mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 18:08:02 +01:00
188 lines
8.7 KiB
188 lines
8.7 KiB
<?php // $Id$
* Action for processing the form in editpage action and saves the page
* @version $Id$
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU Public License
* @package lesson
$redirect = optional_param('redirect', '', PARAM_ALPHA);
$timenow = time();
$form = data_submitted();
$page = new stdClass;
$page->id = clean_param($form->pageid, PARAM_INT);
// check to see if the cancel button was pushed
if (optional_param('cancel', '', PARAM_ALPHA)) {
if ($redirect == 'navigation') {
// redirect to viewing the page
} else {
$page->timemodified = $timenow;
$page->qtype = clean_param($form->qtype, PARAM_INT);
if (isset($form->qoption)) {
$page->qoption = clean_param($form->qoption, PARAM_INT);
} else {
$page->qoption = 0;
if (isset($form->layout)) {
$page->layout = clean_param($form->layout, PARAM_INT);
} else {
$page->layout = 0;
if (isset($form->display)) {
$page->display = clean_param($form->display, PARAM_INT);
} else {
$page->display = 0;
$page->title = clean_param($form->title, PARAM_CLEANHTML);
$page->contents = trim($form->contents);
$page->title = $page->title;
if (!$DB->update_record("lesson_pages", $page)) {
print_error('cannotupdatepage', 'lesson');
if ($page->qtype == LESSON_ENDOFBRANCH || $page->qtype == LESSON_ESSAY || $page->qtype == LESSON_CLUSTER || $page->qtype == LESSON_ENDOFCLUSTER) {
// there's just a single answer with a jump
$oldanswer = new stdClass;
$oldanswer->id = $form->answerid[0];
$oldanswer->timemodified = $timenow;
$oldanswer->jumpto = clean_param($form->jumpto[0], PARAM_INT);
if (isset($form->score[0])) {
$oldanswer->score = clean_param($form->score[0], PARAM_INT);
// delete other answers this if mainly for essay questions. If one switches from using a qtype like Multichoice,
// then switches to essay, the old answers need to be removed because essay is
// supposed to only have one answer record
$params = array ("pageid" => $page->id);
if ($answers = $DB->get_records_select("lesson_answers", "pageid = :pageid", $params)) {
foreach ($answers as $answer) {
if ($answer->id != clean_param($form->answerid[0], PARAM_INT)) {
if (!$DB->delete_records("lesson_answers", array("id" => $answer->id))) {
print_error('cannotdeleteanswer', 'lesson');
if (!$DB->update_record("lesson_answers", $oldanswer)) {
print_error('cannotupdateanswer', 'lesson');
} else {
// it's an "ordinary" page
if ($page->qtype == LESSON_MATCHING) {
// need to add two to offset correct response and wrong response
$lesson->maxanswers = $lesson->maxanswers + 2;
for ($i = 0; $i < $lesson->maxanswers; $i++) {
// strip tags because the editor gives <p><br />...
// also save any answers where the editor is (going to be) used
if ((!empty($form->answer[$i]) and trim(strip_tags($form->answer[$i]))) or isset($form->answereditor[$i]) or isset($form->responseeditor[$i])) {
if ($form->answerid[$i]) {
$oldanswer = new stdClass;
$oldanswer->id = clean_param($form->answerid[$i], PARAM_INT);
if (!isset($form->answereditor[$i])) {
$form->answereditor[$i] = 0;
if (!isset($form->responseeditor[$i])) {
$form->responseeditor[$i] = 0;
$oldanswer->flags = $form->answereditor[$i] * LESSON_ANSWER_EDITOR +
$form->responseeditor[$i] * LESSON_RESPONSE_EDITOR;
$oldanswer->timemodified = $timenow;
$oldanswer->answer = trim($form->answer[$i]);
if (isset($form->response[$i])) {
$oldanswer->response = trim($form->response[$i]);
} else {
$oldanswer->response = '';
$oldanswer->jumpto = clean_param($form->jumpto[$i], PARAM_INT);
if (isset($form->score[$i])) {
$oldanswer->score = clean_param($form->score[$i], PARAM_INT);
if (!$DB->update_record("lesson_answers", $oldanswer)) {
print_error('cannotupdateanswer', 'lesson');
} else {
// it's a new answer
$newanswer = new stdClass; // need to clear id if more than one new answer is ben added
$newanswer->lessonid = $lesson->id;
$newanswer->pageid = $page->id;
if (!isset($form->answereditor[$i])) {
$form->answereditor[$i] = 0;
if (!isset($form->responseeditor[$i])) {
$form->responseeditor[$i] = 0;
$newanswer->flags = $form->answereditor[$i] * LESSON_ANSWER_EDITOR +
$form->responseeditor[$i] * LESSON_RESPONSE_EDITOR;
$newanswer->timecreated = $timenow;
$newanswer->answer = trim($form->answer[$i]);
if (isset($form->response[$i])) {
$newanswer->response = trim($form->response[$i]);
$newanswer->jumpto = clean_param($form->jumpto[$i], PARAM_INT);
if (isset($form->score[$i])) {
$newanswer->score = clean_param($form->score[$i], PARAM_INT);
$newanswerid = $DB->insert_record("lesson_answers", $newanswer);
if (!$newanswerid) {
print_error('cannotinsertanswer', 'lesson');
} else {
if ($form->qtype == LESSON_MATCHING) {
if ($i >= 2) {
if ($form->answerid[$i]) {
// need to delete blanked out answer
if (!$DB->delete_records("lesson_answers", array("id" => clean_param($form->answerid[$i], PARAM_INT)))) {
print_error('cannotdeleteanswer', 'lesson');
} else {
$oldanswer = new stdClass;
$oldanswer->id = clean_param($form->answerid[$i], PARAM_INT);
if (!isset($form->answereditor[$i])) {
$form->answereditor[$i] = 0;
if (!isset($form->responseeditor[$i])) {
$form->responseeditor[$i] = 0;
$oldanswer->flags = $form->answereditor[$i] * LESSON_ANSWER_EDITOR +
$form->responseeditor[$i] * LESSON_RESPONSE_EDITOR;
$oldanswer->timemodified = $timenow;
$oldanswer->answer = NULL;
if (!$DB->update_record("lesson_answers", $oldanswer)) {
print_error('cannotupdateanswer', 'lesson');
} elseif (!empty($form->answerid[$i])) {
// need to delete blanked out answer
if (!$DB->delete_records("lesson_answers", array("id" => clean_param($form->answerid[$i], PARAM_INT)))) {
print_error('cannotdeleteanswer', 'lesson');
if ($form->redisplay) {
lesson_set_message(get_string('updatedpage', 'lesson').': '.format_string($page->title, true), 'notifysuccess');
if ($redirect == 'navigation') {
// takes us back to viewing the page
} else {