mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 06:22:39 +01:00
This should resolve all problem on developer machines when switching branches or when restoring previous Moodle databases. It also prevents any potential problems during upgrades such as concurrent DB modification and resolves chicken egg problems in future caching upgrades.
1495 lines
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1495 lines
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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Renderer for core_admin subsystem
* @package core
* @subpackage admin
* @copyright 2011 David Mudrak <david@moodle.com>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/pluginlib.php');
* Standard HTML output renderer for core_admin subsystem
class core_admin_renderer extends plugin_renderer_base {
* Display the 'Do you acknowledge the terms of the GPL' page. The first page
* during install.
* @return string HTML to output.
public function install_licence_page() {
global $CFG;
$output = '';
$copyrightnotice = text_to_html(get_string('gpl3'));
$copyrightnotice = str_replace('target="_blank"', 'onclick="this.target=\'_blank\'"', $copyrightnotice); // extremely ugly validation hack
$continue = new single_button(new moodle_url('/admin/index.php', array('lang'=>$CFG->lang, 'agreelicense'=>1)), get_string('continue'), 'get');
$output .= $this->header();
$output .= $this->heading('<a href="http://moodle.org">Moodle</a> - Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment');
$output .= $this->heading(get_string('copyrightnotice'));
$output .= $this->box($copyrightnotice, 'copyrightnotice');
$output .= html_writer::empty_tag('br');
$output .= $this->confirm(get_string('doyouagree'), $continue, "http://docs.moodle.org/dev/License");
$output .= $this->footer();
return $output;
* Display page explaining proper upgrade process,
* there can not be any PHP file leftovers...
* @return string HTML to output.
public function upgrade_stale_php_files_page() {
$output = '';
$output .= $this->header();
$output .= $this->heading(get_string('upgradestalefiles', 'admin'));
$output .= $this->box_start('generalbox', 'notice');
$output .= format_text(get_string('upgradestalefilesinfo', 'admin', get_docs_url('Upgrading')), FORMAT_MARKDOWN);
$output .= html_writer::empty_tag('br');
$output .= html_writer::tag('div', $this->single_button($this->page->url, get_string('reload'), 'get'), array('class' => 'buttons'));
$output .= $this->box_end();
$output .= $this->footer();
return $output;
* Display the 'environment check' page that is displayed during install.
* @param int $maturity
* @param boolean $envstatus final result of the check (true/false)
* @param array $environment_results array of results gathered
* @param string $release moodle release
* @return string HTML to output.
public function install_environment_page($maturity, $envstatus, $environment_results, $release) {
global $CFG;
$output = '';
$output .= $this->header();
$output .= $this->maturity_warning($maturity);
$output .= $this->heading("Moodle $release");
$output .= $this->release_notes_link();
$output .= $this->environment_check_table($envstatus, $environment_results);
if (!$envstatus) {
$output .= $this->upgrade_reload(new moodle_url('/admin/index.php', array('agreelicense' => 1, 'lang' => $CFG->lang)));
} else {
$output .= $this->notification(get_string('environmentok', 'admin'), 'notifysuccess');
$output .= $this->continue_button(new moodle_url('/admin/index.php', array('agreelicense'=>1, 'confirmrelease'=>1, 'lang'=>$CFG->lang)));
$output .= $this->footer();
return $output;
* Displays the list of plugins with unsatisfied dependencies
* @param double|string|int $version Moodle on-disk version
* @param array $failed list of plugins with unsatisfied dependecies
* @param moodle_url $reloadurl URL of the page to recheck the dependencies
* @return string HTML
public function unsatisfied_dependencies_page($version, array $failed, moodle_url $reloadurl) {
$output = '';
$output .= $this->header();
$output .= $this->heading(get_string('pluginscheck', 'admin'));
$output .= $this->warning(get_string('pluginscheckfailed', 'admin', array('pluginslist' => implode(', ', array_unique($failed)))));
$output .= $this->plugins_check_table(plugin_manager::instance(), $version, array('xdep' => true));
$output .= $this->warning(get_string('pluginschecktodo', 'admin'));
$output .= $this->continue_button($reloadurl);
$output .= $this->footer();
return $output;
* Display the 'You are about to upgrade Moodle' page. The first page
* during upgrade.
* @param string $strnewversion
* @param int $maturity
* @return string HTML to output.
public function upgrade_confirm_page($strnewversion, $maturity) {
$output = '';
$continueurl = new moodle_url('index.php', array('confirmupgrade' => 1));
$cancelurl = new moodle_url('index.php');
$output .= $this->header();
$output .= $this->maturity_warning($maturity);
$output .= $this->confirm(get_string('upgradesure', 'admin', $strnewversion), $continueurl, $cancelurl);
$output .= $this->footer();
return $output;
* Display the environment page during the upgrade process.
* @param string $release
* @param boolean $envstatus final result of env check (true/false)
* @param array $environment_results array of results gathered
* @return string HTML to output.
public function upgrade_environment_page($release, $envstatus, $environment_results) {
global $CFG;
$output = '';
$output .= $this->header();
$output .= $this->heading("Moodle $release");
$output .= $this->release_notes_link();
$output .= $this->environment_check_table($envstatus, $environment_results);
if (!$envstatus) {
$output .= $this->upgrade_reload(new moodle_url('/admin/index.php'), array('confirmupgrade' => 1));
} else {
$output .= $this->notification(get_string('environmentok', 'admin'), 'notifysuccess');
if (empty($CFG->skiplangupgrade) and current_language() !== 'en') {
$output .= $this->box(get_string('langpackwillbeupdated', 'admin'), 'generalbox', 'notice');
$output .= $this->continue_button(new moodle_url('/admin/index.php', array('confirmupgrade' => 1, 'confirmrelease' => 1)));
$output .= $this->footer();
return $output;
* Display the upgrade page that lists all the plugins that require attention.
* @param plugin_manager $pluginman provides information about the plugins.
* @param available_update_checker $checker provides information about available updates.
* @param int $version the version of the Moodle code from version.php.
* @param bool $showallplugins
* @param moodle_url $reloadurl
* @param moodle_url $continueurl
* @return string HTML to output.
public function upgrade_plugin_check_page(plugin_manager $pluginman, available_update_checker $checker,
$version, $showallplugins, $reloadurl, $continueurl) {
global $CFG;
$output = '';
$output .= $this->header();
$output .= $this->box_start('generalbox');
$output .= $this->container_start('generalbox', 'notice');
$output .= html_writer::tag('p', get_string('pluginchecknotice', 'core_plugin'));
if (empty($CFG->disableupdatenotifications)) {
$output .= $this->container_start('checkforupdates');
$output .= $this->single_button(new moodle_url($reloadurl, array('fetchupdates' => 1)), get_string('checkforupdates', 'core_plugin'));
if ($timefetched = $checker->get_last_timefetched()) {
$output .= $this->container(get_string('checkforupdateslast', 'core_plugin',
userdate($timefetched, get_string('strftimedatetime', 'core_langconfig'))));
$output .= $this->container_end();
$output .= $this->container_end();
$output .= $this->plugins_check_table($pluginman, $version, array('full' => $showallplugins));
$output .= $this->box_end();
$output .= $this->upgrade_reload($reloadurl);
if ($pluginman->some_plugins_updatable()) {
$output .= $this->container_start('upgradepluginsinfo');
$output .= $this->help_icon('upgradepluginsinfo', 'core_admin', get_string('upgradepluginsfirst', 'core_admin'));
$output .= $this->container_end();
$button = new single_button($continueurl, get_string('upgradestart', 'admin'), 'get');
$button->class = 'continuebutton';
$output .= $this->render($button);
$output .= $this->footer();
return $output;
* Prints a page with a summary of plugin deployment to be confirmed.
* @param available_update_deployer $deployer
* @param array $data deployer's data package as returned by {@link available_update_deployer::submitted_data()}
* @return string
public function upgrade_plugin_confirm_deploy_page(available_update_deployer $deployer, array $data) {
if (!$deployer->initialized()) {
throw new coding_exception('Unable to render a page for non-initialized deployer.');
if (empty($data['updateinfo'])) {
throw new coding_exception('Missing required data component.');
$updateinfo = $data['updateinfo'];
$output = '';
$output .= $this->header();
$output .= $this->container_start('generalbox updateplugin', 'notice');
$a = new stdClass();
if (get_string_manager()->string_exists('pluginname', $updateinfo->component)) {
$a->name = get_string('pluginname', $updateinfo->component);
} else {
$a->name = $updateinfo->component;
if (isset($updateinfo->release)) {
$a->version = $updateinfo->release . ' (' . $updateinfo->version . ')';
} else {
$a->version = $updateinfo->version;
$a->url = $updateinfo->download;
$output .= $this->output->heading(get_string('updatepluginconfirm', 'core_plugin'));
$output .= $this->output->container(format_text(get_string('updatepluginconfirminfo', 'core_plugin', $a)), 'updatepluginconfirminfo');
$output .= $this->output->container(get_string('updatepluginconfirmwarning', 'core_plugin', 'updatepluginconfirmwarning'));
if ($repotype = $deployer->plugin_external_source($data['updateinfo'])) {
$output .= $this->output->container(get_string('updatepluginconfirmexternal', 'core_plugin', $repotype), 'updatepluginconfirmexternal');
$widget = $deployer->make_execution_widget($data['updateinfo'], $data['returnurl']);
$output .= $this->output->render($widget);
$output .= $this->output->single_button($data['callerurl'], get_string('cancel', 'core'), 'get');
$output .= $this->container_end();
$output .= $this->footer();
return $output;
* Display the admin notifications page.
* @param int $maturity
* @param bool $insecuredataroot warn dataroot is invalid
* @param bool $errorsdisplayed warn invalid dispaly error setting
* @param bool $cronoverdue warn cron not running
* @param bool $dbproblems warn db has problems
* @param bool $maintenancemode warn in maintenance mode
* @param bool $buggyiconvnomb warn iconv problems
* @param array|null $availableupdates array of available_update_info objects or null
* @param int|null $availableupdatesfetch timestamp of the most recent updates fetch or null (unknown)
* @return string HTML to output.
public function admin_notifications_page($maturity, $insecuredataroot, $errorsdisplayed,
$cronoverdue, $dbproblems, $maintenancemode, $availableupdates, $availableupdatesfetch,
$buggyiconvnomb, $registered) {
global $CFG;
$output = '';
$output .= $this->header();
$output .= $this->maturity_info($maturity);
$output .= empty($CFG->disableupdatenotifications) ? $this->available_updates($availableupdates, $availableupdatesfetch) : '';
$output .= $this->insecure_dataroot_warning($insecuredataroot);
$output .= $this->display_errors_warning($errorsdisplayed);
$output .= $this->buggy_iconv_warning($buggyiconvnomb);
$output .= $this->cron_overdue_warning($cronoverdue);
$output .= $this->db_problems($dbproblems);
$output .= $this->maintenance_mode_warning($maintenancemode);
$output .= $this->registration_warning($registered);
$output .= $this->moodle_copyright();
$output .= $this->footer();
return $output;
* Display the plugin management page (admin/plugins.php).
* The filtering options array may contain following items:
* bool contribonly - show only contributed extensions
* bool updatesonly - show only plugins with an available update
* @param plugin_manager $pluginman
* @param available_update_checker $checker
* @param array $options filtering options
* @return string HTML to output.
public function plugin_management_page(plugin_manager $pluginman, available_update_checker $checker, array $options = array()) {
global $CFG;
$output = '';
$output .= $this->header();
$output .= $this->heading(get_string('pluginsoverview', 'core_admin'));
$output .= $this->plugins_overview_panel($pluginman, $options);
if (empty($CFG->disableupdatenotifications)) {
$output .= $this->container_start('checkforupdates');
$output .= $this->single_button(
new moodle_url($this->page->url, array_merge($options, array('fetchremote' => 1))),
get_string('checkforupdates', 'core_plugin')
if ($timefetched = $checker->get_last_timefetched()) {
$output .= $this->container(get_string('checkforupdateslast', 'core_plugin',
userdate($timefetched, get_string('strftimedatetime', 'core_langconfig'))));
$output .= $this->container_end();
$output .= $this->box($this->plugins_control_panel($pluginman, $options), 'generalbox');
$output .= $this->footer();
return $output;
* Display a page to confirm the plugin uninstallation.
* @param plugin_manager $pluginman
* @param plugin_info $pluginfo
* @param moodle_url $continueurl URL to continue after confirmation
* @return string
public function plugin_uninstall_confirm_page(plugin_manager $pluginman, plugininfo_base $pluginfo, moodle_url $continueurl) {
$output = '';
$pluginname = $pluginman->plugin_name($pluginfo->component);
$output .= $this->output->header();
$output .= $this->output->heading(get_string('uninstalling', 'core_plugin', array('name' => $pluginname)));
$output .= $this->output->confirm(get_string('uninstallconfirm', 'core_plugin', array('name' => $pluginname)),
$continueurl, $this->page->url);
$output .= $this->output->footer();
return $output;
* Display a page with results of plugin uninstallation and offer removal of plugin files.
* @param plugin_manager $pluginman
* @param plugin_info $pluginfo
* @param progress_trace_buffer $progress
* @param moodle_url $continueurl URL to continue to remove the plugin folder
* @return string
public function plugin_uninstall_results_removable_page(plugin_manager $pluginman, plugininfo_base $pluginfo,
progress_trace_buffer $progress, moodle_url $continueurl) {
$output = '';
$pluginname = $pluginman->plugin_name($pluginfo->component);
$output .= $this->output->header();
$output .= $this->output->heading(get_string('uninstalling', 'core_plugin', array('name' => $pluginname)));
$output .= $this->output->box($progress->get_buffer(), 'generalbox uninstallresultmessage');
$confirm = $this->output->container(get_string('uninstalldeleteconfirm', 'core_plugin',
array('name' => $pluginname, 'rootdir' => $pluginfo->rootdir)), 'uninstalldeleteconfirm');
if ($repotype = $pluginman->plugin_external_source($pluginfo->component)) {
$confirm .= $this->output->container(get_string('uninstalldeleteconfirmexternal', 'core_plugin', $repotype),
$output .= $this->output->confirm($confirm, $continueurl, $this->page->url);
$output .= $this->output->footer();
return $output;
* Display a page with results of plugin uninstallation and inform about the need to remove plugin files manually.
* @param plugin_manager $pluginman
* @param plugin_info $pluginfo
* @param progress_trace_buffer $progress
* @return string
public function plugin_uninstall_results_page(plugin_manager $pluginman, plugininfo_base $pluginfo, progress_trace_buffer $progress) {
$output = '';
$pluginname = $pluginman->plugin_name($pluginfo->component);
$output .= $this->output->header();
$output .= $this->output->heading(get_string('uninstalling', 'core_plugin', array('name' => $pluginname)));
$output .= $this->output->box($progress->get_buffer(), 'generalbox uninstallresultmessage');
$output .= $this->output->box(get_string('uninstalldelete', 'core_plugin',
array('name' => $pluginname, 'rootdir' => $pluginfo->rootdir)), 'generalbox uninstalldelete');
$output .= $this->output->continue_button($this->page->url);
$output .= $this->output->footer();
return $output;
* Display the plugin management page (admin/environment.php).
* @param array $versions
* @param string $version
* @param boolean $envstatus final result of env check (true/false)
* @param array $environment_results array of results gathered
* @return string HTML to output.
public function environment_check_page($versions, $version, $envstatus, $environment_results) {
$output = '';
$output .= $this->header();
// Print the component download link
$output .= html_writer::tag('div', html_writer::link(
new moodle_url('/admin/environment.php', array('action' => 'updatecomponent', 'sesskey' => sesskey())),
get_string('updatecomponent', 'admin')),
array('class' => 'reportlink'));
// Heading.
$output .= $this->heading(get_string('environment', 'admin'));
// Box with info and a menu to choose the version.
$output .= $this->box_start();
$output .= html_writer::tag('div', get_string('adminhelpenvironment'));
$select = new single_select(new moodle_url('/admin/environment.php'), 'version', $versions, $version, null);
$select->label = get_string('moodleversion');
$output .= $this->render($select);
$output .= $this->box_end();
// The results
$output .= $this->environment_check_table($envstatus, $environment_results);
$output .= $this->footer();
return $output;
* Output a warning message, of the type that appears on the admin notifications page.
* @param string $message the message to display.
* @param string $type type class
* @return string HTML to output.
protected function warning($message, $type = 'warning') {
return $this->box($message, 'generalbox admin' . $type);
* Render an appropriate message if dataroot is insecure.
* @param bool $insecuredataroot
* @return string HTML to output.
protected function insecure_dataroot_warning($insecuredataroot) {
global $CFG;
if ($insecuredataroot == INSECURE_DATAROOT_WARNING) {
return $this->warning(get_string('datarootsecuritywarning', 'admin', $CFG->dataroot));
} else if ($insecuredataroot == INSECURE_DATAROOT_ERROR) {
return $this->warning(get_string('datarootsecurityerror', 'admin', $CFG->dataroot), 'error');
} else {
return '';
* Render an appropriate message if dataroot is insecure.
* @param bool $errorsdisplayed
* @return string HTML to output.
protected function display_errors_warning($errorsdisplayed) {
if (!$errorsdisplayed) {
return '';
return $this->warning(get_string('displayerrorswarning', 'admin'));
* Render an appropriate message if iconv is buggy and mbstring missing.
* @param bool $buggyiconvnomb
* @return string HTML to output.
protected function buggy_iconv_warning($buggyiconvnomb) {
if (!$buggyiconvnomb) {
return '';
return $this->warning(get_string('warningiconvbuggy', 'admin'));
* Render an appropriate message if cron has not been run recently.
* @param bool $cronoverdue
* @return string HTML to output.
public function cron_overdue_warning($cronoverdue) {
if (!$cronoverdue) {
return '';
return $this->warning(get_string('cronwarning', 'admin') . ' ' .
$this->help_icon('cron', 'admin'));
* Render an appropriate message if there are any problems with the DB set-up.
* @param bool $dbproblems
* @return string HTML to output.
public function db_problems($dbproblems) {
if (!$dbproblems) {
return '';
return $this->warning($dbproblems);
* Render an appropriate message if the site in in maintenance mode.
* @param bool $maintenancemode
* @return string HTML to output.
public function maintenance_mode_warning($maintenancemode) {
if (!$maintenancemode) {
return '';
$url = new moodle_url('/admin/settings.php', array('section' => 'maintenancemode'));
$url = $url->out(); // get_string() does not support objects in params
return $this->warning(get_string('sitemaintenancewarning2', 'admin', $url));
* Display a warning about installing development code if necesary.
* @param int $maturity
* @return string HTML to output.
protected function maturity_warning($maturity) {
if ($maturity == MATURITY_STABLE) {
return ''; // No worries.
$maturitylevel = get_string('maturity' . $maturity, 'admin');
return $this->box(
$this->container(get_string('maturitycorewarning', 'admin', $maturitylevel)) .
$this->container($this->doc_link('admin/versions', get_string('morehelp'))),
'generalbox maturitywarning');
* Output the copyright notice.
* @return string HTML to output.
protected function moodle_copyright() {
global $CFG;
$copyrighttext = '<a href="http://moodle.org/">Moodle</a> '.
'<a href="http://docs.moodle.org/dev/Releases" title="'.$CFG->version.'">'.$CFG->release.'</a><br />'.
'Copyright © 1999 onwards, Martin Dougiamas<br />'.
'and <a href="http://moodle.org/dev">many other contributors</a>.<br />'.
'<a href="http://docs.moodle.org/dev/License">GNU Public License</a>';
return $this->box($copyrighttext, 'copyright');
* Display a warning about installing development code if necesary.
* @param int $maturity
* @return string HTML to output.
protected function maturity_info($maturity) {
if ($maturity == MATURITY_STABLE) {
return ''; // No worries.
$maturitylevel = get_string('maturity' . $maturity, 'admin');
return $this->box(
get_string('maturitycoreinfo', 'admin', $maturitylevel) . ' ' .
$this->doc_link('admin/versions', get_string('morehelp')),
'generalbox adminwarning maturityinfo maturity'.$maturity);
* Displays the info about available Moodle core and plugin updates
* The structure of the $updates param has changed since 2.4. It contains not only updates
* for the core itself, but also for all other installed plugins.
* @param array|null $updates array of (string)component => array of available_update_info objects or null
* @param int|null $fetch timestamp of the most recent updates fetch or null (unknown)
* @return string
protected function available_updates($updates, $fetch) {
$updateinfo = $this->box_start('generalbox adminwarning availableupdatesinfo');
$someupdateavailable = false;
if (is_array($updates)) {
if (is_array($updates['core'])) {
$someupdateavailable = true;
$updateinfo .= $this->heading(get_string('updateavailable', 'core_admin'), 3);
foreach ($updates['core'] as $update) {
$updateinfo .= $this->moodle_available_update_info($update);
// If something has left in the $updates array now, it is updates for plugins.
if (!empty($updates)) {
$someupdateavailable = true;
$updateinfo .= $this->heading(get_string('updateavailableforplugin', 'core_admin'), 3);
$pluginsoverviewurl = new moodle_url('/admin/plugins.php', array('updatesonly' => 1));
$updateinfo .= $this->container(get_string('pluginsoverviewsee', 'core_admin',
array('url' => $pluginsoverviewurl->out())));
if (!$someupdateavailable) {
$now = time();
if ($fetch and ($fetch <= $now) and ($now - $fetch < HOURSECS)) {
$updateinfo .= $this->heading(get_string('updateavailablenot', 'core_admin'), 3);
$updateinfo .= $this->container_start('checkforupdates');
$fetchurl = new moodle_url('/admin/index.php', array('fetchupdates' => 1, 'sesskey' => sesskey(), 'cache' => 1));
$updateinfo .= $this->single_button($fetchurl, get_string('checkforupdates', 'core_plugin'));
if ($fetch) {
$updateinfo .= $this->container(get_string('checkforupdateslast', 'core_plugin',
userdate($fetch, get_string('strftimedatetime', 'core_langconfig'))));
$updateinfo .= $this->container_end();
$updateinfo .= $this->box_end();
return $updateinfo;
* Display a warning about not being registered on Moodle.org if necesary.
* @param boolean $registered true if the site is registered on Moodle.org
* @return string HTML to output.
protected function registration_warning($registered) {
if (!$registered) {
$registerbutton = $this->single_button(new moodle_url('registration/register.php',
array('huburl' => HUB_MOODLEORGHUBURL, 'hubname' => 'Moodle.org')),
get_string('register', 'admin'));
return $this->warning( get_string('registrationwarning', 'admin')
. ' ' . $this->help_icon('registration', 'admin') . $registerbutton );
return '';
* Helper method to render the information about the available Moodle update
* @param available_update_info $updateinfo information about the available Moodle core update
protected function moodle_available_update_info(available_update_info $updateinfo) {
$boxclasses = 'moodleupdateinfo';
$info = array();
if (isset($updateinfo->release)) {
$info[] = html_writer::tag('span', get_string('updateavailable_release', 'core_admin', $updateinfo->release),
array('class' => 'info release'));
if (isset($updateinfo->version)) {
$info[] = html_writer::tag('span', get_string('updateavailable_version', 'core_admin', $updateinfo->version),
array('class' => 'info version'));
if (isset($updateinfo->maturity)) {
$info[] = html_writer::tag('span', get_string('maturity'.$updateinfo->maturity, 'core_admin'),
array('class' => 'info maturity'));
$boxclasses .= ' maturity'.$updateinfo->maturity;
if (isset($updateinfo->download)) {
$info[] = html_writer::link($updateinfo->download, get_string('download'), array('class' => 'info download'));
if (isset($updateinfo->url)) {
$info[] = html_writer::link($updateinfo->url, get_string('updateavailable_moreinfo', 'core_plugin'),
array('class' => 'info more'));
$box = $this->output->box_start($boxclasses);
$box .= $this->output->box(implode(html_writer::tag('span', ' ', array('class' => 'separator')), $info), '');
$box .= $this->output->box_end();
return $box;
* Display a link to the release notes.
* @return string HTML to output.
protected function release_notes_link() {
$releasenoteslink = get_string('releasenoteslink', 'admin', 'http://docs.moodle.org/dev/Releases');
$releasenoteslink = str_replace('target="_blank"', 'onclick="this.target=\'_blank\'"', $releasenoteslink); // extremely ugly validation hack
return $this->box($releasenoteslink, 'generalbox releasenoteslink');
* Display the reload link that appears on several upgrade/install pages.
* @return string HTML to output.
function upgrade_reload($url) {
return html_writer::empty_tag('br') .
html_writer::link($url, $this->pix_icon('i/reload', '', '', array('class' => 'icon icon-pre')) .
get_string('reload'), array('title' => get_string('reload'))),
array('class' => 'continuebutton')) . html_writer::empty_tag('br');
* Displays all known plugins and information about their installation or upgrade
* This default implementation renders all plugins into one big table. The rendering
* options support:
* (bool)full = false: whether to display up-to-date plugins, too
* (bool)xdep = false: display the plugins with unsatisified dependecies only
* @param plugin_manager $pluginman provides information about the plugins.
* @param int $version the version of the Moodle code from version.php.
* @param array $options rendering options
* @return string HTML code
public function plugins_check_table(plugin_manager $pluginman, $version, array $options = array()) {
global $CFG;
$plugininfo = $pluginman->get_plugins();
if (empty($plugininfo)) {
return '';
$options['full'] = isset($options['full']) ? (bool)$options['full'] : false;
$options['xdep'] = isset($options['xdep']) ? (bool)$options['xdep'] : false;
$table = new html_table();
$table->id = 'plugins-check';
$table->head = array(
get_string('displayname', 'core_plugin'),
get_string('rootdir', 'core_plugin'),
get_string('source', 'core_plugin'),
get_string('versiondb', 'core_plugin'),
get_string('versiondisk', 'core_plugin'),
get_string('requires', 'core_plugin'),
get_string('status', 'core_plugin'),
$table->colclasses = array(
'displayname', 'rootdir', 'source', 'versiondb', 'versiondisk', 'requires', 'status',
$table->data = array();
$numofhighlighted = array(); // number of highlighted rows per this subsection
foreach ($plugininfo as $type => $plugins) {
$header = new html_table_cell($pluginman->plugintype_name_plural($type));
$header->header = true;
$header->colspan = count($table->head);
$header = new html_table_row(array($header));
$header->attributes['class'] = 'plugintypeheader type-' . $type;
$numofhighlighted[$type] = 0;
if (empty($plugins) and $options['full']) {
$msg = new html_table_cell(get_string('noneinstalled', 'core_plugin'));
$msg->colspan = count($table->head);
$row = new html_table_row(array($msg));
$row->attributes['class'] .= 'msg msg-noneinstalled';
$table->data[] = $header;
$table->data[] = $row;
$plugintyperows = array();
foreach ($plugins as $name => $plugin) {
$row = new html_table_row();
$row->attributes['class'] = 'type-' . $plugin->type . ' name-' . $plugin->type . '_' . $plugin->name;
if ($this->page->theme->resolve_image_location('icon', $plugin->type . '_' . $plugin->name, null)) {
$icon = $this->output->pix_icon('icon', '', $plugin->type . '_' . $plugin->name, array('class' => 'smallicon pluginicon'));
} else {
$icon = $this->output->pix_icon('spacer', '', 'moodle', array('class' => 'smallicon pluginicon noicon'));
$displayname = $icon . ' ' . $plugin->displayname;
$displayname = new html_table_cell($displayname);
$rootdir = new html_table_cell($plugin->get_dir());
if ($isstandard = $plugin->is_standard()) {
$row->attributes['class'] .= ' standard';
$source = new html_table_cell(get_string('sourcestd', 'core_plugin'));
} else {
$row->attributes['class'] .= ' extension';
$source = new html_table_cell(get_string('sourceext', 'core_plugin'));
$versiondb = new html_table_cell($plugin->versiondb);
$versiondisk = new html_table_cell($plugin->versiondisk);
$statuscode = $plugin->get_status();
$row->attributes['class'] .= ' status-' . $statuscode;
$status = get_string('status_' . $statuscode, 'core_plugin');
$availableupdates = $plugin->available_updates();
if (!empty($availableupdates) and empty($CFG->disableupdatenotifications)) {
foreach ($availableupdates as $availableupdate) {
$status .= $this->plugin_available_update_info($availableupdate);
$status = new html_table_cell($status);
$requires = new html_table_cell($this->required_column($plugin, $pluginman, $version));
$statusisboring = in_array($statuscode, array(
plugin_manager::PLUGIN_STATUS_NODB, plugin_manager::PLUGIN_STATUS_UPTODATE));
$coredependency = $plugin->is_core_dependency_satisfied($version);
$otherpluginsdependencies = $pluginman->are_dependencies_satisfied($plugin->get_other_required_plugins());
$dependenciesok = $coredependency && $otherpluginsdependencies;
if ($options['xdep']) {
// we want to see only plugins with failed dependencies
if ($dependenciesok) {
} else if ($statusisboring and $dependenciesok and empty($availableupdates)) {
// no change is going to happen to the plugin - display it only
// if the user wants to see the full list
if (empty($options['full'])) {
// ok, the plugin should be displayed
$row->cells = array($displayname, $rootdir, $source,
$versiondb, $versiondisk, $requires, $status);
$plugintyperows[] = $row;
if (empty($numofhighlighted[$type]) and empty($options['full'])) {
$table->data[] = $header;
$table->data = array_merge($table->data, $plugintyperows);
$sumofhighlighted = array_sum($numofhighlighted);
if ($options['xdep']) {
// we do not want to display no heading and links in this mode
$out = '';
} else if ($sumofhighlighted == 0) {
$out = $this->output->container_start('nonehighlighted', 'plugins-check-info');
$out .= $this->output->heading(get_string('nonehighlighted', 'core_plugin'));
if (empty($options['full'])) {
$out .= html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/admin/index.php',
array('confirmupgrade' => 1, 'confirmrelease' => 1, 'showallplugins' => 1)),
get_string('nonehighlightedinfo', 'core_plugin'));
$out .= $this->output->container_end();
} else {
$out = $this->output->container_start('somehighlighted', 'plugins-check-info');
$out .= $this->output->heading(get_string('somehighlighted', 'core_plugin', $sumofhighlighted));
if (empty($options['full'])) {
$out .= html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/admin/index.php',
array('confirmupgrade' => 1, 'confirmrelease' => 1, 'showallplugins' => 1)),
get_string('somehighlightedinfo', 'core_plugin'));
} else {
$out .= html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/admin/index.php',
array('confirmupgrade' => 1, 'confirmrelease' => 1, 'showallplugins' => 0)),
get_string('somehighlightedonly', 'core_plugin'));
$out .= $this->output->container_end();
if ($sumofhighlighted > 0 or $options['full']) {
$out .= html_writer::table($table);
return $out;
* Formats the information that needs to go in the 'Requires' column.
* @param plugininfo_base $plugin the plugin we are rendering the row for.
* @param plugin_manager $pluginman provides data on all the plugins.
* @param string $version
* @return string HTML code
protected function required_column(plugininfo_base $plugin, plugin_manager $pluginman, $version) {
$requires = array();
if (!empty($plugin->versionrequires)) {
if ($plugin->versionrequires <= $version) {
$class = 'requires-ok';
} else {
$class = 'requires-failed';
$requires[] = html_writer::tag('li',
get_string('moodleversion', 'core_plugin', $plugin->versionrequires),
array('class' => $class));
foreach ($plugin->get_other_required_plugins() as $component => $requiredversion) {
$ok = true;
$otherplugin = $pluginman->get_plugin_info($component);
if (is_null($otherplugin)) {
$ok = false;
} else if ($requiredversion != ANY_VERSION and $otherplugin->versiondisk < $requiredversion) {
$ok = false;
if ($ok) {
$class = 'requires-ok';
} else {
$class = 'requires-failed';
if ($requiredversion != ANY_VERSION) {
$str = 'otherpluginversion';
} else {
$str = 'otherplugin';
$requires[] = html_writer::tag('li',
get_string($str, 'core_plugin',
array('component' => $component, 'version' => $requiredversion)),
array('class' => $class));
if (!$requires) {
return '';
return html_writer::tag('ul', implode("\n", $requires));
* Prints an overview about the plugins - number of installed, number of extensions etc.
* @param plugin_manager $pluginman provides information about the plugins
* @param array $options filtering options
* @return string as usually
public function plugins_overview_panel(plugin_manager $pluginman, array $options = array()) {
global $CFG;
$plugininfo = $pluginman->get_plugins();
$numtotal = $numdisabled = $numextension = $numupdatable = 0;
foreach ($plugininfo as $type => $plugins) {
foreach ($plugins as $name => $plugin) {
if ($plugin->get_status() === plugin_manager::PLUGIN_STATUS_MISSING) {
if ($plugin->is_enabled() === false) {
if (!$plugin->is_standard()) {
if (empty($CFG->disableupdatenotifications) and $plugin->available_updates()) {
$info = array();
$filter = array();
$somefilteractive = false;
$info[] = html_writer::tag('span', get_string('numtotal', 'core_plugin', $numtotal), array('class' => 'info total'));
$info[] = html_writer::tag('span', get_string('numdisabled', 'core_plugin', $numdisabled), array('class' => 'info disabled'));
$info[] = html_writer::tag('span', get_string('numextension', 'core_plugin', $numextension), array('class' => 'info extension'));
if ($numextension > 0) {
if (empty($options['contribonly'])) {
$filter[] = html_writer::link(
new moodle_url($this->page->url, array('contribonly' => 1)),
get_string('filtercontribonly', 'core_plugin'),
array('class' => 'filter-item show-contribonly')
} else {
$filter[] = html_writer::tag('span', get_string('filtercontribonlyactive', 'core_plugin'),
array('class' => 'filter-item active show-contribonly'));
$somefilteractive = true;
if ($numupdatable > 0) {
$info[] = html_writer::tag('span', get_string('numupdatable', 'core_plugin', $numupdatable), array('class' => 'info updatable'));
if (empty($options['updatesonly'])) {
$filter[] = html_writer::link(
new moodle_url($this->page->url, array('updatesonly' => 1)),
get_string('filterupdatesonly', 'core_plugin'),
array('class' => 'filter-item show-updatesonly')
} else {
$filter[] = html_writer::tag('span', get_string('filterupdatesonlyactive', 'core_plugin'),
array('class' => 'filter-item active show-updatesonly'));
$somefilteractive = true;
if ($somefilteractive) {
$filter[] = html_writer::link($this->page->url, get_string('filterall', 'core_plugin'), array('class' => 'filter-item show-all'));
$output = $this->output->box(implode(html_writer::tag('span', ' ', array('class' => 'separator')), $info), '', 'plugins-overview-panel');
if (!empty($filter)) {
$output .= $this->output->box(implode(html_writer::tag('span', ' ', array('class' => 'separator')), $filter), '', 'plugins-overview-filter');
return $output;
* Displays all known plugins and links to manage them
* This default implementation renders all plugins into one big table.
* @param plugin_manager $pluginman provides information about the plugins.
* @param array $options filtering options
* @return string HTML code
public function plugins_control_panel(plugin_manager $pluginman, array $options = array()) {
global $CFG;
$plugininfo = $pluginman->get_plugins();
// Filter the list of plugins according the options.
if (!empty($options['updatesonly'])) {
$updateable = array();
foreach ($plugininfo as $plugintype => $pluginnames) {
foreach ($pluginnames as $pluginname => $pluginfo) {
if (!empty($pluginfo->availableupdates)) {
foreach ($pluginfo->availableupdates as $pluginavailableupdate) {
if ($pluginavailableupdate->version > $pluginfo->versiondisk) {
$updateable[$plugintype][$pluginname] = $pluginfo;
$plugininfo = $updateable;
if (!empty($options['contribonly'])) {
$contribs = array();
foreach ($plugininfo as $plugintype => $pluginnames) {
foreach ($pluginnames as $pluginname => $pluginfo) {
if (!$pluginfo->is_standard()) {
$contribs[$plugintype][$pluginname] = $pluginfo;
$plugininfo = $contribs;
if (empty($plugininfo)) {
return '';
$table = new html_table();
$table->id = 'plugins-control-panel';
$table->head = array(
get_string('displayname', 'core_plugin'),
get_string('source', 'core_plugin'),
get_string('version', 'core_plugin'),
get_string('availability', 'core_plugin'),
get_string('actions', 'core_plugin'),
$table->headspan = array(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1);
$table->colclasses = array(
'pluginname', 'source', 'version', 'availability', 'settings', 'uninstall', 'notes'
foreach ($plugininfo as $type => $plugins) {
$header = new html_table_cell($pluginman->plugintype_name_plural($type));
$header->header = true;
$header->colspan = array_sum($table->headspan);
$header = new html_table_row(array($header));
$header->attributes['class'] = 'plugintypeheader type-' . $type;
$table->data[] = $header;
if (empty($plugins)) {
$msg = new html_table_cell(get_string('noneinstalled', 'core_plugin'));
$msg->colspan = array_sum($table->headspan);
$row = new html_table_row(array($msg));
$row->attributes['class'] .= 'msg msg-noneinstalled';
$table->data[] = $row;
foreach ($plugins as $name => $plugin) {
$row = new html_table_row();
$row->attributes['class'] = 'type-' . $plugin->type . ' name-' . $plugin->type . '_' . $plugin->name;
if ($this->page->theme->resolve_image_location('icon', $plugin->type . '_' . $plugin->name)) {
$icon = $this->output->pix_icon('icon', '', $plugin->type . '_' . $plugin->name, array('class' => 'icon pluginicon'));
} else {
$icon = $this->output->pix_icon('spacer', '', 'moodle', array('class' => 'icon pluginicon noicon'));
$status = $plugin->get_status();
$row->attributes['class'] .= ' status-'.$status;
if ($status === plugin_manager::PLUGIN_STATUS_MISSING) {
$msg = html_writer::tag('span', get_string('status_missing', 'core_plugin'), array('class' => 'statusmsg'));
} else if ($status === plugin_manager::PLUGIN_STATUS_NEW) {
$msg = html_writer::tag('span', get_string('status_new', 'core_plugin'), array('class' => 'statusmsg'));
} else {
$msg = '';
$pluginname = html_writer::tag('div', $icon . '' . $plugin->displayname . ' ' . $msg, array('class' => 'displayname')).
html_writer::tag('div', $plugin->component, array('class' => 'componentname'));
$pluginname = new html_table_cell($pluginname);
if ($plugin->is_standard()) {
$row->attributes['class'] .= ' standard';
$source = new html_table_cell(get_string('sourcestd', 'core_plugin'));
} else {
$row->attributes['class'] .= ' extension';
$source = new html_table_cell(get_string('sourceext', 'core_plugin'));
$version = new html_table_cell($plugin->versiondb);
$isenabled = $plugin->is_enabled();
if (is_null($isenabled)) {
$availability = new html_table_cell('');
} else if ($isenabled) {
$row->attributes['class'] .= ' enabled';
$availability = new html_table_cell(get_string('pluginenabled', 'core_plugin'));
} else {
$row->attributes['class'] .= ' disabled';
$availability = new html_table_cell(get_string('plugindisabled', 'core_plugin'));
$settingsurl = $plugin->get_settings_url();
if (!is_null($settingsurl)) {
$settings = html_writer::link($settingsurl, get_string('settings', 'core_plugin'), array('class' => 'settings'));
} else {
$settings = '';
$settings = new html_table_cell($settings);
if ($pluginman->can_uninstall_plugin($plugin->component)) {
$uninstallurl = $plugin->get_uninstall_url();
$uninstall = html_writer::link($uninstallurl, get_string('uninstall', 'core_plugin'));
} else {
$uninstall = '';
$uninstall = new html_table_cell($uninstall);
$requriedby = $pluginman->other_plugins_that_require($plugin->component);
if ($requriedby) {
$requiredby = html_writer::tag('div', get_string('requiredby', 'core_plugin', implode(', ', $requriedby)),
array('class' => 'requiredby'));
} else {
$requiredby = '';
$updateinfo = '';
if (empty($CFG->disableupdatenotifications) and is_array($plugin->available_updates())) {
foreach ($plugin->available_updates() as $availableupdate) {
$updateinfo .= $this->plugin_available_update_info($availableupdate);
$notes = new html_table_cell($requiredby.$updateinfo);
$row->cells = array(
$pluginname, $source, $version, $availability, $settings, $uninstall, $notes
$table->data[] = $row;
return html_writer::table($table);
* Helper method to render the information about the available plugin update
* The passed objects always provides at least the 'version' property containing
* the (higher) version of the plugin available.
* @param available_update_info $updateinfo information about the available update for the plugin
protected function plugin_available_update_info(available_update_info $updateinfo) {
$boxclasses = 'pluginupdateinfo';
$info = array();
if (isset($updateinfo->release)) {
$info[] = html_writer::tag('span', get_string('updateavailable_release', 'core_plugin', $updateinfo->release),
array('class' => 'info release'));
if (isset($updateinfo->maturity)) {
$info[] = html_writer::tag('span', get_string('maturity'.$updateinfo->maturity, 'core_admin'),
array('class' => 'info maturity'));
$boxclasses .= ' maturity'.$updateinfo->maturity;
if (isset($updateinfo->download)) {
$info[] = html_writer::link($updateinfo->download, get_string('download'), array('class' => 'info download'));
if (isset($updateinfo->url)) {
$info[] = html_writer::link($updateinfo->url, get_string('updateavailable_moreinfo', 'core_plugin'),
array('class' => 'info more'));
$box = $this->output->box_start($boxclasses);
$box .= html_writer::tag('div', get_string('updateavailable', 'core_plugin', $updateinfo->version), array('class' => 'version'));
$box .= $this->output->box(implode(html_writer::tag('span', ' ', array('class' => 'separator')), $info), '');
$deployer = available_update_deployer::instance();
if ($deployer->initialized()) {
$impediments = $deployer->deployment_impediments($updateinfo);
if (empty($impediments)) {
$widget = $deployer->make_confirm_widget($updateinfo);
$box .= $this->output->render($widget);
} else {
if (isset($impediments['notwritable'])) {
$box .= $this->output->help_icon('notwritable', 'core_plugin', get_string('notwritable', 'core_plugin'));
if (isset($impediments['notdownloadable'])) {
$box .= $this->output->help_icon('notdownloadable', 'core_plugin', get_string('notdownloadable', 'core_plugin'));
$box .= $this->output->box_end();
return $box;
* This function will render one beautiful table with all the environmental
* configuration and how it suits Moodle needs.
* @param boolean $result final result of the check (true/false)
* @param array $environment_results array of results gathered
* @return string HTML to output.
public function environment_check_table($result, $environment_results) {
global $CFG;
// Table headers
$servertable = new html_table();//table for server checks
$servertable->head = array(
$servertable->colclasses = array('centeralign name', 'centeralign status', 'leftalign report', 'centeralign info');
$servertable->attributes['class'] = 'admintable environmenttable generaltable';
$servertable->id = 'serverstatus';
$serverdata = array('ok'=>array(), 'warn'=>array(), 'error'=>array());
$othertable = new html_table();//table for custom checks
$othertable->head = array(
$othertable->colclasses = array('aligncenter info', 'alignleft report', 'aligncenter status');
$othertable->attributes['class'] = 'admintable environmenttable generaltable';
$othertable->id = 'otherserverstatus';
$otherdata = array('ok'=>array(), 'warn'=>array(), 'error'=>array());
// Iterate over each environment_result
$continue = true;
foreach ($environment_results as $environment_result) {
$errorline = false;
$warningline = false;
$stringtouse = '';
if ($continue) {
$type = $environment_result->getPart();
$info = $environment_result->getInfo();
$status = $environment_result->getStatus();
$error_code = $environment_result->getErrorCode();
// Process Report field
$rec = new stdClass();
// Something has gone wrong at parsing time
if ($error_code) {
$stringtouse = 'environmentxmlerror';
$rec->error_code = $error_code;
$status = get_string('error');
$errorline = true;
$continue = false;
if ($continue) {
if ($rec->needed = $environment_result->getNeededVersion()) {
// We are comparing versions
$rec->current = $environment_result->getCurrentVersion();
if ($environment_result->getLevel() == 'required') {
$stringtouse = 'environmentrequireversion';
} else {
$stringtouse = 'environmentrecommendversion';
} else if ($environment_result->getPart() == 'custom_check') {
// We are checking installed & enabled things
if ($environment_result->getLevel() == 'required') {
$stringtouse = 'environmentrequirecustomcheck';
} else {
$stringtouse = 'environmentrecommendcustomcheck';
} else if ($environment_result->getPart() == 'php_setting') {
if ($status) {
$stringtouse = 'environmentsettingok';
} else if ($environment_result->getLevel() == 'required') {
$stringtouse = 'environmentmustfixsetting';
} else {
$stringtouse = 'environmentshouldfixsetting';
} else {
if ($environment_result->getLevel() == 'required') {
$stringtouse = 'environmentrequireinstall';
} else {
$stringtouse = 'environmentrecommendinstall';
// Calculate the status value
if ($environment_result->getBypassStr() != '') { //Handle bypassed result (warning)
$status = get_string('bypassed');
$warningline = true;
} else if ($environment_result->getRestrictStr() != '') { //Handle restricted result (error)
$status = get_string('restricted');
$errorline = true;
} else {
if ($status) { //Handle ok result (ok)
$status = get_string('ok');
} else {
if ($environment_result->getLevel() == 'optional') {//Handle check result (warning)
$status = get_string('check');
$warningline = true;
} else { //Handle error result (error)
$status = get_string('check');
$errorline = true;
// Build the text
$linkparts = array();
$linkparts[] = 'admin/environment';
$linkparts[] = $type;
if (!empty($info)){
$linkparts[] = $info;
if (empty($CFG->docroot)) {
$report = get_string($stringtouse, 'admin', $rec);
} else {
$report = $this->doc_link(join($linkparts, '/'), get_string($stringtouse, 'admin', $rec));
// Format error or warning line
if ($errorline || $warningline) {
$messagetype = $errorline? 'error':'warn';
} else {
$messagetype = 'ok';
$status = '<span class="'.$messagetype.'">'.$status.'</span>';
// Here we'll store all the feedback found
$feedbacktext = '';
// Append the feedback if there is some
$feedbacktext .= $environment_result->strToReport($environment_result->getFeedbackStr(), $messagetype);
//Append the bypass if there is some
$feedbacktext .= $environment_result->strToReport($environment_result->getBypassStr(), 'warn');
//Append the restrict if there is some
$feedbacktext .= $environment_result->strToReport($environment_result->getRestrictStr(), 'error');
$report .= $feedbacktext;
// Add the row to the table
if ($environment_result->getPart() == 'custom_check'){
$otherdata[$messagetype][] = array ($info, $report, $status);
} else {
$serverdata[$messagetype][] = array ($type, $info, $report, $status);
//put errors first in
$servertable->data = array_merge($serverdata['error'], $serverdata['warn'], $serverdata['ok']);
$othertable->data = array_merge($otherdata['error'], $otherdata['warn'], $otherdata['ok']);
// Print table
$output = '';
$output .= $this->heading(get_string('serverchecks', 'admin'));
$output .= html_writer::table($servertable);
if (count($othertable->data)){
$output .= $this->heading(get_string('customcheck', 'admin'));
$output .= html_writer::table($othertable);
// Finally, if any error has happened, print the summary box
if (!$result) {
$output .= $this->box(get_string('environmenterrortodo', 'admin'), 'environmentbox errorbox');
return $output;