mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 19:44:19 +01:00
464 lines
19 KiB
Executable File
464 lines
19 KiB
Executable File
<?php //$Id$
// //
// //
// Moodle - Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment //
// http://moodle.com //
// //
// Copyright (C) 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas http://moodle.com //
// //
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify //
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or //
// (at your option) any later version. //
// //
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //
// GNU General Public License for more details: //
// //
// http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html //
// //
require_once '../../../config.php';
require_once $CFG->libdir.'/gradelib.php';
require_once $CFG->dirroot.'/grade/lib.php';
require_once '../grade_import_form.php';
require_once '../lib.php';
$id = required_param('id', PARAM_INT); // course id
if (!$course = get_record('course', 'id', $id)) {
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $id);
require_capability('moodle/grade:import', $context);
require_capability('gradeimport/csv:view', $context);
// sort out delimiter
$csv_encode = '/\&\#44/';
if (isset($CFG->CSV_DELIMITER)) {
$csv_delimiter = '\\' . $CFG->CSV_DELIMITER;
$csv_delimiter2 = $CFG->CSV_DELIMITER;
if (isset($CFG->CSV_ENCODE)) {
$csv_encode = '/\&\#' . $CFG->CSV_ENCODE . '/';
} else {
$csv_delimiter = "\,";
$csv_delimiter2 = ",";
$strgrades = get_string('grades', 'grades');
$actionstr = get_string('csv', 'grades');
$navigation = grade_build_nav(__FILE__, $actionstr, array('courseid' => $course->id));
print_header($course->shortname.': '.get_string('grades'), $course->fullname, $navigation);
print_grade_plugin_selector($id, 'import', 'csv');
// set up import form
$mform = new grade_import_form();
// set up grade import mapping form
$header = '';
$gradeitems = array();
if ($id) {
if ($grade_items = grade_item::fetch_all(array('courseid'=>$id))) {
foreach ($grade_items as $grade_item) {
// skip course type and category type
if ($grade_item->itemtype == 'course' || $grade_item->itemtype == 'category') {
// this was idnumber
$gradeitems[$grade_item->id] = $grade_item->get_name();
if ($importcode = optional_param('importcode', '', PARAM_FILE)) {
$filename = $CFG->dataroot.'/temp/gradeimport/cvs/'.$USER->id.'/'.$importcode;
$fp = fopen($filename, "r");
$header = split($csv_delimiter, fgets($fp,1024), PARAM_RAW);
$mform2 = new grade_import_mapping_form(null, array('gradeitems'=>$gradeitems, 'header'=>$header));
// if import form is submitted
if ($formdata = $mform->get_data()) {
// Large files are likely to take their time and memory. Let PHP know
// that we'll take longer, and that the process should be recycled soon
// to free up memory.
if (function_exists('apache_child_terminate')) {
// use current (non-conflicting) time stamp
$importcode = get_new_importcode();
if (!$filename = make_upload_directory('temp/gradeimport/cvs/'.$USER->id, true)) {
$filename = $filename.'/'.$importcode;
$text = $mform->get_file_content('userfile');
// trim utf-8 bom
$textlib = textlib_get_instance();
/// normalize line endings and do the encoding conversion
$text = $textlib->convert($text, $formdata->encoding);
$text = $textlib->trim_utf8_bom($text);
// Fix mac/dos newlines
$text = preg_replace('!\r\n?!',"\n",$text);
$fp = fopen($filename, "w");
$fp = fopen($filename, "r");
// --- get header (field names) ---
$header = split($csv_delimiter, fgets($fp,1024), PARAM_RAW);
// print some preview
$numlines = 0; // 0 preview lines displayed
print_heading(get_string('importpreview', 'grades'));
echo '<table>';
echo '<tr>';
foreach ($header as $h) {
$h = clean_param($h, PARAM_RAW);
echo '<th>'.$h.'</th>';
echo '</tr>';
while (!feof ($fp) && $numlines <= $formdata->previewrows) {
$lines = split($csv_delimiter, fgets($fp,1024));
echo '<tr>';
foreach ($lines as $line) {
echo '<td>'.$line.'</td>';;
$numlines ++;
echo '</tr>';
echo '</table>';
// display the mapping form with header info processed
$mform2 = new grade_import_mapping_form(null, array('gradeitems'=>$gradeitems, 'header'=>$header));
$mform2->set_data(array('importcode'=>$importcode, 'id'=>$id));
//} else if (($formdata = data_submitted()) && !empty($formdata->map)) {
// else if grade import mapping form is submitted
} else if ($formdata = $mform2->get_data()) {
$importcode = clean_param($formdata->importcode, PARAM_FILE);
$filename = $CFG->dataroot.'/temp/gradeimport/cvs/'.$USER->id.'/'.$importcode;
if (!file_exists($filename)) {
error('error processing upload file');
if ($fp = fopen($filename, "r")) {
// --- get header (field names) ---
$header = split($csv_delimiter, clean_param(fgets($fp,1024), PARAM_RAW));
foreach ($header as $i => $h) {
$h = trim($h); $header[$i] = $h; // remove whitespace
} else {
error ('could not open file');
$map = array();
// loops mapping_0, mapping_1 .. mapping_n and construct $map array
foreach ($header as $i => $head) {
$map[$i] = $formdata->{'mapping_'.$i};
// if mapping informatioin is supplied
$map[clean_param($formdata->mapfrom, PARAM_RAW)] = clean_param($formdata->mapto, PARAM_RAW);
// check for mapto collisions
$maperrors = array();
foreach ($map as $i=>$j) {
if ($j == 0) {
// you can have multiple ignores
} else {
if (!isset($maperrors[$j])) {
$maperrors[$j] = true;
} else {
// collision
unlink($filename); // needs to be uploaded again, sorry
error('mapping collision detected, 2 fields maps to the same grade item '.$j);
// Large files are likely to take their time and memory. Let PHP know
// that we'll take longer, and that the process should be recycled soon
// to free up memory.
if (function_exists('apache_child_terminate')) {
// we only operate if file is readable
if ($fp = fopen($filename, "r")) {
// read the first line makes sure this doesn't get read again
$header = split($csv_delimiter, fgets($fp,1024));
$newgradeitems = array(); // temporary array to keep track of what new headers are processed
$status = true;
while (!feof ($fp)) {
// add something
$line = split($csv_delimiter, fgets($fp,1024));
if(count($line) <= 1){
// there is no data on this line, move on
// array to hold all grades to be inserted
$newgrades = array();
// array to hold all feedback
$newfeedbacks = array();
// each line is a student record
foreach ($line as $key => $value) {
//decode encoded commas
$value = clean_param($value, PARAM_RAW);
$value = preg_replace($csv_encode,$csv_delimiter2,trim($value));
* the options are
* 1) userid, useridnumber, usermail, username - used to identify user row
* 2) new - new grade item
* 3) id - id of the old grade item to map onto
* 3) feedback_id - feedback for grade item id
$t = explode("_", $map[$key]);
$t0 = $t[0];
if (isset($t[1])) {
$t1 = (int)$t[1];
} else {
$t1 = '';
switch ($t0) {
case 'userid': //
if (!$user = get_record('user','id', addslashes($value))) {
// user not found, abort whold import
notify("user mapping error, could not find user with id \"$value\"");
$status = false;
break 3;
$studentid = $value;
case 'useridnumber':
if (!$user = get_record('user', 'idnumber', addslashes($value))) {
// user not found, abort whold import
notify("user mapping error, could not find user with idnumber \"$value\"");
$status = false;
break 3;
$studentid = $user->id;
case 'useremail':
if (!$user = get_record('user', 'email', addslashes($value))) {
notify("user mapping error, could not find user with email address \"$value\"");
$status = false;
break 3;
$studentid = $user->id;
case 'username':
if (!$user = get_record('user', 'username', addslashes($value))) {
notify("user mapping error, could not find user with username \"$value\"");
$status = false;
break 3;
$studentid = $user->id;
case 'new':
// first check if header is already in temp database
if (empty($newgradeitems[$key])) {
$newgradeitem = new object();
$newgradeitem->itemname = $header[$key];
$newgradeitem->importcode = $importcode;
$newgradeitem->importer = $USER->id;
// failed to insert into new grade item buffer
if (!$newgradeitems[$key] = insert_record('grade_import_newitem', addslashes_recursive($newgradeitem))) {
$status = false;
notify(get_string('importfailed', 'grades'));
break 3;
// add this to grade_import_newitem table
// add the new id to $newgradeitem[$key]
$newgrade = new object();
$newgrade->newgradeitem = $newgradeitems[$key];
$newgrade->finalgrade = $value;
$newgrades[] = $newgrade;
// if not, put it in
// else, insert grade into the table
case 'feedback':
if ($t1) {
// case of an id, only maps id of a grade_item
// this was idnumber
if (!$gradeitem = new grade_item(array('id'=>$t1, 'courseid'=>$course->id))) {
// supplied bad mapping, should not be possible since user
// had to pick mapping
$status = false;
notify(get_string('importfailed', 'grades'));
break 3;
// t1 is the id of the grade item
$feedback = new object();
$feedback->itemid = $t1;
$feedback->feedback = $value;
$newfeedbacks[] = $feedback;
// existing grade items
if (!empty($map[$key])) {
if ($value === '' or $value == '-') {
$value = null; // no grade
} else if (!is_numeric($value)) {
// non numeric grade value supplied, possibly mapped wrong column
echo "<br/>t0 is $t0";
echo "<br/>grade is $value";
$status = false;
notify(get_string('badgrade', 'grades'));
break 3;
// case of an id, only maps id of a grade_item
// this was idnumber
if (!$gradeitem = new grade_item(array('id'=>$map[$key], 'courseid'=>$course->id))) {
// supplied bad mapping, should not be possible since user
// had to pick mapping
$status = false;
notify(get_string('importfailed', 'grades'));
break 3;
// check if grade item is locked if so, abort
if ($gradeitem->is_locked()) {
$status = false;
notify(get_string('gradeitemlocked', 'grades'));
break 3;
$newgrade = new object();
$newgrade->itemid = $gradeitem->id;
$newgrade->finalgrade = $value;
$newgrades[] = $newgrade;
} // otherwise, we ignore this column altogether
// because user has chosen to ignore them (e.g. institution, address etc)
// no user mapping supplied at all, or user mapping failed
if (empty($studentid) || !is_numeric($studentid)) {
// user not found, abort whold import
$status = false;
notify('user mapping error, could not find user!');
// insert results of this students into buffer
if ($status and !empty($newgrades)) {
foreach ($newgrades as $newgrade) {
// check if grade_grade is locked and if so, abort
if (!empty($newgrade->itemid) and $grade_grade = new grade_grade(array('itemid'=>$newgrade->itemid, 'userid'=>$studentid))) {
if ($grade_grade->is_locked()) {
// individual grade locked
$status = false;
notify(get_string('gradegradeslocked', 'grades'));
break 2;
$newgrade->importcode = $importcode;
$newgrade->userid = $studentid;
$newgrade->importer = $USER->id;
if (!insert_record('grade_import_values', addslashes_recursive($newgrade))) {
// could not insert into temporary table
$status = false;
notify(get_string('importfailed', 'grades'));
break 2;
// updating/inserting all comments here
if ($status and !empty($newfeedbacks)) {
foreach ($newfeedbacks as $newfeedback) {
$sql = "SELECT *
FROM {$CFG->prefix}grade_import_values
WHERE importcode=$importcode AND userid=$studentid AND itemid=$newfeedback->itemid AND importer={$USER->id}";
if ($feedback = get_record_sql($sql)) {
$newfeedback->id = $feedback->id;
update_record('grade_import_values', addslashes_recursive($newfeedback));
} else {
// the grade item for this is not updated
$newfeedback->importcode = $importcode;
$newfeedback->userid = $studentid;
$newfeedback->importer = $USER->id;
insert_record('grade_import_values', addslashes_recursive($newfeedback));
/// at this stage if things are all ok, we commit the changes from temp table
if ($status) {
grade_import_commit($course->id, $importcode);
// temporary file can go now
} else {
error ('import file '.$filename.' not readable');
} else {
// display the standard upload file form