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* prints the form to choose the group you want to analyse
* @author Andreas Grabs
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU Public License
* @package feedback
require_once $CFG->libdir.'/formslib.php';
class feedback_choose_group_form extends moodleform {
var $feedbackdata;
function definition() {
$this->feedbackdata = new object();
//this function can not be called, because not all data are available at this time
//I use set_form_elements instead
//this function set the data used in set_form_elements()
//in this form the only value have to set is course
//eg: array('course' => $course)
function set_feedbackdata($data) {
if(is_array($data)) {
foreach($data as $key => $val) {
$this->feedbackdata->{$key} = $val;
//here the elements will be set
//this function have to be called manually
//the advantage is that the data are already set
function set_form_elements(){
$mform =& $this->_form;
$elementgroup = array();
// $mform->addElement('header', 'general', get_string('choose_group', 'feedback'));
// hidden elements
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'id');
$mform->setType('id', PARAM_INT);
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'do_show');
$mform->setType('do-show', PARAM_INT);
// visible elements
$groups_options = array();
$groups_options['-1'] = get_string('allgroups');
foreach($this->feedbackdata->groups as $group) {
$groups_options[$group->id] = $group->name;
$attributes = 'onChange="this.form.submit()"';
$elementgroup[] =& $mform->createElement('select', 'lstgroupid', '', $groups_options, $attributes);
// buttons
$elementgroup[] =& $mform->createElement('submit', 'switch_group', get_string('switch_group', 'feedback'));
$mform->addGroup($elementgroup, 'elementgroup', '', array(' '), false);