mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 01:10:02 +01:00
This is to be the definitive Spanish version and the parent version of all Spanish dialects. Claudio Tavares is the maintainer and coordinator of this version.
177 lines
10 KiB
177 lines
10 KiB
<?PHP // $Id$
// pmassignment.php - created by RAK (2002122000)
$string['absent'] = "Absent";
$string['acceptance'] = "Acceptance";
$string['acceptedgrades'] = "Accepted grades (\$a)";
$string['acceptassessment'] = "Are you happy to accept this assessment?";
$string['addamendassessmentelements'] = "Add/Amend Assessment Elements";
$string['afterdeadline'] = "\$a after deadline";
$string['allgradeshaveamaximumof'] = "All Grades have a maximum value of \$a.";
$string['allocatedon'] = "Allocated on";
$string['allocatesubmissions'] = "Allocate submissions to students";
$string['allocationsincludegoodandbad'] = "Allocations to each student will include at least one good and one poor assignment";
$string['allowsubmissions'] = "Allow submissions from students";
$string['allthecommentsfor'] = "All the Comments for";
$string['amendassessmentelements'] = "Amend assessment elements";
$string['anonymous'] = "Do peer grading anonymously";
$string['assignmentawaitinggrading'] = "Assignment awaiting grading (Deadline is \$a)";
$string['assignmentsgivento'] = "Assignment(s) given to \$a for grading";
$string['assignmenthasbeengraded'] = "Assignment has been graded";
$string['averagegrade'] = "Average grade is \$a";
$string['awaitingregrading'] = "Awaiting re-grading (on iteration \$a)";
$string['biasgrade'] = "Bias Grade";
$string['beforedeadline'] = "\$a before deadline";
$string['breakdownoffinalgrade'] = "Breakdown of the Final Grade";
$string['calculatefinalgrades'] = "Calculate Final Grades";
$string['calculationofthefinalgrade'] = "Calculation of the Final Grade";
$string['checkallocation'] = "Checking allocation of submissions...";
$string['commentsby'] = "Comments by \$a";
$string['completedon'] = "Completed on \$a";
$string['deadlineforpeergradingreached'] = "Deadline for peer grading reached";
$string['deadlineforgradingis'] = "Deadline for grading is \$a";
$string['deadlineforsubmissionis'] = "Deadline for submission is \$a";
$string['deadlineis'] = "Deadline is \$a";
$string['displayofgrades'] = "When to Display Grades";
$string['displayfinalgrades'] = "Display Final Grades";
$string['displaygrading'] = "Display Grading";
$string['displayoffinalgrades'] = "Display of Final Grades";
$string['displaygradefromteacher'] = "Display Grade from Teacher";
$string['doallocation'] = "Do you want to continue with the allocation of assignments to students?";
$string['dontshowgrades'] = "Only show grades after comments have been agreed";
$string['editingassessmentelements'] = "Editing Assessment Elements";
$string['element'] = "Element";
$string['elementweight'] = "Element Weight";
$string['feedbackgoeshere'] = "Feedback goes here";
$string['finalgrade'] = "Final Grade";
$string['first'] = "First";
$string['generalcomment'] = "General comment";
$string['gradecomments'] = "Grade Comments";
$string['graded'] = "Grading and feedback by other Students";
$string['gradedawaitingacceptance'] = "Graded, awaiting acceptance (on iteration \$a)";
$string['gradedawaitingreply'] = "Graded, awaiting reply (\$a)";
$string['gradedawaitingreplydeadline'] = "Graded, awaiting reply (Deadline is \$a)";
$string['gradedon'] = "Graded on \$a";
$string['gradethiswork'] = "Grade this work";
$string['gradedby'] = "Graded by \$a";
$string['gradeddate'] = "Grade work by";
$string['gradethissubmission'] = "Grade this submission";
$string['grading'] = "Grading";
$string['gradingaccepted'] = "Grading accepted after \$a interations";
$string['gradingacceptedon'] = "Grading accepted on";
$string['gradingby'] = "Grading by \$a";
$string['gradinggiventothissubmission'] = "Grading given to this submission";
$string['gradingdetails'] = "Grading details";
$string['gradingperformance'] = "Grading performance";
$string['gradingrepliedtoon'] = "Grading replied to on";
$string['gradingsdone'] = "Gradings done [Peer mean]";
$string['includeself'] = "Include self in list of graders";
$string['includeteachersgrade'] = "Include Teacher's Grade in Peer Grade";
$string['last'] = "Last";
$string['makefinalgradesavailable'] = "Make the final grades available";
$string['makefinalgradesunavailable'] = "Make the final grades unavailable";
$string['managingpeerassignment'] = "Managing a Peer Graded Assignment";
$string['modulename'] = "Peer Graded Assignment";
$string['modulenameplural'] = "Peer Graded Assignments";
$string['newsubmission'] = "New submission";
$string['next'] = "Next";
$string['noactiontakeninwrongphase'] = "No action taken (in wrong phase)";
$string['nopeergrades'] = "No peer grades for this submission";
$string['nosubmissionfrom'] = "No submission from \$a";
$string['nosubmissionsgraded'] = "There are currently no submissions graded (or re-graded)";
$string['nosubmissions'] = "No submissions received";
$string['nosubmissionstograde'] = "There are currently no submissions to grade (or replies for comment)";
$string['nosubmissionstoremove'] = "No submissions to remove";
$string['notavailable'] = "This assignment is in preparation, it is not yet available.";
$string['notenoughmarked'] = "There are not enough marked assignments to ensure that allocations include at least one
good and one poor assignment";
$string['noteonassessmentelements'] =
"Note that in a peer graded assignment grading is broken down into a number of 'Assessment Elements'.<BR>
This makes the grading easier and more consistent. As teacher you must add these Elements before making<BR>
the assignment available to students. This is done by clicking on the peer graded assignment and choosing the<BR>
first option in the "Managing a Peer Graded Assignment" menu.";
$string['notgraded'] = "No grading, only feedback by other Students";
$string['notyetgraded'] = "Not yet graded";
$string['notyetassessedby'] = "Not yet assessed by \$a";
$string['notyetsubmitted'] = "Not yet submitted";
$string['noworksubmittedforotherstograde'] = "No work submitted for others to grade";
$string['numberofassessmentelements'] = "Number of Assessment Elements";
$string['numberofassessors'] = "Number of (Student) assessors for each piece of work";
$string['numberofstudents'] = "Number of students enrolled on this course: \$a";
$string['numberofpeerallocationstoolow'] = "Number of peer allocations should be 4 or more to use high and low submissions";
$string['numberofsubmissions'] = "Number of assignments submitted: \$a";
$string['numbermarked'] = "Number of assignments graded by the Teacher: \$a";
$string['numberofallocations'] = "Number of assignments to be assessed by each student: \$a";
$string['numberofallocationsreduced'] = "Number of assignments to be assessed by each student reduced to: \$a";
$string['overallpeergrade'] = "Overall Peer grade: \$a";
$string['peerassessmentsdisabled'] = "Peer assessments disabled";
$string['peerassessmentsalreadydisabled'] = "Peer assessments already disabled";
$string['peergrade'] = "Peer Grade";
$string['peergrades'] = "Peer Grades";
$string['phase'] = "Phase";
$string['present'] = "Present";
$string['previous'] = "Previous";
$string['qualityofcomments'] = "Quality of Comments";
$string['regradethissubmission'] = "Reassess this submission";
$string['reliabilitygrade'] = "Reliability Grade";
$string['removeallocationsquestion'] = "Are you sure you want to remove the submissions allocated to students?";
$string['removepeersubmissions'] = "Remove peer submissions from students";
$string['reply'] = "Reply";
$string['returntopeergrading'] = "Return to peer grading";
$string['returntosubmissionpage'] = "Return to submission page";
$string['savecommentgrades'] = "Save Comment Grades";
$string['savemyassessment'] = "Save my assessment";
$string['savemyreply'] = "Save my reply";
$string['scaleyes'] = "2 point Yes/No scale";
$string['scalepresent'] = "2 point Present/Absent scale";
$string['scalecorrect'] = "2 point Correct/Incorrect scale";
$string['scalegood3'] = "3 point Good/Poor scale";
$string['scaleexcellent4'] = "4 point Excellent/Very Poor scale";
$string['scaleexcellent5'] = "5 point Excellent/Very Poor scale";
$string['scaleexcellent7'] = "7 point Excellent/Very Poor scale";
$string['scale10'] = "Score out of 10";
$string['scale20'] = "Score out of 20";
$string['scale100'] = "Score out of 100";
$string['selfassessmentgivento'] = "Self assessment given to \$a";
$string['showfeedback'] = "Show feedback";
$string['showgrades'] = "Always show grades with comments";
$string['showgrading'] = "Show grading";
$string['showstatus'] = "Show status of the peer grading";
$string['skipback'] = "Skip Back \$a";
$string['skipforward'] = "Skip Forward \$a";
$string['specimengradingform'] = "Specimen Grading Form";
$string['stopsubmissions'] = "Stop submissions";
$string['submittedby'] = "Submitted by \$a";
$string['submissiondate'] = "Submit work by";
$string['submissionfrom'] = "Submission #\$a from";
$string['submissionsalreadyallowed'] = "Submissions already allowed";
$string['submissionsalreadystopped'] = "Submissions already stopped";
$string['submissionsawaitinggrading'] = "Submissions awaiting grading (\$a)";
$string['submissionsawaitingregrading'] = "Submissions awaiting re-grading (\$a)";
$string['teacherscomments'] = "Teacher's Comments";
$string['teachersgrades'] = "Teacher's grades";
$string['teachersgrade'] = "Teacher's grade";
$string['teachersgradeis'] = "Teacher's grade is \$a";
$string['thecurrentgradeis'] = "The current grade is";
$string['thegradegiventothissubmissionis'] = "The Grade given to this submission is";
$string['thegradeis'] = "The Grade is";
$string['therearegradedpeersubmissions'] = "There are \$a graded submissions allocated to students";
$string['therearepeersubmissions'] = "There are \$a submissions allocated to students";
$string['typeofscale'] = "Type of scale";
$string['warningonamendingelements'] = "WARNING: There are submitted assessments. <BR>Do NOT change the number
of elements, the scale types or the element weights.";
$string['weightingofgrading'] = "Weighting of Grading performance";
$string['weightingofpeer'] = "Weighting of Peers' grades";
$string['weightingofteacher'] = "Weighting of Teacher's grades";
$string['workofotherstudentsbeinggraded'] = "Work of other \$a being graded by you";
$string['youhavenotbeenallocatedanyworktograde'] = "You have not been allocated any work to grade";
$string['yourworkbeinggraded'] = "Your work being graded by other \$a";