mirror of https://github.com/moodle/moodle.git synced 2025-03-08 17:59:55 +01:00
2004-07-07 17:42:53 +00:00

2730 lines
97 KiB

<?PHP // $Id$
/// CONSTANTS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
define("FORUM_MODE_NESTED", 3);
$FORUM_LAYOUT_MODES = array ( FORUM_MODE_FLATOLDEST => get_string("modeflatoldestfirst", "forum"),
FORUM_MODE_FLATNEWEST => get_string("modeflatnewestfirst", "forum"),
FORUM_MODE_THREADED => get_string("modethreaded", "forum"),
FORUM_MODE_NESTED => get_string("modenested", "forum") );
// These are course content forums that can be added to the course manually
$FORUM_TYPES = array ("general" => get_string("generalforum", "forum"),
"eachuser" => get_string("eachuserforum", "forum"),
"single" => get_string("singleforum", "forum") );
$FORUM_OPEN_MODES = array ("2" => get_string("openmode2", "forum"),
"1" => get_string("openmode1", "forum"),
"0" => get_string("openmode0", "forum") );
if (!isset($CFG->forum_displaymode)) {
set_config("forum_displaymode", FORUM_MODE_NESTED);
if (!isset($CFG->forum_shortpost)) {
set_config("forum_shortpost", 300); // Less non-HTML characters than this is short
if (!isset($CFG->forum_longpost)) {
set_config("forum_longpost", 600); // More non-HTML characters than this is long
if (!isset($CFG->forum_manydiscussions)) {
set_config("forum_manydiscussions", 100); // Number of discussions on a page
if (!isset($CFG->forum_maxbytes)) {
set_config("forum_maxbytes", 512000); // Default maximum size for all forums
/// STANDARD FUNCTIONS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
function forum_add_instance($forum) {
// Given an object containing all the necessary data,
// (defined by the form in mod.html) this function
// will create a new instance and return the id number
// of the new instance.
global $CFG;
$forum->timemodified = time();
$forum->intro = clean_text($forum->intro);
if (!$forum->userating) {
$forum->assessed = 0;
if (!empty($forum->ratingtime)) {
$forum->assesstimestart = make_timestamp($forum->startyear, $forum->startmonth, $forum->startday,
$forum->starthour, $forum->startminute, 0);
$forum->assesstimefinish = make_timestamp($forum->finishyear, $forum->finishmonth, $forum->finishday,
$forum->finishhour, $forum->finishminute, 0);
} else {
$forum->assesstimestart = 0;
$forum->assesstimefinish = 0;
if (! $forum->id = insert_record("forum", $forum)) {
return false;
if ($forum->type == "single") { // Create related discussion.
$discussion->course = $forum->course;
$discussion->forum = $forum->id;
$discussion->name = $forum->name;
$discussion->intro = $forum->intro;
$discussion->assessed = $forum->assessed;
if (! forum_add_discussion($discussion)) {
error("Could not add the discussion for this forum");
return $forum->id;
function forum_update_instance($forum) {
// Given an object containing all the necessary data,
// (defined by the form in mod.html) this function
// will update an existing instance with new data.
$forum->timemodified = time();
$forum->id = $forum->instance;
if (!$forum->userating) {
$forum->assessed = 0;
if (!empty($forum->ratingtime)) {
$forum->assesstimestart = make_timestamp($forum->startyear, $forum->startmonth, $forum->startday,
$forum->starthour, $forum->startminute, 0);
$forum->assesstimefinish = make_timestamp($forum->finishyear, $forum->finishmonth, $forum->finishday,
$forum->finishhour, $forum->finishminute, 0);
} else {
$forum->assesstimestart = 0;
$forum->assesstimefinish = 0;
if ($forum->type == "single") { // Update related discussion and post.
if (! $discussion = get_record("forum_discussions", "forum", $forum->id)) {
if ($discussions = get_records("forum_discussions", "forum", $forum->id, "timemodified ASC")) {
notify("Warning! There is more than one discussion in this forum - using the most recent");
$discussion = array_pop($discussions);
} else {
error("Could not find the discussion in this forum");
if (! $post = get_record("forum_posts", "id", $discussion->firstpost)) {
error("Could not find the first post in this forum discussion");
$post->subject = $forum->name;
$post->message = $forum->intro;
$post->modified = $forum->timemodified;
if (! update_record("forum_posts", $post)) {
error("Could not update the first post");
$discussion->name = $forum->name;
if (! update_record("forum_discussions", $discussion)) {
error("Could not update the discussion");
return update_record("forum", $forum);
function forum_delete_instance($id) {
// Given an ID of an instance of this module,
// this function will permanently delete the instance
// and any data that depends on it.
if (! $forum = get_record("forum", "id", "$id")) {
return false;
$result = true;
if ($discussions = get_records("forum_discussions", "forum", $forum->id)) {
foreach ($discussions as $discussion) {
if (! forum_delete_discussion($discussion)) {
$result = false;
if (! delete_records("forum_subscriptions", "forum", "$forum->id")) {
$result = false;
if (! delete_records("forum", "id", "$forum->id")) {
$result = false;
return $result;
function forum_cron () {
/// Function to be run periodically according to the moodle cron
/// Finds all posts that have yet to be mailed out, and mails them
/// out to all subscribers
static $strforums = NULL;
if($strforums === NULL) {
$strforums = get_string('forums', 'forum');
global $CFG, $USER;
if (!empty($USER)) { // Remember real USER account if necessary
$realuser = $USER;
$cutofftime = time() - $CFG->maxeditingtime;
if ($posts = forum_get_unmailed_posts($cutofftime)) {
/// Mark them all now as being mailed. It's unlikely but possible there
/// might be an error later so that a post is NOT actually mailed out,
/// but since mail isn't crucial, we can accept this risk. Doing it now
/// prevents the risk of duplicated mails, which is a worse problem.
foreach ($posts as $key => $post) {
if (! set_field("forum_posts", "mailed", "1", "id", "$post->id")) {
echo "Error marking post id post->id as being mailed. This post will not be mailed.\n";
$timenow = time();
/// PJ: moved this out of the inner loop, once is enough
/// GWD: reset timelimit so that script does not get timed out when posting to many users
foreach ($posts as $post) {
echo "\n";
print_string("processingpost", "forum", $post->id);
echo "\n";
if (! $userfrom = get_record("user", "id", "$post->userid")) {
echo "Could not find user $post->userid\n";
$userfrom->precedence = "bulk"; // This gets added to the email header
if (! $discussion = get_record("forum_discussions", "id", "$post->discussion")) {
echo "Could not find discussion $post->discussion\n";
if (! $forum = get_record("forum", "id", "$discussion->forum")) {
echo "Could not find forum $discussion->forum\n";
if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", "$forum->course")) {
echo "Could not find course $forum->course\n";
if (!empty($course->lang)) {
$CFG->courselang = $course->lang;
} else {
$groupmode = false;
if ($cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance("forum", $forum->id, $course->id)) {
if ($groupmode = groupmode($course, $cm) and $discussion->groupid > 0) { // Groups are being used
if (!$group = get_record("groups", "id", $discussion->groupid)) { // Can't find group
continue; // Be safe and don't send it to anyone
} else {
$cm->id = 0;
if ($users = forum_subscribed_users($course, $forum)) {
foreach ($users as $userto) {
if ($groupmode) { // Look for a reason not to send this email
if (!isteacheredit($course->id, $userto->id)) {
if (!empty($group->id)) {
if (!ismember($group->id, $userto->id)) {
if ($userto->maildigest > 0) {
// This user wants the mails to be in digest form
$queue = New stdClass;
$queue->userid = $userto->id;
$queue->discussionid = $discussion->id;
$queue->postid = $post->id;
if(!insert_record('forum_queue', $queue)) {
echo "Error: mod/forum/cron.php: Could not queue for digest mail for id $post->id to user $userto->id ($userto->email) .. not trying again.\n";
/// Override the language and timezone of the "current" user, so that
/// mail is customised for the receiver.
$USER->lang = $userto->lang;
$USER->timezone = $userto->timezone;
$postsubject = "$course->shortname: $post->subject";
$posttext = forum_make_mail_text($course, $forum, $discussion, $post, $userfrom, $userto);
$posthtml = forum_make_mail_html($course, $forum, $discussion, $post, $userfrom, $userto);
if (! email_to_user($userto, $userfrom, $postsubject, $posttext, $posthtml, '', '', $CFG->forum_replytouser)) {
echo "Error: mod/forum/cron.php: Could not send out mail for id $post->id to user $userto->id ($userto->email) .. not trying again.\n";
add_to_log($course->id, 'forum', 'mail error', "discuss.php?d=$discussion->id#$post->id", substr($post->subject,0,15), $cm->id, $userto->id);
} else {
echo ".... mailed to $mailcount users.\n";
if ($errorcount) {
set_field("forum_posts", "mailed", "2", "id", "$post->id");
/// Now see if there are any digest mails waiting to be sent, and if we should send them
$datenow = getdate();
$lastcron = get_field('modules', 'lastcron', 'name', 'forum');
$datelast = getdate($lastcron);
/// When to send out mails? If the current hour is >= the respective admin setting, OR
/// if the last cron's day was not today. This could happen if cron was scheduled every 2
/// hours and the admin setting was set to 11pm. If the first check fails due to the day
/// having changed, the second will not.
if($datenow['hours'] >= $CFG->digestmailtime && $datelast['hours'] < $CFG->digestmailtime || $datenow['yday'] != $datelast['yday']) {
$digestposts = get_records('forum_queue');
if(!empty($digestposts)) {
// We have work to do
$usermailcount = 0;
$site = get_site();
$users = array();
$posts = array();
$discussions = array();
$discussionposts = array();
$userdiscussions = array();
foreach($digestposts as $digestpost) {
if(!isset($users[$digestpost->userid])) {
$users[$digestpost->userid] = get_record('user', 'id', $digestpost->userid);
if(!isset($discussions[$digestpost->discussionid])) {
$discussions[$digestpost->discussionid] = get_record('forum_discussions', 'id', $digestpost->discussionid);
if(!isset($posts[$digestpost->postid])) {
$posts[$digestpost->postid] = get_record('forum_posts', 'id', $digestpost->postid);
$userdiscussions[$digestpost->userid][$digestpost->discussionid] = $digestpost->discussionid;
$discussionposts[$digestpost->discussionid][$digestpost->postid] = $digestpost->postid;
// Data collected, start sending out emails to each user
foreach($userdiscussions as $userid => $thesediscussions) {
echo "\n".get_string('processingdigest', 'forum', $userid).'... ';
// First of all delete all the queue entries for this user
delete_records('forum_queue', 'userid', $userid);
$userto = $users[$userid];
/// Override the language and timezone of the "current" user, so that
/// mail is customised for the receiver.
$USER->lang = $userto->lang;
$USER->timezone = $userto->timezone;
$postsubject = get_string('digestmailsubject', 'forum', $site->shortname);
$headerdata = New stdClass;
$headerdata->sitename = $site->fullname;
$headerdata->userprefs = $CFG->wwwroot.'/user/edit.php?id='.$userid.'&course='.$site->id;
$posttext = get_string('digestmailheader', 'forum', $headerdata)."\n\n";
$headerdata->userprefs = '<a target="_blank" href="'.$headerdata->userprefs.'">'.get_string('digestmailprefs', 'forum').'</a>';
$posthtml = '<p>'.get_string('digestmailheader', 'forum', $headerdata).'</p><br /><hr size="1" noshade="noshade" />';
foreach($thesediscussions as $discussionid) {
$discussion = $discussions[$discussionid];
if(empty($discussion)) {
echo "Could not find discussion $discussionid\n";
if (! $forum = get_record("forum", "id", "$discussion->forum")) {
echo "Could not find forum $discussion->forum\n";
if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", "$forum->course")) {
echo "Could not find course $forum->course\n";
$canunsubscribe = ! forum_is_forcesubscribed($forum->id);
$canreply = forum_user_can_post($forum, $userto);
$posttext .= "\n \n";
$posttext .= '=====================================================================';
$posttext .= "\n \n";
$posttext .= "$course->shortname -> $strforums -> $forum->name";
if ($discussion->name != $forum->name) {
$posttext .= " -> $discussion->name";
$posttext .= "\n";
$posthtml .= "<p><font face=\"sans-serif\">".
"<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/course/view.php?id=$course->id\">$course->shortname</a> -> ".
"<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/index.php?id=$course->id\">$strforums</a> -> ".
"<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/view.php?f=$forum->id\">$forum->name</a>";
if ($discussion->name == $forum->name) {
$posthtml .= "</font></p>";
} else {
$posthtml .= " -> <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=$discussion->id\">$discussion->name</a></font></p>";
$posthtml .= '<p>';
foreach($discussionposts[$discussionid] as $postid) {
if (! $post = get_record("forum_posts", "id", "$postid")) {
echo "Could not find post $postid\n";
if (! $userfrom = get_record("user", "id", "$post->userid")) {
echo "Could not find user $post->userid\n";
$userfrom->precedence = "bulk"; // This gets added to the email header
if($userto->maildigest == 2) {
// Subjects only
$by = New stdClass;
$by->name = fullname($userfrom);
$by->date = userdate($post->modified);
$posttext .= "\n".$post->subject.' '.get_string("bynameondate", "forum", $by);
$posttext .= "\n---------------------------------------------------------------------";
$by->name = "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/user/view.php?id=$userfrom->id&course=$course->id\">$by->name</a>";
$posthtml .= '<div><a target="_blank" href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/forum/discuss.php?d='.$discussion->id.'#'.$post->id.'">'.$post->subject.'</a> '.get_string("bynameondate", "forum", $by).'</div>';
else {
// The full treatment
$posttext .= forum_make_mail_text($course, $forum, $discussion, $post, $userfrom, $userto, true);
$posthtml .= forum_make_mail_post($post, $userfrom, $userto, $course, false, $canreply, false, false);
if ($canunsubscribe) {
$posthtml .= "\n<div align=\"right\"><font size=\"1\"><a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/subscribe.php?id=$forum->id\">".get_string("unsubscribe", "forum")."</a></font></div>";
else {
$posthtml .= "\n<div align=\"right\"><font size=\"1\">".get_string("everyoneissubscribed", "forum")."</font></div>";
$posthtml .= '<hr size="1" noshade="noshade" /></p>';
if (! email_to_user($userto, $site->shortname, $postsubject, $posttext, $posthtml, '', '', $CFG->forum_replytouser)) {
echo "ERROR!\n";
echo "Error: mod/forum/cron.php: Could not send out digest mail to user $userto->id ($userto->email)... not trying again.\n";
add_to_log($course->id, 'forum', 'mail digest error', '', '', $cm->id, $userto->id);
} else {
echo "success.\n";
if(!empty($usermailcount)) {
echo "\n".get_string('digestsentusers', 'forum', $usermailcount)."\n";
if (!empty($realuser)) { // Restore real USER if necessary
$USER = $realuser;
return true;
function forum_make_mail_text($course, $forum, $discussion, $post, $userfrom, $userto, $bare = false) {
global $CFG;
$by = New stdClass;
$by->name = fullname($userfrom, isteacher($course->id, $userto->id));
$by->date = userdate($post->modified, "", $userto->timezone);
$strbynameondate = get_string('bynameondate', 'forum', $by);
$strforums = get_string('forums', 'forum');
$canunsubscribe = ! forum_is_forcesubscribed($forum->id);
$canreply = forum_user_can_post($forum, $userto);
$posttext = '';
if(!$bare) {
$posttext = "$course->shortname -> $strforums -> $forum->name";
if ($discussion->name != $forum->name) {
$posttext .= " -> $discussion->name";
$posttext .= "\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
$posttext .= $post->subject;
if($bare) {
$posttext .= " ($CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=$discussion->id#$post->id)";
$posttext .= "\n".$strbynameondate."\n";
$posttext .= "---------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
$posttext .= format_text_email($post->message, $post->format);
$posttext .= "\n\n";
if ($post->attachment) {
$post->course = $course->id;
$post->forum = $forum->id;
$posttext .= forum_print_attachments($post, "text");
if (!$bare && $canreply) {
$posttext .= "---------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
$posttext .= get_string("postmailinfo", "forum", $course->shortname)."\n";
$posttext .= "$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/post.php?reply=$post->id\n";
if (!$bare && $canunsubscribe) {
$posttext .= "\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
$posttext .= get_string("unsubscribe", "forum");
$posttext .= ": $CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/subscribe.php?id=$forum->id\n";
return $posttext;
function forum_make_mail_html($course, $forum, $discussion, $post, $userfrom, $userto) {
global $CFG;
if ($userto->mailformat == 1) { // HTML
$strforums = get_string('forums', 'forum');
$canreply = forum_user_can_post($forum, $userto);
$canunsubscribe = ! forum_is_forcesubscribed($forum->id);
$posthtml = "<p><font face=\"sans-serif\">".
"<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/course/view.php?id=$course->id\">$course->shortname</a> -> ".
"<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/index.php?id=$course->id\">$strforums</a> -> ".
"<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/view.php?f=$forum->id\">$forum->name</a>";
if ($discussion->name == $forum->name) {
$posthtml .= "</font></p>";
} else {
$posthtml .= " -> <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=$discussion->id\">$discussion->name</a></font></p>";
$posthtml .= forum_make_mail_post($post, $userfrom, $userto, $course, false, $canreply, false, false);
if ($canunsubscribe) {
$posthtml .= "\n<br /><hr size=\"1\" noshade /><p align=\"right\"><font size=\"1\"><a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/subscribe.php?id=$forum->id\">".get_string("unsubscribe", "forum")."</a></font></p>";
return $posthtml;
} else {
return '';
function forum_user_outline($course, $user, $mod, $forum) {
if ($posts = forum_get_user_posts($forum->id, $user->id)) {
$result->info = get_string("numposts", "forum", count($posts));
$lastpost = array_pop($posts);
$result->time = $lastpost->modified;
return $result;
return NULL;
function forum_user_complete($course, $user, $mod, $forum) {
global $CFG;
if ($posts = forum_get_user_posts($forum->id, $user->id)) {
foreach ($posts as $post) {
forum_print_post($post, $course->id, $ownpost=false, $reply=false, $link=false, $rate=false);
} else {
echo "<P>".get_string("noposts", "forum")."</P>";
function forum_print_recent_activity($course, $isteacher, $timestart) {
/// Given a course and a date, prints a summary of all the new
/// messages posted in the course since that date
global $CFG;
$heading = false;
$content = false;
if (!$logs = get_records_select("log", "time > '$timestart' AND ".
"course = '$course->id' AND ".
"module = 'forum' AND ".
"action LIKE 'add %' ", "time ASC")){
return false;
$strftimerecent = get_string("strftimerecent");
$isteacheredit = isteacheredit($course->id);
$mygroupid = mygroupid($course->id);
$groupmode = array(); /// To cache group modes
foreach ($logs as $log) {
//Get post info, I'll need it later
$post = forum_get_post_from_log($log);
//Create a temp valid module structure (course,id)
$tempmod->course = $log->course;
$tempmod->id = $post->forum;
//Obtain the visible property from the instance
$modvisible = instance_is_visible($log->module, $tempmod);
//Only if the mod is visible
if ($modvisible) {
if ($post) {
/// Check whether this is for teachers only
$teacheronly = "";
if ($forum = get_record("forum", "id", $post->forum)) {
if ($forum->type == "teacher") {
if ($isteacher) {
$teacheronly = "class=\"teacheronly\"";
} else {
/// Check whether this is belongs to a discussion in a group that
/// should NOT be accessible to the current user
if (!$isteacheredit and $post->groupid != -1) { /// Editing teachers or open discussions
if (!isset($cm[$post->forum])) {
$cm[$forum->id] = get_coursemodule_from_instance("forum", $forum->id, $course->id);
$groupmode[$forum->id] = groupmode($course, $cm[$forum->id]);
if ($groupmode[$forum->id]) {
if ($mygroupid != $post->groupid) {
if (! $heading) {
print_headline(get_string("newforumposts", "forum").":");
$heading = true;
$content = true;
$date = userdate($post->modified, $strftimerecent);
$fullname = fullname($post, $isteacher);
echo "<p $teacheronly><font size=1>$date - $fullname<br>";
echo "\"<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/$log->url\">";
if (!empty($CFG->filterall)) {
$post->subject = filter_text("<nolink>$post->subject</nolink>", $course->id);
if ($log->action == "add discussion") {
echo "<b>$post->subject</b>";
} else {
echo "$post->subject";
echo "</a>\"</font></p>";
return $content;
function forum_grades($forumid) {
/// Must return an array of grades, indexed by user, and a max grade.
if (!$forum = get_record("forum", "id", $forumid)) {
return false;
if (!$forum->assessed) {
return false;
$scalemenu = make_grades_menu($forum->scale);
$currentuser = 0;
$ratingsuser = array();
if ($ratings = forum_get_user_grades($forumid)) {
foreach ($ratings as $rating) { // Ordered by user
if ($currentuser and $rating->userid != $currentuser) {
if (!empty($ratingsuser)) {
if ($forum->scale < 0) {
$return->grades[$currentuser] = forum_get_ratings_mean(0, $scalemenu, $ratingsuser);
$return->grades[$currentuser] .= "<br />".forum_get_ratings_summary(0, $scalemenu, $ratingsuser);
} else {
$total = 0;
$count = 0;
foreach ($ratingsuser as $ra) {
$total += $ra;
$count ++;
$return->grades[$currentuser] = format_float($total/$count, 2);
} else {
$return->grades[$currentuser] = "";
$ratingsuser = array();
$ratingsuser[] = $rating->rating;
$currentuser = $rating->userid;
if (!empty($ratingsuser)) {
if ($forum->scale < 0) {
$return->grades[$currentuser] = forum_get_ratings_mean(0, $scalemenu, $ratingsuser);
$return->grades[$currentuser] .= "<br />".forum_get_ratings_summary(0, $scalemenu, $ratingsuser);
} else {
$total = 0;
$count = 0;
foreach ($ratingsuser as $ra) {
$total += $ra;
$count ++;
$return->grades[$currentuser] = format_float((float)$total/(float)$count, 2);
} else {
$return->grades[$currentuser] = "";
} else {
$return->grades = array();
if ($forum->scale < 0) {
$return->maxgrade = "";
} else {
$return->maxgrade = $forum->scale;
return $return;
function forum_get_participants($forumid) {
//Returns the users with data in one forum
//(users with records in forum_subscriptions, forum_posts and forum_ratings, students)
global $CFG;
//Get students from forum_subscriptions
$st_subscriptions = get_records_sql("SELECT DISTINCT u.*
FROM {$CFG->prefix}user u,
{$CFG->prefix}forum_subscriptions s
WHERE s.forum = '$forumid' and
u.id = s.userid");
//Get students from forum_posts
$st_posts = get_records_sql("SELECT DISTINCT u.*
FROM {$CFG->prefix}user u,
{$CFG->prefix}forum_discussions d,
{$CFG->prefix}forum_posts p
WHERE d.forum = '$forumid' and
p.discussion = d.id and
u.id = p.userid");
//Get students from forum_ratings
$st_ratings = get_records_sql("SELECT DISTINCT u.*
FROM {$CFG->prefix}user u,
{$CFG->prefix}forum_discussions d,
{$CFG->prefix}forum_posts p,
{$CFG->prefix}forum_ratings r
WHERE d.forum = '$forumid' and
p.discussion = d.id and
r.post = p.id and
u.id = r.userid");
//Add st_posts to st_subscriptions
if ($st_posts) {
foreach ($st_posts as $st_post) {
$st_subscriptions[$st_post->id] = $st_post;
//Add st_ratings to st_subscriptions
if ($st_ratings) {
foreach ($st_ratings as $st_rating) {
$st_subscriptions[$st_rating->id] = $st_rating;
//Return st_subscriptions array (it contains an array of unique users)
return ($st_subscriptions);
function forum_scale_used ($forumid,$scaleid) {
//This function returns if a scale is being used by one forum
$return = false;
$rec = get_record("forum","id","$forumid","scale","-$scaleid");
if (!empty($rec) && !empty($scaleid)) {
$return = true;
return $return;
/// SQL FUNCTIONS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
function forum_get_post_full($postid) {
/// Gets a post with all info ready for forum_print_post
global $CFG;
return get_record_sql("SELECT p.*, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.email, u.picture
FROM {$CFG->prefix}forum_posts p,
{$CFG->prefix}user u
WHERE p.id = '$postid'
AND p.userid = u.id");
function forum_get_discussion_posts($discussion, $sort) {
/// Gets posts with all info ready for forum_print_post
global $CFG;
return get_records_sql("SELECT p.*, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.email, u.picture
FROM {$CFG->prefix}forum_posts p,
{$CFG->prefix}user u
WHERE p.discussion = $discussion
AND p.parent > 0
AND p.userid = u.id $sort");
function forum_get_child_posts($parent) {
/// Gets posts with all info ready for forum_print_post
global $CFG;
return get_records_sql("SELECT p.*, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.email, u.picture
FROM {$CFG->prefix}forum_posts p,
{$CFG->prefix}user u
WHERE p.parent = '$parent'
AND p.userid = u.id
ORDER BY p.created ASC");
function forum_search_posts($searchterms, $courseid, $page=0, $recordsperpage=50, &$totalcount) {
/// Returns a list of posts found using an array of search terms
/// eg word +word -word
global $CFG;
if (!isteacher($courseid)) {
$notteacherforum = "AND f.type <> 'teacher'";
$forummodule = get_record("modules", "name", "forum");
$onlyvisible = " AND f.id = cm.instance AND cm.visible = 1 AND cm.module = $forummodule->id";
$onlyvisibletable = ", {$CFG->prefix}course_modules cm";
} else {
$notteacherforum = "";
$onlyvisible = "";
$onlyvisibletable = "";
switch ($CFG->dbtype) {
case "mysql":
$limit = "LIMIT $page,$recordsperpage";
case "postgres7":
$limit = "LIMIT $recordsperpage OFFSET ".($page * $recordsperpage);
$limit = "LIMIT $recordsperpage,$page";
/// Some differences in syntax for PostgreSQL
if ($CFG->dbtype == "postgres7") {
$LIKE = "ILIKE"; // case-insensitive
$NOTLIKE = "NOT ILIKE"; // case-insensitive
$REGEXP = "~*";
$NOTREGEXP = "!~*";
} else {
$messagesearch = "";
$subjectsearch = "";
foreach ($searchterms as $searchterm) {
if (strlen($searchterm) < 2) {
if ($messagesearch) {
$messagesearch .= " AND ";
if ($subjectsearch) {
$subjectsearch .= " AND ";
if (substr($searchterm,0,1) == "+") {
$searchterm = substr($searchterm,1);
$messagesearch .= " p.message $REGEXP '(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9])$searchterm([^a-zA-Z0-9]|$)' ";
$subjectsearch .= " p.subject $REGEXP '(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9])$searchterm([^a-zA-Z0-9]|$)' ";
} else if (substr($searchterm,0,1) == "-") {
$searchterm = substr($searchterm,1);
$messagesearch .= " p.message $NOTREGEXP '(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9])$searchterm([^a-zA-Z0-9]|$)' ";
$subjectsearch .= " p.subject $NOTREGEXP '(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9])$searchterm([^a-zA-Z0-9]|$)' ";
} else {
$messagesearch .= " p.message $LIKE '%$searchterm%' ";
$subjectsearch .= " p.subject $LIKE '%$searchterm%' ";
$selectsql = "{$CFG->prefix}forum_posts p,
{$CFG->prefix}forum_discussions d,
{$CFG->prefix}user u,
{$CFG->prefix}forum f $onlyvisibletable
WHERE ($messagesearch OR $subjectsearch)
AND p.userid = u.id
AND p.discussion = d.id
AND d.course = '$courseid'
AND d.forum = f.id $notteacherforum $onlyvisible";
$totalcount = count_records_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $selectsql");
return get_records_sql("SELECT p.*,u.firstname,u.lastname,u.email,u.picture FROM
$selectsql ORDER BY p.modified DESC $limit");
function forum_get_ratings($postid, $sort="u.firstname ASC") {
/// Returns a list of ratings for a particular post - sorted.
global $CFG;
return get_records_sql("SELECT u.*, r.rating, r.time
FROM {$CFG->prefix}forum_ratings r,
{$CFG->prefix}user u
WHERE r.post = '$postid'
AND r.userid = u.id
ORDER BY $sort");
function forum_get_unmailed_posts($cutofftime) {
/// Returns a list of all new posts that have not been mailed yet
global $CFG;
return get_records_sql("SELECT p.*, d.course
FROM {$CFG->prefix}forum_posts p,
{$CFG->prefix}forum_discussions d
WHERE p.mailed = 0
AND p.created < '$cutofftime'
AND p.discussion = d.id");
function forum_get_user_posts($forumid, $userid) {
/// Get all the posts for a user in a forum suitable for forum_print_post
global $CFG;
return get_records_sql("SELECT p.*, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.email, u.picture
FROM {$CFG->prefix}forum f,
{$CFG->prefix}forum_discussions d,
{$CFG->prefix}forum_posts p,
{$CFG->prefix}user u
WHERE f.id = '$forumid'
AND d.forum = f.id
AND p.discussion = d.id
AND p.userid = '$userid'
AND p.userid = u.id
ORDER BY p.modified ASC");
function forum_get_post_from_log($log) {
/// Given a log entry, return the forum post details for it.
global $CFG;
if ($log->action == "add post") {
return get_record_sql("SELECT p.*, d.forum, d.groupid, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.email, u.picture
FROM {$CFG->prefix}forum_discussions d,
{$CFG->prefix}forum_posts p,
{$CFG->prefix}user u
WHERE p.id = '$log->info'
AND d.id = p.discussion
AND p.userid = u.id
AND u.deleted <> '1'");
} else if ($log->action == "add discussion") {
return get_record_sql("SELECT p.*, d.forum, d.groupid, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.email, u.picture
FROM {$CFG->prefix}forum_discussions d,
{$CFG->prefix}forum_posts p,
{$CFG->prefix}user u
WHERE d.id = '$log->info'
AND d.firstpost = p.id
AND p.userid = u.id
AND u.deleted <> '1'");
return NULL;
function forum_get_firstpost_from_discussion($discussionid) {
/// Given a discussion id, return the first post from the discussion
global $CFG;
return get_record_sql("SELECT p.*
FROM {$CFG->prefix}forum_discussions d,
{$CFG->prefix}forum_posts p
WHERE d.id = '$discussionid'
AND d.firstpost = p.id ");
function forum_get_user_grades($forumid) {
/// Get all user grades for a forum
global $CFG;
return get_records_sql("SELECT r.id, p.userid, r.rating
FROM {$CFG->prefix}forum_discussions d,
{$CFG->prefix}forum_posts p,
{$CFG->prefix}forum_ratings r
WHERE d.forum = '$forumid'
AND p.discussion = d.id
AND r.post = p.id
ORDER by p.userid ");
function forum_count_discussion_replies($forum="0") {
// Returns an array of counts of replies to each discussion (optionally in one forum)
global $CFG;
if ($forum) {
$forumselect = " AND d.forum = '$forum'";
return get_records_sql("SELECT p.discussion, (count(*)) as replies
FROM {$CFG->prefix}forum_posts p,
{$CFG->prefix}forum_discussions d
WHERE p.parent > 0
AND p.discussion = d.id
GROUP BY p.discussion");
function forum_count_unrated_posts($discussionid, $userid) {
// How many unrated posts are in the given discussion for a given user?
global $CFG;
if ($posts = get_record_sql("SELECT count(*) as num
FROM {$CFG->prefix}forum_posts
WHERE parent > 0
AND discussion = '$discussionid'
AND userid <> '$userid' ")) {
if ($rated = get_record_sql("SELECT count(*) as num
FROM {$CFG->prefix}forum_posts p,
{$CFG->prefix}forum_ratings r
WHERE p.discussion = '$discussionid'
AND p.id = r.post
AND r.userid = '$userid'")) {
$difference = $posts->num - $rated->num;
if ($difference > 0) {
return $difference;
} else {
return 0; // Just in case there was a counting error
} else {
return $posts->num;
} else {
return 0;
function forum_get_discussions($forum="0", $forumsort="d.timemodified DESC",
$user=0, $fullpost=true, $visiblegroups=-1) {
/// Get all discussions in a forum
global $CFG;
if ($user) {
$userselect = " AND u.id = '$user' ";
} else {
$userselect = "";
if ($visiblegroups == -1) {
$groupselect = "";
} else {
$groupselect = " AND (d.groupid = '$visiblegroups' OR d.groupid = '-1') ";
if (empty($forumsort)) {
$forumsort = "d.timemodified DESC";
if (empty($fullpost)) {
$postdata = "p.id,p.subject,p.modified,p.discussion,p.userid";
} else {
$postdata = "p.*";
return get_records_sql("SELECT $postdata, d.name, d.timemodified, d.usermodified,
u.firstname, u.lastname, u.email, u.picture
FROM {$CFG->prefix}forum_discussions d,
{$CFG->prefix}forum_posts p,
{$CFG->prefix}user u
WHERE d.forum = '$forum'
AND p.discussion = d.id
AND p.parent = 0
AND p.userid = u.id $groupselect $userselect
ORDER BY $forumsort");
function forum_get_user_discussions($courseid, $userid, $groupid=0) {
/// Get all discussions started by a particular user in a course (or group)
global $CFG;
if ($groupid) {
$groupselect = " AND d.groupid = '$groupid' ";
} else {
$groupselect = "";
return get_records_sql("SELECT p.*, d.groupid, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.email, u.picture,
f.type as forumtype, f.name as forumname, f.id as forumid
FROM {$CFG->prefix}forum_discussions d,
{$CFG->prefix}forum_posts p,
{$CFG->prefix}user u,
{$CFG->prefix}forum f
WHERE d.course = '$courseid'
AND p.discussion = d.id
AND p.parent = 0
AND p.userid = u.id
AND u.id = '$userid'
AND d.forum = f.id $groupselect
ORDER BY p.created DESC");
function forum_subscribed_users($course, $forum, $groupid=0) {
/// Returns list of user objects that are subscribed to this forum
global $CFG;
if ($groupid) {
$grouptables = ", {$CFG->prefix}groups_members g";
$groupselect = " AND g.groupid = '$groupid' AND u.id = g.userid";
} else {
$grouptables = "";
$groupselect = "";
if ($forum->forcesubscribe) {
if ($course->category) {
if ($forum->type == "teacher") {
return get_course_teachers($course->id); // Only teachers can be subscribed to teacher forums
} else {
return get_course_users($course->id); // Otherwise get everyone in the course
} else {
return get_site_users();
return get_records_sql("SELECT u.id, u.username, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.maildisplay, u.mailformat, u.maildigest, u.emailstop,
u.email, u.city, u.country, u.lastaccess, u.lastlogin, u.picture, u.timezone, u.lang
FROM {$CFG->prefix}user u,
{$CFG->prefix}forum_subscriptions s $grouptables
WHERE s.forum = '$forum->id'
AND s.userid = u.id
AND u.deleted <> 1 $groupselect
ORDER BY u.email ASC");
/// OTHER FUNCTIONS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
function forum_get_course_forum($courseid, $type) {
// How to set up special 1-per-course forums
global $CFG;
if ($forums = get_records_select("forum", "course = '$courseid' AND type = '$type'", "id ASC")) {
// There should always only be ONE, but with the right combination of
// errors there might be more. In this case, just return the oldest one (lowest ID).
foreach ($forums as $forum) {
return $forum; // ie the first one
// Doesn't exist, so create one now.
$forum->course = $courseid;
$forum->type = "$type";
switch ($forum->type) {
case "news":
$forum->name = addslashes(get_string("namenews", "forum"));
$forum->intro = addslashes(get_string("intronews", "forum"));
$forum->forcesubscribe = 1;
$forum->open = 1; // 0 - no, 1 - posts only, 2 - discuss and post
$forum->assessed = 0;
if ($site = get_site()) {
if ($courseid == $site->id) {
$forum->name = get_string("sitenews");
$forum->forcesubscribe = 0;
case "social":
$forum->name = addslashes(get_string("namesocial", "forum"));
$forum->intro = addslashes(get_string("introsocial", "forum"));
$forum->open = 2; // 0 - no, 1 - posts only, 2 - discuss and post
$forum->assessed = 0;
$forum->forcesubscribe = 0;
case "teacher":
$forum->name = addslashes(get_string("nameteacher", "forum"));
$forum->intro = addslashes(get_string("introteacher", "forum"));
$forum->open = 2; // 0 - no, 1 - posts only, 2 - discuss and post
$forum->assessed = 0;
$forum->forcesubscribe = 0;
notify("That forum type doesn't exist!");
return false;
$forum->timemodified = time();
$forum->id = insert_record("forum", $forum);
if ($forum->type != "teacher") {
if (! $module = get_record("modules", "name", "forum")) {
notify("Could not find forum module!!");
return false;
$mod->course = $courseid;
$mod->module = $module->id;
$mod->instance = $forum->id;
$mod->section = 0;
if (! $mod->coursemodule = add_course_module($mod) ) { // assumes course/lib.php is loaded
notify("Could not add a new course module to the course '$course->fullname'");
return false;
if (! $sectionid = add_mod_to_section($mod) ) { // assumes course/lib.php is loaded
notify("Could not add the new course module to that section");
return false;
if (! set_field("course_modules", "section", $sectionid, "id", $mod->coursemodule)) {
notify("Could not update the course module with the correct section");
return false;
return get_record("forum", "id", "$forum->id");
function forum_make_mail_post(&$post, $user, $touser, $course,
$ownpost=false, $reply=false, $link=false, $rate=false, $footer="") {
// Given the data about a posting, builds up the HTML to display it and
// returns the HTML in a string. This is designed for sending via HTML email.
global $THEME, $CFG;
static $formattedtext; // Cached version of formatted text for a post
static $formattedtextid; // The ID number of the post
if (empty($formattedtextid) or $formattedtextid != $post->id) { // Recalculate the formatting
$formattedtext = format_text($post->message, $post->format, NULL, $course->id);
$formattedtextid = $post->id;
$output = "";
$output .= "<style> <!--"; /// Styles for autolinks
$output .= "a.autolink:link {text-decoration: none; color: black; background-color: $THEME->autolink}\n";
$output .= "a.autolink:visited {text-decoration: none; color: black; background-color: $THEME->autolink}\n";
$output .= "a.autolink:hover {text-decoration: underline; color: red}\n";
$output .= "--> </style>\n\n";
$output .= '<table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1"><tr><td bgcolor="'.$THEME->borders.'">';
$output .= '<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">';
$output .= "<tr><td bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellcontent2\" width=\"35\" valign=\"top\">";
$output .= print_user_picture($user->id, $course->id, $user->picture, false, true);
$output .= "</td>";
if ($post->parent) {
$output .= "<td nowrap bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellheading\">";
} else {
$output .= "<td nowrap bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellheading2\">";
$output .= "<p>";
$output .= "<font size=3><b>$post->subject</b></font><br />";
$output .= "<font size=2>";
$fullname = fullname($user, isteacher($course->id));
$by->name = "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/user/view.php?id=$user->id&course=$course->id\">$fullname</a>";
$by->date = userdate($post->modified, "", $touser->timezone);
$output .= get_string("bynameondate", "forum", $by);
$output .= "</font></p></td></tr>";
$output .= "<tr><td bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellcontent2\" width=10>";
$output .= "&nbsp;";
$output .= "</td><td bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellcontent\">\n";
if ($post->attachment) {
$post->course = $course->id;
$post->forum = get_field("forum_discussions", "forum", "id", $post->discussion);
$output .= "<div align=right>";
$output .= forum_print_attachments($post, "html");
$output .= "</div>";
$output .= $formattedtext;
$output .= "<p align=right><font size=-1>";
if ($post->parent) {
$output .= "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=$post->discussion&parent=$post->parent\">".get_string("parent", "forum")."</a> | ";
$age = time() - $post->created;
if ($ownpost) {
$output .= "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/post.php?delete=$post->id\">".get_string("delete", "forum")."</a>";
if ($reply) {
$output .= "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/post.php?reply=$post->id\">".get_string("replyforum", "forum")."</a>";
$output .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
} else {
if ($reply) {
$output .= "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/post.php?reply=$post->id\">".get_string("replyforum", "forum")."</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
$output .= "</p>";
$output .= "<div align=right><p align=right>";
if ($link) {
if ($post->replies == 1) {
$replystring = get_string("repliesone", "forum", $post->replies);
} else {
$replystring = get_string("repliesmany", "forum", $post->replies);
$output .= "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=$post->discussion\"><B>".get_string("discussthistopic", "forum")."</b></a> ($replystring)&nbsp;&nbsp;";
$output .= "</p></div>";
if ($footer) {
$output .= "<p>$footer</p>";
$output .= "</td></tr></table>\n";
$output .= "</td></tr></table>\n\n";
return $output;
function forum_print_post(&$post, $courseid, $ownpost=false, $reply=false, $link=false,
$ratings=NULL, $footer="", $highlight="") {
global $THEME, $USER, $CFG;
static $stredit, $strdelete, $strreply, $strparent, $threadedmode, $isteacher, $adminedit;
if (empty($stredit)) {
$stredit = get_string("edit", "forum");
$strdelete = get_string("delete", "forum");
$strreply = get_string("reply", "forum");
$strparent = get_string("parent", "forum");
$threadedmode = (!empty($USER->mode) and ($USER->mode == FORUM_MODE_THREADED));
$isteacher = isteacher($courseid);
$adminedit = (isadmin() and !empty($CFG->admineditalways));
echo "<a name=\"$post->id\"></a>";
if ($post->parent) {
echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" class="forumpost">';
} else {
echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" class="forumpost" width="100%">';
echo "<tr><td bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellcontent2\" class=\"forumpostpicture\" width=\"35\" valign=\"top\">";
print_user_picture($post->userid, $courseid, $post->picture);
echo "</td>";
if ($post->parent) {
echo "<td bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellheading\" class=\"forumpostheader\" width=\"100%\">";
} else {
echo "<td bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellheading2\" class=\"forumpostheadertopic\" width=\"100%\">";
if (!empty($CFG->filterall)) { /// Put the subject through the filters
$post->subject = filter_text("<nolink>$post->subject</nolink>", $courseid);
echo "<p>";
echo "<font size=3><b>$post->subject</b></font><br />";
echo "<font size=2>";
$fullname = fullname($post, $isteacher);
$by->name = "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/user/view.php?id=$post->userid&course=$courseid\">$fullname</a>";
$by->date = userdate($post->modified);
print_string("bynameondate", "forum", $by);
echo "</font></p></td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellcontent2\" valign=\"top\" class=\"forumpostside\" width=\"10\">";
if ($group = user_group($courseid, $post->userid)) {
print_group_picture($group, $courseid, false, false, true);
} else {
echo "&nbsp;";
echo "</td><td bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellcontent\" class=\"forumpostmessage\">\n";
if ($post->attachment) {
$post->course = $courseid;
$post->forum = get_field("forum_discussions", "forum", "id", $post->discussion);
echo "<div align=\"right\">";
$attachedimages = forum_print_attachments($post);
echo "</div>";
} else {
$attachedimages = "";
if ($link and (strlen(strip_tags($post->message)) > $CFG->forum_longpost)) {
// Print shortened version
echo format_text(forum_shorten_post($post->message), $post->format, NULL, $courseid);
$numwords = count_words(strip_tags($post->message));
echo "<p><a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=$post->discussion\">";
echo get_string("readtherest", "forum");
echo "</a> (".get_string("numwords", "", $numwords).")...</p>";
} else {
// Print whole message
if ($highlight) {
echo highlight($highlight, format_text($post->message, $post->format, NULL, $courseid));
} else {
echo format_text($post->message, $post->format, NULL, $courseid);
echo $attachedimages;
echo "<p align=right><font size=-1>";
if ($post->parent) {
if ($threadedmode) {
echo "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=$post->discussion&parent=$post->parent\">$strparent</a> | ";
} else {
echo "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=$post->discussion#$post->parent\">$strparent</a> | ";
$age = time() - $post->created;
if ($ownpost or $adminedit) {
if (($age < $CFG->maxeditingtime) or $adminedit) {
echo "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/post.php?edit=$post->id\">$stredit</a> | ";
if (isteacheredit($courseid) and $post->parent) {
echo "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/post.php?prune=$post->id\" title=\"".get_string('pruneheading', 'forum').'">'.
get_string("prune", "forum")."</a> | ";
if ($ownpost or $isteacher) {
echo "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/post.php?delete=$post->id\">$strdelete</a>";
if ($reply) {
echo " | ";
} else {
echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
if ($reply) {
echo "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/post.php?reply=$post->id\">$strreply</a>";
echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
echo "</p>";
echo "<div align=right><p align=right>";
$ratingsmenuused = false;
if (!empty($ratings) and !empty($USER->id)) {
$useratings = true;
if ($ratings->assesstimestart and $ratings->assesstimefinish) {
if ($post->created < $ratings->assesstimestart or $post->created > $ratings->assesstimefinish) {
$useratings = false;
if ($useratings) {
$mypost = ($USER->id == $post->userid);
if (($isteacher or $ratings->assesspublic) and !$mypost) {
forum_print_ratings_mean($post->id, $ratings->scale, $isteacher);
if (!empty($ratings->allow)) {
forum_print_rating_menu($post->id, $USER->id, $ratings->scale);
$ratingsmenuused = true;
} else if ($mypost) {
forum_print_ratings_mean($post->id, $ratings->scale, true);
} else if (!empty($ratings->allow) ) {
forum_print_rating_menu($post->id, $USER->id, $ratings->scale);
$ratingsmenuused = true;
if ($link) {
if ($post->replies == 1) {
$replystring = get_string("repliesone", "forum", $post->replies);
} else {
$replystring = get_string("repliesmany", "forum", $post->replies);
echo "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=$post->discussion\"><b>".
get_string("discussthistopic", "forum")."</b></a> ($replystring)&nbsp;&nbsp;";
echo "</p>";
if ($footer) {
echo "<p>$footer</p>";
echo "</div>";
echo "</td></tr>\n</table>\n\n";
return $ratingsmenuused;
function forum_print_discussion_header(&$post, $forum, $datestring="") {
global $THEME, $USER, $CFG;
if (!empty($CFG->filterall)) {
$post->subject = filter_text("<nolink>$post->subject</nolink>", $forum->course);
echo "<tr class=\"forumpostheader\">";
// Topic
echo "<td bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellheading2\" class=\"forumpostheadertopic\" width=\"100%\">";
echo "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=$post->discussion\">$post->subject</a>";
echo "</td>\n";
// Picture
echo "<td bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellcontent2\" class=\"forumpostheaderpicture\" width=35>";
print_user_picture($post->userid, $forum->course, $post->picture);
echo "</td>\n";
// User name
$fullname = fullname($post, isteacher($forum->course));
echo "<td bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellcontent2\" class=\"forumpostheadername\" align=left nowrap>";
echo "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/user/view.php?id=$post->userid&course=$forum->course\">$fullname</a>";
echo "</td>\n";
if ($forum->open or $forum->type == "teacher") { // Show the column with replies
echo "<td bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellcontent2\" class=\"forumpostheaderreplies\" align=center nowrap>";
echo "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=$post->discussion\">$post->replies</a>";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellcontent2\" class=\"forumpostheaderdate\" align=right nowrap>";
if (!empty($post->timemodified)) {
echo userdate($post->timemodified, $datestring);
} else {
echo userdate($post->modified, $datestring);
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
function forum_shorten_post($message) {
// Given a post object that we already know has a long message
// this function truncates the message nicely to the first
// sane place between $CFG->forum_longpost and $CFG->forum_shortpost
global $CFG;
$i = 0;
$tag = false;
$length = strlen($message);
$count = 0;
$stopzone = false;
$truncate = 0;
for ($i=0; $i<$length; $i++) {
$char = $message[$i];
switch ($char) {
case "<":
$tag = true;
case ">":
$tag = false;
if (!$tag) {
if ($stopzone) {
if ($char == ".") {
$truncate = $i+1;
break 2;
if (!$stopzone) {
if ($count > $CFG->forum_shortpost) {
$stopzone = true;
if (!$truncate) {
$truncate = $i;
return substr($message, 0, $truncate);
function forum_print_ratings_mean($postid, $scale, $link=true) {
/// Print the multiple ratings on a post given to the current user by others.
/// Scale is an array of ratings
static $strrate;
$mean = forum_get_ratings_mean($postid, $scale);
if ($mean !== "") {
if (empty($strratings)) {
$strratings = get_string("ratings", "forum");
echo "$strratings: ";
if ($link) {
link_to_popup_window ("/mod/forum/report.php?id=$postid", "ratings", $mean, 400, 600);
} else {
echo "$mean ";
function forum_get_ratings_mean($postid, $scale, $ratings=NULL) {
/// Return the mean rating of a post given to the current user by others.
/// Scale is an array of possible ratings in the scale
/// Ratings is an optional simple array of actual ratings (just integers)
if (!$ratings) {
$ratings = array();
if ($rates = get_records("forum_ratings", "post", $postid)) {
foreach ($rates as $rate) {
$ratings[] = $rate->rating;
$count = count($ratings);
if ($count == 0) {
return "";
} else if ($count == 1) {
return $scale[$ratings[0]];
} else {
$total = 0;
foreach ($ratings as $rating) {
$total += $rating;
$mean = round( ((float)$total/(float)$count) + 0.001); // Little fudge factor so that 0.5 goes UP
if (isset($scale[$mean])) {
return $scale[$mean]." ($count)";
} else {
return "$mean ($count)"; // Should never happen, hopefully
function forum_get_ratings_summary($postid, $scale, $ratings=NULL) {
/// Return a summary of post ratings given to the current user by others.
/// Scale is an array of possible ratings in the scale
/// Ratings is an optional simple array of actual ratings (just integers)
if (!$ratings) {
$ratings = array();
if ($rates = get_records("forum_ratings", "post", $postid)) {
foreach ($rates as $rate) {
$rating[] = $rate->rating;
if (!$count = count($ratings)) {
return "";
foreach ($scale as $key => $scaleitem) {
$sumrating[$key] = 0;
foreach ($ratings as $rating) {
$summary = "";
foreach ($scale as $key => $scaleitem) {
$summary = $sumrating[$key].$summary;
if ($key > 1) {
$summary = "/$summary";
return $summary;
function forum_print_rating_menu($postid, $userid, $scale) {
/// Print the menu of ratings as part of a larger form.
/// If the post has already been - set that value.
/// Scale is an array of ratings
static $strrate;
if (!$rating = get_record("forum_ratings", "userid", $userid, "post", $postid)) {
$rating->rating = 0;
if (empty($strrate)) {
$strrate = get_string("rate", "forum");
choose_from_menu($scale, $postid, $rating->rating, "$strrate...");
function forum_print_mode_form($discussion, $mode) {
echo "<center><p>";
popup_form("discuss.php?d=$discussion&mode=", $FORUM_LAYOUT_MODES, "mode", $mode, "");
echo "</p></center>\n";
function forum_print_search_form($course, $search="", $return=false, $type="") {
global $CFG;
if ($type == "plain") {
$output = "<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td nowrap>";
$output .= "<form name=search action=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/search.php\">";
$output .= "<font size=\"-1\">";
$output .= "<input name=search type=text size=15 value=\"$search\">";
$output .= "<input value=\"".get_string("searchforums", "forum")."\" type=submit>";
$output .= "</font>";
$output .= "<input name=id type=hidden value=\"$course->id\">";
$output .= "</form>";
$output .= "</td></tr></table>";
} else {
$output = "<table border=0 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0><tr><td align=center>";
$output .= "<form name=search action=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/search.php\">";
$output .= "<font size=\"-1\">";
$output .= "<input name=search type=text size=15 value=\"$search\"><br>";
$output .= "<input value=\"".get_string("searchforums", "forum")."\" type=submit>";
$output .= "</font>";
$output .= "<input name=id type=hidden value=\"$course->id\">";
$output .= "</form>";
$output .= "</td></tr></table>";
if ($return) {
return $output;
echo $output;
function forum_set_return() {
global $CFG, $SESSION;
if (! isset($SESSION->fromdiscussion)) {
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
$referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
} else {
$referer = "";
// If the referer is NOT a login screen then save it.
if (! strncasecmp("$CFG->wwwroot/login", $referer, 300)) {
$SESSION->fromdiscussion = $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"];
function forum_go_back_to($default) {
global $SESSION;
if (!empty($SESSION->fromdiscussion)) {
$returnto = $SESSION->fromdiscussion;
return $returnto;
} else {
return $default;
function forum_file_area_name($post) {
// Creates a directory file name, suitable for make_upload_directory()
global $CFG;
return "$post->course/$CFG->moddata/forum/$post->forum/$post->id";
function forum_file_area($post) {
return make_upload_directory( forum_file_area_name($post) );
function forum_delete_old_attachments($post, $exception="") {
// Deletes all the user files in the attachments area for a post
// EXCEPT for any file named $exception
if ($basedir = forum_file_area($post)) {
if ($files = get_directory_list($basedir)) {
foreach ($files as $file) {
if ($file != $exception) {
notify("Existing file '$file' has been deleted!");
if (!$exception) { // Delete directory as well, if empty
function forum_move_attachments($discussion, $forumid) {
/// Given a discussion object that is being moved to forumid,
/// this function checks all posts in that discussion
/// for attachments, and if any are found, these are
/// moved to the new forum directory.
global $CFG;
$return = true;
if ($posts = get_records_select("forum_posts", "discussion = '$discussion->id' AND attachment <> ''")) {
foreach ($posts as $oldpost) {
$oldpost->course = $discussion->course;
$oldpost->forum = $discussion->forum;
$oldpostdir = "$CFG->dataroot/".forum_file_area_name($oldpost);
if (is_dir($oldpostdir)) {
$newpost = $oldpost;
$newpost->forum = $forumid;
$newpostdir = forum_file_area($newpost);
if (! @rename($oldpostdir, $newpostdir)) {
$return = false;
return $return;
function forum_print_attachments($post, $return=NULL) {
// if return=html, then return a html string.
// if return=text, then return a text-only string.
// otherwise, print HTML for non-images, and return image HTML
global $CFG;
$filearea = forum_file_area_name($post);
$imagereturn = "";
$output = "";
if ($basedir = forum_file_area($post)) {
if ($files = get_directory_list($basedir)) {
$strattachment = get_string("attachment", "forum");
$strpopupwindow = get_string("popupwindow");
foreach ($files as $file) {
$icon = mimeinfo("icon", $file);
if ($CFG->slasharguments) {
$ffurl = "file.php/$filearea/$file";
} else {
$ffurl = "file.php?file=/$filearea/$file";
$image = "<img border=\"0\" src=\"$CFG->pixpath/f/$icon\" height=\"16\" width=\"16\" alt=\"$strpopupwindow\">";
if ($return == "html") {
$output .= "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/$ffurl\">$image</a> ";
$output .= "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/$ffurl\">$file</a><br />";
} else if ($return == "text") {
$output .= "$strattachment $file:\n$CFG->wwwroot/$ffurl\n";
} else {
if ($icon == "image.gif") { // Image attachments don't get printed as links
$imagereturn .= "<br /><img src=\"$CFG->wwwroot/$ffurl\">";
} else {
link_to_popup_window("/$ffurl", "attachment", $image, 500, 500, $strattachment);
echo "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/$ffurl\">$file</a>";
echo "<br />";
if ($return) {
return $output;
return $imagereturn;
function forum_add_attachment($post, $newfile) {
// $post is a full post record, including course and forum
// $newfile is a full upload array from $_FILES
// If successful, this function returns the name of the file
global $CFG;
if (empty($newfile['name'])) {
return "";
if (!$forum = get_record("forum", "id", $post->forum)) {
return "";
if (!$course = get_record("course", "id", $forum->course)) {
return "";
$maxbytes = get_max_upload_file_size($CFG->maxbytes, $course->maxbytes, $forum->maxbytes);
$newfile_name = clean_filename($newfile['name']);
if (valid_uploaded_file($newfile)) {
if ($maxbytes and $newfile['size'] > $maxbytes) {
return "";
if (! $newfile_name) {
notify("This file had a wierd filename and couldn't be uploaded");
} else if (! $dir = forum_file_area($post)) {
notify("Attachment could not be stored");
$newfile_name = "";
} else {
if (move_uploaded_file($newfile['tmp_name'], "$dir/$newfile_name")) {
chmod("$dir/$newfile_name", $CFG->directorypermissions);
forum_delete_old_attachments($post, $newfile_name);
} else {
notify("An error happened while saving the file on the server");
$newfile_name = "";
} else {
$newfile_name = "";
return $newfile_name;
function forum_add_new_post($post) {
$post->created = $post->modified = time();
$post->mailed = "0";
$newfile = $post->attachment;
$post->attachment = "";
if (! $post->id = insert_record("forum_posts", $post)) {
return false;
if ($post->attachment = forum_add_attachment($post, $newfile)) {
set_field("forum_posts", "attachment", $post->attachment, "id", $post->id);
// Update discussion modified date
set_field("forum_discussions", "timemodified", $post->modified, "id", $post->discussion);
set_field("forum_discussions", "usermodified", $post->userid, "id", $post->discussion);
return $post->id;
function forum_update_post($post) {
$post->modified = time();
if (!$post->parent) { // Post is a discussion starter - update discussion title too
set_field("forum_discussions", "name", $post->subject, "id", $post->discussion);
if ($newfilename = forum_add_attachment($post, $post->attachment)) {
$post->attachment = $newfilename;
} else {
// Update discussion modified date
set_field("forum_discussions", "timemodified", $post->modified, "id", $post->discussion);
set_field("forum_discussions", "usermodified", $post->userid, "id", $post->discussion);
return update_record("forum_posts", $post);
function forum_add_discussion($discussion) {
// Given an object containing all the necessary data,
// create a new discussion and return the id
$timenow = time();
// The first post is stored as a real post, and linked
// to from the discuss entry.
$post->discussion = 0;
$post->parent = 0;
$post->userid = $USER->id;
$post->created = $timenow;
$post->modified = $timenow;
$post->mailed = 0;
$post->subject = $discussion->name;
$post->message = $discussion->intro;
$post->attachment = "";
$post->forum = $discussion->forum;
$post->course = $discussion->course;
$post->format = $discussion->format;
if (! $post->id = insert_record("forum_posts", $post) ) {
return 0;
if ($post->attachment = forum_add_attachment($post, $discussion->attachment)) {
set_field("forum_posts", "attachment", $post->attachment, "id", $post->id); //ignore errors
// Now do the main entry for the discussion,
// linking to this first post
$discussion->firstpost = $post->id;
$discussion->timemodified = $timenow;
$discussion->usermodified = $post->userid;
if (! $discussion->id = insert_record("forum_discussions", $discussion) ) {
delete_records("forum_posts", "id", $post->id);
return 0;
// Finally, set the pointer on the post.
if (! set_field("forum_posts", "discussion", $discussion->id, "id", $post->id)) {
delete_records("forum_posts", "id", $post->id);
delete_records("forum_discussions", "id", $discussion->id);
return 0;
return $discussion->id;
function forum_delete_discussion($discussion) {
// $discussion is a discussion record object
$result = true;
if ($posts = get_records("forum_posts", "discussion", $discussion->id)) {
foreach ($posts as $post) {
$post->course = $discussion->course;
$post->forum = $discussion->forum;
if (! delete_records("forum_ratings", "post", "$post->id")) {
$result = false;
if (! forum_delete_post($post)) {
$result = false;
if (! delete_records("forum_discussions", "id", "$discussion->id")) {
$result = false;
return $result;
function forum_delete_post($post) {
if (delete_records("forum_posts", "id", $post->id)) {
delete_records("forum_ratings", "post", $post->id); // Just in case
if ($post->attachment) {
$discussion = get_record("forum_discussions", "id", $post->discussion);
$post->course = $discussion->course;
$post->forum = $discussion->forum;
return true;
return false;
function forum_print_user_discussions($courseid, $userid, $groupid=0) {
global $CFG, $USER;
$maxdiscussions = 10;
$countdiscussions = 0;
$visible = array();
$course = get_record("course", "id", $courseid);
$currentgroup = get_current_group($courseid);
$isteacheredit = isteacheredit($courseid);
if ($discussions = forum_get_user_discussions($courseid, $userid, $groupid=0)) {
$user = get_record("user", "id", $userid);
$fullname = fullname($user, isteacher($courseid));
$replies = forum_count_discussion_replies();
echo "<hr />";
print_heading( get_string("discussionsstartedbyrecent", "forum", $fullname) );
foreach ($discussions as $discussion) {
if ($countdiscussions > $maxdiscussions) {
if (($discussion->forumtype == "teacher") and !isteacher($courseid)) {
if(!isset($visible[$discussion->forumid])) {
$mod = New stdClass;
$mod->course = $courseid;
$mod->id = $discussion->forumid;
$visible[$discussion->forumid] = instance_is_visible('forum', $mod);
if(!$visible[$discussion->forumid] && !isteacheredit($courseid, $USER->id)) {
/// Check whether this is belongs to a discussion in a group that
/// should NOT be accessible to the current user
if (!$isteacheredit and $discussion->groupid != -1) { /// Editing teachers or open discussions
if (!isset($cm[$discussion->forum])) {
$cm[$discussion->forum] = get_coursemodule_from_instance("forum", $discussion->forum, $courseid);
$groupmode[$discussion->forum] = groupmode($course, $cm[$discussion->forum]);
if ($groupmode[$discussion->forum] == SEPARATEGROUPS) {
if ($currentgroup != $discussion->groupid) {
if (!empty($replies[$discussion->discussion])) {
$discussion->replies = $replies[$discussion->discussion]->replies;
} else {
$discussion->replies = 0;
$inforum = get_string("inforum", "forum", "<A HREF=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/view.php?f=$discussion->forumid\">$discussion->forumname</A>");
$discussion->subject .= " ($inforum)";
if (!empty($USER->id)) {
$ownpost = ($discussion->userid == $USER->id);
} else {
$ownpost = false;
forum_print_post($discussion, $courseid, $ownpost, $reply=0, $link=1, $assessed=false);
echo "<BR>\n";
function forum_forcesubscribe($forumid, $value=1) {
return set_field("forum", "forcesubscribe", $value, "id", $forumid);
function forum_is_forcesubscribed($forumid) {
return get_field("forum", "forcesubscribe", "id", $forumid);
function forum_is_subscribed($userid, $forumid) {
if (forum_is_forcesubscribed($forumid)) {
return true;
return record_exists("forum_subscriptions", "userid", $userid, "forum", $forumid);
function forum_subscribe($userid, $forumid) {
/// Adds user to the subscriber list
if (record_exists("forum_subscriptions", "userid", $userid, "forum", $forumid)) {
return true;
$sub->userid = $userid;
$sub->forum = $forumid;
return insert_record("forum_subscriptions", $sub);
function forum_unsubscribe($userid, $forumid) {
/// Removes user from the subscriber list
return delete_records("forum_subscriptions", "userid", $userid, "forum", $forumid);
function forum_post_subscription($post) {
/// Given a new post, subscribes or unsubscribes as appropriate.
/// Returns some text which describes what happened.
global $USER;
if (empty($post->subscribe) and empty($post->unsubscribe)) {
return "";
if (!$forum = get_record("forum", "id", $post->forum)) {
return "";
$info->name = "$USER->firstname $USER->lastname";
$info->forum = $forum->name;
if (!empty($post->subscribe)) {
forum_subscribe($USER->id, $post->forum);
return "<p>".get_string("nowsubscribed", "forum", $info)."</p>";
forum_unsubscribe($USER->id, $post->forum);
return "<p>".get_string("nownotsubscribed", "forum", $info)."</p>";
function forum_user_has_posted_discussion($forumid, $userid) {
if ($discussions = forum_get_discussions($forumid, "", $userid)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function forum_user_can_post_discussion($forum, $currentgroup=false) {
// $forum is an object
global $USER;
if ($forum->type == "eachuser") {
return (! forum_user_has_posted_discussion($forum->id, $USER->id));
} else if ($forum->type == "teacher") {
return isteacher($forum->course);
} else if ($currentgroup) {
return (isteacheredit($forum->course) or (ismember($currentgroup) and $forum->open == 2));
} else if (isteacher($forum->course)) {
return true;
} else {
return ($forum->open == 2);
function forum_user_can_post($forum, $user=NULL) {
// $forum, $user are objects
if ($user) {
$isteacher = isteacher($forum->course, $user->id);
} else {
$isteacher = isteacher($forum->course);
if ($forum->type == "teacher") {
return $isteacher;
} else if ($isteacher) {
return true;
} else {
return $forum->open;
function forum_print_latest_discussions($forum_id=0, $forum_numdiscussions=5,
$forum_style="plain", $forum_sort="",
$currentgroup=0, $groupmode=-1) {
global $CFG, $USER;
if ($forum_id) {
if (! $forum = get_record("forum", "id", $forum_id)) {
error("Forum ID was incorrect");
if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", $forum->course)) {
error("Could not find the course this forum belongs to!");
if ($course->category) {
} else {
if (! $course = get_record("course", "category", 0)) {
error("Could not find a top-level course!");
if (! $forum = forum_get_course_forum($course->id, "news")) {
error("Could not find or create a main forum in this course (id $course->id)");
if ($groupmode == -1) { /// We need to reconstruct groupmode because none was given
if ($cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance("forum", $forum->id, $course->id)) {
$groupmode = groupmode($course, $cm);
} else {
$groupmode = SEPARATEGROUPS;
if (forum_user_can_post_discussion($forum, $currentgroup)) {
echo "<p align=center>";
echo "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/post.php?forum=$forum->id\">";
if ($forum->type == "news") {
echo get_string("addanewtopic", "forum")."</a>...";
} else {
echo get_string("addanewdiscussion", "forum")."</a>...";
echo "</p>\n";
if ((!$forum_numdiscussions) && ($forum_style == "plain")) {
$forum_style = "header"; // Abbreviate display by default
if ($forum_style == "minimal") {
$forum_sort = "p.modified DESC";
$fullpost = false;
if ($forum_style == "plain") {
$fullpost = true;
/// Decides if current user is allowed to see ALL the current discussions or not
if (!$currentgroup and ($groupmode != SEPARATEGROUPS or isteacheredit($forum->course)) ) {
$visiblegroups = -1;
} else {
$visiblegroups = $currentgroup;
/// Get all the recent discussions we're allowed to see
if (! $discussions = forum_get_discussions($forum->id, $forum_sort, 0, $fullpost, $visiblegroups) ) {
if ($forum->type == "news") {
echo "<p align=center><b>(".get_string("nonews", "forum").")</b></p>";
} else {
echo "<p align=center><b>(".get_string("nodiscussions", "forum").")</b></p>";
$replies = forum_count_discussion_replies($forum->id);
$canreply = forum_user_can_post($forum);
$discussioncount = 0;
$olddiscussionlink = false;
$strdatestring = get_string("strftimedaydatetime");
if ($forum_style == "minimal") {
$strftimerecent = get_string("strftimerecent");
$strmore = get_string("more", "forum");
if ($forum_style == "header") {
echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=0 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=1 class=\"forumheaderlist\">";
echo "<tr class=\"forumpostheader\">";
echo "<th>".get_string("discussion", "forum")."</th>";
echo "<th colspan=2>".get_string("startedby", "forum")."</th>";
if ($forum->open or $forum->type == "teacher") {
echo "<th>".get_string("replies", "forum")."</th>";
echo "<th>".get_string("lastpost", "forum")."</th>";
echo "</tr>";
foreach ($discussions as $discussion) {
if ($forum_numdiscussions && ($discussioncount > $forum_numdiscussions)) {
$olddiscussionlink = true;
if (!empty($replies[$discussion->discussion])) {
$discussion->replies = $replies[$discussion->discussion]->replies;
} else {
$discussion->replies = 0;
if (!empty($USER->id)) {
$ownpost = ($discussion->userid == $USER->id);
} else {
// Use discussion name instead of subject of first post
$discussion->subject = $discussion->name;
switch ($forum_style) {
case "minimal":
if (!empty($CFG->filterall)) {
$discussion->subject = filter_text($discussion->subject, $forum->course);
echo "<p><span class=\"smallinfohead\">".
userdate($discussion->modified, $strftimerecent).
" - ".
"</span><br />";
echo "<span class=\"smallinfo\">$discussion->subject ";
echo "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=$discussion->discussion\">";
echo $strmore."...</a></span>";
echo "</p>\n";
case "header":
forum_print_discussion_header($discussion, $forum, $strdatestring);
if ($canreply or $discussion->replies) {
$link = true;
} else {
$link = false;
forum_print_post($discussion, $forum->course, $ownpost, $reply=0, $link, $assessed=false);
echo "<br>\n";
if ($forum_style == "header") {
echo "</table>";
if ($olddiscussionlink) {
if ($forum_style == "minimal") {
echo '<p align="center">';
} else {
echo '<p align="right">';
echo "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/view.php?f=$forum->id&showall=1\">";
echo get_string("olderdiscussions", "forum")."</a> ...</p>";
function forum_print_discussion($course, $forum, $discussion, $post, $mode, $canreply=NULL) {
global $USER;
if (!empty($USER->id)) {
$ownpost = ($USER->id == $post->userid);
} else {
$ownpost = false;
if ($canreply === NULL) {
$reply = forum_user_can_post($forum);
} else {
$reply = $canreply;
$ratings = NULL;
$ratingsmenuused = false;
if ($forum->assessed and !empty($USER->id)) {
if ($ratings->scale = make_grades_menu($forum->scale)) {
$ratings->assesspublic = $forum->assesspublic;
$ratings->assesstimestart = $forum->assesstimestart;
$ratings->assesstimefinish = $forum->assesstimefinish;
$ratings->allow = ($forum->assessed != 2 or isteacher($course->id));
echo "<form name=form method=post action=rate.php>";
echo "<input type=hidden name=id value=\"$course->id\">";
if (forum_print_post($post, $course->id, $ownpost, $reply, $link=false, $ratings)) {
$ratingsmenuused = true;
switch ($mode) {
echo "<ul>";
if (forum_print_posts_flat($post->discussion, $course->id, $mode, $ratings, $reply)) {
$ratingsmenuused = true;
echo "</ul>";
if (forum_print_posts_threaded($post->id, $course->id, 0, $ratings, $reply)) {
$ratingsmenuused = true;
if (forum_print_posts_nested($post->id, $course->id, $ratings, $reply)) {
$ratingsmenuused = true;
if ($ratingsmenuused) {
echo "<center><input type=\"submit\" value=\"".get_string("sendinratings", "forum")."\">";
if ($forum->scale < 0) {
if ($scale = get_record("scale", "id", abs($forum->scale))) {
print_scale_menu_helpbutton($course->id, $scale );
echo "</center>";
echo "</form>";
function forum_print_posts_flat($discussion, $course, $direction, $ratings, $reply) {
global $USER;
$link = false;
$ratingsmenuused = false;
if ($direction < 0) {
$sort = "ORDER BY created DESC";
} else {
$sort = "ORDER BY created ASC";
if ($posts = forum_get_discussion_posts($discussion, $sort)) {
foreach ($posts as $post) {
$ownpost = ($USER->id == $post->userid);
if (forum_print_post($post, $course, $ownpost, $reply, $link, $ratings)) {
$ratingsmenuused = true;
return $ratingsmenuused;
function forum_print_posts_threaded($parent, $course, $depth, $ratings, $reply) {
global $USER;
$link = false;
$ratingsmenuused = false;
if ($posts = forum_get_child_posts($parent)) {
foreach ($posts as $post) {
echo "<ul>";
if ($depth > 0) {
$ownpost = ($USER->id == $post->userid);
if (forum_print_post($post, $course, $ownpost, $reply, $link, $ratings)) {
$ratingsmenuused = true;
echo "<br />";
} else {
$by->name = fullname($post, isteacher($course->id));
$by->date = userdate($post->modified);
echo "<li><p><a name=\"$post->id\"></a><font size=-1><b><a href=\"discuss.php?d=$post->discussion&parent=$post->id\">$post->subject</a></b> ";
print_string("bynameondate", "forum", $by);
echo "</font></p></li>";
if (forum_print_posts_threaded($post->id, $course, $depth-1, $ratings, $reply)) {
$ratingsmenuused = true;
echo "</ul>\n";
return $ratingsmenuused;
function forum_print_posts_nested($parent, $course, $ratings, $reply) {
global $USER;
$link = false;
$ratingsmenuused = false;
if ($posts = forum_get_child_posts($parent)) {
foreach ($posts as $post) {
if (empty($USER->id)) {
$ownpost = false;
} else {
$ownpost = ($USER->id == $post->userid);
echo "<ul>";
if (forum_print_post($post, $course, $ownpost, $reply, $link, $ratings)) {
$ratingsmenuused = true;
echo "<br />";
if (forum_print_posts_nested($post->id, $course, $ratings, $reply)) {
$ratingsmenuused = true;
echo "</ul>\n";
return $ratingsmenuused;
function forum_get_recent_mod_activity(&$activities, &$index, $sincetime, $courseid, $cmid="0", $user="", $groupid="") {
// Returns all forum posts since a given time. If forum is specified then
// this restricts the results
global $CFG;
if ($cmid) {
$forumselect = " AND cm.id = '$cmid'";
} else {
$forumselect = "";
if ($user) {
$userselect = " AND u.id = '$user'";
} else {
$userselect = "";
$posts = get_records_sql("SELECT p.*, d.name, u.firstname, u.lastname,
u.picture, d.groupid, cm.instance, f.name, cm.section
FROM {$CFG->prefix}forum_posts p,
{$CFG->prefix}forum_discussions d,
{$CFG->prefix}user u,
{$CFG->prefix}course_modules cm,
{$CFG->prefix}forum f
WHERE p.modified > '$sincetime' $forumselect
AND p.userid = u.id $userselect
AND d.course = '$courseid'
AND p.discussion = d.id
AND cm.instance = f.id
AND cm.course = d.course
AND cm.course = f.course
AND f.id = d.forum
ORDER BY d.id");
if (empty($posts)) {
$isteacheredit = isteacheredit($courseid);
foreach ($posts as $post) {
if ($groupid and ($post->groupid != -1 and $groupid != $post->groupid and !$isteacheredit)) {
$tmpactivity->type = "forum";
$tmpactivity->defaultindex = $index;
$tmpactivity->instance = $post->instance;
$tmpactivity->name = $post->name;
$tmpactivity->section = $post->section;
$tmpactivity->content->id = $post->id;
$tmpactivity->content->discussion = $post->discussion;
$tmpactivity->content->subject = $post->subject;
$tmpactivity->content->parent = $post->parent;
$tmpactivity->user->userid = $post->userid;
$tmpactivity->user->fullname = fullname($post);
$tmpactivity->user->picture = $post->picture;
$tmpactivity->timestamp = $post->modified;
$activities[] = $tmpactivity;
function forum_print_recent_mod_activity($activity, $course, $detail=false) {
global $CFG;
echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">';
if ($activity->content->parent) {
$openformat = "<font size=\"2\"><i>";
$closeformat = "</i></font>";
} else {
$openformat = "<b>";
$closeformat = "</b>";
echo "<tr><td bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellcontent2\" class=\"forumpostpicture\" width=\"35\" valign=\"top\">";
print_user_picture($activity->user->userid, $course, $activity->user->picture);
echo "</td><td>$openformat";
if ($detail) {
echo "<img src=\"$CFG->modpixpath/$activity->type/icon.gif\" ".
"height=16 width=16 alt=\"$activity->name\"> ";
echo "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=" . $activity->content->discussion
. "#" . $activity->content->id . "\">";
echo $activity->content->subject;
echo "</a>$closeformat";
echo "<br><font size=\"2\">";
echo "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/user/view.php?id=" . $activity->user->userid . "&course=" . "$course\">"
. $activity->user->fullname . "</a>";
echo " - " . userdate($activity->timestamp) . "</font></td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
function forum_change_discussionid($postid, $discussionid) {
/// recursively sets the discussion field to $discussionid on $postid and all its children
/// used when pruning a post
set_field('forum_posts', 'discussion', $discussionid, 'id', $postid);
if ($posts = get_records('forum_posts', 'parent', $postid)) {
foreach ($posts as $post) {
forum_change_discussionid($post->id, $discussionid);
return true;