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synced 2025-02-18 23:05:30 +01:00
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<?php // $Id$
function workshop_upgrade($oldversion) {
// This function does anything necessary to upgrade
// older versions to match current functionality
global $CFG;
if ($oldversion < 2003050400) {
execute_sql(" ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}workshop` CHANGE `graded` `agreeassessments` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL");
execute_sql(" ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}workshop` CHANGE `showgrades` `hidegrades` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL");
execute_sql(" ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}workshop_assessments` ADD `timeagreed` INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL AFTER `timecreated`");
CREATE TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}workshop_comments` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
# workshopid not necessary just makes deleting instance easier
`workshopid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`assessmentid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`userid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`timecreated` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`mailed` tinyint(2) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`comments` text NOT NULL,
) COMMENT='Defines comments'
if ($oldversion < 2003051400) {
execute_sql(" ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}workshop` ADD `showleaguetable` TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `gradingweight`");
CREATE TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}workshop_rubrics` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`workshopid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`elementid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`rubricno` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`description` text NOT NULL,
) COMMENT='Info about the rubrics marking scheme'
if ($oldversion < 2003082200) {
execute_sql(" ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}workshop_rubrics` CHANGE `elementid` `elementno` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");
if ($oldversion < 2003092500) {
execute_sql(" ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}workshop` ADD `overallocation` TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `nsassessments`");
if ($oldversion < 2003100200) {
execute_sql(" ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}workshop_assessments` ADD `resubmission` TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `mailed`");
if ($oldversion < 2003100800) {
// tidy up log_display entries
execute_sql("DELETE FROM `{$CFG->prefix}log_display` WHERE `module` = 'workshop'");
execute_sql("INSERT INTO `{$CFG->prefix}log_display` VALUES('workshop', 'assessments', 'workshop', 'name')");
execute_sql("INSERT INTO `{$CFG->prefix}log_display` VALUES ('workshop', 'close', 'workshop', 'name')");
execute_sql("INSERT INTO `{$CFG->prefix}log_display` VALUES ('workshop', 'display', 'workshop', 'name')");
execute_sql("INSERT INTO `{$CFG->prefix}log_display` VALUES ('workshop', 'resubmit', 'workshop', 'name')");
execute_sql("INSERT INTO `{$CFG->prefix}log_display` VALUES ('workshop', 'set up', 'workshop', 'name')");
execute_sql("INSERT INTO `{$CFG->prefix}log_display` VALUES ('workshop', 'submissions', 'workshop', 'name')");
execute_sql("INSERT INTO `{$CFG->prefix}log_display` VALUES ('workshop', 'view', 'workshop', 'name')");
execute_sql("INSERT INTO `{$CFG->prefix}log_display` VALUES ('workshop', 'update', 'workshop', 'name')");
if ($oldversion < 2003113000) {
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}workshop` ADD `teacherloading` tinyint(3) unsigned
NOT NULL default '5'");
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}workshop` ADD `assessmentstodrop` tinyint(3) unsigned
NOT NULL default '0'");
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}workshop_assessments` ADD `donotuse` tinyint(3) unsigned
NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `resubmission`");
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}workshop_grades` ADD INDEX (`assessmentid`)");
if ($oldversion < 2004052100) {
if ($oldversion < 2004081100) {
table_column("workshop", "", "gradinggrade", "INTEGER", "4", "UNSIGNED", "0", "NOT NULL", "grade");
table_column("workshop", "", "assessmentcomps", "INTEGER", "4", "UNSIGNED", "2", "NOT NULL", "ntassessments");
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}workshop` DROP COLUMN `gradingweight`");
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}workshop` DROP COLUMN `mergegrades`");
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}workshop` DROP COLUMN `peerweight`");
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}workshop` DROP COLUMN `includeteachersgrade`");
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}workshop` DROP COLUMN `biasweight`");
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}workshop` DROP COLUMN `reliabilityweight`");
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}workshop` DROP COLUMN `teacherloading`");
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}workshop` DROP COLUMN `assessmentstodrop`");
if ($oldversion < 2004092400) {
table_column("workshop", "", "nattachments", "INTEGER", "4", "UNSIGNED", "0", "NOT NULL", "nelements");
table_column("workshop_submissions", "", "description", "TEXT", "", "", "", "", "mailed");
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}workshop_submissions` ADD INDEX (`userid`)");
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}workshop_assessments` ADD INDEX (`submissionid`)");
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}workshop_assessments` ADD INDEX (`userid`)");
if ($oldversion < 2004092700) {
table_column("workshop", "", "wtype", "INTEGER", "4", "UNSIGNED", "0", "NOT NULL", "description");
table_column("workshop", "", "usepassword", "INTEGER", "4", "UNSIGNED", "0", "NOT NULL");
table_column("workshop", "", "password", "VARCHAR", "32", "", "", "NOT NULL");
table_column("workshop_submissions", "", "late", "INTEGER", "4", "UNSIGNED", "0", "NOT NULL");
// update wkey value
if ($workshops = get_records("workshop")) {
foreach ($workshops as $workshop) {
$wtype = 0; // 3 phases, no grading grades
if ($workshop->includeself or $workshop->ntassessments) $wtype = 1; // 3 phases with grading grades
if ($workshop->nsassessments) $wtype = 2; // 5 phases with grading grades
set_field("workshop", "wtype", $wtype, "id", $workshop->id);
if ($oldversion < 2004102800) {
table_column("workshop", "", "releasegrades", "INTEGER", "10", "UNSIGNED", "0", "NOT NULL", "deadline");
CREATE TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}workshop_stockcomments` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`workshopid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`elementno` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`comments` text NOT NULL,
) COMMENT='Defines stockcomments, the teacher comment bank'
if ($oldversion < 2004111000) {
table_column("workshop_elements", "", "stddev", "FLOAT", "", "", "0", "NOT NULL");
table_column("workshop_elements", "", "totalassessments", "INTEGER", "10", "", "0", "NOT NULL");
execute_sql(" ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}workshop_elements` CHANGE `weight` `weight` INT(4) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '11'");
table_column("workshop_submissions", "", "nassessments", "INTEGER", "10", "", "0", "NOT NULL");
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}workshop_submissions` DROP COLUMN `teachergrade`");
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}workshop_submissions` DROP COLUMN `peergrade`");
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}workshop_submissions` DROP COLUMN `biasgrade`");
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}workshop_submissions` DROP COLUMN `reliabilitygrade`");
if ($oldversion < 2004111200) {
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}workshop DROP INDEX course;",false);
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}workshop_assessments DROP INDEX userid;",false);
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}workshop_assessments DROP INDEX workshopid;",false);
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}workshop_assessments DROP INDEX submissionid;",false);
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}workshop_assessments DROP INDEX mailed;",false);
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}workshop_comments DROP INDEX workshopid;",false);
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}workshop_comments DROP INDEX assessmentid;",false);
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}workshop_comments DROP INDEX userid;",false);
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}workshop_comments DROP INDEX mailed;",false);
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}workshop_elements DROP INDEX workshopid;",false);
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}workshop_grades DROP INDEX workshopid;",false);
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}workshop_grades DROP INDEX assessmentid;",false);
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}workshop_submissions DROP INDEX workshopid;",false);
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}workshop_submissions DROP INDEX userid;",false);
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}workshop_submissions DROP INDEX mailed;",false);
modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_workshop ADD INDEX course (course);');
modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_workshop_assessments ADD INDEX userid (userid);');
modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_workshop_assessments ADD INDEX workshopid (workshopid);');
modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_workshop_assessments ADD INDEX submissionid (submissionid);');
modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_workshop_assessments ADD INDEX mailed (mailed);');
modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_workshop_comments ADD INDEX workshopid (workshopid);');
modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_workshop_comments ADD INDEX assessmentid (assessmentid);');
modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_workshop_comments ADD INDEX userid (userid);');
modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_workshop_comments ADD INDEX mailed (mailed);');
modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_workshop_elements ADD INDEX workshopid (workshopid);');
modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_workshop_grades ADD INDEX workshopid (workshopid);');
modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_workshop_grades ADD INDEX assessmentid (assessmentid);');
modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_workshop_submissions ADD INDEX workshopid (workshopid);');
modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_workshop_submissions ADD INDEX userid (userid);');
modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_workshop_submissions ADD INDEX mailed (mailed);');
if ($oldversion < 2004120402) {
table_column('workshop', '', 'submissionstart', 'INTEGER', '10', 'UNSIGNED', '0', 'NOT NULL', 'maxbytes');
table_column('workshop', '', 'assessmentstart', 'INTEGER', '10', 'UNSIGNED', '0', 'NOT NULL', 'submissionstart');
table_column('workshop', 'deadline', 'submissionend', 'INTEGER', '10', 'UNSIGNED', '0', 'NOT NULL');
table_column('workshop', '', 'assessmentend', 'INTEGER', '10', 'UNSIGNED', '0', 'NOT NULL', 'submissionend');
$workshops = get_records('workshop');
if(!empty($workshops)) {
foreach ($workshops as $workshop) {
$early = (time() < $workshop->submissionend) ? 0 : $workshop->submissionend;
$late = (time() > $workshop->submissionend) ? 0 : $workshop->submissionend;
set_field('workshop', 'submissionstart', ($workshop->phase > 1) ? $early : $late, 'id', $workshop->id);
set_field('workshop', 'assessmentstart', ($workshop->phase > 2) ? $early : $late, 'id', $workshop->id);
set_field('workshop', 'submissionend', ($workshop->phase > 3) ? $early : $late, 'id', $workshop->id);
set_field('workshop', 'assessmentend', ($workshop->phase > 4) ? $early : $late, 'id', $workshop->id);
execute_sql('ALTER TABLE '. $CFG->prefix .'workshop DROP COLUMN phase');
execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}event SET eventtype = 'submissionend' WHERE eventtype = 'deadline' AND modulename = 'workshop'", false);
if ($oldversion < 2004120900) {
table_column('workshop_assessments', '', 'teachergraded', 'INTEGER', '4', 'UNSIGNED', '0', 'NOT NULL', 'gradinggrade');
if ($oldversion < 2005041200) { // replace wiki-like with markdown
include_once( "$CFG->dirroot/lib/wiki_to_markdown.php" );
$wtm = new WikiToMarkdown();
$wtm->update( 'workshop','description','format' );
return true;