mirror of
synced 2025-01-22 08:11:26 +01:00
gmdate to format times, thus allowing it to take advantage of locale, if set, to print dates in the appropriate language. Several userdate invocations had to be changed, though, to use the different formatting specs.
324 lines
13 KiB
324 lines
13 KiB
<?PHP // $Id$
// Check that all the parameters have been provided.
require_variable($id); // Course Module ID
if (! $cm = get_record("course_modules", "id", $id)) {
error("Course Module ID was incorrect");
if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", $cm->course)) {
error("Course is misconfigured");
if (!isteacher($course->id)) {
error("Sorry, only teachers can see this.");
if (! $survey = get_record("survey", "id", $cm->instance)) {
error("Survey ID was incorrect");
$ME = qualified_me()."?id=$id";
if (!$action) {
$display = "summary";
if ($display) { // Display the frame containing something.
add_to_log($course->id, "survey", "view report", "report.php?id=$cm->id", "$survey->id");
echo "<HEAD><TITLE>Report: $survey->name</TITLE>\n";
echo "<FRAMESET COLS=150,* BORDER=1> ";
echo " <FRAME NAME=reportmenu SRC=\"report.php?action=menu&id=$id\"> \n";
echo " <FRAME NAME=reportmain SRC=\"report.php?action=$display&id=$id\"> \n";
echo "</FRAMESET>\n";
switch ($action) {
case "menu":
print_header("Survey Report", "Survey Report");
//echo "<FONT FACE=\"Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif\">";
//echo "<P><B>Survey Report</B></P>";
echo "<P><FONT SIZE=2><A TARGET=reportmain HREF=\"report.php?action=summary&id=$id\">Summary</A></FONT></P>";
echo "<P><FONT SIZE=2><A TARGET=reportmain HREF=\"report.php?action=scales&id=$id\">Scales</A></FONT></P>";
echo "<P><FONT SIZE=2><A TARGET=reportmain HREF=\"report.php?action=questions&id=$id\">Questions</A></FONT></P>";
echo "<P><FONT SIZE=2><A TARGET=reportmain HREF=\"report.php?action=students&id=$id\">Students</A></FONT></P>";
if ($users = get_survey_responses($survey->id)) {
foreach ($users as $user) {
echo "<LI><FONT SIZE=1>";
echo "<A TARGET=reportmain HREF=\"report.php?action=student&student=$user->id&id=$id\">";
echo "$user->firstname $user->lastname";
echo "</A></FONT></LI>";
echo "<P><FONT SIZE=2><A TARGET=reportmain HREF=\"report.php?action=download&id=$id\">Download</A></FONT></P>";
echo "<HR SIZE=1 NOSHADE>";
echo "<P align=center><FONT SIZE=2><A TARGET=_top HREF=\"$CFG->wwwroot/course/view.php?id=$course->id\">$course->shortname</A></FONT></P>";
case "summary":
print_header("Overall Summary", "$survey->name: Overall Summary", "", "");
print_heading("All scales, all students");
if (count_completed_surveys($survey->id)) {
echo "<P ALIGN=CENTER><A HREF=\"report.php?action=scales&id=$id\"><IMG HEIGHT=$GHEIGHT WIDTH=$GWIDTH ALT=\"Click here to see the scales in more detail\" BORDER=0 SRC=\"graph.php?id=$id&type=overall.png\"></A>";
} else {
echo "<P ALIGN=CENTER>Nobody has yet completed this survey</P>";
case "scales":
print_header("Scales", "$survey->name: Scales", "", "");
print_heading("All scales, all students");
$questions = get_records_sql("SELECT * FROM survey_questions WHERE id in ($survey->questions)");
$questionorder = explode(",", $survey->questions);
foreach ($questionorder as $key => $val) {
$question = $questions[$val];
if ($question->type < 0) { // We have some virtual scales. Just show them.
$virtualscales = true;
foreach ($questionorder as $key => $val) {
$question = $questions[$val];
if ($question->multi) {
if ($virtualscales && $question->type > 0) { // Don't show non-virtual scales if virtual
echo "<P ALIGN=center><A HREF=report.php?action=questions&id=$id&qid=$question->multi>";
echo "<IMG HEIGHT=$GHEIGHT WIDTH=$GWIDTH ALT=\"Click here to see subquestions\" BORDER=0
echo "</A></P><BR>";
case "questions":
print_header("Analysis by Question", "$survey->name: Questions", "", "");
if ($qid) { // just get one multi-question
$questions = get_records_sql("SELECT * FROM survey_questions WHERE id in ($qid)");
$questionorder = explode(",", $qid);
print_heading("Selected questions from a scale, all students");
} else { // get all top-level questions
$questions = get_records_sql("SELECT * FROM survey_questions WHERE id in ($survey->questions)");
$questionorder = explode(",", $survey->questions);
print_heading("All questions in order, all students");
foreach ($questionorder as $key => $val) {
$question = $questions[$val];
if ($question->type < 0) { // We have some virtual scales. DON'T show them.
$virtualscales = true;
foreach ($questionorder as $key => $val) {
$question = $questions[$val];
if ($question->type < 0) { // We have some virtual scales. DON'T show them.
if ($question->multi) {
echo "<H3>$question->text :</H3>";
$subquestions = get_records_sql("SELECT * FROM survey_questions WHERE id in ($question->multi)");
$subquestionorder = explode(",", $question->multi);
foreach ($subquestionorder as $key => $val) {
$subquestion = $subquestions[$val];
if ($subquestion->type > 0) {
echo "<P ALIGN=CENTER><A HREF=\"report.php?action=question&id=$id&qid=$subquestion->id\">
<IMG HEIGHT=$GHEIGHT WIDTH=$GWIDTH ALT=\"Click here to see all responses\"
BORDER=0 SRC=\"graph.php?id=$id&qid=$subquestion->id&type=question.png\"></A></P>";
} else if ($question->type > 0 ) {
echo "<P ALIGN=CENTER><A HREF=\"report.php?action=question&id=$id&qid=$question->id\">
<IMG HEIGHT=$GHEIGHT WIDTH=$GWIDTH ALT=\"Click here to see all responses\"
BORDER=0 SRC=\"graph.php?id=$id&qid=$question->id&type=question.png\"></A></P>";
} else {
echo "<H3>$question->text</H3>";
if ($aaa = get_records_sql("SELECT sa.*, u.firstname,u.lastname FROM survey_answers sa, user u WHERE survey = '$survey->id' AND question = $question->id and sa.user = u.id")) {
echo "<UL>";
foreach ($aaa as $a) {
echo "<LI>$a->firstname $a->lastname: $a->answer1";
echo "</UL>";
case "question":
if (!$question = get_record("survey_questions", "id", $qid)) {
error("Question doesn't exist");
$answers = explode(",", $question->options);
print_header("All answers for a particular question", "$survey->name: Question Answers", "", "");
$aaa = get_records_sql("SELECT sa.*,u.firstname,u.lastname,u.picture FROM survey_answers sa, user u WHERE sa.survey = '$survey->id' AND sa.question = $question->id AND u.id = sa.user ORDER by sa.answer1,sa.answer2 ASC");
echo "<TABLE ALIGN=center CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=10><TR><TD> <TH align=left>Name<TH align=left>Time<TH align=left>Actual<TH align=left>Preferred</TR>";
foreach ($aaa as $a) {
echo "<TR>";
echo "<TD WIDTH=35>";
print_user_picture($a->user, $course->id, $a->picture, false);
echo "</TD>";
echo "<TD><P><A HREF=\"report.php?id=$id&action=student&student=$a->user\">$a->firstname $a->lastname</A></TD>";
echo "<TD><P>".userdate($a->time, "%e %B %Y, %I:%M %p")."</TD>";
echo "<TD BGCOLOR=\"$THEME->cellcontent\"><P>";
if ($a->answer1) {
echo "$a->answer1 - ".$answers[$a->answer1 - 1];
} else {
echo " ";
echo "</TD><TD BGCOLOR=\"$THEME->cellcontent\"><P>";
if ($a->answer2) {
echo "$a->answer2 - ".$answers[$a->answer2 - 1];
} else {
echo " ";
echo "</TD></TR>";
echo "</TABLE>";
case "students":
print_header("Analysis by Student", "$survey->name: Students", "", "");
if (! $results = get_survey_responses($survey->id) ) {
notify("There are no responses for this survey.");
} else {
print_all_responses($cm->id, $results);
case "student":
if (!$user = get_record("user", "id", $student)) {
error("Student doesn't exist");
print_header("Analysis of $user->firstname $user->lastname", "$survey->name: Analysis of a student", "", "");
if (isset($notes)) {
if (record_exists_sql("SELECT * FROM survey_analysis WHERE survey='$survey->id' and user='$user->id'")) {
if (! update_survey_analysis($survey->id, $user->id, $notes)) {
notify("An error occurred while saving your notes. Sorry.");
} else {
if (!add_survey_analysis($survey->id, $user->id, $notes)) {
notify("An error occurred while saving your notes. Sorry.");
print_heading("$user->firstname $user->lastname");
echo "<P ALIGN=CENTER>";
print_user_picture($user->id, $course->id, $user->picture, true);
echo "</P>";
// Print overall summary
echo "<P ALIGN=CENTER><IMG HEIGHT=$GHEIGHT WIDTH=$GWIDTH ALIGN=CENTER SRC=\"graph.php?id=$id&sid=$student&type=student.png\"></P>";
// Print scales
$questions = get_records_sql("SELECT * FROM survey_questions WHERE id in ($survey->questions)");
$questionorder = explode(",", $survey->questions);
foreach ($questionorder as $key => $val) {
$question = $questions[$val];
if ($question->type < 0) { // We have some virtual scales. Just show them.
$virtualscales = true;
foreach ($questionorder as $key => $val) {
$question = $questions[$val];
if ($question->multi) {
if ($virtualscales && $question->type > 0) { // Don't show non-virtual scales if virtual
echo "<P ALIGN=center><A HREF=report.php?action=questions&id=$id&qid=$question->multi>";
echo "<IMG HEIGHT=$GHEIGHT WIDTH=$GWIDTH ALT=\"Click here to see subquestions\" BORDER=0
echo "</A></P><BR>";
if ($rs = get_record_sql("SELECT notes from survey_analysis WHERE survey='$survey->id' and user='$user->id'")) {
$notes = $rs->notes;
} else {
$notes = "";
echo "<HR NOSHADE SIZE=1>";
echo "<CENTER>";
echo "<FORM ACTION=report.php METHOD=post NAME=form>";
echo "<H3>Your private analysis/notes:</H3>";
echo "<BLOCKQUOTE>";
echo "<TEXTAREA NAME=notes ROWS=10 COLS=60>";
echo "</TEXTAREA><BR>";
echo "<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=action VALUE=student>";
echo "<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=student VALUE=$student>";
echo "<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=id VALUE=$cm->id>";
echo "<INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=\"Save these notes\">";
echo "</BLOCKQUOTE>";
echo "</FORM>";
echo "</CENTER>";
case "download":
print_header("Download Data", "$survey->name: Download Data", "", "");
echo "<P>You can download the complete raw data for this survey in a form suitable
for analysis in Excel, SPSS or other package.</P>";
echo "<H2 ALIGN=CENTER><A HREF=\"download.php?id=$id&type=xls\">Download data as Excel spreadsheet</A></H2>";
echo "<H2 ALIGN=CENTER><A HREF=\"download.php?id=$id&type=text\">Download data as a plain text file</A></H2>";