)
* @return void
public function set_content($content) {
$this->content = $content;
* Sets extra classes to include in CSS.
* @param string $extraclasses Extra classes (empty string if none)
* @return void
public function set_extra_classes($extraclasses) {
$this->extraclasses = $extraclasses;
* Sets the external full url that points to the icon being used
* by the activity. Useful for external-tool modules (lti...)
* If set, takes precedence over $icon and $iconcomponent
* @param moodle_url $iconurl full external url pointing to icon image for activity
* @return void
public function set_icon_url(moodle_url $iconurl) {
$this->iconurl = $iconurl;
* Sets value of on-click attribute for JavaScript.
* Note: May not be called from _cm_info_view (only _cm_info_dynamic).
* @param string $onclick New onclick attribute which should be HTML-escaped
* (empty string if none)
* @return void
public function set_on_click($onclick) {
$this->onclick = $onclick;
* Sets HTML that displays after link on course view page.
* @param string $afterlink HTML string (empty string if none)
* @return void
public function set_after_link($afterlink) {
$this->afterlink = $afterlink;
* Sets HTML that displays after edit icons on course view page.
* @param string $afterediticons HTML string (empty string if none)
* @return void
public function set_after_edit_icons($afterediticons) {
$this->afterediticons = $afterediticons;
* Changes the name (text of link) for this module instance.
* Note: May not be called from _cm_info_view (only _cm_info_dynamic).
* @param string $name Name of activity / link text
* @return void
public function set_name($name) {
$this->name = $name;
* Turns off the view link for this module instance.
* Note: May not be called from _cm_info_view (only _cm_info_dynamic).
* @return void
public function set_no_view_link() {
$this->url = null;
* Sets the 'uservisible' flag. This can be used (by setting false) to prevent access and
* display of this module link for the current user.
* Note: May not be called from _cm_info_view (only _cm_info_dynamic).
* @param bool $uservisible
* @return void
public function set_user_visible($uservisible) {
$this->uservisible = $uservisible;
* Sets the 'available' flag and related details. This flag is normally used to make
* course modules unavailable until a certain date or condition is met. (When a course
* module is unavailable, it is still visible to users who have viewhiddenactivities
* permission.)
* When this is function is called, user-visible status is recalculated automatically.
* Note: May not be called from _cm_info_view (only _cm_info_dynamic).
* @param bool $available False if this item is not 'available'
* @param int $showavailability 0 = do not show this item at all if it's not available,
* 1 = show this item greyed out with the following message
* @param string $availableinfo Information about why this is not available which displays
* to those who have viewhiddenactivities, and to everyone if showavailability is set;
* note that this function replaces the existing data (if any)
* @return void
public function set_available($available, $showavailability=0, $availableinfo='') {
$this->available = $available;
$this->showavailability = $showavailability;
$this->availableinfo = $availableinfo;
* Some set functions can only be called from _cm_info_dynamic and not _cm_info_view.
* This is because they may affect parts of this object which are used on pages other
* than the view page (e.g. in the navigation block, or when checking access on
* module pages).
* @return void
private function check_not_view_only() {
if ($this->state >= self::STATE_DYNAMIC) {
throw new coding_exception('Cannot set this data from _cm_info_view because it may ' .
'affect other pages as well as view');
* Constructor should not be called directly; use get_fast_modinfo.
* @param course_modinfo $modinfo Parent object
* @param object $course Course row
* @param object $mod Module object from the modinfo field of course table
* @param object $info Entire object from modinfo field of course table
public function __construct(course_modinfo $modinfo, $course, $mod, $info) {
global $CFG;
$this->modinfo = $modinfo;
$this->id = $mod->cm;
$this->instance = $mod->id;
$this->course = $course->id;
$this->modname = $mod->mod;
$this->idnumber = isset($mod->idnumber) ? $mod->idnumber : '';
$this->name = $mod->name;
$this->visible = $mod->visible;
$this->sectionnum = $mod->section; // Note weirdness with name here
$this->groupmode = isset($mod->groupmode) ? $mod->groupmode : 0;
$this->groupingid = isset($mod->groupingid) ? $mod->groupingid : 0;
$this->groupmembersonly = isset($mod->groupmembersonly) ? $mod->groupmembersonly : 0;
$this->coursegroupmodeforce = $course->groupmodeforce;
$this->coursegroupmode = $course->groupmode;
$this->indent = isset($mod->indent) ? $mod->indent : 0;
$this->extra = isset($mod->extra) ? $mod->extra : '';
$this->extraclasses = isset($mod->extraclasses) ? $mod->extraclasses : '';
$this->iconurl = isset($mod->iconurl) ? $mod->iconurl : '';
$this->onclick = isset($mod->onclick) ? $mod->onclick : '';
$this->content = isset($mod->content) ? $mod->content : '';
$this->icon = isset($mod->icon) ? $mod->icon : '';
$this->iconcomponent = isset($mod->iconcomponent) ? $mod->iconcomponent : '';
$this->customdata = isset($mod->customdata) ? $mod->customdata : '';
$this->context = context_module::instance($mod->cm);
$this->showdescription = isset($mod->showdescription) ? $mod->showdescription : 0;
$this->state = self::STATE_BASIC;
// Note: These fields from $cm were not present in cm_info in Moodle
// 2.0.2 and prior. They may not be available if course cache hasn't
// been rebuilt since then.
$this->section = isset($mod->sectionid) ? $mod->sectionid : 0;
$this->module = isset($mod->module) ? $mod->module : 0;
$this->added = isset($mod->added) ? $mod->added : 0;
$this->score = isset($mod->score) ? $mod->score : 0;
$this->visibleold = isset($mod->visibleold) ? $mod->visibleold : 0;
// Note: it saves effort and database space to always include the
// availability and completion fields, even if availability or completion
// are actually disabled
$this->completion = isset($mod->completion) ? $mod->completion : 0;
$this->completiongradeitemnumber = isset($mod->completiongradeitemnumber)
? $mod->completiongradeitemnumber : null;
$this->completionview = isset($mod->completionview)
? $mod->completionview : 0;
$this->completionexpected = isset($mod->completionexpected)
? $mod->completionexpected : 0;
$this->showavailability = isset($mod->showavailability) ? $mod->showavailability : 0;
$this->availablefrom = isset($mod->availablefrom) ? $mod->availablefrom : 0;
$this->availableuntil = isset($mod->availableuntil) ? $mod->availableuntil : 0;
$this->conditionscompletion = isset($mod->conditionscompletion)
? $mod->conditionscompletion : array();
$this->conditionsgrade = isset($mod->conditionsgrade)
? $mod->conditionsgrade : array();
$this->conditionsfield = isset($mod->conditionsfield)
? $mod->conditionsfield : array();
static $modviews;
if (!isset($modviews[$this->modname])) {
$modviews[$this->modname] = !plugin_supports('mod', $this->modname,
$this->url = $modviews[$this->modname]
? new moodle_url('/mod/' . $this->modname . '/view.php', array('id'=>$this->id))
: null;
* If dynamic data for this course-module is not yet available, gets it.
* This function is automatically called when constructing course_modinfo, so users don't
* need to call it.
* Dynamic data is data which does not come directly from the cache but is calculated at
* runtime based on the current user. Primarily this concerns whether the user can access
* the module or not.
* As part of this function, the module's _cm_info_dynamic function from its lib.php will
* be called (if it exists).
* @return void
public function obtain_dynamic_data() {
global $CFG;
if ($this->state >= self::STATE_DYNAMIC) {
$userid = $this->modinfo->get_user_id();
if (!empty($CFG->enableavailability)) {
// Get availability information
$ci = new condition_info($this);
// Note that the modinfo currently available only includes minimal details (basic data)
// so passing it to this function is a bit dangerous as it would cause infinite
// recursion if it tried to get dynamic data, however we know that this function only
// uses basic data.
$this->available = $ci->is_available($this->availableinfo, true,
$userid, $this->modinfo);
// Check parent section
$parentsection = $this->modinfo->get_section_info($this->sectionnum);
if (!$parentsection->available) {
// Do not store info from section here, as that is already
// presented from the section (if appropriate) - just change
// the flag
$this->available = false;
} else {
$this->available = true;
// Update visible state for current user
// Let module make dynamic changes at this point
$this->state = self::STATE_DYNAMIC;
* Works out whether activity is available to the current user
* If the activity is unavailable, additional checks are required to determine if its hidden or greyed out
* @see is_user_access_restricted_by_group()
* @see is_user_access_restricted_by_conditional_access()
* @return void
private function update_user_visible() {
global $CFG;
$modcontext = context_module::instance($this->id);
$userid = $this->modinfo->get_user_id();
$this->uservisible = true;
// If the user cannot access the activity set the uservisible flag to false.
// Additional checks are required to determine whether the activity is entirely hidden or just greyed out.
if ((!$this->visible or !$this->available) and
!has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddenactivities', $modcontext, $userid)) {
$this->uservisible = false;
// Check group membership.
if ($this->is_user_access_restricted_by_group()) {
$this->uservisible = false;
// Ensure activity is completely hidden from the user.
$this->showavailability = 0;
* Checks whether the module's group settings restrict the current user's access
* @return bool True if the user access is restricted
public function is_user_access_restricted_by_group() {
global $CFG;
if (!empty($CFG->enablegroupmembersonly) and !empty($this->groupmembersonly)) {
$modcontext = context_module::instance($this->id);
$userid = $this->modinfo->get_user_id();
if (!has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $modcontext, $userid)) {
// If the activity has 'group members only' and you don't have accessallgroups...
$groups = $this->modinfo->get_groups($this->groupingid);
if (empty($groups)) {
// ...and you don't belong to a group, then set it so you can't see/access it
return true;
return false;
* Checks whether the module's conditional access settings mean that the user cannot see the activity at all
* @return bool True if the user cannot see the module. False if the activity is either available or should be greyed out.
public function is_user_access_restricted_by_conditional_access() {
global $CFG, $USER;
if (empty($CFG->enableavailability)) {
return false;
// If module will always be visible anyway (but greyed out), don't bother checking anything else
if ($this->showavailability == CONDITION_STUDENTVIEW_SHOW) {
return false;
// Can the user see hidden modules?
$modcontext = context_module::instance($this->id);
$userid = $this->modinfo->get_user_id();
if (has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddenactivities', $modcontext, $userid)) {
return false;
// Is the module hidden due to unmet conditions?
if (!$this->available) {
return true;
return false;
* Calls a module function (if exists), passing in one parameter: this object.
* @param string $type Name of function e.g. if this is 'grooblezorb' and the modname is
* 'forum' then it will try to call 'mod_forum_grooblezorb' or 'forum_grooblezorb'
* @return void
private function call_mod_function($type) {
global $CFG;
$libfile = $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/' . $this->modname . '/lib.php';
if (file_exists($libfile)) {
$function = 'mod_' . $this->modname . '_' . $type;
if (function_exists($function)) {
} else {
$function = $this->modname . '_' . $type;
if (function_exists($function)) {
* If view data for this course-module is not yet available, obtains it.
* This function is automatically called if any of the functions (marked) which require
* view data are called.
* View data is data which is needed only for displaying the course main page (& any similar
* functionality on other pages) but is not needed in general. Obtaining view data may have
* a performance cost.
* As part of this function, the module's _cm_info_view function from its lib.php will
* be called (if it exists).
* @return void
private function obtain_view_data() {
if ($this->state >= self::STATE_VIEW) {
// Let module make changes at this point
$this->state = self::STATE_VIEW;
* Returns reference to full info about modules in course (including visibility).
* Cached and as fast as possible (0 or 1 db query).
* use get_fast_modinfo($courseid, 0, true) to reset the static cache for particular course
* use get_fast_modinfo(0, 0, true) to reset the static cache for all courses
* @param int|stdClass $courseorid object from DB table 'course' or just a course id
* @param int $userid User id to populate 'uservisible' attributes of modules and sections.
* Set to 0 for current user (default)
* @param bool $resetonly whether we want to get modinfo or just reset the cache
* @return course_modinfo|null Module information for course, or null if resetting
function get_fast_modinfo($courseorid, $userid = 0, $resetonly = false) {
global $CFG, $USER;
if (!empty($CFG->enableavailability)) {
static $cache = array();
// compartibility with syntax prior to 2.4:
if ($courseorid === 'reset') {
debugging("Using the string 'reset' as the first argument of get_fast_modinfo() is deprecated. Use get_fast_modinfo(0,0,true) instead.", DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
$courseorid = 0;
$resetonly = true;
if (is_object($courseorid)) {
$course = $courseorid;
} else {
$course = (object)array('id' => $courseorid, 'modinfo' => null, 'sectioncache' => null);
// Function is called with $reset = true
if ($resetonly) {
if (isset($course->id) && $course->id > 0) {
$cache[$course->id] = false;
} else {
foreach (array_keys($cache) as $key) {
$cache[$key] = false;
return null;
// Function is called with $reset = false, retrieve modinfo
if (empty($userid)) {
$userid = $USER->id;
if (array_key_exists($course->id, $cache)) {
if ($cache[$course->id] === false) {
// this course has been recently reset, do not rely on modinfo and sectioncache in $course
$course->modinfo = null;
$course->sectioncache = null;
} else if ($cache[$course->id]->userid == $userid) {
// this course's modinfo for the same user was recently retrieved, return cached
return $cache[$course->id];
if (!property_exists($course, 'modinfo')) {
debugging('Coding problem - missing course modinfo property in get_fast_modinfo() call');
if (!property_exists($course, 'sectioncache')) {
debugging('Coding problem - missing course sectioncache property in get_fast_modinfo() call');
unset($cache[$course->id]); // prevent potential reference problems when switching users
$cache[$course->id] = new course_modinfo($course, $userid);
// Ensure cache does not use too much RAM
if (count($cache) > MAX_MODINFO_CACHE_SIZE) {
$key = key($cache);
return $cache[$course->id];
* Rebuilds the cached list of course activities stored in the database
* @param int $courseid - id of course to rebuild, empty means all
* @param boolean $clearonly - only clear the modinfo fields, gets rebuild automatically on the fly
function rebuild_course_cache($courseid=0, $clearonly=false) {
global $COURSE, $SITE, $DB, $CFG;
// Destroy navigation caches
if (class_exists('format_base')) {
// if file containing class is not loaded, there is no cache there anyway
if ($clearonly) {
if (empty($courseid)) {
$DB->set_field('course', 'modinfo', null);
$DB->set_field('course', 'sectioncache', null);
} else {
// Clear both fields in one update
$resetobj = (object)array('id' => $courseid, 'modinfo' => null, 'sectioncache' => null);
$DB->update_record('course', $resetobj);
// update cached global COURSE too ;-)
if ($courseid == $COURSE->id or empty($courseid)) {
$COURSE->modinfo = null;
$COURSE->sectioncache = null;
if ($courseid == $SITE->id) {
$SITE->modinfo = null;
$SITE->sectioncache = null;
// reset the fast modinfo cache
get_fast_modinfo($courseid, 0, true);
if ($courseid) {
$select = array('id'=>$courseid);
} else {
$select = array();
@set_time_limit(0); // this could take a while! MDL-10954
$rs = $DB->get_recordset("course", $select,'','id,fullname');
foreach ($rs as $course) {
$modinfo = serialize(get_array_of_activities($course->id));
$sectioncache = serialize(course_modinfo::build_section_cache($course->id));
$updateobj = (object)array('id' => $course->id,
'modinfo' => $modinfo, 'sectioncache' => $sectioncache);
$DB->update_record("course", $updateobj);
// update cached global COURSE too ;-)
if ($course->id == $COURSE->id) {
$COURSE->modinfo = $modinfo;
$COURSE->sectioncache = $sectioncache;
if ($course->id == $SITE->id) {
$SITE->modinfo = $modinfo;
$SITE->sectioncache = $sectioncache;
// reset the fast modinfo cache
get_fast_modinfo($courseid, 0, true);
* Class that is the return value for the _get_coursemodule_info module API function.
* Note: For backward compatibility, you can also return a stdclass object from that function.
* The difference is that the stdclass object may contain an 'extra' field (deprecated,
* use extraclasses and onclick instead). The stdclass object may not contain
* the new fields defined here (content, extraclasses, customdata).
class cached_cm_info {
* Name (text of link) for this activity; Leave unset to accept default name
* @var string
public $name;
* Name of icon for this activity. Normally, this should be used together with $iconcomponent
* to define the icon, as per pix_url function.
* For backward compatibility, if this value is of the form 'mod/forum/icon' then an icon
* within that module will be used.
* @see cm_info::get_icon_url()
* @see renderer_base::pix_url()
* @var string
public $icon;
* Component for icon for this activity, as per pix_url; leave blank to use default 'moodle'
* component
* @see renderer_base::pix_url()
* @var string
public $iconcomponent;
* HTML content to be displayed on the main page below the link (if any) for this course-module
* @var string
public $content;
* Custom data to be stored in modinfo for this activity; useful if there are cases when
* internal information for this activity type needs to be accessible from elsewhere on the
* course without making database queries. May be of any type but should be short.
* @var mixed
public $customdata;
* Extra CSS class or classes to be added when this activity is displayed on the main page;
* space-separated string
* @var string
public $extraclasses;
* External URL image to be used by activity as icon, useful for some external-tool modules
* like lti. If set, takes precedence over $icon and $iconcomponent
* @var $moodle_url
public $iconurl;
* Content of onclick JavaScript; escaped HTML to be inserted as attribute value
* @var string
public $onclick;
* Data about a single section on a course. This contains the fields from the
* course_sections table, plus additional data when required.
class section_info implements IteratorAggregate {
* Section ID - from course_sections table
* @var int
private $_id;
* Course ID - from course_sections table
* @var int
private $_course;
* Section number - from course_sections table
* @var int
private $_section;
* Section name if specified - from course_sections table
* @var string
private $_name;
* Section visibility (1 = visible) - from course_sections table
* @var int
private $_visible;
* Section summary text if specified - from course_sections table
* @var string
private $_summary;
* Section summary text format (FORMAT_xx constant) - from course_sections table
* @var int
private $_summaryformat;
* When section is unavailable, this field controls whether it is shown to students (0 =
* hide completely, 1 = show greyed out with information about when it will be available) -
* from course_sections table
* @var int
private $_showavailability;
* Available date for this section (0 if not set, or set to seconds since epoch; before this
* date, section does not display to students) - from course_sections table
* @var int
private $_availablefrom;
* Available until date for this section (0 if not set, or set to seconds since epoch; from
* this date, section does not display to students) - from course_sections table
* @var int
private $_availableuntil;
* If section is restricted to users of a particular grouping, this is its id
* (0 if not set) - from course_sections table
* @var int
private $_groupingid;
* Availability conditions for this section based on the completion of
* course-modules (array from course-module id to required completion state
* for that module) - from cached data in sectioncache field
* @var array
private $_conditionscompletion;
* Availability conditions for this section based on course grades (array from
* grade item id to object with ->min, ->max fields) - from cached data in
* sectioncache field
* @var array
private $_conditionsgrade;
* Availability conditions for this section based on user fields
* @var array
private $_conditionsfield;
* True if this section is available to students i.e. if all availability conditions
* are met - obtained dynamically
* @var bool
private $_available;
* If section is not available to students, this string gives information about
* availability which can be displayed to students and/or staff (e.g. 'Available from 3
* January 2010') for display on main page - obtained dynamically
* @var string
private $_availableinfo;
* True if this section is available to the CURRENT user (for example, if current user
* has viewhiddensections capability, they can access the section even if it is not
* visible or not available, so this would be true in that case)
* @var bool
private $_uservisible;
* Default values for sectioncache fields; if a field has this value, it won't
* be stored in the sectioncache cache, to save space. Checks are done by ===
* which means values must all be strings.
* @var array
private static $sectioncachedefaults = array(
'name' => null,
'summary' => '',
'summaryformat' => '1', // FORMAT_HTML, but must be a string
'visible' => '1',
'showavailability' => '0',
'availablefrom' => '0',
'availableuntil' => '0',
'groupingid' => '0',
* Stores format options that have been cached when building 'coursecache'
* When the format option is requested we look first if it has been cached
* @var array
private $cachedformatoptions = array();
* Constructs object from database information plus extra required data.
* @param object $data Array entry from cached sectioncache
* @param int $number Section number (array key)
* @param int $courseid Course ID
* @param int $sequence Sequence of course-module ids contained within
* @param course_modinfo $modinfo Owner (needed for checking availability)
* @param int $userid User ID
public function __construct($data, $number, $courseid, $sequence, $modinfo, $userid) {
global $CFG;
// Data that is always present
$this->_id = $data->id;
$defaults = self::$sectioncachedefaults +
array('conditionscompletion' => array(),
'conditionsgrade' => array(),
'conditionsfield' => array());
// Data that may use default values to save cache size
foreach ($defaults as $field => $value) {
if (isset($data->{$field})) {
$this->{'_'.$field} = $data->{$field};
} else {
$this->{'_'.$field} = $value;
// cached course format data
$formatoptionsdef = course_get_format($courseid)->section_format_options();
foreach ($formatoptionsdef as $field => $option) {
if (!empty($option['cache'])) {
if (isset($data->{$field})) {
$this->cachedformatoptions[$field] = $data->{$field};
} else if (array_key_exists('cachedefault', $option)) {
$this->cachedformatoptions[$field] = $option['cachedefault'];
// Other data from other places
$this->_course = $courseid;
$this->_section = $number;
$this->_sequence = $sequence;
// Availability data
if (!empty($CFG->enableavailability)) {
// Get availability information
$ci = new condition_info_section($this);
$this->_available = $ci->is_available($this->_availableinfo, true,
$userid, $modinfo);
// Display grouping info if available & not already displaying
// (it would already display if current user doesn't have access)
// for people with managegroups - same logic/class as grouping label
// on individual activities.
$context = context_course::instance($courseid);
if ($this->_availableinfo === '' && $this->_groupingid &&
has_capability('moodle/course:managegroups', $context)) {
$groupings = groups_get_all_groupings($courseid);
$this->_availableinfo = html_writer::tag('span', '(' . format_string(
$groupings[$this->_groupingid]->name, true, array('context' => $context)) .
')', array('class' => 'groupinglabel'));
} else {
$this->_available = true;
// Update visibility for current user
* Magic method to check if the property is set
* @param string $name name of the property
* @return bool
public function __isset($name) {
if (property_exists($this, '_'.$name)) {
return isset($this->{'_'.$name});
$defaultformatoptions = course_get_format($this->_course)->section_format_options();
if (array_key_exists($name, $defaultformatoptions)) {
$value = $this->__get($name);
return isset($value);
return false;
* Magic method to check if the property is empty
* @param string $name name of the property
* @return bool
public function __empty($name) {
if (property_exists($this, '_'.$name)) {
return empty($this->{'_'.$name});
$defaultformatoptions = course_get_format($this->_course)->section_format_options();
if (array_key_exists($name, $defaultformatoptions)) {
$value = $this->__get($name);
return empty($value);
return true;
* Magic method to retrieve the property, this is either basic section property
* or availability information or additional properties added by course format
* @param string $name name of the property
* @return bool
public function __get($name) {
if (property_exists($this, '_'.$name)) {
return $this->{'_'.$name};
if (array_key_exists($name, $this->cachedformatoptions)) {
return $this->cachedformatoptions[$name];
$defaultformatoptions = course_get_format($this->_course)->section_format_options();
// precheck if the option is defined in format to avoid unnecessary DB queries in get_format_options()
if (array_key_exists($name, $defaultformatoptions)) {
$formatoptions = course_get_format($this->_course)->get_format_options($this);
return $formatoptions[$name];
debugging('Invalid section_info property accessed! '.$name);
return null;
* Implementation of IteratorAggregate::getIterator(), allows to cycle through properties
* and use {@link convert_to_array()}
* @return ArrayIterator
public function getIterator() {
$ret = array();
foreach (get_object_vars($this) as $key => $value) {
if (substr($key, 0, 1) == '_') {
$ret[substr($key, 1)] = $this->$key;
$ret = array_merge($ret, course_get_format($this->_course)->get_format_options($this));
return new ArrayIterator($ret);
* Works out whether activity is visible *for current user* - if this is false, they
* aren't allowed to access it.
* @param int $userid User ID
* @return void
private function update_user_visible($userid) {
global $CFG;
$coursecontext = context_course::instance($this->_course);
$this->_uservisible = true;
if ((!$this->_visible || !$this->_available) &&
!has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddensections', $coursecontext, $userid)) {
$this->_uservisible = false;
* Prepares section data for inclusion in sectioncache cache, removing items
* that are set to defaults, and adding availability data if required.
* Called by build_section_cache in course_modinfo only; do not use otherwise.
* @param object $section Raw section data object
public static function convert_for_section_cache($section) {
global $CFG;
// Course id stored in course table
// Section number stored in array key
// Sequence stored implicity in modinfo $sections array
// Add availability data if turned on
if ($CFG->enableavailability) {
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/lib/conditionlib.php');
if (count($section->conditionscompletion) == 0) {
if (count($section->conditionsgrade) == 0) {
// Remove default data
foreach (self::$sectioncachedefaults as $field => $value) {
// Exact compare as strings to avoid problems if some strings are set
// to "0" etc.
if (isset($section->{$field}) && $section->{$field} === $value) {