moodler 892a80dc63 New, speedier English translation. All files and every line has changed.
This is working OK in my testing, but please contact me immediately
if you find any errors.
2003-11-18 07:28:46 +00:00

45 lines
2.2 KiB

<?PHP // $Id$
// resource.php - created with Moodle 1.2 development (2003111400)
$string['addresource'] = 'Add resource';
$string['chooseafile'] = 'Choose or upload a file';
$string['configframesize'] = 'When a web page or an uploaded file is displayed within a frame, this value is the size (in pixels) of the top frame (which contains the navigation).';
$string['editingaresource'] = 'Editing a resource';
$string['example'] = 'Example';
$string['examplereference'] = 'Tobin, K. & Tippins, D (1993) Constructivism as a Referent for Teaching and Learning. In: K. Tobin (Ed) The Practice of Constructivism in Science Education, pp 3-21, Lawrence-Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ.';
$string['exampleurl'] = '';
$string['filename'] = 'File name';
$string['fulltext'] = 'Full text';
$string['htmlfragment'] = 'HTML fragment';
$string['modulename'] = 'Resource';
$string['modulenameplural'] = 'Resources';
$string['neverseen'] = 'Never seen';
$string['newdirectories'] = 'Show the directory links';
$string['newfullscreen'] = 'Fill the whole screen';
$string['newheight'] = 'Default window height (in pixels)';
$string['newlocation'] = 'Show the location bar';
$string['newmenubar'] = 'Show the menu bar';
$string['newresizable'] = 'Allow the window to be resized';
$string['newscrollbars'] = 'Allow the window to be scrolled';
$string['newstatus'] = 'Show the status bar';
$string['newtoolbar'] = 'Show the toolbar';
$string['newwidth'] = 'Default window width (in pixels)';
$string['newwindow'] = 'New window';
$string['newwindowopen'] = 'Display this resource in a new popup window';
$string['note'] = 'Note';
$string['notefile'] = 'To upload more files into the course (so they appear in this list) use the
<A HREF="$a">File Manager</A>.';
$string['notypechosen'] = 'You need to choose a type. Use your back button to go back and retry.';
$string['resourcetype'] = 'Type of resource';
$string['resourcetype1'] = 'Reference';
$string['resourcetype2'] = 'Web Page';
$string['resourcetype3'] = 'Uploaded File';
$string['resourcetype4'] = 'Plain text';
$string['resourcetype5'] = 'Web Link';
$string['resourcetype6'] = 'HTML text';
$string['resourcetype7'] = 'Program';
$string['resourcetype8'] = 'Wiki text';