
114 lines
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* $CFG->enrol_dbtype
* $CFG->enrol_dbhost
* $CFG->enrol_dbname
* $CFG->enrol_dbuser
* $CFG->enrol_dbpass
* $CFG->enrol_dbtable
* $CFG->enrol_localcoursefield
* $CFG->enrol_localuserfield
* $CFG->enrol_remotecoursefield
* $CFG->enrol_remoteuserfield
class enrolment_plugin extends enrolment_base {
var $log;
/// Leave get_teacher_courses() function unchanged for the time being
/// Leave cron() function unchanged
/// Overide the base get_student_courses() function
function get_student_courses(&$user) {
global $CFG;
// This is a hack to workaround what seems to be a bug in ADOdb with accessing
// two databases of the same kind ... it seems to get confused when trying to access
// the first database again, after having accessed the second.
// The following hack will make the database explicit which keeps it happy
if (strpos($CFG->prefix, $CFG->dbname) === false) {
$CFG->prefix = "$CFG->dbname.$CFG->prefix";
// Connect to the external database
$enroldb = &ADONewConnection($CFG->enrol_dbtype);
if ($enroldb->PConnect($CFG->enrol_dbhost,$CFG->enrol_dbuser,$CFG->enrol_dbpass,$CFG->enrol_dbname)) {
foreach ($user->student as $courseid=>$value) {
/// Get the value of the local course field
$localcoursevalue = getfield("course", $CFG->enrol_localcoursefield, "id", $courseid);
/// Find a record in the external database that matches the local course field and local user field
/// to the respective remote fields
$rs = $enroldb->Execute("SELECT * FROM $CFG->enrol_dbtable
WHERE $CFG->enrol_remotecoursefield = '$localcoursevalue'
AND $CFG->enrol_remoteuserfield = '$user->{$CFG->enrol_localuserfield}' ");
/// If no records existed then student has been unenrolled externally.
/// Unenrol locally and remove entry from the $user->student array
if (! ($rs->RecordCount()) ) {
unenrol_student($user->id, $courseid);
unset ($user->student[$courseid]);
/// Override the base print_entry() function
function print_entry($course) {
global $CFG;
if (! empty($CFG->enrol_flatfileallowinternal) ) {
} else {
notice(get_string("enrolmentnointernal"), $CFG->wwwroot);
/// Override the base check_entry() function
function check_entry($form, $course) {
global $CFG;
if (! empty($CFG->enrol_flatfileallowinternal) ) {
parent::check_entry($form, $course);
/// Overide the get_access_icons() function
function get_access_icons($course) {
} // end of class